२३ मार्च, २०२४

At the Saturday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you want.

३६ टिप्पण्या:

Tank म्हणाले...

So there's a terrorist attack in Russia and Putin says X and we say y and there's no reason to believe either one. So you turn to media sources and same, no reason to believe them. So you look online at voices there, and...same.

What a world we're living in !

Jupiter म्हणाले...

"What a world we're living in !"

Have you considered the possibility, I would say, the strong probability, that the only thing that has changed is that we are beginning to catch on to what has always been the case?

I'm going to start from the position that some people actually got shot up in Russia. But who knows? Those metaphysical questions about "how we know what we know" suddenly don't seem so academic. Begin with your direct sensory impressions ...

Drago म्हणाले...

Video from the latest LLR-democratical Brigade and "Hangers On" Troll Posting Planning Session:


Josephbleau म्हणाले...

I never thought about the truth of world events much until COVID. Now I throw statements by the US government in the pile with the rest of the trash.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Here's how Scott Adams puts it; "The gears of the machine have become visible."

Narr म्हणाले...

"What a world we're living in !"

True enough, but if you were to go back in time you would find the same. Even if people agreed that Something happened, they disagreed vehemently about the causes and meanings, and who was "really" behind it.

A lot of people comfort themselves with pretensions to certainty, before the dust has settled and the fires are out.

narciso म्हणाले...

Yes it makes more sense they are syrians or chechens

Drago म्हणाले...

FYI, Californian New Soviet Democraticals are STILL counting votes from the primary 3 weeks ago.

gspencer म्हणाले...

No matter where in the world, no matter when in time, here is one of life constants: Find Muslims, find trouble.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

From Jupiter's link:

"The gears of the machine have become visible. We can all see the FBI is rotten and the DOJ is weaponized. We know the border is open intentionally. We know the cartels are working with our government. We know our elections are DESIGNED to not be auditable and there's only one reason for it. We can see Biden is not in charge. We know the Ukraine war was always about its energy resources and who gets to own them. We know our rising debt is ruinous. We know our experts are liars. We know our pharma and food industries are poisoning us. We know our government is racist. We know the corporate media is essentially owned by Democrats who are controlled by intelligence entities and they are actively brainwashing the population. We know the 1st and 2nd amendments, and X, are under sustained government attack because they are the public's last defense against the government."

spot on.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

I have had an epiphany. The reason that it was a grave, indeed, likely fatal, error to give women the vote, is that when the invaders take over your country, they kill the men, but they marry the women. So, a woman tends to take the view, that perhaps an invader husband would be an improvement over the one she has now. Or, worse, doesn't have now. "Cruel neutrality", you might call it. Anyway, they have no loyalty to the tribe, they'll stab you in the back on a whim, and it's a mistake to treat them as anything other than chattel. Buy them. Sell them. Don't talk to them. Don't listen to them.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

What we are learning, is that, when you let women run your civilization -- something no men have ever been foolish enough to do before, as far as we can make out -- they will promptly hand it over to some men who have more sense than to let them run anything. Can't really blame them, I guess.

Angela Merkel, anyone?

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...

"Here's how Scott Adams puts it..."

Scott Adams, like Trump, is heavily invested in being loudly, proudly wrong about every single possible thing. Performative stupidity and outrage is literally the only tool he has left to make a living with.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

"The gears of the machine have become visible."


"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

Twas ever thus. Flying monkeys on the horizon.

I'm clicking my heels, and there isn't one damn thing happening.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Expert Witness. Seriously?


Humperdink म्हणाले...

Rich said: " .... like Trump, is heavily invested in being loudly, proudly wrong about every single possible thing."

You know Rich, I read your comments and stand back in amazement. It's not that your utterances are completely wrong, it's that you have testicles to put them on a keyboard. It appears your are not that stupid, so it's a mystery why you waste your time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

NBC Rich.
You are part of the problem.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Your new neighbors!

Enigma म्हणाले...

In what may become a cultural landmark of the transgender era, here's Allie X singing Off With Her Tits.


I read the lyrics as critical and sarcastic.


Then I called the doctor
Said "Miss what can you do?"
She told me she'd cut them off
I said "Sign me up for June" (Yah)
I went to the teller
Took out 10K in cash
She said "Bitch, are you joking?
I wish I had that rack"

Enigma म्हणाले...

@Jupiter on women voting and leading.

You are roughly addressing Sweden's experience, which rejected Islamic immigration after 20 years of crime and parallel societies:


In my view female performance depends on the specific woman in charge (e.g., Margaret Thatcher was the right-wing Iron Lady who ended a generation of socialism in the UK). The root problem is that all political parties pander to childish indulgences of either men (e.g., patriotism, militarism, easy-money investing) or women (e.g., unbounded compassion, paranoid safety laws, giving free junk to everyone). They often put figurehead females in charge to deliver on stereotypical female dreams and impulses.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

NBC Rich is heavily invested in covering for the lying liars who like who inhabit the deep state/leftist mob cabal pulling Biden's strings, destroying our once great country.
Useful idiocy or open corruption excusing?

lonejustice म्हणाले...

From Powerline Blog: The Incredibly Shrinking Republican Majority in the House. I sincerely hope the Republicans can turn things around before the elections.


Tank म्हणाले...

"Jupiter said...

"What a world we're living in !"

Have you considered the possibility, I would say, the strong probability, that the only thing that has changed is that we are beginning to catch on to what has always been the case?""

Well...ya, I have.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

I’m beginning to think the press is becoming an albatross around Biden’s neck in the same way as his obvious senility and his weaponization of the legal system against Trump. The public both hates the media and sees it as a wing of the Democrat Party according to a recent Rasmeussen poll. Two strikes. They also see these various legal adventures against Trump as politically motivated. Strike three.

Strangely, the Democrats thought lawfare and a compliant press were their keys to keeping Trump out of the White House. But they may be in fact what gets Trump elected.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Humperdink said...
"Rich said: " .... like Trump, is heavily invested in being loudly, proudly wrong about every single possible thing."

You know Rich, I read your comments and stand back in amazement. It's not that your utterances are completely wrong, it's that you have testicles to put them on a keyboard. It appears your are not that stupid, so it's a mystery why you waste your time."

I'm going with Dunning-Kruger. Writ large.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...

Back in the '90s, I worked for an investment bank (you probably have one of their CC in your wallet) where everyone loved "Dilbert" cartoons and had them posted in their office cubicles. He mocked pompous bosses, the bosses' sycophants, and employees who managed to spend the workday drinking coffee rather than working. Those cartoons were really funny, and had the ring of truth to them. I don't know what happened to Adams. It's like a switch got thrown in his brain that suddenly converted him from being an entertaining satirist into a ragiing individual consumed with White grievance. I think it might have happened sometime around when Donald Trump shambled onto political scene.

Rusty म्हणाले...

See what I mean.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Humperdink said..
Try reading him in the voice of Ralph Wiggums.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

According to CNN “U.S. Border Patrol has reported more than 6.6 million encounters with illegal immigrants since the start of fiscal year 2021, including over 2.2 million in fiscal year 2022.”

Fun fact of the day:

There are 1.29 million active duty members in the U.S. military.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

US buying weapons for ISIS - NBC News


"I don't know what happened to Adams"

It's almost reached the level of a trope to see comments like "I don't know why this obviously intelligent person disagrees with me when it's not possible that he has a good reason. I have already thought of all of the possible reasons anybody could have to disagree with me, and none of them are good! Q.E.D"

Ok, I embellished that a little bit.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

"'m going with Dunning-Kruger. Writ large"

Rich is not being sincere. He's clearly not as dumb as the opinions he pushes here make him seem. He is here for political purposes only. It's textbook propaganda he's pushing.

Mason G म्हणाले...

What Democrats want: Defund the police!
How it's going...

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- This is the final weekend in business for the In-N-Out Burger in Oakland.

It's the chain's first-ever permanent closure. Crime on the property and along the Hegenberger corridor is the reason behind it.


Good work, Democrats!

Iman म्हणाले...

Rich riding bitch. So it’s another Taqiyya Sunrise.

Iman म्हणाले...

I worked with Adams in the ‘90s. Good man, wry sense of humor and, given the corp we worked for, he had a wealth of material to work with.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

Headline from Fox29 Philadelphia this morning.

“Philly youth gather to hold rally, march against gun violence amid recent youth-involved shootings”

Boy, those guns sure are violent.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Rich, like Joe Biden, is heavily invested in being loudly, proudly wrong about every single possible thing.