February 23, 2024
"[W]hat often starts as a parent’s effort to jump-start a child’s modeling career, or win favors from clothing brands, can quickly descend..."
"... into a dark underworld dominated by adult men, many of whom openly admit on other platforms to being sexually attracted to children, an investigation by The New York Times found.... Some parents are the driving force behind the sale of photos, exclusive chat sessions and even the girls’ worn leotards and cheer outfits to mostly unknown followers. The most devoted customers spend thousands of dollars nurturing the underage relationships.... 'I really don’t want my child exploited on the internet,' said Kaelyn, a mother in Melbourne, Australia... 'But she’s been doing this so long now.... Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?'"
It's disgusting.
Well, if joey bidet is not available to the press and public we now know where he can be found.
Pedophilia is a universal consensus issue in society, as in it is a 100% consensus position and anything short of that is morally unacceptable, period.
There is no wiggle room for any degree of acceptance of pedophilia. Not 1%. Not 0.0001%. Absolutely fucking zero. Have you ever noticed how mad globalists get when you do or say anything that disapproves of child sexuality? It's hilarious to watch various mouthpieces reply and get all butthurt when you post something online in various locations about a subject that should have 100% universal agreement...in other words, it most definitely is not absolutely fucking zero.
Anything opposing sex with children, anything that closes the door totally and completely makes them very very mad. Wonder why.
I guess if the weirdos aren't in a position to do any harm, its OK. Or if the sexual pervert can only operate with your child in a public setting, y'now like Joe Biden.
BTW, this sort of thing didn't start yesterday. Same Hollywood producer or maybe it was Louis B. Mayer, whipped out his dick and asked Shirly Temple to suck it in the 30s. She just laughed.
The pedos are just a ‘crossover demographic’…
Well I'm sick now.
Yes, stop it and walk away. Where's your soul?
"But" translated:
We come through with the money and the garter belts
Let him know we 'bout that cake straight out the gate
We independent women, some mistake us for whores
I'm sayin', "Why spend mine when I can spend yours?"
Disagree? Well, that's you, and I'm sorry
I'm a keep playing these cats out like Atari
I guess in a few decades, a Weinstein type fellow will be identified.
Yes, that is what you do. Walk away.
Yes, you just stop it.
Does the article ever use the word "pedophiles? I see 'men sexually attracted to children' used twice.
Wow. Well, I never. Blows me away. Never could have seen this coming.
If the NYT is going to expose sexual grooming and exploitation of children, it had to be hetero-patriarchal exploitation of children from within the nuclear family.
Where's Dad?
I know of an attractive social media influencer who used her account to attract an older man who actually proposed to her! They eventually married, and she constantly mentions him in her posts to gain even more likes and comments!
Yeah, bad moms, and bad money-grubbing, and bad men, but:
If it's OK for kids who feel they are in the wrong body to have their genitals cut and not creepy for doctors to provide such "care," why is is not OK for kids who feel they are models to sell pictures and creepy for pedos to buy them? Why shouldn't pedos be able to seek meaning in their lives, and who is to say kids don't enjoy sexual attention from adults? Exactly what are the standards of prog sexual morality these days, and how should we make the fine distinctions here? How do we choose those standards and enforce them legally?
Parenting is the biggest problem in the Western world these days. There isn't much that is done well. Either there is little to none which leads to any number of bad outcomes,, or there is hyperparenting leading to neurotic kids and bad behaviors. It's not for me to make that call, I know. But I have and...it's clear to me that the 'have it all' generation failed the next generation(s).
An oldie but a goodie: Parenthood.
"'I really don’t want my child exploited on the internet,' said Kaelyn, a mother in Melbourne, Australia... 'But she’s been doing this so long now.... Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?'"
Yes. YES! For the love of God yes!!!
This world exists at the shady periphery of conventional culture, and has since the advent of mass media. The exploitation of children was once something that was a product of industrialization. The only real defense is good parenting - but the article shows that not all parents are focused on good parenting - they slip into a coaching and management role, and enter a symbiotic realm. It is indeed a descent.
"Her numbers are so big."
I could be in favor of a national reproduction license with a minimum moral sensibilities requirement sufficiently rigorous to land parents like Kaelyn in the slammer for life.
Certainly it would be grotesque, nauseating, and at least borderline criminal if it's true that this involved adult men - but given the reference to "mostly unknown followers", can't we hold out hope that the purchasers are actually the heroes of Drag Queen Story Hour and other transgender people who are the ones who "openly admit on other platforms to being sexually attracted to children"? Because that would transform this from something to be condemned into something that must be celebrated.
My daughter has asked us not to post any pictures of our granddaughters on Facebook. Good advice.
It’s a mark against Althouse and the rest of the “feminists” that they didn’t chase obvious pedophile Joe Biden — a man so confident of his political clout that he could inappropriately touch young girls right in front of their parents — out of politics years ago.
"What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?'"
Note that it is the mothers who pimp their daughters. And castrate their sons. What can't feminism do? Sisterhood is powerful, or something.
Stage moms have been around a long time. The interwebs exacerbate.
Is anyone surprised that children’s fashion attracts pedophiles and that the child’s pimp is usually their mother?
My son and daughter (high school students) worked as models and actors a few days a month, during our four years in Tokyo. I did, too. Good money and, often, good fun. No monkey business in our situations.
I also had good friends who were full-time professionals. No horror stories. One of them went on to become one of the world's leading fashion/commercial/beauty photographers - one of the kindest, most ethical people I've ever known. He and his girlfriend were a part of our family.
I have also worked with modeling/acting world in LA. Full of disgusting people. Don't let your kids near it.
It’s common for little girls to dress like strippers. It’s brave when little boys dance in drag shows. Our culture trains us to look at children as sex objects and then pretends to be shocked when some people actually do.
It sounds like a men-are-evil meme.
'But she’s been doing this so long now.... Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?'"
Damn Skippy.
Anything else and you've just admitted to prostituting your child for money. You are just haggling about the price.
Chris Hansen used to have a reality show based on this scenario, but he was sending the pervs to jail, not getting cash from them for dirty pictures of his own kids. Child sex predation is being socially normalized now, just as other sexual predations have been. What is wrong with these parents, acting as pimps for their children?
“Social media” will be the end of western civilization
"'I really don’t want my child exploited on the internet,' said Kaelyn, a mother in Melbourne, Australia... 'But she’s been doing this so long now.... Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?'"
Yes. Just stop it and walk away.
We now have a grandson and at first I was excited to share pictures on Facebook of this baby, who is of course the cutest child on the planet. But our daughter gently asked me to refrain; they are just not putting their son's image out there on social media and it may seem paranoid, but....I now completely agree.
" Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?". Yes, just walk away, find a way to destroy all records and photos and stop using your kid as a profit center. With luck your daughter will forgive you.
Yes. Stop it and walk away. It’s not that difficult.
"Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?"
God, yes.
You are supposed to be a parent.
There's a simple solution to the problem. Ban bad mothers.
Sure you walk away. Why risk your daughter being abused for money. Just being around those perverts is damaging. And what are you teaching your daughter? Next stop is onlyfans.
It's painfully obvious that ~100 percent of the "parents" running the girls' Instagram accounts are the girls' mothers. And I'm sure that ~100 percent of those are single mothers, because any father with red blood in his veins would put an end to such trafficking with a crowbar. Before social media single mothers simply out-and-out pimped their pubescent and pre-pubescent daughters to lascivious older men, as was part of the allegations swirling around the Roman Polanski/Samantha Geimer (age 13) matter during the 1970s. But now they can make much more money trafficking in photos and videos, and also escape trouble with the law if the photos and videos remain merely sub-pornographic. The psychology of the mothers involved in this horror show is difficult to figure out--but I think that they are living vicariously through their daughters, who have the youth and beauty that is slowly slipping away from the mothers.
I recently did a critical reading of 1970s era feminist tracts, and the thing they overlooked the most, believe it or not, was the sheer extent of men's depravity.
So much for children's "sexual freedom" lol.
What the hell. Were parents always this bad? One assumes they were but didn't display their faults to such wide audiences.
Who could have seen this coming?
"My daughter is getting sodomized by a Polish film producer. I really hate it but the prospects of getting acting gigs is so big. what do I do, just walk away?"
"My 15 year old daughter is hooking down on Hollywood Blvd. But she makes really good money. Look at this kitchen remodel she paid for. What are we supposed to do, just walk away?"
You are the parents, you are supposed to protect her from this kind of shit. You are supposed to be looking out for her or him. When they become an adult you can't do much. Their body, their choice.
But your minor child? You are as bad, maybe even worse than the groomers preying on your child.
John Henry
"Does the article ever use the word "pedophiles? I see 'men sexually attracted to children' used twice."
Yes. 9 times.
Question asked and answered.
What a cascade of poor decision-making. Yikes.
"There's a simple solution to the problem. Ban bad mothers."
That would disqualify almost 90% of modern American white women.
I run into a similar issue on Reddit all the time - the idea that any particular subreddit is "safe". Why on earth would anyone consider space on the internet, where anyone with a computer can access, "safe"? That pedophiles flock to online images of children should surprise no one.
Who is the deluded dunderhead that started the idea of a 'safe' space on the internet????
"I know of an attractive social media influencer who used her account to attract an older man who actually proposed to her! They eventually married, and she constantly mentions him in her post...."
That's not me, so who is it?
Here's RSM's wiggle room for Mr Pedophile Island's special guest star:
Four former contestants in the Donald Trump–owned Miss Teen USA pageant told BuzzFeed that Trump walked in on them while they were changing during the 1997 competition. The dressing room was full of contestants—51 in all—between the ages of 15 and 19.
“When he started running for president, that is one of the first things I thought about: Oh, gross, this guy walked in on us in the pageant,” one former Miss Teen USA participant, who asked for anonymity, said. She recalled half-dressed teenage contestants “scrambling to grab … whatever garments they had” when they realized that Trump had barged into the room.
Mariah Billado, who held the title of Miss Vermont Teen USA at the time, recalled Trump saying something along the lines of “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ ” she told BuzzFeed. One of the other anonymous women said that Trump’s behavior seemed strange to the teens at the time, but now that she’s an adult, she realizes that it was “absolutely inappropriate.” “At the time, you’re a teenager, you’re intimidated—it’s Donald Trump, he runs the pageant,” she said. It seemed like Trump felt “it was his given right” to peek on the girls changing because he was the pageant’s owner.
It's like getting and internship in Washington DC
I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
"Have you ever noticed how mad globalists get when you do or say anything that disapproves of child sexuality? It's hilarious to watch various mouthpieces reply and get all butthurt..."
Apparently the new global mouthpiece for kiddie-diddling is Google Gemini itself.
Like programmers like offspring...sunrise sunset.
There is a TV show about this. A sting operation for male predators going after under-aged girls.
I suggest child services take that child while the police are arresting her mother for child porn.
It's very difficult to adopt children in Australia and New Zealand, and so there are lots of wonderful foster parents.
Feminist organizations don't give a damn about child molestation.
I miss Andrew Vachss. And his pack of emotional support pit bulls he actually managed to get courts to allow to sit beside very young child rape victims who were still being forced to testify about being raped in open court (and harassed brutally by defense attorney scum), rather than give testimony by video feed.
who-knew said...
" Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it and walk away?". Yes, just walk away ...
That's it right there.
Howard - Now do Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein - and Lolita island - and his 26 trips there.
Instead of condemning pimping out daughters Howard decides to make it about Trump. Way to prioritize.
Shorter Howard: (like all good leftist - the only bad sexual man is Trump - no others exist)
"I really don’t want my child exploited on the internet" - then stop doing that to her, mom. The dirty men are the 2nd level of exploitation in this story; mom is the first.
Feminist organizations don't give a damn about child molestation.
@Tina, if they did, they’d have to remove their support from Joe Biden and other pedophile Democrats. And they can’t do that.
The Internet was a mistake, we have to go back.
Pedophilia is the next frontier for the Left, once they digest the trans thing. We will be told we have to expose our kids to pedophiles before they reach puberty, so that they can make an informed opinion of what gender they are.
You heard it here first.
Sorry to break the news.
I know of an attractive social media influencer who used her account to attract an older man who actually proposed to her! They eventually married, and she constantly mentions him in her posts to gain even more likes and comments!
If this attractive woman is between 18 and 25, and more than four or five years younger than the man she married, there are plenty of busybodies (almost entirely women) who would consider that tantamount to pedophilia just because of the age differential.
My dad was 12 years older than my mom, and they had a 50 year love affair comparable to a Hallmark movie before his demise. I have nothing but contempt for the self-appointed age-differential police, as long as the woman is of legal age.
"Pedophilia is the next frontier for the Left, once they digest the trans thing."
Amen. But the pedophilia and trans thing are actually the same thing. In other words, we are way way closer than we think we are...
Parents living vicariously thru their children. The child pays a heavy debt.
"Little Miss Sunshine" (2006) takes another view, namely that it's comedy that the kids can be amused by as well when the enter a pageant that pretends otherwise.
"Pedophilia is the next frontier for the Left, once they digest the trans thing. We will be told we have to expose our kids to pedophiles before they reach puberty, so that they can make an informed opinion of what gender they are.
"You heard it here first."
No, similar stupid pronouncements have been made before by similarly ignorant people. We've heard it all before.
Pathetic women are putting their daughters in danger so Mom may live vicariously through them. This directly relates to the women driven social contagion that is the trans movement. Infuriating and disgusting.
No, similar stupid pronouncements have been made before by similarly ignorant people. We've heard it all before.
Talk about ignorant. They're already doing it, Cook.
@Jersey Fled, Cookie has never heard of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
They are called minor attracted persons try to keep up
Calling people names is not really an argument, Cookie
American mothers are so clueless, so ill-informed, and so incurious that it's no surprise they're pimping out their own kids to a bunch of pedos.
And no doubt the pedos are like the "It's MA'AM!!!" trans douchebag meme, except here they're all saying, "It's MAP!!! It's MAP!!!"
Pink mist all they ass.
Nothing new under the sun
Fatty Arbuckle
70's "auditions"
If you don't think Brittney & her ilk weren't passed around like party favors, you are deluded.
Trans moms who want to sit at the cool girls table show off their show pony
Society is circling the drain, but nothing is new
I’m aware of NAMBLA…it’s a group of pedophiles, specifically, men who desire boys. (I’m not aware of a similar group advocating for adult men who desire young girls.)They are self-interested because of their own sexual desires. There is not and will never be such advocacy for pedophilia by the society at large, or by “the left” at large, as was claimed would occur by the person I replied to.
Sorry, Robert. You're wrong. NAMBLA is still quietly supported by leftists and especially gay rights groups, including the reprehensible Camille Paglia, who only (sort of) changed her tune a few years ago. It was openly a part of leftist gay organizations well into the Clinton presidency. Its roots in the American communist movement run deep -- see, for example Harry Hay. As Bill Andrietti wrote, man boy sex is central to the development of homosexual culture.
That's certainly been the experience of the vast majority of my gay and lesbian friends and acquaintances. I probably know a dozen lesbians, and at least ten of them were molested as children. I know about a dozen gay men, and about the same number have talked about being groomed by older men. I know a major leftist political lobbyist in Atlanta who is a pedophile. I'm not the only one who knows. Another was outed.
Yes, it's not accepted throughout the political left anymore, but it is insinuated throughout it, and not long ago at all it was entirely a part of leftist politics. A lot of this trans activism is just the repackaging of leftists endorsing pedophilia.
Lily, Charlotte and Spacemountain: the fathers are as much to blame, through absence, abandoning the children they make, and refusing to support their children financially. Also, fathers and step dads by far make up nearly all in-family child molesters. Statistically, actual molestation is a larger problem in black and brown communities, Space. So getting "rid of" the bad fathers and using current laws to convict men and women who engage in this sick online behavior would lead to prosecuting some white moms, but a hell of a lot more men. Throw in child abandonment for the absent dads, too.
Good god.
I accidentally tapped on the "pedophilia" tag, and then had the deeply unsettling sense that Althouse had gone completely off the rails this morning, what with post after post about it.
But normality, or at least a semblance of it, has been restored.
Also, I hated Little Miss Sunshine. Whoever in that thread who said the van was the best character had it right.
There is much legitimate condemnation and concern in the comments. There is also a lot of stereotyping.
The internet has allowed many evils into our lives. It can be seductive. Parents need to teach values, set limits and pay increased attention to what's going on in their children's lives (classrooms as well chatrooms).
Beyond the internet; is it acceptable to NOT accept mainstream television shows and advertising campaigns that constantly promote interracial couple relationships, one form or another of LGTBQness and white man's inhumanity to all other forms of life?
Let's not overlook the role of Mother Nature in this. Unless you favor extinction, RULE ONE is reproduction (this is not rejection of Productive homosexuals).
Mother Nature made young healthy women preferred sexual partners. Women, on the other hand (by default or choice) were drawn to males with the brightest plumage and greatest strength (beauty, wealth and the ability to protect her from 'other' males).
Evidence of Mother Nature's influence can be found in sales of Bud Light, celebration of 'plus-size' women by Victoria's Secret and the in-your-face rejection of Mother Nature by Sports Illustrated's iconic Swimsuit Edition (now 'new and improved').
In the old days, there were no old men - Mother Nature dispatched nearly all of them in the early innings.
As human history progressed, advantages formerly displayed exclusively by 'young' men became available to older men (power, influence and attractiveness brought about by knowledge, wealth, fame, gym memberships and dental implants). Don't expect all of them to take a seat in God's little waiting room. Sometimes, Mother Nature trumps cultural diktats.
Eighteen-year-olds are probably not going to make the same choices/mistakes as 28-year-olds or 50-year-olds but they can decide who to vote for, what work to chose (including life-altering or life-ending enlistment in the military) and who to become intimate with.
"Sorry, Robert. You're wrong. NAMBLA is still quietly supported by leftists and especially gay rights groups...."
Do you have any evidence to support that claim?
"I probably know a dozen lesbians, and at least ten of them were molested as children. I know about a dozen gay men, and about the same number have talked about being groomed by older men. I know a major leftist political lobbyist in Atlanta who is a pedophile. I'm not the only one who knows. Another was outed."
You're referring to people who are themselves pedophiles or were victims of pedophiles. The former, being pedophiles, will support pedophilia, whether openly or quietly, while the latter, I'm fairly confident, would not. What other information do you have indicating significant (if any) numbers of non-pedophile leftists or gays support NAMBLA and their desired goals?
I'm not going to name names, Robert. But giving them powerful positions, board appointments and prestigious lobbying jobs does speak for itself. And it's widely known.
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