Matthew 25:35: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...."
ADDED: This reminds me of Season 6, Episode 1 of "Curb Your Enthusiasm": "You know what some people are doing that I personally think is a really great idea? They're bringing in displaced families. You know, I've been doing a little research and we could actually have a family here tomorrow.... Imagine how they would feel, to come here, and live in our house...."
Want to leave a mark in this world? Help others.
Pass it on.
I guarantee they’ve got these migrants cooking, cleaning and doing their laundry for them. And when it’s warm enough, they’ll be doing landscaping.
- Rafe
Good. Let every Progressive take in a family of slaves.
"The two young children are waiting to be enrolled in a school while their parents are hoping for work, but have to wait for work authorization papers, which could take months to process, according to CBS Boston."
Wait, wut? Can't work because of government red tape. Who knew?
I am hugely disappointed Venezuela gang members weren't the first four to show up at their door.
Now keep sending them some.
Matthew 25:35: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...."
Exactly what the plantation owner was thinking when he instructed the imigrants from Ghana to pick cotton for threir food and shelter.
The wife’s business partner is a well connected Boston liberal. She tried this a decade ago. It did not end well…
This is great news. I now expect Dem politicians to do the same starting with the Governor of MA and Mayor of Boston.
I’m not cowed by an empathetic Brookline family of fuck ups trying to make this feel normal. It began from horrific policy and the solution is to correct the horrific policy…
That's exactly how it's supposed to work. If you want migrants in the country, sponsor and host them. The passage in Matthew does not say "I was a stranger and you forced others to take me in. I was hungry so you voted to tax your neighbors to feed me...."
I’ll vote for Trump and shutting down the border is one of the reasons. Impeaching and removing Mayorkas from office for refusing to enforce immigration and border law is the right thing to do.
I play music for two congregations, Methodist and Catholic, and both are active in feeding, housing and clothing the illegals who are already here. I support that effort.
I understand Mayorkas’s POV. He’s descended from a family decimated by the Holocaust. He sees open borders as a moral issue in regard to refugees that overrides his duty to enforce immigration and border law. I disagree. His job is to enforce existing law.
I wonder, will Ann follow Jesus's advice, and bring in a few illeagal immigrants to squat? I mean stay?
"For I was hungry and you gave me an iPhone, I was thirsty and you gave me an iPad ... "
Not only food and drink, but Apple Stamps. Not heard of Apple Stamps? Well they are just like food stamps except they are good only at Apple stores for iPhones and iPads.
A lefty spouting scripture? There is flim-flam in the air!
@Althouse, you first!
“First, she gets to do some leftist moral posturing: “What I realized is there's so much prejudice against refugees mostly because people don't know them.”
But Lisa has another reason for being happy. “Lisa feels like she has her own personal chef, as Wildonde loves cooking.”
There needs to be a special place in Hell for people who quote scripture to try and win political arguments, a level on the floor below the level we put the politicians that invited these vulnerable people into their ‘unsolvable’ predicament. There’s a lot of those people so it will be quite noisy in the level below…
Once Upon A Time...
Illegals delivered straight to your door in an hour or less or your next order is…well, the next order is on you, too
Many, many years ago, my parents, living in LA at the time, took in a Hmong refugee family after the fall of Vietnam, whom they had met at church. They were very pleasant and grateful. The kids even shot some pigeons out of the trees and their mother served them up for dinner. My dad was appreciative; my mom not so much. They did get an apartment after a month or so and moved out.
Google translates the Chouraqui bible
Yes, I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; métèque, you welcomed me
refusing to translate métèque.
"Métèque is a pejorative word for a shifty-looking immigrant of Mediterranean origin"
The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.
Maybe they should have offered to take in the homeless vets instead. Or allow kids to play in their yard who lost their rec centers.
From American Thinker. Lisa Hillenbrand's family took in a Haitian family of three in a Boston suburb. Strangely they speak Spanish. Lisa commented she now has a personal chef in her newly acquired guest(s). Just guessing the dad will be mowing and weed trimming once summer arrives. I suspect Lisa's family will receive some financial reward for their philanthropy.
"It's like having our own private cook!"
It's SO WONDERFUL.. and you know? Them darkies actually prefer living with us!
Brookline is a wealthy community. They can afford it. Send them more.
"... you invited me in..." and "live in my house indefinitely" are two different things. These people aren't stopping over for dinner and comfort before continuing their journey. They're waiting for work visas, a process that will take months or longer.
I don't like when Bible quotes are stretched beyond their meaning.
We need a limiting principle on the number of accepted immigrants: accept no more than people are willing to host in their homes.
This is a very nice story. I wonder how well it will scale?
Copied from Quora “ The metaphor "camel's nose" refers to a situation where a small, seemingly harmless request or action is allowed, but it leads to much larger and more undesirable consequences. The metaphor is often used to caution against allowing small concessions or compromises that could ultimately result in a much bigger problem. It originates from the idea of a camel poking its nose into a tent, which may seem harmless at first, but can eventually lead to the entire camel entering the tent.”
Get back to us in a month or two. Maybe just a few days?
"Guests . . . fish . . . smell." Ben Franklin?
These folks didn't come for a visit. They came to stay. Forever.
Democracy. Welfare state. Open borders. Pick any two. We're trying to have it all, but it won't work.
I'm curious what the Homeowner Insurance Policy says about this kind of thing.
At personal tax expense so great that we forgo all but emergency dentistry and have crappy self-insured insurance, I pay for better medical, dental, housing, schooling, feeding, phones and social services for the so-called poor through federal bloc grants, property taxes and payroll tax, while we scrape by. I was a social worker. I saw every scam imaginable.
I Still pity the kids, being taught by their parents young to grift, prostitute, steal, rob at gunpoint, and worse. My clients always had better cars and electronics than I could afford. They came to me when mom's new boyfriend broke their brother's arm.
I seriously believe such families -- including every absent dad -- should be relocated away from decent people and given intensive counselling for the kids and required work training and cognitive therapy for the adults.
The carnival of horror has to stop somewhere. Easily 50% of every neighborhood I worked in were illegals with an anchor baby. Now add all the new illegals. Send back the criminals and as many new illegals as possible. For all the rest, they get their shelter, learn English, and the citizen welfare slags and baby daddies know the one way out is to change their lifestyles and support themselves.
Meanwhile, they're detoxed, clothed, housed, and their kids are safe. It's the way we treat these people now that is the real cruelty.
Enough carrots.
"I was a stranger and you invited me in."
Actually, no. You were a stranger who abused our laws, trespassed on our land, and demanded our resources. I want you expelled pronto.
The honeymoon will end and the chaos, filth and disease this couple have welcomed into their home will become clear. How do they know this "family" are even related? They have no idea who these parasitic peasants are. Saps.
Getting what they voted for. Good luck getting the "migrants" to leave if they don't want to. And if they do leave, the state will just keep sending more. There's an endless supply, and volunteering like this just encourages more.
There are concerning statements made by these people. My default position is to trust the Word of God in these matters, but there are also legal entanglements one enters into when "opening your home" to these illegal aliens that can't be ignored in our modern, increasingly totalitarian state of governance. Those concerns are clearly elucidated in this column in the American Thinker, The people taking illegal aliens into their homes—saints, predators, or fools?, which is brief and to the point.
For example, "But Lisa has another reason for being happy. “Lisa feels like she has her own personal chef, as Wildonde loves cooking.” This insight weirdly aligns with how leftists keep reminding us that we need illegal aliens in this country to do the nation’s scut work." It then goes on to quote the usual racist crap from Pelosi et al about we need them to "pick crops" and wait tables.
How will the experiment end? I have absolutely no idea. But I am curious, should there come a cloud over this giddiness, if we would even get a follow-up to these initial sparkling renditions.
The responses here are exactly why Friedrich Nietzsche said God is dead and we have killed him. Christians today worship the Antichrist.
Don Surber blogged this yesterday. The NYPost leaves out one interesting bit.
The NBC station’s report began:
A migrant family from Haiti spoke exclusively with NBC10 Boston about their experience in the Boston area. They recently found a host home in Brookline, Massachusetts, and they’ve been searching for jobs.
It's been an emotional few weeks for Wildande Joseph and her husband. First, they slept on the floor at Boston Logan International Airport and then in children’s hospital, with their 2-year-old daughter who got very sick.
However, things are now looking much brighter as they’ve been welcomed into Lisa Hillenbrand’s Brookline apartment.
She said her daughter is very happy. When she wakes up in the morning, she says, “Hi, Lisa” and everyone starts the day smiling.
The story also said, “Hillenbrand said she feels like she has her own personal chef as Wildande loves cooking. In fact, her goal is to open a restaurant.”
Her own personal chef!
As the tweet said, “Holy shit. They found a way to bring back slavery and make it woke.”
Yesterday, a tragic event occurred and my first thought was that it needed a t least 48 hours before really useful information would come of it.
The story of this post will need about 6 months to a year. However, the New Testament may work at some level, but the issue at hand is more like Exodus, and after some time, even God had enough and opted for tough love.
More than one person here has compared it to "hosting refugees" but these people are not technically refugees and the hosting is a fuzzily defined responsibility here. One can officially "host" or "sponsor" an immigrant with a pending claim for a green card but this is way outside that official process, which depends on the immigrant family securing a sponsor prior to actually entering America and agreeing to some specific terms and conditions. Like everything related to Biden's immigration "policy" this is resettlement by the seat of your pants and no one knows how this is going to turn out.
Does the local zoning permit multi-family housing?
Rocco said...
Maybe they should have offered to take in the homeless vets instead. Or allow kids to play in their yard who lost their rec centers.
2/15/24, 6:53 AM
^^^^ THIS!!!! ^^^^
Check back in 6 months. I bet we never hear about this family again in the media.
This exact situation, as so many events in our recent history, has been a South Park episode. Amusingly, the episode was written about the effects of illegal immigrants all deciding to leave the US and go home, not an excess of inflowing migrants.
Butters, playing as a migrant in a game with his friends, is taken in by a "charitable" family and put directly to work.
Won’t work in Caliunicornia… if a person stays for at least 3 days at your address and receives one item of mail with your (now his/her) address on it, you can not legally evict them.
For starters…
By my figuring, we have enough White liberals to house the entire population of Honduras. I think we should give it a go.
Then, I'm moving to Honduras.
I recommend people check out the landlord - tenant laws in their jurisdiction before doing this. It could go terrible wrong.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...."
How come you left off the part where it becomes your life's work?
"I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
Harken to that last part.
And just like that, the illegal immigrant problem was solved! Why didn't we do this before? The solution is so simple - just ship all of them to Brookline!
Easy path to more dem congresscritters = illegal immigrants.
I once wondered why dems would saddle their children with so much more debt.
Proud Heritage in debt!
Will all your Wisconsin vacation homes contain squatters?
Please update us in, oh, 90 days. This never ends well.
Brookline, huh? By any chance, do they live in a 'Colonial' home?
All progressives should take in illegals.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...."
And then I stabbed you and robbed your house.
"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
New England's Abortion Capitol.
The Third Amendment - "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."
I'm sure there are loving deserving families that deserve and need help. But nuclear families are not what is coming across the border. It's military aged young men.
At what point does this go from voluntary to mandatory? It'll be the 2024 liberal virtue signal.
They've taken over hotels, schools, community centers...why not your house?
The border invasion is nefarious. This isn't about Matthew 25. If it is, why are inner city African-American communities so pissed?
This will not end well.
That's very nice of them.
The situation is evidence that something is wrong with government policy. This is not a short-term crisis like a natural disaster or a war where everyone can pitch in and help out and hold out until it's over. This is an ongoing issue without foreseeable end. Are they ever going to address it?
I understand Mayorkas’s POV. He’s descended from a family decimated by the Holocaust. He sees open borders as a moral issue in regard to refugees that overrides his duty to enforce immigration and border law.
Of course, none of these "refugees" are coming from a land in which there is an active genocide taking place (well, maybe the Chinese, but to my knowledge the significant number of military-aged Chinese men illegally entering the country are not Uyghurs).
These scripture quoting socialists apparently never saw the long-lost but recently discovered and AI-reconstructed biblical fragment that concluded that passage:
Matthew 33:35: "But only years hence could I see and sayeth to myself, Jesus was I naive...for after I gaveth them food to eat, and gaveth them something to drink, and inviteh them in...they beateh the holy crap out of me and rodeth my ass out of town.."
Matthew 25:35
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...."
William Shakespeare said…
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
Fuck Myorkas. He's trying to destroy the USA as it exists and he doesn't care about enforcing the law or the negative impact of all the illegal aliens (sick,criminals, welfare cases, etc) pouring in.
He's anti-American and should be impeached.
I once wondered why dems would saddle their children with so much more debt
The children inherit not only the debt, but also the means to replay it, namely the bonds.
Matthew 25:35: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...."
So Ann... open you doors!!! You decided not to vote in 2020... so you accept what happens.. and this is a-happening!
But don't be shocked when they turn your house into a South American shack.
The Stokeses were surprised when the family showed up at their door only an hour after they signed up.
Not sure this is the kind of info that will bring in more takers.
Just - Radiohead
"retail lawyer said...
I recommend people check out the landlord - tenant laws in their jurisdiction before doing this. It could go terrible wrong"
Someone on X yesterday posted a brief summary of MA law about what could happen hosting these refugees. According to what they said, after 30 days these people will be considered "tenants" and will have "tenant rights" and you cannot get rid of them without a significant legal effort.
I also wonder if these people talked with their insurance agent about potential liability issues and the need for additional coverages before taking them in. I expect not. I think a lot could go really wrong for these people.
Illegal immigration poses some tough issues for Christians.
What to do when Christian charity and hospitality facilitates criminal activity including human trafficking, drug dealing, potential terrorism, enriching cartels, and gang activities, not to mention violation of immigration laws.
Then there's Howard, always eager to stand in moral judgement of others, as if he himself is God. You go boy!
It’s all fun and games until a machete comes into the picture
I’m amused they picked Chileans. Chile has dabbled with having a modern first world economy. It even has a middle class. Probably least offensive of what they had to pick from for an old liberal couple in Brookline…
Very happy for them. Here is another million that the democrats are allowing to invade the country.
This will be absolutely hilarious six months from now when these "virtuous" ninnies discover that the local laws in won't allow them to evict their illegal alien parasites. You know, after Widonga gets tired of cooking for the Honky bitch, and daddy dude keeps making passes at her, and heirlooms start disappearing and showing up at the local pawn shop.
If and when these “immigrants” find work I suspect a chunk of their earnings will be wired back as payment to the cartels financing their journey to asylum. Oh, the irony.
Jesus spent a great deal of time with sinners. The Matthew noted here was, by all accounts, a dirtbag before meeting Jesus. But while Jesus spent a lot of time with sinners, he did not condone their sin. He would explicitly tell them that their sins were forgiven and to sin no more.
Taking in a refugee that has nowhere to go is a noble thing to do. Taking in an illegal immigrant who is breaking the law and wants to continue to break the law indefinitely is significantly less so.
"The responses here are exactly why Friedrich Nietzsche said God is dead and we have killed him. Christians today worship the Antichrist."
Howard, where do the illegal immigrants you are hosting hail from?
Every democrat voter should take in an illegal family of four.
You voted for it, you yearned for it, you earned it.
Good job!
There are still some of those pretentious "In this house we believe . . . " signs on display in my neighborhood, though many have been retired or relegated to less visible locations.
So far I haven't noticed that any Illegalaliens are being sheltered, but surely it's only a matter of time. There are probably not too many here, as Memphis is not a sanctuary city (thank God!)
Larry David hosted the Black's (their family name) on his show.
When he first met them, he joked about their last name (they are black), noting that his name should be Larry Jew : )
Only a liberal could make that joke.
On topic, I am seeking a refugee family with a background with the Cordon Bleu. The California Culinary Institute is acceptable, but only as a last resort.
And the mom must be hot.
"I’ll vote for Trump and shutting down the border is one of the reasons."
Why? He didn't succeed last time.
There are hundreds of thousands of American citizens living on the streets in this country. Where is the compassion for their fellow Americans? Democrat Party members like subjects of this article have no compassion for their fellow Americans, only contempt. Meanwhile they consider foreigners and illegal aliens to be more deserving of the wealth of our nation than the people who actually produce it.
Ice Nine said...
This will be absolutely hilarious six months from now when these "virtuous" ninnies discover that the local laws in won't allow them to evict their illegal alien parasites.
i was too bored, to actually Read the assignment.. But;
Did this family have any young children?
If they DO.. the hilarity might not be very hilarious.
Don't get me wrong, i'm sure there Are illegals that AREN'T pedophiles; I mean ANYTHING is Possible
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
"Then there's Howard"
The Sanhedrin on the street corner.
Couple volunteers. An hour later four individuals show up. They spend the evening discussing the MS-13 tattoos on the male immigrants.
My daughter loves to draw so she really enjoyed tracing the lines of the tattoos on the 19 year old's chest.
Highland Park Illinois woman was arrested this week for "human trafficking" her four recently-arrived Mexican migrants, who she welcomed into her home and promptly put to work. She took their papers, put lock on frig, and bathed their toddler in cold water "to ensure it would stay awake days, to sleep thru night".
Chicago suburbs have several instances each year of "human-trafficking" by African and Middle-Eastern families importing poor people from their native countries, as literal unpaid captive household servants. In other words, 2oth-21st century slavery.
The opportunity for abuse is high, whether by "hosts" or by "guests".
Democrat Party members like subjects of this article have no compassion for their fellow Americans, only contempt. Meanwhile they consider foreigners and illegal aliens to be more deserving of the wealth of our nation than the people who actually produce it.
One of the chroniclers of the chaotic middle years of the Roman Empire, Cassius Dio if I recall correctly, made the observation that tyrants such as Commodus and Elgabalus were much more comfortable surrounding themselves with aliens than with their own people. There's a lot of oikophobia on the modern Left that would seem to spring from the same source.
typingtalker said...
Want to leave a mark in this world? Help others.
If these illegals turn out to be the stabby kind, they might well leave a mark---many marks, for that matter---on this do-gooder family.
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