२२ फेब्रुवारी, २०२४

Resigning, a UK transgender judge writes, "Rosa Parks’ choice of seat was political because of the colour of her skin. More prosaically, for me..."

"... I am now political every time I choose where to pee. Less prosaically, the judiciary by continuing to let me be a judge is now at risk of being political.”

From "UK’s only trans judge quits over risk of ‘politicising the judiciary'/Victoria McCloud said she had become a target and was forced to be political every time she chose ‘where to pee'" (London Times).
McCloud kept her trans identity out of the public eye for much of her time as a judge until her status was revealed by a national newspaper in 2016....
In her letter [of resignation], extracts of which have been leaked to The Times, McCloud says that the judiciary “has used me in social media,” which “has been rewarding and I will cherish the memories." But she said this “came at a cost because I became a public figure and a target.”

McCloud, an Oxford University graduate, said the rise of the “gender critical” movement — which holds to what she acknowledges is the “uncontroversial notion” that a person cannot alter their biological sex — has also meant that she can be referred to as a man, despite being legally female. She argues that as a result, “it has been open season on me and others”... [and] she feels that “the dignity of the court as well as personal dignity is at stake.”...

३२ टिप्पण्या:

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

The Rosa Parks incident was staged. She was encouraged by 3rd parties to choose where she sat on the bus to provoke an incident. This is well-known.

3rd parties...just like the trans movement.

iowan2 म्हणाले...

Obama usually has a pretty good political nose about such things. I wonder why he allowed it to continue? Or did Obama plant a remote controlled Improvised Explosive Device? We just witnessed it being detonated.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

No one knows where, or when, I pee. It's better for everyone that way.
I have some sympathy for anyone being forced out of a job that they enjoy. Missing from all of this is an indication of the quality of the work that this judge did. Does the Times comment on that?

Aggie म्हणाले...

"...said the rise of the “gender critical” movement — which holds to what she acknowledges is the “uncontroversial notion.....”

Where 'Normal' is misspelled as "gender critical". I notice as I read through, that the story has been crafted to make it as difficult as possible to define the judge's sex: "The judge transitioned in the 1990s and was the UK’s first practising trans barrister.

She was first appointed as a part-time judge in 2006. Four years later, aged 40, she became the youngest person.....

But: Transitioned from what to what ??? Does "she" mean her original sex, or destination? Why would the judge's original sex, and the gender the judge presents as 'now', be undisclosed? Aren't these categories and re-definitions the whole point?

She did the right thing to step down and away.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

“it has been open season on me and others”

Like, how? More than the JKR witch hunt? With UK police arresting anyone expressing doubleplusungoodthoughts?

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Shouldn't a defendant understand the identity of the person adjudicating his fate? Would we tolerate a system with judges who wear black hoods as well as black robes? Is a man posing as a woman perpetrating a deception? Is identity strictly a matter of opinion? If so, whose opinion counts?

If Quaestor must accept John as a she despite history, genetics, and anatomy proclaiming the contrary, must John accept Quaestor's newly adopted identity as a member of a wronged group with property rights over the real estate John regards as his home?

wild chicken म्हणाले...

"3rd parties...just like the trans movement."

And MLK was chosen as an attractive and anodyne front for the Civil Rights movement by the likes of A Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin...so what.

It's all fake.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Gosh. Rosa Parks and a trans man are exactly the same! Their struggles are identical!

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"And MLK was chosen as an attractive and anodyne front for the Civil Rights movement by the likes of A Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin...so what.

It's all fake."

...and gay. Don't forget the gay part. It is all very much homosexual.

wendybar म्हणाले...

"Nine months before Rosa Parks, there was Claudette Colvin, a 15-year old black girl who was the first person to be arrested for refusing to sit in the back of the bus. The year was 1955. She was one of five women included in a federal court case, Browder v. Gayle (1956), which found that bus segregation in Alabama was unconstitutional. It went to the Supreme Court of the United States and was upheld.
Her achievement went unpublicized because she was a teenager and became pregnant while unmarried. Black leaders worried about her representing their cause."

It was staged.
Don't you love how they change History to better fit their narrative??

roger म्हणाले...

"it has been open season on me and others"

Open season? Did they put him/her in a cage and burn him/her to death while still alive? Did they throw him/her off the top of a tall building? Did they stone him/her to death in a soccer stadium in some god-forsaken Middle Eastern country?

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Sounds like the real problem is with the judiciary.

A judge, not unlike a therapist, should be a blank slate. We shouldn't knew their politics, we shouldn't be able to guess their politics by watching them do their jobs. Based on this excerpt, Judge McCloud lived up to that. Until her bosses decided to use her to get some social justice cred.

By resigning, she shows she has the integrity we look for in a judge, which the British legal system now has just a little bit less of.

fairmarketvalue म्हणाले...

I may be thick, but I don't grok the transgender movement at all. To my mind, a person with a penis is a "he", regardless of whether "he" chooses to dress as a female, in which case "he" is a cross-dresser or transvestite. "He" only becomes a "she" if and when "he" undergoes sex reassignment surgery and loses the penis. The same rationale applies to a "she" who wishes to live life as a male. "She" becomes a "he" only after sex reassignment surgery gives "him" a sort of dick. Until then, in each case, they remain "he" and "she" respectively, and I will not deign to honor their mental health issues by referring to each by his or her "preferred" pronouns. Clarity achieved!

rhhardin म्हणाले...

If it's a trans story, replace "her" by "him" to make sense of it.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

I don't see the moral or logical equivalence between "where to pee" if you have a penis, vs. separate bathrooms or seating assignments based on race.

If you're on a sinking ship, and it's women and children first, do the women with penises get in the lifeboat, and the men with vaginas swim for it?

I'm sure in that situation the men with vaginas would identify as women very quickly.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Back to the women and children first in the lifeboat.

Only so many seats available. Would women with vagina's willing to give up their seat to a woman with a penis.

Or at that point does genitalia and XX and XY chromosomes start to matter one again?

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Shouldn't it be "A UK judge", not "An UK judge"?

Leland म्हणाले...

This person was accepted to Oxford, got a degree in law, became a barrister, became a judge, became a woman, and with all these privileges wants to compare themself to Rosa Parks?

The Vault Dweller म्हणाले...

I suspect that more than a few black folks in America will not appreciate the transgender judge comparing themselves to Rosa Parks.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Or at that point does genitalia and XX and XY chromosomes start to matter one again?

When too many men have gamed the new system to evade their responsibility for everything that is wrong with the world.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

What exactly is the news value of this article?

Jupiter म्हणाले...

I assume this demented pervert is a man, since the idiots call him "she". I'm glad he is no longer on the bench, but I'm afraid it's way too little, way too late for the UK legal system. He's lucky the Muzzies haven't thrown him off a roof yet. That's perfectly legal, you know.

n.n म्हणाले...

Back to the women and children first in the lifeboat.

In traditional, conventional, rational societies, it would be women (of reproductive correlation) and "our Posterity" (of innocent correlation) first.

Rocco म्हणाले...

Yancey Ward said...
"Shouldn't it be 'A UK judge', not 'An UK judge'?"

Yup. The use of a/an is determined by how the following word is pronounced, not how it is spelled. That is why you call for an Uber, but play a ukelele.

This applies to acronyms, too. For example, someone may get an SSI supplement.

The only way it should be "An UK judge" is if someone is pronouncing "UK" as "ooo kay".

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

“ Shouldn't it be "A UK judge", not "An UK judge"?”

Yes. Just a typo. Fixed.

It’s not as though I pronounce it “uck.”

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

It would be fair to pronounce it that way, at least these days.

iowan2 म्हणाले...

We invest entirely too much energy for such a tiny number of people.

If you eliminate the social contagion sweeping through the under 21 age group, true trans people are statistically indistinguishable from zero, I don't give a rip where those few pee.
Athletics will get their head out their keisters soon, and Chicks with Dicks will become a non issue competitively. For a couple of freaks that insist on swinging their meat in the women's locker room at the gym, I recommend the ladies unleash their inner mean girl and heckle him out of the room. He set the tone by swinging his junk. Return the rudeness in spades. The poor low esteem soul will turn tail and run.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"For a couple of freaks that insist on swinging their meat in the women's locker room at the gym, I recommend the ladies unleash their inner mean girl and heckle him out of the room. He set the tone by swinging his junk. Return the rudeness in spades."

Everywhere you go, you hear that a woman can do anything a man can do. If a transman (is that even a word?) disrupted men's teams the way transwomen do on the women's team, they'd get the shit beat out of them.

Ball's (in more than one way) in your court, ladies.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

rhhardin @ 10:13 AM,

It's easier to remember that 'trans' is just a new, and unnecessary, synonym for

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

Having a trans judge who worries where He/She/it/them urinates is just like a Roman on vacation in Pompeii. Universal matters are more meaningful than your personal problem.

The UK intentionally created a primogeniture society so that the second sons would inherit nothing and would be forced to go to the colonies to hungrily earn wealth in Empire. England was badass. But WW1/2 killed all the badasses. The strong were killed off and the weak are in charge. In charge of law enforcement.

Perhaps I read too much Wareham.

The weak English male is seeing the ancient pattern. Conan the Barbarian arrives to replace the civilized King Charles type weak minded English X chromosomes with Conan's own Xes, he wants to do the girls and off the boys. Only English women are valuable. ( See Rotherham). English men, not viable, unless thralls. No Muslim wants to bufu a male.

On the Scots and Irish. I am an ethnic Scot. But after the '45 in Culloden all the badass Scots were killed or sent overseas; to make the greatest fighting republics in the world! Goddamitt! The only thing left in Scotland is the weak communist leftovers. Even so in Ireland, (sob). Ireland Hates Jews.

Don't get me started on the Spanish. Italians? smart folks who loved family, our cosa nostra.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

“ Conan the Barbarian arrives to replace the civilized King Charles type weak minded English X chromosomes with Conan's own Xes, ”. Error, Y chromosomes. I am not a geneticist.

PM म्हणाले...

Well if you put it that way, go ahead and pee in the front of the bus.