Over the course of the next several weeks, Biden should do four lengthy sitdown interviews with “non-friendly” sources....
For instance, Biden could pick... • A lengthy sitdown interview with the Washington bureaus of the New York Times or Washington Post. • An interview with 60 Minutes.... • An interview with some sort of center-right print or digital outlet... say the Wall Street Journal op-ed page.... • Wild card.... Go on Ezra Klein's podcast? Go on Rogan? Just kidding, I think. But Bernie Sanders did it....
This really isn't too much to ask.
Yeah, of course, it's not too much to ask, but I think we all know in our heart it is too much for him to do. It's hard to picture him even doing 2 of these things. Or one.
And the timing is urgent because he and his inner circle have to make sure that he's really up for a second term and that this is the best option for Democrats.
Why is it suddenly "urgent"? It's a chronic problem and Democrats have been plodding slowly into it for over a year. I think at this point, the best path is to silently endure his collection of delegates. After that, Democrats have until the August convention to devise a nomination for the best candidate. Biden can gracefully withdraw at the best time. There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him. Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time. May I presume this is in the works?
१७४ टिप्पण्या:
May I presume this is in the works?
Probably not. You have too much respect for Democrats, Althouse, none of it properly earned.
This continues the drip drip drip of evidence that Trump Derangement Syndrome is fading, per the realization that knee-jerk opposition to him led to a pyrrhic victory. The anti-Trump people were warned a million times, but you can't reason with amoral predatory greedy control freaks who lack self awareness (i.e., the entire D.C. lizard establishment).
After that, Democrats have until the August convention to devise a nomination for the best candidate.
Problem is there is no "best candidate". They have nothing, the bench is empty, they traded away their next 2 elections of first, second, and third round draft picks. There is no "there" there today, tomorrow, and into the foreseeable future.
That does not mean that for the Democrats all is lost. They will just scam their way into power as they have always done. Just don't delude yourself that anyone of any substance or quality will be driving this train.
I’m not hearing a case as to why he will be replaced. This is just more leftie fantasy. Now lie back and think of Barack…
“And the timing is urgent because he and his inner circle have to make sure that he's really up for a second term and that this is the best option for Democrats.”
Everyone knows the answer to these two issues. We know he’s not up for a second term. He is the best option for Democrats. They’ve done nothing to build a bench. Those that are in the wings have a lot of baggage because of bad Democrat policies.
The Democrats should just concede the Presidential race now, followed up by rescinding all indictments against Trump. Think of all the MAGA good will it will garner.
Here's another challenge: would you trust Joe Biden to be your driver for an hour long trip... say from Arlington to D.C.? Without getting lost or in a traffic accident?
The answers to this question would be *most* revealing.
If Joe does any lengthy interviews, even friendly ones, it will need to be hours long to get 15 minutes of good tape. Nate "I've been right once" Silver is wrong again.
Maybe what he's actually suggesting here is a media whitewash. Non-friendly sources? Give me a break. The only non-friendly listed is Joe Rogan and the only reason he was named is to make it seem the others are in the same category. They aren't.
his inner circle have to make sure that he's really up for a second term
Do they?
Like they don't already know? How could they not know? And why would they tell the truth? What a bunch of crap.
If Biden can’t do a Joe Rogan interview, he’s not fit for office.
"May I presume this is in the works?"
It MAY be in the works, but the follow up questions are:
-- Has Joe (and/or Dr. Jill) been told it's in the works?
-- If Joe HAS been told, does he remember being told it's in the works?
Yeah, of course, it's not too much to ask, but I think we all know in our heart it is too much for him to do.
This statement surprises me. My admittedly imperfect memory is that every recent post centered on the Biden mental decay, has resulted in Althouse saying, essentially, "this doesn't look so bad" or similar. Yet today "we all know" he isn't up to even one normal interview. Has there been some startling new evidence since the disastrous "how dare the Special Counsel!" evening address? Are the cumulative reports about how every damned thing he asserted in that evening address was an outright lie easily disproved ("I kept everything in locked cabinets!"), a misdirection ("He had no right to bring Beau into this!") meant to leave a false impression Joe is a victim or a spontaneous and illogical utterance ("You don't represent the press!") finally starting to turn Althouse's opinion on Biden's mental competence?
Or have we all "known in our heart" for a long time? Nate is a serious guy. Maybe his column was simply that effective.
Biden should do four lengthy sitdown interviews with “non-friendly” sources....
How about.. Have resident Biden sitdown, and read a book out loud, on camera.. for 30 minutes
(i was going to say one hour.. be WE ALL KNOW, that THAT would be Impossible)
30 minutes.. Reading.. Shouldn't be too hard..
Serious Questions..
What was the LONGEST Time resident Biden has talked.. in the last year?
WHEN was the LAST Time resident Biden talked for an hour? 30 minutes? 15? 10?
"May I presume this is in the works?"
One would hope. Are there enough responsible people within the party structure, not wedded to careers that will be aided by another Biden term, who will do what is right for the nation rather than what is good for their careers in the next four years?
The answer to that question will determine what happens. Will the DNC be telling Democrats to ignore their lying eyes and ears in October and just do what must be done and shut up?
If so, I can't see how they will win. That said, I see a lot of things happen that make no sense to me and that I never saw coming. My question is whether it is that the insiders are that clueless regarding the weakness of their strategy, or whether they are simply that contemptuous of everyone not in their club?
Let’s assume that the dems succeed in getting Biden off the ballot, then what? Will the next dem president have a different agenda or just continue with the same Biden policies. I don’t see any dem that’s going to go in a different direction. Same policies, same agenda, same puppet masters, same open boarders, same America last. The only difference might be a more coherent articulate puppet. Nothing else will change.
the best path is to silently endure his collection of delegates. After that, Democrats have until the August convention to devise a nomination for the best candidate. Biden can gracefully withdraw at the best time. There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him. Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time. May I presume this is in the works?
resident Biden is going to be found DEAD (probably of Covid).. The 1st night of the convention.
The nation will mourn.. and then rally behind Moochelle O'Bama; who will receive 104% of the vote
It's a chronic problem and Democrats have been plodding slowly into it for over a year.
They’ve been denying it’s a problem longer than that.
If there weren’t an election happening, they’d still be denying it.
Dems know he can't be the candidate but they have to deal with Kamala and even then, none of the next likely candidates (Newsom, Hochul, Michelle) are polling well vs. Trump. Their only alternative may be some "black swan" event they can use as a pretext to suspend the election. Imagine the necessary scale of such an "event". Why, it would have to be something like a breakdown of civil order triggered by, say, millions of military-age male illegal aliens wreaking havoc such has been going on in Europe.
The reason to vote against Biden is the whole left, not just Biden. The swamp, to put it simply.
"...replace him at the optimal time."
Ha ha, 'optimal time.' When voters have nothing to say about it.
No fucking respect. None.
There are two reasons why replacing him is not in the works:
1. The people behind the administration (including Edith) don’t want to give up their power. If he steps aside President Harris’ first act will be to conduct her own “Night of the Bloody Knives” and purge the White House of all the Biden loyalists. The Biden people (especially Edith) want to hold on to power. If , in order to maintain it, they need to abuse an old demented man, well, that is a small price to pay for a worthy cause.
2. Kamala Harris is not going to fade quietly into the night.
Or alternatively, the people currently making the decisions - whoever they are - might be 'just fine' with the arrangement as it stands. Have you listened to the Mike Benz podcast yet, with Carlson? Pretty interesting listening.....
Why would Silver suggest Dementia Joe do lengthy interviews? Hard core idiot John Harwood writes the following: "Ask yourself why Biden, who is stipulated #Old, has managed to helm the most successful presidency in modern history." Look no further Nate, the proof is in the (tapioca) pudding.
I'm seriously concerned about the upcoming State of the Union Address on March 7.
With the right coaching and medications, Joe could have an awesome evening and far exceed expectations. However, any glitch or fogginess would not only endanger his re-election, but further signal to our competitors and enemies abroad that the weakest member of the heard is ready to be taken down in any number of ways.
The next 8-10 months are a very dangerous time for our nation.
Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time.
Do you really think that Joe Biden is deserving of respect?
This is why the prospects for the USA are so depressing.
"Treat him with respect"
From a Dem point of view, perhaps. But what has he done to earn repsect from the rest of us?
"May I presume this is in the works?"
Yes, but it's not a sure thing. So far, as the post itself suggests, progs care about the competency issue strictly as a matter of electoral calculation. Having a demented figurehead in the WH serves them well. Dems go along and play defense. Nice women focus on abortion and Orange Man Bad. So far, so good. But old age is a bitch. For that, even Dr. Jill has no remedy.
Dr. Jill Dr. First Lady will never allow Bribe me! Biden to withdraw. That would derive her of the pleasure of another 4 years as being Dr. Jill Dr. First Lady. Of course, she believes Bribe me! will win another 4 years of being Potatus in Chief.
Bribe me! is done with destroying the USA, so he definitely deserves another four years. So believes the Party of Barbarism, aka, the Democrat Party. It's all so the Barbarians can rule over the poor, normal saps while enjoying their Chardonnay spritzers.
WHEN was the LAST Time resident Biden talked for an hour? 30 minutes? 15? 10?
SOTU is coming up.
Good luck getting the car keys out of Grandpa’s (handlers’) hands.
@GuyFromNH: Here's another challenge: would you trust Joe Biden to be your driver for an hour long trip... say from Arlington to D.C.? Without getting lost or in a traffic accident?
Arlington is literally just across the Potomac River and it abuts DC, so that's more like a 10 to 30 minute drive across one of several bridges. But no, I'd not trust Joe because there are too many short merge areas, left-lane exits, tricky diagonal intersections, and homicidal drivers in that region.
The bridges are north and south of GPS: 38°52'58.6"N 77°03'29.0"W
I'd not trust half of the drivers in the country used to small town or suburban roads to drive through D.C. (or Chicago or Manhattan or on many LA freeways). I'd not trust 90% of those over age 70, including Joe. Some states require annual driving tests after 70 or a specific age...some US Presidents not named Joe Biden also consented to cognitive mental evaluations too...
"May I presume this is in the works?"
Depends on Biden wanting to retire. Only 50/50 on that
There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him.
He's been lying about things for quite a while. I disagree.
Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time.
Him first. I'm a pony-soldier, deplorable, MAGA fascist, remember?
May I presume this is in the works?
You may presume anything you wish.
Man up, Biden. Take a test of your cognitive capabilities.
For starters…
Todd said...
"Problem is there is no 'best candidate'. [The Democrats] have nothing, the bench is empty, they traded away their next 2 elections of first, second, and third round draft picks. There is no 'there' there today, tomorrow, and into the foreseeable future."
So the democrats are basically the Cleveland Browns who have limited draft capital from 2022 through this year and are stuck with Deshaun Watson until 2027 no matter what.
Nate Silver said… Over the course of the next several weeks, Biden should do four lengthy sitdown interviews with “non-friendly” sources....
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Good one, Nate! The NY Times, Washington Post, and 60 Minutes are very friendly to Biden. Only a far lefty would consider those 3 media outlets as “non-friendly….
Now, if Nate had said that Trump or Haley should sit down with those 3 “non-friendly” outlets, his sentence would make total sense.
The list of ‘non-friendly’ sources…holy crap…
AMDG said...
"Kamala Harris is not going to fade quietly into the night."
True. Hopefully she will giggle her way into the night, though.
The NYT and the WaPo are non-friendly? 60 Minutes too? This is a pretty low bar for a Democrat.
I don't understand. Silver can't really think the NYT, WaPo, and 60 minutes are non-friendly sources.
Ronald Reagan, 1984.
The problem is that they have rigged the primaries to install Biden, locking out all opponents. Very banana republic stuff here. But it has become obvious that democrats want banana republics.
Whoever is really in charge is trying to figure out how to stay in charge.
“Treat him with respect.” For what? Lying about Trump and Charlottesville? Putting your commenters, Ann, on a terrorist watch list? Allowing the border to become a free pass into the US? Allowing the Russians to enter Ukraine? Shutting down Keystone pipeline the first day of his presidency thus signaling a war on fossil fuels which gave us $4.00 a gallon gas? Creating a culture where boys win state championships in girls track? Inflation, inflation, inflation?
This man deserves contempt, not respect.
No Fox News? LOL. That list is all Democrat mob-friendly.
"There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him. Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time."
There is every reason to do this. Joe Biden has always been a piece of human garbage. He needs to be TOTALLY degraded and humiliated. I want to see him with a pants load weeping and raging like Captain Queeg. Exposed for all his and his families graft. Fuck him. No bon voyage, no Presidential library.
Biden wouldn't have to do all that interviewing. Just make it a public feed of video, live-on-air, as he takes that Montreal Cognitive Assessment test,
AMDG is correct.
Biden will be the nominee. Get used to it. The power brokers and mobsters propping him up need all the crapola he has delivered and more.
(tho - who is Edith?)
If we someone to vote FOR - who could speak like an adult - Biden would be finished.
When was the last time Trump did a lengthy sit-down with a non-friendly source? And don't feed me a bullshit answer like, "no one is questioning Trump's fitness for office, after all he aced that cognitive test, he could identify a line drawing of a whale!"
I love that all the outlets he names are characterized as being unfriendly. The only one that would qualify in his list would be if James Taranto, ed page editor of the Journal, conducts the interview.
Whoever does the interview could use the Super Bowl Tic Tok format. Border, open or closed? Top Secret documents, keep in garage or not? Allow him to comment for as long as he likes after every response. It would be comedy gold!
Bernie Sanders time has come round at last.
The DNC can no longer control Joe. They are giving him the Bernie Sanders treatment. I think it's going to be Gavin. Young, handsome thin with psychopathic ambition and a silver tongue. He'll eviscerate Donald on the he debate stage then will make all the moves the Davos billionaires demand.
GuyFromNH said...
Here's another challenge: would you trust Joe Biden to be your driver for an hour long trip.
when was the last time resident Biden drove a vehicle ? I assume it was:
Biden floors electric Ford truck in test drive as he pushes infrastructure plan
resident Joe Biden gave the public a rare visual of a president behind a steering wheel.
Biden drove the electric truck through an empty lot.. a Secret Service agent alongside.
One lap around an empty lot.. with a Secret Service agent to supervise and call turns (and steer?)
When was the last time Joe drove his Corvette?
How FAR did he drive it? To the end of the driveway? To the end of the block?
Does he Even HAVE a drivers license? If So, HOW did he get it?
There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him. Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time.
Not sure about this one. Biden's always been a typical political self-serving, corrupt, dishonest, thin-skinned ass. For that reason, he gets nothing from me.
Nevertheless, I also think he's mentally challenged and has been manipulated and medicated for the last few years. Going after him now wouldn't seem fair in some sense.
But I'd still be okay with it. Mostly.
Democrats have until the August convention to devise a nomination for the best candidate. Biden can gracefully withdraw at the best time. There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him. Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time.
Like I've said. If I were Biden, I'd hire a food taster. Neither Biden nor Kamala will be on the November ballot for Democrats.
Democrats aren't interested in the "best candidate". They are only interested in nominating a figure head that will continue on the current path. Open southern border. Escalating war in Europe. Pushing transgender bullshit on children.
They'll pick Gavin Newsome. He's a panty dropper and they need to hold on to college educated white women. But, that's assuming the vote is clean in the corrupt swing states. (GA, PA, WI, MI, AZ, NV)
Biden accepted the Presidency knowing full well he was installed and not elected. I don't understand the need for 'respect'. He falsely vilified all Trump voters and the "unvaccinated". Joe Biden is a pox upon America.
Blogger AMDG said...
2. Kamala Harris is not going to fade quietly into the night.
Kamala will do exactly what she is told to do. She is not a leader of intellect and courage. She was a DEI pick meant to do NOTHING and she has fulfilled that role as assigned. Especially on the Southern Border.
Her biggest moment was going to Europe and "recognizing" Ukraine's "right" to join NATO.
She was used as a pawn to start a war. Did what she was told to do.
The background assumption of those who yearn for some sort of immaculate substitution of Biden with Candidate ??? is that the American public can be manipulated into the belief that they're not being cheated.
Won't people notice that the real power is being exercised by an unelected cabal? If not, we have a big problem.
Well, then. Let's the rest of us start degrading and humiliating Michelle Obama right now.
Without the backdrop of COVID to flood the system with fraudulent absentee ballots, and provide corrupt swing states with the ability to circumvent their own election integrity laws, the 2020 fraud becomes more difficult in 2024.
From that I can only conclude some other event will be released upon us and the world.
At the end of 2023 CBS Reporter Catherine Herridge predicted live on air that there would be a "black swan" event in 2024.
She has since been fired by CBS. Follow the trajectory.
I hope you are right. I worry about the Fetterman Defense, that Joe has a brilliant functioning brain but is merely impaired in expression. “Experts say so”
Election interference by avoiding elections!!! The Dems, and our hostess, never stop improvising!!! "Primaries???? We don't need no stinkin primaries!!"
Is Biden up for a second term? No. The simple fact of the matter is he has never been up to his first term. No one can watch him for any length of time and truthfully say that Biden is up to the job of being president or that he's the guy you can trust with the nuclear football. Whomever it is that's actually running things in the White House (most likely Barack Obama) is using Biden as a figurehead, and he's already failing at that. Since they've proven that the figurehead doesn't need to actually be able to do the job, my guess is that Biden will announce that he is no longer running for president but will serve out the remainder of his term (as LBJ did in 1968). No one wants Kamala Harris, so they'll need to pick some other female POC to be the figurehead. To me, the most likely answer is Michelle Obama.
If lickspittle Bennet now feels free to openly disagree with "Biden's" (or whose?) current, restrictive, natural gas policy, it may [finally?!] indicate [figurative] open season on the president.
I'd love to see a reporter toss Biden a softball like, "What is 8 times 7?" The answer would involve Beau's death in combat and Joe's strong support of a secure border and would be no closer to correct than maybe "mint chocolate chip" at best.
This is all so absurd. Biden was too old in 2020. He was protected by the Democrat party and the news media. He used covoid as an excuse to avoid making speeches, and almost never faced a tough question. Weeks would go by with nothing more than a canned speech with him reading from a telepromter.
Now, he's so feeble and senile he can barely talk. But he's the Demcorats leader until biden decides he wants to step down. Biden will make that decision - not Nate Silver or the NYTs. Basically, the Democrat Party functions this way: The average Democrat voter leaves the "personnel decisions" to the leadership. They limit themselves to voting D every 2 years. There is no grass root opposition to ANYTHING the leadership does. But the leadership is controlled by Biden and his friends. So, he's the guy, until he decides otherwise. And replacement will be Harris. She's been selected as the successor.
This is all so absurd. Biden was too old in 2020. He was protected by the Democrat party and the news media. He used covoid as an excuse to avoid making speeches, and almost never faced a tough question. Weeks would go by with nothing more than a canned speech with him reading from a telepromter.
Now, he's so feeble and senile he can barely talk. But he's the Demcorats leader until biden decides he wants to step down. Biden will make that decision - not Nate Silver or the NYTs. Basically, the Democrat Party functions this way: The average Democrat voter leaves the "personnel decisions" to the leadership. They limit themselves to voting D every 2 years. There is no grass root opposition to ANYTHING the leadership does. But the leadership is controlled by Biden and his friends. So, he's the guy, until he decides otherwise. And replacement will be Harris. She's been selected as the successor.
I have been surfing left-wing newsblogs, most notably the Drudge Report and Yahoo News. It is remarkable how they skew the news to the left by their choice and placement of articles and the excessive negative "coverage" of Trump. Most striking are the comments at Yahoo. Not only are the commenters uncivil, they are ignorant and/or in denial.
Most important within the context of this post is that hatred of Trump and Republicans and, for now, Russia, completely alleviate the need for critical thinking. Couple that with active censorship by comments editors and you have a solidification of the TDS hivemind. It is unimportant that Biden is senile and Democrat policies are destabilizing the country these people will never vote for Trump and will not stop hating those who do.
Combine them with the victim groups, people who actually agree with Democrats and voter fraud and there seems to be no path for victory for Trump, particularly if Biden is replaced. The scenario posed by Althouse seems a plausible means by which he might be moved aside.
would you trust Joe Biden to be your driver for an hour long trip.
Heh. Imagine Trump in that situation. Turning to look at you while hurtling down the highway, and taking his hands off the wheel to gesture. Arguing with the GPS. High-fiving pedestrians while stopped at a light. Careening across three lanes because he saw a Taco Bell coming up. It would be like letting your dog drive.
The leftmediaswine are worth upward of 30 points against Trump regardless of his opponent. They are worth 20+ points against any other Republican.
I found the way Silver put "non-friendly" with the scare quotes interesting- I interpreted this to mean that Silver understands that none of those except for, possibly, Joe Rogan are actually non-friendly to the Biden Presidency.
" Treat him with respect..."
How about treating him with the respect he's earned and deserved? Does that work?
The ironic thing about Joe Biden is that he is hanging on while the extent of his bribe taking is slowly being uncovered. He thinks he can get away with "malarkey" and "show me the money".
Anyone who still believes the Joe Biden wasn't selling favors for bribes for him and his family must still believe in the tooth fairy. (I'm somewhat surprised at the extent that Althouse has avoided discussions on the continuing revelations.)
His risk is that it will finally become irrefutable and his number 14 rank will crash to the bottom as he becomes the most corrupt president ever. If the democrats really want to flush him, all they have to do is be "shocked, I'm shocked to find gambling, whoops I mean corruption here".
"this is the best option for Democrats."
As opposed to Biden's opponent, who wants the best option for Americans.
Only Obama can do what Althouse is contemplating. Biden listens to Obama.
If Obama doesn’t do this, asks Biden to step aside, is because he’s already in charge and Biden is much better for him on that score than any other alternative.
Let's put Biden on for an hour mano a mano with Victor Davis Hanson. Make it a pay per view.
Oh come on Tom T at 0942---your parade of horrors with Trump as driver left out the possibility of him lifting his leg and peeing on the rear passenger side tire.
But seriously--am I going to get in the passenger seat with Biden as driver? I mean Team Biden has been the driver of the nation for the last three years and the results aren't pretty.
I'll take my chances with the Bad Orange Man. I probably won't arrive dinged up all that much.
Freder - Trump used to sit down with leftists all the time.
Leslie Stahl. etc...
Would you prefer a president that can be held accountable for their actions, or one that can never.
Then again, if the election lasts for weeks, like the last time, this discussion is… perfunctorially superfluous.
Biden will bunker up... his puppet masters would never ever let him debate Trump or anyone else on a podium... just to many gaffs, memory lapses, and doddering on the stage to show the nation in real time.
Only real question is.. if they decide to ditch Biden they need to do it now.. but see.. Biden himself does not want to leave power.. neither does 'Doctor' Jill. They have Hunter to protect.
Trump in 2024 (but I'd take DeSantis if he was substituted!)
"When was the last time Trump did a lengthy sit-down with a non-friendly source?"
“non-friendly sources”
NYT, WAPO and 60 Minutes are effectively arms of the DNC. By this estimation the only “non-friendly” missing from the list is Morning Joe.
Which of those entities is 'non-friendly'?
Even the WSJ has swung left these days, having always been very pro-open border.
How about just do a debate with Trump the second Trump secures the nomination, even if it's this month or next.
Of course, as to the choice of moderator...
Althouse: "There's no reason to put [Biden] to the test and degrade or humiliate him. Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time."
Sorry, not sorry. There's no rational or moral basis for treating Biden with respect. Over the course of a lengthy public life, he has clearly shown himself to be a vile, bitter, pedophile grifter who wouldn't recognize empathy for others if it bit him on the ass, or give a rip for the interests of the United States. Yes, you can trust Joe to fuck things up, but the only reason he's in this situation in the first place is because of his power-hungry elder abuser, "Dr." Jill, and a staff that's fearful their rightful place among the elite will be forsaken if the Biden family had done the right thing and let him just go home to Delaware to await the end.
"It would be like letting your dog drive."
It sounds like more fun than careening into crowds of pedestrians and then later on being forced by his thugs to back up his story that the pedestrians jumped in front of the car.
"When was the last time Trump did a lengthy sit-down with a non-friendly source"
OMG Freder.
A defiant former President Donald Trump sparred with new "Meet the Press" moderator Kristen Welker for more than an hour this week at his Bedminster, New Jersey, estate, battling over his array of legal issues and his role in the Jan. 6 attack, ...
Last September, and this is just the first one that came up on my web search.
The saddest thing about this is that liberals don't care if Biden is a vegetable.
Low-IQ sycophants like Freder will vote for him anyway.
They don't care that Biden can't do the daily commuter crossword puzzle, or remember what he had for dinner last night.
They know the massive, socialist apparatus of the federal government will goose-step forward no matter who is in charge.
It's all about power and advancing socialism.
A stark reminder.
If reelected, Biden will be 86 years old if he finishes his second term.
Four years from NINETY.
Feeder Frederson asked when Trump last did an interview with non friendly media. I don’t know if he’s done one since but he did Meet The Press on NBC in September 2023, so 5 months ago.
I don't see how sitting down with the fellating NYTimes or WaPost will do anything convincing. Ditto 60 Minutes.
This is, after all, a candidate who campaigned in 2020 from his basement. He is used to being coddled completely by the Media. I don't see that changing. If he sat down with 60 Minutes all the questions would be a la "How bad is Donald Trump?"
Do you really think that Joe Biden is deserving of respect?
No. But the office he holds is.
Nate Silver is part of the cabal to force Biden out of the race.
He'll make his announcement at the convention and the party bosses will pick the new candidate.
A new candidate will make it easier to claim victory.
Freder Frederson said...
When was the last time Trump did a lengthy sit-down with a non-friendly source? And don't feed me a bullshit answer like, "no one is questioning Trump's fitness for office, after all he aced that cognitive test, he could identify a line drawing of a whale!"
2/20/24, 8:43 AM
Trump did a CNN townhall with Caitlin Collins on May 11th 2023. WHEN was the last time Joe did ANY type of townhall or sit down with a non friendly source...ever??
Other than Rogan, I am NOT seeing an "unfriendly" media organization listed. How about sitting down with Tucker?
"Treat him with respect and replace him at the optimal time."
I don't understand a lot of the comments above. This was obviously advice for how Democrats should approach getting rid of Joe.
I certainly am in the camp thinking Joe deserves little to no respect from the right. But what would the left gain by doing an abrupt 180 and crushing Biden publicly?
I would love to see all candidates face tough questioning. I'm not so sure Trump's noodle isn't pretty scrambled as well. Confusing Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi is a pretty senile-guy mistake.
Other than Rogan, which of these are "unfriendly" to him? How about sitting down with Tucker Carlson for an hour?
Tom T. said...
"Heh. Imagine Trump [being your driver for an hour long trip]. Turning to look at you while hurtling down the highway, and taking his hands off the wheel to gesture."
If your hands aren't moving, you aren't talking.
"Arguing with the GPS."
So he would be providing a ride AND entertainment. Dinner and a show.
"High-fiving pedestrians while stopped at a light."
"Careening across three lanes because he saw a Taco Bell coming up."
Not Mickey D's?
"It would be like letting your dog drive."
My dog is dead, so she can't drive. She probably does vote Democrat, though.
When was the last time Trump did a lengthy sit-down with a non-friendly source?
Let's compare. By this time in his term Trump had done over 300, almost every day he was confronted with a hostile, shouting, rude press corps. He did Three times the "interviews" Biden has done, which have been 95% of the time short, edited, and none-mainstream sources.
Having a puppet figurehead directed by a group of progressives is a dream scenario for DNC leadership. They won’t want to give that up easily. If they do decide to jettison Joe, they will look for a similar replacement. At this point my guess is leaning toward Kamala. Here’s a candidate that seems to be a progressive blank slate whose only concern is being “positioned for success”.
The idea that Kamala can’t win in ridiculous. The minute she was installed she would receive a massive cash advantage as well as an avalanche of positive media support the likes that have never been seen in US politics. Any skeptical Democrats would eventually fall in line out of sheer relief that Joe, and his stutter, were out of the picture.
I believe Michelle Obama is the only potential wildcard. If she decides to run, the job will be hers.
No matter which way this plays out, I see no way Democrat voters will be allowed to choose their candidate.
When was the last time Joe drove his Corvette?
With Jay Leno two years ago on a closed course. And it counts as one of the "100 interviews" Joe has done. It was just like Trump's daily gaggle, right?
I hadn't thought about the State of the Union until seeing these comments. I worry his heart will give out during the speech because they're going to pump him so full of uppers. I'm being serious. His deterioration in the past year is noticable.
I have been surfing left-wing newsblogs, most notably the Drudge Report and Yahoo News.
Since when is Drudge left-wing?!
NYT and WAPO are non-friendly to Biden?
in what parallel universe is that?
If Biden was in full control of his faculties, which he obviously is not, I'm not sure this would help. Biden is a pathological liar to the point he makes up lies that are blatantly obvious and he actually believes them, his policy positions are almost always wrong and often baffling dumb, and when he gets flustered he usually resorts to threats. If the media was not covering for him, he would never get away with this.
The best bet of Biden's handlers is the press will continue to let him get away with it. At this point I am not sure that is a good bet, but it is probably better than the alternatives. The press is going to let some Democrat get away with it, and it could be him.
Donna Quixote stays in the race!
"Everybody knows."
There's one guy who doesn't know - Joe Biden.
He may have an extreme medical/mental setback between now and then which changes his mind but as of now there is no evidence that he has any plans to "gracefully" withdraw or thinks that he should.
When was the last time Trump did a lengthy sit-down with a non-friendly source?
Sept 2023 Meet the Press
Nov 2023 Univision
Jan 2024 ABC
Just a quick check you could have done yourself. Trump has a reputation for doing interviews with adversarial press. He gets a lot of flack for it. Not sure why he does it. Compare/contrast. You guys planning on pulling Acosta out of obscurity when Trump is elected?
"There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him. Treat him with respect ..."
How about he be treated with the same respect shown DJT? brandon has earned nothing if even that. So, FJB.
Since when is Drudge left-wing?!
Ever since Margaret Otto a left wing activist bought it in 2018. You are buried pretty deep in your bubble aren't you?
hombre at 9:40 followed immediately by Tom T. at 9:42 deserves some sort of recognition when the history of the internet is written.
'Since when is Drudge left-wing?!'
Demonstrating your never-ending stupidity, Drudge has been left-wing never-Trump for many years now.
Go away and let the adults talk.
"Since when is Drudge left-wing?!"
It's possible that Freder has grown too old for the job and we should allow him to withdraw gracefully from commenting.
A first class medical is required for pilots who exercise airline transport pilot (ATP) privileges; that is, those flying scheduled airliners and other pilots whose employers require this level of certification. A first class medical is valid for ATP privileges for twelve months for pilots under age 40. Pilots who are age 40 and older must renew First class medical certificates every six months.
(Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association)
Shouldn't the President and Commander in Chief be required to do the same?
It just seems like we are all playing make believe. The trajectory of the 2020 voter fraud started way before the summer of 2020. At least as early of March 2020 when "you might die" if you voted in the spring WI primary.
I'd say odds on favorite to be installed after Biden is Gavin Newsome. He's and empty arrogant prick, but women will like him.
Does the country REALLY want to be California? Madison, WI does. Minneapolis does. Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta already are.
Nikki Haley is staying in the race on the hope that Trump get thrown in jail, or they can somehow rob Trump/MAGA of the GOP nomination.
There is no aspect of Joe Biden and his supporters that I can respect.
A first class medical is required for pilots who exercise airline transport pilot (ATP) privileges; that is, those flying scheduled airliners and other pilots whose employers require this level of certification. A first class medical is valid for ATP privileges for twelve months for pilots under age 40. Pilots who are age 40 and older must renew First class medical certificates every six months.
(Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association)
Shouldn't the President and Commander in Chief be required to do the same?
It would really be fun to see him do three hours with Rogan.
Since when is Drudge left-wing?!
Around 2018. You must not visit that site at all.
Degradation and humiliation is a punishment exclusively reserved for conservatives.
Depends on Biden wanting to retire. Only 50/50 on that
Doctors say that Nordberg has a 50/50 chance of living, though there's only a 10 percent chance of that.
All questions that devolve back to one answer: because this is politics.
Barring an accident or stroke, you don't just wake up one day with severe mental decline. Biden knew a long time ago that this was coming. He made the choice to be where he is while he was still relatively competent, by both personal and legal definitions, but most importantly, in terms of politics.
He chose to lie to voters, and now he has trouble maintaining that lie. But it is what he chose.
At this point, legally, what his handlers are doing to him, clearly with some form of methamphetamine that dilates his pupils massively for short periods of time, might be ruled in a court of law as a form of elder abuse.
But this isn't a court of law. It's politics.
If you pity him, agitate that he be evaluated by medical professionals and protected from those who are potentially now committing elder abuse to keep the racket going. That extremely minor point aside, it isn't about Joe Biden's feelings: it is about politics and it is about a political system that lies to its people every day, including lies Biden himself continues to tell.
The only relevant context is politics.
Best Biden interview question: I'm going to give you three words I want you to remember: apple, cup, bench - now could you draw me a clock showing the time is 3:40?
~ Gordon Pasha said...
Let's put Biden on for an hour mano a mano with Victor Davis Hanson. Make it a pay per view.
2/20/24, 9:52 AM
Sh*t, he couldn't last 30 minutes doing a one-on-one with me without going all "deranged grampa" and I am nobody. I do have a couple/few questions I WOULD love to ask him.
Crap, I could pick a dozen different better interview options just from the commenters on this blog that would be better than that ridiculous list!
"May I presume this is in the works?"
Of course it is, just wait until August by which time it will be too late for Democrat voters to repudiate it.
Biggest issue is to choose a candidate that will allow the puppet masters to retain the hig level of control that they have enjoyed over the past few years. This means that the candidate will be one of them.
Not too hard to figure our who it is, even though she denies any interest. The only problem is dealing with Kamala.
Feeder Frederson asked when Trump last did an interview with non friendly media.
In addition to doing such interviews, which were noted above in the comments, Trump frequently does rallies where he speaks extemporaneously for an hour or more, with command of facts, self deprecating humor, and a ton of bravado.
Other than his "I am not senile!" rant (in which he came off as very senile), when have you seen anything of Joe Biden speaking for more than one or two full sentences that didn't involve quick cuts and edits galore?
LOL, Freder! I guess I can cut you some slack- Drudge was so right wing you probably never visited it when it was and continued that practice to the present day, but if you really were unaware of its abrupt change in political orientation in 2018, that shows you don't actually do much reading outside a very narrow range of publications. Seriously, even moderate left commentators have commented on the change at Drudge.
When an answer isn't what Freder wants it to be, he selectively forgets what Google is.
Sure, the DNC would like to quietly euthanize the Biden candidacy, and doing so respectively might be the best way to accomplish it without Biden spitting out the pills, but I am looking forward to the day when Biden has shit running down in legs in public or trips and falls and dies. Then I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh.........
Has Donald Trump done an interview with Joe Rogan?
Joe Biden could go on with Jon Stewart. Hasn’t Jon Stewart effectively laid the groundwork? He’ll have to wait a few weeks to when last week’s remarks are still warm but not piping hot. This could be like the birth certificate. Joe Biden slow plays everyone into thinking he can’t do it, setting the expectations extremely low, and then he can’t help but exceed expectations.
I'd pay to see Joe debating Camille Paglia.
Drudge and Ann Coulter fell out hard against Trump when it became clear that he was neglecting the issue they consider most important: the border, though they both approved of his pro-life appointees. Drudge essentially turned his site over to handlers, slowed updates dramatically, and began promoting anti-Trump material. I think both Drudge and Coulter held their tongues somewhat until Rush died: the three of them were in common South Florida circles, and Rush was far more pro-Trump.
Drudge's autobiography is a weird, fun, and short read, btw. It's sort of amazing to consider bow much he changed the world of media while it was still resistant to change. No matter your political persuasion, his Press Club speeches are amazing.
Freder Frederson said...
I have been surfing left-wing newsblogs, most notably the Drudge Report and Yahoo News.
Since when is Drudge left-wing?!
2/20/24, 11:15 AM
WOW...YOU are really out of the loop. First you try to compare Trump to never doing interviews with non friendly journalists, like Joe Biden.... and NOW you are trying to claim Drudge didn't turn hard left
You should GO BACK TO SLEEP because we don't have to wonder WHY you are so ignorantly informed about what is going on in the country.
why not do Tucker Carlson interview > perfect as bookend to Putin interview
why not do Tucker Carlson interview > perfect as bookend to Putin interview
if Nate Silver has contact with reality that thought should be a simple pop up > first on list
If both Trump and Biden get the nominations and then debate (I can't picture it happening, but I can't picture it not happening, either), I'd like to see Trump go, "Joe, what city are we in right now?"
Ten to one Joe won't know.
I suppose the moderator would bail him out like the judge in My Cousin Vinny.
As for "Treat him with respect", I will treat Joe Biden with exactly the same amount of respect as Democrats have treated every Republican president for the last 50 years.
“Barring an accident or stroke, you don't just wake up one day with severe mental decline. Biden knew a long time ago that this was coming. He made the choice to be where he is while he was still relatively competent, by both personal and legal definitions, but most importantly, in terms of politics.”
Not really so sure about that. That you are sliding into senility requires a bit of self awareness. Reagan had it. But not everyone does. I know one guy who was not told that he was entering Alzheimer's, because of a worry that he would kill himself. I am not sure that I would tell his daughter. Moreover, I am not sure that she would remember being told. She doesn’t do inconvenient truths very well. Some people are just like that. Unfortunately, seeing a lot of this as my friends and cohorts work their way through their 70s.
Shouldn't the President and Commander in Chief be required to do the same?
only if he is going to fly the bombs that only he can launch and Kamala flies the plane so that color composition corresponds to original
Long form sit down interviews?
Biden wasn’t able to do 5 minutes for the huge Super Bowl interview.
Just admit you can’t spin dementia.
The last three months should be sending a message to voters. Dems think the voters will believe the spin. Near as l can tell. The Dems are successful in that lie.
"Washington bureaus of the New York Times or Washington Post. • An interview with 60 Minutes.... • An interview with some sort of center-right print or digital outlet..."
Non-friendly? These are the very people who put him in office and have assiduously covered up for him ever since.
I find it incredible how the leftist mind thinks, how it views the world around them. It truly is NEW YORK, and anything west of the Hudson is prairie. Or, from the other coast: San Francisco or Los Angeles, then bone-sucking, gap-toothed barbarians between them and their friends in Brooklyn.
"Washington bureaus of the New York Times or Washington Post. • An interview with 60 Minutes.... • An interview with some sort of center-right print or digital outlet..."
Non-friendly? These are the very people who put him in office and have assiduously covered up for him ever since.
I find it incredible how the leftist mind thinks, how it views the world around them. It truly is NEW YORK, and anything west of the Hudson is prairie. Or, from the other coast: San Francisco or Los Angeles, then bone-sucking, gap-toothed barbarians between them and their friends in Brooklyn.
A speedometer graphic shows that the President hit 118 mph in his Corvette, and while we have a suspicion that might not be completely accurate,
Ronald Reagan, 1984.
Yeah. 525-13.
Your point?
When was the last time Trump did a lengthy sit-down with a non-friendly source?
How 'bout they both sit down with the same, non-friendly source, Freder.
Would that be good enough for you?
Since when is Drudge left-wing?!
See, this is why nobody should ever take you seriously. Drudge has been left-wing for years now.
Nate Silver thinks of the NYT, WaPo and "60 Minutes" as "non-friendly" sources for Biden.
All you need to know about Nate Silver.
If Joe Biden collects the most delegates how are you going to get him to quit? He likes being president. Hebeen running for it for about 40 years. He makes William J. Bryan look like a quitter. Threaten to charge Hunter? Joe pardons everyone. Just install (fill in the blank)? Lots of primary voters aren't going to like that (why didn't you run, why'd you make us go through this)? They replace Joe and he goes "Bull Moose" and now what?
Lots if questions, lots of chaos.
Treat him with respect? What about treating us with respect? They keep pretending that everything is fine when it clearly isn't.
Sure it's in the works. But he has to say yes. So at least Jill has to say yes. But that might not be enough. Look at Biden's interview after the Special Counsel's report. That's a guy who wants to step down? The Bidens say no. How do you think you can make them? And there are plenty of White House staffers who are running the country and handling crises while Biden has five hours with the Special Counsel. No way do they have this job in the next administration. There's going to be a faction to back Joe up. I think the coup fails.
Thank you Sternhammer. Lots of confidence on the results, but few actually speculate on how the results happen other than "a shadowy powerful cabal decrees thus and such and results occur that I find particularly scary."
I know plot armor is a thing, but could someone actually show a reasonable path from point A to point Z that takes in the personalities involved?
MadisonMan points out, that...
SOTU is coming up.
interesting.. Any over unders on how long Joe's Speech will be?
Will he HAVE a speech? Or just mail it in? You do KNOW, that he's Tragically suffering from COVID.. right?
"A speedometer graphic shows that the President hit 118 mph in his Corvette..."
I had my Mercury Capri up to nearly 110 in the 70s. If Biden couldn't do any better than 118 with a Corvette, well- my opinion of him has fallen further, if that's even possible.
You are overlooking the Kamala problem, Ann.
"Presume" is a weasel word to avoid the easily mocked "assume."
Nevertheless, I think the context definitely calls for the use of "assume."
https: //www. merriam-webster. com/ grammar/ assume-vs-presume
found some splaining
SOTU addresses take place in the later years of a presidency because in theory, a president is unable to speak about the state of the union after only a few weeks of being in office following inauguration.
Date March 1, 2022
Time 9:00 pm[1] (EST)
Duration 1 hour, 1 minute
Treat him with respect?
is that the new civility bullshit?
"Their only alternative may be some "black swan" event they can use as a pretext to suspend the election."
Their "black swan" event will be permanently removing Trump from the running. And, it wouldn't be the first time an aviation disaster has been used to remove a political thorn in the deep state's side. We have had so many reports lately of airplane problems, it was just chance that the former President's plane was one in which the problems weren't discovered before disaster struck. Sad faces will be shown by the media celebrities as they giggle while rejoicing in the "final solution".
Okay, Mikey NTH. What about this: Merrick Garland has DOJ gather up all the anti-Biden evidence, and instead of burning it like everyone thought, he goes with Barack Obama and Hillary and Bill to see Joe. "Guess what, Joe? Hunter's going to jail forever. So's your brother Jim. So's Jill. So's your daughter. Or, you step down and we bury all of this stuff, and you never have to worry again."
Problem: could Republican Ags or DOJ still prosecute? Maybe Biden thinks he's better off forcing the Dems to defend him.
"Guess what, Joe? Hunter's going to jail forever. So's your brother Jim. So's Jill. So's your daughter. Or, you step down and we bury all of this stuff, and you never have to worry again."
Well, Joe has shown he can be bought, so the Dems have that going for them. Which is nice.
Sending Team Juice into fetal position.
I can see a number of possible nightmare scenarios for DemoncRATs that could occur by actually nominating Biden. Things that haven't happened before in a Presidential election. Some of which have occurred in senate elections in different states- with different judicial outcomes. With judicial decisions favoring the actual written law if it favored DemoncRATs, or ignoring the law if needed to aid DemoncRATs. The latter being most demonstrated in NJ with the Torricelli decision. The judicial dictat- "The People Need A Choice!" They had a choice- a Republican or any of a number of minor party candidates on the actual ballot. But no, the actual law was cast aside, and Bill Bradley was tossed into the DemoncRAT spot, because the other choices weren't good enough. But, here goes:
1. Biden gets the nod. And drops dead a few days later. If decisions are made quickly by the DNC- another name could be thrown up.
2. Biden gets the nod- and drops dead a dew days before the election. Votes have already been cast. A dead person is an ineligible candidate for election. (Of course, NOV isn't the ACTUAL election, but that's when the electors are selected...) Mel Carnahan took the most votes- but he was dead. Missouri law is very specific- only eligible candidates can be elected, regardless of the number of votes cast. The governor appointed Carnahan's widow to the seat- although Ashcroft WON being the eligible candidate with the most votes. And like a good RINO, he didn't fight it. And how was he repaid for his politeness? The widow with 41 other DemoncRATs voted to not confirm Ashcroft to attorney general. A former colleague of the other senators. If the DemoncRATs have enough electors there's a problem. Who are they going to vote for? It is their decision. At this pint, no one can direct them who to vote for.
3. He drops dead AFTER the electors vote- before the votes are counted in the senate. Oops- no president elect. The Constitution is quite clear- the election goes to the house- one vote per state. Who, at the first round, according to the Constitution, can vote only for top 3 vote getters and eligible candidates. If there are no faithless electors- there will be one choice.
Scenario 3 is a real possibility for either candidate of it's Trump vs. Biden. My suggestion is both parties ensure at least one elector vote for a possible last minute replacement. because scenario 4 is- both candidates drop dead before the electoral votes are counted. Gonna be a battle royale in the house since the Constitution doesn't have a provision for that. But anything other then one vote per state would be clearly unconstitutional.
Scenario 2 is an easier thing. The electors all decide who they're going to vote for, and the nation is in suspense until the electoral votes are counted- and the House votes to determine a winner among the top 3.
The Dems should just let Trump win. The odds are they will own both houses of Congress after the election. Then they can spend 4 years impeaching him over and over, which is all they really wanna do anyways.
Respect is earned. I fail to see the earning.
What’s Silver’s recommendation to have Lloyd Austin prove his fitness to serve?
Evidence of a lack of effective leadership in the Democratic Party. Maybe those smoke-filled rooms weren't such a bad thing.
Dr. Jill wouldn't let him.
Joe has been lusting for the Presidency since the 1980s. He won't voluntarily give it up.
How about both sides of the aisle agree to secretly fund a helicopter, fake AF1 and a squad of personnel. Tell Biden he won in a landslide - Love ya, Joe. Let him fly to many places. The employees gather at every landing and "rally" cheering our "Commander in Chief". Joe grins, staggers towards (Not that kind of) Doctor Jill. Joe gets ice cream and all is well inside his brain pan.
Don't even need a fake White House. Just tell Joe what a grueling week he just had and that the staff is Sooooo thankful they are vacationing in Delaware again.
America would be better served putting Biden and Trump on Jeopardy.
There's no reason to put him to the test and degrade or humiliate him.
No, but it would be fun to watch.
Look, it was the Nate Silvers of the world who made ol' Joe president in the first place. Bed, lie.
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