February 18, 2024

"More than two dozen sources tell CNN that [Kamala] Harris has been gathering information to help her penetrate what she sometimes refers to as the 'bubble'..."

"... of Biden campaign thinking, telling people she’s aiming to use that intelligence to push for changes in strategy and tactics that she hopes will put the ticket in better shape to win. Multiple leading Democrats, anxious about a campaign they fear might be stumbling past a point of no return, say their conversations with Harris have been a surprising and welcome change, after months of feeling sloughed off by the White House and Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware...."

CNN reports.

ADDED: This writing struck me as very strange, as if perhaps it was dictated by someone making a pitch:
There are even Democrats who still gripe that the best thing Biden could do for his chances would be to engage in the fantasy of dumping his vice president from the ticket. Harris doesn’t engage in any of that. Nor does she let slide any swipes at the president or suggestions that he’s having trouble getting support. She’s not scheming or going behind the campaign’s back — almost always, at least one campaign aide has been in the room for her discussions.


Jersey Fled said...

Eva Longoria is helping craft Dem campaign strategy?

Reddington said...

Two dozen sources? Is anyone involved in Kamala’s office not broadcasting this talking point to CNN?

Christopher B said...

Never say never but I don't see any practical way Harris could be dumped without repercussions that would render the move ultimately counterproductive if Biden stays on the ticket. He, and the Democrats, are better off keeping her if they can't dump Biden as well. A new Presidential candidate could legitimately pick another VP with minimal fuss. The most likely scenario is either they both go or neither goes.

If Harris is making a pitch it's likely because she knows Biden is not the candidate, and she's trying to appeal to whoever the Democrats are going to parachute into the Presidential slot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media on board pitching White House talking points.

Limited blogger said...

almost always? as opposed to always always?

Iman said...

Do NOT believe your lying eyes! Quemala is competent.

Rabel said...

She's like an SNL Reagan, a Mastermind behind the scenes.

rehajm said...

So much flowery language but the one thing that isn’t happening is getting rid of the cadaver. Is it working on you liberals?

Jupiter said...

More than two dozen sources, and not a single sink.

rehajm said...

WTF is with the ‘two dozen sources’ shit? As if more sources make the lies more legitimate. Just to review: one liar’s tell is with extreme, exaggerated language. ‘Sources’ would make this more credible with people paying attention, idiotic children…

chickelit said...

Michelle must be having second thoughts or may not be polling well internally. More Dem panic or another pandemic?

tim in vermont said...

She could not be worse than Joe.

chickelit said...

Why does she need help understanding why she’s doing poorly? Lay people can figure it out: stop blatantly pandering to just women and people of color. She needs to get out of her penetrable bubble.

Levi Starks said...

It’s funny to think that she thinks they might think they need her help.

Tom T. said...

It's supposed to be reassuring that Harris's own people say she's completely out of the loop?

Mikey NTH said...

Kamala has advice on how to run a winning campaign? She makes Fredo look competent.

Wince said...

Harris has little to no chance at the convention.

She has to get rid of Biden before then to become the presumptive nominee.

n.n said...

Anonymous sources. Sexual innuendo? Weird.

campy said...

Well good for her! I can't think of anyone who's more in need of information than Kamala.

The Vault Dweller said...

At least to me, this sounds like people in Harris's team want to protect their image. Put out the idea that Harris, and by extension them, are loyal team players eager to help President Biden and his campaign in any way possible and that they are always focused on the goal and optimistic. Ironically, if they are trying to protect their image like that it makes me think, they think they aren't going to be employed 9 months from now.

Skeptical Voter said...

Looks to me like Kamala is trying to avoid the boat anchor that is at the top of the ticket. When Slow Joe goes down, so does she.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

The problem for Democrats is Joe Biden. He is too old. If he were reelected president, the press would be on a constant health watch over the doddering president's performance. One can see that now. VP Harris, his presumed successor, is the worst retail politician in America. She's a walking disaster area. Her word salad answers to basic questions are the stuff of legend.

In fact, in a sane world, a Biden/Harris ticket would get routed in 2024. But this is America, and sanity and the current incarnation of the GOP don't have much in common. GOP voters seem determined to nominate the one guy who will actually lose to that awful Democratic ticket.

madAsHell said...

Ok.....CNN is making shit up!

MalaiseLongue said...

Sounds like war between Kamala and Dr. Jill.

madAsHell said...

OMG!........penetrating the bubble??.......so she’s not on the first team.........is that an indictment, or an endorsement?

Ampersand said...

Two dozen unnamed people can't possibly be fabricating calculated falsehoods.

rhhardin said...

Black women have been turning up lately as proven morons, so I don't think so.

Butkus51 said...

Please do.

Kate said...

Any time someone uses "not" -- "She's not scheming or going behind the campaign's back" -- they've planted the idea they're trying to tell you didn't happen. I'm left with the impression that Kamala is scheming. Intentional ... or not?

rhhardin said...

Somebody famous praised the infinite sweetness of elderly black women, I can't recall who. Maya Angelou seems to have plagiarized it, but it wasn't hers originally. Anyway that perhaps was in times past, and also referring to the South.

Google doesn't find it. I'm sure I've put it with attribution into comments somewhere years ago.

cubanbob said...

The best thing for the Democrats is both Biden and Harris taking one for the team by doing a Johnson. All the same, who the Democrats would nominate is a mystery being that there is no candidate among them that can pass for a normal American. So, it's rematch between Trump and Biden. More interesting, is who will Trump choose as his VP.

mccullough said...

Biden doesn’t like Harris.

No one does.

AlbertAnonymous said...

That doesn’t sound like it came from her office at all. Totally organic, unsolicited comments from Biden people about how beloved and unfairly criticized Kamala is.

Yep. For sure.

Quaestor said...

Fantasy? Dumping Giggles in favor of Michelle Obama is Biden's only hope. But it is a fantasy. What remains of Biden's coalition will see through that instantly as gross disloyalty to a Black Woman of Color of the Female Hetero-normative Gender™.

The only thing the left hates with greater rage than a dead white male is an almost-dead white male.

PM said...

More likely that one source has told CNN two dozen times that Kamala's gathering information.

gilbar said...

Biden has a Much better chance, of being the nominee than Kamela does.
Biden has a Much better chance, of being the resident than Kamela does.
Neither is going to be it..
Biden will Tragically die (probably of Covid).. The 1st night of the convention..
If Kamela knows what's good for her.. She'll step aside for Moochelle..
If not.. Well, You Know; Covid is VERY contagious

Rocco said...

Since she is a woman and a person of color, maybe she should stay in bed after waking up and read a biography of a successful president like George Washington for some ideas.

gspencer said...

Saw a good Kamala impression,


pacwest said...

"She could not be worse than Joe."

Famous last words.

Earnest Prole said...

This writing struck me as very strange, as if perhaps it was dictated by someone making a pitch

You could say the same thing about virtually every piece of establishment journalism these days.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Once her boss puts his opponent in prison, they won't need to worry about any of this. And they can always stuff the ballot boxes, just to be sure.

Yancey Ward said...

They are stuck with Harris if they can't get Biden to step aside. It really is that simple. What isn't going to work is to keep Biden and dump Harris- they are a package deal, now, no matter who the nominee is.

Yancey Ward said...

As for the story itself- this is an attempt to raise Harris' profile- to make it look like she is active and strategizing stuff- in other words, to make her look Presidential. I think Althouse nails it with it like something being sold.

Yancey Ward said...

"She's like an SNL Reagan, a Mastermind behind the scenes."

Rabel puts it correctly and humorously.

Wince said...

Cheaper by the “dozen” applies to “sources” as well?

wildswan said...

"Not Joe - Not Kamala; Not Joe - Not Kamala" has been ping ponging back and forth across the political table for months. Neither is up to it but outside events will have to break in on the Dems before there is a chance for a change. It's very telling that the current fear among Dems is fear of "the couch", of apathy. Their voters just might not wake up to go to the polls to vote for senility or an incompetent diversity hire. "Who did they run finally- Joe? or whatsername? Oh, who cares." Life isn't going to let America drift in this dreamy trance much longer. I doubt it will last even till the convention, let alone the election.

chickelit said...

Whom does Xi want installed?

Oligonicella said...

... as if perhaps it was ...

Don't ya think it's kinda obvious?

"more than two dozen" == 24+ dingleberries pulled

Mr. Majestyk said...

Alternate headline: Harris seeks intelligence

Quaestor said...

"Eva Longoria is helping craft Dem campaign strategy?"

More likely the shade of Eva Peron fetched up from Tartarus.

gadfly said...

The best thing that Kamala could do for both parties is to resign as VP candidate for the 2024 election because everyone fears that she could become president. For that matter, Joe Biden needs to resign his candidacy at the Democratic National Convention - the Presidency steals years from everyone who ever worked the job - except for one-termer Jimmy Carter.

I made the mistake of voting for John McCain for president because I thought Sarah Palin would eventually become president as a true conservative without realizing that she had become a radicalized far-right nutcase after working on her campaign with Steve Bannon.

Todd said...

"Harris", "intelligence", "strategy", "tactics"...

One Of These Things (Is Not Like The Others)
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

typingtalker said...

"More than two dozen sources tell CNN ... "

A suspiciously large number. Sounds pretty well organized to me.

Humperdink said...

"Two dozen sources" would be more credible if they upped the number to 51.

Tina Trent said...

She is the Brigadoon of Vice Presidents.

Birches said...

The only thing those incompetents know how to do is pitch a story and journalists are so incompetent they cannot launder the pitch into an organic looking story.

Josephbleau said...

"More than two dozen sources tell CNN that [Kamala] Harris has been gathering information to help her penetrate what she sometimes refers to as the 'bubble'... of Biden campaign thinking,..."

If she has waited until February of an election year to start working on her strategy to win, she is hopeless. I thought politics was not bean bag, where are the democrat sharks in the water? They are all weirdo lawyer prosecutors, not the candidates.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Kamala Harris is the living epitome of "active stupid"

Or maybe she's just the living epitome of the Dunning Kruger effect.

She's failed at every task she's ever had to accomplish (winning elections isn't a "task you accomplish" when you only win them because of other peoples' work). But SHE is the "brain" who can "fix" the campaign.

I look forward to Biden getting Article 25ed, so that she can demonstrate her abilities on the National stage for all to be forced to see

JAORE said...

"...her fumbles over her first few years on the job."

First few? FEW?

She's been on the job (despite evidence to the contrary) for 3 years and a month or two.

So "few" must be 2 or below???? Seems wrong.

Nah. In this case "first few" appears to mean up until last Tuesday.

Former Illinois resident said...

What's been confirmed in recent days:

Bidens hate both Obamas, feel disrespected by Obamas
Joe Biden won't concede 2nd term run
Jill Biden won't let Joe concede 2nd term run
Bidens hate Harris, picked her as VP "Poison Pill"
Bidens know DNP can't force Harris off ticket
Harris refuses to "take it for team"
Harris refuses to defer to Michelle Obama VP substitution
Michelle Obama would accept P or VP nomination, but only at DNC at 11th hour
Gov. Gavin Newsom wants either P or VP nomination, won't fight for it, but would accept floor nomination at DNC
Gov. JB Pritzker wants either P or VP nomination, can pay for it entirely on his own, is hosting DNC Convention in Chicago, and WILL fight for it now and at DNC
Billionaires JB and Penny Pritzker can buy DNP and DNC Convention outright, will do so.

Me, I wouldn't be surprised by a Pritzker-Obama ticket, nominated at DNC, after Biden releases his supposed delegates. And I will be despondent when it happens.