I like the way he's still got exactly the same style — same intonations, same attitude, same laughing at himself. This is "The Daily Show" as I know it, and I've pretty much avoided all the hosts who replaced Stewart after he'd gone. I think this is great, but he's only doing Mondays, so it won't be habit-forming.
६६ टिप्पण्या:
At last, a porpoise. A raisin d’etre. So love election years…
TDS. Trump Derangement Syndrome.
How many clown noses off and on?
Tapped out 4:38. Was thinking they had to call him up because the bullshit was too heavy a lift but the spin feels frail and recycled.
He looks artificial, like the makeup trailer worked hard to make the juvenile kid look like a distinguished old man…
I haven't watched the show in years, so I don't know how long they've been doing this, but using the show's initials (twice) in the opening credits just made me think "Trump Derangement Syndrome"
Blah, blah blah. orange man bad. Progressive are great. blah, blah blah. No thank you. We have all the MSM, SNL, and the View to do what he is doing already. Getting your news from the comedy channel is so 10 years ago.
The show spent more time going after Biden than Trump.
If you didn't get up to the midpoint you missed a lot.
If the commentator doesn't suck Donald Trump's button mushroom, then whatever they say is a manifestation of TDS.
The show spent more time going after Biden than Trump.
If they wanted to maintain a bipartisan audience they should not have led with ‘conservatives wreck the Super Bowl’ and ‘It’s okay Biden is senile because Trump does it too’…
I have complete confidence you’ll make sure we won’t miss the ‘important’ parts, Ann…
It's refreshing to see both oxen get gored.
Not surprised to see folks here unwilling to give it a full airing, despite Biden getting it far worse (repetition of the cookies bit all the way up to the end was effective).
Jon is really talented at that type of show. Sure he is on the left and his material comes from that viewpoint but he is still funny. I can't say the same for people who have come afterwards or perhaps altered their own late night shows to be more like his was. He is also rare in the attempt to and the ability to get the left to laugh at the left. Steven Crowder, who has his own rather large online show and is on the right, has said similar things. Jon Stewart is undeniably funny and too many of those who came after made the political message come first and the humor was an afterthought.
Also if the Dems want to boost their chances via celebrity intervention, instead of chasing after that hallowed Taylor Swift endorsement they should get Jon Stewart to resume full-time hosting. He would boost the morale on the left far more than a Swift endorsement, which would be forgotten in a few days.
If you didn't get up to the midpoint you missed a lot.
Consider the DS audience base and the set of expectations. If you don't feed them candy through the first half, they aren't going to swallow the truth if and when it appears later in the show.
We're not his market, face it. A Biden v Trump race in 2024 is both objectively ridiculous and inevitable. They think that Trump running is the problem. It is a problem, but not THE problem. We think that Biden is the problem. Of course he is now, but when he's gone we will still have the same problem with Harris. It'll kind of be like when Joey Diaz "changes flavors" on the bus ride home from the ballgame.
Not true for Trump. His problems are with the persona and the needs of his ego, not the policy. All we need is someone with a little common sense in charge. We have none at present.
Joey Diaz's Changing Flavors Moment
Oh boy! Here comes Jon Stewart to tell all the tiny brained folks who arent really paying attention what to think!
I don't think I've ever seen an episode of The Daily Show. I was busy breeding during its heyday and didn't catch the zeitgeist. It's not something I want to add into my life now, either.
Successful comedy is always a matter of being the right place at the right time. Stewart was funny back in the day. Steven Colbert was hilarious on Comedy Central but became a grating shallow bore on CBS. Bill Maher was fresh on Politically Incorrect, but now sounds very tired and a bit lost.
Don't milk a series too long (err...SNL). Retire and stay retired. Let it die. Find fresh talent.
This literally will make the next several months bearable and entertaining. Cathartic even.
Who exactly is the audience for this? You are, Ann. Lefty Boomers who loved the old show, loved the old Jon Stewart. They are asking you to come back. Please come back, Ann.
Me? I sat through the old show a couple of times until I got tired of getting insulted. It's like The View, only at a more sophisticated level. But at it's core, that's what it is. Staying on to the middle to get gleeful hits on Joe Biden is not worth it to me because I know that as the months roll on and we get closer to the election, there is only one script that will be used. It's not new. And it's simply not appealing to me to sit in front of people who have nothing new to offer while they insult me.
PS- if Jon Steward hit on Joe Biden it's further proof that Joe Biden will NOT be the candidate come November. Or maybe May. Get ready for Jon Stewart to tell you how great Gavin Newsom has been.
I wondered "why does he have "TDS" all over everything? Truth in advertising?
Then I figured it out. But it works both ways.
If you didn't get up to the midpoint you missed a lot.
4 minutes.
I guess it won't be habit forming.
He's saying leftist causes are good just not with these two people. Continue to fight for policies that can't work owing to perverse consequences.
Appeals to women.
anybody can be funny like john stewart if you use his method: make up the facts in the setup then deliver the punchline which is based on the fake facts. easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Clown Nose gone stale.
I'm guessing no one else around here will even care about his "return" and despised his silly "clown-nose on/clown-nose off" act the first time around. I further predict very low ratings, just like his failed podcast. "His" people have mostly moved on. My people didn't watch before.
Temujin 7:03
That. A million times, that.
This is "The Daily Show" as I know it, ...
Yes. The exact reason I stopped watching waaay back. I have no desire to watch a man preen with a finger to the mouth, curled spine and "cute" look on his face. I find it disdainful, not funny. Even if he changed his delivery that will be the 'forever image' of him in my mind. Ech.
The problem with Stewart is he spent 95% of the Bush years focused on Republicans and 95% of the Obama years focused on Republicans. If it wasn't for Biden's obvious senility, Trump would be getting every attack now.
There is vast swath of America that truly detest politics. Traditional Americans, the large "silent majority" old Dick Nixon talked about, are done supporting Brands that detest us (Target, Bud Light, Disney) and are quite done consuming media that insult us. I've mentioned before that Fox News has become unwatchable and I know a ton of conservatives and libertarian types that agree and will only tune it for Gutfeld if they go to that channel at all. They have adopted the same language, phrasing, framing, leftist bullshit vocabulary as every other MSM news operation. Again, Greg Gutfeld is the only hold-out. But I haven't even tuned into that show lately.
One theory that rolls around in my noggin is that a big reason for the "cut the cord" movement is this same factor: we are not going to tune into shows that routinely put us down and insult our intelligence. So for the same reasons Network TV is dying, newspapers are dying, most streaming services are not now and never will be successful, motion pictures are dying as business model, and on and on. As the Borg subsumes more and more viewpoint neutral parts of our culture less and less of it a shared culture in America.
John Stewart is no solution to this problem. He is a major part of the problem and always has been in his sneering, condescending, East Coast liberal way. Why would I even want to see a second of that preening asshole?
Starts with the usual steaming opinion turds… BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!
Surefire way to attract viewership!
Rich… the affable propagandist.
The corrupt puppet master mobsters on the left are very confident they can drag old crook husk-Puppet Joe over the finish line.
sorry democrats - you get him too.
I never cared for John Stewart on TDS. Even back during the Bush era, his whole schtick just seemed to be saying things he knew the audience would agree with, and mugging for the camera while the audience applauded for hearing their opinions confirmed.
I watched Carson's monologue every nite. Because it was funny. NOT INFORMATIVE.
I Like Leno, but his humor is different, and not something I crave. Letterman just came across as a pompous ass, play acting the bumpkin, and he got political and ANGRY.
Lenny Bruce was edgy, and I was young. .But Bruce served a niche audience.
The point is, Comedians are acting like 13 year old girls desperate to be liked by the poplular clique.
But as some have demonstrated, like Stewart, There is mountians of material to harvest and make into comedy. But instead the comedians decided to homogenized into the body of standup. All the same.
Ann Althouse said...
The show spent more time going after Biden than Trump.
They want Biden replaced?
Look at the agony Jon Stewart expresses over Joe's age. IT IS NOT agony that Joe Biden is too old, (too feeble, too incompetent, too dementia patient) - No No NO... Jon's expressed agony is over Joe's inability to hide it.
I lol'ed a couple of times, which was more than I expected.
But his both-sides-have-the-same-problem thing has a couple of weaknesses:
1. His examples of Trump's "crazy" are uniformly decontextualized rally one-liners (whereas the Biden clips were longer and with more context) such as the "If we lose in November they're going to change the name of Pennsylvania" - period. Clearly it was going to be a joke with a political she, but street used it as a sign of what a senile nut job Trump also is.
(I did like his line about the number-one cause of early onset dementia being depositions!)
2. He said nothing about each man's total time spent in front of cameras and in public. Yes, he joked that if Biden is so sharp behind the scenes, maybe someone ought to film that so we can all see it... but he didn't address the fact that Biden does or says something clearly indicating his decline every time he appears in public, whereas we see like one (out-of-context) quote a week, or fewer, from Trump, who is in the public eye a whole lot more, that purports to make the same point (or the alternative "fear the dictator" one).
3. He was not shy about referring to Trump's legal problems (though he hit them less than I expected) - but was absolutely silent on the question of Biden's. Even his references to the Hur report were mined for the senility jokes, not the question of whether Biden should be prosecuted for doing worse than what Trump is being prosecuted for doing. And zero mention of the influence peddling. Zero mention of the foreign policy buying.
Good golly, Trump was found GUILTY! of a decades-old, he-said, she-said lesser charge than the rape charge his accuser brought, even with a New York jury! He is clearly a danger to democracy! Biden using his position in government over the course of those same decades to enrich himself and his family, and allowing foreign powers to affect his handling of foreign policy? Well, everybody does it, right?
The most notable work by Jon Stewart has always been his appearance in the Chappelle/Breuer comedy, “Half Baked”.
Stewart can do great comedy. He can also make pointed political comments. Where he sometimes fails is when he tries to use comedy to make his pointed political comments, and instead comes off as just being a lying weasel asshole about politics he opposes. He then screams, "It is JUST comedy!" and everyone is supposed to laugh with him. For the large percentage of his humor that works, and his commentary that is spot-on, he is worth the watching. For the failed comedy/hackpolitics bits, he deserves censure and should apologize. I'm not expecting an apology, and I'll laugh at the funny bits. Such is life.
Oh of course Stewert isn't even handed. The point is someone in the mainstream is actually joking about the things we are all witnessing with Dementia Joe. That's kind of a big deal.
But, yes, he makes fun of Trump too. Get over it. Trumpies act like big tough guys, but your feelings get hurt so easily. Grown some thicker skin you ninnies.
Remember what Rosalyn Carter said about Reagan? “I think he makes us comfortable with our prejudices.” That's what Stewart does for Althouse and other liberals. (LINK to quote)
Meh. Never saw the appeal.
Did he raise an eyebrow to howls of laughter?
His wit cant be topped.
I suppose Stewart and his fans will be back playing their dishonest game of "Stewart attacks BOTH sides". yeah, he attacks both sides from the LEFT.
And he attacks the Republicans/Trump twice as hard and twice as much. While supporting open borders, Israel, Globalism, big business, and social liberalism. Oh look at biden he's an old geezer haha. Oh look at Trump, he's a Racist/Nazi haha.
I made it 2:26. Where does that put me in the tally?
When he said the right is obsessed with politicizing everything, that was my cue to come over here and complain about it.
"If you didn't get up to the midpoint you missed a lot."
I did not miss a thing, and I didn't even click on the thing.
Did he have a bunch of syringes come out and dance again? He sure is talented.
What makes Jon Stewart so funny and refreshing is his willingness to skewer both sides: Left and Right, Democrat and Republican. This is almost a lost art in today's entertainment world.
They want Biden replaced
There’s certainly speculation here that’s the play. I’m still taking the under and speculating they are allowing their supporters to vent and dream but come July/August they will quash that shit hard while distracting them with the Trump criminal prosecution…
Speaking of Trump kangaroo courts- did New York state ever destroy their real estate industry with that ‘objective valuation’ decision that was going to allow them to confiscate his properties or did they sweep that one under the rug when the liberal NYC real estate moguls squealed to knock it the fuck off?
There’s a surfeit of betters to tell us how we need to view those who are Not Our Kind, Dear. Not sure how a guy who is well past his sell-by date changes things.
"Stewart can do great comedy."
No, he cant. He's good at his show, with a battalion of writers giving him jokes. And that's it. But y'know humor is subjective. People think Whoopi Goldberg and adam sandler "do great comedy". And love stephen colbert. "trump is putin's cockholster" had them on the floor.
I never watched the Daily Show back in the day, and I have little reason to start.
Struggling to stay relevant is the phrase that comes to mind, even though I didn't watch it.
Reading comments by Rich and “Double D”, I am reminded that it’s Fathead Tuesday.
And it is the LEFTIES having the meltdown. His show is doomed if he can't keep his progressive brown shirts happy!! They want his unique voice to ape Progressive talking points...just like The View, and all the nightly news...
Chris D. Jackson
wants to talk about Biden's age too and put him and Trump on equal footing?
Well, it's clear after tonight Jon has lost his fastball. Instead of being a unique voice like he used to be, Jon is doing nothing now but parroting the narrative from the MSM.
They're trotting out anyone who might prop up the Unproppable Molly Biden.
$5 one of the Obama's makes an appearance.
Not much diversity in the audience.
"The problem with Stewart is he spent 95% of the Bush years focused on Republicans and 95% of the Obama years focused on Republicans."
I noticed that, too. For as much as leftists want to think of themselves as hip and edgy, it appears they prefer their comedians to be just like their politicians- recycled old guys.
I'm truly glad some of you laughed. Laughter is important for your health. And I'm not surprised by the few who are glad to welcome Stewart back. Enjoy! My prediction stands that he won't be around much longer. I'm hoping more funny people come along soon. America needs a good laugh. I still mourn the passing of SNL, as far as their sense of humor goes.
I found the humor directed against Biden far more accessible.....Steward is definitely a professional comedian. The material is pretty good, and he's got a delivery that lands the punch lines. I miss Rush Limbaugh. He was the only one on the right with that level of professionalism.
So he took a few swipes at Biden. Big deal. But here's how Stewart operates. He mocks the appearance of the Trump progeny whilst giving their depositions. He ignores the huge column of elephant dung that was Hunter Biden and his recent appearance before Congress. It's not the clown nose but the sleight of hand that's bothersome about Stewart.....I gave Stewart's podcast a try. Without his writers, he's just not funny and not especially perceptive in his observations.....I listen to Conan's podcast a lot. He's reliably liberal, but, for the most part, he studiously avoids politics. He's pretty bright but he recognizes that his gifts are for comedy and not for punditry. Thank God for comedians without an agenda.
Didn't watch before. Ain't gonna watch it now.
I know way, way too many people who got their 'news' from this guy and they're dumber for it.
Hard pass.
Not surprised to see folks here unwilling to give it a full airing...
One doesn't need to actually step in dogshit to know it stinks.
I’m sure we can all agree Jon Stewart is a Bad Man for being mean to Donald Trump and/or Joe Biden.
What humorless dopes you’ve all become. Something like 70 percent of your fellow citizens think both Biden and Trump are hapless clowns. Try seeing it from their point of view for a change.
So, it's weekly, but they still call it "The Daily Show"? I guess this is just more of that shrink-flation Brandon was ranting about.
As far as I know, Althouse is the only Know Nothing who watches Comedy Central, so I think Stewart really screwed the pooch by trying to equate a guy who mispronounces words with a rapist who is encouraging Russia to invade Poland.
Is he going to be funny now?
"Is he going to be funny now?
Yes, he was...as he always has been.
"Ann Althouse said...
'The show spent more time going after Biden than Trump.'
"They want Biden replaced?"
Sheesh! Who doesn't? But they want him replaced with someone other than Trump...or Kamala Harris. Eminently intelligent desires, all.
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