"Biden’s most important achievements may be that he rescued the presidency from Trump, resumed a more traditional style of presidential leadership and is gearing up to keep the office out of his predecessor’s hands this fall."
Wrote Justin Vaughn and Brandon Rottinghaus, who are responsible for the survey reported at "Poll Ranks Biden as 14th-Best President, With Trump Last/President Biden may owe his place in the top third to his predecessor: Mr. Biden’s signature accomplishment, according to the historians, was evicting Donald J. Trump from the Oval Office" (NYT).
१०४ टिप्पण्या:
I am grateful that the survey authors refrained from rating Biden #1 with a bullet.
"And the last shall be first." My paraphrase of Matthew 19:30.
Biden got 14th for the same reason Obama got his Nobel.
Right up there with Obama's Peace Prize.
according to [liberal] historians
Trump kept Hillary out of the White House.
That' makes him #1 in my book. Thank GOD. What kind of "historian" ranks Biden #14?
Opinions are like noses--and other bodily orifices. And everybody has one. As for these guys--well someone let them waste a lot of paper and ink.
"Biden’s most important achievements may be that he rescued the presidency from Trump"
OK, they hate him. He beat Hill. He was uncouth. He didn't start any new wars. He appointed conservative judges. Maybe that's enough.
But how exactly did the country suffer under Trump? The worst was Covid, of course, a Wuhan special that he addressed with birxian faucism--IOW, mostly prog.
So after Trump, Biden opens the border, piles up debt and inflation, and signals weakness abroad, starting in Afghanistan. Hey, progs, how is that an improvement?
They’re kidding, right?
If Biden is the 46th president, wouldn't last place be 46th, not 45th?
Kool-Aid by the tanker truck load.
Brandon Rotttinghouse.
Rotten survey.
Eponymy is destiny.
Scott Adams covers it at 45 past the hour. Every panel of experts is fake.
So if he loses to Trump beyond the margin that Democrats can "fix" in November, Joe will be demoted, right?
"resumed a more traditional style of presidential leadership"
translated through the regime speak decoder ring, has instituted a style of leadership based on lies and propaganda and utterly upended our legal norms, but if we say this often enough, you will come to accept it.
For 200 (Whoever is presenting now)
To what lengths would you go to make sure Trump never comes back again?
Put a lid on it.
"resumed a more traditional style of presidential leadership"
"Traditional", as in "taking bribes and selling out your country to its enemies"? That sort of traditional?
After Biden, the deluge.
Gee, totes unbiased and in good faith.
Fuck these whiffenpoofs.
The was entertaining.
Trump lost out to the guy that was in office for only a month!
Biden get credit for managing the end of the Pandemic. Rebuilding Infrastructure! Leading a multi country coalition again Russian agression.
Fantasy world some live in. Like asking Hillary what her accomplishments were/are.
And here we may have the potentially most embarrassing "prisoner of the moment" article of the 21st century. Who am I kidding, nothing can embarrass these people.
A poll of historians. Well OK then. The mintru then announced that no such person as Donald Trump has ever existed, and that chocolate rations were raised to 10 Grams a month. Glorious news!
From the linked survey The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was conducted online via Qualtrics from November 15 to December 31, 2023. Respondents included current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who had recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses. 525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received, yielding a 29.3% response rate.
What a bunch of bullshit..."the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics". 154 out of 525 responded. The NYTs published that Biden is #14 based on 152 liberal "experts".
Also, it looks like any asshole can join this club of experts if you just pay the dues.
The "expertise" of academia is a complete joke.
And in other Monday morning quarterbacking news, Obama snagged a Nobel for getting elected after Bush/Cheney.
This Presidential ranking list seems like an 8th grade extra credit project given by teacher to Little Miss Suckup because teacher knows the kid will turn the project in the next day along with a venti caramel macchiato from Starbucks.
That’s his only accomplishment, and he’s not responsible for it. The handlers are. Joe didn’t do shit. He was in his basement.
14th best? How about last or next to last? Maybe Jimmy Carter is worse. Maybe not. I think Jimmy was more useless. I think Joe (or his handlers) is(are) more dangerous and destructive. More evil.
Thanks for the belly laughs. Elitist humor and establishment deception at its very best.
WTF? We're all biased, but Biden is easily the worst President of my lifetime (I go back to Eisenhower). Carter is second worst. These two guys are/were slam dunk, objectively awful! We've had other bad presidents (Bush II, Obama, Johnson), but they all had some good points. I honestly cannot say a single good thing about Biden.
FWIW, my favorites (not necessarily in order or whether I was personally a big fan of theirs, but who I thought were effective Presidents, are Eisenhower, Reagan, Clinton and Kennedy. I share this only to illustrate that irrespective of your political inclinations (I am conservative/libertarian), it's possible to identify - in good faith - both Democrats and Republicans who were effective Presidents (as well as Democrats and Republicans who were not especially effective.) Biden and Carter were both ineffective and terrible.
I must be living on a different planet. Biden's
only signature accomplishment are his 20 shell corporations.
The ranking of a current (or even recent) President as compared to his predecessors is next to worthless. Truman was one of the least popular Presidents at the end of his term. Eisenhower was considered a "do nothing" President when he stepped down. Both of these Presidents have moved up into or near the top 10 in most Presidential rankings in the meantime.
The judgment of history takes time. I think it is laughable for Biden to be ranked 13th (ahead of Reagan?). At present, it is unclear how engaged Biden is in the setting of policy priorities, rather than running with the agenda of his aides. Biden will also be judged on how things shake out with Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Hamas, CCP/Taiwan, Iranian nuclear development, energy policy, etc. My guess is that history will judge Biden poorly with respect to these various issues, but only time will tell.
Every poll has a purpose.
It is no longer particularly remarkable that TDS clouds reason, especially in Gramscian enclaves like universities.
The only thing that "study" proves is that everyone involved with it is a garbage human being, and an even worse "expert"
Fun Ranger Rick level propaganda. I can’t think of anyone worse than Biden on policy- he’s a senile whoever ran Obama. Body count only would be a worthy debate- pick your war I suppose. I’d go Lincoln…
I guess Vaughn and Rottinghaus (yes, his house is rotting) don’t buy groceries. I put Biden dead last, having displaced Buchanan and moving Carter to 3rd worst. Also it might possibly have moved LBJ out of the bottom five.
They want more Trump.
More accurate Headline: Poll of leftist historians shows leftwing President Biden 14th on list.
These rankings have always been somewhat silly. However, over the years they've become more and more dominated by an explicitly leftwing viewpoint. Biden is the worst POTUS in my lifetime. He's done zero to bring this country together. He's senile and rarely makes a speech or does an press conference. He rarely takes a tough question, and his approach to anyone who disagrees with him is to call them a name or dismiss their views as "malarky".
He's trying to put Trump in jail rather than beating him at the polls. He's corrupt, he lieds, he's refused to secure our southern border or enforce our immigration laws. Inflation and crime are out of control. He's supporting two immoral and useless wars: Gaza and Ukraine. He's supporting a green agenda and "fighting climate change" and deliberatly distroying the coal and gas industries.
He gets down on his knees in the oval office and kisses the hand of the Israeli President. He attacks American patriots as "Nazis". His Justice department is spying on Catholics in church and throwing Pro-life protesters in jail. His judicial appointments are notable for this extreme leftism and lack of intelligence.
Trump should be running on a simple Slogan: "Are you better off now, then you were 4 years ago".
More accurate Headline: Poll of leftist historians shows leftwing President Biden 14th on list.
These rankings have always been somewhat silly. However, over the years they've become more and more dominated by an explicitly leftwing viewpoint. Biden is the worst POTUS in my lifetime. He's done zero to bring this country together. He's senile and rarely makes a speech or does an press conference. He rarely takes a tough question, and his approach to anyone who disagrees with him is to call them a name or dismiss their views as "malarky".
He's trying to put Trump in jail rather than beating him at the polls. He's corrupt, he lieds, he's refused to secure our southern border or enforce our immigration laws. Inflation and crime are out of control. He's supporting two immoral and useless wars: Gaza and Ukraine. He's supporting a green agenda and "fighting climate change" and deliberatly distroying the coal and gas industries.
He gets down on his knees in the oval office and kisses the hand of the Israeli President. He attacks American patriots as "Nazis". His Justice department is spying on Catholics in church and throwing Pro-life protesters in jail. His judicial appointments are notable for this extreme leftism and lack of intelligence.
Trump should be running on a simple Slogan: "Are you better off now, then you were 4 years ago".
This reminds me of a local radio show I was listening to about 15 years or more ago. It was an afternoon drive show and they typically discussed lighter more humorous stuff. They were talking about an article that had recently been published. The article listed the greatest Rock vocalists of all time. At the number one spot, and the feature of the article, was Axl Rose from Guns n' Roses.
Trump sells papers.
Getting back to POTUS rankings. The problem is that Presidents who get involved in wars or who have some big domestic issue to solve get to the top of the list and those who don't get ranked lower. Further, the impact of Congress and other external events are never considered.
Hoover, as a man and day to day President, as 10x better than FDR. The world and country would've been much better off if he had been POTUS in 1940 or 1944 then FDR. However, the great depression occured on his watch, so he got blamed for it. There's no reason to believe that if Al Smith had been elected (or FDR) in 1928 they would've done any better, and both would've been defeated in 1932.
The same if true of "Civil Rights". JFk tried to pass it, and failed due to congress. After the assassination, LBJ was able to pass it. And if he had failed in 64, it would've passed in 65 when the Democrats had massive majorities. If JFK has lived, we'd looking at him as the great author of civil rights. Or if Nixon had won in '64, we'd be praising him.
People give FDR credit for Social security. Nope, that was supported by Democrats and Republicans for years.
Replying to @thehill
Soo there are only 13 Presidents in history that didn’t get lost at every podium?
This is why no one takes “experts” seriously
7:58 AM · Feb 19, 2024
I want what he's smoking.
A vegetable comes in 14. 3 years into his only term. And you don’t think it’s propaganda?
Just goes to show the "experts" are as credible as "Scientists" anymore.
Cassandra Griffith
14th best in what pathological lying, treason, child sniffing, accepting payoffs? Be specific.
Yes, that old traditional style of Presidential leadership. The kind that lets into the country 10m illegal aliens. The kind of leadership that generates inflation that we haven't seen in 50 years. That excellent leadership that sends billions to the military-industrial complex that then sends weapons to a war that doesn't involve vital US interests. And, who can forget, that great military leader that abandoned a giant base in Afghanistan, leaving behind billions in weapons. The Biden Crime Family is just ignored.
This poll proves that so-called experts are clueless about reality and the facts.
When we have our Bastille Moment later this year, Biden's ranking will probably drop to 15th best next year.
>"Respondents included members of the...American Political Science Association, which is the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars...in key related scholarly journals or academic presses."<
Aha! Now I see the explanation for the surreal idiocy of this article. (Sorry, NYT, I was all ready to blame it on you.)
It is from the times so can't see the poll details but the results would indicate that the times polled times readers.
At this point in his presidency, he is doing worse than "the light bringer" which is saying something.
I don't think I like their version of normal: zero boarder control, little to no crime control, "rule of law" is dead, the deficient is still going up, prices are still going up, conflicts all over, and he is trying to get Israel to save Hamas so they can kill more jews later.
Was the poll exclusively of "freshman feminist majors at NYU"?
"Historians". I don't take the opinions of historians seriously, the brand has been damaged beyond repair.
Biden isn't in the top 14 of this century.
Where did Lincoln rank? I see student govt. at UW-Madison has voted to remove his statue as it's a remnant of white supremacy.
Higher learning, indeed.
'well c'mon mothers throughtout this land
pack your sprouts off to Campus-stan
c'mon pops, don't hesitate
send 'em off before it's too late
be the first one on your block to have your kid
come home hating you, God, his country and himself (or pronoun of your choice).
Whoopee! We're all gonna die (sp. "dei")
This is geared toward liberals and democrats, and they are very simple people...easily led and easily fooled.
If you're ranking people on getting shit done, Obama should be at the top. He single-handedly destroyed the greatest country on earth. I give him credit where it is due.
I'm shocked FDR isn't number one. I guess he didn't put enough Americans in camps and didn't segregate the government even more than he did.
How did Biden evict Trump from the Presidency? That’s stated as if it wasn’t a democratic process but something Biden made happen. Moreover is the statement about “gearing up to keep the office out of his predecessors hands”. What gear is that? Is it these DoJ lawsuits? Did Biden conspire with his DoJ to bring about lawsuits to prevent Trump from becoming President? I’d like to know more about that effort. When were the meetings?
Would that, by any chance, be a survey of academic parasites?
“If Biden is the 46th president, wouldn't last place be 46th, not 45th?”
Grover Cleveland is counted twice but ranked once.
I agree that the "poll" must have been of NY Times readers. Nobody else is that stupid.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
― George Orwell
"14th best? How about last or next to last? Maybe Jimmy Carter is worse...."
Well, no, Trump is last in this spotless, unbiased poll - after Jimmy Carter, because everyone knows that an administration with 'no wars, no inflation, record employment, affordable housing loans, and $2 gasoline' is absolute poison to a society and its economy. Everybody knows !
If you read the article online you can click through to the poll. It includes liberals and conservatives, and notes that for recent presidents the votes tend partisan, except for Clinton.
It notes the 2 presidents who have been falling in the polls, Jackson and Wilson (a fan favorite on this site).
My periodic complaint that Washington does not rank #1.
Where’s Michael Besseschvantz on all this? Did he weigh in?
I just saw a new name for F. Joe Biden; the Dictato!
On %40 vacation time. Proof that as a democrat, you don't have to be present to win.
See also "Fani Takes a Vacation".
Coming soon to a bookstand near you.
Trump should at least be in the top ten, if for no other reason than that he kept Hillary from becoming President, and that he also realigned the Supreme Court.
Meade’s Overall Presidential Greatness Rankings:
1. Washington (made America)
2. Reagan (made America great)
3. Trump (made America great again)
4.— 45. Everyone else
More traiditional? So like a puppet? Tha tracks.
Perhaps the New York politicians will award Biden with a 10% Big Guy’s cut of the $500 billion they just stole from a truly great President. A Fake government for sale earns zero respect.
Wince asked: If Biden is the 46th president, wouldn't last place be 46th, not 45th?
Answer: No, there was that one guy who had non-consecutive terms, so he counts as one president but as two "president numbers" in the order. Grover Cleveland served as the 22nd and 24th president of the United States.
rcocean hallucinates: [Biden] gets down on his knees in the oval office and kisses the hand of the Israeli President.
Actuality: Biden calls Netanyahu an "asshole" and is openly advising the Israeli president to do things to lose the war. Even if Biden was physically capable of taking a knee or two he would not fulfill your fantasy image of him. His advisors have gone so far as to leak that Biden's call for 15-day cease-fire is simply his opening move in a permanent cessation of the current Gaza war. He's just like you, rc! Surprised you don't see each other at the Jew Haters Club.
Leland asks: How did Biden evict Trump from the Presidency? That’s stated as if it wasn’t a democratic process but something Biden made happen. Moreover is the statement about “gearing up to keep the office out of his predecessors hands”. What gear is that? Is it these DoJ lawsuits? Did Biden conspire with his DoJ to bring about lawsuits to prevent Trump from becoming President?
Answer: Like Leland I also would like to know more about these alleged anti-democratic processes and that "gearing" up thing. It sounds far more like futurian than historian territory these guys veered into!
Grover Cleveland is counted twice but ranked once.
Sometimes I spar with Left Bank on here but credit where it is due: This is a much more concise and clear statement of the Cleveland issue than the one I made. Nice work Left Bank.
There's a reason why honest historians are very reluctant to include more recent events in any sort of analysis. Information is limited, new relevant information may not be available for years if not decades, the end result of actions taken may not materialize for who knows how long, and short-term biases may cloud opinions, among other issues. Rating a president while he is still in office is extremely fraught with danger and should be avoided.
The fact that they did so tells you far more about the historians and their lack of dedication to rigor than anything about the presidents involved. This is not useful historical analysis. They are not useful historians as they have thrown away their credibility in a silly display of partisan virtue signaling, bringing their opinions on any topic into question.
This reminds me of the current analysis of Roman emperors. The primary sources of the Roman Empire were almost always written by the senatorial class and the histories almost always reflect the Roman Senate's opinion of the emperor. Whether the emperor was good for the empire was only tangentially relevant to the history. Modern historians are trying to separate the truth from the bias to get a better idea of the real men involved.
So he's 14th best because he was able to beat the 45th worst? Can't read the article, so I'm just spit-balling here....
A poll!! Golly, it must be true! I bet they polled Judge Engoron. I'm with Twain - "Lies, damned lies and statistics".
Per Readering: My periodic complaint that Washington does not rank #1.
Without Washington, there would have been no #2 or #3 ...
If Biden is reelected, Kamala will subsequently be ranked 15th best.
These rankings are always a joke. The most recent Republican president ALWAYS falls at the bottom of the list. Laughable prattle from partisan hacks.
"Trump kept Hillary out of the White House.
"That makes him #1 in my book. Thank GOD."
GOD (or God or god) had nothing more to do with it than any other thing that has and is occurring in the universe. It was dumb chance. She won the popular vote, but the electoral votes weren't there. I agree it is good that Hillary didn't get in the White House. But that accidental good thing is cancelled out by the bad thing that resulted: Trump in the White House.
"What kind of "historian" ranks Biden #14?"
Hasty ones? Careless ones? Partisan (i.e., dishonest) ones?
Unless that ranking can be justified/supported by an itemized roster of his achievements--compared and contrasted with all the other presidents--they're unreliable historians.
However, this gentleman on TIK TOK does list some reasons Biden can be considered at least a better President than his predecessor.
Wow, so much propaganda and lying in our politic.
"Trump should at least be in the top ten, if for no other reason than that he kept Hillary from becoming President, and that he also realigned the Supreme Court."
"Realigned." A diplomatic euphemism for "degraded."
"Prime Minister Edi Rama: Now, if you want me to have a take on the American Congress and Senate, I think I should not go there. Because let’s say that the American politics nowadays is not at its best.
But one thing I can say, I had the privilege to be Prime Minister for Albania in NATO when the former president was there. And despite the rhetoric, despite the colorful way to confront adversaries, I don’t see that NATO was weakened. On the contrary, what was decided before continued to be the case. Every country continued to put more money and to put more effort in increasing the NATO budget. So now elections are elections. Trump is Trump. American politics is American politics. But I think United States is something more than that."
"Well, no, Trump is last in this spotless, unbiased poll - after Jimmy Carter, because everyone knows that an administration with 'no wars, no inflation, record employment, affordable housing loans, and $2 gasoline' is absolute poison to a society and its economy. Everybody knows !"
Apparently, many people fail (or refuse) to recognize that most, if not all, of the"positives" of Trump's term were the fruits of the previous eight years of Obama as president. (BTW, we were still at war in Afghanistan and were still occupying Iraq,* and the claim of "record employment" is, ahem, dubious.)
*(It's risible to see staunch right-wingers applauding Trump for the false claims there were no wars under him--granted, he didn't start any new ones, but he didn't end any existing ones)--when, under Bush, they were gung ho for the USA kicking Dirty Muslim ASSES, while accusing those who opposed our criminal wars of being traitors and pussies!)
The discrepancy between 45 and 46 emerges from Grover Cleveland's non-consecutive terms so he is both the 22nd and 24th President. If Trump wins, he would be both the 45th and 47th President.
Many believe OJ was innocent.
Still do.
Damn. I would have sworn there has been over 14 presidents.
That is some hilarious stuff. Biden is the worst president since Obama.
Reminds me of the poll where Obama was named the 6th best president: (1) George Washington; (2) Abraham Lincoln; (3) Ronald Reagan; (4); 39 guys were tied; (5) Jimmy Carter; and (6) Barack Obama. Some polls make more sense than others.
And of course, there's the story where an old man went to the White House gate in January 2017 and asked to see President Obama. The Marine guard said, "I'm sorry, sir, but Mr. Obama isn't president anymore. The same guy came back the next day and asks to see Obama and receives the same answer from the guard. The third day, the old man appears and asks again to see Obama. The frustrated guard said, "I've already told you twice that Mr. Obama isn't president anymore--what don't you understand about that?" The old man replied--"oh, I understand, I just like to hear you say it."
"Haim Zach, a press photographer for the Israeli government, took the photo. Zach told the AP in an email that Ravitz is ultra-Orthodox. When Biden reached out to shake her hand, she didn’t reach back because she doesn’t shake hands with men. Zach said Biden then knelt and told Ravitz that as a Catholic man he wanted to show his admiration to her as a mother of 12."
Ravitz is Chief of staff of The Israeli President. This is the "cover story" for biden kneeling in the presence of Israeli President in the Oval office. Even if you believe its true, its super-weird. Imagine Eisenhower on his knees in "admiration" for a Jewish woman!
Getting back to presidents. I'd say the five best since 1900 have been JFK, Coolidge, Hoover, Ike, and Reagan. If FDR had died in 1940, I'd put him the Top 3.
This probably isn't very nice, but the current Administration could well be defined as: Brandon's Rotting House. Although, anyone who could place Biden in the Top 40 has it coming.
@Dude1394., you could have put a period after the word “president.”
Only way Biden could make "14th best president" is if votes are based on name-recognition. Given state of US and world at large, given Biden's own actions and nonactions, he's more likely the Pierce of 21st century presidents.
1. Washington (War of Independence, founder)
2. Lincoln (Civil War, savior)
3. FDR (WW2)
4. Madison (Constitution)
5. Jefferson (Declaration of Independence)
6 and beyond, arguable
Biden at #14 is silly.
Actually, these polls are silly.
Leftist navel gazing games. They create lists to make themselves feel better about the collapsing society around them that they created.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a historian rating where the participating historians showed any sense of what history tends to remember or care about.
For the sake of the field, I have to hope they are not representative of historians generally.
Professor, is academia totally clueless about their daily trashing of their seriously damaged reputations?
This is the lamest of politicking Ive seen in while. NOT the only. Just the lamest. 2 people with 6 to 8 degrees between them and they think this will pass with anyone? Event the koolaide drinkers are giggling at the attempt.
It's risible to see staunch right-wingers applauding Trump for the false claims there were no wars under him--granted, he didn't start any new ones, but he didn't end any existing ones…
Incorrect. Trump didn't start the war against ISIS – but he finished it, with ISIS's ejection from all territory in both Iraq and Syria that it had occupied in Iraq and Syria as the core of its planned future master state in the Levant.
Blogger Sebastian said...
" Hey, progs, how is that an improvement? "
Well for starters I'm able to leave my house. And my 401 K has recovered nicely as well.
They just couldn't manage a realistic ranking per the population.
Last, I tells ya!
Sell-out Pedo Pete merely sub-optimal.
Pull the other one, it has bells on.
Well for starters I'm able to leave my house. And my 401 K has recovered nicely as well.
2/19/24, 9:19 PM
You are lucky. That's not happening for most Americans anymore. The brown shirts are out in force all the time, because they don't go to prison. And as for your 401k.....give it time...the whole thing is going to come tumbling down.
Can you imagine what it must be like to have to eat a toad as big as the one these Historians just ate? And they just gulped it right down, in front of everyone.
I was wondering how anyone could have so little self-respect, but maybe this kind of un-forced intellectual self-humiliation is some kind of fetish or kink for these people.
Biden is just as blank and empty as his fuzzy gaze.
Everything about him is defined relative to either Trump or Obama.
What a legacy.
There have been 2,649,297,785,321 polls
this was the worst
wendybar said...
" And as for your 401k.....give it time...the whole thing is going to come tumbling down."
wendybar is always my go to person for investment advice.
Prof. M. Drout said...
"Can you imagine what it must be like to have to eat a toad as big as the one these Historians just ate? And they just gulped it right down, in front of everyone."
The poll contradicts everything Prof. M. Drout learned at Trump University.
The Supreme Court finally denied the application for certiorari in the Pinehurst case brought by New York landlords challenging the constitutionality of rent regulation. This application had been pending for months, but Thomas' check from the real estate industry eventually cleared, so they were finally able to go ahead and deny it.
As a quid pro quo, Thomas issued a statement stating that the court would be happy to accept such a challenge in the future.
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