From "Live Updates: Key Witness Contradicts Trump Prosecutors’ Timeline of Relationship/A former friend and colleague of Fani Willis says the district attorney’s romance with the lead prosecutor in the Georgia election interference case began before he was hired, possibly bolstering defense lawyers’ claims of a conflict of interest" (NYT).
There's live video at that link. Wade is testifying as I write this.
UPDATE: "Nathan Wade is sticking to his contention that his romantic relationship with Fani Willis began in 2022, after he started working for the district attorney's office in November 2021. It was 'early' 2022, he says in response to the defense attorney's probing.... A key sticking point has been who paid for trips that Nathan Wade and Fani Willis took together.... Wade says that Willis typically reimbursed him in cash for their joint travel, so there aren’t credit card receipts available to show that."
७१ टिप्पण्या:
Everyone knows Willis was lying about when the affair started- it would be the only reason to hire Wade in the first place- he is otherwise completely unqualified to handle such a prosecution and investigation.
In fact, that this is being admitted by Willis' friends indicates just how obvious the lie was- they are afraid of being charged with perjury themselves.
Nathan Wade stormed out of the courtroom.
You have to admit. The downfall of America is quite entertaining.
I'll never forget when Howard Stern sent Stuttering John to the Jennifer Flowers press conference after she came forward and claimed to have had an affair with Bill Clinton.
Stuttering John asked, "Ms. Flowers...Did Governor Clinton wear a condom?"
I'm sorry. I find this Fani Willis affair hilarious.
Given the amount of The Reimbursements, it would be more likely someone would write a check or do a Zelle transfer.
Fani bank statements should show cash withdrawals of thousands of dollars at the time when she reimbursed him.
Wade is a moron. He can’t lie his way out of this.
The prosecution has sent out for a endoscope. Wade chose poorly is trying to fight this.
"Wade says that Willis typically reimbursed him in cash for their joint travel,…"
(honest, I did)
Gee, I wonder where she got the cash from. This whole thing seems to be an exercise in watching sleeze.
Can the lawyers chime in here/
The business accounting arrangement Wade is describing for his legal practice,
sounds more like a money laundering operation, than General Accepted Accounting Procedures.
I'm a little taken aback by how the accounting worked. Is it normal?
Because everyone gives their friends one or two thousand dollars in cash to pay for shared expenses.
They think we're as stupid as they are.
I just bought crab feed tickets for friends.
They will Venmo me (if I can figure that out) or write a check.
They hate X because you read stuff like this:
Prosecutors Reportedly Met with Biden Admin Before 3 Trump Indictments
It’s all coordinated.
All of it.
Never before in US history has one man — Donald J Trump — been subjected to such a sustained barrage of Lawfare.
It must be repudiated.
"X is the cruellest app, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Twitter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers." - The Wasteland
typical corrupt behaviour. NO ONE PAYS in cash anymore. It's paypal, or zelle. He is lying.
Cash deposits and withdrawals at those levels should be easy to see. I think we need both of their bank records going back 4 years. Surely they can get them as 2021 was less than 7 years ago, and if she was using cash in this manner with other business dealings, then that should be established by showing such cash transactions prior to 2021.
Doesn’t matter when the relationship started. Once it did, she had she had a personal interest in keeping the prosecution going no matter where the law and evidence took her. To avoid this appearance of conflict, she had a duty to remove Wade from the case.
He had a terrible partnership arrangement. He earned $300,000 but 2/3 went to his partners after expenses? Really? Even large firms reflect the billable hours that an attorney works in compensation.
Regardless, he doesn't come off as a very competent attorney.
So rich to indict people for RICO using your own little racketeering operation - “illegal coordinated scheme or operation to consistently collect a profit”, per wiki.
May she and he go down in flames, as well as the RICO case, with full restitution for legal fees and pain and suffering add-ons. This has to boomerang to Joe, too. They met with his team prior to filing.
Willis and Wade are two of the top attorneys in Atlanta. Think about that. The new and improved dumb and dumber.
Depends on who is spouting "SCIENCE"...Isn't it convenient, that opinions change depending on who says it??....
john jackson
Didn't the media mock Trump for this incessantly for years?
UV light kills viruses. Why isn’t it everywhere?
11:44 AM · Feb 15, 2024
The surprise here is that Fanni and Wade are pushing this to the bitter end. She could have withdrawn from the case and possibly preserved it, and retained some dignity. I guess it is great white whale syndrome, even if she had been disbarred it would have only been for a year or so, she could have made money selling a book and doing DEI work. Now the left will hate on her and she will get no high paying jobs.
The surprise here is that Fanni and Wade are pushing this to the bitter end. She could have withdrawn from the case and possibly preserved it, and retained some dignity. I guess it is great white whale syndrome, even if she had been disbarred it would have only been for a year or so, she could have made money selling a book and doing DEI work. Now the left will hate on her and she will get no high paying jobs.
When you've lost MSN
Georgia DA Fani Willis Shared ‘King-Sized Bed’ in Aruba With Nathan Wade, Motion Claims
“In Paragraph 31 of your affidavit, you swore that you have never cohabitated with Ms. Willis but the attached documents show you shared a king size bed with her in Aruba from November 1, 2022 until November 4, 2022.”
“Additionally, witnesses will testify that you cohabitated with Ms. Willis at her home in South Fulton until her father moved in with her and you then began to cohabitate at the apartment of a friend of hers in East Point,” the filing says.
“Additionally, witnesses will testify that you cohabitated with Ms. Willis at an AirBNB in Hapeville that was paid for by tax payer money to serve as a “safe house” for you and Ms. Willis,” the response says.
Watched Wade for part of his testimony. Didn’t believe a word he said. Looked smug and overconfident.
He was asked about his answers to interrogatories. The questions asked whether he had any documents showing payments made for travel with Willis. “Documents” of course meant any writings of any kind, and “had” meant not just in his personal possession at home, but also at the office or otherwise obtainable, i.e., in his possession or custody or control or purview. Lawyers know these things are broadly defined in the interrogatories.
She asked if his verified answer “no” (meaning he didn’t have or have access to any such documents) was accurate. He said it was accurate, he didn’t have any receipts. She asked about other documents. He kept saying he didn’t have any receipts.
When she later got him to admit their travel was paid for with his business credit card, and asked how he documented it on his tax returns, he said he used the credit card statements. Tried to say (1) he didn’t have them, he had to get them from the company: and (2) they were statements not receipts.
Lying crapweasel. Hope he gets disbarred.
I’ve read T hey been ridin’ dirty since 2019.
So, she hired him because he was her romantic/sexual/sex partner, and there was no viable alternative. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #LustAbortion
Nathan Wade's ex wife was hot. Really hot. Photos up on X.
Fani Willis isn't.
He was fucking Fani for the money.
Wade: “Are you saying Ms. Willis wasn’t a sterile environment?”
No… just sayin’ you and Willis been ridin’ dirty since 2019!
Willis is officially “OFF TEH H00K!”
Jersey Fled nails it. When it started is a red herring.
What matters that it didn't end before Wade and Willis were profiting from continuing the Trunp RICO investigation.
"Wade says that Willis typically reimbursed him in cash for their joint travel,…"
Sounds like income tax evasion, as well as defrauding his law firm. Unless, of course he deducted his reimbursements from what he claimed. Also, probably indirectly stealing from his marital estate with his wife. He either has paperwork showing that Willis reimbursed him, or he lied to all of the above. Or, he is lying now.
“Everyone knows Willis was lying about when the affair started- it would be the only reason to hire Wade in the first place- he is otherwise completely unqualified to handle such a prosecution and investigation”
Not so sure about that. Wade is a good looking Black man. She may have hired him just because of that, maybe hoping for romance. Guys do that all the time with hot women.
“Nathan Wade's ex wife was hot. Really hot. Photos up on X.
“Fani Willis isn't.
“He was fucking Fani for the money.”
Agreed. Women do that sort of thing all the time. Why shouldn’t men do it too?
Nothing to see here, folks; move along.
The funny thing about this is that the judge is doing his very best to run cover for Willis and Wade, and they simply refuse make this possible by lying with every other word out of their mouths. It is so ridiculous the only way the judge can salvage any dignity himself is to disqualify the entire prosecution and force the DA's office to start over from the beginning. However, I not only predict the the case won't be disqualified, neither will Willis or Wade- the judge will pretend to believe it is all kosher. The corruption in the court systems is just staggering right now- we as a society are completely lost.
Fani sounds like a moron and very entitled.
She doesn't want to answer questions, like it is above her station.
Shocking that such a mid-wit can rise to be DA anywhere...
Fani payed Wade only in cash, in amounts as high as $2500? She just claimed that she does not have checks, which strains credulity. Plus, she insists repeatedly that she wants to "make the record clear," but her every answer seems deliberately designed to confuse things. She also continuously and gratuitously inserts that she is repeatedly subject to death threats since taking on the Trump prosecution.
Not as good a witness as she thinks she is.
The judge is working hard to cover for Fani...
If a witness acted like she is were she asking the questions, she wouldn't put up with it.
She won't answer yes/no questions without lengthy explanations, which the interrogating attorney is NOT asking for.
"Wade says that Willis typically reimbursed him in cash for their joint travel,…"
She left him a couple of benjamins on the dresser.
"I want to be clear" is her tell that the next thing to come out of her mouth is either an outright lie or is being said to obscure the truth.
It is a pity Gary Coleman is no longer with us.
Whoa! When one attorney was asking Fani to clarify her reasons why she didn't disclose gifts from Wade on the required form, the judge told him to "sit down" and ended his questioning. This is so weird. Fani's got to feel great about now.. Mollie Hemingway
According to Poso, she said this: “When I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign I kept some of the cash of that” which I am going to refuse to believe until I see a transcript.
Fanni is cute, don't do her like that.
Oft evil will shall evil mar.
Pass the popcorn!
The NYT live update is bending over backward to be friendly towards Willis. Jonathan Turley's account on Twitter is quite different.
Merchant gave Willis plenty of rope, but I thought both lawyers went to far afield. The judge kept asking that they get back to the "financial."
Willis, like all Democrats in high places, can't just answer a question.
The end result: The judge will find "insufficient evidence" that proves "illegal behavior".
It will all be dismissed as just "sloppy financial accounting". Fani will be chastised by the judge with a Strongly Worded Statement.
Then it's back to "get Trump 24x7".
This little show today. Wade and Willis on the witness stand have solidified my opinion.
DA's and Judges that run for election to get a position, are at the very bottom of the law class. I am sneaking up on 70 years of age. I always thought lawyers were amoung the smartest of the proffessions. Dr's and Lawyers.
Woof! These two rank below the transmission guy that worked on my Pickup, and a farmer I did a crop insurance claim for. (honestly, most all successful farmers are smarter than lawyers I've worked with)
Our host of course has shown her mettle in the legal realm.
( I tried to find the origin of "shows their mettle" but I only get a quote from usage in a 1616 book. Not what," showing your mettle" references. I had at one time heard it referred to stone carvers having flecks of steel flying off their chisels and embedding in the backs of their hands and arms. The flecks represented thousands of hour of work, signifying their experience. "They showed their mettle" )
If that Times feed was my only source of information I'd be a strong supporter of Willis.
The reporter sounds like a lawyer for the defense.
All of you people are writing about this like these two were white people with law degrees. But they're not. They're Negroes, and their law degrees are purely honorary. They can do whatever they like, it's all legal. What part of "Black" don't you understand?
Oh, this is such transparent BS. If indeed it's not, as commenters above suggest, a money-laundering scheme or an attempt to hide assets from an ex-spouse.
No one transacts business in the four digits in cash except mobsters and drug dealers, and even they are savvier about it than this. Are we to imagine Ms. Willis walking around Atlanta with a grand or two in her pocketbook? (Maybe more; a king-size bed for four nights in Aruba might run higher than that.)
Also, as suggested above, if there actually were such cash transactions, they would be child's play to demonstrate via her bank records. Willis won't do that b/c she can't/.
tim in vermont: “When I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign I kept some of the cash of that” Oh, so you (Willis) had just oodles of cash sitting around your office, and decided to spend it on Aruba? Look, even a willing suspension of disbelief goes only so far, and I had thought that applied only to theater.
Cash deposits and withdrawals at those levels should be easy to see. I think we need both of their bank records going back 4 years
Willis testified she has had as much as $15,000 dollars cash on hand in her home and on her person. She testified she took $2,500 cash to Beliz. Wade testified she always paid him in cash.
With the Testimony it is going be impossible to use bank statements to impeach the testimony.
I'm not for sure, but both the better half and I have cash stashes. Together it could be as high as $5,000. So there are people that still have actual cash savings.
“It is a pity Gary Coleman is no longer with us.”
But he is… he has a blog… I think it’s called “Macho response” or something.
Willis could score some points by calling it a "high-tech lynching."
Giving them ammunition doesn't help, Jupiter.
If we accept, for purposes of argument, that Fani Willis hired her boyfriend instead of a more competent lawyer to prosecute the cases in question, what exactly is the prejudice to the defendants? Being prosecuted by a less competent lawyer would generally be a good thing for a defendant. Even the claim the boyfriend stretched out the cases to collect more fees is farfetched - the more competent lawyer would also be better at stretching out a criminal case.
Fani Willis’s testimony effectively rebutted the insinuation that she had to be lying concerning paying her share of the trips in cash. The best part was when one defense attorney tried to show that it couldn’t be true that she had cash at the time she paid for a trip because at the same time he had an unpaid tax lien she could have presumably paid off with the same cash instead. Fani’s reply, “I went shopping too.”
DanTheMan said...
The end result: The judge will find "insufficient evidence" that proves "illegal behavior".
It will all be dismissed as just "sloppy financial accounting". Fani will be chastised by the judge with a Strongly Worded Statement.
I disagree. I think he will remove Willis (and thus the Fulton Co DAs office and Wade) from the case. The judge received his law degree from UGA School of Law. They are way above the John Marshall School of Law when it comes to professional instruction (and everything else). The Professionalism and Ethics professors there are wickedly strict. The judge is not so far away from his law school experience that he will have forgotten former Ethics Professor and Dean Ron Ellington's constant instructions regarding conflicts and professionalism. If you missed an easy exam essay hypothetical question such as the one presented today, you failed the course and had to retake it the following year.
I think the Fulton County case is done and will be surprised to hear otherwise.
Left Bank of the Charles, I agree with you. I especially liked the part where she said that she had piles of cash around her house, left over from her first campaign. That was killer. Shows she's not corrupt.
Actually, I think that she might have taken a Xanax before the testimony, and she said a lot of incriminating stuff. For one thing, you know, taking campaign funds, in cash, for personal use.
Today was hilarious, can’t wait for tomorrow.
Naturally the crooked judge in President Trumps other trial tomorrow will attempt to bankrupt him because democracy.
tommyesq said...
"I want to be clear" is her tell that the next thing to come out of her mouth is either an outright lie or is being said to obscure the truth.
2/15/24, 3:37 PM
She got that from Saint Obama, The Great Divider.
She didn’t effectively rebut anything. She was histrionic, spouting utter bullshit in as unprofessional a manner as possible.
First you pay your taxes, then you get your groove on.
To understand Atlanta politics, read, or re-read A Man in Full. But honestly, that doesn't even do political corruption in that city justice.
I would say that Atlanta is 95% politically corrupt, racist towards whites to an unbelievable degree, bloated with no-show jobs and pensions.
The only reason the city runs smoothly at all is a few decent elected officials of both races and a huge influx of cash from the airport and exurbs.
Left Bank: she, like Stacey Abrams, are public servants. They are getting special privileges from out lunatic tax collector. If I did what she or Abrams did, I would be in a world of hurt.
You've clearly never lived in the real world. Or maybe someone else pays your bills.
Fani Willis is very smart. The real ethical question is why she let, by her own admission, former DA Paul Howard behave so badly for decades before "finally feeling the need to come forward."
She's a shark.
For those with popcorn to pop, get ready for Trump Lawyer Steve Sadow. The man's a soft-spoken, when necessary, genius. Nothing gets past him. He's a sophisticated showman. He'll make her wish she had never started this.
I’d like to hear Left Bank’s creative defense of using taxpayer money to buy the “safe house” since he effortlessly waived away the public corruption and perjury committed under oath in the divorce case. But my favorite bit from yesterday was Wade saying he didn’t cheat on his wife because “in his mind” the marriage was broken. How Clintonian a defense of perjury was that! Seconded only by his claim that there are corroborating bank records but he will not produce them.
Anyone else notice each different lawfare case against Trump is falling apart in unique and unusual ways. Interesting!
“I especially liked the part where she said that she had piles of cash around her house, left over from her first campaign. That was killer. Shows she's not corrupt.”
It was her own money. Fani testified she took $50,000 out of her retirement account for that campaign, for a municipal judgeship that she described as the easiest job she ever had, paying her $100,000 a year for 2 days work per week. Such refreshing honesty on the witness stand is rare.
I do hope Althouse blogs the transcript. There was quite a lot in her testimony about feminism and male female relationships. The video was priceless, especially the moment in the trial where her office was arguing that she shouldn’t have to testify because the standard for calling the opposing lawyer as a witness had not been met, the judge seemed to be agreeing, and Fani came into the courtroom hot and announced she was ready to go on the stand. The judge could only remark something to the effect, “I think the district attorney is waiving your objections.”
It was her own money. Fani testified she took $50,000 out of her retirement account for that campaign, for a municipal judgeship that she described as the easiest job she ever had, paying her $100,000 a year for 2 days work per week. Such refreshing honesty on the witness stand is rare.
Of course, she refused to produce documents that would reflect the withdrawal from her retirement account.
Left Bank, I have to admire a man that can swallow as much bullshit as you do on a regular basis.
It was her own money.
Really? Not after she "loaned" it to her campaign. Such transactions trigger FEC paperwork requirements, which anyone can verify by querying the FEC database. (That was Ronna McDaniel's downfall, claiming the GOP spent money one things when the FEC filings showed a lot of extravagant expenses and not those other things.) We'll see. There's enough attention on this dumpster-fire sidebar from the lawfare that some enterprising reporter will get to it. (I personally find the FEC database clumsy and frustrating to use, but when pointed in the right direction I have verified facts presented by writers like Van Laar's expose' of the GOPe.)
I'm not taking the "refreshing honesty" bait. I've got too much shit to do today. She should be testifying again soon. Can't miss that comedy gold.
So Fani had bags of cash just sitting there to hand him... yea plain envelopes and passed it to him... Strange thing is... did anyone ask Wade if he deposited any of that money so there is proof the transactions occurred? Yes/no? Or does Wade go around using cash for all his needs... in small unmarked bills....
Strange how they can parse the words 'find them' (votes) from Trump's mouth yet they take Fani's words as Gospel.
Iowan said,
"I'm not for sure, but both the better half and I have cash stashes. Together it could be as high as $5,000. So there are people that still have actual cash savings."
You're not a Chicago alderman by any chance? Those guys always have a lot of cash around. Cook County politicians too.
I'm just suspicious of any public sector employee dealing in cash.
Iowan said,
"I'm not for sure, but both the better half and I have cash stashes. Together it could be as high as $5,000. So there are people that still have actual cash savings."
You're not a Chicago alderman by any chance? Those guys always have a lot of cash around. Cook County politicians too.
I'm just suspicious of any public sector employee dealing in cash.
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