From the Rolling Stone article:Vincent Gallo is one of my best friends so I have to say something here. I know him to be brilliant, kind, insightful, and in the case of film making specifically, a truly professional and serious artist. Even if you read the description of these complaints, to me it is clear he…
— Seán Ono Lennon (@seanonolennon) January 12, 2024
When Emily* showed up to her callback audition for a new film titled The Policeman starring Vincent Gallo, she knew it would be intense. In The Policeman, Gallo, who has a reputation for acting in controversial and edgy projects, plays serial killer and rapist Joseph James DeAngelo, also known as the Golden State Killer. The actress was auditioning to play one of his female victims who is raped and killed, and she was aware of the nudity and violence involved, as well as the dark nature of the film itself.
But during the audition, the Portland-based actress didn’t expect Gallo to make sexual and explicit comments that were so shocking and upsetting to her that she felt compelled to submit a formal complaint to the Screen Actors Guild. In the complaint obtained by Rolling Stone, the actress wrote that Gallo said to her, “If I say to suck my dick or I will kill you, I want you, you the person, not you the character, not you the actor, but you, to truly believe you will die if you don’t do as I say. And just like you would in real life, if this were happening to you, I want you to do all of the actions necessary to do that. You won’t actually suck my dick, but you do not have the power, I have all the power. You have no control, I am in complete control.”...
In her complaint, Jane... said that Gallo told her, “I may ask you to suck my cock on screen, and I want an actress who is not going to put up a fight about that. You’re going to be offended by what I ask you, but I don’t want any of your personal feminist values. You don’t want to do this, you don’t think it’s fair, but you know what? The victim didn’t have a choice, and neither will you as the actress… Of course we can’t ACTUALLY have you give me head on screen, but the point is that I want someone who will not stop production to call their agent, or complain, etc. because they are offended.”...
The actress went on to say that Gallo insisted if she were cast, she would need to “be at the whim of whatever his character decides to do to me at any moment.” Jane said he then listed a number of possible improvised scenarios without mentioning an intimacy coordinator, including: pushing her; pulling her hair; tying her up and leaving her in a corner and hog-tying her with shoelaces; as well as simulating rape, murder, or physical assault without prior coordination.
“I may ask you to get nude at any time, and I need an actress who is going to do it, because that’s what the victim would’ve done to stay alive,” Gallo told Jane, according to the complaint. Gallo allegedly told Jane he would not physically injure her and there would not be any “actual penetration, swapping of fluids or fellatio” during filming, according to the complaint. Then she said Gallo explained DeAngelo was “turned on by his victim’s fear” in real life, so while they were making the movie, “he would be constantly creating an environment of terror and vulnerability to inspire his character’s actions on and off set.”
The complaint says Gallo informed the actress that once she agreed to the role, she would have “zero negotiations about what was being done to me on set” and “had to give blanket consent,” otherwise she would be fired. Jane said she wasn’t comfortable moving forward with The Policeman because of her experience auditioning with Gallo....
In the complaint, Emily wrote that Gallo said to her, “You won’t ever be in any real danger, you will be physically safe, nothing sexual will actually happen. But I will be the one to make sure everything is simulated, and that it looks real, and I will also make sure that it feels real for you....”...
“We don’t want to see any acting. If DeAngelo says don’t scream or I’ll kill you, you do not scream, because if you do, you die. DeAngelo hates screaming. He hates fighters,” Gallo said, according to the complaint from Emily. “We don’t want to see you act, we don’t want to see you pretend. DeAngelo hates acting. DeAngelo hates actors. DeAngelo hates liars.”...
ADDED: You may have noticed this line in Sean Lennon's tweet: "You may not agree with his political views, but that should have nothing to do with your opinion of his professionalism in the sphere of film making." I had to look up what are Vincent Gallo's politics. Things I found:
1. "Vincent Gallo Praises Kyrsten Sinema as ‘Free Thinking, Sensitive, and Thoughtful’/The provocative filmmaker said he 'typically would prefer a very conservative republican,' but appreciates the Democratic senator" (IndieWire, January 16, 2022).
“I live in Arizona. Who my senators are means a lot to me,” Gallo wrote. “Typically I would prefer a very conservative republican in my home state. And frankly in every state. However Kyrsten Sinema is free thinking, sensitive, open minded and thoughtful. A liberal politician that adds productive ideological diversity and balance to our beautiful country. Her brand of liberal thinking is rare and I am happy she represents my state.”...2. "Shut In review – Vincent Gallo returns for clueless poke at Hollywood’s ‘liberal bias’/Gallo stars in this taste-free complaint about America’s decline in Christian values: paedophilia, meth addiction, single momhood – it’s all here" (The Guardian, May 23, 2022).
Gallo has enjoyed making provocative right-wing statements ever since the breakthrough success of his debut film, “Buffalo ’66” made him a public figure.... In an essay from 2020, he wrote that “I like Donald Trump a lot and am extremely proud he is the American President. And I’m sorry if that offends you.” He is also an outspoken opponent of the Black Lives Matter movement, and recently sold t-shirts on his website that complained about protests for racial justice....
Donald Trump fan Vincent Gallo [has made a movie] produced by conservative news website the Daily Wire, which is diversifying into movies in a bid to take on Hollywood’s so-called liberal bias.... [T]his is a Christian values movie with an unusually high quota of nasty bits.
3. "Vincent Gallo Pens Essay on Weinstein, Trump and ‘Brown Bunny’: 'I Was the Donald Trump of Cannes'/In a long, rambling open letter, the actor-writer-director-producer settled scores with a number of people including Rose McGowan, Asia Argento, Mark Zuckerberg, feminists and his bête noire, the late critic Roger Ebert" (Hollywood Reporter, March 22, 2018).
Gallo reveals that he once threatened Weinstein for what he had done to Italian actress Asia Argento... He claims his outspoken defense of Argento made him an enemy of Weinstein, and that scuppered his film career....
“The feminist tribe chooses odd heroes. Hillary Clinton. Feminism should be a fight for fairness. Instead the fight is only to control outcome. And when feminists don’t like outcome, they assume something’s unfair. Like fools. Most of the left is the same way,” he opines....
६७ टिप्पण्या:
He seems to enjoy the method acting a rapist a bit too much for a normal person.
Did they get the part?
How does “The Policeman” get produced while my “Frankenstein, Part II” languishes?
I do have a scene where Capt. Charles Saville throws his naked wife to the floor and - in his best Bill Clinton - tells her to “kiss it!”
Do not read Rolling Stone
Do not trust Rolling Stone
Do not associate with people who work for Rolling Stone
Do not listen to people who read and/or trust Rolling Stone
Do not buy from companies that advertise in Rolling Stone
Too much for me to digest in the early morning hours. I saw "Brown Bunny" and its porn scene. I believe the actress Chloë Sevigny lost, at the very least, her career momentum for participating in fellatio onscreen.
She should have just done what other actresses have done for decades and decades: do fellatio off-screen as part of the audition in hopes of getting the role.
I am a believer in having movies return to the days of yesteryear where, like Hitchcock's reliance on suspense rather than in-your-face scenes of blood, guts, and terror held sway in the industry. Keep the sex scenes sensual and provocative and let your imagination do the rest. My FWB told me, after she had watched the sex scene, "that was the worst blow job ever; and what's with the guy using his hand as a cock ring?" I told her there was no such thing as a bad bj as long as blood and vomit are not involved.
See? This is not morning coffee chatter conversation. But that's showbiz and here I am.
Lautreamont's Maldoror is all about writing, exhibiting what it talks about at the same time. One chapter on the humorously described (author deploring everything he conjures) over-the-top rape and murder of a child is about the author raping the reader as the general form of writing.
He looks like he could do a killer Rasputin. Maybe he can be cast in the biopic of Hunter Biden. I'm sure he could bring humanity and sympathy to the crack smoking with prostitutes scenes.
This sounds like your typical interview for a Hollywood personal assistant position.
And when they ask for Splenda, DO NOT bring them Sweet and Low.
Marcus Bressler said...
Too much for me to digest in the early morning hours. I saw "Brown Bunny" and its porn scene. I believe the actress Chloë Sevigny lost, at the very least, her career momentum for participating in fellatio onscreen.
She should have just done what other actresses have done for decades and decades: do fellatio off-screen as part of the audition in hopes of getting the role.
She was. They were dating at the time.
The first thought that came to my mind is that he's method, and he's explaining to the actor what it takes. Meh.
Here's my comment on Frankenstein II. Dr Frankenstein should mostly speak in the subjunctive mood. In the movie by Brooks, for example, he does not say “go to hell,”but rather says “May you burn in Hell, sir!” It sounds more aristocratic, more educated, like the doctor. It helps the reader maintain a sense of the character. ChatGPT can help you with this, but it’s also important not to take it into parody territory. Same with a character that’s a sailor, especially in the Age of Sail. he should use the occasional nautical metaphor, distance should be expressed in “cables,” the visible horizon from the ship should be referred to as the “offing,” stuff like that. A ship’s captain should sound more educated than a common sailor. Every metaphor or simile that a character uses should serve a minimum of two purposes, one is to express the thought, and the other is to paint some aspect of that character you wish to plant in the reader’s mind. You may further use it to create a comic or emotional effect, and if you are a genius, like Mel Brooks, maybe both.
The perception of the monster is created as much or more through dialogue than it is through description. If you find yourself describing some important aspect of the monster’s character, see if you can think of a situation or devise a scene to show it. Show, don’t tell. If you want the monster to be smart, have him play chess with the captain.
It’s been a while since I read it, and I hope that these notes don’t offend you, but they are going to stick out with any editor. Remember that most writers believe that getting the first draft down is the hardest part, rewriting is easy by comparison. Althouse blogged the book “Novelist as a Vocation,” and Morakowi(sp?) discusses his attention to language and process of writing drafts.
I admire you for sticking out writing it. I get too distracted to finish anything. Like TR said, it’s the man in the arena, not his critics, who matters. Anyway, if I have offended you, I am sorry. Usually I am perfectly comfortable offending people here, but I hope not in this case. I thought about your draft a lot to come up with these comments, so know that too.
Gallo is brutal in the audition, but Emily was auditioning to play a brutalized women. Does this relate to Jodie Foster's comments about working with Gen Z actors?
I would never believe anything the Rolling Stone puts into print, including the page numbers.
I see that the proven veracity of Rolling Stone magazine is providing leverage for another attack on non compliant men. There's a market for this, and the market must be served.
Rock on.
Rolling stone is a libelous publication. Even wokepedia says its unreliable-wow!
Ah. Another leading cultural indicator. Emily reveals a truth, but not the one she thinks. Since, in our decadent, septuscemic stage of culture rot, we have abandoned art as an expression of transcendentals— beauty, truth, goodness— what takes its place is the impact of transgression, which can only be a race to the bottom. In this, Vincent Gallo shines. Emily feels violated because Vincent demands she make it real, the whole base carnival of obscenity. Thing is, it is real. Actors ought to recoil from sexual scenes. The fig leaf of “simulation” and intimacy coaches doesn’t hide the fact that you, Ms Actress, and you, Mr Actor, are in fact naked before the world. Not your character. It is not a suit. It is you. It is in fact exploitation which countless clueless and hungry wannabe stars line up for. That’s the gig, Emily. Run, while you still some faint echo of genuine queasiness. And thank Vincent for ripping off the Hollywood disguise that porn can somehow be elevated to an art form.
So he is brutally honest in how he wants his actors to act. He explicitly tells them they will not actually brutalized but he needs them to thinks they will be. It would not be my cup of tea but at least an actor knows what they are getting into.
Could the same thing be said of Weinstein’s victims or the the victims of the other perverts and pedos that populate Hollywood?
Would this be an issue if Gallo had the right politics? Probably not, since they all tolerated Weinstein for all those years.
Also, I find Sean Lennon to be an interesting character. I have followed him on X for a number of years. While never being explicitly partisan he gives off strong libertarian vibes.
So he wanted her to be in character while she was acting the part. Because he was going to be in character.
Got it. His big mistake was asking her to do some method acting. Instead, he should have just asked for a blow job. That's the Hollywood way.
Reminds me of the Brando/Butter/Rape controversy where the actress was shocked and upset that Brando simulated rape in the film without telling her first. This was was supposedly was so terrible it scarred her for life. Even though it was pretend.
Gallo sounds like an interesting character, although looking at his picture, Charlie Mason should be his next role.
Reading the whole thing confused because it sounds like someone directing an actor not assaulting an actor. (Though the role sounds very unpleasant and not one most people would be interested in.) Then it gets to the part about his being rightwing. Oh, okay. That's why they've written about it.
Emily probably shouldn't try out for roles as victims of rapes and murders. That's an excellent option open to everyone.
I believe that in the history of film that the only nude scene that was not gratuitous was in “The Crying Game”.
The sexiest scene I remember seeing is in de Palma’s “Body Double” between Deborah Shelton and Craig Wasson. The scene is filmed from the shoulders up.
After reading the Rolling Stone article I understand he made her lie on a glass table and he hurled method acting requirements at her so violently that the table broke and still while she laid in that shattered glass he continued unrelenting in describing blocking and lighting and camera angles at her for hours. He even had the rest of the fraternity come in and explain the Alexander technique.
This seems to be the Rolling Stone trying to regain relevance. I'm suspicious of their reporting.
Rolling Stone.
That bastion of credibility! lol.
Whatever the rolling stone prints is automatically suspect, I mean COMPLETELY suspect.
Remember, we're not talking about criminal charges.
SAG is a union, so the question has to do with what working conditions have been bargained for.
Please don't analyze this as a criminal case.
From the RS article:
"A spokesperson for SAG... [said] 'We... reaffirm our commitment to ensuring a safe and respectful environment on set....' When reached for comment, a spokesperson on behalf of [the movie producers said] 'We do take allegations of inappropriate comments made by anyone involved in the production very seriously. A SAG-AFTRA intimacy coordinator was hired for the production and the production of the picture was carried out in a safe, protective, and respectful environment. The producers, director, cast, and crew are proud of the movie we have made.... The casting director told the actors prior to their callback meetings and auditions that a SAG-AFTRA intimacy coordinator was being hired for the picture and she would be involved with all scenes in which any nudity or sexuality was to occur. The coordinator that was hired worked closely with the director, Vincent, and other cast, and the cast involved felt that the environment was positive and respectful.'.... Since the #MeToo movement in Hollywood picked up steam in 2017, intimacy coordinators have been increasingly utilized on the sets of film and television productions in order to ensure the safety of performers required to be nude and/or simulate sex scenes. Their role is to serve as an advocate between actors and other members of production, helping choreograph simulated sex scenes ahead of time based on what’s written in the script. Intimacy coordinators are also helpful liaisons for actors who might feel uncomfortable in situations where they could potentially be pressured into more nudity or a different sex simulation while filming than what they originally agreed to. Caitlin Dulany, a SAG L.A. board member who is also on the sexual harassment prevention committee, tells Rolling Stone it’s important for intimacy coordinators to be on film sets when actors simulate sex and especially rape scenes because sometimes 'it’s hard for performers to speak up and speak out in the moment.... they are going to absolutely worry about retaliation, imagined or otherwise.... When someone’s doing an intimate scene and there isn’t an intimacy coordinator there to help navigate the choreography and what people are comfortable with, both before the shoot day and on the shoot day … there is the potential for the actor to be left having done something that traumatizes them, either a little or a lot, or potentially creates anxiety around performing in the future, in an audition or in a scene, which is not healthy and can really interfere with their career.' Because of the implementation of intimacy coordinators and heightened awareness around sexual harassment on Hollywood sets, the actresses who issued complaints to SAG about The Policeman were especially surprised by the comments they say Gallo made toward them."
Some of you seem to be assuming that Gallo has (and deserves) all the power. It's his project and he can set the terms and the actors who are auditioning has only the power to take it or leave it.
That does not square with reality.
Gallo may be a libertarian — and maybe you are too — but that doesn't mean that the real world operates according to libertarian principles.
Labor is organized and has won a few victories. That's reality.
Actresses are generally pretty dim. But they have learned that asserting sexual abuse of even the slightest kind goes far. Being thick it often takes decades for them to remember the horror of the unwanted kiss.
What kind of psychopath becomes an "intimacy coordinator?"
Not suggesting that the concept isn't a good idea in Hollywood, but who chooses that as a career?
Buffaloed in Buffalo.
Gee… perhaps Gallo should sodomize a 13 year old in his Jacuzzi to get back in their good graces?
If I were a man (in certain industries) -- I would have someone in the room with me at all times who could vouch for my behavior. Also, cameras rolling.
Step out of line, and the corrupt left will use the "he raped me!" card every time.
the tragedy is what this does to actual rape/sexual assault.
I agree with your list, but would add "Body Heat" with Kathleen Turner and William Hurt.
Maybe people can learn. Maybe not. The left hates anyone who doesn't hate conservative thought. The new Marxists pick a target who is not a believer, level bullshit charges at them, and hope some of it sticks. "Isolate, Freeze Target, Ridicule"
Caitlin Dulany, a SAG L.A. board member who is also on the sexual harassment prevention committee[...]
The first line of he Wikipedia entry:
"Caitlin Dulany is an American actress and activist."
"Activist". Of course.
She was one of the Weinstein plaintiffs as well.
"Following multiple accusations, against Harvey Weinstein, including one in which she was named, Dulany and Jessica Barth launched Voices in Action." Activists activated & in action, doing activism!
Another AWFL, helping to destroy America, bit by little bit.
It's weird that they are still making porno movies. Like, how many depictions of a sexual act, or a semi-sexual act, or even a tangentially sexual act, do we really need? Don't we have enough, now, already, that anyone who wants to, can spend the rest of his life watching them, without even coming close to running out? I think it must be the case, that these assholes make movies like this for their own gratification. They want to make a movie where some vicious scum tells a woman -- a very good-looking woman -- that she must suck his dick or die. And yes, the asshole wants to be that vicious scum. The money is nice, too. He would do it for less, but the money is nice.
@ tim in vermont
Freeman Hunt said at 8:36: "Emily probably shouldn't try out for roles as victims of rapes and murders. That's an excellent option open to everyone."
Well, yes.
It's not like she was dragged out of bed in the dark of night to have a very serious method actor tell her what she must do to appear really and truly terrified. And it's not like she mistakenly thought this was a tryout for "Eat, Pray, Love II- A Personal Journey". She was trying out for the part of a terrified woman whose role was to be raped and brutally sexualized before being murdered. Even if she was playing opposite Pee Wee Herman (may he rest in peace) it would have been a harsh role. But playing it with a noted serious method seems pretty clear that what happened was what should have been expected. that I think about it, I'd much prefer to have that scene come out with the Pee Wee Herman character as the murderer. Now that would have been entertainment.
I suppose it is a kind of metaphor. The insatiable desire of a human male, to fuck every, last woman he sees, becomes the insatiable need of the pornographer, to get one more woman to take off her clothes and do sexy things in front of his camera. Just one more, and then it'll be enough. I swear!
It isn't even a metaphor, its something more concrete. A consequence, a reproduction at scale. Who wants A must want B. You can only ejaculate so many times a day, but you can pay women to take their clothes off all day long. Then lie down exhausted and dream about it. Ah, sweet dreams. How can there ever be enough sweet, sweet dreams? Of forcing women to blow you at gunpoint?
Don't these guys make themselves even a little bit sick?
A dude in Hollywood is weird.
News at 11...
Thanks for the comments. 2024 rewrite coming.
@My name goes here wins the thread.
"Remember, we're not talking about criminal charges.".
Well....yuh. A man has a chance of defending himself from those.
"I saw 'Brown Bunny' and its porn scene. I believe the actress Chloë Sevigny lost, at the very least, her career momentum for participating in fellatio onscreen.
She should have just done what other actresses have done for decades and decades: do fellatio off-screen as part of the audition in hopes of getting the role."
I saw BROWN BUNNY and I actually liked it. Regarding Sevigny's fellatio scene in BROWN BUNNY, she had been Gallo's girlfriend at some time prior to making the film, so it is perhaps not quite as creepy as if she consented to performing the act with someone who was essentially a stranger to her. (She has also said the scene did not hurt her career, that her first mainstream acting and modeling jobs came after that.) Whatever the case, she has never publicly expressed regret or made any accusations of coercion or abuse against Gallo, (who is disliked by many.)
I went to see the movie aware of the notorious scene. I didn't go because of that scene, but because I so much loved Gallo's previous film, BUFFALO 66, (with Christina Ricci, who has reportedly said she would never work with him again, as he was so difficult during the making of the film).
BROWN BUNNY is in the style of European art films, and most American viewers would probably hate it, finding it slow, arid, repetitious, eventless, etc., like something by Antonioni Michaelangelo. I'm not a fan of such films myself, in general, but I was willing to give Gallo the benefit of the doubt. I did come to like it's opaque and somewhat morose mood. Gallo's character has little to say and is emotionally suffocated, mourning a dead former lover. The experience of watching the film becomes almost meditative. It features many scenes of Gallo riding a motorcycle on empty highways. By the time late in the film where the infamous fellatio scene occurs, the act is cathartic, serving a genuine dramatic purpose, tied in as it is to the character's emotional need and anguish.
Both BUFFALO 66 and BROWN BUNNY depict lead characters who are writhing in regret and self-loathing.
Roger Ebert hated the original long cut that he saw at the Cannes Film Festival, but he praised the edited and shortened version released to the theaters, giving it 3 out of 4 possible stars.
I have both films on DVD.
Sexual harassment in the workplace comes in many, many guises, and under the cover of "creating art" what Gallo wanted was to abuse a woman on film. In decades past, directors would film topless or nude scenes that would never make it into the theatrical release, but were fun to show at private parties. This is a continuation of that vileness.
Just saw "Poor Things" this week, and all I can say is that "The Policeman" is not an outlier in its attempt to be a film transgressive of social norms of viewers, through use of abuse against actresses. And yes, I know they are all now female actors, not actresses, but that is part of the point, too.
Emma Stone is an amazing actor, a female actor, and this feminist remake of the Frankenstein story is hilarious. Which is a hard thing to accomplish while feminists are changing a lightbulb, IYKWIMAITYD. Would it have been as funny without all the full frontal nudity during depictions of human sexuality and the business of prostitution? We'll never know.
As to Gallo, wasn't the insane director Billy Walsh in "Entourage" based on him?
Ann Althouse said...
"Gallo may be a libertarian..."
First time I've heard those words strung together that did not include an answer of "no".
"...and maybe you are [a libertarian] too..."
I'm not.
"...but that doesn't mean that the real world operates according to libertarian principles..."
Oh, Nooo!. Anyway...
"Remember, we're not talking about criminal charges. SAG is a union, so the question has to do with what working conditions have been bargained for. Please don't analyze this as a criminal case."
So it's a question of if contractural obligations were met? And it's being addressed as a civil case? Sounds pretty libertarian-y to me.
You’re welcome, good luck!
You’re welcome, good luck!
Reminds me of the Brando/Butter/Rape controversy where the actress was shocked and upset that Brando simulated rape in the film without telling her first. This was was supposedly was so terrible it scarred her for life. Even though it was pretend.
I don't know getting butter smeared on your naked crotch seems like something someone should have to consent to.
"Antonioni Michaelangelo" in my comment above should be "Michaelangelo Antonioni".
Gallery seems like a nuts job if he thinks that's what helps an actress ge in character. But maybe I missed an important episode from those great recent Bill Hader and Michael Douglas shows on Hollywood acting schools.
Everyone's whining about Gallo...
Where I can agree with Red Robert Cook:
Gallo is primarily a painter and a visual artist. States of mind, and their recreation through the medium of film, are their own beast. Regret, and self-loathing are kind of what he knows, given his childhood, I suspect. He might well be a little crazy, but the depiction of sex, sexual themes and regret are all tied together. In that, he certainly has artistic integrity and commitment.
As someone into photography, it's often the visual storytellers which interest me the most, because each scene is nice to look at, and thoughtfully chosen to move the story forwards (Scorsese, Kubrick etc.)
Also, at least he wasn't a member of F.A.G. (the film actor's guild)
"She was trying out for the part of a terrified woman whose role was to be raped and brutally sexualized before being murdered ..."
Hmmmm ... In a society where people make movies like this, and other people pay money to watch them, everyone is trying out for that part.
"Gallo may be a libertarian — and maybe you are too — but that doesn't mean that the real world operates according to libertarian principles."
I used to be a libertarian. Until one day, it occurred to me that there are people -- probably lots of people -- who would agree to become slaves for life, for a one-time payment. To pay for a child's medical care, for instance. In fact, it could be argued that many people do, one way or another, sign their lives away for money. The world does operate on libertarian principles, broadly interpreted. But the government should not enforce such a contract, just because there are people who offer it and others who are willing to enter it. There is no societal interest in the right to purchase a slave. Or to make this fucked-up movie, either.
It does seem like a lot of people think that since they have a camera, they get to tell you what you should do. It starts with the ones who tell you where to stand, and only goes downhill from there.
Maybe she should just explain to Gallo that she is an auteur, and he has the rare privilege of playing a very important part in a performance piece she is making, called "I Also". She would have told him in advance, and offered to pay him, not that any of us do these things for crass, mercenary reasons, but she just wasn't sure he had the talent and artistic integrity to make the role convincing. To get the performance she needed, it was necessary to destroy his reputation, his career, and a few of his more important relationships. And God, if he could only see the look on his pretty, little face! Worth every bit of it!
Hey and spare me your bullshit about "Art". How the fuck is it "Art" to make a POV movie about a guy who goes around torturing people sexually at gunpoint and killing them? This is edifying exactly how? This piques your refined aesthetic sensibilities precisely where? It's the usual glorification of the transgressor, with some sadism and a couple quick titty-shots thrown in so you'll think you got your money's worth. Which likely you did, if you sat through the repugnant thing. Nobody's making movies about the sick bastards who rape 90-year-old women. That's not Art. It can't possibly be Art. No one will pay to see it.
'"DeAngelo hates screaming. He hates fighters,” Gallo said, according to the complaint from Emily. “We don’t want to see you act, we don’t want to see you pretend. DeAngelo hates acting. DeAngelo hates actors.'
"Gallo hates screaming. He hates fighters," DeAngelo said. We don't want to see you act, we don't want to see you pretend. Gallo hates acting. Gallo hates actors.
And actresses, too. Although he will consent to see them naked.
Maybe I'm being too judgmental about this. The Romans had arranged to have access to a number of people whose life options were limited. They selected certain persons from among these "slaves", as they were called, on the basis of their superlative physical characteristics. They trained them to put on a special sort of show, using methods no doubt much harsher than those DeAngelo employs -- oh, sorry, I meant Gallo. Not DeAngelo, Gallo. These "players" did not last long. Many of them did not survive their first public performance, and very few lived to any great age.
But the Roman people were a great people. Their culture was a great culture, which could not have existed as it did without the peculiar and exquisite skills of the slave-trainers. Who are we to judge?
There is a very simple test we can apply. Would he have said all that shit if her husband was there? It's a simple business matter, right? He's explaining the routine duties of the position she has applied for. Obtaining the position is in her interest, she wants this job, right? So if she looks over at her husband, he'll be eagerly nodding his head. Right?
Of course, he could have put all that in the advertisement. The "Casting call", I think they call it. Just explain exactly what will be expected of anyone who is applies for and is offered this job. Of course, that would have scared off all the pretty ones.
The guy would make a great pimp, all he needs is a wire coat-hanger.
WTF, Jupiter!? It almost seems like you got a hard-on for Gallo.
Don't be too hard on Jupiter, Iman. Being a pretend gallant on the internet is no easy task.
And don't forget, he's against gladiatorial games too!
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