That's the highest rated comment on the article "'America Is Under Attack': Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade" by Nicholas Confessore (NYT).
The next 4 highest rated comments are similar:
1. "I don’t agree on much with Elise Stefanik, but she is right about DEI. When a movement requires zealous adherence, will abide no decent, and actively persecuted dissenters, then that movement is an enemy of free speech and the active exchange of ideas, whether it comes from the right or the left."
2. "This article makes the same assumption that the DEI movement does: opposing any aspect of the DEI program is an opposition to diversity and thus is racist itself. Why cant it be okay to think that the DEI program is the wrong approach to achieving diversity?"
3. "Getting rid of these DEI programs would be good for the US. We should get back to trying to be a meritocracy. Choose the best candidates, not the most diverse ones."
4. "This article attempts to discredit the view that DEI has gone too far by linking this view to politicians most readers will find distasteful. Yet the article avoids any discussion, analysis or statistics about the underlying question. It is undeniable that higher education is staffed by teachers and administrators that are far more progressive than the U.S. as a whole, that college courses are heavily tilted toward the progressive narrative, that administrators (including 'the college presidents') selectively protect free speech depending on the message, and that applicants’ race has been the determining factor for many students at elite universities. Many Americans think this progressive bias is wrong. The fact some unsavory characters may agree doesn’t negate the point."
५३ टिप्पण्या:
Why cant it be okay to think that the DEI program is the wrong approach to achieving diversity?
Look at all the time and energy the current DEI people put into their grift. Now you just want to take it away from them?
Affirmative discrimination in lieu of affirmative action to connect people and opportunities.
Diversity a la DEI is a doctrine of color judgments and class bigotry: racism, sexism, political congruence, human rites, etc.
George "Fentanyl" Floyd is a milestone in insurrections, intoxication, diversity, and selective prosecution, a progressive condition in the modern model of authoritarian government and private partnership.
Seems like a planted story and comments. See the Democrats who support the polices you’re loathing at the moment…well they don’t really support that stuff. Besides Donald Trump is so mean!
Coming soon to a commercial flight near you- diversity hire in the cockpit…
The Times comments can be fun when the paper runs too far left of its readers. They sound just like right-wingers when forced to push back.
The long-awaited Wake-up Call.
"then that movement is an enemy of free speech"
DEI adherents don't deny that, do they?
My analysis of DEI is that the endgame of its proponents is to make white people functionally illiterate by denying them educational opportunities and subservient to the “educated” minorities as well as making sure that whites can only do the most menial of jobs. Essentially, reversing the roles that blacks and whites had pre-Civil War and then immediately post-Civil War until the Civil Rights movement. Plus, it would break their block of conservative voters. This may take a generation of DEI indoctrination and takeover of government, but I believe this is their desired end result. DEI, in the left’s mind, is a legal loophole to discriminate against whites. It remains to see if SCOTUS will agree or disagree…
Outside of the national debt, DEI is the greatest threat to the Republic. It is a cancer that destroys any institution infects.
What institution has been enhanced by adopting DEI values?
To the Leninist left - merely saying "Color blind" is racist.
that's how far off the rails the radical antifa-prog-left drove themselves.
The radical left cried their eyes out when Rittenhouse defended himself against a child rapist.
DEI is like climate change: too many people make too much money from it to tolerate any challenge or push-back.
What is DEI if not an attempt to impose illegal racial quotas without using words like “quotas,” “numerical goals,” or the like?
The fact that tribalism is a very bad thing should not be controversial. It is called the Renaissance. Return to tribalism at your own risk. It is an unpredictable thing.
Post-George Floyd DEI craziness occurred for a combination of reasons:
1. The Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd saw widespread riots as a way to gain in the 2020 election. Then they had to stand by their internal loonies.
2. Early COVID19 lockdown mania caused unfocused anxiety seeking an outlet (e.g., "Two-week lockdown to slow the spread). Salvation! Ha ha.
3. Along with Trump and his endless Twitter updates when in office, a huge percentage of people developed short attention spans with tweet-length morals. This includes Trump himself and Elon Musk and Michael Bloomberg and Mark Zuckerberg and all sorts of politicians. They stopped being deliberative and stop censoring their internal Howard Stern-like dark, random impulses. Old age didn't help McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Trump, or anyone of their generation either. And also, private corporations felt able to bully their ways around too. This included Disney, Budweiser, and Blackrock's Larry Fink turning into a rat-fink about ESG investing.
Fink said "you have to force behaviors and have to force change":
Post backlash":
Well, investors nearly forced rat-Fink out of a he meekly crawls away from ESG silliness where tobacco companies gamed the system to rank above Tesla...
Time for the revolutionaries to to force change by 'defunding' Gates and Zuckerberg and Bloomberg and Musk and the rest of the entitled forcers? Where are the pitchforks and torches?
The "right" have nothing to do with DEI.
So the #1 commenter who blames "both sides do it" can f off.
Like Michael at 10:30 AM writes- DEI is a grifting operation- a large profitable one. The people employed in it add zero value to output- they are nothing but parasites on society.
Even if one thinks DEI is a good thing -- obviously SOME people think so -- it's un-American. Any system that purports to assign benefits, obligations, or moral worth to Americans on the basis of immutable traits like race is obviously contrary to our Constitution and civic values. Proponents can argue that we'd be a better, more just society if we implemented DEI concepts across the board, but they can't argue that they're entitled to such a society under any reasonable interpretation of our founding documents or our history, traditions, and values. It's also clear that the overwhelming majority of Americans today don't want DEI.
It's similar to open borders or student loan forgiveness: It's not just wrong for Biden to impose these bad policies because they're bad policies. It's wrong to impose them because Americans manifestly oppose them, whether you look at the laws we've enacted through their elected representatives or simply look at opinion polls.
The left always takes it for granted that, if an idea suits them, they're justified in forcing it down everyone's throats.
I've been waiting 10-15 years for someone to tell me why "diversity" in and of itself is a positive thing.
Non-discrimination on race, sex, etc is a great thing and we should all practice it.
But, much as they deny it "diversity" requires quotas. If you don't have 13% black, 51% women, 18% hispanic (and who the Hell is "hispanic" anyway?) 3% jew and so on plus a sprinkle of fruits and nuts for garnish you CANNOT be "diverse"
Diversity is bullshit.
Equal opportunity for all, hire and select the best and fuck the rest.
John Henry
“Coming soon to a commercial flight near you- diversity hire in the cockpit…”
To go along with the diversity hire in the control tower.
I think I’ll take the bus.
Imagine the problems of attempting to roll back or push out DEI at a university. Better to start a new university.
Do I detect a little blue-on-blue acrimony in the highest rated comments? But it will take a fair bit of courage for the nice liberals to help defeat DEI. At least in elite academia, it will be hard: as William Jacobson has noted on Legal Insurrection, there's not much opposition left inside the walls.
'will abide no decent..."
Love this typo.
Would have been better as 'Descent.'
If Nick had his way he'd be out of a job.
Amung the great washed and unwashed, DEI is fading into the background along with the woke pronouns and hashtag meetoo. Sometimes no thing does beat some thing. When it does, ridicule drowns out the whining.
DEI is regressive.
The Times comments can be fun when the paper runs too far left of its readers. They sound just like right-wingers when forced to push back.
Yesteryear's liberal is today's conservative. #PrinciplesMatter
“DEI is like climate change: too many people make too much money from it to tolerate any challenge or push-back.”
Not just too many people, but too many of the right people.
I’m surprised the Bidens didn’t get in on that scam. Seems safer than dealing with the CCP.
The black and white head shots convinced me. Those are some scary people!
Affirmative action originally meant going out of your way to find capable people from under-represented groups outside your usual sources, and as such it was a good thing. When it became "diversity" - a requirement to achieve numerical balance regardless of capability - it went off the rails in many ways.
“I think I’ll take the bus.”
On a somewhat related note, how long before the terrorists (more than 300 have been apprehended so far) discover that they can board an airplane without the usual screening or showing any I.d. by crossing the border illegally from Mexico.
Every grand BS idea the left have is a giant Potemkin Village.
It's all fake, and the divisive crapola only serves to create the illusion that leftists care, all while they line their pockets.
Were soaking in dei
Democrat Engineered Insanity
@Michael - Also like the "battle against climate change", DEI is going to get a bunch of people killed for no good reason, and immiserate many more.
@Michael - Also like the "battle against climate change", DEI is going to get a bunch of people killed for no good reason, and immiserate many more.
@Michael - Also like the "battle against climate change", DEI is going to get a bunch of people killed for no good reason, and immiserate many more.
With the leadership of the governor, the University of Utah has eliminated the use of Diversity Statements. Good riddance! Read this horrifying pile of garbage to get a sense of the level of indoctrination and commitment required to prove you are worthy of approval by the DEI gods:
You need a personal diversity statement
Imagine the level of pain and howling if everyone at the university were told they needed to write a Free Speech statement.
"The New York Times presents this piece as some kind of Pentagon Papers-esque exposé."
Every NYT piece is a hit piece.
There is no no longer any Dana, only Zuul.
An addendum to my analysis comment above…
Many of the enforcers of DEI in government and education today are white Regressives (TM). Many of the rioters during the Floyd protests in 2020 and recently in the pro-terrorist riots / demonstrations are young whites indoctrinated in school. These Regressives (TM) are just useful fools, as Karl Marx liked to say. Once critical mass is achieved in the full implementation of DEI, these white useful fools will be pushed out in the cold by their fellow Regressives(TM) as the Jews in this country, many who consider themselves Regressive(TM) have found out to their shock and dismay since Oct. 7. And with the Regressives(TM) running the upper levels of our government importing millions of illegal immigrants at a rate never seen before (with no explanation why from our “betters” other than the system is broken, which is just a bs answer non-answer), many of them not being Caucasian, the intent is to speed up the end result.
“DEI is like climate change: too many people make too much money from it to tolerate any challenge or push-back.”
Spot on. There are now more of them than any rational people in the administrative positions in institutions. Impossible to remove them without substantial effort and some breakage.
I didn't (couldn't) read the article, but was it framed as DEI vs. the American People, or DEI vs. (R)republicans?
I suspect the former, because the readers are on the side of America, but against republicans. When framed that way, it seems they are free to speak to the truth without fear of being on the republican side.
Like the old racism, DEI privileges color of skin over content of character.
Have y'all seen James Hankins' DEI statement? He's a bona fide historian. Excerpt:
"Let me take, as an example, the popular DEI slogan “Diversity is our strength.” This states as an absolute truth a belief that, at best, can only be conditional. When George Washington decided not to require, as part of the military oath of the Continental Army, a disavowal of transubstantiation (as had been previous practice), he was able to enlist Catholic soldiers from Maryland to fight the British. Diversity was our strength. On the other hand, when the combined forces of Islam, under the command of Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik, besieged Constantinople in 717, diversity was not their strength. At the crisis of the siege, the Christian sailors rowing in the Muslim navy rose in revolt and the amphibious assault broke down."
"'America Is Under Attack': Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade" by Nicholas Confessore (NYT).
America IS under attack by the forces of DEI, and the "Anti-D.E.I. Crusade" is fighting to protect and save America.
Poor Nick, so close to reality, but so far away
If diversity truly was a strength, the Austro-Hungarian Empire would have ruled Europe forever. Something like 13 major ethnicities and 11 major languages were contained (had to be accommodated) within the military establishment. Assertion, no matter how loudly or often you say it, doesn't make it true.
In the short term Napoleon's dictum of "Wisdom consists in shouting with the majority" may hold up, but in the long run reality like hypothermia in the White Mountains has a way of asserting itself with evidence and finality.
Meritocracy. Like the NBA and NFL.
"Impossible to remove them without substantial effort..."
Gather them all together. Tell them "98% of DEI positions are being eliminated, pray we don't alter these terms further." Let them know it's up to the group to decide who stays and who goes. Lock the door and let them sort it out.
Hidden cameras would be a good idea.
When a movement requires zealous adherence, will abide no decent
I assume they meant "dissent", but it works this way, too. (I have a sneaking hunch that dissent will become patriotic again a year from now.)
All of those New York Times commenters are obviously racists and should report to Room 101 at the Ministry of Love for re-education.
Also, at DEI, the "unsavory characters" are calling from inside the house!
Discrimination Equivocation Ideation (DEI)... exercised under liberal license of the Pro-Choice ethical religion of progressive sects.
DEI, Meritocracy, Competence.
One of these doesn't overlap with the other two on the Venn Diagram.
Choose wisely, my friends...
Patrick Henry was right! said...
The fact that tribalism is a very bad thing should not be controversial. It is called the Renaissance. Return to tribalism at your own risk. It is an unpredictable thing.
Funny you should say hat. Article in The Daily Mail- the go to source for unbiased coverage of the USA- from the UK, opening line: A 'race-fueled' brawl erupted between black and Somali students at a Minneapolis high school,...
Posted the article on Facebook without comments. Showed it to my better half this morning- "Wait- Somalis are black!" Import tribes to the US and what you get is- tribalism.
Something that some of us are aware of- but most aren't- Africans in Africa look down upon American blacks- because they're descended from slaves, losers of wars and battles in Africa, sold off for a profit rather then killed. So actually, they were kind of lucky in that respect... Then there is the occasional American black who visits Africa, who isn't a famous author/celebrity/politician, or other VIP, who mingles with the locals, not the elite, who learns tis the hard way. And comes back home, which is here, with a greater appreciation of America.
One of the reasons the US grew as it did is because we took a very diverse assemblage of people, different "races (Irish, Scots, English, Welsh, Germans, etc., were all regarded as races at the time), different religions, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, and a tremendous number of Protestant denominations and sects- none of whom got along with each other, and made them non-diverse. We created Americans. Well, first we created New Yorkers, Virginians, Rhode Islanders, and others, but then we melded them into- Americans. That ol' E Pluribus Unum thing. In Great Britain, where the Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and English live and are from, not to mention Cornish and Channel Islanders and a few others- they very rarely intermarry. Anyone who can trace their ancestry back to North America before the Revolution is likely a mixture of all 4 and more. As far as the religions go, many Americans are descendants of Huguenots, French religious refugees who stopped off briefly in England. I'm one of them.
Successful militaries for centuries, including ours, have been successful by eliminating diversity. Day 1 of training- everyone, regardless of background, is lower then whaleshit, and has to earn their way into the ranks by performing whatever tests, rituals, and trainings were required at the time. Once they've done that- they're soldiers, comrades in arms, regardless of their past. Their religion. Their color. Or anything else. It was going on when I went through boot camp- "You're all one color- NAVY BLUE!" Apparently that's still done to some extent in basic, but immediately upon graduation into the forces the DEI industry takes hold and says everyone has to be treated differently based on skin color and sexual orientation, not skills and ability to fit in.
But anyhow- link to the article:
Oh- one last thing- Mexican and other South American gangs aren't too fond of American blacks either.
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