That's the front page — solid respect without hedging.
Donald Trump is loved. It's finally front-page news in The New York Times.Bill Clinton once explained the nation’s two political parties by saying that Democrats want to fall in love while Republicans want to fall in line.
That adage has not withstood the Trump era. Today, it is Republicans who are besotted....
Trump is also hated, but hate does not destroy love.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
From the article:
"Bill Clinton once explained the nation’s two political parties by saying that Democrats want to fall in love while Republicans want to fall in line.
That adage has not withstood the Trump era. Today, it is Republicans who are besotted...."
I left the quote marks at the end as I'm not sure that all of it wasn't from the NYT, but the concepts are flawed.
Democrats want everyone else to fall in line.
Republicans aren't besotted with Trump, so much as they're weary of the nonsense coming from the (D) Party in its current state.
All the explanations start with the premise the voters are, ignorant, crazy, blind, stupid, bigoted, brainwashed, in love, etc, etc.
I will vote for whoever is running against Biden/Democrat
You are the blind one, if you cant see the rot in DC, DeSantis or Haley would be better than any Dem. I Question if either have the desire to put up with consequences of trying to clean up DC. The Consequences is undergoing what Trump has gone through for 8 years. Haley claims she will stop all the chaos. But the only way that stops is if Haley does what the GOPe does. Give up and do as the swamp tells her. If she cleans the swamp, the lies, civil law suits, and criminal charges will attach to her, just like they attached to Trump
If Republicans what to do the hard work of Governing, ALL of the Republicans would come together and work as one to take back the Senate and Dominate the House
But alas, the Mitch McConnell's, of the GOPe are more interested in shoring up their little fiefdom than doing the hard work of Governing. Happily playing the role of stoic opposition.
Funny, I remember Democrats saying about Hillary that "you don't have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line." So, I think Bill Clinton's adage was wrong.
In any case, the fact that Trump got a majority of the Republicans in Iowa, not just a plurality, seems to indicate that, unless something really unexpected happens in New Hampshire or South Carolina, this is going to be a really short Republican primary season. Like it or not, it looks like the general election is going to come down to a choice between Biden and Trump, unless the Democrats manage to Toricelli Biden.
It’s time for further criminal indictments, civil suits, investigations, leaks of false accusations and efforts to keep him off the ballot.
Bill Clinton once explained the nation’s two political parties by saying that Democrats want to fall in love while Republicans want to fall in line.
According to ChatGPT, the line "you don't need to fall in love, you just need to fall in line" is from Nancy Pelosi, though I can't find a media source for the claim.
In any case, it's hardly surprising that Clinton said something that is the opposite of the truth because it sounds better than the truth. Democrats fall in line and then convince themselves they've fallen in love. That's why they hate their rivals so much. They need to to justify their own behavior while still thinking of themselves as the good guys.
I guess Monica Lewinsky was a Democrat. And Bill Clinton did to her what Democrats usually do to 'their' voters.
Bill Clinton once explained the nation’s two political parties by saying that Democrats want to fall in love while Republicans want to fall in line.
How anyone could watch the Pelosi-led Congresses when she was Speaker and not understand that “fall in line” is a Democrat trait is beyond me.
Beginning the transition to 'strange new respect'.
I guess Monica Lewinsky was a Democrat. And Bill Clinton did to her what Democrats usually do to 'their' voters.
#TakeAKnee #HerToo
The most durable force in American politics - The New York Times?
Ah, the People and our [unPlanned] Posterity.
Time for a new Biden speech… preferably with that satanic, red ‘n black, Hitlerian background! More moronic, clench-fisted octogenarian rage before puddin’time.
Blogger boatbuilder said...
Idiots. Trump voters do not want to fall in love or to fall in line.
They want the political class to stop screwing them over.
That's it. Right there. It's so simple and the self-proclaimed intellectuals can't figure it out. Well, in fairness...they're part of the screwing over crew.
Love wins
Love trumps hate
NYT is shit
""Today, it is Republicans who are besotted...." Donald Trump is loved."
Besotted = loved?
Anyway, as others have already said, the supposed Clinton line was wrong, of course. Example: when Hill began to lose against Barry back in 08, my former long-time Hill-fan Dem friends switched pronto, and regarded anything said in her favor as treason. Their love proved contingent.
And as others have already said, most Trump supporters are hardly "besotted." But the urge to raise a political middle finger and express contempt for the persecuting inferiors that patronize us is strong.
Donald Trump’s large victory in Iowa is somewhat small - the leading figure in the Republican Party for the last decade only mustered 51%. Imagine if an incumbent President were rejected by 49% of his or her political party. Yes, I know that Trump is only a former incumbent, but a lot of Republicans aren’t falling in line.
So.. The ONLY County Nikki "won", was The People's Republic of Johnson County..
Home of The University of Iowa
Of Nikki's "votes" how many came from Democrats? Was it ALL? or only MOST?
By ascribing it to some kind of irrational devotion is just another way to avoid looking at the real issues. They are not "giving Trump his due," it's just a new line of attack.
It's funny that the regime is demanding that social media outlets use "NewsGuard" to police social media "disinformation."
NewsGuard... Mindguard
In groupthink theory, a mindguard is a member of a group who serves as an informational filter, providing limited information to the group and, consciously or subconsciously, utilizing a variety of strategies to control dissent and to direct the decision-making process toward a specific, limited range of possibilities. The presence of mindguards within a group is one of eight main "symptoms" of groupthink identified by its original theorist, Irving Janis.
It's like they are trying to engineer groupthink. The New York Times is acting as a mindguard here by limiting the kinds of things that there readers are allowed to think about. Such as "what rational reasons could a voter have in voting for Trump?"
lol gilbar.
In responding to a pollster, the raw number of respondents in Marquette who admitted to voting multiple times in the 2000 election would have tipped the state to Bush, without even applying the percentage to the total numbers of voters.
A Bill Clinton witticism didn't stand the test of time? Say it ain't so!
Reagan had a much stronger grip on the party after he won control in the 1980s. Unlike Trump, Reagan actually won the popular vote in his two national presidential campaigns, and helped to facilitate the rise of movement conservatism. FDR's grip on the Democratic Party was arguably greater.
In many ways the Clintons and their allies control of the operational side of the Democratic Party is stronger and longer lasting than Trump's is with respect to the GOP.
The significance of Iowa is that it represents a significant part of the GOP coalition -- white evangelicals (about 35-40% of the GOP electorate). In 2016, white evangelicals were the last people to buy into Trump's presidential candidacy. So the fact that Trump is now the top choice of white evangelicals, suggests (consistent with national polls), that there isn't really a lane for any other potential candidate. Trump is effectively running the way you would expect an incumbent to run in a party primary.
As a point of comparison and reference point, I suspect if the Democrats had held a caucus in Iowa this year, that you would have had fewer than 100,000 people show up for Biden and the Dems. My guess is that turnout in 2024 is likely to be well below the level in 2020 given the low levels of enthusiasm for both Trump and Biden.
Donald Trump’s large victory in Iowa is somewhat small - the leading figure in the Republican Party for the last decade only mustered 51%.
I think we should probably add deSantis's percentage to Trump's. In terms of how each of them has fulfilled his executive responsibilities, they're much alike - remember "Trump without the baggage"? Yes, there are Never Trump Republicans out there, but I would be surprised if a strong majority of DeSantis voters - pretty much traditional conservatives who are done with rolling over for the (Democrat) establishment - wouldn't vote for Trump if - when - he is the nominee. Too much common cause to ignore.
..they need to break his bond with his supporters
More incendiary calls for violence against conservatives by NYT...
They are not "giving Trump his due," it's just a new line of attack.
It's going to be worse than that. They're not just trying to make Trump look like the most evil demagogue since you-know-who; they're trying to make Trump's supporters look like the You-Know-Who Youth.
If taking down Trump BAMN is justifiable because you-know-who, why draw the line there? Even after the bunker suicides, the Allies still had to subdue the remaining fanatics. Right? I mean, otherwise you risk the Japanese guy on the Pacific island, ignorant of the war's end. When you come right down to it, it's just merciful to end it decisively.
At least Vivek made it through the Iowa Caucus before dropping out… that’s more than our current Vice-President did.
Blogger Rich said...
Reagan had a much stronger grip on the party after he won control in the 1980s. Unlike Trump, Reagan actually won the popular vote in his two national presidential campaigns
That was before California went full pinko corrupt communist. Fortunately the founding fathers were smart enough to create the electoral college to keep a corrupt large state like CA from running the rest of the country. Who the hell wants to be governed like LA, Oakland, and San Francisco? Chicago or NYC for that matter.
I guess CNN will be claiming that Iowa has gone crazy, until New Hampshire.
Congratulations to Iowa!
Well done.
My guess is that turnout in 2024 is likely to be well below the level in 2020 given the low levels of enthusiasm for both Trump and Biden.
Of course you may be right. But wasn't the common wisdom in 2020-21 that Biden didn't win, Trump lost? That it wasn't enthusiasm for Biden that turned out 81 million voters but enthusiasm for defeating Trump? (And I've never heard anyone on either side argue that Trump's 80 million voters were anything but either enthusiasm for him and anger about what was being done to him and to us.)
(Setting aside for the moment whether those vote totals are accurate and what they would have been in the absence of near-universal mail-in balloting, gaming the electorate via social media and the news media, targeted ballot harvesting...)
I'm other words, now that people have gotten a snootful of what a Biden administration has to offer, who's to say that the prospect of four more years of it might not drive turnout?
I would only point to the Congressional Democrat voting record and note that obedience to the agenda would seem to be indicated, when it counts. They get their story straight, and deviations from the story are punished ruthlessly.
Mad Town Guy said,
"Republicans aren't besotted with Trump, so much as they're weary of the nonsense coming from the (D) Party in its current state."
That's it right there.
My guess is that turnout in 2024 is likely to be well below the level in 2020 given the low levels of enthusiasm for both Trump and Biden.
...the Rich avatar signaling that the Democrats Stuff the Ballot Box/Fudge the Numbers/Standinglachesmoot Machine has been dismantled in favor of the Lawfare/Something Something Amendment/Kick Trump off the Ballot Machine...
LeftBankoftheCharles sez: "Donald Trump’s large victory in Iowa is somewhat small - the leading figure in the Republican Party for the last decade only mustered 51%."
Yes, some of the talking heads were trying this one out last night - I guess maybe you're on the memo list. 'Half of the Republicans voted against Trump !', they said, digging hard for some notes of triumph in their voice. I don't predict this meme is going to work very well.
Trump took all 99 counties. The last candidate that did this was George W. Bush, in 2004. Of course, he didn't have any opposing candidates, then. That's..... kind of significant - right?
No, I predict the 'Danger to Democracy' is going to be the favored theme for now. There's nothing that insiders can leak that is damaging, and the efforts to spike Nikki's vote with Democrat crossovers has failed miserably, so...it'll be fear-mongering, now.
My husband was reading the actual tallies on, I think, CBS News. So, it turns out, apparently, that a 51% win is 10 points greater than the next highest win in history - GHWBush? I think? Surprisingly. And a 30-point lead over the 2nd place finisher absolutely destroys the previous record of something like 12 points.
So, Trump's "mere" 51% is not so mere after all, it seems.
The worship of Obama by his legions of acolytes makes MAGA look like a bunch of pikers.
"The Most Durable Force in American Politics..."
Durable connotes resilience against naturally occurring wear and tear.
With respect to the NYT and the Deep State, et al., however, I think there's a better word to describe Trump.
in·dom·i·ta·ble (adjective) - impossible to subdue or defeat.
I got surveyed last night. Apparently one of our perennial candidates wants to jump in against Ryan Zinke for Congress.
They know if they run in a red state with Trump on the ticket they'll get swept in even if Trump loses overall.
How awesome is that?
Anyway it's hard not to get caught up in the awesomeness of the Trump phenom...it's embarrassing.
I remain "Somewhat Supportive."
93 percent of Republicans voted for TRump in 2020. He lost by an eyelash, most likely due to fraud. He won in 2016.
Why should anyone be amazed that Republicans want him again?
Especially since all his competition is so horrible. Desantis is a terrible campaigner, Haley wants to start WW III and cut Social Security, Christie is unlikable and wants to do the same, and the rest (except for Mr. V) were complete zeros.
I hate Trump. I hate him for the sideshow attraction he is, and for the cultish admiration he inspires in people whose nature and bent should ordinarily produce loathing for him. I hate him for his colossal ego unconstrained by superego. I hate him for the as-yet unimaginable chaos that will overtake this country should he win. I hate him for not pointing to RDS and declaring that this is the man who can salvage America. And I hate him for forcing me to vote for Biden or whoever replaces him.
Blogger AlbertAnonymous said...
Love trumps hate
Why does everyone leave out the apostorphe?
It should be "Love "Trump's hate"
As in, I love Trump's hate or everyone should love Trump's hate
He hates all the right people and drives them absolutely mental with it.
John Henry
Did they quote Rush Limbaugh? Because that’s one of his points.
21 percent isn't necessarily a bad outing for someone who has never held national office.
A mere 51 percent, meaning rejection by 49 percent, is devastating for someone who has already been president. Anything below 85-90 percent for Trump is a bad omen for his prospects in November.
@cassandralite: It reads like you hate what has made you start to become self-aware.
"And I hate him for forcing me to vote for Biden or whoever replaces him."
Wow. The chaos you fear will arise from the party of Biden. You are being coerced into voting for Biden- don't kid yourself.
Haley only won Johnson County, which includes the University of Iowa. Clearly, the Democrats came out for her there enough for her to win that one county.
Trump's durability has little to with idolatry of the "bitter clingers". It has to do with the unraveling of the country: military age men and drugs pouring through an open border, double standard law enforcement and prosecution, rising antisemitism, massive expenditures on undocumented immigrants, mutilating children, unsustainable national debt and $200 grocery bills for two, to name a few.
Most of us are aware that Trump is an unmitigated jerk. So what! Except for the debt, which is shared, those are not Trump issues. They belong to Biden and the Democrats. All but 33% of the (polled) population can see that. Presumably, the 33% are the same people who imagine Trump will "destroy the democracy."
The reporting is objective. e.g. what happened in the GOP Iowa caucus? Why did people vote the way that they did? What is likely to happen as the contest unfolds? It's all there.
A certain kind of partisan constantly blames the press for the fact that voters don't behave the way they want them to behave. If you actually follow politics, you would also know that print journalism in particular — especially the kind that people subscribe to — has a marginal impact on public opinion. Most Americans get their news through free media, local and cable news, and radio. The WSJ is a very good paper, but it has even less influence than The NY Times or the Washington Post. And neither of those papers has any reach beyond elite, largely Democratic political circles.
"Anything below 85-90 percent for Trump is a bad omen for his prospects in November."
So Trump needed 40-50 percent of all Iowa voters to have switched to him to not make it a "bad omen"?
Sure sounds like desperation if you think 98 out of 99 counties and a far higher percent than EVER recorded in Iowa is a "bad omen".
Cassandra Lite: "And I hate him for forcing me to vote for Biden or whoever replaces him."
Time to take responsibility for your actions rather than line up with the idiots willing to flush the country by voting Democrat because "the devil [Trump] made me do it."
Also, shame on you for the patronizing implication that commenters here are Trump cultists.
Shorter @cassandralite ; " I am an idiot but will again shoot myself in the foot " .
"And I hate him for forcing me to vote for Biden or whoever replaces him."
So you vote based entirely on emotion, not reason. I understand. Scott Adams may have a point...
It's been four years. Does anyone yet know who won the Democratic Iowa caucus in 2020? I don't remember the news media ever revealing the answer.
@cassandra lite, you don’t look around you and see the chaos caused by Joe Biden and his administration? Which person showed up at East Palestine with badly needed supplies? Was that the current President, or was that Trump? Who tried to demonstrate his nonexistent empathy to the residents of burned out Lahaina by mentioning a small kitchen fire he once had? That wasn’t Trump, was it? Do I need to go on? Should I point out the rise of antisemitism on Biden’s watch? Do you prefer Biden’s economic policies to Trump’s?
Back in Little League it never crossed my mind that I had to like the second baseman to throw him the ball when someone hit a grounder past the shortstop. It never crossed my mind that I had to like a teammate to pass him the basketball. Yet somehow you think you have to personally like Donald Trump to vote for him over a man whose policies are demonstrably vastly worse. Seems strange to me.
Cassandra needs a hug. Or a Valium.
"for the cultish admiration he inspires in people whose nature and bent should ordinarily produce loathing for him"
Maybe you should ask one of those people why they support him. If those people are actually intelligent, perhaps you could learn something about that support and resolve this tension you perceive, instead of dismissing it as "cultish." Accusing someone of being in a cult is a good way to short circuit thinking about what actually motivates such a person.
A common technique of people who really are in cults is to use simple phrases, thought stopping phrases, that immediately put a stop to further thinking down a forbidden path. The idea is that the subconscious mind can veto lines of inquiry before the conscious mind can even get around to them. The subconscious began its evolution 200 million years ago with the first mammals, is a compact structure in the brain, and the conscious mind is relatively slow and clunky, and is only a few hundred thousand years old, but it can plan and do logic. It takes a lot of work to recognize this happening in your own mind. At first, it can be like facing a major league fastball, it will be in the catcher's mit before you even see it coming, but you can learn to spot your mind doing this, with practice. If you are voting based on "loathing," there is a good chance that your rational mind has been short circuited by propaganda.
You can also look at the "attribution fallacy," where it is known that you can demonize a person, even with lies, to the point that people will believe anything about them, and assign that person bad intent, no matter what he does. It's one of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Hilary Clinton wrote her thesis on that book, BTW.
I think I've given the commenters on this site too much credit over the years.
My post above is a complaint about the cult of personality that has been created around Trump. Jim Jones forced his followers to die. Trump invites us to commit suicide and millions are happily partaking of the poison that is Trumpism.
I will vote for Biden or whoever replaces him, if Trump, not RDS, is the R candidate because anyone with eyes and ears and a functioning brain can see what the next four years will be like in this country...thanks to the sociopathic insanity he catalyzes and takes no responsibility for.
This is a man who defines puerile, and yet his followers think he's JFC. They've been complaining for four years about the shutdowns and the shots, and this is the guy behind those--and they go, Oh, he won't do that again. They ignore that since 2016, R's have been destroyed electorally in this country. They complain about the J6 prison terms and forgive Trump for not pardoning them when he could.
What should be a strong R congress is basically dead even because of his choices. And hey, thank heavens he put up a complete loser for Senate in PA, because Fetterman since October 7 has been the sanest Dem or Rep in that august body.
Who among the relatively small pool of people in any given field capable of running a cabinet department would agree to work for this man, given how he trashes them once they leave office? Most, having agreed to work for him, will find their futures clouded, at best.
Again, Trumpism is a cult, an insidiously destructive cult in service to a man who has a thousand-word vocabulary, but a genius for childish name-calling. His skin is thinner than a butterfly wing, and if Hitler himself arose and praised him, Trump would think, I can be friends with this guy.
Maybe the best example of how much insanity he creates: Evangelicals think he's more Christian than DeSantis.
If you think the whole Tucker Carlson American First Jew hatred is bad now--and it is--wait till Trump becomes president. Not because Trump is himself antisemitic; he's not. But because he will allow them to say and do what they want as long as they continue to kiss his ass.
The man has no principles other than his own self gratification. He's all id and ego, no superego.
I loathe Biden and the Democrats. But I can foresee absolute chaos if Trump wins. And if he loses, RDS will be there in four years to right the ship.
"anyone with eyes and ears and a functioning brain can see what the next four years will be like in this country...thanks to the sociopathic insanity he catalyzes and takes no responsibility for."
Every accusation is a confession. I can't remember things being so bad under Trump, until that virus Fauci authorized to be experimented with escaped the lab. It seems like it was actually pretty good under Trump, despite the fact that the Republican Party worked to stymie him at every turn. The world has plunged into war since Biden sent that letter to Ukraine promising them membership in NATO, an action that every Russian leader, even in opposition, since Gorbachev, including Gorbachev, said would lead to war, and here we are, the world aflame.
Maybe you should ask yourself whether the reason that they loathe Trump so much, is that he failed to start any new wars.
"But I can foresee absolute chaos if Trump wins."
What could be more chaotic than a further ten million migrants undermining our labor markets, overstretching our housing markets, budening our health care system, causing homelessness. Trillions wasted on trying to buy votes for the Democrats, forcing up interest rates and inflation, all of these things are not "chaos" by your definition?
I once did a business deal with a sociopath. I sort of suspected that he was a sociopath the first time I met him. He was far more like Joe Biden than Donald Trump.
The Left hates Trump. The Right hates all the Left. Trump can be replaced, and nobody will like the next iteration of hating all the Left.
The "poison" here is the relentlessly negative narrative created by the media which has pushed what was probably once a sane mind into mania.
The Trump you describe doesn't exist. Nor does the cult.
"I think I've given the commenters on this site too much credit over the years."
Well, you're one up on me. I've never given you any credit.
I did hope your post was satire. Y'know making fun of braindead types like Kieth Olbermann or Rachael Mad-cow, but it seems to be serious.
Anyway, are you moving to Canada with Babs Streisand, if Trump is elected?
"I think I've given the commenters on this site too much credit over the years."
Well, you're one up on me. I've never given you any credit.
I did hope your post was satire. Y'know making fun of braindead types like Kieth Olbermann or Rachael Mad-cow, but it seems to be serious.
Anyway, are you moving to Canada with Babs Streisand, if Trump is elected?
BTW. Tucker Carlson has a great takeout of Haley in his "explaination of Iowa" Video.
cassandra lite @1:15PM delivers an ignorance infused primal scream of elitism and gross over-generalization buffoonery.
cassandra kicks up such an astonishing amount of mud to hide a simple fact: he/she despises the middle class / working class / working poor who have been utterly and completely abandoned by the (uneducated) credentialed class of both parties and now he/she is astonished, absolutely astonished, that those voters happened to notice that hatred of them and went in a different direction in 2016 and then noticed that, for a time, their lives actually improved under Trump...against every prediction by our "elites".
Gee, its a real shocker as to why those "deplorables" wish to opt back in on Trump even though their "betters" demand, screamingly demand, that they not do so!
I've got news for you cassandra lite: YOU, and those like YOU, created Trump. And YOU, and idiots like you, help sustain him by proving his every charge true.
So go ahead, launch a few more martini-fueled population-wide Freudian attacks on your fellow citizens who aren't willing to simply accept your establishment, Failure Theater, America Last "expert" opinions.
This moron cassandra actually brought up Jim Jones!
Just get your guest slot on Maddow lined up already. You'll fit right in.
Spot on.
Trump Shatters Record for Biggest Win in History of Iowa Republican Caucuses
Bob Dole previously held the record in contested Republican Iowa caucuses at 12.8 percent.
What is more, Trump appears to have garnered the highest vote share in Iowa Republican caucus history. Former President George Bush had performed the best of any Republican candidate going back to 1972 with 41 percent
Seen on X, from Laura Loomer
"After it was reported that President Trump won every county in Iowa tonight, Democrat shenanigans ensued and now it’s being reported that Johnson County in Iowa, which is a Biden +40 county, flipped to @NikkiHaley by ONE VOTE.
The vote was from a Democrat who showed up to switch their registration to Republican at the door to vote for Haley against Trump. Iowa allows for same day registration, which is why Democrats told their supporters to register Republican to vote for Nikki Haley during the Caucus.
This idea was proposed by David Plouffe, Barrack Hussein Obama’s campaign manager who is now advising Nikki Haley.
Haley’s Election Day strategy was to get Democrats to vote for her to vote against Trump.
Nikki Haley is a Democrat. And tonight’s results prove it."
because anyone with eyes and ears and a functioning brain can see what the next four years will be like in this country
Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and see what the last four years have been like before you start prognosticating about the next four.
Cassandra has Stockholm Syndrome- the only explanation I can think of for them voting for Biden after the last 3 years because they are afraid of chaos. This commenter also makes me think of this.
He should hire some private security and get rid of those secret service agents. They're part of the DC swamp, and just as likely to be the ones to pull the trigger when Biden gives the command.
"Back in Little League it never crossed my mind that I had to like the second baseman to throw him the ball when someone hit a grounder past the shortstop. It never crossed my mind that I had to like a teammate to pass him the basketball. Yet somehow you think you have to personally like Donald Trump to vote for him over a man whose policies are demonstrably vastly worse. Seems strange to me."
Me, too. It's not like you're inviting Trump to your backyard BBQ. If he does stuff you agree with (until Covid, things were going pretty good for regular working people), why do you need to like him personally? When your house is on fire, are you going to interview the firefighters as they arrive and reject the ones you consider icky?
Casandra fell for all of the Dutch angle pics of Trump.
Blogger Louise B said...
“It's been four years. Does anyone yet know who won the Democratic Iowa caucus in 2020? I don't remember the news media ever revealing the answer.”
Pete Boutygeuse by a shorthair…
I think a lot of Trump supporters are "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" in their attitude.
Leora said...
"I think a lot of Trump supporters are "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" in their attitude."
I can live with that.
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