Biden's offer reveals that securing the southern border is something he does not want to do. He's willing to give in on it to get something else, something he wants, Ukraine funding.
Frustrated and anxious about legislative negotiations that would deliver aid to Ukraine and Israel in exchange for new border restrictions, Biden stated Friday that he was willing to accept restrictions to the asylum system and other enforcement measures that were almost unthinkable for Democrats at the beginning of the president’s term....
Biden said the changes would give him an emergency authority to “shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed” and said he would “use it the day I sign the bill into law.”...
“As the leader of our party, there is zero chance I will support this horrible open borders betrayal of America,” Trump told a rowdy crowd of supporters at a rally.... “I’ll fight it all the way. A lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they’re blaming it on me. I say, that’s okay. Please blame it on me. Please.”
Trump’s opposition follows Biden’s statement on Friday praising the deal and pledging to use its new authorities to “shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed” — a striking shift as he signaled openness to asylum restrictions and other enforcement measures that were previously unacceptable to Democrats....
Trump said he opposed the bill because the presidential powers were unnecessary.... “If Joe Biden truly wanted to secure the border, he doesn’t really need a bill,” Trump said in the Las Vegas speech. “I did it without a bill.”
If the President already has the power and he is not using it, then why would we expect him to use the power if a new statute states that he has that power? You have to trust not only the pledge but also Biden's willingness to declare that the border is "overwhelmed."
११८ टिप्पण्या:
So Lucy says stuff that sounds like a promise to not pull the football away and in exchange Republicans get to spend more trillions on what they want but their party voters don’t. Win win for Washington.
There was a recent panel discussion in Alberta (Canada): Tucker Carlson was the biggest name, but Conrad Black and Jordan Peterson also took part. Alberta's Premier, Danielle Smith, I believe was a supportive paying guest at the event. She posed for a picture with the other three. Black said the three "pundits" agreed on a lot of things, and tried to think of some controversy (which makes this a very poorly planned panel discussion).
Black said something like: what unites the Dems now is the belief that Trump is Hitler. I think this is #2. #1 is open borders. Biden or whoever is sane and running the show is willing to lose to Trump before he will make any significant change to open borders. Trump winning four years is a blip; open borders is potentially a transformation of the country for the foreseeable future.
The border discussion is a smoke screen for the neocons who want to fund Ukraine. Then they can gaslight us -- Don't you care about the chaos at the border? -- to hide their true intent. If Trump is asking for the blame as a way to disarm this sleight of hand, then good.
"Trump brags about..." Whenever I read a headline that characterizes what Trump has said or done, I pretty much discount it and wonder what actually happened. He is often foolish with his words, but the news media have proven again and again to be utterly dishonest with their reporting, so I automatically assume that I am not getting an accurate report. Unfortunately, there are many people who have not made this assumption, and treat the media reports as honest information. Too often, we dismiss the MSM as hopelessly lacking credibility. They still have very real power.
I don't detect a clamor among my friends for more Ukraine funding.
The border? Biden's already lost the election on that issue alone. People are fed up.
What we will get (and Biden knows this): Lots of $dough for the Ukraine war, and sham border control.
Trump was right about everything...except Covid.
"Biden's offer reveals that securing the southern border is something he does not want to do."
And in this age of managed public ignorance, none of the Legacy Media will confront the President with the obvious question, and the obvious followup, to this issue that 70% of Americans have a strong opinion on:
1. Why do you want the borders open?
2. What are the Administration's long-term goals on immigration into the USA and border security?
Do you remember how confrontational the Legacy Media was, with Trump? Confrontational to the point where reporters had their Press badge revoked, and then Trump moved his briefings outside, where he couldn't be out-shouted. Remember the last time Biden held press briefings on a more-or-less daily basis? Yeah me neither, not in this century. This country's Establishment Leadership is a sad joke on representative government.
Any bets on whether a Biden rally crowd that behaved exactly as the Trump rally crowd did - however that might have been - would also have been described as "rowdy"?
I'm going with "enthusiastic."
And, any bets on whether the day Biden signs the bill, something comes up that prevents him from closing the overwhelmed border?
5 Ukrainian officials arrested over theft of $40 million in war funds as Ukraine corruption persists
RNC Research
Biden, who signed 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to decimate border security, says he'd "shut down the border right now" if only Congress passed his wish list.
He says nothing about reversing his actions that created the crisis in the first place.
Ann is exactly right. The GOP can’t make a deal with Biden because he won’t faithfully execute the new law. He should be impeached and convicted for not faithfully executing the old laws. And on top of that, Biden has been bribed. Joe Biden is completely untrustworthy.
If Hunter wasn’t so dumb, I would have thought the Biden Crime Family had been bribed by the Cartels.
Until we get access to the Biden Crime Family Bitcoin accounts, we’ll never know the full extent of the corruption.
Why is Ukraine more important to Biden than our own security?
This is why it is important to read past the headlines. Biden did not agree to shut down the border for more funding, but only to “shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed.” Guess who gets to determine whether the border is "overwhelmed." I doubt it is Governor Abbott. This is an empty, meaningless "commitment" that will change nothing.
Just so I understand this, the President of the United States, who, after 3 years of inviting, encouraging, aiding, assisting waves of illegal migration from all over the world, including from nations hostile to us, now offers to carry out his primary responsibility, National Defense and securing our national borders, but only if we pony up for more millions/billions of dollars to try to secure the border of a corrupt European nation?
I cannot wait for November.
And in this age of managed public ignorance, none of the Legacy Media will confront the President with the obvious question, and the obvious followup, to this issue that 70% of Americans have a strong opinion on:
1. Why do you want the borders open?
2. What are the Administration's long-term goals on immigration into the USA and border security?
Same questions on Ukraine - why is the Federal Government so committed to funding the slaughter over there, and what are the Administration's long-terms goals on Ukrainian independence?
Crook lying liar Joe opened the southern border on purpose.
Invited them all in.
Leftist groups helped shuttle millions of illegal entrants to the border for 3 years.
The politician winds are blowing - but Crook Joe can go F himself.
How does that visual work in an election year?
I say visual because when I read somethings, like this story, a mental picture emerges.
How does a president show more empathy for the problem of a people half way around the world at the expense of our own fellow citizens here at home, IN AN ELECTION YEAR?
not even Obama took that kind of chance, IN AN ELECTION YEAR?
Obama: "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility."
Medvedev: "I understand. I transmit this (inaudible) to Vladimir."
unless, it’s dejavú all over again … Meaning, the fix is in. ��
The thing MSM never tells you is the new border restrictions are not restrictions at all. They codify accepting 1.8 million illegal immigrants per year. Plus healthcare plus legal services etc. It’s a total betrayal of our sovereignty. And a bipartisan one, to boot. Biden only pretends to need it to get that allowance in place.
Biden is not capable of securing the border.
"The deal" will allow 3 million people a year to cross the border illegally BEFORE any controls kick in.
Right now, Biden could get that down to zero if he wanted - without a "deal". He doesnt want to.
His first actions in Jan 2021, were to open the border by rescinding every Trump order on immigration, stopping wall construction, getting rid of "remain in Mexico", tearing down fencing that had been built, and releasing illegals on "probation".
Right now, the USA Government and NGOs (Cf: Hebrew Immigration Aid Society and the one headed by Bush, Clinton, and Obama) are funding and providing information for illegals to fly to Mexico and then come across.
There's zero reason to believe Biden will stick to the deal. He can take the money for Ukraine and not do anything. This all a kubuki dance by Mumbles McConnell to provide cover for Biden and the R Senators up for re-election. GOPe Senators and the Democrats have ZERO desire to stop illegal immigration. The Big Donors want it. And only 1/2 to 2/3 of the R Senators want to stop it.
Dave: "If Hunter wasn’t so dumb, I would have thought the Biden Crime Family had been bribed by the Cartels."
Hunter aside: Is there a better explanation for the border fiasco than cartels funding Democrats with dark money?
BTW, this "Blame me" is exactly why people love Trump. No flim-flam. No pretense. Just a straightout statement.
GOPe - like Romney - cant even say "I need to go to the bathroom" without putting in a qualifier or some doubletalk.
You have to trust not only the pledge but also Biden's willingness to declare that the border is "overwhelmed."
In which case, you’d be an idiot, wouldn’t you?
Aren't all the laws necessary for effective border security and illegal immigration containment already in place? Isn't the question now simply about the level of enforcement? What legislation is missing, other than funding levels, for say, barriers and personnel?
The money US tax payers can ill afford to send to Ukraine - is mostly wasted.
Is it any wonder the corruptocrats want more?
Exactly - Wendy 8:55
Lying Biden does not need congress to shut down the border.
Biden opened the border with the stoke of his pen.
Biden and his NBC corrupt media are lying liars who lie.
Why is Ukraine more important to Biden than our own security?
@Joe, just guessing here, but probably kickbacks from Ukraine and bribes from the billionaires who want a source of cheap labor.
He should be impeached and convicted for not faithfully executing the old laws.
Aren't you an attorney? Shouldn't you know that not "faithfully executing the old law" is not the standard for impeachment?
This bill would actually make things at the border far worse. For some Republicans this is desirable.
The border is open not because there are no laws to prevent it. It is open because Biden is refusing to enforce the law in violation of his oath of office. Why would he suddenly start enforcing anything now? I mean other than taking a bribe?
Joe said...
Why is Ukraine more important to Biden than our own security?
If Putin wins he could expose Joe and Hunter's corruption to the point that the Democrats would have to act on it. The Biden clan has been through that before with Joe Sr. losing everything when the War Labor Board sued the shady company he was working for over war profiteering.
My crystal ball says that after the Ukraine money is released to create an excuse for restarting any border security, whoever operates Biden will find a way to reopen the border as soon as their prospective victory is settled. This is a better indicator than polls. If the borders are open on election day, they've got it under control.
If they aren't nervous they are doing a fine job of playing nervous for public consumption, but that butter is cold.
It seems to me that the GOP (and Trump) is not that concerned about the border either. If Trump is right, and vermin, mental patients, criminals and blood poisoners are invading our country, why is there no urgency to do anything about it until he gets back in office. How is letting it go on for at least another year (because remember, even if re-elcted he won't be sworn in until Jan 21, 2025.
Seems like the GOP is more interested in scoring political points with their border tactics than actually fixing the problem.
Blogger Joe said..."Why is Ukraine more important to Biden than our own security?"
Why, indeed. That question should be cut as a Trump campaign ad right now.
Biden is lying about securing the border. Both parties want open borders, but for different reasons. The dems want the votes and the turd world chaos and filth. The GOPe wants cheap labor for the traitors at the Chamber of Commerce. The Ukes do not deserve our support, but they must have some nasty dirt on the ruling trash that pisses our money away on pointless bloodshed.
Every country, especially Israel and Ukraine, are allowed secure borders, excepting the US of course.
"Please blame it on me."
Tell me again how stupid Trump is. Everyone except the hard-core globalists, grifters and dupes is wondering why the border isn't protected, as it should be in any sane and prosperous nation (and we are by far the most prosperous--not so sure about sanity).
Everyone also is quite reasonably asking why this should have any connection whatsoever to funding a war in Ukraine.
Trump says loudly and clearly--"I HEAR YOU."
Trump's shtick would not work if there was any serious effort to address this fundamentally insane policy in the Biden Administration, in the GOPe, and in the MSM.
"Please don't throw me in that brier patch, Br'er Bear."
If the President already has the power and he is not using it, then why would we expect him to use the power if a new statute states that he has that power? You have to trust not only the pledge but also Biden's willingness to declare that the border is "overwhelmed."
The contrast is indeed stark. You know exactly what Trump believes. With Biden, you don't. Total expedience. Absolutely nothing is sacred to Biden, especially his word.
Ukraine must have more on Biden than Guatemala.
This and Trumps presidency have been truly eye-opening. At this point we are seeing what it was like to live in the soviet union.
Government officials stand up on official podiums and declare the border is secure. They do it in congressional testimony, they do it at all press events, on X, they do it in official statements.
AND the democrat media goes right along with it. No questions, no WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Absolutely nothing but promotion of the state propaganda.
We are literally living through what the people of the soviet union had to.
Now add in the corrupt FBI, the corrupt DOJ and so many other agencies we are right there.
This is not to mention the real problem of democrats that sit back and agree with this ( until they are dropped in their own cities and even then they literally spout some fantasy about the cause ).
At this point I see no way for this country to survive. There will be a literal split, biden might instigate it about the border. There are certainly no constraints on his actions. First he is literally demented and secondly I don't think he has been pulling the strings for a long time.
A bad situation is arising.
Reagan & Co. passed the IRCA in 1986 and that led to the DACA situation. He agreed to a "quasi-legal status hamburger today with immigration reform paynment on Tuesday" (with apologies to Wimpy.)
Dems & Co. want $$$ for Ukraine (& their pals, the military industrial complex), $$$ for immigration, and $$$ for all the ancillary costs attached to (literally) overwhelming illegal immigration, like, health care:
To that I'll say, "Bah humbug."
Impeach and convict.
Also revealing is that he wants a perpetual commitment to Ukraine but is already tiring of Israel’s war against Hamas. What a loathsome puppet he is.
That sort of bargaining is far beyond the discretion of the office. Faithful execution of the laws of the United States is the foremost duty of the Presidency. The fact that Biden would even attempt to use his sworn duty as a means to finance a proxy war with Russia reveals his criminality.
That sort of bargaining is far beyond the discretion of the office. Faithful execution of the laws of the United States is the foremost duty of the Presidency. The fact that Biden would even attempt to use his sworn duty as a means to finance a proxy war with Russia reveals his criminality.
Althouse is right. And so is Trump.
"If the President already has the power and he is not using it, then why would we expect him to use the power if a new statute states that he has that power?"
You wouldn't. It's a sham.
"You have to trust not only the pledge but also Biden's willingness to declare that the border is "overwhelmed.""
Considering that progs want the border to be overwhelmed, the pledge is a fraud.
Joe said...
"Why is Ukraine more important to Biden than our own security?"
C'mon, Joe. You know the answer. There's more money to be made selling whiskey to the Indians.
I wake every morning hoping that FJB has croaked.
"If the President already has the power and he is not using it, then why would we expect him to use the power if a new statute states that he has that power? You have to trust not only the pledge but also Biden's willingness to declare that the border is "overwhelmed.""
You have his word as a Biden, so there's that. But his definition of "overwhelmed" is his way out of the pledge. His use of the border crisis as a way to finance Ukraine is reprehensible.
The man owes Ukraine. They will kill him And his entire disgusting family if he doesn’t come through.
“I’ll trade doing something I’ve avoided doing domestically
To support war in other countries, mainly those in which I and my family have been accused of corruption .”
- the leader of the Democratic Party
Big if true Are we being played?
The border fix is in, just not like we though, however
We are being suckered and there is no "journalism" to alert anybody.
Biden stated Friday that he was willing to accept restrictions to the asylum system and other enforcement measures that were almost unthinkable for Democrats at the beginning of the president’s term....
So the "deal" Biden is going for is to limit crossings to a counted 5k per day (1.8m per yr). Once the 5k is reached the border is 'closed' --until tomorrow. Also the deal is an EO which can be changed at Biden's whim. There's other stuff in there, but in the same vein.
In other words just how stupid are the Republicans
If the President already has the power and he is not using it, then why would we expect him to use the power if a new statute states that he has that power?
Because you can fool some of the people all of the time.
What will be our Bastille moment?
When Trump is convicted and jailed?
When terrorists - who came in via open borders - launch an attack? I’ve always thought a college football home game is a prime target. Drones attacking Camp Randall.
When the Dems steal the 2024 election and flip Texas?
When Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom is sworn in as POTUS?
Why is Ukraine so important to Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnel and Joe Biden? Kickbacks. Nancy impeached Trump in no time flat because Trump threatened her gravy train. McConnel is more interest in funding Ukraine than controlling the border, as the Republican base wants. Joe spilled the beans on his corruption during his Council of Foreign Relations speech where he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating Burisma, Bursima paid Hunter millions to sit on their board.
Democrats want the illegals to be legalized so they can vote Democrat. Perpetual Democrat rule is their goal.
This is bully Beiden’s MO. It’s how he got rich. He claims he will use his executive powers in your benefit if you pay him more money for his personal goals. In this case there is some color of policy but the effect is the same. It’s how Joe does business.
If Beiden claims he needs a new law to secure the border it is just another example that he is the stupidest Dumb Fuk liar in the world. Just put it back the way you found it before you Fed it up, Joie. No new law needed, asshole.
I hope joie did not take payoffs from the cartels to open the border. Even though Joe doesn’t remember what he had for breakfast, the cartels remember all.
It's easy to solve the border crisis. Record the illegals' info, then load them on a plane for Mexico City. When their case comes up, they can come back. We could even pay their round trip airfare to come back, and then send them home after they lose their asylum case. Much cheaper than trying to support them here.
It's easy to solve the border crisis. Record the illegals' info, then load them on a plane for Mexico City. When their case comes up, they can come back. We could even pay their round trip airfare to come back, and then send them home after they lose their asylum case. Much cheaper than trying to support them here.
It's easy to solve the border crisis. Record the illegals' info, then load them on a plane for Mexico City. When their case comes up, they can come back. We could even pay their round trip airfare to come back, and then send them home after they lose their asylum case. Much cheaper than trying to support them here.
Like ColoComment, I remember the Reagan era attempt to fix the border with a 'bipartisan' bill. And I remember how well it worked out. If I was in congress I would be a hard no on any immigration bills until I saw a sustained good faith effort to enforce the rules already on the books. Under Trump, that appeared to be occurring. Under Biden, absolutely no effort is being made to enforce the law and 300,000 plus illegals last month proves it. Should this abortion of a compromise pass Biden would use the increased funding to rubber stamp fake asylum claims and let millions more into the country and never admit that the border has become overwhelmed.
Biden opened the border without congress.
he can close it without congress
Media lie to help crook joe and his lies.
You don't make deals with pathological liars like Biden and his associates. Anyone with a IQ above room temperature understands this, which is why it isn't surprising to find Freder above supporting doing so.
You have to read these headlines in a mirror to understand what the Biden/Obama administration is saying. They are "not" going to close the border "unless" the legislation is passed. It's blackmail.
"In other words just how stupid are the Republicans?"
They are way stupid. The real question is how stupid they think we are.
Aren't you an attorney? Shouldn't you know that not "faithfully executing the old law" is not the standard for impeachment?
There is no standard for impeaching someone - it is whatever Congress decides it is.
btw- whenever I hear a GOP candidate say "I am going to reach across the aisle"...
I feel sick and understand clearly what a pant-load that is. It should be a clear sign to all that that candidate is worthless.
The last thing we need is cooperation with the lying corrupt vile democrat party.
You either fight for Americans - or you get in bed with the corrupt democrat party.
@Freder Frederson se:" If Trump is right, and vermin, mental patients, criminals and blood poisoners are invading our country..."
You sound skeptical. Remember this feller from a few days ago? He seems nice:
What are You lookin at?
Well...except, maybe not:
Joe sez Welcome Comrade
I meant not executing the current laws.
Biden and the Democrats very much want the Ukraine money spigot turned back on, yet this regularization of illegal arrivals at unprecedented levels is the best bargain Senate Republican leaders could drive?
Also, Fred Frederson, you imply that Biden's malfeasance might not be impeachable and that the Republicans seem insufficiently exercised by the current state of the border and too inclined to use it as an electioneering talking point. Fair enough, but do you support the current border policy? Do you believe that the arrival of 10 million generally impoverished and poorly educated people is one of those things that will probably work out okay (like the arrival of the Italian mafia at the beginning of the last century that gave us so many great movies and television shows)? Are you bemused by the ineffectiveness of opposition and the confuion and concern of the majority of the existing American population? Amused?
Joe spilled the beans on his corruption during his Council of Foreign Relations speech where he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating Burisma, Bursima paid Hunter millions to sit on their board.
This is simply a lie. Provide any evidence that the Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating Burisma.
Sheesh, for all you are concerned about Biden being a pathological liar, this forum continues to amplify Trump's lies.
I don't know if it counts as evidence in clown world, Freder, but fired prosecutor himself thinks it had to do with the Burisma investigation. I guess you could claim he is a liar, but then where is your evidence that he is lying about it?
And don't worry about it, Freder- I well aware of your penchant for asking for evidence and then disappearing like a fart in the wind when it is provided.
Trump going in hard to stir up border war to prevent Ukraine funding coordinating with "Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and ally of current Russian President Vladimir Putin, made an ominous comment on Friday about Texas potentially starting a new civil war in the United States."
Traitors. All of them.
Freder - It's perfectly normal for the son of the Vice President, who has zero experience to be on a Ukrainian Energy Company board, is on a Ukrainian Energy Board - while his father was VP.
ooo and bonus - his father, the VP, the was "in charge" of Ukraine - one of the most known corrupt regimes on the planet. Just a happy coincidence that Hunter was paid over a million a year for his stint as VP's son on the Barisma board. Totally - cool - right loyal democrat Freder?
I'm sure if any GOP did such a thing - you'd be cool with it.
Howard: "Trump going in hard to stir up border war to prevent Ukraine funding coordinating with "Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and ally of current Russian President Vladimir Putin,..."
Long time Althouse readers will recall Howard hilariously and moronically asserting Donald Trump gave Putin the "green light"...to invade Crimea...in 2014!
More of the same.
So Biden wants a quid pro quo in order to send funding to Ukraine? Is that right?
As Al Smith would say.. Let's take look, at the record.
The recorded "deal" that Biden has offered to: "Completely Shutdown" the Border says;
a) IF/(WHEN!) More than 5000 people have come in.. For EACH of the last 7 days..
b) THEN! the entries will be limited to 5000 people FOR THE NEXT DAY
Which means clause "a" would no longer be in effect so the border would be WIDE OPEN for the next 7 days
So, it's NOT 1,825,000 people a year (5000 a day * 365).. it would mean FAR More than that.
There are about 1,073,200 soldiers (active/reserve/national guard) in the ENTIRE US Army..
So about TWICE the size of the ENTIRE US ARMY, EVERY YEAR; under Biden's Complete Shutdown of the Border
How is this not Aiding and abetting the enemy? HOW is This NOT Treason?
Sheesh, for all you are concerned about Biden being a pathological liar, this forum continues to amplify Trump's lies.
Field Marshall Freder continues to ignore evidence right in front of him.
Maybe this helps.
Aid and abet the sequestration of evidence in Ukraine, the Slavic Spring with benefits, and I will consider upholding the Constitution in America, citizen... civil rights.
"Biden's offer reveals that securing the southern border is something he does not want to do."
More to the point, it reveals that it is something he believes he could do. Therefore, as you say, the only reason he has not done it is that he prefers not to.
Now, where does Kamala Harris fit into that? Joe Biden supposedly assigned her to deal with the border. Does that mean that she tried and failed, as he knew she must? Or that she never tried at all, but merely lied about trying, just like Joe? Someone should ask her. Except, then they would have to listen to her answer. I would not subject anyone to that, not even a journalist.
pacwest said...
So the "deal" Biden is going for is to limit crossings to a counted 5k per day (1.8m per yr). Once the 5k is reached the border is 'closed' --until tomorrow. Also the deal is an EO which can be changed at Biden's whim. There's other stuff in there, but in the same vein.
In other words just how stupid are the Republicans
It's worse than that. 5k is actually just the "average daily"
From Politico:
"The Department of Homeland Security would be required to shut down illegal crossings if the daily average of encounters surpasses 5,000 migrants OR IF A ONE-DAY TOTAL SURPASSES 8,500
Gosh, back when the Russ/Ukrainian thing began I recall push back on my saying I wasn't on either side because Russia is an actual self-declared enemy and the Ukrainians were thieving sons-a-bitches. Looks like I ......
I think the Gateway Pundit summed it up rather nicely;
"Joe Biden Announces Border Is Broken After He Broke It – Says He Can Fix It When He Hasn’t – Asks for Authority Which He Already Has – Wants You to Believe He Will Take Action When We All Know He Won’t"
Blogger Freder Frederson said..."It seems to me that the GOP (and Trump) is not that concerned about the border either. If Trump is right, and vermin, mental patients, criminals and blood poisoners are invading our country, why is there no urgency to do anything about it until he gets back in office. How is letting it go on for at least another year (because remember, even if re-elcted he won't be sworn in until Jan 21, 2025."
What would you have Trump (and allies) do? The whole point of the opposition is that this agreement is not going to secure the border. In fact, it's counterproductive. I doubt that you don't understand that.
Democrats want the illegals to be legalized so they can vote Democrat. Perpetual Democrat rule is their goal.
If polls ever show that a majority of the “undocumented immigrants” intend to vote Republican, the border will be locked down tight in nanoseconds.
In a nutshell:
Joe Biden Announces Border Is Broken After He Broke It – Says He Can Fix It When He Hasn’t – Asks for Authority Which He Already Has – Wants You to Believe He Will Take Action When We All Know He Won’t.
damn moderation {mutter, mutter}
This is the way I always wanted scumbag Biden to go down in flames, flat out betrayal of our country so he can continue to enrich his crime family, in full view. Excellent commentary on this excellent post.
So if instead of illegal immingrants these were 8 million ( soon to be 10 million ) people that were let in with the stated purpose to go vote for a democrat in contested areas, THEN you would have an idea of what this is all about.
The communist democrat party has said this many times, many times over. This invasion is a very long term game to get democrat votes. Simple. If you realise that the democrat party wakes up and every single moment is trying to gain more political power, you will know why they are doing something. Every moment, 24/7.
8500 is the daily limit of allowed illegals.
8500 x 365 = more than 3 million a year.
If the border crisis was solved, how would Republicans fundraise?
Donald Trump is preparing for a massive new trade war with China The former president has talked to advisers about imposing a 60 percent tariff sure to enrage Beijing
American consumers pay the tariffs.
American consumers pay the tariffs.
American consumers pay…oh, what’s the damn use……
Maybe he wants both things, and now gets both things.
That would be a win. Or, maybe, everyone wins.
What a thought.
Consumers don't pay the tarriffs. That is simplistic bullshit. Corporations lower costs and pocket the savings.
Its called "making a profit"
If "consumers pay the tarriffs" there would be zero opposition to Tarriffs from the Business Community, since they would just "pass on the costs". but there is opposition from Business.
Tariffs exist to (1) Protect American workers (2) Protect American industries who will driven out of business by foreigners using cheap labor. It should noted that China and other countries will "target" foreign industries and then manipulate currency exchanges or give their companies subsidies to capture (aka drive out of business) foreign companies to capture their market.
Dumbos also don't understand that if China captures the market on Product X due to low costs, there's nothing to stop them from RAISING costs once they have a quasi-monopoly. Are Japanese cars still cheap? No. And that used to be their big selling point.
BTW, We now build some japanese cars in the USA because "Those damn communists" in DC made the Japanese do it. If it had been up to "The free market" all those workers would be unemployed. And prices for cars wouldn't be any lower.
Stop with the 5th grade economics.
What surprises me, is that people are surprised that if one party wants somerhing the other party will condition approval on getting something in return.
Welcome to politics as it has been done some time beyond recall.
Shouldn't you know that not "faithfully executing the old law" is not the standard for impeachment?
It's cute Freder still thinks there are 'standards' for impeachment.
Your clowns in Congress tossed those out the window. Twice. Take a bow.
Yeah, Joe Biden *wants* the border closed, but somehow something not within his power happened on the day he seized power.
1/28/24, 2:05 PM
Blogger Rich said...
Donald Trump is preparing for a massive new trade war with China The former president has talked to advisers about imposing a 60 percent tariff sure to enrage Beijing
American consumers pay the tariffs.
American consumers pay the tariffs.
American consumers pay…oh, what’s the damn use……
1/28/24, 2:18 PM
China's going eat the tariffs if they want to maintain market share.
So 5,000 people per day. With conditions, sure, sure.
How many women raped on the way to the US?
How many abused children?
How many pounds of fentanyl?
How many homeless displaced?
How many dollars spent?
It is repeating the same meaningless message over and over again that caused the LA Times to layoff abunch of staff. I guess they can learn to post comments in blogs for campaigns.
LLR-democratical Rich comes out swinging for his ChiCom allies.
I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.
Mike of Snoqualmie: "China's going eat the tariffs if they want to maintain market share."
You'll make LLR-democratical Rich weep like an antifa sociology major dropout.
Now you see why we refer to him as Traitor Joe.
The last people he works for are US citizens...the rest of the world comes first.
You do understand that if there is a trade DEFICIT, any action that reduces trade (like imposing tariffs) transfers money to the entity that was on the deficit side of the balance of trade.
So if we were buying $100 more goods from China than we are selling goods to China, and we put a tariff on the goods that reduces that deficit to $40, the $60 stays with us rather than going to them. So this benefits the U.S. economy.
Orthodox free-traders claim that the U.S. is actually must better off with the $100 deficit because we're getting $100 of plastic lawn furniture (and fentanyl), and the Chinese are only getting dollars. But here's the thing: the people who benefit from buying cheap lawn furniture are not the same people who benefit from having jobs in the U.S. making and selling lawn furniture. Indeed, the benefits of cheap lawn furniture are pretty diffuse: a lot of people spread around the country have a couple extra dollars to buy solo cups and Bud Light. But the people who are hurt by the import of cheap lawn furniture—because some lost their jobs, and others had their towns turned into meth-ville when all the people become unemployed—are pretty concentrated, and they're hurt a lot more than those other people are helped.
Trump was no clairvoyant genius playing three-dimensional chess, but his economy was the best 3.5 year period since 2001 because the tariffs he slapped on China and other places immediately shifted large amounts of money back to the U.S. (or, more accurate, prevented it from leaving). Trade deficits are beneficial mostly for the finance people—who parasitize the money once as it flows from the U.S. to China and then again when those dollars flow back as re-investments and purchases of real estate—but not for anybody else (Ok, your flat-screen TV is 20% cheaper. So? How much utility is that really giving you?).
I said Trump wasn't a clairvoyant genius, but compared to Bush, Obama, and Biden, he's an economic colossus the likes of which hasn't been seen in decades. The reason: by pure luck he wasn't (unlike Bush, Obama, Hilary Clinton, and Biden) owned by the finance people, and so, whether intentionally or not, ended up re-directing just a portion of the flow of dollars from China (and hence finance in America) to working- and middle-class workers and we had the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment, the highest working-class wages, and the overall the best economy of the 21st century.
Tariffs reduce the incentive for slavery, diversity, and Green blight through labor and environmental arbitrage.
Oh, and emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
Spring! What is it good for? CAIR, redistributive change, rape, and excess deaths.
American consumers pay…oh, what’s the damn use……
Single, central, monopolistic solutions are first-order forcings of progressive prices. The novel Green deal is a sympathetic device. So, redistributive change to reduce capital (i.e. retained earnings, savings), subsidize the "poor", and world war [ethnic/racist/sexist] Springs with benefits. Labor and environmental arbitrage for profits and Democratic leverage.
Trump's base is the angry middle American who believes Trump's rhetoric and his promises that he will protect them from rich genderless liberals, foreigners and the Chinese from invading their homes, stealing their jobs and taking away their guns. Of course, he will say he will lower their taxes while raising tariffs and building a wall on the border with Mexico.
Educated blue state voters who see Trump for who he is, a sex offender, bankrupt businessman, and a morally and ethically corrupt human who may or may not have sold national secrets and also incited a treasonous riot, can not vote for him in good conscience, even though they may find Biden corrupt and nonsensical and the Democratic Party lost in left field.
So Trump's angry lower income middle American base elects him to office, he engages in a tariff war which lowers their standard of living while he does away with inheritance taxes, the death tax, lowers corporate taxes, taxes on short term and long term capital gains, taxes on dividends and also taxes on the higher income brackets. Or course Wall Street loves him. They just won't vote for him, but do hope he gets those angry middle Americans to vote him into office.
NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...
Maybe he wants both things, and now gets both things.
That would be a win. Or, maybe, everyone wins.
What a thought.
1/28/24, 2:59 PM
NOT the taxpayers. Just the military industrial complex and their fans
Rich is trying very hard to be the Billy Madison of this blog.
MAGA can’t run on a bad economy, they’ve lost on the abortion issue, and attacking DEI and trans people has kind of run its course. So hey, let’s prolong the border crisis because Trump thinks the chaos helps him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"MAGA" u.s.w.
Hey Rich? Fronthand or backhand?
trump says kiss the Ring you cant back this and give Biden a win FUck the people and the border you know it all about ME
Title I – Department of Justice
Executive Office for Immigration Review.
Provides $1.42 billion to hire immigration judge teams, including associated attorneys, law clerks, paralegals, court administrators, interpreters, and other support staff; administer grants to provide direct legal representation for individuals and families in immigration court proceedings; and make needed technology improvements to automate court operations and increase case resolution rates.
Criminal Division.
Provides $11.8 million to support the efforts of Joint Task Force Alpha in counter-drug activities and to combat human trafficking and smuggling in the Western Hemisphere that impact U.S. border communities.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Provides $204 million for the FBI to address the significant and growing backlog of DNA samples collected from migrants encountered by the U.S. Border Patrol. The volume of non-U.S. citizens engaged at the southern border exceeds the FBI Laboratory’s capability to process DNA samples for Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) entry.
Drug Enforcement Administration.
Provides $23.2 million to enhance the DEA’s laboratory analysis of illicit fentanyl samples to trace illicit fentanyl supplies back to manufacturers, support the DEA’s Operation Overdrive, and bolster DEA’s criminal drug network targeting efforts through data system improvements.
Title II – Department of Homeland Security
Management Directorate.
Provides $61 million in emergency funding to the Department of Homeland Security’s Management Directorate for the operations of the Automated Biometric Identification System.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Provides $5.318 billion in emergency funding to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Within that amount, $1.909 billion is to fund operational costs to manage and enhance security at the border, $1.087 billion is to combat the entry of fentanyl and other illicit narcotics from entering the U.S., and $2.321 billion is to expand border security and humanitarian assistance operational capacity.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Provides $2.352 billion in emergency funding to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Within that amount, $921 million is to fund operational costs to expand capacity for managing the border, $100 million is for counter-fentanyl detection, intervention, and intelligence capabilities, and $1.331 billion is to expand border security and enforcement operational capacity.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Provides $755 million for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to address processing and adjudication backlogs, including work authorization and asylum programs.
Science and Technology Directorate.
Provides $13.846 million in emergency funding to the Science and Technology Directorate for research in support of combatting fentanyl and other illicit narcotics.
Just part of bill,of trump told them they must kiss the ring and not approve anything that may benefit Biden,fuck border and the people its all about ME! THEY NO LONER TRY TO HIDE My God could you imagine if they actualy did something for the Border, there goes fundraising and the only thing they got to campaign on sad group of people.. :(
White man(ORANGE MAN) speak with forked tongue says Chief Rain in the Face and so true
“A lot of Republicans are saying [President Biden] has things he could use now, executive powers and laws that are not being enforced,” Bream said. “So why give him this in an election year? The cover of this deal that critics say is still going to let a lot of people in, but he gets to take a victory lap that he’s gotten something done.”
Lankford flat-out ripped his Republican colleagues in response.
“It’s definitely not going to let a bunch of people in,” Lankford said. “It’s focused on actually turning people around on it. It is interesting, Republicans four months ago would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel, and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy. So we actually locked arms together and said, ‘We’re not going to give you money for this. We want a change in law.’ And now it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally going to the end, they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding. I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year.’”
You need funding from Congress to do these things.See trumps speech about the obstructing Congress not giving him funding for Border.Read the Bill,Judges,more funding for specific things,you just dont say I SHUT IT DOWN...You cant believe anything that fella says
You need funding from Congress to do these things.See trumps speech about the obstructing Congress not giving him funding for Border.Read the Bill,Judges,more funding for specific things,you just dont say I SHUT IT DOWN...You cant believe anything that fella says
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