Writes Bess Levin, in "Chris Christie Apologizes for Previously Backing Trump, Who He Now Believes Will 'Burn America to the Ground'" (Vanity Fair).
She's talking about this new ad from Christie, which seems like a last-ditch effort by Christie to save himself:
New: Christie up w/ a new NH digital ad about his “mistake” endorsing Trump in 2016
— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) January 4, 2024
"I did it because he was winning, and I did it because I thought I could make him a better candidate and a better president. I was wrong. I made a mistake." pic.twitter.com/gTPjW61LZP
Crispy Cream is in the race for two reasons:
1) Promote Crispy Cream
B) Promote Crispy Cream
It’s the Left who will burn America to the ground if Trump is elected. Major riots from January 6-20, 2025.
Repeat after me
Christie was hired to pit bull Trump. Get his teeth in him a keep going until Trump is Metaphorically, politically dead.
His employer is the Swamp. GOPe. Christie said this week he wont drop out, until he sees where he is at in April. Translation. His paymasters have given him his discharge papers.
Everything Chistie says is designed to erode Trumps voter support. But the Swamp has not admitted to themselves why Trump exists. So like the Dems, they are using the wrong tactics.
I'm not watching that.
The best predictor of future actions is recent past actions. In light of that, shall we review the actions of President Trump?
Q) How many reporters did he have the FBI/DOJ investigate? Zero.
Q) How many political opponents did he have jailed? Zero.
Q) How many members of Congress did he have the FBI spy on? Zero.
Q) How many states did he dictate lockdowns to? Zero.
Q) How many non-profits did he have the IRS investigate? Zero.
Q) How many times did he threaten other countries to withhold $ if they didn't fire the folks involved in investigating his son? Zero.
Q) How many times did he cancel elections? Zero.
Q) How many times has be been convicted of insurrection? Zero.
Q) How many times did he refuse to leave office after losing an election? Zero.
Worse dictator EVER!
The Christie Campaign beats the Biden Campaign to “full Hitler”.
Joe and band of radicals have been setting fire to America since he was inaugurated.
Christie inhabits the ideological black hole of nominal conservatives in blue states. Nothing he says, nor Arnold Schwarzenegger, nor Michael Bloomberg, nor Larry Hogan (the recent Republican governor of Maryland), can be coherent. To get elected they must not offend blue voters too much, and they must find topics that somehow appeal to the region's conservatives too. So, they typically spew safe Pablum and/or alt-left mush.
They'd probably all be happier in a third party, or in the Democratic party if it respected and accepted white males. Perhaps this is the future of all left-leaning white males in politics -- run as Rs but pivot between D and R support with the wind and as circumstances require.
Biden is already burning America to the ground. There's going to be nothing left for Trump.
I didn't think I could dislike Christie even more.
When I think of Christie, I think of a governor who forbid people to go to the beach.
And then took his family to that same beach.
Christie and his backers insult my intelligence. With the level of daily insult we are fed from the insular narrative factory of today's media you'd imagine that this lot would catch on that this stuff is actively corrosive to their cause. They DID manage to completely lose their place in a major political party, so there's that.
Is it ignorance or contempt? Perhaps both? With some incompetence and delusional thinking mixed in? Enough of this.
What is he talking about - “Trump will sell the soul of this country?”
He needs to read the room and step out of the race. He has no idea why people love Trump.
BillieBob Thorton said...
Crispy Cream is in the race for two reasons:
1) Promote Crispy Cream
Chris Crispy is still in the race, because he still has campaign funds to spend; on things like;
food and drink
salaries for his minions
really large cars and private planes
As long as Crispy is running, he can continue to burn through these funds.
If/when the cash is gone.. That exact second something else will be gone: Crispy's campaign
If he drops out, what happens to that cash?
So this is Christie basically admitting that Trump has the right policies but he is too much of a meany pants or something.
Everything Chistie says is designed to erode Trumps voter support.
do y'all get Nikki ads? You Tube feels *I* should see one, every time i open you tube.
ALL she does, is try to erode republican voter support.. for Trump, for De Santis, for everyone.
She never says Any reason to vote for her.. Just reasons for republicans NOT to vote for Anyone
Yes indeed; Christie missed out on making the final essential clarifying point. Which would have been, "If Trump is the nominee, I will be supporting President Biden for reelection. I believe that Liz Cheney was right to say that we as a nation could survive four years of bad policy but we can't survive four more years of Trump as president."
The sad ballad of Tweeter and the Fatman.
Scratching my head as to what the Donut brings to the party. Other than continuing to endorse M. Wray of FIB fame, I can't think of any policy proposals he has offered.
There plan is to burn America as we know it to the ground, that is "fundamentally transform" it. Every accusation is a confession with these guys.
The mooch is backing all you need to know
Levin is perhaps the stupidest reporter at vsnity fair that hasnt gone over to airmail
The latest NH polls show that Haley is in striking distance of Trump. If Christie were to drop out and endorse Haley the odds of her wining would increase dramatically. The fact that Christie does not do this shows has more in common with Trump than obesity.
Putting his ego ahead of the best interests of the Republic is very Trumpian.
gilbar said...
If he drops out, what happens to that cash?
No worries. He will get a nice gig on MSNBC where he'll get all the donuts he can stuff in his fat mug as long as he continues to bash Trump and Trump supporters. Plus he can continue to suck up to Obama. And probably a book deal.
Christie is thinking about what comes next for him. There's a job he wants somewhere.
Maybe he'll be selling men's suits for Big, Tall and Empty.
The punchability of that fat toad’s face is immense. Biden level I’d say.
Stay puft put a lawyer for hamas on the superior court he was for the ground zero mosque he sold out bret schuundler to the teachers union
Hes like a womprat on beggars canyon
46 Trump
24 Haley
Striking distance.
Only if every other candidate drops out and Trump is none of the voters' second or third choices.
Although I wouldn't put it past Democrats in New Hampshire, since Biden and the DNC kneecapped their primary, to vote for Haley in the R primary. That's not the same thing as to imagine that Haley would get their vote in the general.
Nikki's not a centrist -- the leftitarian wing bought that blood-thirsty pencil skirt. Christie's a centrist. Only, few voters are his type of centrists, except for braggarts who fancy that if they do nothing, nothing will happen, and they won't be responsible.
Populists are the only real "centrists." Keep us out of foreign wars, fix our border, fix our economy. Trump failed last time, surrounded as he was by third rate goons. Still, they weren't certifiably insane middle-aged men in lipstick.
What a choice. But I'm pretty solid on it. When the barbarians are at the gates, you lock them out. Nobody will remember Chris Christie any more than Charlie Crist.
Have another doughnut Chris.
I want DeSantis, but will literally vote for ANYONE but Biden in the general.
You may take a seat fat boy
I wonder is Chris Christie is actually a transgender man? You know a man with a vagina.
He is acting like a woman scorned.
I wonder what Christie thinks of the policies that Trump enforced, or what he thinks of the judges he appointed, or what he thinks of the decision that threw back abortion to the States.
Christie's a hugger...a thing not to be contemplated without horror.
More than 30 comments into this page...
Virtually every one a TrumpWing screed (with a single "I prefer DeSantis but then I'm all Trump).
It's a window into the Althouse blog, 2023.
Lol! 2024!
Call me shallow, but every time I see Christie I can’t help but think about what a fat tub of goo he is, and how differently the populace might react to him if he weren’t. For that matter, how different might he be if he weren’t? Sure, go ahead and talk about Taft. Taft didn’t have to be on TV.
Bob. I think he's in a race with J B Pritzger to be our nations Baron Harkonnen. They bot seem to like Crispy Cremes. A lot.
Christie is trying to get himself hired by a leftist media company of some sort- perhaps MSNBC or CNN.
Blogger Gunner said...
So this is Christie basically admitting that Trump has the right policies but he is too much of a meany pants or something.
1/5/24, 7:07 AM
There is a big difference between being a “meany” and being unfit to hold office. Trump is a horrible human being mixed with a large dose of incompetence.
Christie is an SOB, but if Trump had appointed him AG instead of Sessions, Hillary and Biden would be convicted felons and Trump would still be president.
I got in 2.3 seconds. Can't do it.
Christie is such a clown. A big fat New Jersey Hippo caught in a net of his making flopping and thrashing around.
Can Republican "moderates" and/or Never Trumpers EVER be serious or honest? Government is about policy. Its about doing things. So, what SPECIFIC Trump polices does Christie disagree with Trump on? Name them.
He never does. The Nevertrumpers never do. Its just rhetorical attacks on Trump, with rhetoric borrowed from the Democrats and the MSM (the same thing). He's even OK with Joe Biden Jailing Trump on bogus charges.
Is it that the Nevertrumpers dont care about what the President does in foreign policy, immigration, the economy, judicial apointments, etc? Or it they disagree with Trump on these things but refuse to say, because they know they are taking Democrat/Liberal/unpopular postions?
Like I said, either unserious clowns or dishonest.
Oh, be quiet Nancy boys everywhere of all political stripes. No one is burning this country down. You need to get out more amongst it's great people like the brainiac techmaniacs and money changers in the big cities and the fabulous construction workers farmers and factory workers in the hinterlands. Most people don't give a fuck about all this stupid political circle jerking. Have fun being miserable, no one cares but your fellow cowards.
Keep shoveling all that shitty processed garbage down your gullet so you can keep getting fatter and more glued to your death chairs while getting your dopamine fix from the blue screen AI algorithms feeding your bile ducts.
STFU already big boy. No one cares what you have to say.
'burn America to the ground.'
Even by GOPe standards, that is of course absurdly hysterical.
The only literal burning is done by the left--in DC in 2017, after Saint Floyd's death in 2020. The only figurative burning is also done by the left--the ongoing invasion, the green devastation.
Christie is a political entrepeneur desperately trying to rebuild a brand.
He seems indifferent to the central issue of the 2024 campaign: will we elect the candidate who is least bad?
LOL move along. You ARE the huge mistake Christie!
it seems that Chris Crispy is the same age as me (b. 1962)
The intertubes say that he weighs "300 lbs".. I think he weighs a LOT more than that.
Speaking as someone that weighed a LOT more than that 18 months ago, and currently is STILL big and fat (267.4 lbs, 3 hours ago), Chris should concern himself with THE IMPORTANT MATTER..
Lose Weight!
If Chris Crispy (who is Mother F*cking RICH!) isn't responsible enough to lose weight..
there is NO WAY IN HELL that he is responsible enough to tell americans what to do.
Christie is to this election as Chucky is to this blog.
Christie excluded himself from consideration for any public office by sitting his fat ass on a closed public beach for the July 4th weekend, during COVID.
Privilege comes from Latin privilegium, meaning a law for just one person, and means a benefit enjoyed by an individual or group beyond what's available to others. People in public office should not behave in a privileged manner. Gavin Newsome and John Kerry are examples of users of self-declared privilege that should exclude them from any office, too.
rcocean. My lefty friends really like Christy as the Republican candidate for president. Which is all the more reason to reject him.
So Christie thinks that character is important in a prez candidate, huh. Character that Trump, according to Chris, doesn't have but he, Christie, does. That would be Chris Christie, who condoned/permitted the Bridgegate scandal caper in order to punish a political opponent. The same Christie who felt that it was fine for himself to utilize a public beach that he had closed to the public. That Christie; that paragon of character.
Yancey Ward said...
Christie is trying to get himself hired by a leftist media company of some sort- perhaps MSNBC or CNN.
Christie GAVE UP being a contributor to ABC News, to begin his campaign for President.
I do adore the vitriol aimed at Christie from TrumpWorld. Like the vitriol aimed at Liz Cheney. As it has always been, my angriest and shortest conversations with old Republican friends in the past 3 years have all started with my asking, "So tell me what is wrong with Liz Cheney, apart from her valid criticism of Trump? What exactly is your policy disagreement with her? You say that you'd like a different candidate from Trump, and you say you understand all of the negatives that Trump brings to a campaign. You even acknowledge that TrumpWing candidates have been big losers in general elections. You adhere to that old line about how you like Trump's policy record, but without the personal baggage. So why, if it isn't simple Trump-defensivesness on a personal level, don't you cheer for a conservative like Liz Cheney who wants to meaningfully pull away from Trump in the interest of better policy?"
The longest such conversation I have had with that intro lasted about two minutes.
AMDG said...
"The latest NH polls show that Haley is in striking distance of Trump. If Christie were to drop out and endorse Haley the odds of her wining would increase dramatically."
If by "wining" you mean "whining" I agree with you. If you mean "winning" ... you can't be serious.
Christi is like a poorly-chosen lead trombone, playing "The Stars and Stripes Forever" at full volume, while the rest of the band is playing "The Star Spangled Banner". Once in a great while the notes might align coincidentally, but usually he's just off.
For all politicians and public figures, I don't pay any attention to the noise, I just watch what they actually do. And thus, I also remember very clearly, Christie banning everybody in New Jersey from going to the beach, while he and his family did precisely that. Him, and his ridiculous, oiled-up, fat carcass sitting in that beach chair, made for a great photo. He's not qualified to lead anything.
A cornered rat and a politician facing irrelevance have much in common.
I loved Christie's speech at the convention in 2016.
Too bad Trump didn't follow thru.
I'm surprised Christie has lasted longer than Claudine Gay. Perhaps there is something to the DEI white male privilege thing that keeps Christie around for so long. Still, neither Christie or DEI is worth all the trouble that comes along with them.
Trump is a horrible human being mixed with a large dose of incompetence.
Yes, Trump was so incompetent that, despite the country having had a four-year looks-see into how he would perform as President and what his policies (and his competence in enacting said policies) would work, the Democrats/GOPes/NeverTrumpers/NoMeanTweeters desperately are trying to prevent him from running. That is logical.
"Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd, Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd
(The Mourning Bride by William Congreve, 1697)
I can't say I actively dislike Chris Christie. I understand he was a pretty effective state prosecutor, who became a not so good Governor in a Mid Atlantic state. But as a Presidential candidate he 's out of his league, and I certainly would not vote for him unless the Democrats produced somebody as bad as, say, Joe Biden.
But I'm not interested him enough to bother listening to one of his video speeches or commercials. He's just a sort of fluffy whale and emissions from a whale ultimately fall to the bottom of the ocean.
Here's the part they cut out.
It's what's inside that counts.
Sure, go ahead and talk about Taft.
I read somewhere that Taft got stuck in a bathtub one time.
Stuck. In. A. Bathtub.
That is funny as shit. President Taft. Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Taft. Naked and stuck in a tub. Dude.
Liberal historian says he was actually a toilet trust-buster. You know, the porcelain mafia wanted to take him out. It's that damn Woodrow Wilson! Racist and fat-shamer.
Churchill, who was also a fatty, used to wander around naked in Buckingham Palace, scaring the shit out of the maids. One time Churchill got his naked fat ass out of a bathtub by himself and said to Roosevelt, "You see, Mr. President, I have nothing to hide." That's how you do it!
He should enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this race.
And who the HELL is voting for Haley? Incredible.
"Vanity Fair" is the correct title for this phony piece of trash.
It is appropriate to see Christie's whine there.
"Vanity Fair" is the correct title for this phony piece of trash.
It is appropriate to see Christie's whine there.
"Selling the soul of his country?" Well, at least Christie is speaking knowledgably: clearly a man who knows what a soul commands on the open market.
The last time I cornered a rat I crushed it with a brick. Because what else are you gonna do?
I read this:
Bob Boyd said...
"Maybe [Christie will] be selling men's suits for Big, Tall and Empty."
Then immediately saw this:
tim in vermont said...
"46 Trump
24 Haley"
And thought, 'Are those waist suit sizes?'
Howie needs to adopt some "migrants". They can take turns in (or share) his float tank and raid his fridge full of organic Kale.
Semper Fudd!
(I asked you a few back to describe core Biden voters. Do tell.)
Fat boy Crispy, even after gastric bypass surgery is still fat boy Crispy. No will power, no self control, no self awareness.
Pressure for him to drop out isn't warranted.
Where's he at? 1%? His support is all anti-Trump.
If he drops out, those voters will not go to Trump.
who knows where they will go? Probably to Biden.
"Christie is an SOB, but if Trump had appointed him AG instead of Sessions, Hillary and Biden would be convicted felons and Trump would still be president."
Christie is the guy who:
-recommended Wray as FBI director
-hasn't criticized Wray.
-thinks there was no election fraud
-Believes j6 was an "Insurrection"
-wanted to impeach Trump over J6
-is OK with trump being jailed by Biden.
-is GOPe and now wants an MSNBC gig.
Christie's an untrustworhy backstabber. He would've worked with Wray, and the D's to get trump driven from office. The idea Christie as AG would've helped Trump to 4 more years must be satire.
I often get the feeling the Christie surrounds himself with the same sycophants and cronies whom he collected as NJ Governor and Federal District Attorney for NJ, with a sprinkling of people from the GOP establishment during his time as chair of the Republican Governors Association. It's really important to meet people from outside your own circle.
Bluto for President.
He did it because he wanted to be AG.
"Is it ignorance or contempt? Perhaps both? With some incompetence and delusional thinking mixed in? Enough of this".
They're the aggressively stupid. Stridently repeating the same stupid talking points over and over and over.
Let’s not forget, Harris trashed Biden every which way in 2020. Now she is VPOTUS.
Christie is an icky person. No matter who he supports, doesn't support, he's not garnering much support, as polls clearly show.
He is late to an understanding of why people are avoiding the elephant in the room.
The man needs to just go away.
He has been a politician too long and has nothing else to do.
If he wants to change things he should look at local politics...he will never be president.
Sadly, he is much more likely to be a part of a democrat administration than a republican one.
His career is over...he is a never-was...
He needs to persuade Trump supporters to vote for him, and that tirade is not gonna do it.
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