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The award included $65 million in punitive damages, which the nine-member jury assessed after finding Mr. Trump, 77, had acted maliciously after Ms. Carroll’s lawyers pointed to Mr. Trump’s persisting attacks on her, both from the White House and after leaving office.
On a single day recently, Mr. Trump made more than 40 derisive posts about her on his Truth Social website.... “I was attacked on Twitter,” Ms. Carroll told the jury. “I was attacked on Facebook.I was living in a new universe.”...
“The law says you can consider Donald Trump’s wealth as well as his malicious and spiteful continuing conduct in making that assessment,” [Roberta A. Kaplan, a lawyer for Ms. Carroll] told the jury in closing argument, “Now is the time to make him pay for it, and now is the time to make him pay dearly.”...
Mr. Trump’s lawyers tried to cast Ms. Carroll as a fame-hungry writer who was trying to raise a diminishing profile when she wrote in 2019 of an encounter more than two decades earlier that she said had traumatized her for decades....
८१ टिप्पण्या:
That's a lot of feminine modesty.
Absolutely ridiculous. Our justice system is a total joke.
Trump is an intemperate fool, but our judicial system is irredeemably corrupted. I know which of these things bothers me more.
Fuck our legal system.
The entire country has been corrupted by Democrats, lawyers, liberals, and liberal democrat lawyers.
Pay her in fucking pennies...
No one, including the DemoncRAT judge, believes a word of her accusations. Nor should they. This includes the jurors who simply wanted to strike back at Trump. A he said she said guilty verdict based on an accusation that at some point Trump did something but the time, day, and YEAR, cannot be recalled. But he did it! This is going to wend its way through appeals, and one or both will be dead before it’s settled.
As the story goes I don’t wish death on anyone, but I’ll read her obituary with great satisfaction.
Maybe he will finally learn to shut his mouth.
Stable genius lol
And notwithstanding Professor's Althouse earlier assertion about res judicata, this second case NEVER should have been tried because the first case is on appeal and, hence, not final.
ZNO 🇺🇸
Let’s not forget how E. Jean Carroll, Trump’s rape accuser, coincidentally accused Trump of rape in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room after a similar episode aired on Law and Order SVU.
She's a liar.
She is making money off of Trump because Progressive Justices hate him and want to shut up, suffer and go away. This country is a joke.
Is it OK to laugh at the jury? Seems to me that Carroll defamed Trump far more than the reverse.
Not surprising. Once the previous jury found some validity to her claim, this case was rather academic.
I wonder how much of it will be paid from his PACs…
On a serious note, I wonder how much people who aren't in the "always Trump" brigade are getting sick of his shit.
Lawfare, for big bucks. So, continuing to assert your innocence is a tort. Seems like the 1st Amendment (free speech, especially for a political person) and 5th Amendment (due process) should preclude the claim. If not, someone should be forum shopping for that repair shop owner on Hunter and Joe's claims that the laptop was a Russian plant, and Trump should be filing in Florida against Hillary, MSNBC and Adam Shiff for years of slandering him as a Russian agent.
Pony up people. Daddy needs money.
A progressive witch hunt with empathetic support.
Forget about whether Trump is actually guilty or not. How absurd is it that a jury would award $83 million for 'defamation'. Is someone casting shade on your reputation worth anything close to $83 million? Was she destitute, living from hand to mouth because of what someone said about her on social media? If she had not ever been 'defamed', would she have been $83 million richer due to her 'clean' reputation?
She'll never see a dime. Then again, if money is exchanged the state of NY will work hard to get its share (entitled or not).
Beyond ridiculous.
Netflix billionaire Reid Hoffman funded E. Jean's case. He's also Nikki's top donor.
Someone posted on X the social media posts by E. Jean that completely undermines her credibility e.g. rape is sexy.
The late NE federal judge said, "Every trial is a contest of credibility." It is reversible error to not let the jury see that evidence; E. Jean's own words.
And if Mark Steyn loses his defamation case in DC, then we are really fucked as a country.
Question for all the current and former prosecutors who read Althouse: how strong a perjury case could you build around Ms. Carroll’s testimony that Trump’s post-1st-Trial comments harmed her above and beyond the harm his original comments for which she had now been awarded millions. You may assume a jury panel drawn from Wyoming.
Some day a New York appellate court will, or will not, convince us that NY justice has gone off the rails.
She lies about a bullshit encounter, accuses him of rape and walks away with millions.
For lying.
Thanks, leftists, for destroying a once-great nation. Celebrate now because you will rue what comes next.
It's hard to fathom why, as a matter of public policy, the law of defamation would apply to someone denying having committed a crime or a civil tort. What is the permitted response to an accusation other than to make admissions against interest?
TrumpHaters will hate.
- Krumhorn
Chris Hayes, Joy Reid and Rachael Maddow will be in a state of bliss tonight on MSNBC. Dissing Trump is the purpose of their worthless lives.
Judge Lyle E. Strom is the one who said, "Every trial is a contest of credibility."
Due process requires allowing people to state their innocence and question the reliability of the accuser. This can’t stand.
I'm seeing a new income stream for older women. Just claim you were raped by somebody rich. You don't have to prove it. Easy money.
Maybe next time trump should hire a lawyer who knows how to mark an exhibit for identification.
Dave Begley said...
And notwithstanding Professor's Althouse earlier assertion about res judicata, this second case NEVER should have been tried because the first case is on appeal and, hence, not final."
Do you have qa cite for that argument, Dave.
Rusty said...
"I'm seeing a new income stream for older women. Just claim you were raped by somebody rich. You don't have to prove it. Easy money."
So tell your wife to start calling lawyers. Begley's tanned and rested. I'm sure he could knock out a complaint for a $10,000. retainer.
Breezy said...
"Due process requires allowing people to state their innocence and question the reliability of the accuser. This can’t stand."
Except Trump decided not to show up at the first trial to state his innocence.That turned out to be a smart legal move.
Is it true that the dress she claims she was wearing at the time of the incident, didn't exist then, but was a product of a later fashion season?
Someone sez: "On a serious note, I wonder how much people who aren't in the "always Trump" brigade are getting sick of his shit. "
I happen to think he'll get quite a few votes because of it, and probably lose very few, in spite of it.
I assume trump's next move will be to replace Habba with Dominic Barbara.
Some people just never learn to keep their big mouths shut. No sympathy from me.
Blogger Rusty said...
I'm seeing a new income stream for older women. Just claim you were raped by somebody rich. You don't have to prove it. Easy money.
1/26/24, 4:59 PM
Gotta be a republican white man, don't forget that.
This helps Trump’s election chances.
Cheaper than TV ads.
If it was long ago, you just have to get a very accommodative State legislature to pass a one-year exception to the statute of limitations just for you!
Before this is all over there's going to be a lot of violence.
The only way out of this vile lawfare world we're in is to win the presidency. Nothing else matters. Trump must win.
She will die before she sees a dime from Trump.
"Looking forward to visiting Carroll Tower next time I’m in NYC."
Carroll is just another dried-up lunatic. If one can't remember the year they were raped, they are lying. In saner times, this crazy old crone would be shunned from normal society. Carroll belongs in a strait jacket.
Was it defamatory for the Central Park Five to maintain their innocence during the twelve years between their conviction and the date all charges were vacated?
And what would it take for New York City to someday pay Trump tens of millions for emotional distress?
What if he had just shut the f*** up. Mistreated by the press? Sure, although it sure looks like a symbiotic relationship to me. Some questionable behavior by the judge? Maybe. But how much trouble did Trump cause for himself by carrying on in court and online?
She'll never see a penny
maybe 2 dollars, because, well.............
"Judge Lyle E. Strom is the one who said, "Every trial is a contest of credibility.""
Legal thoughts by John Quincey Adams
Toxic Femininity
Beginning to look like JR's allowance may have to be significantly cut.
Good! Remember who wanted to "open the libel laws" so we can "win lots of money!"
Fuck him. How's it taste, asshole!
'Maybe he will finally learn to shut his mouth.'
A woman accuses of you of rape and you are supposed to be quiet.
I would be angry if someone did this to a fool like you.
You are liberal scum.
Hell, why not $800 Million? Or $800 Billion?
What a travesty.
Trump "fucked" with wrong woman 2x.She beat him with 2 different juries.He said well what do you expect,they're New Yorkers . Duh so is he!PLus 2 of his men gonna do prison so far, more to come.Time to pay the piper
On a serious note, I wonder how much people who aren't in the "anything goes as long as we get Trump" brigade are getting sick of this shit.
Or people who think that the legal system ought not to be perverted for political ends.
Or people who wonder whether show trials against politically unpopular types in are really consistent with "justice", or are good for the political health of our country.
Apparently not a concern for some.
"You don't have to prove it. Easy money."
Are you (Tara Reade -> Joe Biden) sure? Maybe it's easier if your target is not a Democrat?
If Biden is any example, once Trump is president again, he can collect that much from some foreign government the first week. I am going to vote for him for that reason alone.
Once the previous jury found some validity to her claim, this case was rather academic.
I am not sure that is actually true. While I cannot find the original jury verdict (Google is swamped with the new decision), she said that Trump lied when he denied her allegations, and Trump bore the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that he did not rape (or finger-bang - what Biden refers to as "Tara Reade-ing" - her or whatever). The jury found that Trump did not do so - i.e. that Trump did not show by greater than 50% of the evidence that he did not. This is not the same thing as the jury finding Trump actually did it - it could have been a 50-50 proposition, for example, or that they held his failure to testify against him without actually knowing/believing that he did in fact do it - it would be enough that he didn't prove he did not do it. They found that Trump did not present enough evidence of innocence, not that he was guilty.
"A woman accuses of you of rape and you are supposed to be quiet."
Trump chose not to testify in his first trial, which would have been the appropriate place to make these claims.
"The only way out of this vile lawfare world we're in is to win the presidency."
Most men would shut their mouths instead of pissing away his children's inheritance. That's one way out: stop making it worse. IDGAS. I hope all his Carroll forecloses on all the mona lisa properties and Don Junior and Barron end up dining at the soup kitchen with Hunter Biden.
Is it really that hard to not get sued for defamation? Really? Really people?
"Or people who think that the legal system ought not to be perverted for political ends."
Did you cry about Paula Jones the same way? Why or why not? Somehow, Bill Clinton managed to not get sued for defamation in front of an Arkansas jury. Must have just "got lucky."
If Trump had just said something like "these charges are not true. I never touched this woman" instead of "this woman is an ugly liar" would he be in any legal trouble for it?
I wonder where Trump stands on tort reform. LOL
Mason G said...
"Are you (Tara Reade -> Joe Biden) sure? Maybe it's easier if your target is not a Democrat?"
Maybe its easier if you actually file a lawsuit.
Everyone who has called Kyle Rittenhouse after his acquittal is now at risk for a slander or libel cause of action. I'm looking forward to it.
This reminds of the Hulk Hogan case where he was awarded like $140 million, and that ESPN broadcaster case where she was awarded like $40 million plus. Both were for people obtaining naked footage of each person. People lose lives and win like $2-$3 million. So many juries have no concept of money or how much it's worth. Assuming all her allegations are 100% true, who wouldn't want to experience what she did to get $88.3 million? You could cut that down by 90% and probably the majority of people would still take that deal.
Joe Smith said...
'Maybe he will finally learn to shut his mouth.'
A woman accuses of you of rape and you are supposed to be quiet.
I would be angry if someone did this to a fool like you.
You are liberal scum."
Free legal advice Joe: No matter what you are accused of, say nothing.
Rape just got a lot more sexy for her.
One of my favorite TDS sources Harry Litman explains the triumph of justice here. Trump is finally brought to heel and that will ruin his appeal to his base.
Mark said...
"Maybe he will finally learn to shut his mouth.
Stable genius lol"
Dude, this will only boost him in the polls.
D. D. Driver (7:21pm):
"I hope all his Carroll forecloses on all the mona lisa properties and Don Junior and Barron end up dining at the soup kitchen with Hunter Biden."
Was D.D.D. drunk when s/he wrote this? "all his" and "mona lisa" make no sense at all in or out of context. All we can tell from D.D.D.'s comment is that it was written by a petty, nasty, dirty little swine. And Trump is worth several billion, last I heard, so $83,300,000 is nowhere near enough to bankrupt him, even if it's not reduced or overturned on appeal.
(Question for lawyers: what happens if Carroll dies before Trump pays? Is he off the hook? I know Michael Mann, the guy who's suing Mark Steyn, was ordered to pay someone else $500,000 or so in a Canadian court and he just put off paying for years until the guy died.)
As for the amount, Steven Lawrence wrote at Quod Verum: "The jury wanted the amount to be set at $81 million but decided finally that this number would be a bit too on the nose."
I think people have lost touch with how much money is worth.
Carroll will be able to go after Trump assets while he appeals unless he puts up a bond or deposits cash like he did while the first appeal is pending.
Coincidence?? I think not.
"The jury of Trumps overpeerseeers just awarded an ugly lying hag 83 million dollars for lying. . Biden got 83 million votes for lying." -Don't worry Raynman/Instapundit commenter
The ONLY reason this farce was allowed..... This was ALL about NYC GETTING TRUMP!! PERIOD!!
"The Adult Survivors Act creates a special one-year look-back window to allow survivors whose case or claim expired outside the statute of limitations, and who were 18 or older when they were sexually assaulted in New York State, to file a lawsuit against the person who harmed them and/or the negligent institution.
The one-year window will begin on November 24, 2022 and will allow survivors to sue, even if they were already outside of the civil statute of limitations."
Mr. Soros...
Did you cry about Paula Jones the same way? Why or why not? Somehow, Bill Clinton managed to not get sued for defamation in front of an Arkansas jury. Must have just "got lucky."
A)FWIW, I was personally of the opinion that the PJ suit should not have been allowed to go forward while Clinton was President, but the Supreme Court disagreed.
B) Bill Clinton's Insurance company paid PJ $800K to settle the case.
C) Clinton was sued for his actual alleged conduct, not for denying that it occurred.
D) Arkansas did not pass a special law to throw out the statute of limitations to allow PJ to sue Clinton.
Other than that--what's your point? That we should all be in favor of politically motivated lawsuits against unfavored persons in unfriendly jurisdictions? That politicians should be subject to suit for denying things that never occurred?
Maybe its easier if you actually file a lawsuit.
Well, it's certainly a whole lot easier when a rich guy steps up to fund your lawsuit.
Does it ever bother the MAGA brigade that your MAGA leader is such a whiny little bitch?
where is the lawsuit against rachel maddow and adam schitt for their 3-4 years of Russia russia russia lies?
I guess Monica Lewinsky has quite a defamation claim against the Clintons, then.
What's sad is seeing all these flying monkeys hoot and holler and cheer at an obvious miscarriage of justice because it targets someone they don't like.
Knowing these scumbags, though, it's also not very surprising.
"And Trump is worth several billion, last I heard, so $83,300,000 is nowhere near enough to bankrupt him, even if it's not reduced or overturned on appeal."
Is the undisciplined baby done crying yet? I look forward to the NEXT verdict. Shades if Citizen Kane.
As the piss-poor, piss-soaked Citizen Trump whispers "Rosebud was the greatest toboggan. A toboggan like never been seen before."
Open up the libel laws and win lots of money! The monkey paw lowers one finger. 😂. Careful what you wish for!
"Other than that--what's your point? That we should all be in favor of politically motivated lawsuits against unfavored persons in unfriendly jurisdictions"
Not at all. The point is smarter men have picked their battles and moved on with their lives. When you are less disciplined than BILL CLINTON, what does that say about you? And, the GOP had it out just as hard for Bill Clinton as the Dems have it out for Trump. They didn't have media on their side the same way, but they came at him just as hard.
"Does it ever bother the MAGA brigade that your MAGA leader is such a whiny little bitch?"
He's the worst kind of "man.". A big pussy who loves to dish it out but can't take it. Not much of a man at all. He has much more in common with Hunter Biden than with his constituents. Both spoiled rich kid whore chasing, tabloid fodder.
For fucks sake he is one video saying ge just grabs 'em by the pussy without asking and then someone says "Yes! He is telling the truth! He grabbed ME by the pussy.". And, his birdbrained fans can't possibly understand why Carroll's story is 100% believable. Seriously. 🤦🏻♂️
See what I mean?
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