January 8, 2024

"I don’t quite understand all of these Democrats who say Trump is an existential threat to decency, democracy and maybe life on the planet and then..."

"... insist they’re sticking with Biden instead of another candidate. It’s like refusing to seek better medical care for a desperately sick child because the family doctor is a nice old man whose feelings might get hurt if you left his practice."

Said Bret Stephens, in "The Conversation," with Gail Collins, in "The Election No One Seems to Want Is Coming Right at Us" (NYT).

Collins responds that "he’s done a good job" and his speech on Friday showed "he’s going to campaign against Trump very, very, very hard."

That gets Stephens to blithely/deviously quip: "Well, let’s hope it doesn’t kill him.

It's really too late now for other Democrats to run for the nomination in the primaries. Is it possible that the plan is for Biden to go ahead and sweep the primaries and then to withdraw before (or at) the convention? Alternatively, he, like anybody else, could die in this interval. What are the rules for picking someone else at the convention? They're not easy to find, but there must be a way. No one seems to be talking about this openly, but perhaps that's because it's exactly what they are talking about privately. It would explain the behavior Stephens finds puzzling — insisting that Trump is an existential threat but not demanding that Biden step aside.

By the way,  Gail Collins asserts: "You don’t take care of the Trump problem by evicting him from the ballot. He has to be defeated or it’ll be a rallying cry for his many crazy supporters that could split the country in two."

Stephens: "If Trump can be kicked off the ballot in blue states on account of a highly debatable finding of 'insurrection,' then what’s to stop red state judges or other officials kicking Biden off on their own flimsy findings? And on what basis can liberals continue to argue that Trump or Republicans represent a threat to democracy when they are the ones engaged in an attempt to deny tens of millions of voters their choice for president?"

Collins says: "Speaking for liberals, I agree."


Aggie said...

Democrats are solidly behind Biden, hoping that he doesn't kick off before getting elected.

What a message of Hope.

cassandra lite said...

It’s more like not seeking medical care for your child’s serious medical issue because you’re a Christian Scientist.

Kate said...

The problem with "Feisty Biden" is that he would debate. Someone that energized and outraged would want to get in the ring with Trump and trounce him. The Dems have two messages, two versions of Biden, that oppose each other.

Ann Althouse said...

This post ends with "Collins says: 'Speaking for liberals, I agree.'"

When I first put it up, I had a lot of extra pasted quotation that I'd meant to delete before publishing.

It was just the continued conversation between Stephens and Collins. You can still read it at the link.

CJinPA said...

Sounds like Biden is just going to give the same Scary Trump speech over and over, at increasingly historic locations. He'll finish on Nov. 1 at the foot of Mount Rushmore, yelling "Folks, this guy's a thousand times worse than Hitler. Get that through your heads!"

Roger Sweeny said...

That conversation makes me more likely to believe Timur Kuran's recent tweet, which begins:

"Preference falsification has been central to the trajectory of DEI. People who abhor DEI principles and methods came to favor these publicly through a preference cascade. Every instance of preference falsification induced others to pretend they consider DEI just, efficient, beneficial to marginalized groups, etc. In time, a false consensus effectively displaced the search for truth as the university’s core mission, replacing it with DEI. Most professors watched in concealed horror the transfer of enormous powers from themselves to rapidly growing DEI bureaucracies. In countless contexts, they endorsed policies they considered harmful, participated in the defamation of scholars they admired, and sheepishly submitted to DEI training—all to be left alone, to avoid being called racist, to advance their careers. But the resulting equilibrium was self-undermining. In emboldening DEI officials, it increased privately felt anger and resentment. The stage was set for a preference cascade in reverse. ..."


NYT people are well tuned in to academia.

Iman said...

All is well in their bubble. Shit for brains… shoddy product… no one’s buying.

n.n said...

Despite diverse attempts to abort Trump, he is still viable and a forward-looking Democrat burden.

Wince said...

"The Conversation" reads like it was transcribed while Collins and Stephens are lying on their backs in the grass staring at the sky, telling each other what all those puffy clouds remind them of.

CJinPA said...

When I first put it up, I had a lot of extra pasted quotation that I'd meant to delete before publishing.

It ended with Stephens advising Biden to run ads asking voters if they want a return to Trump mayhem. (A theme mentioned here a lot.) But I think people feel just as shell-shocked under Biden, just minus the tweets.

Witness said...

because he's the Labor Democrat that can hold Michigan and maybe Wisconsin, and none of the others really can

Leland said...

By the way, Gail Collins asserts: "You don’t take care of the Trump problem by evicting him from the ballot. He has to be defeated or it’ll be a rallying cry for his many crazy supporters that could split the country in two."

This is the low bar opinion I expect SCOTUS to have. If you can't beat Trump's message in debate, then you won't defeat it by simply removing him from the ballot.

Sebastian said...

"he’s done a good job"

This is the key. Progs are getting what they want from Joe. Southern invasion, big spending, green "investments," student debt cancellation, Iran coddling, Trump and J6 persecutions, pro-transism, undermining U.S. power abroad, anti-MAGA Trump-is-fascist rhetoric--you name it, he's doing it. What's not to like? Why change? His obvious incapacity is a bonus, facilitating manipulation by the prog powers.

"it’ll be a rallying cry for his many crazy supporters that could split the country in two."

Does she think Trump has any non-crazy supporters? Since when have progs cared about splitting the country in two?

"And on what basis can liberals continue to argue that Trump or Republicans represent a threat to democracy when they are the ones engaged in an attempt to deny tens of millions of voters their choice for president?"

They don't need no stinkin' basis to argue it. They don't even need no argument. They just do it, or try to. Let the GOPers bitch from the sidelines that's it's so inconsistent, so unfair, that they should be better, etc. Progs focus on results. Give them credit. Sometimes they misculaculate, or run into an obstacle (in this case, perhaps SCOTUS), but they don't get distracted by demands for logic and integrity.

Enigma said...

Trump is an existential threat to the careers of entitled statists who thought they'd cleverly found a way to avoid 'democracy' by making up special rules for themselves. Trump also made fools out of 100,000 political pundits and reporters. Trump also woke up several dozen billionaires about the potential of using dollars to increase political power.

Insert a routine political analysis here. Projection. De Nile ain't just a river in Egypt. The best defense is a good offense. Hang together or hang separately.

typingtalker said...

The Democratic Party lacks strong effective leadership. The Republican Party ain't so hot either.

Maybe we need a true outsider -- is Ross Perot still around?

Gusty Winds said...

He has to be defeated or it’ll be a rallying cry for his many crazy supporters...

That's awesome. Trump supporters are actually the sane ones.

You know which American voting demographic is taking the most amount of depression medication?


Gusty Winds said...

Gail Collins us just another baby boomer liberal white woman. 78 years old. Bad teeth. Thinning hair.

My guess she's man hater. Despises the working class. Why does anyone care what anyone at the NYTs thinks? Well...other than the fact that they are willing to openly show their absolute corrupt, disingenuous insanity.

None of this is sexist. They all suck. David Brooks and Paul Krugman are the worst. Topping them is David French at the National Review. The king of all bullshit is Joe Scarborough...and his arrogant dingbat sidekick Mika.

howdydoody said...

IF you believe Trump is literally Hitler as the Democratic party establishment does (or at least professes), then anything is fair game to ensure he doesn't become President again. "We have to kill democracy in order to preserve it!" If the DNC could arrange to get rid of Trump by having one of his staff members poison his food, they would do it.

Ice Nine said...

I really don't know how anyone can believe that Biden will be allowed to carry the party nomination to election day. I've been saying this for about a year, as I watched Biden deteriorate by the month, that he was not going to be the Dem candidate. And of course after twelve or so months of manifest acutely advancing dementia and increasing general incompetence, his supporters have been increasingly falling away, producing these alarming and ever-worsening Biden poll numbers for the Democrats to stew in.

Does anyone think that the Democrats are somehow not aware of the absolute political imperative that exists that demands they dump Biden and run someone else? Is there anyone who doubts that they will do exactly that (at the convention or shortly before, probably)? Of course the Dems know this and of course they will do that.

The Democrats are a lot of things but they are not dumb and they are all about winning at any cost...and they are certainly not going to commit suicide by running Biden. Trump will be running against some other Democrat, and he will likely lose to that Democrat - just about any non-Biden Democrat - as the Trump-hating, Biden-disenchanted Dems, women and independents pour back onto the reservation.

Still we have people who somehow think Biden will be there - and for whom it follows that the current Trump-Biden popularity polls, showing Trump ahead, mean anything...mean that Trump is going to win the election. Heh, against Biden, the candidate who won't be the candidate.

Paul said...

Biden will bunker up again and not debate Trump.

No doubt hoping for another COVID, or allowing 10 million illegals to vote, or maybe just World War III to start.

But that is the plan on the Biden/Obama team.

Mason G said...

Collins responds that "he’s done a good job"...

Yeah, sure. Go with that.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"the family doctor is a nice old man"- The NYT "conservative" describing lowlife, degenerate crook Joe Biden.

"He has to be defeated or it’ll be a rallying cry for his many crazy supporters that could split the country in two."- The typical braindead NYT democrat party lib describing republican voters.

Fuck you, NYT.

StoughtonSconnie said...

I was in College Republicans at UW Madison back about what feels like a million years ago (late 80s/early 90s), we used to joke that if you want to know what Democrats are doing, see what they accuse Republicans of doing, and if you want to know what Republicans are doing, imagine what self-destructive things Democrats would wish us to be doing, it’ll be that. This election cycle seems bound-and-determined to fulfill that vision. The Dems are going to walk Biden through the primaries unchallenged, then the leadership will pick someone new to face Trump, who will be the GOP’s nominee. Ugh.

Howard said...

It's only taking 9 years for establishment liberals to recognize the fact that their heads are up there asses. They still haven't decided whether or not to pull them out, lol

Lucien said...

Keeping Trump off blue state ballots won't help Democrats because it won't affect electoral College totals. Instead, it may provide issues to litigate. Suppose a state is found to have wrongly barred Trump, and the remedy turns out to be that the state's electoral votes aren't counted, or there is a re-do in that state.

In fact, though, it looks like the Supreme Court is going to settle this issue on a national basis.

Gusty Winds said...

The same people who want to destroy agriculture and starve the billions of people because of "climate change", shoved a dangerous experimental "vaccine" on the entire world through lies and coercion, and don't seem too interested in punishing Fauci for the crazy "gain of function" research he helped illegally fund at the Wuhan lab...

...are worried Trump is "an existential threat to...life on the planet".

And where to liberals get the delusion they somehow own "decency"? Hunter Biden, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood, Wisconsin's very own Joe "The Vegan Hammer" Gow. We also have liberals parading naked on bikes in front of children in Madison, WI to save the planet. Hundreds of them. That's indecent exposure.

When the three liberal University presidents refused to say calling for extermination of Jews was not considered harassment, was that decent?

Wince said...

It’s like refusing to seek better medical care for a desperately sick child because the family doctor is a nice old man whose feelings might get hurt if you left his practice.

Or a servant of Satan.

"Not fair to Sapirstein?!"

gspencer said...

"[Full lefty] Collins responds that 'he’s done a good job'"


A. Not if you want to see the NWO come to pass. The current population has to be so thoroughly diluted so that this individual freedom nonsense is not longer acceptable.

Tina Trent said...

Why don't we just go full HBO as a nation and Obama runs as Biden's VP?

Jupiter said...

Last week, Stephens and Collins received a message, on their brain implants;
"Your mission, which you may not refuse, is to begin suggesting that Joe Biden will not stand for re-election, due to his health."

Quaestor said...

"Speaking for liberals..."

Who appointed Gail Collins spokesman for liberals? Firstly, those who fly the liberal colors are far from a homogeneous group. They have no doctrine and no set of logically coherent principles agreeable to all. Secondly, about the only point they largely agree on is their universal hatred of Donald Trump, a man many liberals hailed as one of their own until he opposed Hillary Clinton. (hint!) There's no liberal consensus on the non-imaginary monsters -- Vlad Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un -- liberal opinion ranges from good to bad to huh?. Even the genocidal lunatics who call themselves Hamas enjoy the liberals' collective shrug.

In Collins's defense, she's a member of an ever-shrinking interest group, so it's barely possible she canvases all of them for her spokesmanship role. In the past, many liberals liked to hedge the question by describing themselves as "fiscally conservative, socially liberal". Not so much these days of urban barbarism and public debt to the 12th power. Consequently, there's increasing space to spare in that clown car.

MadisonMan said...

It's nice that some Democrats might recognize how profoundly undemocratic it is for a partisan judge to decide who can and who cannot be on a ballot.
I'd like to think this recognition preceded their reading of polls on the topic.

Gunner said...

Wow, two Trump haters talking about Trump. This is riveting!

Sadly, Biden is the best they have. He can still fool enough mindless blue state white people into supporting the party that hates them.

AMDG said...

Having to choose between Biden and Trump is like having to choose between stage 4 colo-rectal cancer and stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Either way we are $&@ked.

I have have zero respect for people who support candidates who are obviously, to any sentient human being, completely unfit for the office.

At this rate both those buffoons are going to outlive the Republic.

AMDG said...

Blogger Paul said...
Biden will bunker up again and not debate Trump.

No doubt hoping for another COVID, or allowing 10 million illegals to vote, or maybe just World War III to start.

But that is the plan on the Biden/Obama team.

1/8/24, 10:17 AM

Biden’s handlers are well aware that Biden is too addled to debate anybody.

Trump’s refusal to debate in the primaries gives cover to Biden’s position.

Joe Smith said...

It's easy to see now that Biden and democrats have always been authoritarian fascists.

Whatever happened to 'Uncle Joe from Scranton' who was going to be a middle-of-the-road president and bring the country together?

Holy fuck have we blown by that one...

MB said...

He's doing a good job

He's doing a good job not being Trump but my cat could have accomplished that.

narciso said...

Stephens is more a moron then i thought possible

takirks said...

I still want to know what the Democrats and the unelected bureaucrats in DC are so afraid of, with Trump.

Thirty years ago, Trump was a Democrat himself. His father was a pretty important donor and a Democratic Party activist in Brooklyn.

So... Why didn't they simply co-opt and work around him? You can't tell me that wasn't a possibility; look at how the establishment Republicans managed to infiltrate so many anti-Trump types into his administration, who actively worked to stop him from getting anything done. Sessions and Barr both did things that were contrary to Trump's interests, and indeed, the nation.

What are they afraid of, that they'd do all these things?

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger AMDG said...
Having to choose between Biden and Trump is like having to choose between stage 4 colo-rectal cancer and stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Either way we are $&@ked.

This is just an arrogant cop out. A Trump and hater and hater of Trump supporters and the working class, who knows the Biden installed Presidency has been a disaster. Economy was good under Trump. Unemployment low. Inflation under control. No new wars.

There will be a lot of Pontius Pilate handwashing from 2020 Biden voters. Especially in CHI and NY where illegal immigrants are being bussed to their sanctuaries. Of course like most liberals they lack the self-awareness to admit they voted for this shit.

Mason G said...

"Gail Collins us just another baby boomer liberal white woman. 78 years old. Bad teeth. Thinning hair."

Gail Collins is not a baby boomer.

hombre said...

"I don't quite understand all of these Democrats ...."

Sure you do,Bret, but you can't keep your job and say so.

Rank and file Democrats are expected to vote as their high priests tell them to.

Meanwhile, the high priests expect to be protected from Trump by: a. Crooked judges, prosecutors and secretaries of state; b. Lying, biased leftmediaswine; and/or c. Election fraud.

Expecting Trump to overcome those odds is akin to expecting 7 million Israeli Jews to overcome 2 billion Muslims, 25% of whom are jihadis and the rest silently complicit. Of course, Israel is likely to have God's help at some point. The US, not so likely.

Kathryn51 said...

I said this months ago and I will say it again.

Both Team Obama and Team Clinton (and they are definitely not the same) have a deep understanding of what the DNC Rules provide in the event of incapacity of a candidate - whether it occur before or after the convention. And they have Plan B, Back-up Plan C and Five Alarm Plan D outlined and ready to execute.

Drago said...

AMDG: "I have have zero respect for people who support candidates who are obviously, to any sentient human being, completely unfit for the office."


It's not working laddie.

Not even a little.

Rabel said...

Contrary to the headline, I want this election very, very much. And so, I believe, do about 80 million more Americans.

Also, the "I don't understand" shtick from Stephens is intentionally and dishonestly obtuse. He understands the situation quite well, I am sure.

Kevin said...

Terence Fletcher : There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job".

mccullough said...

Compared to Collins and Stephens, Biden & Trump feel fresh

MadisonMan said...

It would be so democratic for (D) voters to have Biden hand-held through the Primaries, only to be replaced.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

LBJ resigned in March.

Mason G said...

"And they have Plan B, Back-up Plan C and Five Alarm Plan D outlined and ready to execute.

I'll bet those plans are all very democratic.

Jamie said...

Collins responds that 'he’s done a good job'"


A. Not if you want to see the NWO come to pass.

This is what my husband thinks. Whenever Harris tosses another word salad and everyone on my side is all, "What an incompetent!", he shrugs and says, "She's great at doing exactly what her supporters want her to do." Whenever Biden takes two scripted questions, whispers something, shouts something, and then leaves the room, and my side is all, "Can't they see he's a senile crook?!", he shrugs and says, "He's giving his people exactly what they want."

My husband works for a nominally non-partisan organization that is in fact 100% minus 1 person (that would be he) progressive; they love Biden and Harris, they truly believe Trump is the personification of evil, and they genteelly look down on anyone who doesn't share their views, even if they're on their side but just not far enough on their side.

So the question is, does the non-progressive left have any voice at all in Democrat politics?

Dogma and Pony Show said...

There are two basic approaches the dems can take to deal with the fact that Biden is a complete joke and a disaster as president.

The first is, gaslight the country into thinking Biden is not a complete joke and disaster.

The second is, engage in some kind of crazy switcheroo to replace him with someone, outside the normal and traditional system of letting voters choose the nominees through primaries.

The problem is, you can't really do both. Unless Biden legitimately needs to be replaced because he dies or has a stroke, jumping through all sorts of hoops to replace him outside the primary process will make it obvious that he really IS a complete joke and disaster, and efforts to portray him as something else was, in fact, gaslighting.

The dems have already decided on the gaslighting option. It would be extremely difficult for them to pull of option #2 and still win the election. And keep in mind that there's no reason for any dem presidential aspirant to support the switcheroo option EXCEPT the one who is being swapped in. All the others would try to kill the idea, IMO.

RideSpaceMountain said...

If you voted for Joe Biden your citizenship is worth less than my citizenship. It shows a serious lack of critical thinking skills, devotion to dogma, and loyalty to class over principle.

I dont care if you have ten trigonometry PhDs, and are worth trillions by tapping diatomic tritium taken from two thousand tokamaks while simultaneously sucking Tiffany Tower's titties on Tuesday every week by the terrific shores of Lake Titicaca. You can vote for whoever you want - including Dementia Hitler twice - but we cant be friends.

George said...

"It's really too late now for other Democrats to run for the nomination in the primaries. Is it possible that the plan is for Biden to go ahead and sweep the primaries and then to withdraw before (or at) the convention?"


Trump would win over Biden.

Any non-Trump candidate would win over any DNC candidate.

Chick said...

Democrats don't like to cite all the Hitler / Proto-Hitler stuff President / Dictator Trump did in his first 4 years in office; is it too awful or icky ? I'd like to know about it.

Yancey Ward said...

Bedbug and Crabs have nothing interesting to say or think about.

effinayright said...

Tina Trent said...
Why don't we just go full HBO as a nation and Obama runs as Biden's VP?

Obama's not elegible to run as VP, because he's already been a two-term POTUS.

I don't have my Constitution copy with me, but...it's in there.

Quaestor said...

Gusty Winds writes, "...like most liberals, they lack the self-awareness to admit they voted for this shit."

Lack of self-awareness is a symptom of psychosis. Liberals aren't crazy, at least not most of them. What they lack is courage and a code of personal honor. A liberal is someone empowered to wrong anyone, to betray any trust without a glimmer of guilt or shame. If they had any honor, they would admit to receiving exactly what they have voted for time and time again.

Christopher B said...

Lucien said...
Keeping Trump off blue state ballots won't help Democrats because it won't affect electoral College totals.

I don't think the Democrats care. Reason number one is that if they can get Trump kicked off the ballot somewhere for 'insurrection' they are going to use that as a precedent to remove any other Republican who said anything vaguely supportive or voted against certification of electoral votes in 2020. I believe they've already filed lawsuits and other objections against at least 126 Republican Congressmen and Senators based on Section 3 of the 14th. Reason two is that keeping Trump off the ballot in some states will wreak havoc on the popular vote. If Trump does manage to draw to an inside straight again as he did in 2016 the campaign to get Electors to flip their votes to Biden (yes, it will be Biden) will make the George Floyd riots look like a Sunday picnic.

AMDG said...

Blogger Gusty Winds said...
Blogger AMDG said...
Having to choose between Biden and Trump is like having to choose between stage 4 colo-rectal cancer and stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Either way we are $&@ked.

This is just an arrogant cop out. A Trump and hater and hater of Trump supporters and the working class, who knows the Biden installed Presidency has been a disaster. Economy was good under Trump. Unemployment low. Inflation under control. No new wars.

There will be a lot of Pontius Pilate handwashing from 2020 Biden voters. Especially in CHI and NY where illegal immigrants are being bussed to their sanctuaries. Of course like most liberals they lack the self-awareness to admit they voted for this shit.

1/8/24, 11:46 AM

Defending Trump for his first term is like saying the Falcons were great in Superbowl LVI because they had big lead after 3 quarters.

What they share in common is that their fourth quarters were absolutely indefensible spectacular failures. Until the Falcons win a Super Bowl they will be forver branded with that 4th quarter. The same should happen to Trump for turning the nation over to the Deep State and the his reprehensible post election behavior. Oh, and if you don’t think the addition of $8T tot he debt on his watch did did not contribute to inflation than you need to rethink that. Even before COVID Trump was a yuge spender.

rehajm said...

What are the rules for picking someone else at the convention? They're not easy to find, but there must be a way.

This question bings to mind another: When are you going to start paying attention?

The rules are: There are no rules for us but they have to follow the rules- the ones in place and the ones we make up for them later after the fact…

rhhardin said...

Ben Meiselas has the best YouTube derangement channel, one that the NYT can only dream of matching. Podcast titles in the last SEVEN DAYS:

prosecutors hit the jackpot with subpoena trump tried to block
trump in total panic posts threats at 1:00 am
trump refuses to sign loyalty oath to constitution
gop interviews instantly go off the rails on live television
trump and gop instantly walk into fatal trap set by biden
trump braces for financial devastation as trial ends
trump's lets it slip, biggest fear about the supreme court
trump's terrible secrets from his past resurface
desperate trump begs for help to bail him out
fed up jack smith mocks donald trump in response papers
trump freaks out over biden getting good news
dems makes urgent demand to clarence thomas in trump case
visibly shaken trump short circuits during speech
trump loses it over court case in unhinged speech
trump tries to humiliate melania as she refuses to be near him
trump lawyers make massive blunder that could sink him
trump threatens supreme court justice in total panic
trump panics on stage in speech after getting slammed by biden
scared trump flips out over $370 million demand by prosecutor
prosecutor seeks financial death penalty for trump
prosecutors respond to trump's attempt to frame his own lawyers
marjorie taylor greene kicked out of hotel when plan is uncovered
trump pulls same stunt in court which will blow up in his face
unhinged trump lawyer goes off the rails in podcast interview
trump gets instantly roasted in supreme court disqualification petition
trump loses it in criminal case as paranoia sets in
dems go on offense with bombshell report on trump
panicked trump attacks victim on eve of trial
trump's lawyer makes stunning admission on live tv
trump accidentally trapped himself in court with worst lawyers
republican press stunt instantly backfires in their faces
yes, trump's name is on the listb&
sloppy judge cannon attempts to hide her corrupt rulings
trump files last minute disqualification petition with supreme court
trump braces for more secrets being revealed
trump files offensive reply to appeals court mocking the constitution
pathetic trump has utter meltdown over criminal charges
trump lawyers accidentally expose how weak defense is on live tv
trump walks right into fed-up appeals court ready to crush him
supreme court surprise in trump disqualification a reality?
melania trump's secret past surfaces after mar-a-lago disappearance
appeals court issues urgent directive to trump in criminal case
trump can't escape his own wicked stench
fed up melania trump missing, repulsed by donald
very frantic trump instantly freaks out in post after post
prosecutors hint at major breakthrough in trump criminal case
trump instantly incriminates himself in new year post
fed up jack smith fires back against trump in appeals court
trump's worst moments from his disastrous speeches in 2023

Kakistocracy said...

Trump is probably going to win one big thing this year — the Republican nomination — and pretty much lose everything else. The courts will rule in favor of his being on the ballot but they will also rule that the trials go ahead and that juries be permitted to make their findings on the facts. This year, the people will get to decide the fundamentals both politically and judicially. Clear majorities of Americans now believe Trump committed crimes. Wait until the evidence is presented at trial! The Republican party will find itself between a rock and majority American public opinion.

Currently, Trump gets a certain glow from actively being seen to appeal various aspects of the various trials; he's in action doing things. Rah Rah Shish boom bah! But the appeals are going to mostly fail; the trials are going to proceed, verdicts will be reached; and appeals of the verdicts fail—probably all by Labor Day this September. (Sentencing will probably be delayed until after the election.)

Trump himself has structured himself as the Loser. After having lost the 2020 election, he could have constructed a narrative to win back the presidency in 2024 around themes of "they stole the election from us" and "let's make America great again" (like it was before the pandemic which was economically quite successful); he did not have to commit dozens of federal and state felonies along the way. Instead he seemed to construct ad hoc a Revenge and Retribution Reality Show. In short, Trump constructed the wrong narrative. He is no strategist. (And one should not forget his daily display of personal incompetence while president.) This show is now going to bomb in the ratings in the fall of 2024 because the election is going to be about a Very Bad Boy against a comfortable if colorless incumbent.

Darkisland said...

There's a story, possibly apocryphal, about an Allan Freed rock concert in the 50s. There was a dispute about whether Jerry Lee Lewis or Chuck Berry should close the show.

Freed picked Berry as the bigger star. Lewis closed his set by pouring gasoline on his piano during Great Balls of Fire and setting it alight.

"Top that, sucker" he told Berry as he walked offstage.

I'm thinking the dems have realized for 6-8 years now that they have nobody. At this point they are just trying to leave pedjt with a mess God himself could not make better.

Then, hopefully, they will find a savior for 28 and run on blaming trump.

On Jan 20, Brandon will just say "good luck, sucker" and walk away. Then we have 4 years of them blaming President Trump for everything

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Apparently the "trump is Hitler!" thing is not going to work anymore.

"#Dementia Hitler" seems to be trending hard on X as a new name for Brandon.

And "fascist" seems to pop up more and more often in conversations about the demmies. As in, more and more people are realizing that the demmies are following mussolini's playbook line by line.

John Henry

rcocean said...

If Biden drops outs, Kamala Harris has been penciled in.

I don't see any pushback against her from the Democrat Establishment. After all, they approved her selection in 2020.

Futher, is there any evidence Biden has turned against her? No. If he said "I'm dropping out, but Kamala will carry on" no one could oppose her successfully.

Jaq said...

“ obviously, to any sentient human being, completely unfit for the office.”

No true sentient human being could disagree with me! Bow down and make me your king.

Freder Frederson said...

I believe they've already filed lawsuits and other objections against at least 126 Republican Congressmen and Senators based on Section 3 of the 14th.

Really!? You believe this? Please provide a link, because this sounds like complete bullshit.

AMDG said...

Blogger Gusty Winds said...
Blogger AMDG said...
Having to choose between Biden and Trump is like having to choose between stage 4 colo-rectal cancer and stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Either way we are $&@ked.

This is just an arrogant cop out. A Trump and hater and hater of Trump supporters and the working class, who knows the Biden installed Presidency has been a disaster. Economy was good under Trump. Unemployment low. Inflation under control. No new wars.

There will be a lot of Pontius Pilate handwashing from 2020 Biden voters. Especially in CHI and NY where illegal immigrants are being bussed to their sanctuaries. Of course like most liberals they lack the self-awareness to admit they voted for this shit.

1/8/24, 11:46 AM


When Trump loses you will own it as much as the Blue staters who voted for their idiots.

Jaq said...

I would love to hear Gail Collins try to defend her assessment of Biden’s performance against honest pushback, but we live in a country where The Party controls the press.

Jaq said...

I agree that the fact that nobody in the know will talk about the rules is a signal that something is up. It’s the “Rules Based Order”! Has anybody seen those rules?

Jamie said...

A liberal is someone empowered to wrong anyone, to betray any trust without a glimmer of guilt or shame.

As long as they perceive that there's a Greater Good at stake, that is. Only those who gravitate to power are not subject to the pricking of conscience.

But when Democracy or The Environment or (especially in days past) The Children are at stake - it's full speed ahead and devil take the hindmost. Meanwhile, Republicans, the Stupid Party, have been the ones in modern times to cling (sometimes bitterly) to principles and ideals that hamper our pursuit of our preferences, because we're rule followers. I won't give us any more credit than that...

... even though following sterile, unconditional rules, and altering them only with care and only after serious deliberation - call them, say, a fence around human behavior, maybe a Chesterton's Fence - has been shown to be the best way to avoid unintended consequences and to maintain the social fabric. I don't care if some of us follow rules for less than profound reasons; the effect is, if nothing else - and this I'll call a Sowellism - better than the alternative.

Yancey Ward said...

For Freder to ignore

Kathryn51 said...

Re: The Rules.

I'm not a Democrat, so I can't talk to specifics.

But at one time, I was on the GOP National Convention Rules Committee. So, I hauled out my copy and the rules do address what happens if a candidate dies or becomes incapacitated after the nomination (that is, post convention).

So, i went looking for the Democrat Rules and this is what I found for the 2020 Convention (and I imagine 2024 is similar):

"Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In
the event of death, resignation or disability
of a nominee of the Party for President or
Vice President after the adjournment of the
National Convention, the National
Chairperson of the Democratic National
Committee shall confer with the Democratic
leadership of the United States Congress
and the Democratic Governors Association
and shall report to the Democratic National
Committee, which is authorized to fill the
vacancy or vacancies"

As I said previously, Team Obama and Team Clinton are preparing their plans and will be ready to execute if required.

Drago said...

AMDG: "When Trump loses you will own it as much as the Blue staters who voted for their idiots."

Trump will likely not be in the race at the end due to your GOPe/dem lawfare alliance.

But if by some miracle he does get there, you are correct that your corrupted GOPe/dem alliance in corrupted election practices, particularly in GA and AZ, and elsewhere, certainly presents a significant barrier for electoral victory for any republican candiate that would actually challenge the establishment.

So again, I suppose early congratulations are in order for you and Team America Last.

cfs said...

One issue the left refuses to face is the fact that many in their normally reliable voting groups are seriously looking at Trump as a better candidate than Biden. The "Blacks for Trump" and "Hispanics for Trump" groups are growing. Black celebrities that previously supported Biden are opening expressing their disappointment in Biden and the switch of their vote.

The Democrats may not be able to cheat in a sufficient amount to win if they are not recognizing the loss of those votes.

Christopher B said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...
I believe they've already filed lawsuits and other objections against at least 126 Republican Congressmen and Senators based on Section 3 of the 14th.

Really!? You believe this? Please provide a link, because this sounds like complete bullshit.

Well, here's your bullshit.

Per Vox,


147 Republicans voted against certification of the electoral college

and from Newsweek


By Andrew Stanton
Weekend Staff Writer

More than 130 Republicans have faced challenges to their eligibility to serve in office based on their alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in recent years.

Jim at said...

Really!? You believe this? Please provide a link, because this sounds like complete bullshit.

See what I mean? I said it the other day. If something doesn't exist inside of Freder's bubble, it simply doesn't exist. And if you do provide a link to what most people already know, he ignores it and goes on to the next thing he knows nothing about.

Rinse. Repeat.

Rocco said...

AMDG said...
“I have have zero respect for people who support candidates who are obviously, to any sentient human being, completely unfit for the office.”

I agree.

But enough about Biden supporters. This is a thread about Trump.

Eva Marie said...

Is this really true? Do Democrats really want their candidate to die? Is this really the best hope the Democratic apparatus can offer their party members? - maybe our chosen candidate to lead you will die in time for us to pick someone else?
I’m not a fan of the President but this is just awful.
Democrats - isn’t it time to fix your party?

typingtalker said...

In the U.S., there are no FAA age limits for pilots except for commercial airline pilots employed by airlines certificated under 14 CFR Part 121. These airlines cannot employ pilots after they reach the age of 65.


So ... President Biden is too old to pilot the airplane that lost a "fuselage plug" but he isn't too old to run the entire United States of America.

Kakistocracy said...

When the former president attempts to steal an election and runs again, the election should be principally about that.

Original Mike said...

"I believe they've already filed lawsuits and other objections against at least 126 Republican Congressmen and Senators based on Section 3 of the 14th."

Kinda undermines the 'we need these unprecedented measures because Trump is uniquely dangerous' argument, doesn't it?

Rusty said...

Jim at said...
"Really!? You believe this? Please provide a link, because this sounds like complete bullshit.

See what I mean? I said it the other day. If something doesn't exist inside of Freder's bubble, it simply doesn't exist. And if you do provide a link to what most people already know, he ignores it and goes on to the next thing he knows nothing about.

Rinse. Repeat."
Freder does this all the time. He really needs to do his own research if he has questions. It's what the rest of us do.

Rusty said...

Jim at said...
"Really!? You believe this? Please provide a link, because this sounds like complete bullshit.

See what I mean? I said it the other day. If something doesn't exist inside of Freder's bubble, it simply doesn't exist. And if you do provide a link to what most people already know, he ignores it and goes on to the next thing he knows nothing about.

Rinse. Repeat."
Freder does this all the time. He really needs to do his own research if he has questions. It's what the rest of us do.

Rusty said...

Rich said...
"When the former president attempts to steal an election and runs again, the election should be principally about that."
Got any evidence of that? Yeah. Didn't think so.

mikee said...

Biden doesn't matter, he is a placeholder for the Party. The Party found with Obama that what was needed to maximize and concentrate political power was not a leader but a puppet. Without Biden, should he not run, that desire for power remains and another puppet will be run for the Democrats.

Trump doesn't matter, he is a placeholder for loathing directed at the left. The US found with Trump that the President does not run an administration, the bureaucrats do. Without Trump, should he not run or should he lose, that loathing remains and another symbol of US loathing of the left will be run for the Republicans.

The difference is, if the Dems win, the same people now running this administration will be in charge. If Trump is replaced, it might not be as nice a person who next represents the US loathing of the left.

wendybar said...

Poor, rich little Michelle Obama. She can't SLEEP because she is so worried that Trump will stop her husbands fundamental change of America into a shit hole. Maybe she should go hide in one of her 4 mansions, or jump on a yacht with her buddy Oprah.

e us the HELL alone.

Robert Cook said...

"Poor, rich little Michelle Obama. She can't SLEEP because she is so worried that Trump will stop her husbands fundamental change of America into a shit hole."

Well, I guess that's a fair assessment, if by that you mean Obama carried on the USA-as-Global-Police-Force and the neoconservative policies of his predecessors.

But at least he was president while the economy recovered from the cratering it took in the last year of Bush's second term, (and passed on a healthy economy as a gift to "Big T."). Was that improvement of the US economy during Obama's two terms a matter of cause or merely correlation?

Tina Trent said...

Effinayright: yeah, I know. I think it will Kamala who bows out, possibly for Stacey Abrams, or Biden's out after the convention and Kampala picks Abrams as VP.

They don't have much of a bench.

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