I've been trimming tree stumps, boy do I have a lot stumps, about 50 overall. I have two chainsaws, a 16" Ryobi and a 20" Husqvarna. What a difference! The Husqvarna is going through the stumps 10x as fast as the Ryobi. More powerful engine coupled with a bigger bar is making fast work of the stumps.
These are large Maple and Cedar stumps. The Maple stump must be 3-1/2 feet across and it stood about 2-ft above the ground. Now it's only about 6". I'm nibbling it to death, but the Husqvarna nibbles are 2x to 3x as big as the Ryobi.
Once the stumps are low enough, then it's time for a stump grinder. Cutting them as low as possible will reduce the amount wood chips generated by the stump grinder and the time it takes to grind the stump.
The economic house of cards in China has started to fall. I recall over a decade ago a state department (at the time) employee who I went to HS with was telling me how brilliant the Chinese were building empty cities for their future population increase. That was after 1979, after the Chinese on child per couple policy was in place. A policy that ensures a future population implosion.
Meanwhile, as someone involved in maintenance of all kinds, I warned that empty buildings STOP working properly if they're not used. A valve that hasn't turned in 10 years doesn't want to turn. And pipes that have had water standing in them stagnant for 10 years are going to emit some really smelly harmful stuff when the water starts flowing. If it can... With lot of other problems.
But hey, this is only one card. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/evergrande-shares-halted-hong-kong-court-orders-liquidation-rcna136103
But there are more. Apparently a lot of goods in warehouses pledged as collateral- raw steel, copper, nickel, and other commodities- are pledged as full collateral for multiple loans. And in a few investigated cases- aren't in the warehouses...
As a totalitarian country, they can hide for a while longer. But not forever. And probably not much longer.
It was about 60F today, same as yesterday. I could walk our dog in shirt sleeves, no coat required. Very warm for January, but this follows two weeks of snow and freezing temperatures.
How many Americans in our history, who have never in their life been charged with a felony, were charged with 91 felonies over four separate jurisdictions after the age of 75?
So, Jack Smith may be illegally appointed to SC, Fani is caught hiring her boyfriend for beaucoup $$ and then directly benefitting from those $$, and Judge Kaplan has an undisclosed long term professional relationship w Carroll’s attorney. With enemies like these, who needs friends?
You have to wonder if meritocracy and integrity were ever really a thing.
Why do I get the sick feeling that we are rapidly approaching the event horizon of WWIII, and the only thing keeping us from crossing it irretrievably to be sucked in, is the good judgement of Joseph Robinette Biden.
Great sawyers think alike. I fired up the chainsaw yesterday to turn our Christmas trees into next year's kindling, and the wife reminded me I promised to take down the remnants of a 40 year old arctic willow. So that was today's task. Trickier than I thought as you get toward ground level. But good to be working in 60 degree weather.
Did some chainsaw work as well this weekend. Had heavy snow and the blizzard here two weeks ago with lots of downed limbs in the hood, some quite large. The city came by and cut the limbs into 4'-6' sections, so I loaded the pickup and then cut them again into fireplace sized logs. Ash and maple mostly. My good saw (Stihl Farm Boss) is up north, but I had the old Sears Craftsman in the garage. Had to sharpen the chain but it cut through pretty well. The Stihl would have been much easier. It's pleasing work.
So folks are upset that somebody removed a Jackie Robinson statue without permission. See, this time it's someone they like and they can't fathom why someone else felt they had the right to tear it down and destroy it. The outrage! When microaggressions justify direct action (or somebody just wants some scrap metal), all statues lose.
@ Gospice: I've spent a little time in China, and trying to get insights about China from the Western press is not the best way to see the true picture. Believing that Xi Jinping does not care about China's economy is a big mistake. The deal between the Party and the Chinese people is that the Party provides the framework for prosperity, but the COVID lockdown overhang and Xi's repression have jointly curbed Chinese "animal spirits" to the extent that I don't think that any amount of fiscal or monetary injection will right the Chinese economic ship. Xi knows that a healthy economy is fundamental to his continued rule. Therefore, there is a battle currently going on in Zhongnanhai about the extent of economic relaxation versus the maintenance of "security" ie. surveillance and repression. The question is whether Xi can survive the collapse in popular confidence which feeds through into economic apathy.
"beset by" makes the perfidious monkeys the actors, whereas "beset with" implies that the evil thereof is always more than sufficient unto the day. Who is not beset with perfidious monkeys, is likely beset with mosquitos the size of B-17s, or postage stamps with insufficient mucilage. It's always something.
The sufferer here is our cat. I say "our", because my son enslaved her from the wild, many years ago. The worms inhabiting her belly were mercilessly slaughtered, and the fleas crawling over her skin lasted only a little longer. She has -- apparently -- come to accept her cruel bondage, but the lusty spirit of freedom still burns within. Of late, she has formed the habit of jumping up on a bathroom counter to request that the faucet be turned on, ever so slightly, so she can lap at the thin stream of water. I fear that we encouraged her in this impertinence, finding it amusing, but it has become an insistence. A demand, really. "Meow!" It occurred to me, that a cat fountain might sate her craving for flowing water. But while she is intrigued by the thing, she clearly does not regard it as an acceptable substitute for a gently trickling faucet, activated upon demand. "Meow!".
Thus, she is beset. With perfidious monkeys. And I consider, that the progress of my life, carefully plotted and hard-fought in the breach, boils down to a choice of masters, and mistresses. Or perhaps moistresses. You will wind up peeking through a keyhole, down upon your knees.
Congress wants to make the use of algorithms available in apartment management software illegal as a means to raise rent prices. The software gathers prices for neighborhoods and recommends appropriate increases. But that is supposedly not unlike landlords getting together to agree on new rent levels.
What they didn't mention as illegal was reading rent prices online and/or making calls asking about available apartments and current rental prices.
What is really stupid are the rent control laws which permit the government to set rents too low for landlords to make a decent return on investment.
Tim. I think that is the desired outcome. To desolve our constitution. To declsare our rights nul and void. But only for the duration, mind you. A duration that will go on and on for generations. Until it becomes normal.
THIS is how brainless Progressives really are. The Governor of Colorado is dumb. Maybe he should get off of his knees for Biden, and open his eyes.
Jared Polis @jaredpolis
I have a simple question for those who think a President alone can secure the border without an act of Congress including border security funding and changes to asylum law expanding quick deportations: Why didn’t President Trump secure the border during his four years in office? 12:44 PM · Jan 29, 2024
Replying to @jaredpolis It’s way too late, Jared. Everybody, that is everybody, knows Biden broke our border security beginning 3 years ago, with every year getting worse. And he’s still preventing the border from being more secure. 11:59 AM · Jan 30, 2024
In 2017, Trump let in 300,000 illegals. In December 2023, Biden let in more than 300,000 illegals in a single month.
Your crazy Tim. You need to get out and move your body and stop eating junk and drinking alcohol. Maybe it's Florida. New England is still a sane part of the world
Deport the lying corrupt traitor. She is an UNGRATEFUL idiot who doesn't deserve to live here. Send her back to her beloved President and her homeland where she belongs. She DOESN'T belong here.
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok Ilhan Omar says she has a very special and close relationship with the President of Somalia. She calls him her “uncle” and he calls her his “girl.”
She also refers to him as “our president” while the entire audience in Minnesota cheers.
These lying scumbags @ WAPO deserve Biden and millions of illegal to descend on DC. They are FINE with Joe Biden ignoring the Supreme Court handing out our tax money like candy to delinquent student loan repayments for wealthy kids. It's like they are blind and dumb. The Supreme Court NEVER told Texas they couldn't put up more fencing. The Feds can cut down as much as they want, to let more of Joes illegals in....so send them all to DC and Delaware and let Joe handle them all. Put fencing around DC and Delaware to keep them all in.
Anybody who believes anything in the WAPO deserves what they get. They are being lied to, and must like it. Dopes.
Aaron Blake @AaronBlake
Twice in the last week, Republican elected officials have suggested it's okay to ignore Supreme Court rulings.
One of those officials, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R), also floated the National Guard refusing orders from Biden.
Somebody proposed the theory that the real reason that the Republicans refuse to fund Ukraine is that they know that a large tranche of that money is going to circle right back from that corrupt shyte-hole and end up funding the Democrats in November.
"Make no mistake, New York City will ALWAYS stand up to @realDonaldTrump and call out his cynical plots to divide our country. To anyone in the world fleeing hatred and oppression, the ultimate city of immigrants wants you to remember: you’re ALWAYS welcome here." (NYC Mayor Eric Adams, April 16, 2019).
Sounded good at the time. Now? Maybe not. Nothing worse than a phony.
I remember being a young man and laughing at Pravda, and feeling bad for those poor Russians. You could get "Soviet Life" magazine in the college library, and I would page through it to laugh at that too.
But Jeezum Crow, the one war he deliberately provoked, and the other, the one with Iran, the neocons have been salivating over for decades. Well, to be honest, in Zbigniew Brzezinski's (Mika's father, BTW) book, The Grand Chessboard, the "endless wars" they have been salivating over Ukraine too. The wars we have been either fighting directly or through proxies are all laid out in that book. It's just the pretexts that are fed to us as "justifications" that vary.
@Gospace: I went to HS with was telling me how brilliant the Chinese were building empty cities for their future population increase.
The Chinese real estate bubble was way worse than that. Many of those new empty cities were made from scrap cardboard, tissue paper, Styrofoam, and mud. The buildings started to crack and fall apart before anyone moved in. Bribes to local officials were routine. The builders exploited the common Chinese belief that real estate never depreciates, and suckered in many naïve investors. So, the country spent all sorts of money and wasted copper/concrete/iron on now useless assets and looming demolition costs.
Watch this video and the source channels below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcyYyyaPz84
Enjoy the downfall, brought to you by the Biden administration!! Defund the Police so that Joe's illegals can beat the shit out the few that are left...and watch as the illegals get a hand slapped and sent back out into the streets like other NYC criminals. (IF they even look for them) Progressivism is a mental disease.
"Anyone who can remember back to the decades before the Obama presidency will recall a country committed to fairness and common sense: judging a person based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin; welcoming a person who came lawfully into this country who applied for citizenship through traditionally prescribed means; never giving a second thought about girls’ and women’s sports being reserved only for a person born female and without a speck of steroids, let alone testosterone, in their bodies; expecting that immensely immature men dressed as fat-slob, over-face-painted, faux women would remain hidden inside “special” bars and clubs and not held up as twerking examples to kindergarten children; acknowledging unequivocally that Marxism was a bad idea and not a glorified ideal; realizing that only a tyrant would actually jail their political opponents for simply questioning highly-suspicious presidential election results; and, generally, in a more fair-minded time: no one even considered ever gleefully calling “evil good and good evil.”"
Enjoy the downfall, brought to you by the Biden administration!! Defund the Police so that Joe's illegals can beat the shit out the few that are left...and watch as the illegals get a hand slapped and sent back out into the streets like other NYC criminals. ( they were let free without bail. Joe Biden and Barack Obama fundamental change of America is here to stay. Buckle up1!) Progressivism is a mental disease.
Commenter (anon-3158) from Power Line: "Years ago Golda Meir made a statement in regard to Peace in the Middle East. She said & I quote, there will be peace When the Palestinians love their children more than they hate the Jews. Right now are in a very scary times . If the Marxists & Scoialist take over it will not be a good future for this Country. I am 88 years old. Six years old when Pearl Harbor happened. I actually started my life in WWII, I don't want to end my live in WWIII. I hope that you love your children, grandchildren more than you hate Trump. I deeply fear Biden or any Democrat in any Government office. Stop letting HATE guide you."
Original Mike said... “Egypt is renovating one of its ancient pyramids using granite, and some experts are horrified. They're recladding a pyramid! Doesn't seem like a good idea.”
Fani the fraudster stepped in it big time. She was counting on Joe Bidens deep state to protect her for helping them take down Trump. She failed. The jokes on HER and now SHE should be charged with defamation, lying, corruption and should be sent to Gitmo with the rest of the Progressive coup masters.
Andrew Kerr @AndrewKerrNC
BREAKING: @FreeBeacon has obtained audio of a whistleblower privately warning Fani Willis in 2021 that her top aide was trying to misuse federal funds.
Willis did not dispute the allegations.
56 days later, Willis fired the whistleblower and perp walked her out of the office.
“I’m in the middle now,” Lee whispered as if making a horrifying admission. “I never thought I would I would ever say that.”
Lee said that his change in attitude had only occurred in the last year — and said it was liberals who brought it about.
“I just went — I can’t do it anymore,” he said.
“They’re in a cult,” Rogan cut in, likening the current political climate to a closed religious group, including the excommunication, shaming, and “group think.”
Barack Husseins fundamental change....totalitarianism. Imagine if you got sent to prison for 10 years for praying for Gaza (not rioting...praying and singing). The left would go ape shit crazy. THEY are doing this. THEY are no better than Cuba or Russia. They are the totalitarians they claim Trump is. Trump is the only one to stop this bullshit.
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४३ टिप्पण्या:
I've been trimming tree stumps, boy do I have a lot stumps, about 50 overall. I have two chainsaws, a 16" Ryobi and a 20" Husqvarna. What a difference! The Husqvarna is going through the stumps 10x as fast as the Ryobi. More powerful engine coupled with a bigger bar is making fast work of the stumps.
These are large Maple and Cedar stumps. The Maple stump must be 3-1/2 feet across and it stood about 2-ft above the ground. Now it's only about 6". I'm nibbling it to death, but the Husqvarna nibbles are 2x to 3x as big as the Ryobi.
Once the stumps are low enough, then it's time for a stump grinder. Cutting them as low as possible will reduce the amount wood chips generated by the stump grinder and the time it takes to grind the stump.
The economic house of cards in China has started to fall. I recall over a decade ago a state department (at the time) employee who I went to HS with was telling me how brilliant the Chinese were building empty cities for their future population increase. That was after 1979, after the Chinese on child per couple policy was in place. A policy that ensures a future population implosion.
Meanwhile, as someone involved in maintenance of all kinds, I warned that empty buildings STOP working properly if they're not used. A valve that hasn't turned in 10 years doesn't want to turn. And pipes that have had water standing in them stagnant for 10 years are going to emit some really smelly harmful stuff when the water starts flowing. If it can... With lot of other problems.
But hey, this is only one card. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/evergrande-shares-halted-hong-kong-court-orders-liquidation-rcna136103
But there are more. Apparently a lot of goods in warehouses pledged as collateral- raw steel, copper, nickel, and other commodities- are pledged as full collateral for multiple loans. And in a few investigated cases- aren't in the warehouses...
As a totalitarian country, they can hide for a while longer. But not forever. And probably not much longer.
Egypt is renovating one of its ancient pyramids using granite, and some experts are horrified
They've recladding a pyramid! Doesn't seem like a good idea.
Looks bleak. And cold.
It was about 60F today, same as yesterday. I could walk our dog in shirt sleeves, no coat required. Very warm for January, but this follows two weeks of snow and freezing temperatures.
Paraphrasing Clay and Buck:
How many Americans in our history, who have never in their life been charged with a felony, were charged with 91 felonies over four separate jurisdictions after the age of 75?
Hint: Less than 2.
So, Jack Smith may be illegally appointed to SC, Fani is caught hiring her boyfriend for beaucoup $$ and then directly benefitting from those $$, and Judge Kaplan has an undisclosed long term professional relationship w Carroll’s attorney. With enemies like these, who needs friends?
You have to wonder if meritocracy and integrity were ever really a thing.
Why do I get the sick feeling that we are rapidly approaching the event horizon of WWIII, and the only thing keeping us from crossing it irretrievably to be sucked in, is the good judgement of Joseph Robinette Biden.
Great sawyers think alike. I fired up the chainsaw yesterday to turn our Christmas trees into next year's kindling, and the wife reminded me I promised to take down the remnants of a 40 year old arctic willow. So that was today's task. Trickier than I thought as you get toward ground level. But good to be working in 60 degree weather.
Did some chainsaw work as well this weekend. Had heavy snow and the blizzard here two weeks ago with lots of downed limbs in the hood, some quite large. The city came by and cut the limbs into 4'-6' sections, so I loaded the pickup and then cut them again into fireplace sized logs. Ash and maple mostly. My good saw (Stihl Farm Boss) is up north, but I had the old Sears Craftsman in the garage. Had to sharpen the chain but it cut through pretty well. The Stihl would have been much easier. It's pleasing work.
So folks are upset that somebody removed a Jackie Robinson statue without permission. See, this time it's someone they like and they can't fathom why someone else felt they had the right to tear it down and destroy it. The outrage! When microaggressions justify direct action (or somebody just wants some scrap metal), all statues lose.
@ Gospice: I've spent a little time in China, and trying to get insights about China from the Western press is not the best way to see the true picture. Believing that Xi Jinping does not care about China's economy is a big mistake. The deal between the Party and the Chinese people is that the Party provides the framework for prosperity, but the COVID lockdown overhang and Xi's repression have jointly curbed Chinese "animal spirits" to the extent that I don't think that any amount of fiscal or monetary injection will right the Chinese economic ship. Xi knows that a healthy economy is fundamental to his continued rule. Therefore, there is a battle currently going on in Zhongnanhai about the extent of economic relaxation versus the maintenance of "security" ie. surveillance and repression. The question is whether Xi can survive the collapse in popular confidence which feeds through into economic apathy.
I hate 60 degree weather. Give me a bit of rain, snow, or at least cold temperatures.
Via TwitterX: Tucker with Russel Brand is a must watch
OK. Question for the day, here atop Olympus;
"Have you ever been beset with perfidious monkeys?"
"beset with"? Or "beset by"?
I have to go with "with". "by" sounds right, but "with" sounds better.
"beset by" makes the perfidious monkeys the actors, whereas "beset with" implies that the evil thereof is always more than sufficient unto the day. Who is not beset with perfidious monkeys, is likely beset with mosquitos the size of B-17s, or postage stamps with insufficient mucilage. It's always something.
The sufferer here is our cat. I say "our", because my son enslaved her from the wild, many years ago. The worms inhabiting her belly were mercilessly slaughtered, and the fleas crawling over her skin lasted only a little longer. She has -- apparently -- come to accept her cruel bondage, but the lusty spirit of freedom still burns within. Of late, she has formed the habit of jumping up on a bathroom counter to request that the faucet be turned on, ever so slightly, so she can lap at the thin stream of water. I fear that we encouraged her in this impertinence, finding it amusing, but it has become an insistence. A demand, really. "Meow!" It occurred to me, that a cat fountain might sate her craving for flowing water. But while she is intrigued by the thing, she clearly does not regard it as an acceptable substitute for a gently trickling faucet, activated upon demand. "Meow!".
Thus, she is beset. With perfidious monkeys. And I consider, that the progress of my life, carefully plotted and hard-fought in the breach, boils down to a choice of masters, and mistresses. Or perhaps moistresses. You will wind up peeking through a keyhole, down upon your knees.
Congress wants to make the use of algorithms available in apartment management software illegal as a means to raise rent prices. The software gathers prices for neighborhoods and recommends appropriate increases. But that is supposedly not unlike landlords getting together to agree on new rent levels.
What they didn't mention as illegal was reading rent prices online and/or making calls asking about available apartments and current rental prices.
What is really stupid are the rent control laws which permit the government to set rents too low for landlords to make a decent return on investment.
I think that is the desired outcome. To desolve our constitution. To declsare our rights nul and void. But only for the duration, mind you. A duration that will go on and on for generations. Until it becomes normal.
THIS is how brainless Progressives really are. The Governor of Colorado is dumb. Maybe he should get off of his knees for Biden, and open his eyes.
Jared Polis
I have a simple question for those who think a President alone can secure the border without an act of Congress including border security funding and changes to asylum law expanding quick deportations: Why didn’t President Trump secure the border during his four years in office?
12:44 PM · Jan 29, 2024
GayPatriot 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🌈
Replying to @jaredpolis
2023: 2,475,669
2022: 2,378,944
2021: 1,734,686
2020: 400,651
2019: 851,508
2018: 396,579
2017: 303,916
2:30 PM · Jan 29, 2024
Replying to @jaredpolis
It’s way too late, Jared. Everybody, that is everybody, knows Biden broke our border security beginning 3 years ago, with every year getting worse. And he’s still preventing the border from being more secure.
11:59 AM · Jan 30, 2024
In 2017, Trump let in 300,000 illegals. In December 2023, Biden let in more than 300,000 illegals in a single month.
Your crazy Tim. You need to get out and move your body and stop eating junk and drinking alcohol. Maybe it's Florida. New England is still a sane part of the world
Deport the lying corrupt traitor. She is an UNGRATEFUL idiot who doesn't deserve to live here. Send her back to her beloved President and her homeland where she belongs. She DOESN'T belong here.
Libs of TikTok
Ilhan Omar says she has a very special and close relationship with the President of Somalia. She calls him her “uncle” and he calls her his “girl.”
She also refers to him as “our president” while the entire audience in Minnesota cheers.
These lying scumbags @ WAPO deserve Biden and millions of illegal to descend on DC. They are FINE with Joe Biden ignoring the Supreme Court handing out our tax money like candy to delinquent student loan repayments for wealthy kids. It's like they are blind and dumb. The Supreme Court NEVER told Texas they couldn't put up more fencing. The Feds can cut down as much as they want, to let more of Joes illegals in....so send them all to DC and Delaware and let Joe handle them all. Put fencing around DC and Delaware to keep them all in.
Anybody who believes anything in the WAPO deserves what they get. They are being lied to, and must like it. Dopes.
Aaron Blake
Twice in the last week, Republican elected officials have suggested it's okay to ignore Supreme Court rulings.
One of those officials, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R), also floated the National Guard refusing orders from Biden.
Can't read the article myself...behind a paywall, which will never see a dime from me. I don't pay to read propaganda.
Somebody proposed the theory that the real reason that the Republicans refuse to fund Ukraine is that they know that a large tranche of that money is going to circle right back from that corrupt shyte-hole and end up funding the Democrats in November.
End Wokeness
Remember when they called us crazy for saying that the proposed Minnesota flag looked like Ilhan Omar's home region?
Well on Saturday, Ilhan Omar spoke to a crowd of Somalians who waved that flag while she pledged allegiance to Somalia
Tell me if you see the resemblance
"Make no mistake, New York City will ALWAYS stand up to @realDonaldTrump and call out his cynical plots to divide our country. To anyone in the world fleeing hatred and oppression, the ultimate city of immigrants wants you to remember: you’re ALWAYS welcome here." (NYC Mayor Eric Adams, April 16, 2019).
Sounded good at the time. Now? Maybe not. Nothing worse than a phony.
Watched Mary Miller (R-Illinois) on Marie Baritiromo this morning. She made three key points:
> Our military has 3 million members. Biden has invited 10 millions souls into our country - mostly military aged men.
> The illegals owe the cartels thousands per person. Where will they get money?
> Where will the military aged illegals get their sexual drives satisfied?
I remember being a young man and laughing at Pravda, and feeling bad for those poor Russians. You could get "Soviet Life" magazine in the college library, and I would page through it to laugh at that too.
But Jeezum Crow, the one war he deliberately provoked, and the other, the one with Iran, the neocons have been salivating over for decades. Well, to be honest, in Zbigniew Brzezinski's (Mika's father, BTW) book, The Grand Chessboard, the "endless wars" they have been salivating over Ukraine too. The wars we have been either fighting directly or through proxies are all laid out in that book. It's just the pretexts that are fed to us as "justifications" that vary.
@Gospace: I went to HS with was telling me how brilliant the Chinese were building empty cities for their future population increase.
The Chinese real estate bubble was way worse than that. Many of those new empty cities were made from scrap cardboard, tissue paper, Styrofoam, and mud. The buildings started to crack and fall apart before anyone moved in. Bribes to local officials were routine. The builders exploited the common Chinese belief that real estate never depreciates, and suckered in many naïve investors. So, the country spent all sorts of money and wasted copper/concrete/iron on now useless assets and looming demolition costs.
Watch this video and the source channels below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcyYyyaPz84
Enjoy the downfall, brought to you by the Biden administration!! Defund the Police so that Joe's illegals can beat the shit out the few that are left...and watch as the illegals get a hand slapped and sent back out into the streets like other NYC criminals. (IF they even look for them) Progressivism is a mental disease.
"Anyone who can remember back to the decades before the Obama presidency will recall a country committed to fairness and common sense: judging a person based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin; welcoming a person who came lawfully into this country who applied for citizenship through traditionally prescribed means; never giving a second thought about girls’ and women’s sports being reserved only for a person born female and without a speck of steroids, let alone testosterone, in their bodies; expecting that immensely immature men dressed as fat-slob, over-face-painted, faux women would remain hidden inside “special” bars and clubs and not held up as twerking examples to kindergarten children; acknowledging unequivocally that Marxism was a bad idea and not a glorified ideal; realizing that only a tyrant would actually jail their political opponents for simply questioning highly-suspicious presidential election results; and, generally, in a more fair-minded time: no one even considered ever gleefully calling “evil good and good evil.”"
Enjoy the downfall, brought to you by the Biden administration!! Defund the Police so that Joe's illegals can beat the shit out the few that are left...and watch as the illegals get a hand slapped and sent back out into the streets like other NYC criminals. ( they were let free without bail. Joe Biden and Barack Obama fundamental change of America is here to stay. Buckle up1!) Progressivism is a mental disease.
Commenter (anon-3158) from Power Line: "Years ago Golda Meir made a statement in regard to Peace in the Middle East. She said & I quote, there will be peace When the Palestinians love their children more than they hate the Jews. Right now are in a very scary times . If the Marxists & Scoialist take over it will not be a good future for this Country. I am 88 years old. Six years old when Pearl Harbor happened. I actually started my life in WWII, I don't want to end my live in WWIII. I hope that you love your children, grandchildren more than you hate Trump. I deeply fear Biden or any Democrat in any Government office. Stop letting HATE guide you."
remember the pipe bombs on Jan 6th?
yeah - isn't it funny how the left never found the perps?
Japan has stopped requiring floppy disks for government submissions.
Original Mike said...
“Egypt is renovating one of its ancient pyramids using granite, and some experts are horrified. They're recladding a pyramid! Doesn't seem like a good idea.”
It’s a pyramid burka.
Next they’ll put arms on the Venus De Milo.
Fani the fraudster stepped in it big time. She was counting on Joe Bidens deep state to protect her for helping them take down Trump. She failed. The jokes on HER and now SHE should be charged with defamation, lying, corruption and should be sent to Gitmo with the rest of the Progressive coup masters.
Andrew Kerr
BREAKING: @FreeBeacon has obtained audio of a whistleblower privately warning Fani Willis in 2021 that her top aide was trying to misuse federal funds.
Willis did not dispute the allegations.
56 days later, Willis fired the whistleblower and perp walked her out of the office.
Bet he will still vote for bumbling Biden.
“I’m in the middle now,” Lee whispered as if making a horrifying admission. “I never thought I would I would ever say that.”
Lee said that his change in attitude had only occurred in the last year — and said it was liberals who brought it about.
“I just went — I can’t do it anymore,” he said.
“They’re in a cult,” Rogan cut in, likening the current political climate to a closed religious group, including the excommunication, shaming, and “group think.”
“It’s a cult,” he said, and Lee agreed."
Barack Husseins fundamental change....totalitarianism. Imagine if you got sent to prison for 10 years for praying for Gaza (not rioting...praying and singing). The left would go ape shit crazy. THEY are doing this. THEY are no better than Cuba or Russia. They are the totalitarians they claim Trump is. Trump is the only one to stop this bullshit.
"Next they’ll put arms on the Venus De Milo."
I wouldn't put it past them.
Over at Instapundit, an opportunity for Althouse:
Kathy Griffin Begs Fans To Come To Her Comedy Shows – Admits Tickets Are ‘Not Selling Well.'
टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा
Comments older than 2 days are always moderated. Newer comments may be unmoderated, but are still subject to a spam filter and may take a few hours to get released. Thanks for your contributions and your patience.