"... in alleged influence peddling by his son and brothers. An irate Biden seemed to morph into Bill Clinton and — echoing his predecessor’s 'I did not have sex with that woman' denial of an earlier scandal — effectively declared that he did not have relations with 'those people.'
As with Clinton, the denial was absurd, even insulting. Roughly 70% of voters (including 40% of Democrats) believe Biden has acted either unlawfully or unethically in the overseas business dealings of his family. More importantly, the House has interviews, documents, photos and even audiotapes contradicting Biden's continuing denial of having any knowledge of his son's financial dealings.... Bill Clinton eventually gave a redemptive-sinner speech and effectively confessed to being a cad. Yet for Biden, after years of categorical denials, it will be a bit more difficult to reveal himself or his family as being corrupt.... Influence peddling... involves the selling of access to or influence on one's public office. Even if you claim the money did not influence your decisions, knowledge of or interaction with such corruption undermines both the office and the public trust...."
By the way, the famous Clinton quote is not "I did not have sex with that woman." It is "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Does it matter? Substantively, it depends. Formally, yes. The material within quotation marks must be exact, and later in the column, Turley does get the quote right.
If Clinton hadn't lied about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky — and maybe he didn't (if "sexual relations" meant penis-in-vagina sex) — there would have been no "high crimes and misdemeanors" to accuse him of committing. He just lied about sex. But what Biden is lying about — if he is lying — are distinct crimes that undermine his fitness for office.
७३ टिप्पण्या:
He’s lying.
NOTHING is criminal, when a democrat does it
illegal wars?
voter fraud?
and HELL! i'm still talking about LBJ.. I haven't even gotten to Clinton yet, let alone Biden.
(and don't start me on FDR!)
((Jesus let's keep Woodie Wilson for later!))
(((Andy Jackson? save it man.. Save it!)))
The greater big lie?
the collective NBC-esque cover-up of Biden's obvious family crimes.
American media is an obedient corrupt leftist pile of crap.
I remember that image of Clinton giving the televised speech, wagging that finger just like a mullah while lying about his activities in the Oval Office.
The unflinching & uncritical support of the Legacy Mainstrean Media is fundamental to preserving the power of the Democratic Party in this political age. Turley is a Democrat who has become increasingly vocal in his criticism of modern Democrat policy positions. But if the Legacy Media cover starts to falter, and stories that are critical of Biden begin appearing with any kind of regularity, Biden is through. Biden is not nearly as charismatic or convincing as ol' sexpot Bill was, and his problems seem not nearly as titillating - just sordid and avaricious.
are distinct crimes that undermine his fitness for office.
Senility is about fitness for office. Bribes and money accumulating is just par for the course.
“Does it matter?”
Depends on your definition of the word “does,” sister.
Clinton lied about sexual relations with a subordinate, an ethical concern, a feminist totem, a social fauxpas.
Faith and security of a couple and a nation die with infidelity.
Does and stags.
"The denial was absurd, even insulting."
Our leaders in action. And the power of vagina.
Sorry Bill. Blowjobs are sexual relations big guy. Wonderful Wonderful sexual relatuons.
Dave Begley said...
"He’s lying."
Agreed - but is the secret to a long, healthy life doing that - or regularly visiting museums?
Considering the lame condition of our two elderly subjects, I'd say museums beat lying, pay-for-play deals, or getting blowjobs from Jewish interns while Yasser Arafat waits in the hall, but that's just the results of my own "research."
That's right: I'm a Scientist,...
How is “bunch of lies” Clintonesque? It’s also not Trumpesque (perfect phone call). It’s a straightforward denial.
Dave Begley said...
"He’s lying."
Agreed - but is the secret to a long, healthy life doing that - or regularly visiting museums?
Considering the lame condition of our two elderly subjects, I'd say museums beat lying, pay-for-play deals, or getting blowjobs from Jewish interns while Yasser Arafat waits in the hall, but that's just the results of my own "research."
That's right: I'm a Scientist,...
We all know Clinton lied... about sex with 'that woman.'
back then - we all recall how The NBC-(D) hack press so wanted to lie for him.
..but then the evidence overwhelmed the narrative.
In hindsight - the crime of doodling an intern is a big yawn compared to the international money laundering for Biden family secret profit - and the millions of illegal entrants shipped across Mexico, from central and South America - on purpose.
The complete abuse of our asylum system and the Soviet-mob-like take over of our justice system... with kingpin old Joe as the puppet. Again - all while our corrupt media excuse and ignore.
Liz Cheney(D) is probably wealthy from the same type of insider grift.
It's been interesting to watch Turley go from a regular on MSNBC to a regular on FOX. Turley has remained, at his core, a libertarian.
Clinton was caught on tape suborning a witness. “Deny, deny, deny,” which advice Biden seems to be taking.
Clinton's lies were about misbehavioor that should have led him to resign in disgrace.
But hey, the continuation of his marriage to Hillary may have been punishment enough.
And at this point, as his dementia progresses, Joe Biden might be telling the truth that he has no recollection of any business dealings with his son and China or Ukraine. My aged MIL spent a year of her dementia calling me Doug, having lost my real name, and she'd known me for 40+ years.My wife and I just rolled with it. Then I became a stranger to her. It happens.
Waste of time. Ride it out. Get behind Trump.
All of this was apparent in 2020, but voter fraud, CIA corruption, and college educated white women nullified all of it.
Everyone knows the Biden crime family is crooked. The first Trump impeachment and the war in Ukraine are about covering up influence peddling, which more than likely reaches farther than Biden. Let Biden be the Democrat nominee.
Does anyone believe Obama didn't know what Biden was doing?
If the American people are this stupid and "re-elect" Biden, ignore voter fraud, and support jailing Trump... the United States as we once knew it is over anyway.
The time is right for an Epic battle.
Why do this? Biden won't be convicted in the Senate.
Does the GOPe think this will bring further exposure of Biden family crimes?
Leftists and liberals don't care that Biden is corrupt. Neither to College University ding-bat Presidents.
You think any fucking suburban white Karen that voted for Biden is going to care, or even pay attention?
Get behind Trump...and stop the absentee voter fraud. It's our only hope Obi-Wan.
Bill Clinton could have ended the whole mess with a single Trump-level blunt comment "This is about SEX. I'm the most powerful man in the world and I can get any piece of tail or any damned blow-job I want. Eat your hearts out. Next question, please."
Biden is everything that Democrats hoped, alleged... claimed that Trump would, could, should be in their desperate imagination.
Clinton was impeached because he committed perjury, not because he went on TV and claimed that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. His party and the newsmedia spun this as “a lying about sex” (because, you know, all of us guys lie about sex). And it worked.
I assume that Johnson and the Republicans will hold hearing, and I assume that during those hearings evidence will be presented that not only did Joe Biden accept bribes, but that he did (and still does) actively solicit bribes. After that we’ll see who in the House and Senate regards that as acceptable behavior in an American politician.
Trump was impeached for asking about Biden's Ukrainian corruption and secret money hauling.
BTW - all of that Ukrainian money originated out of the American tax payer's pocket.
F Joe Biden. Liar. Mobster. A-hole.
F Merrick Garland. Corrupt vindictive obedient puppet. Fuck Christopher Wray. same.
F NBC, F Maddow and the rest of the on-air talent at Joke network MSNBC, F "Democracy Now!" F - PBS "News" - F our corrupt hack-D press.
"there would have been no "high crimes and misdemeanors" to accuse him of committing"
I guess mere harassment didn't count after all.
"He just lied about sex."
No biggie, cuz abortion. But that's not all he did.
"But what Biden is lying about — if he is lying — are distinct crimes that undermine his fitness for office."
If! LOL. And lies or no lies, the "brand" depended on him. The family business was inherently corrupt.
In retrospect, Turley will turn out to be one of the important chroniclers. Props to him.
Does and stags.
Doe, a deer, a female deer. Stag, a male complement.
They are going to try something to distract people.
The attempt to burn down MLK birth home here in ATL failed.
All these years later and Althouse still doesn't know what the definition of "is" is.
Since I wrote my comment regarding Clinton’s impeachment several comments have been published commenting on “the crime” of having sex with an intern.
Unless the intern was underage, or the sex was nonconsensual, it is not a federal crime to have extramarital sex. It may have unpleasant consequences, as in being the first President of the United States to be divorced while in office (does the ex still get Secret Service protection?) or worse if she’s got a good arm for lamp throwing. But lying while under oath in a court of law has a special name — perjury — and that is a crime. Even if it isn’t a felony (and my recollection is that in Clinton’s case it was) the Constitution allows for impeachment to be based on misdemeanors.
Clinton's misbehavior - warranting removal from office in my opinion - was not merely engaging in adultery nor lying about it under oath.
It was the fact that as POTUS he knowingly engaged in behavior which exposed himself to blackmail, behavior which he so desperately did not want revealed that he suborned perjury to avoid it.
It's not beyond the realm of possibilty that Lewinsky could have been an agent for a foreign government. Imagine the mischief which could have occurred if she had been. That's why a POTUS doing something of that nature warrants removal.
I’m not willing to give the press a pass because they were too distracted by Trump or whatever.
The press demonstrably failed to alert the public.
an impeachment is like a detention at this point, it's just a charge, it was such with andrew johnson, then the Dems gave it grand import with Nixon,
I read Clinton’s grand jury testimony. It was very skillful lawyerly stuff. “Sexual relations” was a defined term imposed on his deposition testimony by the presiding federal judge. Shooting his wad into Lewinski’s cake hole was very likely not within the scope of the definition as believed at the time “by the person being deposed”. Putting aside the politics, I could see justification for any senator who read the grand jury transcript voting for acquittal.
- Krumhorn
The present corruption at the heart of our national crisis began with the Clintons. Yes, Bush got us into an unnecessary war, or several of them, but the national sentiment was positive about it. Selling missile guidance systems to China was an order of magnitude different. And it was done quietly. The corruption has grown since then and is at the heart of the coming economic collapse.
And the stupidity continues.
We have an election year coming up. Nearly every issue of consequence, with one exception, strongly favors the Republicans. So of course the plan is to make impeachment the big issue. An impeachment that certainly will not lead to a conviction and thanks to Gaetz probably cannot get the votes to pass the house.
During their run I. The nineties the John Calipari led UMass basketball team had the motto “refuse to lose”. The Republicans have adopted the slogan “choose to lose”.
If you read the grand jury testimony (which was the basis of the first impeachment count), it’s not at all clear that Clinton perjured himself. Olympia Snowe may have correctly stated the problem when she voted. Nobody can conclusively demonstrate that she was wrong. His testimony was very skillful.
- Krumhorn
Hey Big Mike, let me make it simple for you. Fucking the help disqualifies anyone from being a boss. Because if you'll fuck the help, you'll fuck everyone else, too.
I have loathed Joe Biden ever since I became aware of him in the 80s. Nothing he has done in office has ameliorated that in the slightest.
He's the worst kind of combative sanctimony. That Democrats have hitched themselves to the notion of him as any kind of thinker or leader is disqualifying for any consideration of my vote.
Hillary checks in... Climate Change!
Waste of time.
Could not disagree more. This is perhaps the most corrupt POTUS in the nations history. It should be on record as well as the votes of the Congressmen who are just as corrupt and will have to account for their votes.
Clinton LIED UNDER OATH.. and that was the crime.
Biden, so far, has not been under oath when spouting his lies.
remember some of the companies hunter was taking money from were Chinese avionics firms, another was involved in bio research in the Ukraine,
Forcing the hags of The View to called their beloved Joe Biden "impeached" is reason alone to impeach him.
Biden has good reason to believe he can get away with lying. Time and again he tells biographical whoppers that are time and again debunked within seconds, and yet there’s never blowback from the press that kept an ongoing list of Trump’s lies. He’s still affable old Joe from the neighborhood—the neighborhood depending on whatever group he happens to be appearing before.
Just the other day he boasted that his high school would only allow athletes to play one sport, either football or lacrosse, but not both, so he had to play only football. Of course, a little digging revealed that his high school didn’t get lacrosse for males until 1993. No consequences.
Clinton LIED UNDER OATH.. and that was the crime.
Biden, so far, has not been under oath when spouting his lies.
SO, Biden's lies are OK then?
Keep this in mind about the Biden scandal. The Biden money we know of so far mostly came from two countries: Ukraine and China. Ukraine is problematic because that bribe money effectively kept the current regime their in power, sidetracking a very legitimate fraud investigation of the administration there. Biden effectively promised to withhold US aid if the investigation weren’t stopped. And, from my point of view, up until very, very recently, Biden has remained bought. Between leaving billions of dollars of armaments in Kabul by giving up Bagram before the city, and shipping huge amounts of our arms to Ukraine, our military readiness is at its maybe lowest level in many decades. Maybe a half a century. For example, We frankly don’t have anywhere near enough artillery shells in reserve to fight even a single war, let alone the two wars that we used to be prepared to fight. Somewhere near a decade of our current production of artillery shells have been shipped to Ukraine, and shot at the Russians. Currently, in Congress, Republicans are threatening to cut off aid to Ukraine if something isn’t done about our southern border. The Dems are melting down. And SecDef is threatening to send everyone’s kids to Ukraine to fight if the Republicans don’t back down.
China is just as problematic as a purchaser of influence with the Bidens. They are, now, probably, our #1 geopolitical enemy. How often have they been given leeway, under orders from the FJB WH? Is that why they weren’t called out for bioterrorism for their release of the SARS-CoV-2 virus? For their refusal to provide full disclosure to WHO? What about their human rights violations? Or, their buildup and threatened takeover of Taiwan? Indeed, if they launched an invasion today, would the US back Taiwan, as they have for the last >70 years? What about all of the military aged Chinese males crossing into our country these days across our open southern borders (but then, plenty of military aged middle eastern males are coming in too)? What else has his Administration done to jeopardize national security, in regards to the ChiComs?
That’s why the Biden corruption is worse than what Bill Clinton did in office. It appears likely that the bribing of the Bidens has potentially impacted our national security, and rendered our security to a lower level than we have experienced since the opening year or two of WW II, 80 years ago.
It would have been hard to criticize Biden with Santos still around. Seems like the house made a anti-corruption move to male this seem less partisan.
I'm an anticorruption absolutist so I think all corruption should be dealt with in the strongest way.
If we have to get rid of 90% of all current politicians that's just a side benefit
It is 99.99999% probable that Biden has lied about this dozens if not hundreds of times in response to questions from the press. In fact, it is true that Biden has lied about this beyond any reasonable doubt.
I haven't read the comments, but I will point out that Clinton was also impeached for suborning perjury in Lewinsky's deposition, not just perjury in his own deposition.
I thought at the time, and still do, that is was proper to impeach Clinton and that the Senate reached the right conclusion to not convict on the charge. What should have happened is that Clinton should have resigned when he was forced to admit the truth when the DNA evidence was announced. That is what a decent man would have done when caught in such a lie about such behavior with an intern.
"More importantly, the House has interviews, documents, photos and even audiotapes contradicting Biden's continuing denial of having any knowledge of his son's financial dealings."
But all the most principled commenters have assured us that "there is no evidence!".
“It was the fact that as POTUS he knowingly engaged in behavior which exposed himself to blackmail, behavior which he so desperately did not want revealed that he suborned perjury to avoid it.”
“It's not beyond the realm of possibility that Lewinsky could have been an agent for a foreign government. Imagine the mischief which could have occurred if she had been. That's why a POTUS doing something of that nature warrants removal.”
Not just Clinton, of course. Dem Presidents seemingly get into these situations:
- FDR and his wheelchair (innocuous by today’s standards).
- JFK banging a mobster’s moll, and possibly a KGB agent. Compelling female subordinates to give BJs to other men at the WH pool. His severe health issues.
- LBJ lying about his plans to escalate from 50k to 500k troops in Vietnam after the 1964 election. Very possibly conspiring with the CIA to assassinate JFK. Using control over FCC in allocating broadcast licenses to greatly enrich his wife.
- Clinton - lying about Lewinsky and other indiscretions. Helping his wife hide her S&L billing records. Killing of various inconvenient witnesses, including Vince Foster.
- Obama - lying about his background, and his love of Islam. Politicization of rage Executive Branch.
- Biden taking bribes from Ukraine and China, and reciprocating. Covering for the crimes of Hunter, including squelching prosecutions, and killing the investigation into the source of the cocaine found in the WH (that apparently bypassed security, as is the case for his family members). Politicization of the DOJ, FBI, etc to attack his political enemies. Etc.
Amoral (at best) Democrats cannot, will not, distinguish between Trump's boorish bullshitting and QuidProJoe's malevolent lying to avoid accountability for his grifting.
Paul: "Biden, so far, has not been under oath when spouting his lies."
Obviously, the impeachment issue is his grifting, not his lying. The lying, if he is guilty, shows consciousness of guilt and is expected.
It's so great for the leftmediaswine. QuidProJoe's "bunch of lies" relieves them of the responsibility of reporting or investigating the pile of evidence against him.
Business as usual!
Hey mikee! Let me simplify it for you. We are talking impeachment of a President and the Constitutional requirements for that action. Back when the Constitution was written boinking the help was regarded as okay (c.f., Jefferson, Thomas, and Hemmings, Sally).
Someone mentioned the perfect phone call.
If that was legitimate reason for impeachment, than you can't complain about Joe Biden's impeachment.
So either you think the perfect phone call was impeachable in which case you can't really complain about Biden's impeachment, or if you think that wrong wrong, then okay, maybe you can say its find for Vice Presidents to take bribes for getting their prosecutor fired.
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
"They are going to try something to distract people.
The attempt to burn down MLK birth home here in ATL failed."
Too, too, too conspiratorial and paranoid. I took one look at her and knew she was nuts. They haven't said so, yet, but watch.
Your last sentence sums it all up. If the nation isn’t sure if he’s working in our interests or those of China and Russia he is unfit to hold the office. We deserve to know if our president is a patriot or a traitor who sell out his country for money. My bet is on traitor and sadly I’ve never said that about any president before not even Obama.
Monica is 50 now.
Just think how history would have been different if Bill and Hillary had divorced.
"The Crack Emcee said...
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
"They are going to try something to distract people.
The attempt to burn down MLK birth home here in ATL failed."
Too, too, too conspiratorial and paranoid. I took one look at her and knew she was nuts. They haven't said so, yet, but watch."
Oh, she's definitely nuts. But that doesn't mean that someone, through various cut-outs, didn't encourage her to do it, or, if it's not that bad yet, at least allowed her to do it.
Crazy people can be weapons. Dangerous and unpredictable weapons, but weapons all the same. We have multiple examples over the past 20 years of crazy people being allowed to commit horrible crimes when those crimes are helpful for various narratives. At each stage we are told that it was just incompetence, just a terrible accident, that no one at the FBI listened to the warnings about the Tsarnaevs, or the Pulse Night Club shooter, or the Florida school shooter, or the guy who last month in Maine shot those people.
There is no question that the FBI is letting these crimes happen. The only question is whether they are doing so on purpose.
It's sad that such an idea can't be dismissed, but law "enforcement" at the national level has brought that upon itself.
Given that Biden is a worn out husk of a man who is doomed no matter what, the real issue before us is what we do with all the people in government, in the Democratic Party, and in the media who knew and did nothing, or worse, helped cover it up.
The Democratic Party should be outlawed as an organized crime syndicate. We’d have to build a city of jails to hold all the government functionaries who belong there. And virtually all the major media organizations should be sued into oblivion.
I recently looked up the definition of sexual intercourse:
sexual intercourse
: heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis : COITUS
: intercourse (such as anal or oral intercourse) that does not involve penetration of the vagina by the penis
I remember hearing the Clinton denial on the radio. I assumed he was going to say he stumbled, apologize, and the MSM would tell us all that it's no big deal and he's a human being and the whole thing would pass.
Instead he brazenly lied.
And it worked.
And here we are.
“ it is not a federal crime to have extramarital sex.
Well, Big Mike, is that statement a lie by you or simple ignorance?
Adultery, extramarital sex, certainly is a federal crime. Article 134 of the UCMJ. Maximum punishment, rarely awarded, dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to one year.
People get prosecuted for it all the time. I’ve known a few throughout the years.
Just think how history would have been different if Bill and Hillary had divorced.
Monica would be…pretty much where she is now. Hillary would be…pretty much where she is now. Bill would be..had been had by those thousands of liberal women thanking him for keeping abortion legal and the ones thankful for being had by a Democrat President…
So we got rid of mean tweets. No new wars. Largest, low, to middle class growth in real income in decades. Real progress with peace in the middle east, (by-passing the self important twits at State). Net exporter of energy, resulting in the lowest energy prices for a long time. Addressing the unsustainable trade inequities with China. Worked with Mexico to address illegal immigration, with the lowest illegal crossings in a decade.
Traded all that for the Biden Crime family. The most corrupt, administration I can remember. Judicial ruling have excoriated the administration for its vast censorship network, shaping information is the public ether. Over 6 million illegals in country, displacing minorities and the poor. Plus lots more terrible administration actions.
But the left has convinced themselves that the Biden administration is the "normal" they desired, and the peace and prosperity of the Trump years was just too chaotic. Mean tweets, dontchya know.
Sometimes a cigar is just a dildo.
Strange reasoning from Jonathan Turley, that Faux News commentator. When Joe Biden says that there are lies involved, Turley says that ain't so because 70% of voters polled don't believe him.
And yet when Trump pulls out his standard denials to all the real charges against him, no polls are taken and no MAGA commenters are forthcoming.
There has been no proof that President Biden has been involved politically or financially with Hunter's drug-filled life - and Hunter has not participated in his father's political campaign.
If his name was not Biden, there would be no Special Counsel charges against Hunter because his tax bills are paid.
Ann Althouse said...
Does and stags.
Big Mike:
Back when it was OK to boink the help, it was also OK to own slaves. Standards of behavior, I like to think, have improved since then on both issues. But you do you, and I'll do me.
I say boinking the help is a disqualification from a position of trust and authority. You go ahead and keep saying that boinking the help is OK. I suggest you use the Costanza defense should you try it at work.
I'm going to second Prof. M.'s comment -- being fully nuts, and being a patsy for some conspiratorial others are hardly mutually exclusive positions.
Good grief, Gospace, You are literally the only person in the entire country who thinks that when people refer to federal law they mean the UCMJ. You can't really be that clueless, so what's up?
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