"... it has surely been erased at this point. And indeed, many voters are beginning to look back longingly at the Trump era.... This is why, already, Trump is beginning to work to portray himself as the safer, more stable pick, and to go to great — even misleading — lengths to claim that Mr. Biden actually wants chaos and has created a world filled with more terror. He has already produced ads suggesting that Mr. Biden’s inability to lead is directly responsible for the global disorder that threatens American security, and it is a message voters have begun to echo in polling.... [I]nstead of clamoring for someone to blow everything up, they are instead crying out for someone to put things back in order. Voters wanted this from Mr. Biden and clearly feel he didn’t deliver...."
Writes Kristen Soltis Anderson, in "Could Voters Conclude That Biden Is the Riskier Bet to Restore Order?" (NYT).
८५ टिप्पण्या:
How much are these 10m illegal aliens going to cost the federal, state and local governments?
From videos, the majority appear to be young unmarried men. What if they can’t get work? Then what happens?
10m people is 5x the total population of Nebraska.
The vast majority of these 10m will be voting Dem in 2024. Illegally voting.
Sounds about right to me.
2017-2020 were remarkably peaceful in world history.
I'm sure it was just coincidence though. Donald trump is too stupid to have had anything to do with that. Just ask some of our commenters here.
John Henry
Only the true dyed in the wool believers think roomba Joe is a better pick for anything
The 'threat' of Trump is really extortion, funded by taxpayers and implemented by the leftie political machine.
You better not vote Trump or they'll be hell to pay...
Trump is beginning to work to portray himself as the safer, more stable pick, and to go to great — even misleading — lengths to claim that Mr. Biden actually wants chaos and has created a world filled with more terror.. [My emphasis]
Ain’t no “misleading” about it. It’s from an old playbook. You create problems, you make the case to the voters that only you can solve them. And since most people are fairly gullible — and the press is cooperating — you win the election.
But it won’t work for Biden because (1) the problems are too obviously of the Democrats’ making, and (2) no one believes Joe Biden can solve the problem of which shoe goes on which foot.
The NYT is the paper of record for the Decivilization Party, aka, the Democrat Party. Joe Biden is the head of the Biden Crime Family, a family notorious for selling influence to foreigners and Americans. Do you want a favorable policy, Joe Biden will get that for you, at the right price.
The Decivilization Party runs the major cities. They are in chaos. The DAs and the courts are obstructing justice. Murder, theft, assaults are rampant. George Soros DAs fail to prosecute criminals and the courts release them in no time flat, and when convicted, give them light sentences, often time-spent, so they're out on the streets again.
Drug-fueled homelessness is a major industry for both the druggies and the Homeless Industrial Complex. The HIC pretends to end homelessness while being paid the big bucks, but homelessness continues to increase. The druggies steal catalytic converters, shoplift, assault, commit arson, even murder people. But, the Decivilization Party will not due what it takes to end homelessness: drug and/or mental heath treatment. The courts need to convict these criminals and give them a drug treatment option instead of jail/prison.
Need we mention Open-Borders Joe Biden's illegal immigration policies. The border is wide open and we're flooded with poor, uneducated illegal immigrants tat require housing, food, medical care and schooling.
The handmade tale is unraveling.
The Decivilization Party is the party of racism. California is attempting to gut the Proposition 209 anti-discrimination law with ACA7 law to provide exceptions to the anti-discrimination law. Gail Heriot is fighting this with a change.org petition.
The headline makes an assumption that is counterintuitive. That Joseph R. Biden is actually in charge. Rephrase it as - and I'll tidy it up a bit - "Voters ponder whether Biden Administration is malevolent or incompetent", and you are closer to the mark.
I'll vote for Trump. No brainer. But I'm under no illusion that this will bring about order and stability. The media will amplify every mistake he makes, and he'll make mistakes. Movies, music, plays will be produced to highlight all his more disagreeable features. We will live in a country with a better managed border and foreign policy than the one Biden provides, but you can bet that every day the news will inform us that we're tottering on the brink of disaster, and it's all Trump's fault. God help us if some cop somewhere screws up and pulls the trigger in anger or error. Riots everywhere. No Democrat President, no peace will be the motto of the land.
President Biden often speaks out against so-called "MAGA Republicans" in a manner that strikes me as divisive. As the US President, he ought to refrain from trying to label some portion of the US population as contemptable.
Biden ought to portray the US population as politically diverse, where differences should be discussed in a respectful manner. He should explain why his own opinions are better for all of us, rather than trying to dismiss other opinions as the nonsense of "MAGA Republicans".
During the past couple of years, Biden could have risen above such divisive rhetoric, but he has failed to do so. Biden always acts as a habitual partisan, but as a thoughtful unifier.
(Trump is just as bad as Biden in this regard.)
Kinda late in the game to be figuring this out, don't ya think?
Key phrase: “— even misleading —“.
When I came online politically, my first two Presidents were LBJ and Nixon. Until now, they were the two most unlikable Presidents in my lifetime, and they happened back to back. Their character as much as their actions served to subvert the Presidency. ...Neither Biden nor Trump is as unlikable as those two men, but both men seem to have characters unsuitable for the Presidency. Biden is addled and halting. Trump is combative and hyperbolic. I think Trump is the better choice, but neither man is a good choice.
"and to go to great — even misleading — lengths to claim that Mr. Biden actually wants chaos and has created a world filled with more terror"
Hmmm, misleading? Utterly open borders, assisting a belligerent in Ukraine, having shoppers go to food stores each time expecting (and getting) higher prices, and more.
... to claim that Mr. Biden actually wants chaos and has created a world filled with more terror.
Actions speak louder than words and that description fits Biden's actions.
The hack CIA MSM - Democrat party press (Drudge) are all saying that Biden's economy is better than Trump's.
I seriously doubt that Joe Biden knows what Joe Biden's positions are.
I seriously doubt that Joe Biden knows what flavor of ice cream he was given yesterday.
resident Biden is just a place holder.. A placeholder that was "supposed to" give us unity and stability and sense and sensibility; but instead has given us programs that even Robert Cook would approve of.
I think? Robert Cook? What ARE Your feelings about the Biden Admin? I "assume" that you think it is far right, but is it TOO FAR RIGHT for you? Please let us know
The democrat party is corrupt.
Look around at all the masses of homeless people.
Lives are so complicated., Taxes high and punitive. No wonder so many people cannot function, and drop out and wander the streets.
Health care is more expensive than ever. everything is more expensive.
The rich democrat elite do not care.
Et tu NYT?
VDH says 2024 - make it or break it...
Really! Is it “misleading” to say that the president who can easily walk to a microphone where he struggles to elucidate prepared remarks before failing to find the short path back from whence he came is not capable of complex problem-solving?
America was doing much better until the COVID virus was released to take down Trump.
Democrats don't want peace and stability. Remember when the Democrat Congresswomen in all white couldn't applaud lowest female unemployment? Or lowest minority unemployment. They stoked the flames of racial tension in 2020 for political gain. WI Beta Cuck Gov Tony Evers even let Kenosha, WI burn for it.
Now their lunacy has hit the world. The Southern border is a coordinated invasion.
Are college educated white women waking up? I don't think so. They live in safe areas where they can live on make believe and signal their virtues. It'll take overcoming voter fraud and shaving off a percentage of inner-city African Americans who now feel invaded by forced, uncontrolled illegal immigration.
Obama/Biden enabling Iran has created a huge risk of further destabilizing the Middle East. Democrat hatred of Putin, a reversal of Obama's pandering, is destabilizing the West. The latter has something to do with Trump.
Barack Obama was the most destructive President ever. QuidProJoe is just an extension of the insanity. Democrats and their consorts are all in on the destabilizing "transformation" of America by repressing, even prosecuting, the "bitter clingers" and "deplorables" and anyone else in the way.
The now visible, rampant and hateful antisemitism is not aberrational, it is who they are. Democrats in opposition who remain silent are not merely irrelevant, they are complicit.
What William said at 7:33.
Anybody with eyes and a brain could see it. It takes actual CHAOS (not fake, 7 year conspiracies paid for by Hillary Clinton and spewed by the propaganda media) before Progressives begin to open their eyes.
Republican Governors need to keep busing, and flying the illegals to the Progressives who voted for this shit. Otherwise, start deporting and shut your mouths about how inhumane it is Progressives. YOU did this.
What, exactly, has Biden and his minions done to make the United States and the world a safer more prosperous place?
Welp, look at those supporting BLM and Hamas.
No "I'm for Boring" tag?
The only stability and calm that democrat party members in power ever bring is to the AWFL's and soy-boys of the democrat party media who fret and sputter in perpetual anger like spoiled children whenever a republican is in power.
The only problems during the Trump Presidency were all the fake attacks...and the pink knit pussy hats.
I don't see anyone who voluntarily who put on one of those hats seeing anything clearly.
Cartoon liberal in the last six years. Pink Pussy hat, wearing a mask, green hair, an "I got vaccinated" sticker, and a Ukrainian flag in their social media profile.
Oops. I just described the average public-school teacher.
Simple question. Was there more “stability, order and calm” in the U.S. and the world on 1/20/21 than there is now? Let’s see, the U.S . has an uncontrolled invasion at its southern border and has endured inflation and high interest rates — and we have hot wars in Ukraine and Gaza/Israel. Not to mention China and Iran emboldened to make more mischief. I could go on and on. Does anyone at this point seriously believe that Biden and his Dumpster fire of an administration isn’t a major cause of this descent into chaos? I’d ask President Gay to put all this into context, but I think she is too busy right now.
We really do owe the Professor a vote of thanks for exposing us to the New York Times. Even more important than the absurdity of its content is the derangement of its commenters.
It's not that they are strident. Strident is okay. It's that they are delusional.
"We choose truth over facts." Joe Biden.
He has already produced ads suggesting that Mr. Biden’s inability to lead is directly responsible for the global disorder that threatens American security,...
More and more Americans are realizing that such "suggestions" are spot on.
This is a good example of the care the Times thinks it must use in order to tell its deluded readers something they're not prepared to deal with.
The only real disorder that came from the Trump presidency was that created by the lunatic left (and perhaps by the China virus, but even that was largely the response from the lunatic left).
This is less an issue for Biden than it is for the people that want to portray Trump as reckless. “The chunk” of people will be able to recognize that life was easier and more affordable when Trump was President as compared to the chaotic and expensive experience of President Biden. That will cause the Trump detractors to continue to lose credibility.
Kaus has been saying this for a while. Trump's enemies thought it was clever to keep him off major media platforms, so many voters are not exposed to his rants at their craziest. If Trump is just a bit clever, he can convey the idea that he is a not bad mother and father, whereas Biden is the demented or absentee father, combined with the impulsive and delusional mother, much more likely to start WW III than Trump. Remember Biden talking about assassination and regime change as soon as Putin escalated the ongoing fighting in Ukraine?
The first three years of Trump's presidency could start to seem pretty rosy. I think Covid 19 resulted from some combination of planning and error on the part of top scientists, most of them not Chinese, but not in any way an attempt to get Trump. This is just what Swift's Projectors are like. The street protests of 2020, on the other hand, with a loose alliance of antifa largely white and BLM largely black, was indeed part of a successful attempt to elect a Dem, any Dem, a kind of blank slate Dem who had few accomplishments that anyone could name.
How vivid are my memories of people telling me with a great confidence--tinged with fear--that if Trump was elected in '16 he would immediately start rounding up his enemies on bogus charges, make all social and racial problems worse, trigger a depression, and turn international crises into shooting wars.
I just considered him a rich, loudmouthed New York boor and know-it-all so didn't vote for him (or Crooked) then.
My bet now is that he will be neutralized with extreme prejudice before July 4.
During Biden's presidency, the Mexican-US border region has become much more chaotic than ever before.
Next summer is gonna be lit.
The Antifa types are just getting started. All the stories I read about how the Fed has finally figured out how to engineer the proverbial "soft landing" indicate only that we are in for truly hard economic times as the American economy continues to be hollowed out. We will get recurrent inflation as the Fed chickens out and lowers interest rates, and shortages return as international shipping gets more dicey with the US Navy pulling back from its former job as the keeper of order on the high seas. The S&P 500 will continue to reach new highs, further enriching the elite while the working class suffers.
The conventions will nominate Biden and Trump.
The defunded and demoralized police forces in Democratic cities will be happy to stand by as leftist rioters mostly peacefully destroy urban centers. No cop will want to be Chauvined.
There will be some probes by Antifa into red America; it will end in bloodshed as road blockers are flattened by SUVs, and urban demonstrators are beaten with clubs or paintballed or worse. They will then slink back to their blue urban enclaves to lick their wounds and regroup for more local mayhem.
Happy Boxing Day!
If restoring order means defending our borders and reining in a politicized justice system, Trump wins hands down.
What happened to "I am for boring" tag?
"... it has surely been erased at this point. And indeed, many voters are beginning to look back longingly at the Trump era.... This is why, already, Trump is beginning to work to portray himself as the safer, more stable pick, and to go to great — even misleading — lengths to claim that Mr. Biden actually wants chaos and has created a world filled with more terror. He has already produced ads suggesting that Mr. Biden’s inability to lead is directly responsible for the global disorder that threatens American security"
Trump does not have to try hard to convince people of these things. Just look with your eyes open.. Biden IS f*cking up this country and has been for 3+ years. Just fact.
Can't find the latin equivalent so I will go with Biden WYSIWYG. He has mishandled every foreign affairs issue since his inauguration ( remember Bob Gates quip about Biden: "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,”). The border situation is completely out of hand so that even the relatively disinterested are aware of the catastrophe there. The DOJ and FBI are being used in a fashion similar to Hitler's SA. Biden's crooked family business has finally been brought to light. Last but not least, it is clear that Biden's dementia has progressed significantly and that he is barely functional mentally. Given these circumstances Trump does easily look like the more sane and chaos-free choice.
well the times has been lying since 1929, re ukraine since 1956 re fidel, since 1960 re vietnam since around 1975 re the Shah its a multilevel fraud operation,
He was supposed to be the boring pick that would unite the nation, but in every speech rails against MAGA Republicans, who are pretty much half the country.
And everyone in his administration does the same thing every day.
Throw in blaming white people for everything and the result is not kumbaya...
that Biden is a success - is fake news.
But rich white left assholes love fake new like that.
The Democrats will make sure there is chaos whether it’s Trump or Biden. One way or another.
Barry Goldwater was going to start WWIII, according to Democrats and liberals, and yet Lyndon Johnson frog marched so many of our young men off to Viet Nam to die. So many lives never fully lived because of Democrat lies.
Trump was going to start WWIII, and yet Joe Biden is the guy who wrote the letter to Ukraine that he *knew* would cause Russia to invade. We know he knew this because we have video of him saying as much when he was a Senator. Everybody else knew it too.
Trump had the border somewhat under control, and Joe Biden is the one who is flooding the country with migrants drawn by his promises of residency, his guarantees of jobs and heath care and housing.
It's just possible that Biden is the one causing all of the chaos, and it's just possible that the press is responsible for the perception of chaos under Trump, remember the "Dutch angle" shots of Trump at the beginning, and the Democrats organizing massive "mostly peaceful" riots certainly did not hinder the cause.
Trump is beginning to work to portray himself as the safer, more stable pick, and to go to great — even misleading — lengths to claim that Mr. Biden actually wants chaos and has created a world filled with more terror. He has already produced ads suggesting that Mr. Biden’s inability to lead is directly responsible for the global disorder that threatens American security
Trump is entirely correct here. see, for example, the Biden Admin's utter failures in the Red Sea.
1: They lied and claimed the Houthis are no longer a terrorist organization, removing sanctions against them. All this because they want to suck up to Iran
2: The Houthis attack shipping
3: The Biden Admin fails to do anything useful on its own, AND fails to put together an international coalition to do anything, because no one trusts the Biden Admin.
"All of my base, affluent city dwellers in gated communities, or communities that are effectively gated, are doing great! What's wrong with you people!" - Joe Biden
"Voters wanted this from Mr. Biden and clearly feel he didn’t deliver...."
Must be talking about college credentialed white women here- who else could look around at what's going on today and *feel* that Biden hasn't done his job?
the times has been lying since 1929
Since "1619".
Blogger Tank said...
The Democrats will make sure there is chaos whether it’s Trump or Biden. One way or another.
And it will make Trump's task easier to point out that Democrats are at the heart of all the disasters.
"Thomas Sowell: "..in any great disaster, there's a Harvard man in the middle of it."
Restore order? That's like saying reverse gravity. Disorder and chaos is how the entropion universe we find ourselves in functions. That's what makes the US Constitution's checks and balances work. The nation is fine and will be fine no matter whom is President. Your negative emotions are planted by the algorithms and transmuted through human bloggers podcasters and tokTubers. Question authority don't worry be happy take it easy and save for a rainy day.
In an honest and fair democratic election (I know, I know...), the most devastating critique a challenger can make against an incumbent is: "Are you better off now than you were before?" President Reagan used this theme quite effectively against Jimmy Carter (the only Democratic party incumbent in the 20th century to lose a re-election vote). However in today's (utterly rigged) political environment who knows?
Biden should be impeached for refusing to protect the USA from invasion. He's let MILLIONS walk accross our border, and REFUSED to enforce the immigration laws.
And then there's Genocide Joe's support for a senseless UKraine war, and Israel killing innocent civilians in Gaza. What's next on the table? A war with Iran? Maybe drone striking another innocent family in Afghanistan? Maybe a war with China?
Throw in his stalinist desire to Jail Trump for daring to oppose him, and you have the worst President in my lifetime. Perhaps the worst ever.
As for "calm and stability", Stalin gave Russia plenty of that. So, I'm not a fan.
"Could Voters Conclude That Biden Is the Riskier Bet to Restore Order?"
A competent journalist would ask what Biden has done to restore order in the three years he's been in office?
Has he restored order at:
-- The Mexican Border?
-- The DOJ?
-- The FBI?
-- The Middle East?
-- Afghanistan?
-- The Democratic Party?
-- The Level of Government Spending?
-- The Level of Racial Harmony?
It would seem Biden is a divider, not a uniter.
Biden --or Biden's handlers--because he rarely got out of the basement--promised that Biden would restore normalcy and decency to the White House. Joe didn't keep that promise.
He'd also restore respect for the USA "among the world leaders". Didn't keep that promise either. The list could go on. Why one might think that Joe Biden was just as much a failure as that other "President" Claudine Gay at Harvard.
Somehow the chaos, inflation, invasions, wars, weaponized DOJ is calm?
Are they kidding me?
The nation is fine and will be fine no matter whom is President.
Class, this is what is known as "whistling past the graveyard".
rcocean: "Israel killing innocent civilians in Gaza." Innocent civilians?
Somebody open the silo door and let rc out.
In related news The Federalist finally gets around to saying what several of us here have about Nikki Haley's weird rhetoric: Nikki Haley Makes The Worst Possible Argument Against Trump. It also quotes a lot of Trump-skeptic conservative Byron York's article in the Washington Examiner. Both are of course in reference to her oft-repeated plaint that "Chaos follows him," referring to Trump, and both fault her for her cluelessness in believing that the same democrat cheat and smear machine would not create a similar "chaos" to follow her around.
It's not a horrible argument to make, she just assigns the fault to the victim of the DNC-Media Complex instead of the evildoers themselves. But then what candidates do take it to the democrats like we want to hear?
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Barry Goldwater was going to start WWIII, according to Democrats and liberals, and yet Lyndon Johnson frog marched so many of our young men off to Viet Nam to die. So many lives never fully lived because of Democrat lies.
Don't forget Wilson and FDR. Both ran specifically and loudly on a platform of staying out of the European war du jour.
While campaigning loudly "He kept us out of war!" both were furiously scheming to get the US into them.
It's the Democrat way.
John Henry
Re the Harvard man in the middle.
One of the primary agitators for war with Spain for the excuse of freeing Cuba was notable Harvard Alum Teddy Roosevelt.
He was also a HUGE cheerleader for US involvement in the European fiasco. (53m US combat deaths, 116m military deaths. 5 months of combat)
In fairness to TR, he did try to put the band back together and get into the fight personally. His sons served well too, TR Jr later dying on Utah Beach on D-Day. He practiced what he preached even if the preaching was shit.
John Henry
Ah, the irony. All that lawfare. All that, "we'll enforce laws we like but no more."
Bite marks on the posterior.
"This is why, already, Trump is beginning to work to portray himself as the safer, more stable pick, and to go to great — even misleading — lengths to claim that Mr. Biden actually wants chaos and has created a world filled with more terror."
The links attached to "Mr. Biden actually wants chaos" go to a Facebook post by a small group which sells Trump souvenirs online but has no connection to Trump or his campaign. This is confirmed by the several fact checkers who pointed out the inaccuracy of their Facebook post but could find no connection to Trump.
Attributing the "misleading" claim to Trump is, in this case, a lie.
The writer is nominally a conservative and I suppose something negative towards Trump was required for her to get a guest editorial spot in the Times.
She, or the Times, should correct this misleading claim.
Haley has the same problem that DeSantis has. They simply dont want to fight the Democrats. And they hope that if they get into the WHite House and appease and compromise THEY wont be treated like Trump.
But then what does Haley want to do, that Biden isn't doing? ITs hard to say. Maybe spend a little less, maybe tax rich people a little less. Otherwise, its a mystery.
She wants to censor the internet. She wants to cut Social security and Medicare. She wants Amnesty. She wants to "Invade the world, and invite the world". When it comes to war, she makes Genocide Joe look like a pacifist. She's not really socially conservative, and there's no reason to believe she'd fight Chuck Schumer for a Conservative SCOTUS judge.
Maybe that's why she isn't upset at the Stalinist DOJ for trying to Jail Trump. Or destroy anyone who questions the 2020 election. And why she likes Wray's FBI. And doesn't really care if all the J6'ers rot in jail for walking though the capital.
If you're 1 MM to the right of Genocide Joe on Domestic affairs, and agree with him on everything else, why get upset? What's a little authoritarianism between friends?
Trump has been smeared with filth (some true, most false) so thoroughly, from before his election nonstop to the present day and with well-planned faux-feces deliveries to him until at least election day, that Dementia Joe could run another non-campaign and count on the mail vote harvests to carry him to victory.
Trump at this point and for the next year must stop whining about the crapfest he's been delivered by the Dems, and hit his policy points endlessly: make peace overseas, create bounty at home, park the crazies in the barn and let's all get to work.
Might be best for one and all if Joe runs another non-campaign. If he's let out in public much more, Taiwan might be invaded this next spring. On the other hand, if Joe wins, Taiwan likely will be invaded on November 06, 2024. So we have something to look forward to, I guess.
"Could Voters Conclude That Biden Is the Riskier Bet to Restore Order?"
They could. But do voters really matter anymore, or are marked ballots more important?
DeSantis has been a great disappointment ot me. I thought after he took on Disney, he was a fighter. But he's not. He just said perfunctory things about the FBI/DOJ abuses, and then went back to talking about "moving on".
This sort of namby-pamby, "Gosh, can we all just get along?" doesn't fly anymore. Assuming it ever did. DeSantis may love the Democrats, but its a one-sided love affair. The D's don't want to "get along". They want to win. At any cost.
They may praise DeSantis now, for "being reasonable and unTrump like", but the minute he becomes the nominee they will call him a Hitler/Nazi/Racist/Homophobe. And DeSantis will be a wimp and refuse to fight back. Just like Romney. Just like Dole. Just like McCain. Just like your typical Republican "Good loser".
Thats why a lot of people love Trump. As Lincoln supposedly said of Grant "I can't spare this man; he fights. I'll try him a little longer."
well Cuba was a minor skirmish compared to the Phillipines, where the likes of Pershing fought off the Juramentados the jihadists of yore in Mindanao and points north, McKinley as a veteran of Antietam wasn't so keen to get into long protracted wars, that lasted about 15 years
now foolish thinking like keynes was all over the place, harold laski who jfk audited the course at lse, was upset fdr had not nationalized all industry, like the labour party would do when they took power in 1945,
Rot in Hell!!!!!!! and also Merry Christmas.
- A very stable Genius
As I recall the standard response to "Build Back Better" was "No, just leave it the way you found it, please."
That Joe has fucked things up is not news to anyone whose news sources go beyond MSNBC.
she can't be bothered to do any research
Chuck said...
Key phrase: “— even misleading —“
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
The nation is fine and will be fine no matter whom is President. Your negative emotions are planted by the algorithms and transmuted through human bloggers podcasters and tokTubers. Question authority don't worry be happy take it easy and save for a rainy day.
At least Howard has his talking points memorized like the good sheep that he is. Howard thinks 16% inflation is just fine and electric trucks will be hauling the nation's freight in a few years.
Dave Begley wrote:
How much are these 10m illegal aliens going to cost the federal, state and local governments?
From videos, the majority appear to be young unmarried men. What if they can’t get work? Then what happens?
10m people is 5x the total population of Nebraska.
The vast majority of these 10m will be voting Dem in 2024. Illegally voting.
Well they can come here to CA and get free healthcare and benefits! Gov Newsom is making them all eligible! FREE STUFF!
"And indeed, many voters are beginning to look back longingly at the Trump era...."
Oh for those halcyon days when we couldn't leave home, when we heard the sounds of ambulances 24/7, when folks were lined up in their cars for miles to get some free cheese, and when the Commander In Chief was telling us it would all get better if we just injected ourselves with bleach.
Michael K said...
"The nation is fine and will be fine no matter whom is President. Your negative emotions are planted by the algorithms and transmuted through human bloggers podcasters and tokTubers. Question authority don't worry be happy take it easy and save for a rainy day.
At least Howard has his talking points memorized like the good sheep that he is. Howard thinks 16% inflation is just fine and electric trucks will be hauling the nation's freight in a few years."
Howard enjoys the smell of his own farts.
Mutaman digs Biden era of impatient jab mandates over Trump pre-jab freewheeling:
"Here's the full transcript of Trump's comments:
"So I asked Bill a question some of you are thinking of if you're into that world, which I find to be pretty interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting. And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful."
Howie is checking out so as to limit the distress from voting in Pedo Pete creating a "surge" of Fentanyl and sex trafficking.
It helps him sleep.
Semper Fudd!!
cocean said...
Haley has the same problem that DeSantis has. They simply dont want to fight the Democrats.
You complete moron. Or is that "lying sack of sh!t"?
DeSantis has been fighting, and beating, the Democrats for years. unlike Trump, who "fights" and loses
DeSantis has been a great disappointment ot me. I thought after he took on Disney, he was a fighter. But he's not. He just said perfunctory things about the FBI/DOJ abuses, and then went back to talking about "moving on".
You mean he went back to campaigning for himself, instead of Trump? Gosh, imagine that!
He said that what the Biden FBI/DOJ did was corrupt, and illegitimate. So, do tell us exactly what else he's supposed to do? Campaign for Trump? Spend every day crying for Trump? What, precisely, is Trump's campaign opponent supposed to do?
Fold up his campaign and become a Trump supporter? GFY
Trump could have issued a blanket pardon for every single J6 protester on his way out the door. Or everyone one who did not commit a violent act. But he didn't because he's a loser who listens to his left wing "Advisors" Ivanka and Jared, and because he's a loser who wants the press to like him.
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