The article quotes this Truth Social post of Trump's:
I don't like the all caps, but does that strike you as unjustifiably angry?
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
It doesn't strike me as angry at all.
"I don't like the all caps, but does that strike you as unjustifiably angry? "
I don't like the all caps either, but it strikes me as true. Angry? Maybe. Unjustified? Like I said, it's true.
And every single word of it is true. CNN can't handle the REAL truth.
People on the right tend to be shouty. People on the left follow the government proscribed PBS way of calmly talking (except when it comes to burning down the house, of course). Talking calmly, using big words, as if facts(tm) are self evident doesn’t make it anything less than the nonsense it is.
They used the all caps as an excuse to ignore the substance...
It will strike half the country as something word-for-word out of Mein Kampf.
If you had been treated as he has, would you be right around the acceptable level of angry? How would you manage to be sure you weren't unjustifiably so?
Bad Orange Man not allowed to be angry
Seems rather restrained, actually. I think Trump is more optimistic about the future of this country than I am.
Love the message, love the all caps, love Trump.
unjustifiably angry?
Seems to mrthat any amount of anger is justified.
John Henry
The Legacy Main Stream Media would probably announce, thrillingly, that Trump is being angry and divisive, and that the all-caps are a code signal of Russian White Supremacy or something. Everybody else will see matters of fact - problematic ones at that.
an airing of the grievances,
A lot of people should be in jail and Trump ain't one of them...
It will make Liberals/Democrats and Lamestream Media© (but I repeat myself) heads explode.
Trouble is, everything he said is undeniably true. Of course, that won't stop them from calling it lies...
It strikes me as justifiably angry: he is being prosecuted for his crimes, and faces actual consequences, and lives in a fantasy world where it's all someone else's fault.
Wouldn't you be angry in his situation?
No anger, just facts.
Any behavior other than curling up in a fetal position in whimpering like a whipped puppy is going to be viewed as unjustifiably angry. And Trump doing the above would be greeted with great merriment and good cheer. I honestly can't think of any other public figure who could take the abuse the Trump does and still maintain his sense of humor.
I don't disagree with any of this, but at some point it would be refreshing to hear about what he intends to do for the voters, and not just what the voters are supposed to do for him. Has he thought about policy at all?
Even as to the personal revenge issues, what does he intend to do about these things once he's elected? How will he reform the FBI and other agencies so this doesn't keep happening?
Tell me what parts are not true.
All true. CNN is the source of some of that bullshit.
what the political left does not realize is that Trump is a moderating influence upon the political right.
the political right assumes that as long as Trump is in the system fighting then the brazen lawlessness of the left and their attacks upon the history, culture and traditions of America can be dealt with within the system.
All caps sending the cowering left to their "safe places".
I'd call it fevered accuracy.
Any disagreement with the left is automatically divisive. Any agreement with the right is automatically WWHD.
It's just a list of facts about the "Biden" administration.
A simple straight forward yet brief summation - bullseye.
Trump just spoke the facts... but the far left don't like facts..
And he ain't angry... you have not even seen him angry yet... but woe be the Democrats if he wins.. woe be them. And really woe be them if the Republicans win both houses. Just might ditch the filibuster and ram it all up the Dem's posterior.
It's not angry. It's a juxtaposition.
Follow the link, pretty darn (unintentionally) funny.
I miss the way he said, “CHY-NA”!
Maybe he wrote it out in normal text, and the totally abnormal situation looked and sounded… normal.
Therapy Llamas For Trump.
Trump know he's got the all-caps vote sown up.
most democrats are busy supporting Hamas
thats how they roll
Yawn. The libs still haven't figured out Trump should be ignored.
MSM: “Aside from all that, why is Trump so angry? It isn’t a good look.”
Say what you will, but Trump aka inmate #P01135809 sure has a way with words! A true Hallmark Moment!
It strikes me as completely psychotic.
As one wag on Xitter noted, “Imagine what that post looked like neither Trump campaign comms editors and fact-checkers worked their magic.”
maybe the democrat deep state Shouldn't have DONE All That Stuff..
Maybe that would have been less decisive!
The first two were sufficient to oust Nixon, and people involved in the activity were sent to jail. Democrats were so angry about it, I grew up hearing the word "Nixon" as an epithet against Republicans.
I guess they weren't so angry, because a few decades ago, it used to be "worse than Nixon". Now it is "worse than Hitler". I suspect they don't want to remind us that Nixon was bad because he suggested spying on campaigns and lying to Congress.
Angry rant?
If you want to anger a normal person, tell them a lie. If you want to anger a lefty, tell them the truth.
An amazing lack of anger...
THIS "RANT" would be anger.
I don’t like the all caps either, but here we are welcoming men into women spaces while believing anything and everything, without evidence, about a man who has been elected president at least once. I’d driven to to more than just all caps.
It's intended audience is the truth impaired. Here's looking at you, CNN. You're welcome.
That said, round and around. We have entered The Twilight Fringe.
'Yawn. The libs still haven't figured out Trump should be ignored.'
Normal people hate the lib's veiled communism.
Hating Trump is all they have.
That and killing babies...
It strikes me as an unhinged idiot. And I voted for him in the last 2 elections.
To me it was comedy all the way. The Merry Christmas at the end is the punchline.
If typing in all caps is a lazy way of yelling – a crutch for the angry and inarticulate – then the keyboard is complicit: The “caps lock” key makes it unreasonably easy for us to be rude.
And of course, Trump is known to be lazy, always angry, always inarticulate, and always rude.
MSM: “Aside from all that, why is Trump so angry? It isn’t a good look.”
Exactly. What's needed is something more calm and sensible. You know- like a Joe Biden speech.
"I don't disagree with any of this, but at some point it would be refreshing to hear about what he intends to do for the voters..."
"Refreshing" would be dropping the deliberately obtuse schtick.
How about consulting the news archives for the tears 2016 through 2020 for an idea of what he might do as president? Because he was, for those four years, ya know, president.
Or... just a suggestion,... you could tune in one of his rallies and take in some of one of his speeches.
Or you could just continue with the deliberately obtuse thing that's working so well for you.
jim said...
"Wouldn't you be angry in his situation?"
I'd hire a lawyer competent enough to know how to demand a jury trial.
Free advice for Trump: Do less posting and more time hoarding cigarettes and K-Y jelly.
I like the way CNN shapes the reader's expectations in the runup to the lede (the all-caps quote), which they buried down the page:
"In one of his posts, Trump showed a mixture of anger and self-pity while making multiple false or questionable claims. "
completely justified x 1,000,000
"the political right assumes that as long as Trump is in the system fighting then the brazen lawlessness of the left and their attacks upon the history, culture and traditions of America can be dealt with within the system."
Exactly. After him, the mother-fucking deluge. They think he's all that's standing between them and us. And they are righter than they know.
He's a whiny baby. Grow up, DJT
Vicki from Pasadena
CNN was part of the purge-Trump crusade. CNN is part of the Mushroom Media Conspiracy and the Decilization Party.
That message shows he's nuts. All caps a clue. Some people like that. Others love it. Go figure.
"Has he thought about policy at all?"
The media screens what you see and hear from and about Trump to influence your opinions about him. People should be able to recognize this by now.
The list could be considerably longer and still just as true, e.g.: Astounding levels of influence-peddling; intentionally weakening our military [cf James Buchanan] in the face of an emerging crisis; injecting trillions of unnecessary debt-dollars to allied groups which then launder that money into Democrat coffres; weaponizing multiple (powerful) government agencies against political opponents; officially labeling domestic political opponents as "terrorists"; promulgating thousands unnecessary and stifling new regulations intended to suffocate small businesses; and imposing unreasonably harsh energy standard on vehicles and appliances in order to limit and control consumer choices. And so on ad nauseum.
Trump always exaggerates. He always overstates that's part of his charm. I'd prefer, mostly lower caps WITH A FEW capitalized letters for emphasis.
But he's justifibly angry.
He's been treated badly - BIG TIME. And no one seems to mind the exaggeration and overheated 11/10 DNC/MSM rhetorical attacks on HIM. We are only supposed to mind the "rants" when trump defends himself.
Genocide Joe is trying to put Trump in jail. The FBI raided his house for six hours in a NKVD type raid. Almost every Trump associate has been sued and/or charged of the most absurd "Crimes". Many were stopped in airports or in public and whisked away like some "Night and Fog" Gestapo arrest. Others had SWAT teams tearing down their doors at 4 AM to arrest them over some bogus non-violent offense.
When has Genocide Joe ever forgiven Trump? WHen has he ever showed one ounce of compassion or mercy? When has Biden ever "Moved on" or "Tried to bring the country together?". NEVER.
Think of how much better the USA would be if Biden has simply pardoned everyone after he took office. Trump probably wouldn't have run again.
It just reads like him talking. His written words are identical to his spoken words.
Every angry word of it is justified. And true.
I love that that antisemitic POS Tucker Carlson, who's supporting Trump, said DeSantis's online people were low.
If Trump gets the nom, I will, to my surprise, not know whom to vote for until the last minute.
jim said...
"It strikes me as justifiably angry: he is being prosecuted for his crimes,"
Name one.
Given that all of it is more or less true, it sounds not angry enough.
Does anyone other than left-wing journalists read Truth Social?
Nope. Were I in his shoes I would be planning to feed the persecutors to the rats while alive.
He should have ended it with "Happy Festivus!"
It’s a known thing that you have to communicate the same thing in different ways in order to be heard across a broader range of people. Caps are a useful tool.
It’s not unjustified, either. Imagine if you genuinely believed you’ve been thoroughly violated via a fraudulent election. Imagine. There’re millions of people who wholeheartedly believe this happened to Trump. Me included.
That’s my President! These horrible people have been trying to torture him and his family since June 2015. F them all, while the Biden Crime Family is jetting off to St. Croix or wherever they freeload every year. Hopefully one way.
Jesus would have posted the same about King Herod and the Romans, but he was a baby they wanted to kill. Herod tried but failed. Then came the Bill Kristol Pharisees. They failed too.
But somehow the shepherds, the little drummer boy, and the Wise Men could see through all the bullshit.
It's time to kick the merchants out of the Temple.
From "The Dictionary of Approved Stereotypes": Out: Angry Black Man. In: Angry white real-estate guy from Queens.
"I don't like the all caps, but does that strike you as unjustifiably angry? "
Well, yes, because most of that is only real in his head. Every President gets hit by his opponents Only this one whines and cries about it like a toddler with colic.
When the left has lost "cruelly neutral" Althouse...
According to the indictment, Trump organized a project in which some of his supporters were persuaded to put themselves forward as electors from the states that Trump specified, even though they were not validly elected in those states. Then, Trump hoped, he could get Pence to reject the allegedly disputed electoral votes from those states, and send them back to the state legislatures for review. The theory, which was probably not valid in any case, was that the legislatures would designate the fake Trump electors as the valid electors and throw out the electors who were actually elected by the voters in these states.
This would have thrown enough sand in the legal gears so that Trump could claim he remained president and continue to occupy the White House until the matter had been resolved. In a country where respect for law predominates, this would create a true constitutional crisis, as the issues would have to be fought through the courts before it could be determined that Trump’s ploy was invalid. Fortunately, Pence, refused to go along. Otherwise, even today, Trump could be sitting in the Oval Office claiming he was the validly elected president.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! at the end is classic Trump. They will never get him.
This post was a progtard lure and it brought in just about every single one: jim, Rich, Chuck, gadfly, Mutaman, Readering, Vicki from Pasadena! None could resist the Trump bait, they come and feed on it- the Trump Is So Dumb bait caplocks -and disperse the damning words of Biden's failures, Biden's recklessness, Biden's wickedness. Cofveve, progtards, cofveve!
I give him credit for his restraint. There's a seething anger among many ordinary working people. I've heard it and felt it. Trump sounds positively jolly by comparison.
Michael Fitzgerald said...
This post was a progtard lure and it brought in just about every single one: jim, Rich, Chuck, gadfly, Mutaman, Readering, Vicki from Pasadena! None could resist the Trump bait, they come and feed on it- the Trump Is So Dumb bait caplocks -and disperse the damning words of Biden's failures, Biden's recklessness, Biden's wickedness. Cofveve, progtards, cofveve!
12/26/23, 11:08 PM
THIS^^ It is humorous reading them crawling through glass to continue to shit on Trump because he beat the ugly, inside and out, Clinton.
Not a scratch.
I started to make a snarky comment that at least CNN didn't include "without evidence" in their report.
Wrong. Wow. Read the CNN piece. The Ministry of Truth is no longer a fictional entity.
"According to the indictment, Trump organized a project in which some of his supporters were persuaded to put themselves forward as electors from the states that Trump specified, even though they were not validly elected in those states. Then, Trump hoped, he could get Pence to reject the allegedly disputed electoral votes from those states, and send them back to the state legislatures for review. The theory, which was probably not valid in any case, was that the legislatures would designate the fake Trump electors as the valid electors and throw out the electors who were actually elected by the voters in these states.
This would have thrown enough sand in the legal gears so that Trump could claim he remained president and continue to occupy the White House until the matter had been resolved. In a country where respect for law predominates, this would create a true constitutional crisis, as the issues would have to be fought through the courts before it could be determined that Trump’s ploy was invalid. Fortunately, Pence, refused to go along. Otherwise, even today, Trump could be sitting in the Oval Office claiming he was the validly elected president".
This is the statement of the prosecution's case by an inveterate opponent of Trump.
The words "hoped", "probably", "would," and "could" confirm a level of reasonable doubt which has no place in a prosecution for jaywalking in "a country where respect for law predominates," let alone the prosecution of the leader of the political opposition of the government.
And you are just fine with that, Rich.
Boatbuilder: What Trump believed is irrelevant; it is what he actually did that places him at risk of going to prison.
Rich - Trump left office right on time.
Agree on the all-caps. The rest seems understated.
This is supposed to encourage people to vote for Trump?
Angry or not, so what?
It's OBNOXIOUS. And it befouls Christmas.
I don't need this. I don't need him.
And, by the way, he has already said he doesn't need my/our vote(s) so there is no problem with me not voting for him a third time. I especially am not going to throw away my self-respect just to see him crash and burn AGAIN against someone who is mentally incompetent.
And every single word of it is true. CNN can't handle the REAL truth.
Actually, almost all of it is a lie. There is zero evidence that any country is emptying there mental institutions and jails.
The election wasn't rigged either. No matter how much you repeat the lies about fraud, it doesn't make it magically true.
Just ask Guiliani, his lies cost him $148 million.
"It's OBNOXIOUS. And it befouls Christmas."
LOL. Don't you mean it befouls "The Holiday"?
I'll believe a leftist cares about Christmas, when pigs fly.
This is not normal behavior for anyone outside of a mental hospital. Trump will never return to ExTwitter, he would hate community notes.
Freder Frederson said...
"The election wasn't rigged either. No matter how much you repeat the lies about fraud, it doesn't make it magically true.
Just ask Guiliani, his lies cost him $148 million."
Cost Fox $787.5 million
The fake electors controversy is an instance of criminalizing a political disagreement. The people who signed onto the alternate electoral slates were making historically precedented arguments (see 1876 election aftermath), contingent upon future events such as certification, about their status under the law. Their arguments failed, as they should have. They weren't committing fraud. They were making losing arguments. Nobody was deceived, except perhaps the alternate electors who were told they had a good argument.
The eagerness with which Dems seek to imprison activist Republicans is itself a precedent for our political futures. It seems that the word cloud's centralization of the word "revenge" is apt. The most committed 30% of both sides seem to want it. The rest of us wonder at the emptiness and futility of a life centered on politics, even as they realize that we need people who care enough to be competent and honest in the arena of politics.
a good hearty bold repeat.
"The fake electors controversy is an instance of criminalizing a political disagreement. The people who signed onto the alternate electoral slates were making historically precedented arguments (see 1876 election aftermath), contingent upon future events such as certification, about their status under the law. Their arguments failed, as they should have. They weren't committing fraud. They were making losing arguments. Nobody was deceived, except perhaps the alternate electors who were told they had a good argument.
The eagerness with which Dems seek to imprison activist Republicans is itself a precedent for our political futures. It seems that the word cloud's centralization of the word "revenge" is apt. The most committed 30% of both sides seem to want it. The rest of us wonder at the emptiness and futility of a life centered on politics, even as they realize that we need people who care enough to be competent and honest in the arena of politics. "
Only in Trump World can there be a group of people, without a hint of irony, be screaming from the top of their lungs about a rigged election, while attempting to rig the election.
Rich said...
"Boatbuilder: What Trump believed is irrelevant; it is what he actually did that places him at risk of going to prison."
What crimes did he commit? Be specific. Why does Jack Smith want to supress evidence?
Rich - you and your team are Putin-ists. You seek to imprison and destroy anyone in your path to power.
Rich - Hillary said over and over that the Russians stole the election from her.
She and her team hired people to write a fake dossier about it.
After she pocketed millions from.... wait for it.... The Russians.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
" After she pocketed millions from.... wait for it.... The Russians.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal"
Oh how cute. This Know Nothing is parroting the flavor of the day from other social media crackers.
The Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal bullshit as been debunked as Steve Bannon generated nonsense on numerous occasions.
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