December 12, 2023

"They're too old!"

"Good God! We've got people over 70!"


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Nixon was railroaded
Kennedy was murdered
Bill flew on Epstein's jet 26 times
Hillary is a freak-show grifter, and an NBC production.
Obama is a money grubbing grifter who hired Biden, Kerry and Clinton. All frauds.
Feinstein - all these creeps die in office... clinging to power to the grave.

they are all too old! Universal truth - because the insider grip goes back decades.
the corruption is real.

vivek is correct.

Joe Smith said...

Just set the retirement age at whatever it is for airline pilots.


Readering said...

Speaking with Burger, whom h nominated Chief at 61. Today that would be too old.

Gunner said...

I always thought Nixon would have been happier going back to the Senate or the House after he lost that governor's race. No real responsibility for anything. No one blaming him for anything really important. He could just talk and talk and attack Democrats.

rehajm said...

People died earlier back then. Not to worry- our policies are helping us to catch up with the 70s...

rehajm said...

I don' t like idea of an age cutoff. Grassley is on bonus time for all of us...

Ralph L said...

Congresscritters wore out quicker back then, with all the smoking, drinking, and whoring.

mikee said...

It isn't the years of age, it is the accumulation of corruption.

Josephbleau said...

1. Old people are stupid and incapable.

2. Old people are so powerful that they need to be limited in governance by federal law.

3. Young people need the jobs that the old people have.

4. Molon labe.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
