Said Henry Kissinger, on October 18, 2023, quoted in "Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the Two-State Solution/In one of the final interviews before he died, the famous statesman said the two-state solution was no longer viable and that the U.S. must reconcile with China" (Politico).
३ डिसेंबर, २०२३
"The leaders of the world have failed. They have failed to master the overriding concepts, the fundamentals and the day-to-day tactics."
"Societies have to find a way to solve their problems without continuously having a series of conflicts. That is the challenge. We have been facing a period of constant conflict resulting in a major wars destroying much of the civilization that has been built."
Said Henry Kissinger, on October 18, 2023, quoted in "Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the Two-State Solution/In one of the final interviews before he died, the famous statesman said the two-state solution was no longer viable and that the U.S. must reconcile with China" (Politico).
Said Henry Kissinger, on October 18, 2023, quoted in "Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the Two-State Solution/In one of the final interviews before he died, the famous statesman said the two-state solution was no longer viable and that the U.S. must reconcile with China" (Politico).
६३ टिप्पण्या:
We have a guy who flunked the third grade and who sees international relations as ground for influence peddling and fossilized and anachronistic Cold War thinking as president.
Agreed. The one state solution is all there is now. The Israelis must grow up or leave.
Some say Kissinger was a foreign policy savant.
But it was President Trump that implemented the Abrams Accords. He made more progress with peace through trade in a few short years than the State Dept has accomplished in generations.
I contend the US State Department is the most divisive, counter productive agency on the planet.
There cannot be a two state solution if the Stated goal of one state is the annihilation of the the other State.
"The leaders of the world have failed."
‘Macho’ IDF chiefs ignored female surveillance soldiers who warned of Hamas attack
I have become convinced modern society is not about solving problems. A problem that gets solved is a problem that failed to be appropriately monetized. The solution to so many of our problems are so comically easy there's no reason they shouldn't have been solved 20 years ago. They don't get solved because there's still money to be made off that problem, and when it's monetization is sufficiently depleted, then it will ride off into the sunset without fanfare.
"He's NOT going to win. He's NOT going to defeat Hamas,...I don't think the IDF can do it. And I don't think American support matters very much,...If they're try to root out Hamas, they're NOT going to succeed."
John Mearsheimer, on Bibi Netanyahu
New York synagogue launches matchmaking service for Jewish singles in response to Hamas' terror attack on Israel - with nearly 200 signing up to ensure a 'Jewish future'
Zionists are the only people on the planet who think INBREEDING is the answer to problems. I'm assuming incest didn't work out,...
"We have been facing a period of constant conflict resulting in a major wars destroying much of the civilization that has been built."
How so? 1914-1945 were "major wars" but led to rebuilding, on a different footing, sure, and with the USSR lurking, but not at the expense of "civilization." Korea and Vietnam were big for us, but not essential to our security or civilization. Iraq twice and Afghanistan were expensive but not "major" and did not destroy civilization because there was none there to destroy
Thesis: uncontrolled invasions by "asylum seekers" endanger "the civilization that has been built" more than so-called major wars. Ask the Swedes, Italians, and Dutch.
Kissinger's brother, who came to the US at the same time, spoke English with a perfect middle-American accent. When asked in an interview why his brother had such a thick German accent, he replied, "Because Henry never listens to anybody."
How many times was Kissinger right?
no this was a deliberate act since 1947, to try to strangle israel in the crib,
Our China policy is a complete disaster. We shipped our manufacturing base to China and that hallowed out our middle class. China will never become a democracy. And the Chinese destroyed our economy with Covid.
Inbreeding is marrying your cousin. Marrying people of your same race or religion is not inbreeding.
Stop being dishonest.
Crack, If you want to criticize consanguineous relationships (and by all means have at it), you might start by taking a closer look at the people of Gaza and the West bank, along with most of the rest of the Islamic middle east. There is a reason why the average IQ in these places is so low, and you've put your finger on a part of it.
Your comment about the impossibility of a two state solution was so predictable that I'm almost surprised you bothered posting it. If there can be only one state, that would seem to be bad news for the weaker, more primitive, and stupider population. Wouldn't it? See European interactions with backward natives for an example of how things work out once the gloves are off. In Israel's case, I don't believe that the gloves are truly off yet. It will be a very bad day for some people when they are truly forced into a corner. I very much doubt that the Jewish people of Israel will collectively decide to flee to the far corners of the earth.
Dave Begley said...
Inbreeding is marrying your cousin. Marrying people of your same race or religion is not inbreeding.
Stop being dishonest."
Tell that to the Jews: Jews are Inbred - Ari Shaffir: JEW
We are reconciling with China, we are rapidly decoupling from them. Then we can beging to re-engage. If we would only stop borrowing 1.5 TRILLION dollars a year, then we could really re-engage.
But Biden and the democrats have emptied our strategic reserve and busted the budget in a time of peace to pay their partners with climate change dollars. We are the weakest we have ever been.
Like Catholics who can love the sinner while hating the sin, I propose the US love the Chinese people while destroying the CCP. Surely there is enough rope and enough lamp posts in China to allow a solution to the problem of the existence of the Communist Party.
Old and slow said...
"There is a reason why the average IQ in these places is so low, and you've put your finger on a part of it."
So racist. Those places are where we get Arab numerals, and much, much more. I wish people would stop talking about IQ like you do, because I've traveled the world, and lived in Yurp, but I'm not impressed by any group - including ours, and I know our greatness. I spent one evening explaining the concept of 24-hour markets to a bunch of French intellectuals, who got stuck on the idea "the owners would never get any sleep," so - as far as I'm concerned - everyone's a retard on this bus. It's all a question of how.
And I don't know why y'all think Arabs are any more of a mystery to me than to you. I've always watched the news. Every local market, in my current neighborhood, is owned by Arabs - and it's a Mexican neighborhood. We talk. My wife had a friend who would get all bug-eyed crazy over the Quran. I served in the Navy, in the Red Sea outside Iran, during the '79 hostage crisis. The bass player in my old Jazz band is a native Egyptian (Damn fool counted everything in 11, so we got some unintentionally wild jams out of him). I got a permanent invite to visit him there to "drive a gold Mercedes." Doesn't make me a Mid East expert, but I'm familiar.
"Your comment about the impossibility of a two state solution was so predictable that I'm almost surprised you bothered posting it. If there can be only one state, that would seem to be bad news for the weaker, more primitive, and stupider population. Wouldn't it?"
I think it depends on how you view power. I've heard several knowledgeable people say Israel is digging its own grave, which is but one way they can be defeated: they can be nudged to defeat themselves.
I grew up with a super-strong guy like Mike Tyson - had a Napoleon complex. Took a lot of grief over his facial features, too. During his teen years, it became his 'thing' to knock out every male over six feet tall, whether they knew 'they had it coming' or not. And they fell like redwoods. I made mental notes. So what?
If Israel was a dude, he'd be walking around with a pretty healthy shiner, right about now, and no one would question why he's so full of hate and revenge: he's HUMILIATED and everybody knows it. Nothing says any nation will be on top forever. And losing the confidencet of the world is one way to start that process.
mikee said...
" I propose the US love the Chinese people while destroying the CCP."
I'm soooo sorry, but - as we've all been recently informed around here - that would be too much like loving Jews without also loving Zionism. So that won't work. The new rule, enforced by The Israeli Cancel Culture Girls, is forced acceptance of a culture's total shit sandwich or everybody has to die. Or something equally ridiculous. Please try again, when you come up with something a *little* less rational. Just remember:
They're hard to please.
Transjordan, the second state solution was aborted by Palestinian leaders in a failed Spring. China is the home of an occupation, slavery, and labor and environmental arbitrage that sustains our democratic socialist state.
Yeah, but he was no Einstein...
Crack, you talk a lot, but say little. You responded to me but had nothing to say about what I had written. You just talked about yourself, because that is all you are really interested in.
It isn't racist to note average IQs in different parts of the world. It's not a value judgement, but it is a meaningful measure. It is interesting to note that Israel has an average IQ of 93. This is lower than Ireland at 95, but much higher than Gaza at 83 (source I suspect there is a wider than usual spectrum of intelligence in Israel, but that is just speculation.
Is it racist to note that certain populations reliably thrive and innovate while others suffer and fail? Or to note that these groups are reliably identified by IQ?
'Zionists are the only people on the planet who think INBREEDING is the answer to problems. I'm assuming incest didn't work out,...'
The royalty of Europe would like a word...
"The leaders of the world have failed. They have failed to master the overriding concepts, the fundamentals and the day-to-day tactics."
Toxicity Doesn't Rule the Hamas-Israel Debate on U.S. College Campuses: As Jewish-Israeli scholars who work in U.S. universities, we know that the image of polarization and betrayal on campus is overblown. Most students and colleagues we encounter are curious and open-minded to learn more about the Israel-Hamas war
"Tell that to the Jews: Jews are Inbred - Ari Shaffir: JEW"
Ho Lee Shitz, Crack links to a standup comedy act to support (one of his) his insane comment(s).
How compelling. How intellectual. How... Crack.
FWIW, the comedian that Crack uses as a source also does a bit where God created Eve only because Adam was screwing animals.
One supposes Crack thinks that is 1) true and 2) a compelling argument.
WikiCrack level appeal to reason.
The Crack Emcee:
The one state solution is all there is now. The Israelis must grow up or leave.
Oddly, we have that here in the U.S. and you don't apply the same logic to yourself.
Be consistent.
The Crack Emcee:
Zionists are the only people on the planet who think INBREEDING is the answer to problems. I'm assuming incest didn't work out,...
Since you've stated that blacks are superior to whites, what are your thoughts on inter-racial marriage? Do you consider that diluting black genetics?
Be consistent.
The Crack Emcee:
Tell that to the Jews: Jews are Inbred - Ari Shaffir: JEW
It's a stand-up comedy routine. By that bar, you should believe the jokes blacks tell about the stupidity of other blacks.
"If Israel was a dude" Ah, I see where you've gone wrong. Israel is not, in fact, a dude. It is a country and that is a very different proposition.
The Crack Emcee:
Old and slow said...
"There is a reason why the average IQ in these places is so low, and you've put your finger on a part of it."
So racist.
Said the man who explicitly stated blacks were superior to whites.
Be consistent, Crack.
By the way, Palestinian is not a race.
Crack appears to have taken a refresher course under Prof Carron Phillips.
Why Kissinger, the author of the Cambodian bombing, and Ford's failed Detente strategy is considered some sort of foreign policy genius is beyond me.
It reminds me of the MSM attitude toward Robert MacNamera, the author of the greatest military fuckup in US History. He was constantly on TV in the 80s and 90s giving us his pearls of wisdom.
As for Palestine. THere will be peace in the Middle East, until our leaders stop kowtowing to Israel and big donor money and start looking at the conflict from the standpoint of morality and American interests. A withdraw of Israel from the west bank and back to their 67 borders could bring lasting peace. "Standing by Israel" and giving them bombs to kill arabs means endless war.
“ WHY DON’T PEOPLE WHO EXPRESS GRAVE CONCERN ABOUT PALESTINIAN CASUALTIES CALL ON HAMAS TO RELEASE ITS HOSTAGES AND SURRENDER?: Because they don’t really care about Palestinian well-being. The allegedly “pro-Palestine” movement’s main objective is to destroy the State of Israel, for various reasons–antisemitism, Islamism, pan-Arabism, hatred of the West. The welfare of actual Palestinians is at best a secondary concern. This, among others things, is why you see virtually no voices who claim to be concerned with Palestinian well-being calling on Hamas to surrender. Hamas’s surrender would surely be good for the Palestinians. It would end the war and its attendant destruction, and it would mean that some new group would govern Gaza, and that new government could hardly be worse than the corrupt, Islamist, war-mongering dictatorship of Hamas. But, and here’s the key, Hamas’s surrender would also benefit Israel. And the “movement” is happy to sacrifice both immediate and long-term Palestinian well-being to harm Israel.”
“In 2019, Mearsheimer said his preferred candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary was Bernie Sanders.[89] He has said that economic inequality in the United States was the greatest problem faced by the nation.[89]”
Mearsheimer is quite the “realist”, lol.
Unless one is from the South, “y’all” is the language of the radical douchebag.
Muslim forces were the ones that stopped the westward flow of the Mongols. That was their big achievement for Western Civ. It was the Mamluks who did this. The Mamluks while probably more Turkic than Arab were definitely Muslim....Islamic forces need to regain some of the self discipline and focus of the Mamluks if they wish to regain their place in the world. The Mamluks were castrated slaves. Nobody is more focused and disciplined than a castrated slave. They're not distracted by all that extraneous testosterone and freedom. I'm sure that if the fighters of Hamas would take it upon themselves to submit to castration and total subordination to a Caliph, they would achieve much better results against the IDF. I think Allah and His Prophet will someday judge them harshly for their lack of subordination to His will......While it's true that Isis has re-introduced the hallowed Islamic institution of slavery, much more needs to be done in order for Islam to recapture its former glory. Their first priority after the ceasefire should be building castration clinics and induction centers for volunteer slaves. That's what they need instead of all those tunnels and homemade rockets.
good grief that was a 1,000 years ago, before the fall of Baghdad to the Mongols, now consider any Arab country's contribution to western civilization,
I think more vitriol was unleashed against Kissinger for his support of the Cambodian bombing than was directed against Pol Pot and his many assistants for the murder of a quarter of the Cambodian population in the most horrid ways imaginable. But, of course, Pol Pot and his supporter weren't fascists so there's that.
Former IDF soldier speaks about Israeli public opinion during the Israel-Gaza war
Some say that war is the health of the state. That may or may not be true, but it seems certain to me that wars will continue as long as they remain every state's second worst outcome.
Movements often choose war as their first choice--war is the point of many movements and not-quite-state actors, and an imbalance of formal military power will, the longer a conflict goes on, work against a state more than against a movement.
I will concede that Israel's response in Gaza may prove counter productive. Only time will tell. That said, sometime there are no very good solutions to a problem, and this would seem to be one of those times. Either the radical Islamists will reform themselves and accept the modern world, or there will catastrophic war and they will lose.
So the pathetic whining baby is upset that his "opening to China" has proved a disaster. Burn in hell, Kissinger
I’d thought Gary Coleman passed away a few years back…
These are the kinds of comments that got Kissinger on the Kiev kill list. You know, the list that has contained several journalists who oppose the Kiev regime, and who subsequently died in violent deaths.
JAORE said...
FWIW, the comedian that Crack uses as a source also went to Hebrew School and you didn't.
yes Shawcross went a little overboard with Sideshow, he went back to sanity over time,
yes the foolish gesture of prince sihanouk allowing sanctuaries in Cambodia was the problem
Agreed. The one state solution is all there is now. The Israelis must grow up or leave.
Was that with or without right to return? That makes all the difference in the world.
Oligonicella said...
"Since you've stated that blacks are superior to whites,,..."
This is the second thread where you've said this about me - prove it. I can prove you're the racist who calls blacks "pissy cotton-heads," so your motivation to lie on me is clear.
BTW - I'm still waiting for Big Mike to prove I said I'm "cool with murdering babies/antisemitism"
I'm still waiting for Drago to provide evidence I said I have "vast experience" with "Command and Control Centers."
And, who can forget, hpuddings still-unproven claim that I said I'm "a justice warrior for the oppressed"?
You racists lie like you're Zionists looking at real estate.
JAORE said...
"Ho Lee Shitz, Crack links to a standup comedy act to support (one of his) his insane comment(s).
How compelling. How intellectual. How... Crack."
I count 7 replies to my post with Ari Shaffir, but not one of them - not one - gives me anything more compelling to chew on. No linked information on genetics, or replies from Jewish scholars or intellectuals. Nothing. But a bunch of racists running their fucking mouths, repeatedly lying (in the case of Oligonicella) and saying I'm stupid.
Y'all are dumber than you let on.
Blogger Iman said...
'Mearsheimer is quite the “realist”, lol.'
Do you deny he's called Ukraine correctly?
'So racist. Those places are where we get Arab numerals, and much, much more.'
What have you done for me lately?
The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, and now they're a hot mess.
There is no Palestinian Wakanda.
There's no black Wakanda for that matter.
Wishful thinking...
A withdraw of Israel from the west bank and back to their 67 borders could bring lasting peace
Either you're a comedian or you were born yesterday. How did Israel's withdrawal from Gaza pan out? And please don't respond with nonsense about the blockade and other responses which only took place when Hamas took over a couple of years later and started firing rockets at Israel.
As for the West Bank, Israel has offered essentially that several times, even though it would likely have the same result as with Gaza, and the Arabs have refused. They will not be satisfied with their own state. They want all of Israel. Period.
"... Those places are where we get Arab numerals..."
WE call them the Arabic numerals because we got them via the Arabs. But they were actually invented in India.
When I see that Crack has run away with a thread, I know that the best thing for me to do is go away. But let's just try one more time.
After WW1, the Ottoman Empire fell apart, and the League of Nations (then the only international authority that could have dealt with the situation), and then later its successor, the United Nations, took control of the remnants of that Empire, and one of the things it did was create out of that Empire a "two-state solution": Israel as a Jewish state and Jordan as a Muslim state. Muslims weren't expelled from what-became-Israel, nor barred from returning there.
Off and on for three-quarters of a century, Muslim states and Muslim groups have tried to destroy the Jewish state. They have failed.
The solution to peace in that part of the Middle East is for the Muslims to accept the 1948 compromise.
US prosperity is tied to ever expanding circles of economic cooperation across the world with its central pillar being its leadership of alliances among the advanced democracies. The advanced democracy base provides a platform from which further extensions of cooperation are pushed out to countries all over the world. The US has formal, treaty-based security relationships of long standing with virtually every other advanced democracy in the world. These are the crown jewels of American foreign and security policy. The central base for a better future -- for America and for other participants.
The US is maintaining with its support of the Ukraine through a large, highly cooperative relationship with the other countries of Nato a very traditional US foreign policy posture going back to Presidents Wilson, Roosevelt, and Truman. The 30 or so countries in this support network show high degrees of cohesiveness. In short there is exception goal congruence with our allies on Ukraine. The idea that support for the Ukraine can be sloughed off on regional powers is laughable (and these people are called "realists?").
Supporting the Netanyahu government's Gaza policy is something different. The support for the Netanyahu government's punitive and destructive bombardment of Gaza and infliction of massive civilian casualties is really only supported by the United States. The Netanyahu government is using bombardment and other military operations to do to Gaza what it did to Beirut in 2006 -- to establish "deterrence" through massive infliction of destruction and casualties. In short it is a chastisement policy out of the Middle Ages or the modern autocratic handbook. Gaza is the new Chechnya.
Briefly, there is little or no goal congruence among the other advanced democracies to support the basic policy framework being conducted in Gaza. No one likes Muslim terrorism, but many ask if what is going on in Gaza is the right response? Many are now concluding that some other road should have been taken.
The US and its allies are not congruent on Gaza policy. The Nato allies are holding their tongues only because they don't want to jeopardize US support for Ukraine. But American policy is creating deep and long-lasting tensions.
And the American people are walking on Biden's policy by the day. The American center is doing more than waver. This is a bad movie from a troubled past, one more exhibition that overall American foreign policy in the Greater Middle East has been on a multi-decade trajectory of failure and disappointment. It's not European or Far East policy that is failing. It is Middle East policy. Again.
The Godfather said...
Fuck off.
"US prosperity is tied to ever expanding circles of economic cooperation across the world..."
He means eventual military domination of the the entire world, just so you know what the neocons want. Right now the goal is to make sure that the Global South has no alternative but to accept the diktats of the United States, which will freeze their economic development beyond mining and oil extraction, in the name of "climate." Then we wonder why we are flooded with "refugees" who are actually fleeing our own policies of economic destruction wreaked on their countries.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Fuck off."
Crack at his eloquent best. Which part of the godfather's description of the history of Israel is factually incorrect? Facts, not childish emotional rants or opinions about morality and justice. Where is he mistaken?
Crisis response follows emergency procedures, where anything goes, not regular rules. So everything is a crisis, because if a problem is just a problem, the regular rules of problem solving would NOT allow one to push through Congress the desires of those ginning up the supposed crisis.
Old and slow said...
"Which part of the godfather's description of the history of Israel is factually incorrect? Facts, not childish emotional rants or opinions about morality and justice. Where is he mistaken?"
How do I know, when he didn't link to anything, to establish the truth of his words? His words, alone, are shit. This is how all of you operate. You talk and talk and talk, but don't back it up. You attack me for linking to a comedian, but guess what? It's evidence of some kind. Y'all don't even meet that standard - you don't even try - but declare yourselves the winners of every debate.
You're a collection of boobs.
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