Talk about whatever you want in the comments... and please consider using the Althouse Portal to Amazon to do your shopping. You'll be sending me a commission.
Just getting over a bout of Covid. More like a severe cold than anything else. First gout. Then an extended Achilles tendon. I can't wait for the next disaster.
just THINK of All the Problems that could be finally solved by eradicating entire groups of people! makes you wonder what "americans" 18-24 believe the "long-term answer" to america is?
December wasn't a good month in WW II for the USA.
Unless you were George Patton and his 3rd Army, and produced a fantastic demonstration of military planning and movement, pivoting 90 degrees from their line of attack across the Saar River to relieve Bastogne on December 26th, 1944.
"December 16th. Almost 80 years ago, the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. December wasn't a good month in WW II for the USA."
Yes, 99th Inf Div and 2 Inf Div fight and win in confusion. 101 Airborne and 10th Armor were there at Bastogne when the 3d Armor arrived. Montie wants all of Bradley's men and gas. 2nd Lieuts either shot in the back or promoted to Major. My Father in-law commanded A co. 38th Inf Rgt 2 div in Korea in 51, a place called Mount Baldy.
My dad was an 18 year old marine on Okinawa. Is it not a boon to American mothers that there is so much less violence now?
Lem the artificially intelligent said... Best Laptop deal ever. (via Amazon Althouse link)
HP 14" Latest Stream Laptop Ultral Light for Students and Business, Intel Celeron 16GB RAM, 576GB Storage (64GB eMMC+512GB Micro SD), 1 Year Office 365, HDMI, WiFi, USB-A&C, Win 11 +GM Accessory. Weight: 3.24 lbs
All that for $334.33
14" screen is too small and virtually no one buys the really sick Intel Celeron N4120. Celerons are for users who want the absolute lowest cost and performance that goes with it. If you care about anything snappy and not having to wait or be bogged down, or random freezes while something loads.... avoid these.
George Soros, his foundations, the woke DAs and the city governments that undermine criminal justice are conspiring to obstruct justice. Could these entities be prosecuted/sued under the RICO statues?
Alex Jones owes Sandy Hook families $1.5 billion, but offers them $55 million to settle his legal claims, which they should take, because - if Israel's "deals" to the Palestinians are any indication of how the world works now - America's going to force them to take it, and like it, or else.
ALSO: "The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."
Many Arab states have come to accept the presence of Israel and there's no reason to think that the people in Gaza can't change and do the same and be better off. But what the kids don't realize is that the problem is Iran-financed terrorism and that that won't go away no matter how many allies we sell out. People here in the US are convinced that we can start our wars and stop them and go back to peace as the mood strikes us whereas we're in as much danger as the Ukrainians and Israelis right now. The blow is slowly descending. It's like watching those videos where the sky above the Israeli music festival starts filling with the oncoming drones and paragliders and people are just dancing and singing and talking.
December 1941 - Pearl harbor December 1944 - Battle of Bulge - 16000 dead Americans and at the end we're no closer to victory. December 1943: stalemate in Italy and the pacific.
But what the hey, we were killing those Goddamn krauts and japs so December was the best month ever.
On December 26, 1944, the first spearhead units of the Third Army's 4th Armored Division reached Bastogne, opening a corridor for relief and resupply of the besieged forces. Patton's ability to disengage six divisions from front-line combat during the middle of winter, then wheel north to relieve Bastogne was one of his most remarkable achievements during the war. He later wrote that the relief of Bastogne was "the most brilliant operation we have thus far performed, and it is in my opinion the outstanding achievement of the war. This is my biggest battle."
Among the units fighting under Patton was the segregated 761st Tank Battalion which included 2Lt Jackie Robinson.
"Just getting over a bout of Covid. More like a severe cold than anything else."
Me too. It was my first time having it. I am glad I finally got it. I wouldn't call mine a "severe cold," more of a mild cold with a fever, headache, and body aches thrown in to provide the misery. But they only lasted a day, and frankly, were not that bad either. Regular cold meds and Tylenol handled everything, though I have been dragging for over a week. My bout with the flu in January was far worse. It's been almost ten days, though, and my nose is still stuffy and am still testing positive. Never lost my sense of taste. That's the only symptom I didn't get.
Then they wonder why Republicans tell their kids not to join the military. According to the Daily Mail, the US missed its recruiting numbers by 41,000. The newest super-carrier, the Gerald Ford, is deployed short by about 500 sailors. Sorry all of you people who think that these wars are great fun to watch, and pair well with your popcorn, but the warrior class in the US is on strike.
Maybe if we call their dads and uncles traitors hard enough, for how they vote, that will convince them to join up.
" we're in as much danger as the Ukrainians and Israelis right now."
Let me introduce you to the concept of "oceans." Here is another idea. Read George Washington's farewell address.
We overthrew the government in Kiev 3 times, "Orange Revolution," that didn't do the trick, then when Ukraine elected a new parliament in 2007 that wanted to rule out NATO membership, it was unconstitutionally dissolved, and then in 2014, we backed a coup against the democratically elected government there, triggering a civil war, and still, Zelensky got elected in a landslide on a platform of living peacefully with Russia. This promise was simply ignored. We wanted the war with Russia. Every Russian leader from Gorbachev on, even including those in opposition, said that if Ukraine joined NATO, it would mean war, and still Joe Biden sent Ukraine a letter promising them entry into NATO, and sure enough, in less than six months, there was the war that Joe Biden wanted to trigger. He even told Putin that the US would not get that upset over a "minor incursion," which was his way of saying "go on in, the water's fine."
51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.”
Only 32% said they believed in a two-state solution, and just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations.
A full 60% of the same demographic said Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attack could be “justified by the grievance of Palestinians”
53% of young Americans said students should be free to call for the “genocide of jews” without consequences.
A full 67% of 18-24 year olds said they believed Jews “should be treated as oppressors”
Americans of all ages said they were tuned into the conflict, with 69% telling the survey they were paying “very close” or “somewhat close” attention. That figure rose to 81% for Americans 18-24.
CONCLUSION: "Turn on, tune in, and drop out" of the Zionist's baby-killing business.
"Many Arab states have come to accept the presence of Israel and there's no reason to think that the people in Gaza can't change and do the same and be better off."
"Many Arab states have come to accept the presence of Israel and there's no reason to think that the people in Gaza can't change and do the same and be better off."
You live in a sick cartoon world where Palestinians can be moved-at-will and even killed - BUT NOT JEWS. I'll tell you what: you go to Meadehouse and kill their plants - just wipe out the garden they've been tending with care - and then see how long you'll still be commenting here.
Tay, an A.I. chatbot designed to mimic the inflections and preoccupations of a teen-age girl. The chatbot was set up to interact with Twitter users, and almost immediately Tay began posting racist, sexist, and homophobic content, including the statement 'Hitler was right.'...
If Trump doesn't run, the GOP is toast. Nobody wants to be near such assholes. Especially because it seems like they get worse as the election approaches. They feel a little power, and it goes right to their heads, and then their worst impulses are revealed: they not only want us to live under the shadow of racists, but now they're racists even into killing kids. Just disgusting.
during [WWII], widely published reports of mass killings of Jews in Europe caused no change whatsoever in the attitude of 80 percent of Americans toward Jews, and only 12 percent of Americans were moved to feel more sympathy for Jews after the Holocaust.
And those widely published reports turned out to be true, the mass killings real and perpetrated by the people who were actually reported to have been committing them.
Just going to let this sit here to see whether it has any effect on Crack's quixotic (quixotic here, anyway) attempts to convince readers that Israel is the monster (oh, and this commentariat too, you know, "y'all," as he folksily puts it, are monsters as much as "y'all" are racists, both accusations offered as conclusions drawn merely and almost exclusively from a lack of support - what a way to live) and Hamas a brave and noble coalition of freedom fighters committed to righting the wrongs perpetrated on the peaceful Palestinian people, who were just minding their own business until evil Zionists came along and kicked sand in their faces.
Among the units fighting under Patton was the segregated 761st Tank Battalion which included 2Lt Jackie Robinson.
That's partially true. Jackie Robinson was part of the 761st Tank Battalion, but he was transferred out because of a racist incident on an Army bus at Camp Hood. The commander of the 761st refused to court martial him, so higher authority transferred him to another outfit where he was court martialed and acquitted. Because of the court martial, he never left the states.
"Crack", speaking for his tribe, declares: Unlike some people, we don't like killing babies.
I guess this doesn't apply to killing your own. Black-on-Black homicide in America kills young people in truly obscene numbers. Why not take a stand on that, "Homie"?
Y'all can talk all the shit you want, but, when it comes to what the world thinks of you, the world agrees with me. NewAgers don't like me - and many of you have defended that, too, so that figures. But I don't worry about being taken hostage. Nobody associates me with the government. No one blames me for any coup that erased a democratically elected leader. I've socialized in the French ghettos that scare American whites so much. I'm welcome in Arab homes. My Best Friend is a Muslim. Never felt threatened anywhere in the world, except by whites - and Nazis even. Hell, even most white people like me, and when people like you start your bullshit, they tell each other to knock it off. Then they make apologies.
Hamas set a trap and Israel stepped in it. Now the evil of Zionism has put a bloody stain on Judaism it may never wash off. Israel can't win a political battle with its military and everybody knows it. The International Criminal Court has already been alerted by South Africa.
And Bill Maher is still an idiot - which you knew when Ham slammed him - but since "forgot."
BTW - That presto-change-o changing-your-ideological-spots thing may look cool - to you - but nobody's gonna believe a thing so-called conservatives say after this. Kiss the black vote goodbye. Your "movement" is toast - and shit. Hey: the right as a shit sandwich. Works for me.
"I guess this doesn't apply to killing your own. Black-on-Black homicide in America kills young people in truly obscene numbers. Why not take a stand on that, "Homie"?"
You're dropping bombs on children. You have no moral standing to challenge anyone on anything. You are the lowest of the low.
"Despite efforts from a group of Republican lawmakers, a Confederate statue in the Arlington National Cemetery will be removed in the coming days.
The Reconciliation Monument, known as the Confederate Statue, is part of the push to remove military installations named after the Confederacy in the wake of the summer 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.
According to a press release from the national cemetery, the statue will be removed from the cemetery by Dec. 22.
The Congressional mandate, passed in 2020, declared that the Department of Defense must remove all "names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederate States of America" by Jan. 1, 2024."
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "Y'all can talk all the shit you want, but, when it comes to what the world thinks of you, the world agrees with me."
You weak little pathetic dude.
Yeah, you've always been about the mo, havent you?
And "the world" neither knows nor cares that you exist. I would just like to be there at the moment your 7th Death Cultists give you the inevitable ultimatum: convert or die.
If you think anyone gives a fuck about abortion, after you've been dropping bombs on children, then you're seriously misreading the moral moment.
Well, he's certainly right about that, anyway. Apparently the "moral moment" is that it's cool to keep your children, at gunpoint, in a war zone where your enemy - your sworn enemy, in that you have sworn to keep them as your enemy come hell or high water - has been going well beyond the Geneva Conventions to encourage and assist civilians in leaving, after first targeting and killing your enemy's children. And the "moral moment" is also that aborting between 600,000 and a million fetuses a year, with black girls and women aborting at 4-5 times the rate of white girls and women despite their much lower proportion in the population, is also cool.
So, Crack is right.
As he asserts that "the world" agrees with him, maybe he ought to consider whether being in that world's good graces is a consummation devoutly to be wished?
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack is so naive and so astonishingly stupid, he actually thinks all the Gulf State Arabs are aligned with his moronic 7th Century Death Cult murderers!
Spoiler: (so many "spoilers", no?) the Gulf States dont want to go backwards with the 7th Death Cultists like Crack. The Gulf State leaders want to move forward and build a future...unlike Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, etc.
But its still so much worse than that!
Crack STILL believes, and it almost seems impossible that anyone could be this stupid, but that's our Crack(!), the "Palestinians" (a made up "people" invented by Arafat and the KGB in the mid-60's), actually owned the land in Israel!
Of course, they did not.
By 1947 Jews in Israel had purchased ALL the land they lived on...and they purchased that land from the legal landowners, generally wealthy absentee landlords, who lived in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.
The made-up "Palestinians" legally owned basically...none of it. They were tenant farmers or just hangers on no different than migrant farm workers in CA today.
Poor, poor, dumb, uninformed Crack.
And now Crack thinks the Jews are just going to hand over the half trillion $ annual GDP economy (yes, with just 7 million Jewish people its a half trillion $ annual GDP and trillions more in developed and realized national value) to Crack's beloved terrorist amigos so they can drag everything back to the 7th century, enslave women and keep cutting heads off!
Sure they will Crack, suuuuuure they will.
Better get yourself another keyboard Crack. You're going to need it given the cowardly failures of your cowardly terrorist "heroes" that you'll keep banging out love poems to...
I wonder what the odds are that a keyboard purchased by the woeful Crack was designed by Israelis? One has to remember the Israeli tech sector is the second most successful behind Silicon Valley!
Someone else will need to explain what that means to Crack since I dont have the patience to deal with total dolts.
Interestingly, for over a thousand years the muslims enslaved black africans and it was islamic policy to neuter just about every single black male.
I had always considered that a barbaric practice.
However, when one reads Crack's lunatic screeds, you begin to wonder if maybe, just maybe, Crack's muslim heroes know something we dont.
Now, if you've been reading Althouse blog for any period of time, you will understand that its quite likely that my pointing out what the islamic supremacists did for 1000+ years will lead Crack to blame me for what his islamic supremacist heroes did.
It is indeed a hard fact that the Arabs stole land, homes, businesses and money belonging to Jews.
They fleeced & ethnically cleansed 1 million Jews out of Arab lands. Even expelling them from Jerusalem.
But as mentioned above, in Israel the Jews had purchased all the land they lived on from the previous Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian and Ottoman owners.
The Jews often paid 4 and 5 times the value of the land as it meant that much to them.
Hardcopy records of these transactions have been maintained and can be viewed by those that, unlike idiot liars like Crack, are interested in the real history of the middle east and not the revisionist history vomited up by terrorist simps.
Crack's proudest moment of Oct 7: the merciless Hamas gang murder of a Tanzanian black african kid who had arrived just a month earlier and could not speak either arabic or hebrew.
Watch how Crack's heroes obliterate him long after they beat him and murdered him like a dog.
According to Crack, what Hamas did on Oct 7 was the equivalent of a yoga class.
That's what psycho Crack really said.
Meanwhile, apparently, this poor kids father in Tanzania is unable to accept the reality of the murder of his son, 21 years old, first time he had ever left his country.
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७० टिप्पण्या:
Just getting over a bout of Covid. More like a severe cold than anything else. First gout. Then an extended Achilles tendon. I can't wait for the next disaster.
Best Laptop deal ever. (via Amazon Althouse link)
HP 14" Latest Stream Laptop Ultral Light for Students and Business, Intel Celeron 16GB RAM, 576GB Storage (64GB eMMC+512GB Micro SD), 1 Year Office 365, HDMI, WiFi, USB-A&C, Win 11 +GM Accessory. Weight: 3.24 lbs
All that for $334.33
Two beautiful pics!
December 16th. Almost 80 years ago, the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. December wasn't a good month in WW II for the USA.
looks like rcocean has company
Harvard-Harris polling, found 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.”
just THINK of All the Problems that could be finally solved by eradicating entire groups of people!
makes you wonder what "americans" 18-24 believe the "long-term answer" to america is?
December wasn't a good month in WW II for the USA.
Unless you were George Patton and his 3rd Army, and produced a fantastic demonstration of military planning and movement, pivoting 90 degrees from their line of attack across the Saar River to relieve Bastogne on December 26th, 1944.
"December 16th. Almost 80 years ago, the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. December wasn't a good month in WW II for the USA."
Yes, 99th Inf Div and 2 Inf Div fight and win in confusion. 101 Airborne and 10th Armor were there at Bastogne when the 3d Armor arrived. Montie wants all of Bradley's men and gas. 2nd Lieuts either shot in the back or promoted to Major. My Father in-law commanded A co. 38th Inf Rgt 2 div in Korea in 51, a place called Mount Baldy.
My dad was an 18 year old marine on Okinawa. Is it not a boon to American mothers that there is so much less violence now?
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
Best Laptop deal ever. (via Amazon Althouse link)
HP 14" Latest Stream Laptop Ultral Light for Students and Business, Intel Celeron 16GB RAM, 576GB Storage (64GB eMMC+512GB Micro SD), 1 Year Office 365, HDMI, WiFi, USB-A&C, Win 11 +GM Accessory. Weight: 3.24 lbs
All that for $334.33
14" screen is too small and virtually no one buys the really sick Intel Celeron N4120. Celerons are for users who want the absolute lowest cost and performance that goes with it. If you care about anything snappy and not having to wait or be bogged down, or random freezes while something loads.... avoid these.
George Soros, his foundations, the woke DAs and the city governments that undermine criminal justice are conspiring to obstruct justice. Could these entities be prosecuted/sued under the RICO statues?
Alex Jones owes Sandy Hook families $1.5 billion, but offers them $55 million to settle his legal claims, which they should take, because - if Israel's "deals" to the Palestinians are any indication of how the world works now - America's going to force them to take it, and like it, or else.
Native American museum returns LDS Church’s $2 million gift, but white and Jewish America are forcing them to take it - and like it - or else.
And they have to say the Mormons never did anything to anyone - ever - AND they're pleased-as-punch to publicly admit it.
Man, being "good people" don't work like they said it does,....
Israel is “battle-testing” its military equipment on Palestinians — and selling it abroad.
Because GOD.
CNN visited a Gaza hospital. This is what we saw
"Are we the baddies?"
From the river to the see my ass
Zionists "feeling threatened" killed three half naked hostages waving a white flag
Like an elephant seeing a mouse and going on a rampage,...
Nelson Mandela: "If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don't care for human beings."
ALSO: "The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."
Many Arab states have come to accept the presence of Israel and there's no reason to think that the people in Gaza can't change and do the same and be better off. But what the kids don't realize is that the problem is Iran-financed terrorism and that that won't go away no matter how many allies we sell out. People here in the US are convinced that we can start our wars and stop them and go back to peace as the mood strikes us whereas we're in as much danger as the Ukrainians and Israelis right now. The blow is slowly descending. It's like watching those videos where the sky above the Israeli music festival starts filling with the oncoming drones and paragliders and people are just dancing and singing and talking.
@ gilbar “long term answer” sounds awfully like “final solution”, doesn’t it?
Two Live Jews - SHAMEFUL: Harvard Prof's Wife BERATES Student for Wearing Keffiyeh
December 1941 - Pearl harbor
December 1944 - Battle of Bulge - 16000 dead Americans and at the end we're no closer to victory.
December 1943: stalemate in Italy and the pacific.
But what the hey, we were killing those Goddamn krauts and japs so December was the best month ever.
Says the Dumbos.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: America is declining RAPIDLY
Joe Rogan on Bill Maher
‘Hamas not the existential threat to Israel': John Mearsheimer
The west is using "threat inflation" to justify what Israel is doing.
WIKI sez:
On December 26, 1944, the first spearhead units of the Third Army's 4th Armored Division reached Bastogne, opening a corridor for relief and resupply of the besieged forces. Patton's ability to disengage six divisions from front-line combat during the middle of winter, then wheel north to relieve Bastogne was one of his most remarkable achievements during the war. He later wrote that the relief of Bastogne was "the most brilliant operation we have thus far performed, and it is in my opinion the outstanding achievement of the war. This is my biggest battle."
Among the units fighting under Patton was the segregated 761st Tank Battalion which included 2Lt Jackie Robinson.
"Just getting over a bout of Covid. More like a severe cold than anything else."
Me too. It was my first time having it. I am glad I finally got it. I wouldn't call mine a "severe cold," more of a mild cold with a fever, headache, and body aches thrown in to provide the misery. But they only lasted a day, and frankly, were not that bad either. Regular cold meds and Tylenol handled everything, though I have been dragging for over a week. My bout with the flu in January was far worse. It's been almost ten days, though, and my nose is still stuffy and am still testing positive. Never lost my sense of taste. That's the only symptom I didn't get.
The ads are so disgusting on Instapundit that I only go there with the Brave browser.
They destroy our monuments and national symbols>
They criminalize political opposition.
Then they wonder why Republicans tell their kids not to join the military. According to the Daily Mail, the US missed its recruiting numbers by 41,000. The newest super-carrier, the Gerald Ford, is deployed short by about 500 sailors. Sorry all of you people who think that these wars are great fun to watch, and pair well with your popcorn, but the warrior class in the US is on strike.
Maybe if we call their dads and uncles traitors hard enough, for how they vote, that will convince them to join up.
" we're in as much danger as the Ukrainians and Israelis right now."
Let me introduce you to the concept of "oceans." Here is another idea. Read George Washington's farewell address.
We overthrew the government in Kiev 3 times, "Orange Revolution," that didn't do the trick, then when Ukraine elected a new parliament in 2007 that wanted to rule out NATO membership, it was unconstitutionally dissolved, and then in 2014, we backed a coup against the democratically elected government there, triggering a civil war, and still, Zelensky got elected in a landslide on a platform of living peacefully with Russia. This promise was simply ignored. We wanted the war with Russia. Every Russian leader from Gorbachev on, even including those in opposition, said that if Ukraine joined NATO, it would mean war, and still Joe Biden sent Ukraine a letter promising them entry into NATO, and sure enough, in less than six months, there was the war that Joe Biden wanted to trigger. He even told Putin that the US would not get that upset over a "minor incursion," which was his way of saying "go on in, the water's fine."
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.”
Only 32% said they believed in a two-state solution, and just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations.
A full 60% of the same demographic said Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attack could be “justified by the grievance of Palestinians”
53% of young Americans said students should be free to call for the “genocide of jews” without consequences.
A full 67% of 18-24 year olds said they believed Jews “should be treated as oppressors”
Americans of all ages said they were tuned into the conflict, with 69% telling the survey they were paying “very close” or “somewhat close” attention. That figure rose to 81% for Americans 18-24.
CONCLUSION: "Turn on, tune in, and drop out" of the Zionist's baby-killing business.
wildswan said...
"Many Arab states have come to accept the presence of Israel and there's no reason to think that the people in Gaza can't change and do the same and be better off."
HERE'S A REASON: You're killing their kids.
Caroline said...
@ gilbar “long term answer” sounds awfully like “final solution”, doesn’t it?
Wannabe Nazis don't get it. The didn't the first time, either.
tim in vermont said...
"we backed a coup against the democratically elected government there"
Every time you hear a complaint overseas, like someone calling us "The Great Satan," you should think that's a possibility. And then brag to everybody, as loudly as you can, about how fucking "hawt" you think we are. Always a crowd-pleaser.
wildswan said...
"Many Arab states have come to accept the presence of Israel and there's no reason to think that the people in Gaza can't change and do the same and be better off."
You live in a sick cartoon world where Palestinians can be moved-at-will and even killed - BUT NOT JEWS. I'll tell you what: you go to Meadehouse and kill their plants - just wipe out the garden they've been tending with care - and then see how long you'll still be commenting here.
No reason, my ass. You're an oblivious monster.
Tay, an A.I. chatbot designed to mimic the inflections and preoccupations of a teen-age girl. The chatbot was set up to interact with Twitter users, and almost immediately Tay began posting racist, sexist, and homophobic content, including the statement 'Hitler was right.'...
well? Sounds like they mimiced a teen-age girl pretty well!
51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas
Black American solidarity with Palestinians is rising and testing longstanding ties to Jewish allies
As expected. Unlike some people, we don't like killing babies.
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
If Trump doesn't run, the GOP is toast. Nobody wants to be near such assholes. Especially because it seems like they get worse as the election approaches. They feel a little power, and it goes right to their heads, and then their worst impulses are revealed: they not only want us to live under the shadow of racists, but now they're racists even into killing kids. Just disgusting.
And a total loser.
If Hamas were to take all of Israel - all of Israel would look and be just like Gaza.
The concentration camp comes from Hamas.
From this collection of letters to the editor at Commentary. The commenter is referring to a passage from Jews In the Mind of America:
during [WWII], widely published reports of mass killings of Jews in Europe caused no change whatsoever in the attitude of 80 percent of Americans toward Jews, and only 12 percent of Americans were moved to feel more sympathy for Jews after the Holocaust.
And those widely published reports turned out to be true, the mass killings real and perpetrated by the people who were actually reported to have been committing them.
Just going to let this sit here to see whether it has any effect on Crack's quixotic (quixotic here, anyway) attempts to convince readers that Israel is the monster (oh, and this commentariat too, you know, "y'all," as he folksily puts it, are monsters as much as "y'all" are racists, both accusations offered as conclusions drawn merely and almost exclusively from a lack of support - what a way to live) and Hamas a brave and noble coalition of freedom fighters committed to righting the wrongs perpetrated on the peaceful Palestinian people, who were just minding their own business until evil Zionists came along and kicked sand in their faces.
“As expected. Unlike some people, we don't like killing babies.”
That certainly flies in the face of the extremely high number of aborted black babies every year for decades.
Crack carpet bombs the Althouse blog. Given thought to a cease fire?
Gadfly said:
Among the units fighting under Patton was the segregated 761st Tank Battalion which included 2Lt Jackie Robinson.
That's partially true. Jackie Robinson was part of the 761st Tank Battalion, but he was transferred out because of a racist incident on an Army bus at Camp Hood. The commander of the 761st refused to court martial him, so higher authority transferred him to another outfit where he was court martialed and acquitted. Because of the court martial, he never left the states.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote "Brothers in Arms: THE EPIC STORY OF THE 761ST TANK BATTALION, WWII'S FORGOTTEN HEROES". It's an excellent read.
The Crack Emcee said...
As expected. Unlike some people, we don't like killing babies.
That's not what the abortion data says.
Reported Legal Abortions by Race of Women Who Obtained Abortion by the State of Occurrence
"Crack", speaking for his tribe, declares: Unlike some people, we don't like killing babies.
I guess this doesn't apply to killing your own. Black-on-Black homicide in America kills young people in truly obscene numbers. Why not take a stand on that, "Homie"?
Bad luck things come in 3s, Rusty.
Don’t prove an adage wrong!
Glad you’re feeling better.
It’s not a battle about land.
Y'all can talk all the shit you want, but, when it comes to what the world thinks of you, the world agrees with me. NewAgers don't like me - and many of you have defended that, too, so that figures. But I don't worry about being taken hostage. Nobody associates me with the government. No one blames me for any coup that erased a democratically elected leader. I've socialized in the French ghettos that scare American whites so much. I'm welcome in Arab homes. My Best Friend is a Muslim. Never felt threatened anywhere in the world, except by whites - and Nazis even. Hell, even most white people like me, and when people like you start your bullshit, they tell each other to knock it off. Then they make apologies.
Hamas set a trap and Israel stepped in it. Now the evil of Zionism has put a bloody stain on Judaism it may never wash off. Israel can't win a political battle with its military and everybody knows it. The International Criminal Court has already been alerted by South Africa.
And Bill Maher is still an idiot - which you knew when Ham slammed him - but since "forgot."
BTW - That presto-change-o changing-your-ideological-spots thing may look cool - to you - but nobody's gonna believe a thing so-called conservatives say after this. Kiss the black vote goodbye. Your "movement" is toast - and shit. Hey: the right as a shit sandwich. Works for me.
Colonel Mustard said...
"I guess this doesn't apply to killing your own. Black-on-Black homicide in America kills young people in truly obscene numbers. Why not take a stand on that, "Homie"?"
You're dropping bombs on children. You have no moral standing to challenge anyone on anything. You are the lowest of the low.
William50 said...
"That's not what the abortion data says."
If you think anyone gives a fuck about abortion, after you've been dropping bombs on children, then you're seriously misreading the moral moment.
Marianne Williamson in DAMAGE CONTROL Mode After TRAINWRECK Interview on Palestine
Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery to be removed despite GOP opposition
"Despite efforts from a group of Republican lawmakers, a Confederate statue in the Arlington National Cemetery will be removed in the coming days.
The Reconciliation Monument, known as the Confederate Statue, is part of the push to remove military installations named after the Confederacy in the wake of the summer 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.
According to a press release from the national cemetery, the statue will be removed from the cemetery by Dec. 22.
The Congressional mandate, passed in 2020, declared that the Department of Defense must remove all "names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederate States of America" by Jan. 1, 2024."
Hay Is For Horses: Reading Between The (Circular) Lines (Of Reasoning) On Louise Hay (And AIDS Death)
In 2008, one of America's great NewAge leaders gave her view on the Holocaust, and no one batted an eye.
FOX NEWS - Biden: Israel is starting to lose support around the world
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "Y'all can talk all the shit you want, but, when it comes to what the world thinks of you, the world agrees with me."
You weak little pathetic dude.
Yeah, you've always been about the mo, havent you?
And "the world" neither knows nor cares that you exist. I would just like to be there at the moment your 7th Death Cultists give you the inevitable ultimatum: convert or die.
“Hell, even most white people like me, and when people like you start your bullshit, they tell each other to knock it off. Then they make apologies.”
The problem seems to be you aren’t astute enough to realize there are times you should shut your own cakehole, crackers.
“If you think anyone gives a fuck about abortion, after you've been dropping bombs on children, then you're seriously misreading the moral moment.”
Ooohhh… dat’s a HOT TAKE! 🥱… 😴
SPARKS FLY: Journalist SPARS with Briahna Over TRUTH in Israel/Hamas War OR Another Supporter Of Zionist Murder Comes Undone
If you think anyone gives a fuck about abortion, after you've been dropping bombs on children, then you're seriously misreading the moral moment.
Well, he's certainly right about that, anyway. Apparently the "moral moment" is that it's cool to keep your children, at gunpoint, in a war zone where your enemy - your sworn enemy, in that you have sworn to keep them as your enemy come hell or high water - has been going well beyond the Geneva Conventions to encourage and assist civilians in leaving, after first targeting and killing your enemy's children. And the "moral moment" is also that aborting between 600,000 and a million fetuses a year, with black girls and women aborting at 4-5 times the rate of white girls and women despite their much lower proportion in the population, is also cool.
So, Crack is right.
As he asserts that "the world" agrees with him, maybe he ought to consider whether being in that world's good graces is a consummation devoutly to be wished?
The Crack Emcee says
If you think anyone gives a fuck about abortion, after you've been dropping bombs on children, then you're seriously misreading the moral moment.
I haven't dropped a bomb on anyone and haven't stated any opinion on the Hamas, Israeli conflict.
I merely showed that your statement about black people not wanting to kill babies was not supported by the data. That is all.
Killing is killing, whether you blow them to pieces with a bomb or rip them to pieces in the womb. The result is the same.
“IDF discovers Hama trove of rigged dolls, children’s backpacks, explosives.”
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack is so naive and so astonishingly stupid, he actually thinks all the Gulf State Arabs are aligned with his moronic 7th Century Death Cult murderers!
Spoiler: (so many "spoilers", no?) the Gulf States dont want to go backwards with the 7th Death Cultists like Crack. The Gulf State leaders want to move forward and build a future...unlike Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, etc.
But its still so much worse than that!
Crack STILL believes, and it almost seems impossible that anyone could be this stupid, but that's our Crack(!), the "Palestinians" (a made up "people" invented by Arafat and the KGB in the mid-60's), actually owned the land in Israel!
Of course, they did not.
By 1947 Jews in Israel had purchased ALL the land they lived on...and they purchased that land from the legal landowners, generally wealthy absentee landlords, who lived in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.
The made-up "Palestinians" legally owned basically...none of it. They were tenant farmers or just hangers on no different than migrant farm workers in CA today.
Poor, poor, dumb, uninformed Crack.
And now Crack thinks the Jews are just going to hand over the half trillion $ annual GDP economy (yes, with just 7 million Jewish people its a half trillion $ annual GDP and trillions more in developed and realized national value) to Crack's beloved terrorist amigos so they can drag everything back to the 7th century, enslave women and keep cutting heads off!
Sure they will Crack, suuuuuure they will.
Better get yourself another keyboard Crack. You're going to need it given the cowardly failures of your cowardly terrorist "heroes" that you'll keep banging out love poems to...
I wonder what the odds are that a keyboard purchased by the woeful Crack was designed by Israelis? One has to remember the Israeli tech sector is the second most successful behind Silicon Valley!
Someone else will need to explain what that means to Crack since I dont have the patience to deal with total dolts.
Interestingly, for over a thousand years the muslims enslaved black africans and it was islamic policy to neuter just about every single black male.
I had always considered that a barbaric practice.
However, when one reads Crack's lunatic screeds, you begin to wonder if maybe, just maybe, Crack's muslim heroes know something we dont.
Now, if you've been reading Althouse blog for any period of time, you will understand that its quite likely that my pointing out what the islamic supremacists did for 1000+ years will lead Crack to blame me for what his islamic supremacist heroes did.
Lets see what happens.
It is indeed a hard fact that the Arabs stole land, homes, businesses and money belonging to Jews.
They fleeced & ethnically cleansed 1 million Jews out of Arab lands. Even expelling them from Jerusalem.
But as mentioned above, in Israel the Jews had purchased all the land they lived on from the previous Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian and Ottoman owners.
The Jews often paid 4 and 5 times the value of the land as it meant that much to them.
Hardcopy records of these transactions have been maintained and can be viewed by those that, unlike idiot liars like Crack, are interested in the real history of the middle east and not the revisionist history vomited up by terrorist simps.
Crack's proudest moment of Oct 7: the merciless Hamas gang murder of a Tanzanian black african kid who had arrived just a month earlier and could not speak either arabic or hebrew.
Watch how Crack's heroes obliterate him long after they beat him and murdered him like a dog.
According to Crack, what Hamas did on Oct 7 was the equivalent of a yoga class.
That's what psycho Crack really said.
Meanwhile, apparently, this poor kids father in Tanzania is unable to accept the reality of the murder of his son, 21 years old, first time he had ever left his country.
Crack has posted on this thread 22 times as of 1:49pm. Apparently, he had nothing else to do this Sunday.
SteveWe said...
Crack has posted on this thread 22 times as of 1:49pm. Apparently, he had nothing else to do this Sunday.
Look at the time stamps: I'm living a full life, Fool.
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