Write about whatever you like in the comments, and, please, support this blog by going into Amazon through the Althouse portal when you have some shopping to do.
Michigan Gov Whitmer orders state government fleet to be 100% electric Under Whitmer's actions, Michigan's state agencies must convert all state-owned light-duty vehicles to zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) by 2033 and all medium and heavy-duty vehicles by 2040. ALL heavy-duty vehicles by 2040.. This (apparently) will include Snowplows.. Think about THAT for a bit. I guess it wouldn't be a problem.. As Long As snows fall only in small amounts with Long gaps between snows.
That's how it IS in Michigan.. Right? They NEVER have to plow for more than a few hours a day.. Right?
D.D. Driver said... Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper. A new holiday tradition! Who said the Dems hate Christmas?
And I never thought or knew that Governor Evers used the initials "DNR," which I always thought meant Democrats, Nobodies, and Republicans.
What is a central woodchipper good for if you cannot dump the chips into a landfill or burn them?
Surprised today to see intellectual heavyweights Glenn Loury and John McWhorter agreeing that the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis, available on Rumble, had caused them to seriously doubt that Derrick Chauvin had killed George Floyd.
If so, we have a new Dreyfus. But much bigger. But hey, maybe the left will get lucky with number 23.
In other climate change news, Western Washington is receiving a Pineapple Express deluge. Rivers are flooding (the Snoqualmie is at flood phase 3, with 24,000 cfs flow rate), roads are flooding, low-lying fields are flooding, and rain has been falling for over 20 hours. This kind of weather NEVER happens here. Except for every late fall. Then the rivers flood, the sky opens up, and stupid people drive their cars into the flood waters. But, according to climate change hysterics, this fall flooding is catastrophic weather that proves climate change.
Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper. A new holiday tradition! Who said the Dems hate Christmas?
If you have to drag it someplace else, it'll be just as easy to take it to the governor's mansion and donate it to his Christmas fund. He'll really appreciate all the kindness the people of Milwaukee have shown him.
My favorite Christmas movie: The Merry Gentleman (2008) with Michael Keaton (free on Peacock, for rent on Amazon Prime My favorite lines of dialogue from my favorite Christmas movie: Kate: “If the devil himself went up to heaven and said to God, “You know, I’m tired and I’m sorry and I don’t want to be the devil anymore. What would God do?” Diane: “He’d know better.” 1 The beginning might make you think it’s woke - it’s not. 2 It’s flawed - but that only makes me like it more.
@gilbar, have you noticed that Democrats demand that cars with gas-powered, internal combustion engines be replaced with electric vehicles but have not done anything to increase electricity generation capacity, have not done anything to increase the capacity or robustness of the grid, and today I read that although the mis-named Build Back Better act earmarked $7.5 Billion for the creation of new charging stations, so far not a single one has been built?
With respect to Michigan, has the state government (1) calculated how much electricity they will need to charge up all those vehicles while still meeting normal demands by the citizenry for electrical power; (2) ensured that they will have access to that much electrical power, both generated and conveyed to homes and state buildings via a robust infrastructure; (3) have room in the budget to afford to buy and maintain* all those EVs; and (4) have room in the budget to create build and maintain all the charging stations they will need?
Just thought I’d ask. ______________ * Because it turns out that maintaining EVs is more costly than maintaining gas-powered vehicles. Who’d have thought so?
D.D. Driver said... "Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper. A new holiday tradition! Who said the Dems hate Christmas?
https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2023/12/05/milwaukee-to-no-longer-collect-christmas-trees-curbside-dpw-says/71815954007/" You voted for this. Deal with it. Cut it up and burn it in your fireplace.
The three female presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn gave testimony in Congress today. Typical, wet noodle stuff on being stern with the pro-Palis.
So, lets ask these three AA presidents this, “You’re okay with chants of ‘From the river to the sea Palestine will be free’ on campus. And if another bunch of students put on white sheets and paraded around campus saying, ‘From Sea to Shining Sea, We Shall be N ger Free, ‘ you’d be okay with that too?”
Ann won't have anything to say about the embarrassing testimony of the Ivy presidents since her only sources of information (NYT, WAPO, etc.) won't choose to cover it
Ann won't have anything to say about the embarrassing testimony of the Ivy presidents since her only sources of information (NYT, WAPO, etc.) won't choose to cover it
These Universities are sleeper cells. Also, if inciting a Holocaust is simply freedom of expression, I wonder if using the N-word is nothing more than free expression as well.
“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Joe Biden said, saying Democrats “cannot let him win.”
Suspicions confirmed. The President risks dying from campaign and presidential pressures just as long as his ego is preserved. But if he must run, he must find a new running mate. Liz Cheney will do just fine.
Kate: “If the devil himself went up to heaven and said to God, “You know, I’m tired and I’m sorry and I don’t want to be the devil anymore. What would God do?” Diane: “He’d know better.”
Well. Except. As I understand the theory -- that is, the theology -- Lucifer is part of God's plan. Look. It goes like this. God created the Universe. Check! The Universe contains ... well, what it contains. Check! So. That includes .... us. God created us. But, unfortunately, through no fault of God's, we are bad. Not good. So, God had to invent Hell, and, of course, Satan, to run the joint, as a place where we could be tortured, in a manner almost beyond human comprehension, for all of Eternity. For the faults that God had given us. Like, look, it didn't work out the way he planned, so you need to spend Eternity in a pit of gnawing agony. Are you, by any chance, developing a bad attitude about this? Cuz there are worse things than eternal torture in a pit of gnawing agony, if you really want to go there...
But! One time only! God is having a fire sale! This week only, God has created a Son, by impregnating some woman, and he arranged to have this son tortured to death, and, for a limited time only, you can avoid the hideous pit of eternal agony that God created specifically for YOU -- not a sparrow falls -- for only $199.99 AND a pledge of eternal fealty. Simply by agreeing to some ill-defined allegiance to the Son. Who was tortured to death. On your behalf.
Trying absolutely anything, Zionists are leaning hard on a sexual violence justification for their mass murder now (forgetting their own, of course) so we will be distracted from the fact (deep breath) first they said there were 2000 dead, then 1400, then 1200, and then finally 1175 - but half of those were soldiers and many of those were killed by Israeli Defense Forces using helicopter gunships* - and there were not 40 decapitated babies.
But, whatever did happen, it all happened on stolen land, after decades of mass murder by Zionists, with our backing. To a people who did nothing to no one, but be in the wrong place at the wrong time, because some white people drew lines on a map without considering them, then as now, as fully human beings. By 2023, they should all be really and truly far beyond ashamed. This IS the mass murder of innocent civilians. Why that doesn't resonate for some is, both, deeply disturbing AND worthy of further investigation.
As is the fact we can end it tomorrow, but can't - apparently - because we still got a bunch of old fashioned, bloodthirsty narrative-chewing savages ourselves.
"Surprised today to see intellectual heavyweights Glenn Loury and John McWhorter agreeing that the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis, available on Rumble, had caused them to seriously doubt that Derrick Chauvin had killed George Floyd."
I'm surprised you're surprised: I can't remember those two ever coming out to defend blacks on anything. Their predictability makes me doubt the "intellectual heavyweights" tag. From what I can see, they make white people happy, but have 0% effect on black thought (for comparison, I see Thomas Sowell being discussed, off-and-online, now).
"If so, we have a new Dreyfus. But much bigger. But hey, maybe the left will get lucky with number 23."
Since Derrick Chauvin was just released back into custody, after being stabbed 22 times in prison, I hope that doesn't mean what it appears to say.
Having delivered that rationalist critique of Christian theology, which I find to be a sadist's dream of hideous threats of torture, I would now like to point out, that Christianity is an evolving doctrine, in a way that NO other theology is. Judaism is a treasured grudge. Islam is a gangster fantasy of omnipotence. Neither one has much potential to shift, or to drift. The cathedrals of Europe were built by men with a vision of God's glory that extended beyond their own lifetime. That glory was not fixed in the noxious or peculiar dogmas of the time in which they found themselves. Rather, it lay in the certainty -- or rather, the faith -- that something exists, which is not about torture, and coercion. Nor, perhaps, about love. Truth -- beauty -- may not wear a human face.
A salmon starts as a hatched egg. He never knows his parents, or his siblings, or any other thing that is not either his enemy or his prey. Can a salmon have any notion of love? But I believe that a salmon breaks the surface of a wave, and sees the sun setting in clouded splendor, and knows beauty.
"So, let's ask these three AA presidents this, “You’re okay with chants of ‘From the river to the sea Palestine will be free’ on campus. And if another bunch of students put on white sheets and paraded around campus saying, ‘From Sea to Shining Sea, We Shall be N ger Free, ‘ you’d be okay with that too?”"
The problem you're missing is, you're deliberately insisting a vague slogan be heard ONLY in its most negative interpretation. I've heard others. Please, positively spin the very specific ‘From Sea to Shining Sea, We Shall be N ger Free, ‘ so I can compare. Face it:
The salmon does not know love. The salmon does not know friendship, nor fealty, nor, indeed, treachery. Why do I believe, that when the salmon bellies up beneath the edge of a wave, and sees the sun, in shades of red and orange, through a chasm wrought in a sky of gray cloud -- a glimpse, a moment's perception -- in the course of a life lived entirely alone, likely without even the physiological possibility of what we think of as emotional life -- can the salmon perceive, as I perceive? That the sun is beautiful? Might it be that the salmon does not perceive beauty? Could we suppose that the perception of beauty is reserved for us?
Now that 21st Century white guys (Bill Burr, Joe Rogan, Ari Shaffir, Tom Segura, Louis CK, etc.) are the new comedy hotness, we get Shane Gillis on the Middle East.
Surprised today to see intellectual heavyweights Glenn Loury and John McWhorter agreeing that the documentary The Fall of MinneapolisM, available oln Rumble, had caused them to seriously doubt that Derrick Chauvin had killed George Floyd.
You can see them straining to pull the left edge of the Overton window towards the center. Unfortunately YouTube has (inexplicably, ?, explicably ? Suppressed it by deeming it age-appropriate only. Have they learned nothing ?). NYT and WaPo will totally and intentionally ignore. The story will only emerge with a bottoms-up amplification.
"As he runs for president again facing four criminal prosecutions, Mr. Trump may seem more angry, desperate and dangerous to American-style democracy than in his first term. But the throughline that emerges is far more long-running: He has glorified political violence and spoken admiringly of autocrats for decades…
More than anything else, Mr. Trump’s vow to use the Justice Department to wreak vengeance against his adversaries is a naked challenge to democratic values. Building on how he tried to get prosecutors to go after his enemies while in office, it would end the post-Watergate norm of investigative independence from White House political control.
In 1998 we had a big ice storm around here, and the trees in my neighbor's lot, many of them were bent over permanently. So when it snows like that, the snow outlines the bow of these bent over trees, and though you may never have noticed them at other times, his woods are full of white arches.
This chick is freaking nuts. Punish the women, so men can play their game?? Why don't we do a civics test before any nuts like this get to become a Politician.
Obviously McWhorter and Loury did not watch the Chauvin trial. There is no way anybody with a functioning brain stem could have watched that trial and came to any other conclusion.
"He[Trump] wants to put MSNBC on trial for treason so he can execute us,” said Rachael Maddow on The View
Who actually has put whom on trial for treason? With charges that can carry a death sentence? It's always projection with these people, but Rachael Maddow has gotten wealthy scaring the bejeebus out of Democrats.
I for one encourage all leftist mayors and governors ban all ICE for govt use.
This is a huge own goal moment.
Much like the genius of shipping illegals to sanctuary cities. Live with your political proclamations.
Making the left live with the outcomes of there policies. My first thought would be to force the governor to go full EV Today. That would include eschewing short flights, like to her summer home on Macinack Island. EV SUV's are on the lots today. By the end of business today, the Governor should be forced to comply with her own mandates. That must include her security detail.
Jupiter asserted with certainty: "I would now like to point out, that Christianity is an evolving doctrine .."
False. Christianity hasn't changed/ evolved. Liberal interpretations have changed. God has said unequivocally that certain behavior is an sinful. Now it's not, according to some liberal theologians. The Bible hasn't changed. Sin hasn't changed. Woe to them that call evil good and good evil. There is no mystery here.
As an aside, I would suggest Bible critics grab a book on Bible prophecies that have come to fruition. The number is astounding. Or better yet, read the Bible cover to cover instead of taking scriptures out of context.
Fuck you Crack. You are living on stolen land, as is every human being on earth. What do you intend to do to rectify this injustice? Nothing? Oh, it is actually all about the Jews. Crawl back under you rock you pathetic loser.
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "The problem you're missing is, you're deliberately insisting a vague slogan be heard ONLY in its most negative interpretation."
Oh how all the masks have dropped. Transparency is a good thing.
"The problem you're missing is, you're deliberately insisting a vague slogan be heard ONLY in its most negative interpretation."
Nothing vague about their slogan. We have 1400 years of Muslim behavior against those whom they consider kafirs, as infidels because these kafirs won't bow down and submit (submit is the translation of the word islam). Their answer has always been warfare and subjugation.
In this regard Muslims are following the express instructions of their Qur'an along with the behavior of Mohammad who is considered the Perfect Man, al-Insān al-Kāmil.
Mohammad had particular hatred for the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula because they had rejected him.
Nothing vague about the chant/slogan of "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Mohammed will return."
1948, Sheikh Hassan el-Bana, head of the Moslem Brotherhood (the "parent company" of Hamas): “If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”
Wow, so very "recent" and "vague".
- 1966, Syrian leader Hafez Al-Assad: "We shall only accept war and the restoration of the usurped land … to oust you, aggressors, and throw you into the sea for good.”
More "recent-er" and "vague"!
Not to mention the decade after decade of PFLP, PA/PLO etc speeches that get cleaned up in translation to cover for the Hamas 7th Century Death Cultists like Crack Emcee who remains so stupid he STILL cannot bring himself to admit that Jews continually inhabited the lands of historical Judea & Samaria + Israel for 3000 years in addition to DECOLONIZING Israel (that's right, DECOLONIZATION) starting in the 1800's thru 1948 by purchasing land in Israel from the Ottoman Turks and the Brits during the Mandate.
Zionism is the most successful DECOLONIZATION effort in the history of humankind.
ANOTHER Jewish/Israel success story.
There are so many.
Almost 2 mlllion dunums were owned by individual Jews and Jewish entities in Israel+ Judea/Samaria (not West Bank, a name invented later) PRIOR to 1948.
Not to mention the 850,000 Jews driven out of all the surrounding and North African Arab nations that was the real ethnic cleansing...and are "Judenrein" to this very day.
Crack no doubt gets misty thinking of those Jews driven out of Arab nations while pushing the lie that Jews drove out the Arabs in Israel in 1948 when the Arabs were just following the orders of their Nazi-Arab leaders.
Crack is too stupid and/or mendacious and, naturally, deeply and fundamentally racist, to internalize these easily researched facts.
From the river to the sea is what modern Nazi's screech because what they seek is more "Judenrein" territory...and the explicit extermination of Jews globally ...and they are using their lie-approved taqiyya BS to provide rhetorical cover...for now.
But one understands why a do-nothing, know-nothing like Crack identfies with these 7th century death cultist rapist murderers, though its not something easily discussed in polite company.
Humperdink: "Jupiter asserted with certainty: "I would now like to point out, that Christianity is an evolving doctrine .."
False. Christianity hasn't changed/ evolved. Liberal interpretations have changed. God has said unequivocally that certain behavior is an sinful. Now it's not, according to some liberal theologians. The Bible hasn't changed. Sin hasn't changed. Woe to them that call evil good and good evil. There is no mystery here."
Humperdink is absolutely correct, which is why Christianity remains and will always remain counter cultural.
In each generation there are theologians that attempt to bend Christianity away from its foundations to meet the cultural/political desires of the day. They fall off.
And no, before you go there, dont even bother trying to incorrectly use Martin Luther as an example of the "evolving".
Hey Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack, you dont have to worry about that genocidal call "From the river to the sea" anymore.
Because as of yesterday, the Israel operation to bring the sea to your beloved 7th Death Cultists hiding like the cowards they are in the tunnel hidey-holes (again, I can see why you identify with them) via pumps and piping has begun!
So congratulations Crack! Your team is getting what they richly deserve and, once again, as always, its the Jews completing the task for them and you.
Isnt that always the way?
Not to worry. There's still some kiddos and old women your team can rape and behead so you can still consider it a big win or something.
The Puyallup River jumped its bank last fall during the fall flooding. It now flows about 10-ft from a house located in the river's flood plane. The house is intact, but uninhabitable. A tear down now. Insurance doesn't cover this.
Jupiter said: “for a limited time only, you can avoid the hideous pit of eternal agony that God created specifically for YOU -- not a sparrow falls -- for only $199.99 AND a pledge of eternal fealty. Simply by agreeing to some ill-defined allegiance to the Son. Who was tortured to death. On your behalf.” The Merry Gentleman is a bit more complex than my quote of the dialogue indicated. In the movie, through the intercession of an angel, Frank Logan is forgiven (in my opinion).
Mike. Is that your house? If it is that sucks big time. We learned the hard way here when we had 16 inches of rain in 24 hours. A lot of developers got sued. Not to mention municipalities.
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५९ टिप्पण्या:
Beautiful. Thanks.
Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper. A new holiday tradition! Who said the Dems hate Christmas?
Michigan Gov Whitmer orders state government fleet to be 100% electric
Under Whitmer's actions, Michigan's state agencies must convert all state-owned light-duty vehicles to zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) by 2033 and all medium and heavy-duty vehicles by 2040.
ALL heavy-duty vehicles by 2040..
This (apparently) will include Snowplows.. Think about THAT for a bit.
I guess it wouldn't be a problem..
As Long As snows fall only in small amounts with Long gaps between snows.
That's how it IS in Michigan.. Right? They NEVER have to plow for more than a few hours a day..
D.D. Driver said...
Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper. A new holiday tradition! Who said the Dems hate Christmas?
And I never thought or knew that Governor Evers used the initials "DNR," which I always thought meant Democrats, Nobodies, and Republicans.
What is a central woodchipper good for if you cannot dump the chips into a landfill or burn them?
D.D. Driver said...
"Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper."
*Takes notes*
Christmas trees ... Evers ... central woodchipper. Got it!
gilbar: By that time snowfalls will have been a thing of the past, right?
Lovely, and yet . . .
Winter is icumen in
All sing goddam
We harvest trees in central Georgia. So you all have houses.
Trees are a crop like any other.
And then there are the hollers of rebar. But that is another story.
Surprised today to see intellectual heavyweights Glenn Loury and John McWhorter agreeing that the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis, available on Rumble, had caused them to seriously doubt that Derrick Chauvin had killed George Floyd.
If so, we have a new Dreyfus. But much bigger. But hey, maybe the left will get lucky with number 23.
In other climate change news, Western Washington is receiving a Pineapple Express deluge. Rivers are flooding (the Snoqualmie is at flood phase 3, with 24,000 cfs flow rate), roads are flooding, low-lying fields are flooding, and rain has been falling for over 20 hours. This kind of weather NEVER happens here. Except for every late fall. Then the rivers flood, the sky opens up, and stupid people drive their cars into the flood waters. But, according to climate change hysterics, this fall flooding is catastrophic weather that proves climate change.
The forecast for the next few hours is:
5 p.m. 0.25-in
6 p.m. 0.36-in
7 p.m. 0.19-in
Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper. A new holiday tradition! Who said the Dems hate Christmas?
If you have to drag it someplace else, it'll be just as easy to take it to the governor's mansion and donate it to his Christmas fund. He'll really appreciate all the kindness the people of Milwaukee have shown him.
The bottom picture looks like a bear pointing to the right.
I guess it wouldn't be a problem..
…for Whitmer. Expects to be long gone by then…to some elite enclave…
My favorite Christmas movie:
The Merry Gentleman (2008) with Michael Keaton (free on Peacock, for rent on Amazon Prime
My favorite lines of dialogue from my favorite Christmas movie:
Kate: “If the devil himself went up to heaven and said to God, “You know, I’m tired and I’m sorry and I don’t want to be the devil anymore. What would God do?”
Diane: “He’d know better.”
1 The beginning might make you think it’s woke - it’s not.
2 It’s flawed - but that only makes me like it more.
Christmas Trees have been placed in Michigan waters as structure for fish. Whitmer will be president before 3033.
@gilbar, have you noticed that Democrats demand that cars with gas-powered, internal combustion engines be replaced with electric vehicles but have not done anything to increase electricity generation capacity, have not done anything to increase the capacity or robustness of the grid, and today I read that although the mis-named Build Back Better act earmarked $7.5 Billion for the creation of new charging stations, so far not a single one has been built?
With respect to Michigan, has the state government (1) calculated how much electricity they will need to charge up all those vehicles while still meeting normal demands by the citizenry for electrical power; (2) ensured that they will have access to that much electrical power, both generated and conveyed to homes and state buildings via a robust infrastructure; (3) have room in the budget to afford to buy and maintain* all those EVs; and (4) have room in the budget to create build and maintain all the charging stations they will need?
Just thought I’d ask.
* Because it turns out that maintaining EVs is more costly than maintaining gas-powered vehicles. Who’d have thought so?
D.D. Driver said...
"Evers is making us all drag our Christmas trees to a central woodchipper. A new holiday tradition! Who said the Dems hate Christmas?
You voted for this. Deal with it.
Cut it up and burn it in your fireplace.
Whitmer?, Are you stupid, or are you lying to me.
That top picture looks ominous. Very 'Sleepy Hollow-esque'.
The snow here was gone by 1:00PM.
Whitmer?, Are you stupid, or are you lying to me.
The three female presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn gave testimony in Congress today. Typical, wet noodle stuff on being stern with the pro-Palis.
So, lets ask these three AA presidents this, “You’re okay with chants of ‘From the river to the sea Palestine will be free’ on campus. And if another bunch of students put on white sheets and paraded around campus saying, ‘From Sea to Shining Sea, We Shall be N ger Free, ‘ you’d be okay with that too?”
"(2) ensured that they will have access to that much electrical power"
There will not be enough power. Therefore, you will not be allowed to have a car.
Everything is proceeding according to plan.
Ann won't have anything to say about the embarrassing testimony of the Ivy presidents since her only sources of information (NYT, WAPO, etc.) won't choose to cover it
Ann won't have anything to say about the embarrassing testimony of the Ivy presidents since her only sources of information (NYT, WAPO, etc.) won't choose to cover it
The bottom picture looks like a bear pointing to the right.
@Mike of Snoqualmie, nope. It's a Sasquatch and it's motioning to Althouse to get out of there so it can take a dump in private.
These Universities are sleeper cells. Also, if inciting a Holocaust is simply freedom of expression, I wonder if using the N-word is nothing more than free expression as well.
“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Joe Biden said, saying Democrats “cannot let him win.”
Suspicions confirmed. The President risks dying from campaign and presidential pressures just as long as his ego is preserved. But if he must run, he must find a new running mate. Liz Cheney will do just fine.
Kate: “If the devil himself went up to heaven and said to God, “You know, I’m tired and I’m sorry and I don’t want to be the devil anymore. What would God do?”
Diane: “He’d know better.”
Well. Except. As I understand the theory -- that is, the theology -- Lucifer is part of God's plan. Look. It goes like this. God created the Universe. Check! The Universe contains ... well, what it contains. Check! So. That includes .... us. God created us. But, unfortunately, through no fault of God's, we are bad. Not good. So, God had to invent Hell, and, of course, Satan, to run the joint, as a place where we could be tortured, in a manner almost beyond human comprehension, for all of Eternity. For the faults that God had given us. Like, look, it didn't work out the way he planned, so you need to spend Eternity in a pit of gnawing agony. Are you, by any chance, developing a bad attitude about this? Cuz there are worse things than eternal torture in a pit of gnawing agony, if you really want to go there...
But! One time only! God is having a fire sale! This week only, God has created a Son, by impregnating some woman, and he arranged to have this son tortured to death, and, for a limited time only, you can avoid the hideous pit of eternal agony that God created specifically for YOU -- not a sparrow falls -- for only $199.99 AND a pledge of eternal fealty. Simply by agreeing to some ill-defined allegiance to the Son. Who was tortured to death. On your behalf.
With me so far? Merry Christmas!
But having said all that, there is still this.
But having said all that, there is still this.
Trying absolutely anything, Zionists are leaning hard on a sexual violence justification for their mass murder now (forgetting their own, of course) so we will be distracted from the fact (deep breath) first they said there were 2000 dead, then 1400, then 1200, and then finally 1175 - but half of those were soldiers and many of those were killed by Israeli Defense Forces using helicopter gunships* - and there were not 40 decapitated babies.
But, whatever did happen, it all happened on stolen land, after decades of mass murder by Zionists, with our backing. To a people who did nothing to no one, but be in the wrong place at the wrong time, because some white people drew lines on a map without considering them, then as now, as fully human beings. By 2023, they should all be really and truly far beyond ashamed. This IS the mass murder of innocent civilians. Why that doesn't resonate for some is, both, deeply disturbing AND worthy of further investigation.
As is the fact we can end it tomorrow, but can't - apparently - because we still got a bunch of old fashioned, bloodthirsty narrative-chewing savages ourselves.
You know who you are.
Ampersand said...
"Surprised today to see intellectual heavyweights Glenn Loury and John McWhorter agreeing that the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis, available on Rumble, had caused them to seriously doubt that Derrick Chauvin had killed George Floyd."
I'm surprised you're surprised: I can't remember those two ever coming out to defend blacks on anything. Their predictability makes me doubt the "intellectual heavyweights" tag. From what I can see, they make white people happy, but have 0% effect on black thought (for comparison, I see Thomas Sowell being discussed, off-and-online, now).
"If so, we have a new Dreyfus. But much bigger. But hey, maybe the left will get lucky with number 23."
Since Derrick Chauvin was just released back into custody, after being stabbed 22 times in prison, I hope that doesn't mean what it appears to say.
Having delivered that rationalist critique of Christian theology, which I find to be a sadist's dream of hideous threats of torture, I would now like to point out, that Christianity is an evolving doctrine, in a way that NO other theology is. Judaism is a treasured grudge. Islam is a gangster fantasy of omnipotence. Neither one has much potential to shift, or to drift. The cathedrals of Europe were built by men with a vision of God's glory that extended beyond their own lifetime. That glory was not fixed in the noxious or peculiar dogmas of the time in which they found themselves. Rather, it lay in the certainty -- or rather, the faith -- that something exists, which is not about torture, and coercion. Nor, perhaps, about love. Truth -- beauty -- may not wear a human face.
A salmon starts as a hatched egg. He never knows his parents, or his siblings, or any other thing that is not either his enemy or his prey. Can a salmon have any notion of love? But I believe that a salmon breaks the surface of a wave, and sees the sun setting in clouded splendor, and knows beauty.
gspencer said...
"So, let's ask these three AA presidents this, “You’re okay with chants of ‘From the river to the sea Palestine will be free’ on campus. And if another bunch of students put on white sheets and paraded around campus saying, ‘From Sea to Shining Sea, We Shall be N ger Free, ‘ you’d be okay with that too?”"
The problem you're missing is, you're deliberately insisting a vague slogan be heard ONLY in its most negative interpretation. I've heard others. Please, positively spin the very specific ‘From Sea to Shining Sea, We Shall be N ger Free, ‘ so I can compare. Face it:
Banning speech, once again, is NOT the answer.
An American should know this.
The salmon does not know love. The salmon does not know friendship, nor fealty, nor, indeed, treachery. Why do I believe, that when the salmon bellies up beneath the edge of a wave, and sees the sun, in shades of red and orange, through a chasm wrought in a sky of gray cloud -- a glimpse, a moment's perception -- in the course of a life lived entirely alone, likely without even the physiological possibility of what we think of as emotional life -- can the salmon perceive, as I perceive? That the sun is beautiful? Might it be that the salmon does not perceive beauty? Could we suppose that the perception of beauty is reserved for us?
Now that 21st Century white guys (Bill Burr, Joe Rogan, Ari Shaffir, Tom Segura, Louis CK, etc.) are the new comedy hotness, we get Shane Gillis on the Middle East.
With Whitmer, as with Newsom, the end game isn't EVs. It's no cars.
The top picture is similar to an area in my patch of woods. We call it the tunnel. Cool pic, so to speak.
Re: Whitmer. The governor who wanted to put doctors in jail for prescribing Ivermectin. And Trumps the tyrant? Right.
I have four children. Ever day or so I send them an email highlighting left's totalitarian actions. Two respond, the other two? Yawn. Sad.
Surprised today to see intellectual heavyweights Glenn Loury and John McWhorter agreeing that the documentary The Fall of MinneapolisM, available oln Rumble, had caused them to seriously doubt that Derrick Chauvin had killed George Floyd.
You can see them straining to pull the left edge of the Overton window towards the center. Unfortunately YouTube has (inexplicably, ?, explicably ? Suppressed it by deeming it age-appropriate only. Have they learned nothing ?). NYT and WaPo will totally and intentionally ignore. The story will only emerge with a bottoms-up amplification.
"As he runs for president again facing four criminal prosecutions, Mr. Trump may seem more angry, desperate and dangerous to American-style democracy than in his first term. But the throughline that emerges is far more long-running: He has glorified political violence and spoken admiringly of autocrats for decades…
More than anything else, Mr. Trump’s vow to use the Justice Department to wreak vengeance against his adversaries is a naked challenge to democratic values. Building on how he tried to get prosecutors to go after his enemies while in office, it would end the post-Watergate norm of investigative independence from White House political control.
Do they even hear themselves?"
In 1998 we had a big ice storm around here, and the trees in my neighbor's lot, many of them were bent over permanently. So when it snows like that, the snow outlines the bow of these bent over trees, and though you may never have noticed them at other times, his woods are full of white arches.
This chick is freaking nuts. Punish the women, so men can play their game?? Why don't we do a civics test before any nuts like this get to become a Politician.
Obviously McWhorter and Loury did not watch the Chauvin trial. There is no way anybody with a functioning brain stem could have watched that trial and came to any other conclusion.
"He[Trump] wants to put MSNBC on trial for treason so he can execute us,” said Rachael Maddow on The View
Who actually has put whom on trial for treason? With charges that can carry a death sentence? It's always projection with these people, but Rachael Maddow has gotten wealthy scaring the bejeebus out of Democrats.
I for one encourage all leftist mayors and governors ban all ICE for govt use.
This is a huge own goal moment.
Much like the genius of shipping illegals to sanctuary cities. Live with your political proclamations.
Making the left live with the outcomes of there policies. My first thought would be to force the governor to go full EV Today. That would include eschewing short flights, like to her summer home on Macinack Island. EV SUV's are on the lots today. By the end of business today, the Governor should be forced to comply with her own mandates. That must include her security detail.
Jupiter asserted with certainty: "I would now like to point out, that Christianity is an evolving doctrine .."
False. Christianity hasn't changed/ evolved. Liberal interpretations have changed. God has said unequivocally that certain behavior is an sinful. Now it's not, according to some liberal theologians. The Bible hasn't changed. Sin hasn't changed. Woe to them that call evil good and good evil. There is no mystery here.
As an aside, I would suggest Bible critics grab a book on Bible prophecies that have come to fruition. The number is astounding. Or better yet, read the Bible cover to cover instead of taking scriptures out of context.
With Whitmer, as with Newsom, the end game isn't EVs. It's no cars.
You mean, no cars for "them"
The govt worker bees are constant in their push to move ALL the dirty commoners to city centers, and public tranasit
Fuck you Crack. You are living on stolen land, as is every human being on earth. What do you intend to do to rectify this injustice? Nothing? Oh, it is actually all about the Jews. Crawl back under you rock you pathetic loser.
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "The problem you're missing is, you're deliberately insisting a vague slogan be heard ONLY in its most negative interpretation."
Oh how all the masks have dropped. Transparency is a good thing.
"The problem you're missing is, you're deliberately insisting a vague slogan be heard ONLY in its most negative interpretation."
Nothing vague about their slogan. We have 1400 years of Muslim behavior against those whom they consider kafirs, as infidels because these kafirs won't bow down and submit (submit is the translation of the word islam). Their answer has always been warfare and subjugation.
In this regard Muslims are following the express instructions of their Qur'an along with the behavior of Mohammad who is considered the Perfect Man, al-Insān al-Kāmil.
Mohammad had particular hatred for the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula because they had rejected him.
Nothing vague about the chant/slogan of "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Mohammed will return."
1948, Sheikh Hassan el-Bana, head of the Moslem Brotherhood (the "parent company" of Hamas): “If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”
Wow, so very "recent" and "vague".
- 1966, Syrian leader Hafez Al-Assad: "We shall only accept war and the restoration of the usurped land … to oust you, aggressors, and throw you into the sea for good.”
More "recent-er" and "vague"!
Not to mention the decade after decade of PFLP, PA/PLO etc speeches that get cleaned up in translation to cover for the Hamas 7th Century Death Cultists like Crack Emcee who remains so stupid he STILL cannot bring himself to admit that Jews continually inhabited the lands of historical Judea & Samaria + Israel for 3000 years in addition to DECOLONIZING Israel (that's right, DECOLONIZATION) starting in the 1800's thru 1948 by purchasing land in Israel from the Ottoman Turks and the Brits during the Mandate.
Zionism is the most successful DECOLONIZATION effort in the history of humankind.
ANOTHER Jewish/Israel success story.
There are so many.
Almost 2 mlllion dunums were owned by individual Jews and Jewish entities in Israel+ Judea/Samaria (not West Bank, a name invented later) PRIOR to 1948.
Not to mention the 850,000 Jews driven out of all the surrounding and North African Arab nations that was the real ethnic cleansing...and are "Judenrein" to this very day.
Crack no doubt gets misty thinking of those Jews driven out of Arab nations while pushing the lie that Jews drove out the Arabs in Israel in 1948 when the Arabs were just following the orders of their Nazi-Arab leaders.
Crack is too stupid and/or mendacious and, naturally, deeply and fundamentally racist, to internalize these easily researched facts.
From the river to the sea is what modern Nazi's screech because what they seek is more "Judenrein" territory...and the explicit extermination of Jews globally ...and they are using their lie-approved taqiyya BS to provide rhetorical cover...for now.
But one understands why a do-nothing, know-nothing like Crack identfies with these 7th century death cultist rapist murderers, though its not something easily discussed in polite company.
Humperdink: "Jupiter asserted with certainty: "I would now like to point out, that Christianity is an evolving doctrine .."
False. Christianity hasn't changed/ evolved. Liberal interpretations have changed. God has said unequivocally that certain behavior is an sinful. Now it's not, according to some liberal theologians. The Bible hasn't changed. Sin hasn't changed. Woe to them that call evil good and good evil. There is no mystery here."
Humperdink is absolutely correct, which is why Christianity remains and will always remain counter cultural.
In each generation there are theologians that attempt to bend Christianity away from its foundations to meet the cultural/political desires of the day. They fall off.
And no, before you go there, dont even bother trying to incorrectly use Martin Luther as an example of the "evolving".
Hey Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack, you dont have to worry about that genocidal call "From the river to the sea" anymore.
Because as of yesterday, the Israel operation to bring the sea to your beloved 7th Death Cultists hiding like the cowards they are in the tunnel hidey-holes (again, I can see why you identify with them) via pumps and piping has begun!
So congratulations Crack! Your team is getting what they richly deserve and, once again, as always, its the Jews completing the task for them and you.
Isnt that always the way?
Not to worry. There's still some kiddos and old women your team can rape and behead so you can still consider it a big win or something.
The Puyallup River jumped its bank last fall during the fall flooding. It now flows about 10-ft from a house located in the river's flood plane. The house is intact, but uninhabitable. A tear down now. Insurance doesn't cover this.
Jupiter said: “for a limited time only, you can avoid the hideous pit of eternal agony that God created specifically for YOU -- not a sparrow falls -- for only $199.99 AND a pledge of eternal fealty. Simply by agreeing to some ill-defined allegiance to the Son. Who was tortured to death. On your behalf.”
The Merry Gentleman is a bit more complex than my quote of the dialogue indicated. In the movie, through the intercession of an angel, Frank Logan is forgiven (in my opinion).
Doctor of Coding Thinkology
Mayorkas abdicated federal responsibility by making the southern border an open turnstile.
Tom Elliott
Secretary @AliMayorkas: Gov. @GregAbbott_TX sending migrants to Democrat-run cities “is an abdication of governance responsibility”
Is that your house? If it is that sucks big time. We learned the hard way here when we had 16 inches of rain in 24 hours. A lot of developers got sued. Not to mention municipalities.
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