From the transcript of last night's debate:
One of the guys I’ll take inspiration from is Calvin Coolidge. Now, people don’t talk about him a lot. He’s one of the few presidents that got almost everything right. He understood the proper role of the federal government under the Constitution. We need to restore the U.S. Constitution as the centerpiece of our national life. And that requires a president who understands the original understanding of the Constitution, who has a good sense of the Bill of Rights, and who knows how we’ve gone off track with this massive fourth branch of government, this administrative state which is imposing its will on us and is being weaponized against us. So, silent Cal knew the proper role of the federal government. The country was in great shape when he was President of the United States, and we can learn an awful lot from Calvin Coolidge.
I was genuinely touched.
For the record, Chris Christie, asked first, said Ronald Reagan; Nikki Haley, asked second, said George Washington and Abe Lincoln; and Vivek Ramaswamy, asked last, said Thomas Jefferson.
७४ टिप्पण्या:
Very few politicians can be both charismatic election campaigners and competent administrators. It's good that the circumstances have made America opt for substance over form.
Ron DeSantis said Hamas wants to wipe out every Jewish person on the planet, forgetting there are Jews who live in Gaza, as well as Christians and Muslims, and even atheists. He sounded like a fascist, and an idiot, at the same time.
I can't argue with the Calvin Coolidge choice. Having his son die while he was in office though: imagine how the Press would deal with that today!
I was genuinely touched.
It's standard conservative boilerplate.
Coolidge was alright. He’s fifth best ever.
1. Washington
2. Lincoln
3. Jefferson
4. Eisenhower
5. Coolidge
We haven’t had a good president since Eisenhower.
My favorite Coolidge quote:
"I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government and more for themselves. I want them to have the rewards of their own industry. This is the chief meaning of freedom. Until we can reestablish a condition under which the earnings of the people can be kept by the people, we are bound to suffer a very severe and distinct curtailment of our liberty."
He said that in 1927. I wonder what his reaction would be if he was alive today.
Crack. No Kews in Haza. Lots of Arabs in Israel, however.
Today I would have gone with the bellicose Teddy R.
Crack, according to the CIA, there have been no Jews living in Gaza since 2005. What's the source for your claim that Jews continue to live there? Are you referring to the hostages?
I like Mcculough's list. We would not be a democratic republic without Washington. I hope we can keep it.
Because Coolidge let everything sift out by itself, he showed how it's done when guided by the limiting principles of the Constitution.
Evil-minded FDR did it exactly wrong and for the reason of increasing the size and cost of government. FDR fed Vigoro and Miracle-Gro to the administrative state. We've been saddled with it ever since.
If that's your favorite Coolidge quote, look into the John Birch Society,
Less Government, More Personal Responsibility and with God's Help a Better World.
“It’s standard conservative boilerplate”
I disagree. In this era, Ronald Reagan, or Lincoln, are standard conservative boilerplate. Coolidge is an excellent benchmark for conservative, limited governance. His efforts to reign in the size and cost of US government after Wilson and WW1 allowed this nation to create a stable foundation for the future. If only the presidents who followed had shown half his competence.
In addition, I’m impressed by DeSantis’ articulation of his response.
It's good that the circumstances have made America opt for substance over form.
An Obama voter just wrote that.
"It's standard conservative boilerplate."
Agree. For some versions of conservative.
Ron DeSantis said Hamas wants to wipe out every Jewish person on the planet, forgetting there are Jews who live in Gaza,
Simply a lie.
as well as Christians
Technically true. Per Al Jazeera there are approximately 1000’Christians living in Gaza, out of a total population of over two million. That’s less than one half of one tenth of one per cent of the population.
and Muslims,
and even atheists.
Got any proof that there are living atheists in Gaza? Under Shariah Law atheists are treated as apostates and apostates can be sentenced to death — or so I understand.
He sounded like a fascist, and an idiot, at the same time.
He’s not not the fascist, nor the idiot. You are.
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "...forgetting there are Jews who live in Gaza,..."
Here's a little link for you to review what happens when your nazi pals create their Judenrein territories:
Now THAT'S a REAL nabka loser.
BTW, did you see all your man-boob heroes/terrorists lined up like cowards after surrendering since they are no longer slicing up and shooting little kids and women and families and had to face actual soldiers?
I guess that's what happens when there arent any little human shields these cowards can grab to try and escape.
I wonder if the seawater flooding of the non-existent terrorist tunnels (right Crack?) drove these little Hamas rats above ground?
Did you weep like a little girl when you saw it?
Have you also been catching all the Saudi and Kuwaiti and Bahrainian and UAE videos where actual Gulf Cooperation Arabs are praying for the destruction of your nazi Hamas terrorist heroes?
Notva great day for Crack and Team Terrorist.
He probably relates to getting stuff done without a lot of small chit chat and glad handing.
From CBS News (sorry Crack, couldn't find any corroboration by stand up comics):
"A Palestinian uprising in 2000 unleashed a new wave of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, and Israel decided to leave Gaza in 2005, withdrawing its forces and removing some 9,000 Jewish settlers living there."
Somebody "sounded like ... an idiot..."
My fave from Silent Cal...
"Never be afraid to as reactionary as the multiplication table."
Too bad the country had already been screwed over by Woodrow Wilson.
World Population Review:
"Gaza once had a sizable Jewish community with a history going back 3,000 years.... No Jews are living in Gaza today."
A picture of 138 menorahs lit at the Western Wall (that would be the Western Wall of the Second Jewish Temple from 2,500 years ago)!
I know seeing it will completely trigger Crack since he doesnt believe any Jews lived in Judea-Samaria-Israel until 1948.
Just for you Crack.
Good for him! I love Silent Cal. Ron must have been ready for that one.
If DeSantis could somehow pull of undoing the administrative state, and take America back to a Pre-Roosevelt sense of the proper role of the Federal Government, he would be the greatest politician of all time.
Conrad: "Crack, according to the CIA, there have been no Jews living in Gaza since 2005. What's the source for your claim that Jews continue to live there? Are you referring to the hostages?"
Oh, you might have missed it but the other day Crack was posting nazi propaganda that the hostages were basically on vacation and enjoying life with their Hamas pals! The hostage capture was basically a yoga session!
Funniest part of all this: the muslims enslaved black africans long before Europeans and long after Europeans ceased the slave trade to the west and the muslims routinely castrated all black males of all ages and Crack couldn't wait to align with these current nazi terrorists while SIMULTANEOUSLY claiming every living white person in the US guilty for historical slavery/Jim Crow in North America!
Crack has been exposed as a total historically ignorant fraud.
Not that we didnt already know that, but the mask is now completely off.
There are Jews living in the West Bank but there no authority I can find for saying they live in Gaza. They left in 2005.
From the river to the sea
Kamas means brutality.
William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th president of the United States, serving from 1897 until his assassination in 1901. A member of the Republican Party, he led a realignment that made Republicans largely dominant in the industrial states and nationwide for decades. He presided over victory in the Spanish–American War of 1898; gained control of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Cuba; restored prosperity after a deep depression; rejected the inflationary monetary policy of free silver, keeping the nation on the gold standard; and raised protective tariffs.
There are Jews living in the West Bank
Fatah tempered its terrorist ambition when Hamas threw them out the windows, off the roofs. Now, people celebrate Hamas. Go figure.
Crack, On August 17, 2005, Israel began to evacuate all the Jews from Gaza. Israel and the Palestinians agreed the buildings would be razed and the army began that process after the residents left. Since the Jewish evacuation of Gaza was completed in 2005, no Jews have been present in Gaza.
the muslims enslaved black africans long before Europeans
Kenyan elite, for one. They still disfavor their deplorables.
Coolidge, succeeding Harding after his death, stepped down after his one full term. Had he run for reelection and won he would not have served out that term, dying in January 1933 at 60. Made him sort of average for presidents in those days. TR at 60, Wilson at 67, Harding at 57, FDR at 63. Hoover an exception at 90. And his veep, Charles Dawes (winner of the 1925 Nobel Peace Prize), who would have served the remainder of that term had he remained his running mate, made it to 85.
I wonder if DeSantis would have had a chance if Trump hadn't been persecuted.
His public profession of admiration for Calvin Coolidge shows me that he shares Coolidge's virtues. No presidential candidate of the past 60 years would have said such a thing.
I like Mcculough's list.
I don’t. I give credit to Jefferson for the Louisiana Purchase and defeating the Barbary Pirates, but the Embargo Act of 1807 hurt his own country more than Britain, and he left James Madison with foreign policy problems that led to the War of 1812. Eisenhower got the US involved in Vietnam, which might be an issue particular to me since I was a Vietnam Era draftee, and it was his administration that set up the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba — though it was (mistakenly) given the final green light by Eisenhower’s successor.
I’d move larger-than-life Teddy Roosevelt into the top five, after his trust-busting, but I’m hard pressed to figure who else to add. I am fond of Monroe.
Now Crack, to be fair, we don't know for sure if they are still alive. You're counting the hostages, yes? You are a despicable moron. It's not a great combination, but certainly it is better than being both mentally competent and a vile person. You get a pass to some degree because you aren't very bright. Low expectations and all that, you know...
My favorite is Grover Cleveland, Democrat and former Governor of New York, who in each of his two (split) terms as President vetoed HUNDREDS of bills, almost always with the same comment -- "I find nothing in the Constitution which empowers Congress to legislate in this matter."
@Crack: Ron DeSantis said Hamas wants to wipe out every Jewish person on the planet, forgetting there are Jews who live in Gaza, as well as Christians and Muslims, and even atheists. He sounded like a fascist, and an idiot, at the same time.
You know what sounds like an idiot? Someone who thinks there have been any Jews in Gaza since 2005. That's even more idiotic than not knowing any football team names like, oh, the Vikings. And that was already the kind of idiocy that is an insult to idiots the world over.
While on the subject of idiocy, Hamas is Islamist to the core. That means it is totalitarian, supremacist, and universalist. It, just as with all other Islamist groups, hopes for the extermination of Jews, and the subjugation or elimination of everyone else, everywhere.
It's in their book. You might want to learn about it sometime.
That sounds nice. Yeah, Ron believes in small government. But we need an executive who is going to clean house at the DOJ and FBI and enforce the immigration laws and crime. And fight the Democrats. We don't need some laidback Coolidge type who just wants to play tennis and utter platitudes.
Futher, "small government" could mean cutting social security and medicare. A red flag.
"I was genuinely touched"
So was I.
Still, Ron has no charisma, so let's go with the clown instead.
That's because DeSantis is the only nuanced candidate on that stage, who probably has read some history, though Vivek certainly speaks "the truth we dare not say".
Haley's and Christie's obvious choices of usual "Big Star" presidents reflect their Readers Digest understanding of American history. Neither of these two candidates would understand a nuanced choice such as DeSantis'.
"We don't need some laidback Coolidge type who just wants to play tennis and utter platitudes."
Possibly the most historically ignorant comment I've read on this blog.
President Coolidge's speech on the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence forever cemented my opinion of him as the greatest 20th/21st Century President! Too bad for the U.S. he was followed by an administrative state supporter in Hoover who, in turn, was followed by the all-time expander of said state. OK, the combined R's & D's following Reagan have likely taken that title.
Emulating Coolidge would be a massive improvement over any president we have had in my lifetime.
However, I still go with Washington- he nailed it with his warning about foreign entanglements.
How soon the great James Knox Polk was forgotten. One and done, with the country greatly embiggened. (Yeah, I know about slavery.)
Bart made a good case for Grover Cleveland, but Ron's choice of Calvin Coolidge clinched it for me. Yes, we need someone who sees the big picture, the way individual liberty works to improve and enrich everyone. Coupled with DeSantis' record as a governor fairly successful at lightening the load of government, I want him for president or right now, vice president. I thought Trump's biggest unsolved problem was keeping track of our Hydra-headed government and all its schemes and attacks. DeSantis would make a great partner for Trump (if Trump could tolerate a partner).
Haley seems unaware of the problem, and Vivek aware of it only as some big movement to crusade against, not as a series of specific policy problems and pieces of official business that will have to be dealt with patiently one by one.
Still hoping DeSantis and Trump can find their way to DeSantis in the VP slot. Twelve More Years!
Just imagine DeSantis spending four years as Trump's understudy, watching Trump take a meat-axe to the swamp critters in DC, while DeSantis builds his own network, with a substantial policy portfolio as VP (Maybe he could take over Immigration from Kamala). Then in 2028, he can run as a "kinder, gentler, scorched-Earth, take no prisoners conservative".
In 2028, America would face the momentous choice; Floridation, or Californication?
"Why can't we buy one aeroplane, and let the aviators take turns flying it?" - Calvin Coolidge.
My Dad had that hanging over his desk. He was an Air Force officer.
I don't know if it's true or not.
I second N.N.'s comment on McKinley.
When I went back to school, I did a term paper on the 1896 election and biographies on both McKinley and Bryan.
While some of the left (including my prof) are quick to tie McKinley to the new 'corporate' GOP at the time, it's simply not the case. He would've been one of the more influential presidents of all time if some Antifa fanboi hadn't killed him.
Silent Cal is legendary, except for in his home state of Massachusetts. He spent most of his life in Northampton, MA, and his house is still standing. He was also governor of MA.
Northampton is the Portland of MA.
I counted nine responses to my post before I stopped counting - because not one has a link to confirm anything - so it's just a bunch of assholes spouting off at the mouth, amounting to nothing.
All perfectly fine to ignore.
For the record: I no longer respond to Drago, after repeated requests for him to prove, I said, I have "vast experience" with "Command and Control Centers." He's now, officially, a liar and unworthy of interaction.
Also for the record: I'm still waiting for: Oligonicella to prove I "explicitly stated black people are superior to white people."
And Big Mike to prove I'm "cool with murdering babies/antisemitism"
And hpudding to prove I've ever claimed to be "a justice warrior for the oppressed."
Y'all will notice there are links in this post, to establish I'm telling the truth about these people, so my words have substance, and I'm not making you rely on my opinion, alone. Few of you are so courteous to me or others. You're assholes who just say shit, with nothing to back it up, expecting it to be taken as Gospel. Notice Conrad said "What's the source for your claim that Jews continue to live there?" - with no links to sources of his own?
Since I know none of you assholes (who openly cheer killing Palestinian babies) read anything but right-wing propaganda, I'm going to let Big Mike's acknowledgment stand - "there are approximately 1000’Christians living in Gaza, out of a total population of over two million. That’s less than one half of one tenth of one per cent of the population" - because A) depending upon who you talk to, that's apparently about the same number of Jews that were in Palestine before 1948, to start all this trouble, and claim they should own the whole land B) it's the first clue you're wrong, as usual, just as you've been wrong about those 40 decapitated babies, the pregnant woman, and the kid put in an oven, that you've screamed so much about, as fact, and C) it saves me from having to provide a link to a source, which (I hope) frustrates the shit out of all of you.
Hey Skipper said...
"Hamas is Islamist to the core. That means it is totalitarian, supremacist, and universalist."
We just saw Netanyahu negotiate with Hamas for hostages. Successfully. Explain.
No wonder y'all wanna kill everybody, when you can't even see the difference in the players,....
Chris Christie's favorite president may be Ronald Reagan, but one of Ronald Reagan's favorite presidents was Calvin Coolidge and I have to agree with him.
Hamad 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "For the record: I no longer respond to Drago, after repeated requests for him to prove, I said, I have "vast experience" with "Command and Control Centers." He's now, officially, a liar and unworthy of interaction."
Crackie attempted to use his minor, non-relevant military experience to pretend he had deep insights to things he had no clue about. Obvious to anyone with any real experience.
Like his now collapsing lying Hamas co-cowards, once called out Crack went belly up, as you knew he would.
Crack has spent the last several weeks desperately tossing out Hamas and islamic supremacist BS to make up for his continued multiple embarrassments.
This little moron actually claimed the Hamas islamic supremacists treated their hostages well (Crack literally used a "yoga" analogy!!!) AND then this dolt tried to claim that Jews had been living peacefully in Gaza under the benevolent governance of the Hamas-ites!
Yes, Crack actually thought Jews lived in Gaza! He had no idea the number of Jews living in Gaza
So much ignorance and malicious adoption of terrorist BS.
I dont need any response from Crack when I call out his ignorance-driven lunacy. What's he gonna say anyway?
Spoiler: like his Hamas co-coward losers...not a thing.
Not. A. Thing.
In the end, they'll all just be sitting there, naked, in the dirt...awaiting justice.
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "No wonder y'all wanna kill everybody, when you can't even see the difference in the players,...."
YOU cant see the difference...due to your impenetrable ignorance.
Though if I were you I wouldn't be drawing attention to your deficits in this area...but then you suffer from a fatal flaw: impenetrable ignorance.
Endless "loop-ery".
At this rate of remaining morality, limited starting knowledge and discernment decay, we are probably about a week away from Hamas Fanboy Crack going Full-ISIS worshipper.
2 weeks tops.
Silent Cal was not so silent when Coolidge said in 1929 that prosperity was "absolutely sound" and that equities were "cheap at current prices." This assertion is said to have stoked market fires so that stocks continued heavenward during the first half-year of Herbert Hoover's presidency. The crash, when it came, was therefore all the more violent. The resulting Great Depression brought a long stretch of forever poverty until we went to war to fight the fascists.
Now our puddin'-fingered Florida Governor wants to revive fascism as our new form of government. But his boots ain't made for walkin' and he fears Donald Duck and the Disney Truck. What else can we think about the guy who fought the Mouse That Roared and lost?
@Hey Skippe:r Hamas is Islamist to the core. That means it is totalitarian, supremacist, and universalist."
@Crack: We just saw Netanyahu negotiate with Hamas for hostages. Successfully. Explain.
Because those two things are even less alike than chalk and cheese, that is a category mistake registering a solid 11 on the Richter Idiocy scale. Until you come to terms with the inherent characteristics of Islamism, you can't possibly understand anything else. That Hamas negotiated a hostage trade in no way negates Hamas's ultimate, and oft stated, goal. Even a child would understand.
Here is some historical background that might (oh, who am I kidding) go some way to overcoming your Manichean blather.
Since I know none of you assholes (who openly cheer killing Palestinian babies) ... I'm calling shenanigans, as my irony meter scatters itself across several zip codes. No one here has openly cheered killing anyone, never mind babies. Prove me wrong.
... it's the first clue you're wrong, as usual, just as you've been wrong about those 40 decapitated babies, the pregnant woman, and the kid put in an oven, that you've screamed so much about, as fact.
Proof enough for you?. Not as if it matters; no amount of proof will penetrate your moral cretinism.
(To Ann: I apologise for commenting OT. Won't happen again.)
"Seeing Calvin Coolidge In a Dream", by the great John Derbyshire, is a very enjoyable book. He is also a great fan of Silent Cal, as am I after reading the book.
Our gracious hostess ought to put up an Amazon link that would garner her a few bucks.
Futher, "small government" could mean cutting social security and medicare. A red flag.
Social Security is doomed no matter what we do, and probably Medicare too. I recall being a teenager back in the 70's and learning about what a Ponzi scheme is and figuring that described Social Security to a T. I thought then that it would not survive much more than one long lifespan of a human, and I stand by my prediction still.
@Crack: "We just saw Netanyahu negotiate with Hamas for hostages. Successfully. Explain."
Hey Skipper: "Because those two things are even less alike than chalk and cheese, that is a category mistake registering a solid 11 on the Richter Idiocy scale. Until you come to terms with the inherent characteristics of Islamism, you can't possibly understand anything else. That Hamas negotiated a hostage trade in no way negates Hamas's ultimate, and oft stated, goal. Even a child would understand."
I appreciate Hey Skipper's patience in trying to school this buffoon, but the effort is guaranteed to fail.
Hey Skipper said...
"Until you come to terms with the inherent characteristics of Islamism, you can't possibly understand anything else."
I hate to tell you, but you didn't discover Islamism, so you're just patronizing me now. Not a good start.
"Here is some historical background" I have to subscribe to, to read - not helpful - so no thanks. I prefer info anyone can get at.
"Some historical background that might (oh, who am I kidding) go some way to overcoming your Manichean blather."
Manichean. Wow. I like how you talk like you understand what's going on, when you clearly do not. I mean, here I am agreeing with the statement "Judaism and Jews have been a gift to civilization" - just 9 days ago - how Manichean is THAT? And here's a personal 2007 blog post of mine, after serving as the Shabbos in a synagogue during Yom Kipper. But you've made your assumptions, and talk as though I'm a crazy antisemite, out to get somebody, rather than what I am: someone looking at this controversial issue, that has been controversial since before Israel even began, and facing hostility from fanatics for doing so, if I don't tow their line. What else you got?
"No one here has openly cheered killing anyone, never mind babies. Prove me wrong."
"Well Israel, turn Gaza into a waste land,..." - that took me less than a minute. I'd do more but, with this crowd, I'd be here a while. Do you see how stupid you sound? Here's Israeli kids singing about it. Barbaric.
"Proof enough for you?. Not as if it matters; no amount of proof will penetrate your moral cretinism."
You've proved nothing but you joined the delusional brigade, that follows me around the blog, too soon. Now you're wrong AND a dick.
"(To Ann: I apologise for commenting OT. Won't happen again.)"
You should be apologizing for fucking with me: I mean, I did what to you? Please, make it clear for me - what did I do to you, to warrant you stepping out of your anonymity, to start calling me - the guy who serves in synagogues - all those names? "Moral cretinism"? Is it moral to make assumptions about people you don't know and then publicly attack them? I know it's popular, but moral? Or totally hypocritical for a self-proclaimed moralist?
How about making sure THAT "Won't happen again," Hey Skipper?
Hey Skipper said...
"Proof enough for you?"
Just like with George Floyd: the secret tape, no one can see, but a select few. Fuck off.
Too bad for the U.S. he was followed by an administrative state supporter in Hoover who, in turn, was followed by the all-time expander of said state.
Ah yes, and aside from Hoover being trashed as a laissez faire man is this other part of history buried by the New Deal historians"
During the campaign, Roosevelt blasted Hoover for spending and taxing too much, boosting the national debt, choking off trade, and putting millions of people on the dole. He accused the president of “reckless and extravagant” spending, of thinking “that we ought to center control of everything in Washington as rapidly as possible,” and of presiding over “the greatest spending administration in peacetime in all of history.” Roosevelt’s running mate, John Nance Garner, charged that Hoover was “leading the country down the path of socialism.”
Although I did appreciate this bit of honesty later:
Rexford Guy Tugwell, one of the architects of Franklin Roosevelt’s policies of the 1930s, explained, “We didn’t admit it at the time, but practically the whole New Deal was extrapolated from programs that Hoover started.”
It's no wonder that Coolidge said of his VP and successor:
“That man has offered me unsolicited advice every day for six years, all of it bad.”
What else can we think about the guy who fought the Mouse That Roared and lost?
Disney won that battle?
"Well Israel, turn Gaza into a waste land,..." - that took me less than a minute. I'd do more but, with this crowd, I'd be here a while.
You have done nothing, except expose your conceptual inadequacies. That comment amounts to saying "sow the wind, reap the whirlwind." There is no cheering going on, just an acknowledgment of brute fact. Try harder.
Do you see how stupid you sound? Here's Israeli kids singing about it. Barbaric.
So Jimmy Dore found one instance of Israeli barbarism. Great. Now, search on [unrwa antisemitic indoctrination]. There are orders of magnitude difference between the two.
"Proof enough for you?. Not as if it matters; no amount of proof will penetrate your moral cretinism."
You've proved nothing but you joined the delusional brigade, that follows me around the blog, too soon.
1. The article I cited contained internal links that I'm not about to follow.
2. The evidence has been shown to many well known groups, all of which provide essentially the same description of events. The atrocities are very well attested, and not once contradicted.
3. It isn't up to anyone here to provide to you that which you can easily find for yourself.
4. It is clear that you would denigrate any proof provided, and nothing would serve to change your mind on anything, rendering the exercise entirely pointless. (Note to self ...)
This is what makes you a moral cretin.
Maybe this will work: Here is some historical background I have to subscribe to, to read - not helpful - so no thanks. I prefer info anyone can get at.. Not when it comes to Hamas atrocities, or learning the truth about George Floyd's arrest.
You should be apologizing for fucking with me: I mean, I did what to you?
You inflicted upon all of us your profound ignorance of Hamas and Islamism, the number of Jews living in Gaza, and the truth of Hamas atrocities.
None of which you have acknowledged.
Hey Skipper said...
"That comment amounts to saying "sow the wind, reap the whirlwind." There is no cheering going on, just an acknowledgment of brute fact. Try harder."
Says you. Gaza is not a person. And Gaza didn't attack anybody. Gaza didn't "sow" a damn thing.
"So Jimmy Dore found one instance of Israeli barbarism. Great."
That's exactly what I expect to hear from someone like you. Now I'm supposed to find you more, which you'll also dismiss, because the difference between occupier and occupied hasn't rang any bells for you in 75 years. Just as you decided to attack me - out of the blue - ignoring my synagogue work and positive statements about Jews and Judaism, because you grasp me so well. Sorry, but you can try to lord it over someone else, or play your games, elsewhere. We're done.
I love this:
"You inflicted upon all of us your profound ignorance"
You're the type who sets the homeless on fire, huh?
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "Just as you decided to attack me - out of the blue - ignoring my synagogue work and positive statements about Jews and Judaism,..."
In the same way that the gazan arabs that had been given jobs in the kibbutzes delivered intel to the Hamas murderers to go in and tortue, murder and kidnap Jews, Crack thinks he can whitewash (see what I did there?) his support for his 7th Century Death Cult heroes by claiming he has hung with some Jews in the past!
Crack, why dont you take all your "learned" (LOL) "reasoning" that you have documented on this site over the last 2 months and run it by your "synogogue" pals and let us know how that goes....
By now, given all that has happened in the west over the last several months, many trusting Jews have finally opened their eyes to the snakes in their midst and I doubt Crack's astonishing historical ignorance and full embrace of the terrorists messaging framework would surprise them.
Says you. Gaza is not a person. And Gaza didn't attack anybody. Gaza didn't "sow" a damn thing.
This is why I say you are inflicting your ignorance on the rest of us. Of course Gaza isn't a person, and as such, couldn't sow anything. But that isn't how "Gaza" was used. Rather, "Gaza" was used as a stand-in, a synecdoche.
syn·ec·do·che: a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs (meaning “Cleveland's baseball team”).
That's exactly what I expect to hear from someone like you. Now I'm supposed to find you more, which you'll also dismiss, because the difference between occupier and occupied hasn't rang any bells for you in 75 years
NB: I didn't dismiss that instance of Israeli barbarism. Rather, my obvious point is that such things are extremely rare, to the point where I doubt you could find more, even by your frequently tendentious standards. In comparison, just looking at the UNRWA, a search overflows with virulent instances of Jew hatred.
Also, you are a wizard with pronunciamentos. Fun word, you should look it up.
You've proved nothing but you joined the delusional brigade, that follows me around the blog, too soon.
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