"'Now I feel like I will never entirely know,' [Prisha Mosley] said in the first of a series of YouTube video diaries that drew more than 1,750 subscribers. She started to cry. 'I just took the cure that was handed to me,' she said through sobs. '… I just don’t want anyone else to feel this way. I lost my voice. I lost my chest. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to have kids. I feel like no one wants to date me or love me because I’m ruined.'... In July, she sued the North Carolina doctors, therapists and clinics who provided her with surgery, hormones and other gender-affirming care, alleging fraud and malpractice.... Mosley told The Post that she supports government efforts to expand mental health care instead of gender-affirming care, 'so that individuals suffering from gender dysphoria can have something to reach toward that doesn’t make their condition worse. Whatever the child is experiencing is real — such as mental illness, gender dysphoria, thoughts of suicide. Those feelings should be validated,' Mosley said. 'The trans delusion, however, is not true....'"
Writes Molly Hennessey-Fiske, in "'Detransitioners' wield influence in shaping conservative transgender laws" (WaPo).
६६ टिप्पण्या:
"In July, she sued the North Carolina doctors, therapists and clinics who provided her with surgery, hormones and other gender-affirming care, alleging fraud and malpractice..."
I'll take "Things That Were Bound To Happen" for $1000, Alex.
Natural law takes precedence over social progress and liberal faith in the transgender spectrum (e.g. homosexual orientation).
I can't read it due to paywall, but if WaPo even has this much, I guess some credit for even bringing up the word "detransitioners" as many seem to want to pretend they don't exist. And really, Prisha Mosley isn't so much a detransitioner as she is a person coerced into accepting a life changing medical procedure at a time in her life when she had no idea what it mean, as she points out in the quote. It seems she was never trans.
I feel horrible about this. Do we have stats of how many girls are into this? Of my little clique of high school friends- 5 girls 4 now moms. One has a nonbinary and one has a girl living as a boy (whatever you wanna call that)...
Vulnerable girls, that is to say...girls, are being driven to this by evil monsters...
Time for a story about Dr. John Money.
He was a pioneer in gender theory. He introduced commonly understood concepts known today as gender theory and gender roles. He differentiated gender from sex, thinking that the former is a social construct, and it was he who came up with that concept in the initial literature. During the 60s, one family named the Reimers gave birth to twin boys, Bruce and Brian Reimer. Bruce’s penis was mangled in a botched circumcision (the Reimers were not Jewish however). The concerned parents brought Bruce to Dr. Money, who saw a unique opportunity to test and prove his theory of gender being a social construct. Dr. Money advised the Reimers to remove Bruce’s testicles and raise him as a girl (Brenda), with the expectation that nurture trumped nature and that Bruce would naturally become Brenda and a legitimate girl with the proper social cues and conditioning. This did not happen. Bruce never felt like Brenda, and began to rebel against his female identity as a teenager, as well as falling into a deep depression. Worse yet, as part of ongoing research and clinical support for the family Dr. Money would see both Brenda and Brian and would force the two children to strip for genital inspections and photos – as well as forcing them to perform sexual acts on each other – that became a staple of the older clinical literature (however this is starting to be removed in newer versions of the corpus). Bruce was never comfortable with Brenda, and later changed his name to David and tried to return to being a full-time male by having a medical procedure that gave him an artificial penis and testicles. His brother Brian ended up developing schizophrenia and died from suicide. David, who had been Bruce (then “Brenda”), ended up shooting himself after years of depression, financial instability and marital issues. Dr. Money wrote his critics off as bigots who believe that “masculinity and femininity are built into human genes so women would get back to the mattress and the kitchen”. Dr. John Money died 2006 leaving behind a huge corpus of work on gender, sex, and transgenderism that makes up a sizeable percentage of the foundational literature used in thousands of cited works by others on the subject over the last 30 years. He remains respected – but by an ever diminishing number of specialists – as well as completely unaccountable for crimes he committed against the Reimer family and the Reimer boys.
The transgender movement, effectively born at Berlin's Institute of Sex Research in 1919, will go down in human history as one of the greatest malfeasances in medical and cultural history of all time. It has damaged the lives of millions, not thousands, and infinitely millions - maybe billions - more indirectly like siblings, parents, extended families, and the general public. It is a crime of huge proportions, one that no torts or settlements will ever reliably undo. These people's lives are ruined, and in more ways than just them.
It is an unforgiveable crime and its damage will be stenciled inside the minds of generations to come who will look back on it and curse the adults who allowed it to happen. Shame on them.
I think an Afro-Am History course should include CRT and structural racism, the same way a biology course should include creationism, to treat it fairly and show how it's untrue even though lots of people believe it.
Gender dysphoria has been around for what, 4 million years? You don't hear the Cro-Magnons complaining do you?
Primum non nocere. The doctors and therapists that "treated" this girl (now woman) clearly violated this principle. But principles, like laws and even constitutions, don't seem to mean much anymore. These people belong in prison, and her parents (or guardians) should join them.
Sue the hell out of the butchers that think doing this to kids is 'normal".
Sheridan said...
Gender dysphoria has been around for what, 4 million years? You don't hear the Cro-Magnons complaining do you?
12/6/23, 4:22 PM
Did they have surgeons there to cut off their privates when they were children?
“I am the lord thy god. I made man in my own image...but if you want to fool about with the naughty bits and play Mr. Potatohead with them, hey...who am I to judge, right? I mean consider my works, of course I want man to make crooked what I hath made straight.”
– The Lord, Thy God
At one time frontal lobotomies were seen as the cure for a number mental illnesses, became a fad and subsequently have been banned in most countries. I see transgender surgery, etc. as the same kind of faddish medical malpractice and hope that it will quickly go the way of frontal lobotomies. We have certainly seen through the Covid lockdowns, and dictatorial practices of Fauci et al, that medical men/women should not be left unsupervised and their judgement should certainly be open to questioning.
Dr. John Money was a member of the American Eugenics Society along with several colleagues in his twisted endeavor. Eugenics has gone through four major phases in America and in its present incarnation is dominating and driving the field of behavior genetics. This field looks back to Money who had a theory about how much of our behavior is genetic and how much is cultural and who tried his theory out on an unfortunate boy starting in on him as a baby. These days the field is trying to promote Polygenic Risk Scoring (PGS). People are not aware of PGS because it is not yet policy, it is "just academic." But practitioners of the art allege the ability to predict criminal behavior as well as the even more dangerous likelihood of becoming a Republican donor. The goal of the PGS people is to control anti-social tendencies with drugs. How miserable might they make people, starting in on babies? Look at what happened to the boy Dr. John Money experimented on - at Johns Hopkins - with no one stopping him. (The boy was from a poor family who were delighted by the thought that a researcher at a premier American medical institution was helping their son who seemed to have so many troubles.)
The story of Money's unchecked attack on a human personality is recounted in:
As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl. (John Colapinto 2006)
available on Amazon through the Althouse portal.
What's "conservative" about objecting to irreversible, experimental radical medicines and surgeries for children? How did we get to a place where that position is tossed-off as conservative?
The science supporting the treatment of gender dysphoria with puberty blockers, genital mutilation, and anorgasmia is among the flimsiest ever accepted by the medical establishment, particularly for interventions with such devastating irreversible side effects and unintended consequences.
The cowardice, political gamesmanship, and magical thinking that led to this mass delusion, and the human suffering it effected on the patients of these unspeakably evil monsters, will one day be taught in medical ethics classes right alongside the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, Josef Mengele, and frontal lobotomies.
Sex is genetic. Gender is sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation). Trans- refers to a state or process of divergence, which in the past and today is exploited through liberal license with progressive consequences.
Johns Hopkins observed the same progress over four decades ago. Let's do it again, and again... eventually, they will identify the missing piece(s) of their gender ideology.
the same way a biology course should include creationism
The "big bang" theory of creation and evolutionary missing pieces.
So, they are objecting to victims of a crime being involved in molding the laws that apply to that crime?
That's a take.
Though I suppose when you are part of the "defund the police" and Soros prosecutor crowd, "crime" is a bad word.
“I am the lord thy god. I made man in my own image...but if you want to fool about with the naughty bits and play Mr. Potatohead with them, hey...who am I to judge, right? I mean consider my works, of course I want man to make crooked what I hath made straight.”
– The Lord, Thy God
That's the notable difference between nominally secular and Judeo-Christian religions and faith. While God advises the latter, mortal gods and experts dictate the former.
MN Farm Guy-
The surgeon who developed the lobotomy, Dr Moniz, was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work.
Dr Moniz was an academic, dean of a medical school in Lisbon, who was originally very politically active before devoting himself to mutilating surgeries for the benefit of the mentally ill.
Today's mutilators are far worse; they are treating a delusion in otherwise functional people, as opposed to the completely uncontrollable insanity that afflicted people in the 1940s.
Wendybar - I suspect that Cro-Magnon people (and everyone up until say the invention of the telephone) kept their thoughts mostly to themselves or other people they trusted. Deviations from the "norm" impacted the pack/clan/tribe in many negative ways not the least of which was survivability.
This whole thing will end in a blizzard of lawsuits, just as recovered memories did.
when a child has body dysphoria, because they think that they are "too fat";
a doctor (after ONE hour long consult) will provide diet pills AND Liposuction..
They DON'T say; "girl, you only weigh 100 lbs; that is a NORMAL weigh for your age and height"
NO! they LISTEN to the child, and start doping and sucking (and stapling);
because "no one knows better, than a 11 year, how much they should weigh"
Wait a minute.. I've got that Completely Backwards.. That is THE OPPOSITE of what they do and say
Why is that? Why do we talk to kids about Some delusions; and Cater to others?
I almost wonder if $money$ is involved??
I met Nebraska native Luka "Bunny" Hein when she testified before the NE Legislature's committee. I'm not the type to cry, but I felt like crying.
At age 16, the so-called doctors removed her breasts. They put her on drugs. And they were ready to remove her uterus when her parents refused to give consent.
The pitch the doctors gave her parents was, "Do you want a dead daughter or live son?"
She's got lots of permanent physical problems and a deep voice.
She's sued UNMC and Nebraska Medicine. NE has a a med mal cap, but she'll get $10m-$15m; the limits allowed by law.
I know her lawyer and he's outstanding.
I told the Board of Regents last week that they need to fire the CEO of UNMC. Bad judgment.
Weird how protecting kids has become a political issue. It was the Dems and Progressives who passed child labor laws, but child mutilation is okay.
And, of course, the Dems went wild over this issue and filibustered every single bill in the last session. In a way that was good as it showed regular people how insane the Dems have become.
I should add that the Dems protested the Let Them Grow NE bill in the Rotunda. People flew in from all over the country. And then they tried to testify until midnight and got upset when all their repetitive testimony wasn't heard.
The Left has gone insane. A weird hill to die on.
why were not include her parents in the lawsuit as co-defendants?
...gender dysphoria??
I think prepubescence is a more descriptive word. Childhood, which can be pretty tough at times, might be a better term though. Anyway, what it boils down to for anyone pushing this is that 'since I'm miserable you're going to damn well be miserable too'. I guess a harsher way of looking a it is "you are a sex offender and I have no tolerance for that". T has nothing to do with helping a child cope. I'm suprised the LGBs have any tolerance at all for the Ts. The first three letters are sexual preferances, socially normal or not. The fourth is a fantasy.
The people who condone doing this to children are criminals and should be treated as such. When you reach the age of consent you can join any cult you please as long as you don't harm others and are willing to put up with society's reaction. Don't expect me to listen to your opinions on matters, nor give you sympathy for your adult decisions though. You are living in a fantasy.
Parenting can be tough when your kid is having a hard time and you need to find a way to guide them through it. Abusing or mutilating them does not help. Stop! Now! If you find another abusing your child take all actions necessary to stop them. Pretty much the norm for mammals.
Leland writes, "It seems [Mosley] was never trans."
So what constitutes authentically trans? Are we to believe God selects the male gamete that fits his divine plan, making sure that it succeeds in fertilization to the exclusion of all the others, (one way to deal with that tiresome nebbish) but occasionally makes mistakes? Granted, the Lord of Hosts gets cranky now and then but isn't even that accounted for in the Celestial Blueprint?
I hope she puts the whole lot of them into pauperdom and results in the clinics forced to close their doors.
Someone should ask Nikki Haley about this.
What's "conservative" about objecting to irreversible, experimental radical medicines and surgeries for children? How did we get to a place where that position is tossed-off as conservative?
How did we get to the place where promoting sterilizing medicine and genital mutilation to what otherwise seemed like homosexual children is a default liberal position? And any opposition to such treatment is radical far right wing?
What was done to this young lady is pure evil.
Not only does gender transition condemn an otherwise healthy person to a lifetime of dependence on the medical establishment, but on dependence on medications and their side effects. And there is often little to no warnings given to those individuals about possible complications and issues such as sterilization, future inability to find partners, etc. There have been no follow up studies on long term effects of gender transition.
In an emotionally healthy adult gender transition can be effective to deal with severe gender dysphoria but in a troubled child gender transition does little to nothing to deal with their underlying emotional and psychological problems and can cause even more distress if their transition has challenges.
As a child I dealt with gender nonconformity, i.e., not feeling like a typical girl, but I never felt uncomfortable in my body or that I was "born in the wrong body." I felt that the stereotypes and expectations about girls and women, how you were supposed to dress etc., did not apply. I preferred a lot of boys' toys, loved climbing trees. As an adult I once asked a psychic about this and was told that we all spend different lifetimes as men and as women and sometimes have many consecutive lifetimes in the same gender and this can result in an over identification. In my case there was some residual memory of many male lifetimes. Although in this life I was born into the opposite sex for the development of my soul, I retained some of those past gender preferences. That belief in reincarnation made perfect sense to me.
What surprises me now is how many people choose to believe that they are born in the "wrong body" as if nature made a mistake, rather than accept the concept of reincarnation and while they may feel different and not typical, they are not a mistake. It's virtually impossible to suggest this understanding of reincarnation, especially in our political climate and the atheism of the Left. I am surprised that there is so much fear and resistance to this idea.
The Washington Times comment today on "X" in regards to this issue:
The Washington Times
"Surge of detransition lawsuits pose threat to booming gender-transition business".
See, the largest concern should be about the booming business that might be harmed should the lawsuits be successful. These young people are being harmed for life and the WaPo is concerned only about the health of the gender-mutilation business. No matter how much you distrust and dislike the leftist media, it is not enough.
The personal story gambit has no sway on me.
Adults are adults.
Children have no capacity to make such life changing decisions. No drugs no surgery until they are 18 no exceptions.
NO! "Experts" have no clue. The Hippocratic oath advises 'do no harm'. Make it so.
Adults are adults.
Children have no capacity to make such life changing decisions. No drugs no surgery until they are 18 no exceptions.
The Hippocratic oath advises 'do no harm'.
Conservative laws.
Levine et al dream of Herr Mengele... and Money, money, too.
I want the opinion of Dr. Mengele! Oh wait, he's laughing his ass off. Ahead of his time he was.
"gender affirming care" is a leftist phrase.
It's poison.
Gender (i.e. sex-correlated attributes) simulation permanently corrupts normal sexual experience. Look before you leap.
The sad thing is- suicide seems to be a threat held over parent’s heads no matter.
Teach virtues to children again.
Start with Patience.
@West Texas Moniz was awarded a Nobel, yet his surgery has been banned. Not the first Nobel to be given on faulty premises.
May she be the first of many to hold these modern Mengeles accountable.
Are the kind of mental issues that might lead one into a sex-change procedure likely to be all in the past by age 18?
Note: "At 18, at her request, surgeons removed her breasts."
But: "Mosley told The Post that she supports government efforts to expand mental health care instead of gender-affirming care,..."
Why is more government always the proposed solution? Aren't there enough therapists out there to handle these cases?
What is the probability that more government-mandated mental health care would actually help anyone? Low. We all know that. And this woman is still a confused person. But not on the larger issue in her life.
It was painful watching all that awful truth coming out on her video, just one of a series she has made. May they get the audience they deserve.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Also this..
At one time frontal lobotomies were seen as the cure for a number mental illnesses,...
Yep, You raise the blade, you make the change
serious question
IF a person has "gender dysphoria" or any other type of body dysphoria (or any type of dysphoria)..
Shouldn't we be helping them GET OVER IT, and accept themselves?
WHY are we encouraging them?
" "'Detransitioners' wield influence in shaping conservative transgender laws...."
After they finish shaping some laws, I would invite them to wield something with a little more shaping power, against the credentialed monsters and their predatory habits that have been feasting on these children. Because it's pure evil, malice with intent to harm. We haev to protect our children if we want our society to live.
"Children who grow up in politically liberal households are more likely to suffer mental health problems than their conservative peers, according to a new study."
Hey, usual suspects. If you have kids you might want to rethink a few things. Seriously. (The assumption being that you actually give a shit) If you don't have kids then keep your hands off ours. (You don't know shit)
It's hard to describe how angry this shit makes me. I look at href="https://twitter.com/TheFamousArtBR/status/1674473134630608896">this meme of Ellen Page and I see a beautiful young woman ruined - like Prisha and so many others - when all that was really wrong was a serious lack of confidence in their own self-worth, and consequently their belief in their ability to find love and happiness.
These young women are not perfect, as if anyone is. Ive read that Ellen was very self-conscious about how short she was. The pressure on young men and women to be perfect pornographic stars of their own love lives with idealized hollywood curated personalities is almost a type of performance art in itself. Young people are ditching any genuine character they might have had for these ultra fake and ultra gay gargoyle masks. They're becoming actors in their own lives with zero grounding in reality anymore, so when the slightest bit of reality intrudes in their attempt to present perfection, they crack like humpty dumpty.
This pressure to be perfect from media and peers and supposed professionals is a type of emotional terrorism that always existed in the background but absolutely exploded when the smart phone went mainstream. There's a huge correlation between that event and what we're seeing now. No one can protect these children from these impersonal forces that essentially only want to make money off them except the adults that are already in their lives and the adults in their lives have completely failed them.
It's worse than being wrong. It's evil. It's an abrogation of the one goddamn job any adult in any culture has since the dawn of history: protect the young. It used to be sabertooth tigers, then it was the other tribe, or disease, or starvation, and now it's multinational media, lifestyle, and pharmaceutical conglomerates that want to turn them into lifelong hormone junkies and bank ATMs buying pride merch for gay Kwanzaa every June.
Death to them all.
Gender dysphoria (a child not happy about being whatever sex it was born into) has been around for a while, apparently, though rarely. At least everyone says so.
For years, this was treated as the delusion it plainly was. The delusion was treated, not accepted as the truth. Puberty went on for the gender dysphoria sufferers, and lo and behold, their sexuality developed as they grew up, more to the norm. Maybe gay or lesbian, maybe hetero, whatever. Puberty is tough, but it is essential, for a child to grow into adulthood.
And at the conclusion of puberty, about 80% of those kids who had suffered gender dysphoria had grown out of it. For them at least, the problem was mostly solved. They became adults of their biological sex.
But see, that wasn't such a great deal for the doctors. How much money can you make, just talking kids successfully through the ordeal of puberty and gender uncertainty? A lot, probably, but not nearly enough. So fraudsters like John Money of Johns Hopkins, and others, started the sex-change scam. We can change your sex characteristics by changing your hormones, overriding what nature would normally provide to guide you into being an adult man or woman, from being a boy or girl.
And not just that, we can take those unfortunate parts that you hate so much, the breasts, the vagina, the penis, the testicles, and we can rid you of those awful bits. Wouldn't that be lovely?
We can give you boys an artificial vagina, that you'll have to dilate every day of the rest of your life, no matter how much it hurts to do so, to keep that doctor-created wound from closing up. It won't ever serve as a birth channel, because despite everything we try, you're still a biological male. Every cell in your body is XY, male.
We can give you girls a big swinging hunk of arm or leg meat, rolled into a tube which is supposed to look like a penis, even though it won't urinate for you, won't erect for its intended purpose, won't deliver semen or sperm to make you a father, simply put, just won't work.
And we'll do all this when you are a child who probably has almost no or very little real knowledge about what all that stuff is about. We'll act like you've given informed consent to be sterilized, neutered, when you're not able to understand what it all means. You may not even have ever experienced sex, but we'll say you were "informed" enough when you consented to having your junk removed. Because, we'll make a lot of money off you, as a life-long patient with hormone treatments and surgeries forever, trying to make you think you're something you're not.
What kind of doctor turns away from a wait-and-see treatment that was proven 80% successful in resolving gender dysphoria without hormones or surgeries, and talks an ill-informed child into mutilating his or her body and signing up for life-long medical treatments? Not a good one, in my opinion.
These surgeries are often more extreme than FMG (female genital mutilation, a human rights crime).
They were being performed in two types of medical establishments: some of the highest ranking teaching hospitals, and shady alley clinics. Draw your own conclusions at the similarity.
I dare anyone who believes we should hormonally and surgically mutilate children's bodies to watch the entire series, I Am Jazz, not just to witness the slow destruction of a small boy's body, mental stability, fertility, and life, but also to collate all the adults who abetted it, starting with his Munchausens by Proxy mother, and including that voyeuristic hag Barbara Walters; the clearly disturbed obsessive gay and trans doctors; the studio executives who signed off on this, and the "advocacy" organizations that profited from it.
Especially piquant is mommy complaining she has to force her "daughter" to force a dildo in her surgical canal for several hours a night (for life) to keep the open wound that is her "neo-vagina" from closing, aka wound healing.
You won't be the same after watching this.
The sad thing is- suicide seems to be a threat held over parent’s heads no matter.
Teach virtues to children again.
Start with Patience.
Anthropologically speaking Humans organize themselves around a higher power. That has evolved into the worlds religions, providing moral direction.
Skip to today.
The elites, all a product of academia, have not just abandoned a concept of the Higher Power, but have self elected themselves to that position.
I refuse to speak for others. I'll only share what I am discovering.
The perpetual question of 'why are we/me here, is easy. Be of service to others.
That simple underlying moral core value, tames my ego and promotes harmony.
But I need help, guidance, and the modeling provided by like minded people.
For billions, that direction and modeling comes from mosques, synagogues, and churches.
Societal structure, again learning from anthropology, consists of nuclear family, man and woman creating and rearing children.Faith. community, local govt,regional, national.
Our hurdle today is public schools actively attacking the nuclear family.
Under no societal principle, is it right, that teachers hide from parents the struggles a child is going through. But that is exactly where we are.
"Deviations from the "norm" impacted the pack/clan/tribe in many negative ways not the least of which was survivability."
You know that's still true? Right?
Of all the terms used to justify this body and mind mutilating therapy the most noxious is "gender affirming", in which the therapist appears to be drawn into and become a part of the delusion. Since little is truly known concerning this entire process it satisfies the therapists need to be doing good. Also it doesn't hurt the bottom line, an unconscious driver of this nonsense. It is similar to Shaw's surgeon who became wealthy removing a non-existent bit of anatomy, the "nuciform sac" only this is real life and should be impermissible.
Tags: Return of Child Sacrifices, Darwin Awards, Return of Martyrs, Untreated Mental Illness
Many 20th century scientists tried very hard to move away from religious and magical thinking about salvation and transformation. They got slapped by retrograde corrupt statist "progressives" in the last 10 years (following Jordan Peterson). Had mental illness remained in the shared worldview, none of this needed to happen.
But there were huge paydays for doctors...and Fauci's lizard culture was in charge...
gilbar said...
serious question
IF a person has "gender dysphoria" or any other type of body dysphoria (or any type of dysphoria)..
Shouldn't we be helping them GET OVER IT, and accept themselves?
WHY are we encouraging them?
12/6/23, 8:58 PM
Why should the medical establishment settle for $10s of thousands of dollars over a half dozen years for therapy when they can get $100s of thousands in a year for using the knife and then "interest" in the form of follow-up care, meds, support, etc. until death? Just run the numbers man!
Hassayamper said...
The science supporting the treatment of gender dysphoria with puberty blockers, genital mutilation, and anorgasmia is among the flimsiest ever accepted by the medical establishment, particularly for interventions with such devastating irreversible side effects and unintended consequences.
Flimsy to the point of being either completely made up or delusional.
Seems to be the fad these days in the medical community. The world is currently recovering from a few years of nonsense based on falsehoods uttered by esteemed health professionals such as Dr Fraudci. Some will never recover- they're dead.
Based on the excerpt, maybe this should shape EVERYONE'S opinion of transgender laws meant to protect children. How infuriatingly banal to consider this issue only though a political filter.
Nothing will change without the proper incentives.
Incentives can be positive or negative. Positive = more money and fame. Negative = getting sued into oblivion and shunned by all reasoning people.
I vote for negative incentives. They would be cheaper, more definitive, more immediately propagated across society, and more lasting.
Sue those that pushed this “care” into oblivion. Strip those “medical professionals” of their licenses. Put the most vocal advocates in jail as well as the vultures in the business centers that pushed this “therapy” knowing it was a gusher of revenue.
This is a mental illness that needs to be treated as an issue in the head - not the groin area. The only people that should be involved should be those that see this for what it is - a dysphoria - a mental condition. Most of these people are just gay - and need to accept that.
But scorched earth on the “industry” that has mutilated so many.
Iowan2: I’m watching/listening(actually) to a series of videos called Exodus. I’m on episode 13. Jordan Peterson reads Exodus out loud and the most amazing discussion evolves with him and maybe 5other gentlemen about the meaning of it all. Past, present- Heaven, hell…
I may presume too much but- you might like it :0)
People should be very careful about making serious modifications to their bodies. Some things are not easily reversible or even not reversible at all.
How many people have gotten tattoos that they end up regretting later?
Starting about twelve years ago, I began to notice that attorneys and assorted activists who advocate Progressive Criminal Justice Reform were advancing the theory that we should overturn convictions and severely reduce lengthy sentences for people who committed their crimes before the age of twenty-five. They began to include these claims in the appeals they filed for post-conviction relief---this was the type of appeal I was answering in my job as an assistant district attorney.
According to them, in other words, people shouldn't be held accountable (or at least not punished severely) for murders, arsons, rapes, shootings etc. that they committed before age twenty-five, because modern science proves that our brains don't develop mature decision-making skills until then.
Leftist: Our brains don't develop good decision-making skills until age twenty-five so murderers should go free. Also, ten year olds can make mature decisions to consent to puberty blockers and a few years later, to cross-sex hormones and having their breasts sliced off.
Why should the medical establishment settle for $10s of thousands of dollars over a half dozen years for therapy when they can get $100s of thousands in a year for using the knife and then "interest" in the form of follow-up care, meds, support, etc. until death?
Which is why I earnestly hope that Prisha Mosley wins her suit and collects tens of millions of dollars. Time to change the cost/ benefit equations.
Yah, frivolous lawsuits and abuse of tort laws abound in america and trump will end these type of money grab suits against good doctors and fine corporations. TORT REFORM NOW
"Leftist: Our brains don't develop good decision-making skills until age twenty-five so murderers should go free. Also, ten year olds can make mature decisions to consent to puberty blockers and a few years later, to cross-sex hormones and having their breasts sliced off."
They also want to let 16-year-olds vote. One might, at this point, begin to understand that leftists' brains never develop good decision-making skills.
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