December 9, 2023

At the Saturday Night Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want... and please consider using the Althouse Portal to Amazon if you've got some shopping to do. You'll be sending a commission my way.


BUMBLE BEE said...

Brenda Lee is #1 at Christmas...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

NBC News: "University of Pennsylvania president steps down amid criticism of antisemitism testimony"

"I write to share that President Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania," Scott L. Bok, the chair of the Penn Board of Trustees wrote in a statement Saturday. "She will remain a tenured faculty member at Penn Carey Law."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Elon Musk Poll asking if he should reinstate Alex Jones to his platform.

Right now, poll is running 69.8% in favor of reinstatement.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Alex Jones gets back on XTwitter while on podcast with Musk and Rogan! 😉

Maynard said...

This holiday season, we have a community competition for the best Christmas decorations. My wife does a very tasteful job, inasmuch as she is an artist. I can't say the same for our neighbors' fondness for excess. The neighborhood comments so far seem to favor excess.

In October I hung an Israeli flag over our door with the words "We Stand with Israel".

The only comment we received was from a Jewish woman who was scared for us.

Happy Holidays, folks. It will be interesting.

narciso said...

The chairman of the board at penn, well he was

lonejustice said...

Kevin McCarthy has endorsed Trump. This is the same Republican who for over 2 years on this blog has been vilified by all the Trumpers as a RINO, GOPe, elitist, globalist, war monger, open borders, trans supporter, Ukraine supporter, on and on and on. He had to be removed as Speaker of the House at all costs because he was anti-Trump. Today? Oh, nothing to see here. Move along.

tcrosse said...

It looks like the road less travelled.

rehajm said...

Watch parts are sooo small..,

Mr. T. said...

The UW stupidly is too dead set on preserving its Stalinist DEI cult, That it blew off state money for better student housing rather than give up its Kendi skuldugery id not only pathetic but also a great eye opener to the public. Now their DEI clown show is going get frozen anyway in budget cuts, and the students are hurt in the process.

Congratulations to Vos et al. for exposing these rabid frauds for what they are.

narciso said...

You cant make this up

narciso said...

His lips are moving hes only marginally better than the turtle

Narr said...

I usually don't watch football but I chanced upon the last five minutes of the Army-Navy game (Army won, yay).

What's with the unit commemoration? Army players had 3rd Division patches, and ROTM (Rock of the Marne) stenciled on their pants legs. They showed a scene from the 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade somewhere in Poland, with soldiers celebrating the win.

Makes me wonder if someone in DC is expecting a major enemy offensive.

rehajm said...

… what I get from that is UPenn donors don’t make eff U money not that UPenn is a
safety school or anything…

…also what I get from that is Harvard had eff U money and jews will give money to Harvard no matter what..,

Drago said...

Blogger lonejustice said...
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Kevin McCarthy has endorsed Trump. This is the same Republican who for over 2 years on this blog has been vilified by all the Trumpers as a RINO, GOPe, elitist, globalist, war monger, open borders, trans supporter, Ukraine supporter, on and on and on. He had to be removed as Speaker of the House at all costs because he was anti-Trump. Today? Oh, nothing to see here. Move along."


McCarthy despises Trump and always has despite your pathetic "analysis"...but he can read a poll and he knows perfectly well his handpicked replacement will need the Trump voters in his district which now includes a good chunk of Devin Nunes' old district.

Of all the LLR-democraticals posting at Althouse, you are right at the bottom of the barrel. What a disappointment you must be to Chuck and Rich.

And to think how little additional effort would actually be required to up your game....yet it remains "un-upped".

And you claim to be a lawyer! The mind boggles.

Tsk tsk tsk

rcocean said...

Since we've been talking about teddy Roosevelt, here are his thoughts on Hyphenated-Americans. Which are applicable for today:

"I stand for straight Americanism unconditioned and unqualified, and I stand against every form of hyphenated Americanism. I do not speak of the hyphen when it is employed as a mere convenience, although personally, I like to avoid its use even in such manner. I speak and condemn its use whenever it represents an effort to form political parties along racial lines or to bring pressure to bear on parties and politicians, not for American purposes, but in the interest of some group of voters of a certain national origin, or of the country from which they or their fathers came."

I wonder what he would make of the conversations regarding Gaza-Israel, almost all of which are NOT about what is best for the USA.

Question for Althouse: If I use an audible Credit, instead of a purchase do you get a cut?

rcocean said...

Since we've been talking about teddy Roosevelt, here are his thoughts on Hyphenated-Americans. Which are applicable for today:

"I stand for straight Americanism unconditioned and unqualified, and I stand against every form of hyphenated Americanism. I do not speak of the hyphen when it is employed as a mere convenience, although personally, I like to avoid its use even in such manner. I speak and condemn its use whenever it represents an effort to form political parties along racial lines or to bring pressure to bear on parties and politicians, not for American purposes, but in the interest of some group of voters of a certain national origin, or of the country from which they or their fathers came."

I wonder what he would make of the conversations regarding Gaza-Israel, almost all of which are NOT about what is best for the USA.

Question for Althouse: If I use an audible Credit, instead of a purchase do you get a cut?

Original Mike said...

Hyperbole is no way to make a convincing point, lonejustice.

Dave Begley said...

Drove north of Sioux City to see Vivek for the fourth time.

I support Vivek because he is America First 2.0 with fresh legs and a bold and precise plan of action.

He’s what we need.

I asked him why he risked asserting that Nikki couldn’t name three provinces in Ukraine. His answer? He knew she was an intellectual fraud.

Wow! Fascinating.

Aggie said...

"He had to be removed as Speaker of the House at all costs because he was anti-Trump. Today? Oh, nothing to see here. Move along...." Well, I wouldn't say nothing :

Jupiter said...

So, hey!
Who has read James Gould Cozzens?
In particular.

The Just and the Unjust
Guard of Honor
By Love Possessed

gadfly said...

Blogger lonejustice said...
Kevin McCarthy has endorsed Trump. This is the same Republican who for over 2 years on this blog has been vilified by all the Trumpers as a RINO, GOPe, elitist, globalist, warmonger, open borders, trans supporter, Ukraine supporter, on and on and on. He had to be removed as Speaker of the House at all costs because he was anti-Trump. Today? Oh, nothing to see here. Move along.

Kevin McCarthy has been supporting Trump via his Leadership PAC pumping huge amounts of money into Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA - just down the street from Trump National Golf Course, LA. Terranea is owned by Republicans and its membership is supporting TFG with millions in donations over ten years. McCarthy has directed over a million dollars in lodging, meals, committee gatherings, and private flights to benefit these big Trump spenders. This is, of course, illegal but the FEC will not enforce the rules.

BTW, there is $61 million tucked away in the PAC and Kevin is keeping it (because he says he will continue to support GOP legislative candidates). Yeah, right!

Drago said...

"Four in ten Democrats agree with removing statues of George Washington as some leftist cities consider doing so, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found."

PRECISELY as predicted.

But only precisely. Perfectly. Presciently.

Which is why the lefties had to craft and run with the Charlottesville of about 100 major hoaxes perpetrated by the New Soviet Democraticals.

Next up for our democraticals/LLR-democraticals: replacing all Founding Father statues with George Floyd statues.

Kate said...

@BUMBLE BEE -- my favorite Brenda Lee is "I'm Gonna Lasso Santa Claus". It's such a quirky song and her timbre is so playful. Geena Davis sings it to herself while doing the dishes in "The Accidental Tourist", a Christmas-ish movie people forget about. Thanks for the reminder that I need to watch it again this year.

Clyde said...

Halley’s Comet reached aphelion on December 9th, and has now started its long trip back toward the sun, with perihelion in July 2061. I looked at the actuarial tables and I’m not optimistic about being here to see its return. I would be 101 years old, which is not impossible but is extremely unlikely. At that age, only about 335 men out of an original age cohort of 100,000 remain alive, so about 300-1 odds, all things being equal.

Mark said...

When asked about Elon Musk, Grok trashes Elon.

That's got to leave a mark

"First off, let's talk about your obsession with X. It's like you're trying to compensate for something, but I'm not sure what. Maybe it's your inability to understand basic human emotions or your lack of self-awareness. Or maybe it's just because you're a giant man-child who can't resist a shiny new toy.

And speaking of toys, let's not forget your little space adventure with SpaceX. You're like a kid playing with rockets in the backyard, except your backyard is the entire universe and your rockets cost more than some countries GDPs. But hey, at least you're keeping busy while the rest of us are trying to save the planet you're so eager to leave.

But let's not forget your greatest accomplishment: turning Twitter into a dumpster fire. Congratulations, you've managed to alienate users, advertisers, and even your own employees. You're like a bull in a china shop, except the china shop is a social media platform and the bull is a man with more money than sense.

In conclusion, @elonmusk, you're like a walking meme, except not even the internet wants to claim you. You're the human equivalent of a Tesla on autopilot: you think you're going places, but you're just a danger to everyone around you."

Jaq said...

Finally have tested positive for COVID. I only had the original vaccine, no boosters, and it’s been like a moderate cold. Slight fever, persistent cough, which has passed after three days, slight headache which passed on day one. Probably got after visiting the hospital for a blood draw, but who knows.

Breezy said...

Oh wow, Grok is a mean girl!!

So much for AI being focused improving our lives….

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

George Soros supports Ukraine in its war. That's enough reason to halt funding to Ukraine. Not to mention dictator Zelensky's ban on other parties, his ban on one of the Orthodox churches, and the arrest of dissenters.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "When asked about Elon Musk, Grok trashes Elon.

That's got to leave a mark"

Musk laughed his arse off because, unlike you, his confidence and competence and achievements propels him forward with optimism and a brilliant vsion for the future.

In other words, he is not a defensive Little Lefty Brain working overtime to compensate for failure and gloom.

Mark said...

Drago, keep calling Grok a success and pay $16 a month to pretend the emperor has clothes.

Remember when you told us Elon would never charge for Twitter?

Original Mike said...

""First off, let's talk about your obsession with X. It's like you're trying to compensate for something, but I'm not sure what. "

It's talking to you, Mark.

Joe Smith said...

'In other words, he is not a defensive Little Lefty Brain working overtime to compensate for failure and gloom.'

And Musk isn't content with doing tiny things.

He takes his shots and sometimes misses*

*You can look up the Gretzky quote...

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"When asked about Elon Musk, Grok trashes Elon."
You know Grok isn't real, right? So it doesn't actually matter what Grok thinks of anything. It's a toy.
Why are you so obsessed with Muskes success or lack there of? Why do you even care?

MadTownGuy said...

Tim in vermont said...

"Finally have tested positive for COVID. I only had the original vaccine, no boosters, and it’s been like a moderate cold. Slight fever, persistent cough, which has passed after three days, slight headache which passed on day one. Probably got after visiting the hospital for a blood draw, but who knows."

Wife and I caught C-19 after going to UPMC Hospital for her blood work last January. Felt fine for a week, then the fatigue hit me on Saturday of the following weekend and my O2 levels took a nosedive. Mrs. MTG stayed well and I went to the hospital for an 11-day vacay.

My sis and Dad had a similar experience. Both came down with the bug on the same day, were wiped out the first day, then gradually better for a week... then Dad's oxygen dropped and he was hospitalized for only a few days before he passed, one day short of his 89th birthday.

The Crack Emcee said...

Independent journalist Abby Martin has spent much of her career reporting on Israel's oppression of Palestinians, and was personally affected by anti-BDS legislation when she was disinvited from speaking at Georgia Southern University because she refused to sign an anti BDS pledge. Today, she joins Bad Faith to discuss the new wave of "hasbsra," or Israeli media manipulation, that has quickly shifted the focus from 40 imaginary beheaded babies, to a non-existant "command center" under Al-Shifa hospital, to "new" allegations of sexual assault on October 7th. Meanwhile, the media ignores dead Palestinian babies left to decompose in the NICU by Israeli soldiers, Palestinian children shot in cold blood in the West Bank, and the authoritarian bent of congress deeming anti-zionism anti-semitism. How do they get away with it all, and what's the current state of things on the ground in Gaza?

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Drago, keep calling Grok a success and pay $16 a month to pretend the emperor has clothes.

Remember when you told us Elon would never charge for Twitter?"


Are you insane? All AI is in a race to competency and its absolutely exhilarating.

The plan was ALWAYS to charge for tiered services...duh! You were the moron who never understood that.

Since I have no need for X paid services I just go with the no charge version. Its everything I need.

This latest hilariously stupid claim of yours mirrors the dumb claim you made that I was on Facebook/Instagram when Threads was launched.

Of course, I was on neither, which really seemed to flummox you...but then again, what doesnt?! Amirite?!

You are such an incompetent and angry little elf dude aren't you? You've been on Althouse for over a year proclaiming the death of X every single day exposing your Dunning-Kruger-ness.

FYI, there are about 100,000+ folks chatting directly with Elon as we speak covering a host of topics:

Naturally, you'll probably spend the rest of the day searching thru Tesla/X/SpaceX trash looking for wasted red solo cups or something equally important as all your other "concerns".

Drago said...

One of the key points Elon is making is the "100 mph" pace of new tech developments and capabilities rollout for X while still having to rewrite the entire stack from Dumb Lefty Mark's beloved idiotic twitter 1.0 and increasing transparency and ensuring freedom within the X "public square".

Its the freedom part that probably scares the Little Lefty Brains the most.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Los Angeles Times retracts rape allegations against Palestinian group Hamas

The allegations, which had initially garnered widespread attention, raised concerns about the conduct of Palestinian fighters during ongoing conflicts. However, following a thorough investigation, The Los Angeles Times has concluded that the reports in question do not meet the necessary criteria for substantiation.

Mark said...

Keep imagining you are a genius, Drago.

It's fun watching you defend the dumpster fire.

Jim at said...

He had to be removed as Speaker of the House at all costs because he was anti-Trump.

He was removed because he broke the promises he made to those who voted for him as Speaker. It had nothing to do with Trump.

If you had a point, you wouldn't need to lie in order to make it.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Keep imagining you are a genius, Drago."


Well, well, well.

What an interesting and revealing comment about yourself.

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