According to Jay P. Greene, a senior researcher at the Heritage Foundation, quoted and summarized by Nicholas Confessore, in "As Fury Erupts Over Campus Antisemitism, Conservatives Seize the Moment/Republicans have been attacking elite universities for years. After a tense congressional hearing last week, many on the left are joining them" (NYT).
१० डिसेंबर, २०२३
"[A]ntisemitic and anti-Israel protests on campuses — and the university presidents’ lawyerly responses at last week’s hearing — were akin to... the 'Zoom moment' during the pandemic..."
"... when some parents first listened closely to what their children were learning in school and concluded it was 'subpar in quality and radical in content.' 'One of those things we’ve struggled with, those of us who want to reform higher education, is convincing people that there’s a problem... Historically, they look around and say, "Huh, this seems fine." Everything they’re seeing right now is that things are not fine.'"
७१ टिप्पण्या:
"Republicans have been attacking elite universities for years. After a tense congressional hearing last week, many on the left are joining them"
Lol. When the Left joins in on substantively criticizing the universities, water will run uphill.
It doesn't bother me that this brouhaha represents some political opportunism - whatever the reason, it is good to expose these smug, condescending mediocrities to the nation. When you learn just how unaccomplished the president of Harvard is, and how little she has had to do to achieve the presidency, you realize that her performance was right in line with her capabilities. The people who have promoted these run-of-the-mill functionaries and put words into their mouths couldn't imagine that bureaucratic shiftiness isn't a universally admired character trait.
As long as everyone isn't as inarticulate as those women, conflating being against the killing of children with being antisemitic is going to backfire.
Wait, are you trying to tell me the story is now, "Democrats Pounce!"
This story is obviously the result of a drunken writer and an absent editor.
Republicans/Conservatives already try the "The Democrats are the real antisemites" and it never works. Jews always vote 65-70 percent Democrat.
Further, the republican/conservative message has been: Stop the SJW censorship and cancelling. Now, the R's are saying we aren't getting enough censorship and cancelling.
What losers.
The work of Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss and Mike Shellenberger is starting to percolate outward. The revelations from the Twitter files reaches across from fairly progressive / liberal journalists to the conservative world. Is this a cross-over issue?
For some years now, an elite cadre of progressives has tried to control speech and shape public opinion in a way that uses the weapons of war, psy-ops and other sophisticate techniques that have historically been trained on only foreign powers and populations. Let us not forget: these are the thought leaders of the leftist cadre, not the rank and file. For them. This is an ugly wake-up call; I think that many progressive people are becoming shocked and upset by these revelations, and are dissatisfied with the 'way things are' in modern society - as indicated by the reaction to these smug and condescending university presidents. The progressive leadership has distanced themselves from their base, and long may those fractures grow.
I hope Mr. Greene is correct and this is the beginning of the end for the current version of higher ed in America. Lords knows there have been plenty of signs that the institution is thoroughly broken. And right on the heels of the indisputable anti-semitism being exposed, comes the news that the average grade at Yale is an "A" The NYT hilariously headlines the story "Nearly Everyone Gets As at Yale? Does that Cheapen the Grade?" It not only cheapens the grade it renders the degree meaningless. Yale is now grading on attendance and whether the student learns anything is irrelevant.
"Republican pounce," as usual, is more palatable to NYT readers than, "Moral bankruptcy of prestigious universities on display."
Candace Owens got a dose of what the kids are getting - and it broke her.
The right can't win this one.
I thought Conservatives pounced
They were akin leftist idiocies of a thousand instances, but not the Zoom moment. These were the students not the teachers. As far as the teachers went, they were on the side of free speech for this one.
"Huh, this seems fine."
Well yeah. Because you're living and 'working' at a fantasy camp. There's a never-ending inflow of money from students, parents, and taxpayers. Plus, all the foreign donations that are hidden.
Nobody in administration or faculty is under pressure for any type of cost control, and you don't have to treat your students, parents, and taxpayers like...customers. As matter of fact, if they insist on being treated like customers, you can tell them to go fuck themselves. That fake, precious, prestige being sold is worth a lot, and nothing all at the same time.
Plus you get to pretend you're and intellectual, even if you're a complete fucking selfish idiot. Zero self-awareness is required.
Which is how you get to "Huh. This seems fine".
Conservative as in equal, not equitable, civil rights, and human rights, not rites. Would NYT rather extend liberal license to prosecute murder, rape, torture, and abduction under a progressive diversity regime?
Bill Mahar basically said last night that on a University Campus it is a bigger crime to misgender a Jew, than call for their genocide.
That's the collegiate mindset right there.
Anybody notice college really went to shit post Bill Clinton election in 1992 when the feminists gained control?
Colleges were always liberal. But after 1992 the somewhat reasonable old guard was pushed out.
I was in graduate school in 1992 and 1993. I watched it happen.
It's not just the crazy woke mind virus that pollutes college administration and faculty. It's their attitude toward money.
When Scott Walker froze tuition for the UW System the following temper tantrum from was crazy. "Walker is going to DESTROY the UW System"! "Walker is Hitler and hates higher education"! "Walker doesn't have a college degree!"
Same thing is happening today. Yesterday the UW Board of Regents rejected an $800 million compromise put forth by the GOP legislature, who have frozen pay raises for ALL UW employees unless waste of money DEI positions are shifted. New STEM Engineering building was in the deal.
Nope! Shot down 9-8.
From Wisconsin Right Now:
The UW System Board of Regents, in a 9-8 decision on Saturday, killed a compromise plan that would have provided $800 million in funding to the UW System, including $32 million for workforce development programs to help students get jobs, a new engineering building at UW-Madison desired by industry, and pay raises for the 34,000 state workers (many of them people of color).
The regents were incensed by the portion of the plan that would freeze DEI positions, including vacancies and shift 43 of them, about a third, to academic and student success. According to the Daily Cardinal, there are 130 DEI positions in the UW System.
No wonder there is a trillion dollars in student debt being carried by young people in America. Only assholes and idiots would turn down a deal to "shift" 43 jobs.
"Conservatives Seize the Moment"
Carpe Narratio!
For some values of "many" and "left."
Hey Ann,
This is not a criticism - honest - but just a request for you to think about something: You've done three posts today, where the subject has something to do with antisemitism, but you've done nothing that features a Palestinian, or shows concern for the Palestinians, or has to do with the Palestinians, who are the people that are dying by the thousands, at the hands of Zionists. I don't think you've actually done a post about them, directly, yet.
Why do I say this?
I think Americans can get away with debating this issue, in the cartoony way we do, specifically because actual Palestinians are not included in our arguments. Even our news is mostly Americans telling us about them, or Zionists telling us about them, but not engagement with the actual people. Here's a short interview from Al Jazeera with Mariam Barghouti, a journalist on the West Bank. If you watch it, I don't think it will take much for you to understand my point. Hearing only one side, from almost every outlet, is NOT helping anyone understand anything. It allows for stereotyping of the ugliest sort. And, I think, it's making us all complicit.
The funny thing is that if speech codes are designed to insulate people from possible discomfort, the college presidents flunked that subject abysmally.
the barghoutis really, the manson wasn't available, that would be the Tahimi's
What if people wake up to the true nature of universities?
"Colleges really are big pet cemeteries, aren't they?" said Kyle. "You send people there, and they come back wrong."--'Danielle's Passion' Tired Moderate
“You send your kids off to college. They love you. You walk away with a Cornell mom T-shirt. You are walking away going this is great, and come Thanksgiving, your kid tells you that you are an imperialist and a racist and a homophobe. That is not worth $120,000.”
Andrew Breitbart
But even a century ago, college was not the myth that is sold today. Theoretically, back then students confronted hard thinking as they explored a rigorous body of knowledge. Today, the students are kept from anything challenging as their minds are coddled to the cult
The idea is, of course, that men are successful because they have gone to college. No idea was ever more absurd. No man is successful because he has managed to pass a certain number of courses and has received a sheepskin which tells the world in Latin, that neither the world nor the graduate can read, that he has successfully completed the work required. If the man is successful, it is because he has the qualities for success in him; the college "education" has merely, speaking in terms' of horticulture, forced those qualities and given him certain intellectual tools with which to work—tools which he could have got without going to college, but not nearly so quickly. So far as anything practical is concerned, a college is simply an intellectual hothouse. For four years the mind of the undergraduate is put "under glass," and a very warm and constant sunshine is poured down upon it. The result is, of course, that his mind blooms earlier than it would in the much cooler intellectual atmosphere of the business world.
A man learns more about business in the first six months after his graduation than he does in his whole four years of college. But—and here is the "practical" result of his college work—he learns far more in those six months than if he had not gone to college. He has been trained to learn, and that, to all intents and purposes, is all the training he has received. To say that he has been trained to think is to say essentially that he has been trained to learn, but remember that it is impossible to teach a man to think. The power to think must be inherently his. All that the teacher can do is help him learn to order his thoughts—such as they are.
Marks, Percy, "Under Glass", Scribner's Magazine Vol 73, 1923
Parents only think their kids are acting immorally, since witnessing rape and murder on October 7, until those parents learn their kids already knew about the mass killing of Palestinians since 1948, or an ex-US State Department Official's details of the Zionist cover-up of a Palestinian child's pre-Oct 7 rape in an Israeli prison, or that Jewish-Israeli scholars who work in U.S. universities,...know that the image of polarization and betrayal on campus is overblown. Most students and colleagues,...are curious and open-minded to learn more about the Israel-Hamas war - not less.
What we saw in those college presidents was bad form, but the substance will hold.
It's antisemitic for the kids to hear the North American Doctors | UN | Palestine and Israel Update because they might get the wrong idea and - Heavens to Betsy - start chanting or something.
It's better not to risk it.
It is as clear from NYT comments as it was from the presidents' testimony that people who live in leftist bubbles like the universities and pages of the NYT have allowed their morality to be subsumed by their politics.
Hamas is an immoral terrorist organization expressly committed to killing Jews. Whether support for them is direct - "Yea Hamas" - or indirect - "Free Palestine" -
it is support for terrorism, genocide and antisemitism.
Outside the bubbles most people of other political persuasions are appalled by October 7th and recognize the role of antisemitism in the demonstrations against Israel.
"... a journalist on the West Bank. If you watch it, I don't think it will take much for you to understand my point."
You make several mistakes here, Crack. You assume we are ignorant of the history and geopolitical realities of the conflict. We are not. You also suppose that our knowledge will be overcome by polemics, yours and others. It won't.
Consequently, your point, though understood, is not well taken.
People who regularly testify before Congress have a speech code of their own.
The basics of which is to answer questions in such a way as to satisfy the need of having to testify while at the same time not revealing anything that might be misconstrued as new. Unless you are asking for more money.
I think the problem is grade inflation. If the kids spent more time worrying about their grades and studying, they'd have less time to riot and terrorize Jewish teens.
He is right. It's going to save many people a massive amount of money, so that's a silver lining. Kids can accept the full rides to state and private schools if the top-ranked expensive schools are having a weird, dysfunctional moment. No need to drop over a quarter of a million dollars.
Imagine dropping eighty-five grand for your kid's school and he shows up for Christmas break spouting terrorist propaganda.
questions (at least, semi serious questions)
has anyone been reading Crack's posts?
has anyone been swayed by Crack's posts?
of those swayed, has Anyone been swayed to be more inclined to believe Crack's pitch?
are people aware of the first rule of holes?
Crack? quit digging
Many of the concerns about the fallout from the October 7 atrocities relate to the question of who deserves our compassion. We tend to have compassion for victims of murder, and little or no compassion for murderers. That's the easy case.
There's a spectrum of culpability. To whatever degree people are culpable for their plight by reason of their evil or stupid behavior, we are less likely to feel compassion for them. To whatever extent people's past and likely future behavior exposes us to harm, We are less likely to feel compassion for them. Compassion has to be finite. Otherwise, it's meaningless.
Crack. The elimination of Palestinians by Israel since 1948 has gone poorly. Arabs in Israel in 1948: 156,000. Today: 2,100,000. Arabs in Gaza in 1948: 80,000. Today:2,000,000. Jews on the receiving end of genocide 6 million. Jews not so good on the delivering genocide.
Crack you're carrying a lot of water for the Palestinians. But you can consider what Sherman did to Georgia (and to an extent South Carolina) as an analogue to what the IDF is doing in Gaza. For better or worse the Palestinians have harbored Hamas--and elected Hamas to govern them. Sherman said that he would make the South howl so they would never rise again.
The rest of the Arab world doesn't much want Palestinians--they've been infected with the Hamas virus. The IDF wants to and needs to eradicate that virus. Will innocent people be hurt in the process. Yer dang tootin'! OTOH how many innocent people have been and will in future be killed by the Hamas virus? There's a balancing question here.
Marc Lamont Hill, himself, was submitted as evidence of antisemitism on campus in the Congressional Hearing, so he has a few things to say about it, and I found all of them intriguing. As usual, things are not as they appear. Which is wild, because this Hearing, alone, seemed to make it all so clear. But, it just goes to show you: context is everything.
hombre said...
"Consequently, your point, though understood, is not well taken."
Good thing I wasn't talking to you, "Ann"
gilbar said...
"Crack? quit digging"
Do you guys notice I never do this to you? I ask you not to be racist - that's it - but I never demand you stop whatever else it is you do. Here, I have you saying to stop, and hombre letting me know my post to Ann is "not well taken," like y'all think you're my older relatives or something. Yeah, fucking paternalism.
What's wrong with you? Can't you see I don't need, nor did I ask for your approval? It's not 1861. I am not a Palestinian, and you don't guard an Israeli checkpoint, determining what can get in or go out. Can't you feel the evil inside you? Making you zero in on fucking with me?
Y'all are sick puppies, always wondering why the world hates you so much.
Freeman Hunt said...
"Imagine dropping eighty-five grand for your kid's school and he shows up for Christmas break spouting the truth, and not that Santa Claus Israel story you told them - you know, EDUCATE THEM, like a university is supposed to. Horrible, right, as you watch Zionists "mope the lawn" all winter?
@Crack: “ Parents only think their kids are acting immorally, since witnessing rape and murder on October 7, until those parents learn their kids already knew about the mass killing of Palestinians since 1948 …”
If you are going use sources, do it accurately. The headline reads “… *in* 1948.”
"Seize" and "Pounce". They're all conservatives can do according to the media.
Michael said...
"Crack. The elimination of Palestinians by Israel since 1948 has gone poorly. Arabs in Israel in 1948: 156,000. Today: 2,100,000. Arabs in Gaza in 1948: 80,000. Today:2,000,000. Jews on the receiving end of genocide 6 million. Jews not so good on the delivering genocide."
You're confusing poorly with slowly - even the Nazis needed a dozen years to kill 6 million, and they were doing it systematically, killing 10,000 Jews a day, and Hamas can't touch those numbers. Until now, genocide was HARD with the International community watching.
Now, are you denying Bibi Netanyahu calls you his bitch, as he illegally kills thousands of kids right under your nose?
Wait - why am I talking to someone down with killing children? Fuck off.
Perhaps Gaza needs a "Tokyo Treatment"
It will get a lot of outrage for a couple months. But then it will be forgotten as thouroly as the 6 million murdered in the National Socialist death camps.
We can then go about our business.
John Henry
Not the 6mm Jews. They are hardly forgotten.
I mean the 6mm non-Jewish victims. They have been so thoroughly forgotten that just mentioning them in some venues has gotten me branded an anti-semite
"and pay raises for the 34,000 state workers (many of them people of color)."
Because if the raises were for white people, that would be bad?
Skeptical Voter said...
"Crack you're carrying a lot of water for the Palestinians."
I don't think so. I just know the difference between colonizer and colonized, which means Israel is NOT "defending itself" and Hamas can't launch an "unprovoked" attack.
"But you can consider what Sherman did to Georgia (and to an extent South Carolina) as an analogue to what the IDF is doing in Gaza."
There's no comparison. Gaza was never part of the Zionist project, the Zionists aren't in the right, and the Gazans didn't start the fight like the Confederates did - the Zionists started it.
"For better or worse the Palestinians have harbored Hamas--and elected Hamas to govern them."
Lies. You just swallow propaganda whole, don't you? Half of Gaza is under 18, so didn't vote for anyone. Hamas was elected in 2006 and there's been no other election allowed. And Netanyahu paid money and gave support to Hamas to make them the power in the area. Why don't you know that?
"Sherman said that he would make the South howl so they would never rise again."
Now say that again, but imagine Satan saying it, and you've got the current picture.
"The rest of the Arab world doesn't much want Palestinians--they've been infected with the Hamas virus."
You guys talk crazy. The Arab world doesn't want to take them because the Arab world doesn't want to help Israel ethnically cleanse them. And why should the rest of the Arab world take them when they've got their own country? Just crazy talk.
"The IDF wants to and needs to eradicate that virus."
O-Kay, Mr. Hitler. As long as they're semites, you're "anti" - got it.
"Will innocent people be hurt in the process. Yer dang tootin'!"
And whether or not Zionists are wrong? Pffffft. Since when have white people cared about right and wrong, right?
"OTOH how many innocent people have been and will in future be killed by the Hamas virus? There's a balancing question here."
Hamas killed about 600 on Oct 7. Israel is over 20,000. Your "balance" is waaaay off.
I think what is happening is that people are waking up to the fact that Progressives are not people who are trying to do good but are simply misguided. Rather, they are power hungry people who do not care how much harm they cause. There was clear evidence of this during COVID. It was obvious that shutting schools down would harm students from poor families the most -- in fact, permanently. Yet, it was governors of Red States who fought this. The pro-Hamas movement is making the Left's moral bankruptcy crystal clear. Why, of all the peoples in the world, are Palestinians suddenly the most important cause for Progressives -- especially right after their elected government perpetrated unspeakable crimes against not just Israelis, but citizens of many other countries including the U.S.? What about Iranian dissidents, or Uyghurs, or Congolese, or Kurds, for instance? Wasn't non-violent protest along the lines of MLK and Gandhi supposed to be celebrated? Why are Palestinians now being praised for using terrorism?
Freeman Hunt,
I don't get you. How can you be in favor of this?
Skeptical Voter,
BTW - General Sherman is a hero of mine, because he fought for people like the Palestinians, so I can't see him selling weapons to Apartheid-era South Africa, to keep the "terrorist" Nelson Mandela in prison, like the Zionists of Israel did. They're the #10 weapons seller in the world. Fighting a bunch of dudes with fireworks. And you think that's a fair fight.
You insult Sheman's name.
There's been no decapitated babies, no rapes, and half of the victims on Oct 7 were killed by Israeli helicopter gunships, but y'all go on with your propaganda. To support your killing spree.
You're only hurting Israel.
@Crack: Parents only think their kids are acting immorally, since witnessing rape and murder on October 7, until those parents learn their kids already knew about the mass killing of Palestinians since 1948, or an ex-US State Department Official's details of the Zionist cover-up of a Palestinian child's pre-Oct 7 rape in an Israeli prison, or that Jewish-Israeli scholars who work in U.S. universities,...know that the image of polarization and betrayal on campus is overblown. Most students and colleagues,...are curious and open-minded to learn more about the Israel-Hamas war - not less.
I've already gone over your mis-representing a citation.
But wait, there's more:
Which ex-State Department Official
Do you have a subscription to Haaretz? I don't. Couldn't get past the paywall, no matter how hard I tried. I seem to remember you whining mightily about cites with paywalls.
It's antisemitic for the kids to hear the North American Doctors | UN | Palestine and Israel Update because they might get the wrong idea and - Heavens to Betsy - start chanting or something.
At the top of that video, the doctor makes states Israel is guilty of "... blatant disregard of international humanitarian law."
The blowhard has no idea what he is talking about.
Here is some background on your Hamas polestar.
Aiding terror: How Terrorists Exploit Aid Agencies.
I give zero fucks about a 7th-century society that subjugates women, kills homosexuals (both as a matter of law), and produces nothing of value for humanity.
'Palestinians' are leeches on the rest of the world, and would be starving in the street if not for the misguided charity of bleeding heart liberals who also hate Jews.
Ask me what I really think.
as I've mentioned before the example of dizengoff square and other massacres, something umkhonto du sizwe did not do,
I have some sympathy for the Prexies. If they said, Well, the antisemites have a right to their opinions, we can't punish them for that. Somebody who knows what's been going on will say, Well doesn't that teaching assistant you fired for calling a student "George" who "identified" as" "Eleanor" should get his job back? I mean taking account of "her" beard and all?
Why do I say this?
Because you're an idiot?
but you've done nothing that features a Palestinian, or shows concern for the Palestinians, or has to do with the Palestinians
Gee. If only someone had their own blog, could post about whatever he wanted on said blog and actually spent more time there.
"questions (at least, semi serious questions)
has anyone been reading Crack's posts?"
About Hamas/Palestine? No.
Holy Jumpin' Jehoshaphat...
I take a week to help a friend prep his barns and move his cattle to winter stabling then hang Christmas deco and Crack explodes into a frenzy of flailing and fuckin' calling someone Hitler.
Who touched him where?
Crack: "...and hombre letting me know my post to Ann is "not well taken."'
I wrote that your point, not your post "is not well taken."
It was not an attempt to censor you. It's just a polite way of pointing out that your arguments are bullshit and have been well and truly refuted dozens of times here and by reality - all to no avail.
You're confusing poorly with slowly - even the Nazis needed a dozen years to kill 6 million,
Six years, actually. If you’re going to pretend to know a thing about genocide and Nazis then striking out big-time on when the actual killing began by a factor of 2 to 1 just exposes you for the ignorant propagandist buffoon that you are.
and they were doing it systematically, killing 10,000 Jews a day, and Hamas can't touch those numbers.
Certainly not for lack of trying. But that’s ok with you since next you’ll probably go along with the other wokesters on how Israel shouldn’t have any defensive capability either as self-defense is not applicable to “occupiers,” so they say.
Jihad is a form of genocide that has cleared out nearly every minority and ethnicity from the Middle East apart from Muslim Arab. Witness the decimation of Copts, Maronites, Assyrians, Arameans, Jews (except in Israel), Bahais, Zoroastrians, Yazidis, and countless others. Even 100,000 ethnic Armenians were just “cleansed” out of Azerbaijan a few short months ago. And this was a permanent thing, not just evacuating civilians temporarily from harm’s way.
We saw this in action with ISIS. We also saw the sex crimes and concubinage that the Palestinian Perversion Squad just treated everyone to a couple months ago.
I’m pretty sure that Crack supports this form of jihad in Palestine. He should clarify whether he’s down with the jihad. Its organizers say it’s for “redeeming” land that Zionists were “wrong” (to purchase and defend) and on that score he seems to agree with them. Sanctifying the land by purifying it of Jews that pollute the supposed sanctity of Dar al Islam.
It remains to be seen whether Europe will continue to fight this scourge as the Dutch appear ready to do. Same with North and South America, Australia and other civilized lands. They are tired of people swamping their countries to bring with them the sort of hatred, fanaticism and intolerance that turned the countries they emigrated from into such horrible places to live.
Gee. If only someone had their own blog, could post about whatever he wanted on said blog and actually spent more time there.
Butt-Crack prefers to militantly and illegally occupy this blog because it gets something called “traffic,” as well as intelligent commentary. His own blog is a wasteland of knee-jerk reactions that aren’t thought through enough to be interesting to people who like to read and think.
So the analogy is that this blog is like Israel, a pretty country populated by civilized, intelligent and interesting people that its proprietors worked hard to cultivate. And Butt Crack’s blog is like Palestine - filled with fanaticism and hatred so intense and lazy that no one really cares to frequent it. Except maybe to marvel at the sorry state of its owner and his self-inflicted sense of irrelevance and overweening entitlement.
The number of people named "Ann" on this blog has really spiraled,...
Oligonicella said...
Holy Jumpin' Jehoshaphat...
I take a week to help a friend prep his barns and move his cattle to winter stabling then hang Christmas deco and Crack explodes into a frenzy of flailing and fuckin' calling someone Hitler.
Who touched him where?
Yep, your "pissy cotton-head" is still aiming for your cereal bowl.
About 2000 years ago, a Jew was born in Bethlehem, whose birth is still celebrated today. Strangely enough, some people want to demonstrate their ignorance by claiming that Jews were not indigenous to this area until 1948. Some are even college graduates who think that rape, torture, and beheadings are valid acts of war. Civilized people had hoped that those acts had been left behind in more primitive times. They have come back, big time.
As always, the real enemies of the Woke Left are their fellow Center-Right citizens.
Moneyrunner said...
"About 2000 years ago, a Jew was born in Bethlehem, whose birth is still celebrated today."
By Jews going to Chinese restaurants. Being a foster child, I'm usually alone on holidays, so we eat together.
"Strangely enough, some people want to demonstrate their ignorance by claiming that Jews were not indigenous to this area until 1948."
I don't know of a single person who thinks that. I do know some who think living there 2,000 years ago is no good basis for murdering people now. And they're *pretty sure* Jesus wouldn't be 'down' with it, either.
"Some are even college graduates who think that rape, torture, and beheadings are valid acts of war."
There were no Palestinians raping found so far. Just a lot of Zionists masturbating over the idea. So you must mean theIsraelis raping Palestinian boys BEFORE Oct. 7?
"Civilized people had hoped that those acts had been left behind in more primitive times."
Fascist Zionists carried out the Nakba and kinda punched a hole in THAT theory.
"They have come back, big time."
Man, many of you have an upside-down, and very cartoony, way of looking at the world. Totally free of evidence.
We live in an age that's beyond rational argument.
Liel Leibowitz: "It should be obvious by now that so many of the creeps who purport to weep for Palestine don’t really care about Palestinians, dead or alive, or about Israelis, or about the historical and moral intricacies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What they want is an excuse to indulge in something deeper, more libidinal, ancient, and indeed erotic — hating Jews."
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack: "BTW - General Sherman is a hero of mine, because he fought for people like the Palestinians,..."
Sometimes Crack's astonishing ignorance is overwhelming!
Sherman wasn't fighting for the blacks, much less "people like the palestinians" (hard to believe that even needs to be said...but its Crack so there you go).
Sherman pursued total warfare strategies to end resistance and the war as soon as possible, regardless of the consequences.
Sherman was not racially egalitarian. He did not believe the races were equal in any way. He, like Grant, were simply blessed with the gift of battle insight and orientation for speed and action. A very winning combo.
What probably is flummoxing Crack re:Sherman is Sherman's famous Field Order 15, allocating 400,000 acres of seized land along the coast from southern landowners and given to freed blacks. Sherman didnt do this because he was John Brown reincarnated. He did it to solve a couple of issues:
- Punish the "rice coast" landowners for being early participants in the war (Ft Sumter)
- Help settle newly freed up laborers
- Most importantly, get all the freed blacks to stop following his army around because he couldnt feed them!
And it worked.
And so another day arrives with Crack rewriting history and trying to shove all of human history into his puny and completely racialist framework that exists only in his mind.
BTW, has everyone heard the latest from Crack's terrorist amigos?
And this one is good!
According to Crack's Hamasite terrorist lying heroes, not only do the Jews have no historical connection to Israel/Judea/Samaria, a message Crack spreads daily here, but now Jesus was a palestinian and muslim and a prophet and there is no basis for Christianity!
I guarantee Crack will be pushing this BS round the clock in just a few weeks! He's a windup toy.
Like Crack, these psycho 7th Century Death Cultists are targeting the "Saturday people" first then the'll come hard after the "Sunday people" as they have already promised to do.
@Crack: There were no Palestinians raping found so far.
From that article:
6:12 p.m. Oct. 9, 2023: An earlier version of this column mentioned rape in the attacks, but such reports have not been substantiated.
Do you even bother to read what you splatter here? Perhaps, just maybe, some evidence has accumulated since the day after the attack.
Israelis raping Palestinian boys
You are a liar, flat out. What was actually said "... the rape of a 13 year old boy that occurred in an Israeli prison ...".
Not plural, singular. No allegation that Israellis did the raping.
Totally free of evidence.
Pot, meet kettle.
Y'all are sick puppies, always wondering why the world hates you so much.
Congratulations, you have just reached the "the Jews are so evil that everyone hates them" stage of Jew-hatred. Cry harder, Jew-hater.
Ever ask one of your Palestinian buddies what the colloquial Arabic term for black people, "ebed", means?
The Crack Emcee:
Yep, your "pissy cotton-head" is still aiming for your cereal bowl.
My comment wasn't racist you imbecile, it was ageist. It wasn't even in response to the video but another commentator. You should note, the woman in the video wasn't elderly, nor was she white-haired (cotton), she was a bleach-blond.
Crack's favorite ethicist's POV on Crack's POV.
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