If you want to watch the entire debate: here.NEW: The Republican debate has been an absolute beatdown on Chris Christie.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) December 7, 2023
Christie had to sit through 30 seconds of the brutal truth from Megyn Kelly after she reminds him how unliked he is compared to Donald Trump.
Then he got bodied by Vivek Ramaswamy who told him to leave… pic.twitter.com/pTt3omzjub
Does Trump really have 80 precent approval? Why don’t they label these debates Vice Presidential candidate debates? Ambassador to France debates?
Vivek, trying to be Trump and instead coming off like a schoolyard bully.
I thought he was a man of ideas, but the points he tries to score always get pushed aside for his rehearsed put downs.
The fat shaming was a heat of the moment thing. Killer instinct. He gets that from his tennis background. Good!
We need a tough guy to stand up against the Uniparty.
I'll correct myself- they should label these the Anyone but Trump GOPe Debates…I mean look! There’s a woman!
seriously, WHY is he running?
i mean, i KNOW the answer.. Because he has campaign contributions to spend up
Mark said...
Vivek, trying to be Trump
WOW! when you've lost Mark.. You've lost skirt-boy america; that would Never, EVER vote republican
Christie - fat fuck that he is - has shown himself to be a self-aggrandizing, sanctimonious, pompous prick.
A born Democrat if there ever was one.
Pretty brutal, at times unwatchable debate. Truly these things needed Trump all along. The Remainders simply keep stabbing each other and neither Biden nor Trump get barely a scratch from it all. Just stupid. ALL of their vitriol should have been pointed at Biden first, then Trump.
Anyway, Ramaswamy was there to cut off Nikki Haley at the knees. He got his label slapped on her pretty strongly: "Nikki Haley is corrupt" was flying across 'X' last night.
Chris Christie should not have been anywhere near this debate. He did not have the necessary 6% polling- not even close- a few days prior to the cut off. Then suddenly he's at 6%? Somebody got him pushed over the top. I was wondering why. Then I saw why. He was there to have Nikki Haley's back.
Nikki Haley is the prospect for The Establishment. Both the GOP Establishment and the intrenched government/media/military establishment. And everyone knew she'd be a target of both Ramaswamy and DeSantis, as she was. Christie, who is a bully in his own right (though he sometimes soft-pedals it) was there to step on Ramaswamy and protect Haley. IF Haley gets the nod, and if she wins it all, Chris Christie will be in her Cabinet, possibly AG. You heard it here first.
DeSantis was DeSantis. I love my Guv, but he simply cannot connect with people. He's a pure task oriented person. Highly competent, very smart, strong, decisive. All that's good, but not sure if its enough to connect with people to win a national election.
Trump has that in spades.
This is the parallel universe show of how the Republican nomination process should be conducted, while in the real world the entire party has been usurped by a personality cult, the leader of which, who is to be awarded the nomination regardless, lurks like a preying mantis, expecting fealty and demanding absolute obedience from his disciples, who no longer have a mind or will of their own. They exist only to assist their deity in his quest to lose the biggest he has ever lost in a lifetime of losing. Meanwhile…
Haley seems to have some leadership qualities. Perhaps one day we shall see them put to the test? But it won’t be this year and it won’t be next year. As for DeSantis, how on earth did a turnip like him ever get on that stage?
Truth hurts. Christie is ONLY in it to bash Trump. PERIOD. I wonder how much MSNBC is paying him since he found a home there lately...
Christie is remembered largely (heh) for two or three things
Being Jeb!'s attack dog against Marco Rubio
His beach bro-mance with Obama
none of that helps him with anybody but NeverTrumpers and GOPe stooges
I wish the R's would direct their rage and the corrupt D's.
Not a good look. Over the top.
“Enjoy a nice meal” is fat shaming?
When the Emperor is swanning about naked and claims to be wearing fine haute couture, being the person to point that out always leads to being called a spoil sport.
Fat shaming is saying people are inherently bad because they are fat. It is not fat shaming to tell a fat person to take their fat selves off stage on the basis that they are ignorant of how to govern.
Ramaswamy did say have a "nice" meal.
Chris Christie is and asshole. I don't mind him getting fat shamed.
He is in full support of the corrupt lawfare being us against Trump. There is not reason he is even on the debate stage.
The GOPe puts him there to bash Trump. That's it.
Is there anybody from New Jersey that's really likable?
Blogger I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
I wish the R's would direct their rage and the corrupt D's.
We are trying to bury the D's and the Establishment GOPe. Haley and Christie are ridiculous. Both are corrupt.
I don't think DeSantis is corrupt. He should have waited until 2028. Hop on the MAGA train. It ain't going away.
For DeSantis, standing on the debate stage with Pence, Christie, Haley, etc... makes him look like one of them. Whoever told him to run this year gave him bad advice. They overestimated the 2022 Florida GOV re-election. It was awesome. but this is not his time.
He needs to call out J6 like Vivek did. He needs to call out the 2020 voter fraud like Vivek did. He needs to callout the corrupt prosecutions of Trump and the targeting of Trump supporters.
Until DeSantis does that, he's Paul Ryan.
Truth hurts. Christie is ONLY in it to bash Trump.
I think it more like he wants to be somewhat relevant again and enjoys the limelight. He had a decent chance at POTUS in 2012 but when he came in fifth in the NH 2016 primary with only 7% of the vote he is now moving into Harald Stassen territory with this campaign.
I haven’t watched any of these shit shows (pardon my French). Yes Christie is only there to bash Trump and if you despise Christopher Wray, you can thank Christie, as Wray was his personal attorney at the time. Vivek, I’m not sold on him as I have readt that several years ago he was involved in quite a number of “pump and dump” schemes. DeSantis looks like like a decent guy, but I just don’t think it’s his time yet. One thing that he’s done as gov of FL that has largely gone under the radar is his creation of a “state guard” that answers only to him and cannot be called up by the president. From what I have read, he was personally vetted every officer in this new guard. If this is true, it would be a good reason to have him on the ticket. If DeSantis is the number two guy on the ticket, he can bring this officer corps with him to DC and that way they can be used to supplant the current officer ranks at the pentagon. From there they can begin the desperately needed house cleaning of our armed forces. As for Haley, she’s a brown version of Hillary, nothing more. She has revealed herself to be nothing more than a shrill opportunist. The reason she was given the UN post was to get her out of the governorship because of her actions and comments over the battle flag decision. That and her statement of how we “need” to bring the Palestinians here from Gaza, that’s the icing on the cake that should permanently disqualify her from public office. The fact that money and support from the Koch brothers, Blackrock and the GOP establishment should be enough to tell the average voter no.
Trump needs to make all if his enemies pay, on both sides of the aisle, they really deserve it.
Rich - in the corrupt democrat party world - Crook Biden is protected - no debate - just the mob kingpin in the ring. Obedience is king.
As the father of teenaged boys, Nikki Haley and Joe Biden scare the shit out of me. If there is one---ONE---thing that could even conceivably get me to vote for Trump it's if he is the only candidate that promises not to send my children off to fight other people's wars. If that means withdrawing from NATO, I'd rather have my children.
I am not sure how Ramaswamy manages to maintain a standing close to 5%. He is easily the most unconvincing and desperate of all the candidates, including Trump. Haley is the best of the bunch, the rest are competing for best glue horse in the factory.
Megyn Kelly - too much contouring. Reminded me of this video:
Remember that guy in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life who stuffed himself so full he exploded after eating a wafer thin mint? Well, if Romney had that guy's baby it would be Chris Christie.
Is there any doubt Joe Biden would call Christie fat in a debate?
Boulder Bffokn: "I wish the R's would direct their rage and the corrupt D's."
Boulder Buffoon takes a brief timeout from non-stop bashing of Trump and running cover for the GOPe-ers that undermined Trump policies to complain that republicans dont spend enough time attacking democraticals.
Gusty Winds: "He needs to call out J6 like Vivek did. He needs to call out the 2020 voter fraud like Vivek did. He needs to callout the corrupt prosecutions of Trump and the targeting of Trump supporters.
Until DeSantis does that, he's Paul Ryan."
DeSantis can never do that of course since the entire rationale of his campaign, backed by the GOPe-ers and globalists from the very beginning, was to be the dude standing there after GOPe/dem lawfare took Trump down.
But Trump didnt go down easily and too much time went by and DeSantis, instead of being the heroic savior, was exposed.
And it was all planned out and executed by the same "smart DC insider" types that completely wrecked the Walker and Cruz 2016 campaigns.
The bridge shut down was the straw that broke... Chris Christie's back.
Christie also went and enjoyed a state beach he had only days earlier shut down to the public over a budget battle in Trenton.
And, conveniently, no mentions here of Trump blowing the softball about becoming a dictator.
And only Christie talking about it in the so-called debate.
And, I might add, until now I did not think the democrats could effectively use the whole anti-democracy, trumps-wants-be-dictator thing effectively.
But, Trump just made it crystal, even to the dumbest.
Tell me it was just another one of his special jokes that I just don't get. Some joke.
I do wonder about the people who fund Christie's campaign. Don't they have better uses for it?
One thing that he’s done as gov of FL that has largely gone under the radar is his creation of a “state guard” that answers only to him and cannot be called up by the president.
Texas has had a State Guard for much of its history. It indeed answers only to the Governor, although it has been called to duty from time to time to guard National Guard facilities when they were called up and deployed to Active Duty. However, I'm not sure how and if they can be deployed as a military unit outside state borders.
If Abbott or DeSantis were to become President, then the guard units would not report to them at all, and that is actually a good thing, because otherwise any US President could provide orders to these units. For example, currently Gov. Abbott is deploying the Texas State Guard to protect the Texas side of the federal border. It can do so, despite silliness by some DC bureaucrats, because the land this side of the border is in Texas and not federalized (as Federal Courts have now reminded the bureaucrats). However, if a President could order the units, then Biden could simply order these guard units to stand down.
mikee said...
"When the Emperor is swanning about naked and claims to be wearing fine haute couture..."
Actually, the Emperor is swimming about naked and annoying the Secret Service detail.
mikee said...
"When the Emperor is swanning about naked and claims to be wearing fine haute couture..."
Actually, the Emperor is swimming about naked and annoying the Secret Service detail.
Christie has always been obnoxious. My theory is he was teased his entire life for being 'large-boned' and has used his power as a prosecutor and governor to get back at the world.
He is an unpleasant man.
Were he a jolly warrior he could be charming instead.
He is certainly smart, although as a 'conservative' he is very bland and deep-statish.
'...while in the real world the entire party has been usurped by a personality cult...'
You could be speaking about Obama...
What Gusty Winds said @ 8:23 AM
jim said...
And, I might add, until now I did not think the democrats could effectively use the whole anti-democracy, trumps-wants-be-dictator thing effectively.
But, Trump just made it crystal, even to the dumbest.
Tell me it was just another one of his special jokes that I just don't get. Some joke.
12/7/23, 10:48 AM
Do you have EYES?? Do you see what the Biden administration is doing?? If you are so scared of dictators...take a good look at what is the closest we have ever HAD to a dictator.
How many political prisoners did Trump keep?? There were lots of "paraders and "rioters" during the Trump administration...starting with the riots in DC the night of his inauguration!
Bob Boyd,
Is there any doubt Joe Biden would call Christie fat in a debate?
None. He'd probably ask Christie to do some pushups on the spot.
But I agree with Jake: "Go out and eat a nice meal" is "fat-shaming" now? My, my, we are sensitive.
I don't care about Christie's rather rotund physique. I do care that Christie is a fathead. I don't trust him further than I could throw him--and that's not very far.
Jan 6 rioters as political prisoners. I guess I was wrong ;)
The only thing I've seen wrong about Jan 6 prosecutions is the unconsciousable delay going after the guy who ordered it.
Trump is fat too.
Vivek is balding and goofy looking.
Haley is not ageing well. She’s through phase 1 of the turning into a hag look.
Not everyone can age like Helen Mirren or Paul Newman. But the neocon rah rah Reagan schtick would come off better if here looks weren’t gone.
DeSantis definitely wears lifts. Burt Reynolds did too. Burt was maybe 5’10 and 3/4 first thing in the morning but wore lifts in his two inch heel cowboy boots.
I’d vote for 1981 Burt Reynolds. So DeSantis is my guy.
DeSantis should have followed Trump's lead and boycotted all the debates, too. I don't think DeSantis made a mistake running for the 2024 nomination, but he and his campaign have made errors that have hamstrung him, and it is clear to me that the party hierarchy is actively working against him.
Kelly's question to Christie is spot on- by continuing in the race to the first caucus and primary, Christie is actively helping Trump, not hurting him. Christie, with his 4-5% of the vote (if he actually gets that much) will all come out of the non-Trump voting base and will only enhance Trump's odds of winning these early races. If I were judging things just based on the effect Christie is having on the race, I would suspect Christie is secretly helping Trump win the nomination. However, I give him credit for sincerity, thus I have to conclude he is just delusional.
jim said...
only thing I've seen wrong about Jan 6 prosecutions is the unconsciousable delay going after the guy who ordered it.
you mean the director of the FBI? Or are you mis gendering Nancy P?
“Christie also went and enjoyed a state beach he had only days earlier shut down to the public over a budget battle in Trenton.”
That news story was later debunked, as further investigation revealed it was actually a juvenile humpback whale that had beached itself.
'I’d vote for 1981 Burt Reynolds.'
I would too.
He made a lot of terrible movies, but he always looked like he was having fun : )
"Christie has always been obnoxious. My theory is he was teased his entire life for being 'large-boned' and has used his power as a prosecutor and governor to get back at the world."
He's always reminded my of Michael Lerner as Arnold Rothstein in "Eight Men Out"- pissed at the world and looking for revenge.
Fat shaming.
Has Megyn lost weight? Her face looks really thin.
'He's always reminded my of Michael Lerner as Arnold Rothstein in "Eight Men Out"- pissed at the world and looking for revenge.'
"Eight Men Out" is a fantastic book...
There is a funny video Jabba waddles over to Megyn during the next break to register his disapproval of Megyn's question...and then Christie unhinged his jaw and consumed 17 people in the front row.
I don't know what Grover Cleveland had, but Chris Christie ain't got it.
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