Link. Excerpt:
Under Joe Biden, we are a nation in decline and rapidly losing the American Dream.
But Biden's destruction of the American economy is just the beginning of his war on young people. The Radical Left has also unleashed shocking waves of violent crime and bloodshed...
[T]he Democrats' radical promotion of Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, and political content in our schools has divided our communities and frayed the bonds of national unity....
I will also restore law and order in our nation's cities, empower our men and women in law enforcement, and stop the Radical Marxist prosecutors surrendering our cities to violent criminals.... American voters have it within their power to quickly return our country to peace, prosperity, and strength—and no one will benefit from bringing that change to our nation's capital more than young people.....
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Sounds about right to me.
I spent last weekend watching rich dumb college kids throw their futures away chanting Maoist and grotesque anti-semitic slogans in a Quaker Church, then the professional radical used the dumbos to cover for the Black Bloc attacking the police in Atlanta.
And I got fleas.
And ate gross revolutionary rice and beans.
These children are our future.
Do something, or get used to three-day-old rice and beans. And fleas. Also, fuck the Quakers. All five of them. What a disgrace they are to their own faith tradition. What an abject disgrace.
Some institutional memory for any Gen Z or Alpha kiddos that might by chance lurk here:
1970's America: "If you work 40 hours a week you'll have enough to buy a house, a new car every couple of years, support a wife and children, and have a nice vacation every year."
1980's America: "If you and your wife work 40 hours a week, you'll have enough to buy a house, a new car every few years, and a nice vacation every year."
1990's America: "If you and your wife work 90-100 hours a week, you'll have enough to rent a decent place, keep your car running while you save for a new one, and maybe a vacation every couple of years or so."
2000's America: "If your household works at least 100 hours a week you'll be able to rent a semi-decent place, buy a decent used car, and a nice staycation every year."
2010's America: "If your household works at least 100 hours a week you'll be able to keep a roof over your head and reasonably edible food in the fridge, and keep your old used car running well enough to be able to go to work."
2020's America: "Forget ever owning a home, forget having a nice place, forget having a nice car, consider yourself lucky to have a roof over your head."
All true!
The Fat Tub of Goo is great at making promises - remember the wall that Mexico will pay for and how he will drain the swamp? The only problem is that he doesn’t want to or is too incompetent to actually fulfill them.
DeSantis has already tackled those issues with success.
Well if he is specifically citing Critical Race Theory and Transgenderism it is probably an indication he thinks that attacking those ideologies is a winner politically and thus probably widely disagreed with by many people. And while he has attacked CRT before, he has largely been silent or even tacitly supportive of LGBT as a whole before. I don't think he will abandon the L's G's, or B's, but he may be advocating for a 'drop the T" approach. There may be some support in LGB for that. Andrew Sullivan within the last couple years wrote an article that seemed to suggest that the T's were marginalizing the other members of LGBT, and that today's culture might be pushing young gay males into misapprehending that they were trans instead.
"If they can just print money, why are we paying taxes?"
- Paul Theodore Hellyer
Every generation has to ask this question. Hopefully, the next generations can be as curious about what happened on Jekyll Island in 1911 as Paul was.
Trump can try, but mail in ballot harvesting is the deciding factor in the 2024 election, as it was in the 2020 election.
The Youth of America don't want Law & Order restored...yet.
Optimism is in short supply. I'm glad to see him embrace it. Even young voters remember the prosperity years of 2016-2019.
Can't say Trump is wrong. Biden has been a pox on the USA for over 3 years.
F*cked up the economy as well as national defense. Inflation, high taxes, high oil prices, non-existent Southern Border, massive crime wave(s), corruption beyond anything ever seen, etc...
While Trump is an ass*ole and has mean tweets, I'll pick him over Biden, or any Democrat, without a second thought. Just make sure the Democrats lose the Senate and the house stays Republican (so Trump has a chance to push thought an agenda that helps America.
Perfectly illustrates Trump's habitual overpromising of outcomes that he has no objective basis to believe that he can deliver.
Wonder why Newsweek allowed him to write an Op-ed. Fascinating. As someone once said.
Do you know who else wanted America to be great for young people?
Too bad he couldn't be president...
Newsweek, way to reach young people.
Related and in the news, Venezuela is considering annexing Guyana, where Exxon is already ordering hardware to develop several million barrels of oil.
So let's recap:
Russia is invading Ukraine to annex portions of that country that contains Natural Gas that Europe needs for their Green agenda. The regional conflict has also blocked Russian Oil and Gas exports to the West.
Biden's Administration has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to their lowest level in 40 years, and orders of magnitude more than any previous emergency. Not necessarily because of the wars, but to keep gasoline pump prices lower to keep voters happy.
Hamas, as a proxy for Iran, has attacked Israel, with Houthi rebels, as a proxy for Iran, now attacking shipping in the Red Sea (Suez Canal), while Iran also hijacks tankers in the Persian Gulf, with the Biden Administration offering billions to Iran and backing Qatar that is housing Hamas leaders.
Venezuela, lead by Obama supported Maduro, is now considering annexing another countries territory to put more oil and gas under its control. Venezuela's oil and gas is under sanction by the US, like Iran's, due to their pass civil war leading to anti-US government.
Whether or not China moves on Taiwan, the US economy is facing a crisis for 2024, and that's before we dig into the harm anti-policing and pro-illegal immigration policies have wrought on the US economy.
Just remember there is all coincidence. There is absolutely no conspiracies going on. This is just global actors and the US bureaucracy doing what they think is in their best interest and that of the world. So what if it all looks like cutting off fossil fuels to the West, and what's wrong with that anyway?
When Trump was President, the US was an energy exporter.
: Biden economics, crime, Critical Race Theory, left-wing ideology, Trump 2024
Progressive prices, social justice, diversity, authoritarianism, and world war Springs with emoluments... "benefits".
Are young people reading Newsweek now?
If these are Donald Trump’s goals, he would do better to run for Governor of New York or Mayor of New York City.
This may be trite, but... He ain't wrong.
The economy was fantastic during Trump. The left lie about that, too.
but then - the left lie about everything. EVERYTHING.
I'm adding "young people" to my pronouns.
You didn't need to convince me any further. I'll cast my vote for DJT
Unaffordable education, affirmative discrimination, DEI, social justice, immigration reform, shared responsibility through progressive prices.
This is exactly how I feel:
He can be the world's biggest buffoon (I love that word!), but so long as he imposes common sense policies on a (presently) deranged government & leadership, he's got my vote.
Who else can you think of, in the present political lineup, who will hold to "common sense" policy positions like Trump? ...and he'd be a whole lot smarter about choosing staff and cabinet members in a second term.
Not enough nuance, after the Hamas attack. The world went from black and white to technicolor, for young people, but Trump sounds like he didn't notice. His pro-Israel stance won't fly now, either. People may not like what Joe's selling, but cut-and-dried white right-wing authoritarianism won't appeal, now, either.
We need someone who makes sense in the world we've entered, NOT the one we just left.
of course, it just doesn't matter.. The Overwhelming Majority of votes will be counted democrat
America is a used up sh*hole.. Get used to it
"Just make sure the Democrats lose the Senate and the house stays Republican..."
Need to be sure those Republicans are not really Democrats in disguise. Too many are, which would be less of a problem if there were also Democrats who are really Republicans. But there aren't.
To be honest, the actual division isn't between Republicans and Democrats, it's between The People and The State.
Joe takes credit for excusing their student loans now, but they'll be paying that and the Vig going forward. That is if they can find a job here.
Maybe Moochelle can straighten this whole thing out here. You know, like Barry did with Ukraine.
This from The Hill...
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Are young people reading Newsweek now?
Well Newsweek is basically a center-right media outlet now. As far as your question. I don't think young people are loyal to any traditional media outlets. I would imagine there is a vanishingly small percentage of people under 30 or 40 even who have a daily paper they read, or daily news channel they watch. Instead, they will pick and choose articles or clips from various sites that feel, 'newsy' to them and probably support whatever they are primed to believe. I think a lot of our media culture is reversed from what it should be where people start with the position they would prefer to be true, then search for sources and facts to back that up.
"You didn't need to convince me any further. I'll cast my vote for DJT"
I'll cast my vote for anyone but Donald Trump.
Horrific moment white student yells 'N-word' as he attacks black girl, leaving her hospitalized with a broken nose … and school suspends HER sparking outrage
Now is NOT the time, T,...
Anecdotally, where N=1, I did not do as well financially under Trump as I did under Obama (or Biden, to a certain extent). If you are rich - which I by no means am, but would be considered so by someone who has nothing and huge debt - you will get richer under Democrat policies.
I saw a lot of stabilization and improvement of finances of young adults under Trump. Indeed, gave them more to complain about - how evil Trump was. Now we have Biden, and younger people are suffering, but it's Trumps fault for some reason.
Newsweek, way to reach young people…Are young people reading Newsweek now
Hehe- yes! Fortunately the modern world has no other way to disseminate anything written in Newsweek- nice burn comrades!
"I will do this. I will do that."
So why didn't you do these things before?? Why should anyone support you after you failed to do it the first time around? Why support a failure?
The economy was fantastic during Trump. The left lie about that, too.
Actually, the economy was okay, not fantastic, and much worse than Trump promised. He was going to eliminate the deficit within 8 years. Yet it actually got worse (and that was before Covid), primarily due to his tax cuts. He also claimed that the economy would grow by "4, 5, 6 %" and even claimed (in one of his wilder lies) that 7% growth was achievable. He had a couple of quarters where growth got over 4%, but most of the time it was in the 3% range, good but not great. The low gasoline prices he touted occurred during the height of the pandemic, when oil futures actually dropped below zero for a few days.
I suspect that Newsweek is hedging their bet in case Trump wins.
Pentagon Unable to Pay for Middle East Troop Buildup in Response to Israel War
the DOD continues to operate under a temporary funding measure that forbids spending at any level that surpasses the previous year’s total. Due to the unexpected nature of the October 7th attacks and the subsequent proportional troop buildup, the Pentagon has been forced to reallocate funds from existing operations.
but.. Not To Worry; the government can Always just print more money.
It's Not like they Actually have to rely on lawmakers
Trump only needs a small fraction of the youth, a small fraction of the blacks, a small fraction of latinos. It's call coalition building. Once again he shows how brilliant he is.
"Wonder why Newsweek allowed him to write an Op-ed. Fascinating. As someone once said."
Whoever it is that owns the magazine now has made an active effort since the purchase to attract conservative readers- which makes economic sense given that there are hundreds of magazines that try to cater to leftist readers.
I watched the video- both students should be expelled permanently, but most of the blame for that altercation is on her. I suspect she got suspended because this isn't the first time she has tried to antogonize people into responding to bullshit accusations, and it sounds like the boy has heard all of this several times before- you can literally hear it in the exasperated way he tells her to shut the fuck up. Her pussy pass got denied for once- she is lucky the boy fights like a girl.
You better be careful. Special Counsel Jack Smith is taking names of anyone reacting or reposting Orang Man's posts. It's real third world police state BS.
Oh, and Crack 9er), Yeah, a lot of young folks see what's going on, and they've had it with that crap.
The gopro cameras ahow how much technicolor also how black your soul id crack
@AMDG said ///"The Fat Tub of Goo is great ...".
Aren't you the one that's always blathering on about 'MAGATS' and other such tiresome, repetitive puerility?
Tell me something: How much does Donald Trump weigh? Within 15 lb please.
DeSantis-linked SuperPAC is trying to clear the deck of Nikki Haley with this ad:
The Reason
Haley versus Biden would be such a startling contrast between Beauty versus Beast, youth versus old age, charisma versus non-charisma that the race might come down to the voters looking at Biden's record, his platform, his second-term agenda against whatever hodge podge the Republicans are trying to peddle and then casting their votes based upon their interests and the candidates' programs. Look for a near landslide by Biden.
If the Democrats field 100 strong candidates for competitive House seats (and near competitive seats), then a strong turnout and showing by Democrats at the grass roots level will carry the national ticket to victory. The Democrats should build the coattails from the local district on up.
@Freder: He was going to eliminate the deficit within 8 years. Yet it actually got worse (and that was before Covid), primarily due to his tax cuts.
Federal Tax Revenue, FY2017 through 2021, in trillions: 3.32, 3.33, 3.46, 3.42, 4.05.
Each was a record, save for the Covid year of 2020.
Youngins got a lot of petroleum to buy, a lot of 155mm shells to restock, a lot of artillery pieces to replace plus a deficit load to contend with. with AI taking the bloom off the rose, it should be a real grind.
Oh, and pretty chilly in winter as well.
@AMDG & Feder
And don't forget. He didn't achieve lasting world peace. Very important.
I'd argue with you guys (low illegal immigration, I think Mexico was footing the bill for the stay in Mexico policy, what do you think is going to happen to oil prices when the entire economy is shut down, etc.) but you're too short, it'd go over your heads.
But you are right about one thing. There isn't a chance in hell Trump can clean up the entire mess you morons made. Congrats on that btw.
The 2023 GDP is estimated to be approximately $23 trillion.
The national debt is currently $33.8 trillion and rising.
If we don't get a handle on spending and I mean real soon, none of that other stuff matters.
More trolling. I can't figure if it's the bait or lure that attracts or is it the hook the targets crave.
If you're not a crazed depressed mental case, you're not paying attention
Way better than this idiot...
Replying to @nypost
Joe thinks businesses should just
willingly take losses on sales to offset the impact of inflation he helped create?
This, after he just spent his Thanksgiving holiday at his billionaire donor’s coastal mansion? Must be nice🥴!
5:45 PM · Nov 27, 2023
Not surprising to see the Usual Leftist Idiots responding to the "All hands on deck" call to deal with this topic. Some are missing yet but since it's still daytime in a lot of the country, no doubt the graveyard shift will be out in force later.
Them Quakers must be feelin’ their oats!
COME ON!!!!!. We have a delusional old man that was installed in office that just said this..
THAT should scare you 1000% more than anything they are saying and lying about Trump....
Watch as Joe Biden tells these workers “my Marine has a code to blow up the world… nuclear weapons”
It should be illegal for this cognitively impaired man to be in charge of the nuclear codes
I'd rather have Trump's lies and Trump's results than Biden's lies and his results.
Trump contains multitudes. He is a businessman, a politician, a satirist, a stand-up comic, sometimes a 5-year-old child (or playing one on TV). But at least he is Somebody. All the Democrats have is Nobodies.
President Trump #1 did not deliver what he promised as a candidate. If elected, Trump #2 won't deliver what he's NOW promising. Voters need to ask, not do I like the promises, but what results do I expect?
Trump is a great promiser. I have no doubt that Trump #2 would be a better President than Biden (# 1 or # 2 -- or whoever succeeds him). I very much doubt that Trump # 2 would be a better President than Haley or DeSantis.
Unlike Trump, Haley or DeSantis would not be a lame duck on Inauguration Day.
Once Again, the Future Ain’t What It Used to Be
The idea that each generation of children will grow up to be better off than the one that preceded it has always been a part of the American dream. But barely a third of adults expect things to work out that way for today’s children, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.
About half of adults (50%) say that today’s children will grow up to be worse off than people are now. A third (34%) say they’ll be better off and most of the rest say they aren’t sure.
Pew Research Center
May 2, 2006
Perhaps we should check with the children of 2006 to see how things worked out for them.
Drug Emcee
Hold my beer
Critical Racists' Theory (CRT) under DEI doctrine
loudogblog said...
I suspect that Newsweek is hedging their bet in case Trump wins.
Newsweek got bought by a new company a few years back and is now a center-right publicaiton.
Via AoS, Biden on Monday demanded companies lower prices of consumer goods based on the notion that inflation has slowed compared with earlier in his administration. I think many on the right would suggests this shows the stupidity of Biden and his administration. I'd argue this shows what Biden and his administration think of his supporters and voters. Suckers, they think you are suckers.
Trump won't be able to do what he promises, because the Uniparty won't allow it.
But at least pledging to stop promoting the absolute insanity that the Biden administration is willfully inflicting upon us is step one.
Perhaps someone can clone a reincarnated mussolini for our resident chef. He could then vote for M2.
Even if mussolini is not fascist enough, he would still be an alternative to voting for our president emeritus.
Not PEDJT seems to be the only thing that matters to cook.
John Henry
Aggie: "@AMDG said ///"The Fat Tub of Goo is great ...".
Aren't you the one that's always blathering on about 'MAGATS' and other such tiresome, repetitive puerility?
Tell me something: How much does Donald Trump weigh? Within 15 lb please."
AMDG, the Steve Deace of Althouse Blog, is part of the failed wanna-be DeSantis Online Influencer crew, whether paid or volunteer, that has helped to drive the DeSantis campaign into a permanent ditch whose ONLY prayer for achieving the nomination is a lawfare takeout of Trump...which would lead to a devastating defeat in a general election anyway.
The DeSantis campaign, conceived, developed and launched by the Who's Who of GOPe Failure Theaterists, globalists and Never Trumpers in 2021, has shown they have learned nothing over the last 25 years.
The last couple week's pathetic roll out of the utterly unsurprising endorsements of DeSantis by Reynolds and Vander Plaats in the moronic DeSantis campaign "Iowa is Everything" strategy has yielded precisely what was expected: nothing.
The same Rovian/Bushite/McConnellite cats that destroyed the campaigns of Cruz and Walker in 2016 have achieved the same outcome with DeSantis.
Heckuva job Jeff Roe, Ken Cuccinelli and crew.
Unlike Trump, Haley or DeSantis would not be a lame duck on Inauguration Day.
All newly elected Republican Presidents are presumed to be lame ducks on Inauguration Day.
Don't you read the news?
Crook Joe - the history
@cook: your negative endorsement means a vote for Trump from me. You’d better find another anti-Trumper to negate mine.
I agree with those arguing that DeSantis is spineless and beholden to GOPe donors. Only Haley is worse.
William 50 said:
The national debt is currently $33.8 trillion and rising.
If we don't get a handle on spending and I mean real soon, none of that other stuff matters.
That is one of the critisizms of Trump I agree with. He gives lip service to decreasing government spending, but like any other politician won't even talk about cutting entitlements. And he spent a buttload of money on covid on the way out the door. The inflation we are experiencing is not 100% on Biden's shoulders. But in fairness none of them have the balls to do what is needed. Because the American people don't either. No one who runs on raising SS age and cutting Medi benifits is going to get elected to high office. I think it will take longer than "real soon", but the collapse is a near certainty imo.
A US president has no control over the crime that occurs in big cities.
Robert Cook said...
"You didn't need to convince me any further. I'll cast my vote for DJT"
I'll cast my vote for anyone but Donald Trump.
11/29/23, 12:35 PM
WOW!! Such Courage!! It's people like you who voted us into the mess that Biden is making of the country.
How do we vote for whoever wrote this for Mr. Trump?
The Koch political machine, which now openly partners with the Soros political machine (see coalitions such as Right on Crime) all support open borders, defunding police, emptying prisons and legalizing all drugs, including fentanyl. Koch just endorsed Nikki Haley. They own her now. If you like the tenderloin district of San Francisco, fentanyl vending machines, and tens of millions streaming over the border every year, with nobody answering when you call 911, and you feel like paying to support all these junkies, illegals, and criminals (payroll taxes are used for them, not the kind of income billionaires like Koch and Soros make), vote for Haley.
Amazing: there are actually people in this thread who support Haley. As in, they don't see her as the transparent phoney she obviously is.
I feel like I've stumbled upon a rare anthropological find in that. Real-life evidence of what the television folks would call "Cheney Family Values" (TM)
chickelit: "I agree with those arguing that DeSantis is spineless and beholden to GOPe donors. Only Haley is worse."
Cook said,
"I'll cast my vote for anyone but Donald Trump."
Too bad Stalin isn't on the ballot, huh.
Voters need to ask, not do I like the promises, but what results do I expect?
He promised me he would do something about illegal immigration - and walla!
He promised to lower taxes on the average working family - ok, but was that really necessary?
He promised to do away with the ACA - nice try but no cigar. He did slow the creep towards government controlled healthcare though.
He promised me he would make trade with China fair - he must have been closing in. Close enough that China decided to unleash the plague on the world. Yes they knew what they we doing sending a possible 350k cases to foriegn nations months after they knew about the virus.
He promised he would control government spending - bzzz! Saving a couple billion here and there doesn't cut it. Maybe a credit or two for lowering the yearly deficits, but not what I thought he meant.
He promised he would expose the lying press - mixed bag. They are completely exposed now, yet he didn't follow through on a lot of that.
He promised to make the US energy independent - walla.
He promised to not to get into a war - been awhile since a President achieved that.
He promised to cancel the JCPOA - walla.
He promised to withdraw from the Paris Accords - walla.
He promised to have a great run up in the stock market - hot damn!
He promised to lower an already low unemployment number (and to blacks, what have you got to lose?) - alrighty then!
I'm bummed about Hillary not being in jail, but not sure that was a promise.
I don't remember him promising to fix the deep state, but if he did - he failed miserably.
He promised not to telegraph his moves like the idiots before him - bye bye Quasami.
But of course he didn't achieve lasting world peace, but I'm not sure that was something he promised. Nice move on normalizing Israeli/Arab relations though - give him half a point for that one whether he promised it or not.
He promised to get the economy up and running - it wasn't all that bad upon his taking office, but he did make it better.
So what the hell are you talking about Willis??
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