Barack Obama offered a complex analysis of the conflict between Israel and Gaza, telling thousands of former aides that they were all “complicit to some degree” in the current bloodshed.
If we are "complicit," what did we do? What could we have done? But Obama, who was President, doesn't even know what he could have done:
“I look at this, and I think back, 'What could I have done during my presidency to move this forward, as hard as I tried?' But there’s a part of me that’s still saying, ‘Well, was there something else I could have done?'"
He's doing something now, in saying that.
He goes on:
"What Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it. And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable. And what is also true is that there is a history of the Jewish people that may be dismissed unless your grandparents or your great-grandparents, or your uncle or your aunt tell you stories about the madness of antisemitism. And what is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what Hamas did. Even what I just said, which sounds very persuasive, still doesn’t answer the fact of, all right, how do we prevent kids from being killed today? But the problem is that if you are dug in on that, well, the other side is dug in remembering the videos that Hamas took or what they did on the 7th, and they’re dug in, too, which means we will not stop those kids from dying."
Does that "move" anything "forward"? Is that, too, "complicit"? Part of him, presumably, is always saying "Well, was there something else I could have done?"
That's Obama. That's what we had before we got Trump, who always seems so sure he knows what to do.
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
Obama's "There are fine people on both sides" moment except without the explicit exclusion.
There is no "occupation" and that bastard knows it. Blatantly full of shite.
Me, me, me. Pretty much the same drivel.
Obama wouldn't come out and speak unless he had to save Joe's bacon. He must appease the angry Democrats, all while not completely undermining current policy. He's moving *Joe forward.
He is a fecking liar.
"Barack Obama is not a learned man, but it’s a mistake to confuse that with stupidity. He is, in fact, an extremely clever man. Combine that cleverness with the fact that he truly dislikes Israel and has aligned himself with those countries and groups that wish to destroy the country, complete with the genocide of all of its inhabitants, and you end up with someone who covertly signals to Israel’s enemies his ideological allegiance with them, even while seemingly treading a morally meaningless line right down the middle."
What about Death to America is complicated? Little Satan or Big Satan so much a mind fuck for Barry to sort out?
The Buraq (Arabic: الْبُرَاق /ælˈbʊrɑːk/ "the lightning") is a magical horse in Islamic tradition that served as the mount of the Islamic prophet Muhammad during his Isra and Mi'raj journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and up through the heavens and back by night.[1]
"As hard as I tried"
Yeah, right.
Trump always seems to know what to do - Abraham Accords.
It's a hard problem ... not solved or even moved closer to solution by a NYT article/interview. So ... what's the point of the interview? To sell newspapers? To move closer to a presidential candidacy?
Hamas occupying Gaza is what makes life unbearable there. Israel is not responsible for the actions of the terrorist regime. And Obama notoriously hates Israel, hates Netanyahu, gave Iran access to more money to terrorize Israel and others in the region. He and his team are complicit.
Aside - there’s some video, still hidden, where Obama is discussing his views re Palestine sometime in the 90’s, I believe. There’s only one reason that that was kept from public view.
"So ... what's the point of the interview? To sell newspapers?"
The NYT did not do an interview. It reported on "comments" he "delivered at a gathering of his former staff in Chicago."
Big Zer0 is a pox on the land.
"What is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what Hamas did."
That's all we should be concerned about. Other than that, let the man eat his waffle.
Obama's Middle East policy was a disaster. Appeasing Iran and thinking that there were moderates just below the surface who would take over was (and still is) folly. Encouraging the "Arab Spring" was a disaster. His Syria policy was a disaster. He's not one to lecture us on anything about the Middle East.
He's not alone, of course. So was George W. Bush's policy was a disaster, too. Invading Iraq and taking a counterweight to Iran off the board and thinking he was bringing democracy to the Middle East was hubris.
Biden's Middle East policy is a disaster: discouraging American energy independence, isolating Saudi Arabia, reviving the Iran deal, and failing to respond to Iranian provocations are all moronic, at best.
Realpolitik is a real thing and failing at it brings real consequences. And listening to Obama, of all people, lecture us is disgusting.
On the other hand, I have four fingers and a thumb.
""What Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it. And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable."
The second sentence contradicts the first. The implication is that what's happening to Palestinians is Israel's fault, when Hamas is to blame.
Obama, another ignorant fascist tw@t, surprising exactly no one. Bugger off and be gone you vile racist antisemite turd. Just be gone. Take all of your ilk with you.
"And what is also true is that there is a history of the Jewish people that may be dismissed unless your grandparents or your great-grandparents, or your uncle or your aunt tell you stories about the madness of antisemitism."
What a strange locution.
"Yeah, way back when there was antisemitism, and there are some old stories about Jewish people living in Israel way back when, so some old-timers get upset, but that's not really the case now, even though people are openly proclaiming their mission to kill Jews and destroy Israel." (That's my read).
"What Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it. And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable.”
What occupation?
Could this guy finally shut the fuck and go away? There is no moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel.
The Orthodox Jews For Palestine would agree with him.
What if American Jews protested at Obama’s house in DC? Or stormed his Martha’s Vineyard mansion?
This is simple
Gutfeld offered this on The 5
Since October 7th, this counter action, IS ONLY ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED ON OCTOBER 7TH.
It is not complex. The faux complexity is a fig leaf for wild eye Jew Hatred, and blood lust.
(there was a cease fire on October 6th, Palestinians broke the cease fire, by beheading infants, and putting infants in ovens and cooking them to death.
As far as a pause for aide like food, fuel, and medicine. Hamas has an abundance of all those things. Why is Hamas starving their own?
"Well, was there something else I could have done?'"
Actually, just one little thing you could have NOT done. The JCPOA, started by you in 2009 and in effect by 2014, with the now-missing Robert Malley in charge, funded the otherwise bankrupt Iran, embodied nuclear weapons limitations that barred inspections of Iranian military sites and funded October 7th. Cutting back on US oil production was also greatly appreciated by the Mullahs. Never approved by Congress. Just you.
That little thing.
The chochem approach. You can look it up.
rhhardin said...
Trump always seems to know what to do - Abraham Accords
....why they hate him so much.
Ann Althouse said...
"So ... what's the point of the interview? To sell newspapers?"
The NYT did not do an interview. It reported on "comments" he "delivered at a gathering of his former staff in Chicago."
Clearly, it was more than his former staff. Did the NYT crash that party, or by invitation? We’re other reporters there?
So, it sounds as if his opinion at present is much like most people's. There's no good, easy, bloodless answer. His complicity in Oct. 7, depending on what happens next, will lie with his appeasement of Iran, which - giving him the benefit of the doubt - maybe he thought really was a way to tamp down high anti-American feelings in the Middle East, though I don't see how anyone could come to that conclusion without a lot of groupthink-facilitated blindness, but indeed, that may have been what his foreign policy advisors were running on.
In other words, between fool and I've, I'm leaning mostly fool. I am, however, very glad that it doesn't fall to me to make these decisions.
Gazans support Hamas. They voted Hamas in in 2007 and they volunteer to be Hamas terrorist (almost said soldier, but they'll never have the values to be soldiers). Gazans allow Hamas to divert supplies to wage the war against the "filthy Jews." They teach their kids to hate Israel and Jews.
The best thing Israel can do is kill all of Hamas, level their mansions and government buildings, round up the Jew-hating Imans and teachers. Then, send special forces to kill the leadership living in Qatar. Finally, blow the Iranian leaders to kingdom come, so they can collect their 72 vegans. Not virgins, that was not what Mohammed said. Vegans became virgins after a game of "telephone" when Mohammed's ragings were written down.
The point of the reporting is to support Hamas.
A stuttering cluster-fuck and a miserable failure.
telling thousands of former aides
How many aides did Obama need? They can't really be "aides".
Why are they calling them "aides"? Define "aides".
What are these "aides" doing now? Still in government? Gnawing at the beams and timbers?
"kids" dying? Repeated at least once. Why "kids" instead of people--which is, of course truer?
Obama sent pallets of currency to Iran in the dead of night. He could have started by not doing that.
Obozo is complicit for sure. Althouse and Meade and Amadeus 48, not so much.
“I look at this, and I think back, 'What could I have done during my presidency to move this forward, as hard as I tried?' But there’s a part of me that’s still saying, ‘Well, was there something else I could have done?'"
I dunno, maybe NOT give Iran shitloads of money and try to set it up as the dominant power in the region?
"Even what I just said, which sounds very persuasive..."
Lol, this fucking arrogant piece of shit still getting high sniffing in own foul farts. Fucking crooked maggot oughta be in prison awaiting execution.
It's funny how the internal response forms itself, almost unprompted. Just two little words, pop unbidden into my mind.......and a mental picture of the Great One, nose in the air....
I can’t help that the attempts by Obama to normalize Iran and turn a blind eye to its activities played a key roll in putting us in this position.
More mush from the wimp, as the saying goes. He's against the killing of children. Lofty insights from a Nobel Peace Prize winner....If I were an Israeli, I wouldn't want him to be my corner man.
Obama is a master of making simple things seem complicated.
That way he can pretend to be highly intelligent, when in reality, he is at best a mediocre attorney, who was not fit to make partner at any decent law firm.
OK, I will admit that though he is not particularly intelligent, he does possess a heck of a lot of low cunning.
And he was well trained in how to exploit white guilt.
"Even what I just said, which sounds very persuasive..."
Certainly to one person in the room.
People accuse Trump of having a massive ego (he does), but geez Louise.
And what is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what Hamas did.
Crocodile tears from the man who personally authorized Hellfire missiles launched from drones to destroy an Arab wedding party. It’s called war and innocent people die.
I[t] can’t help that the attempts by Obama to normalize Iran and turn a blind eye to its activities played a key roll in putting us in this position.
And that answers his question about what else he could have done, doesn’t it? He could have supported the Green Movement in 2009, and made it US policy to destroy the mad mullahs. No billions in hard currency to Iran, vastly reduced capabilities for Hamas and Hezbollah.
"What is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what Hamas did."
Would this be the same person who authorized killing missile strikes against individuals he alone concluded needed to die, regardless of 'collateral' damage and even if the target was an American citizen?
11/5/23, 6:23 AM
Blogger Dave Begley said...
What if American Jews protested at Obama’s house in DC? Or stormed his Martha’s Vineyard mansion?
11/5/23, 6:24 AM
The Secret Service cordon-offs his street so only residents can enter. No nasty demonstrations in front of the Light Bringer's home to disturb his retirement. Except for all of the former Obummer aides guiding Joe "China owns me!" Biden on his righteous path to the Democrat Utopia where the nation will be told to "STFU, Joe knows what he's doing."
SS protection for the Light Bringer, but none for RFJ, Jr. Obummer doesn't want his accomplishments(?) overturned by RFJ, Jr., a progressive nut case.
Unconditional surrender of Hamas, war crime trials, public executions of the guilty - not as martyrs but as the barbarian thugs they are. Otherwise, either accept ongoing atrocities against Israelis or move the Palestinians to Yemen.
"(there was a cease fire on October 6th, Palestinians broke the cease fire, by beheading infants, and putting infants in ovens and cooking them to death."
Yes, and Iraqi soldiers invading Kuwait infamously pulled newborn babies out of their incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital and threw them on the floor to die.
It's called propaganda, the more horrific, the more to arouse hate and the fever to kill as many as possible, as brutally as possible.
No doubt, the Hamas assault on October 07 was a brutal and horrific war crime, and children and babies were among the many slain. However, there has been no photo evidence of beheaded babies, and I can only find a report of one baby found in an oven...and that article states uncertainty as to the circumstances. One possibility put forth is that the homeowners may have placed the baby in the oven to hide it from invading Hamas solders, and the fire resulted from the house being set afire by the terrorists after killing the home's inhabitants.
As for Israel, they have reciprocated Hamas' mass murders and war crimes in spades.
Barack Hussein Obama has always pretty much hated Israel. His actions and the actions of his party show it clearly.
"Crocodile tears from the man who personally authorized Hellfire missiles launched from drones to destroy an Arab wedding party. It’s called war and innocent people die."
Yep, especially when innocent people are targeted, (or are given no consideration when bombing targets are selected). This is why all wars are crimes, and all war-makers are murderers.
There is only one person in recent history that actually moved the Arabs/Israelis towards peace. President Donald J Trump. So they want to put him in jail for the rest of his life for it.
Obama ought to ask himself, was there something I shouldn't have done?
Obama is always sure he is the smartest person in the room. Most of the coming disasters are the products of his ego and ignorance.
All Obama does (in public) is waffle.
A disastrous withrawal from Iraq, and the Iran-ISIS Affair, which precipitated the second Iraq war. The world war Spring series, including the Slavic Spring in progress. Affordable care and indentured students acts through shared responsibility, federal loans, and progressive prices. Celebration of the Pro-Choice ethical religion, including exercise of the principle of congruence ("="). That said, follow the example of Martha's Vineyard, deny responsibility, eject the illegal aliens, and spread the Green blight in your neighbor's yard. Biden is faithfully following in his mentor's bootprints.
Mr I ran out of drones Obama. Single hand-idly the absolute worst destroyer of Middle East countries. It amazing how many people Mr. Nobel Peace Prize is responsible for being killed and made migrants. Million(s)
I believe Obama could readily be a highly successful attorney. As a rainmaker.
All Obama does (in public) is waffle.
The answer is not what Obama could have done, but what he did that he could have refrained from doing: cuddling up to Iran by removing sanctions, pursuing a nuclear deal the Mullahs were sure to violate, and generally letting them think they and their proxies had a free hand. A great deal of the trouble in the Middle East is not really about Israel (nobody over there really cares about the Palestinians as such) but about the 1300-year-old Sunni/Shi'a conflict. The Sunni states see Israel as a possible ally against the Shia imperialism of the Mullahs in Iran, who in turn fund and activate Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc., to destroy or at least discredit Israel.
Obama = Oprah.
Most of the commentary by the Althouse reg'lars over the past month has been their expected (and therefore tedious) angry hysteria, but amped up by war fever. One of the few prudent voices on this topic of the month--if not the only one--has been The Crack Emcee. Props!
Crack - do you have any concern for the hundreds of people who were kidnapped by Hamas?
Little children - kidnapped by Hamas.
Can you answer that without a "but"?
I was 100% wrong when we invaded Iraq. I believed that the "oil spot" approach could work - that once Iraqis saw the benefits of what we had to offer, once they experienced those benefits firsthand, they'd modernize and join the West in prosperity and peace. Remember the purple-fingered lady at the SOTU address? I was all choked up.
100% wrong.
But I think I came to that realization sooner than Obama.
In my comment above, I typo'ed "between fool and I've" - obviously I meant "knave." And I'm still going with "mostly fool."
This is also why I cannot and will not join any calls for a "humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza: the idea is predicated on Hamas's sharing Western values (in that case, honoring a ceasefire and using aid for humanitarian purposes), which they do not. They are playing us.
Of course Gazans are suffering. It's awful. But a "pause" is not going to affect their suffering one tiny bit, because the people in charge of them won't let it: it's too damn useful for their suffering to continue. On camera, preferably.
"Crocodile tears from the man who personally authorized Hellfire launched from drones to destroy an Arab wedding party."
And was proud to discover he was really good at killing people...
Obama is a tool of corruption and deceit. Obama is a fraud.
Biden is a criminal - but gets a pass because of his connection to Obama... and all the other insider FBI/CIA crooks who are on the take.
Obama supports Iran having nuclear capabilities.
Indeed - Obama delivered secret pallets of cash to the Iranian regime - in the dead of night.
The Iranian people want to rid themselves of the dark-age white-Mullah criminal State sponsored religious death cult that is in place with the Ayatollahs.
Funny to hear the left whine about theocracy in America. The left and Obama support Iranian Religious Islamic supremacist theocracy in Iran. Same white left elites are OK with the insane death cult in Iran having nukes!
A theocracy that is not supported by most of the people of Iran.
Why would Obama have gathered 1000 former staffers to speak at them? How many now work for the Biden regime? What is the true motive here?
Pretty sure I won’t be the only one with the reaction to Obama’s “what could I have done?” statement by the urge to scream “NOT sending a buttload of cash to Iran, for a start.”
I hate that all I the reasons I didn't vote for the "first black President" are confirmed.
That revamp of the Obama logo that replaces the sun with 15 is so creepy!
Celebrating Fifteen effective years, with many more to come. Indeed, they have much to celebrate: As far as the federal government and legacy media goes, Obamabots have been in charge the whole time.
"Enjoy the vista of American Civilization quick while you can, it will be a downhill rout from here on out."
"Barack Obama offered a complex analysis."
Bullshit. He did what he's done for 16 years: used a lot of words to say absolutely nothing, but in a very pleasant voice. If he had Tom Cruise's or Ben Shapiro's voice, he'd still be a state senator in Illinois.
If Obama truly wanted the killing to end he would advise Hamas to lay down their arms and tell Iran to stay the fuck out of Israel’s affairs.
If we are "complicit," what did we do?
Voted for Obama.
He’s made it clear he’s not going down without taking his voters with him.
To generalize David Garrow, everything Barry spouts is fictional BS.
"And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable."
This is both false and misleading. It is false because Gaza hasn't been occupied and has in fact been sustained by Israel for years. It is misleading because "what's happening to Palestinians" is the direct result of their collective desire to destroy Israel and avoid making peace. Nor do the Palis find it "unbearable": as Hamas leadership makes very clear, they are ready to sacrifice, and in fact human suffering is a prime tool in their manipulation of world opinion and the delegitimation of Israel.
"Well, was there something else I could have done?"
Even by Barry's standards, this is such BS. He specifically and openly supported Israel's main enemy and Hamas' prime funder, Iran. So, yes, Barry, there is something else you could have done.
Based on Japan/Truman/Atomic Bombings in World War 2, once extreme deaths are inflicted on the general populous, with more possibly coming, leaders will unconditionally surrender.
I believe that is what is needed in Gaza. I believe that was needed in Afghanistan. But can that thought be said publicly in 2023 Western cultural/political leadership?
Jaime at 835. Not certain those ideas/thoughts are/were 100% wrong.
Obama is the perfect example of someone who can hold two opposing ideas at the same time and articulate them clearly.
No, pal, this one is entirely on you and your leftist-minded friends executing a long-term plan to capture the world under a NWO.
Jamie again at 835. Your last sentence wins the comments for this post, this day, and maybe all time, IMO. Short, but super super spot on.
"And what is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what Hamas did."
If you believe that government power is derived from the consent of the people, then it's an inescapable corollary that the people are responsible for the actions of their government.
Victor Davis Hanson does an excellent take down of Obama's complicity in what has happened in Gaza in his podcast. I highly recommend the first 15 minutes or so:
I posted a hypothetical in these threads a few weeks ago- the short version of which is:
You have neighbors who have threatened to kill you and your entire family and have made good on the threat in killing one of your children. Now suppose that moving isn't feasible, nor are there police who will arrest and imprison the neighbors.
My question is, what do you do in such a situation?
Nuancy boy loves to pose, wringing his hands. The Buck never stops there.
What good does Obama's handwringing do now? We all know he ate a dog and screwed the pooch. Does he have anything helpful to offer about what to do next?
I can't even type that question with a straight face.
Obama pretends to wonder what he could've done differently. Fuck him. He could've done everything the opposite of what he did. But the writing was on the wall when he didn't even verbally support the Green Revolution protesters in Iran in his first year in office. The writing was on the wall. Mullahs were his "folks," as he still likes to say. Fuck him.
A "complex" analysis by the Light Bringer is unnecessary. "From the river to the sea" is unambiguous. It means annihilate Israel and her Jews.
'Barack Obama offered a complex analysis...'
Nothing he says is 'complex.'
He's the smarter and more polished version of Kamala Harris.
They're both affirmative action picks, with Obama being a Muslim Brotherhood stooge to boot.
'No doubt, the Hamas assault on October 07 was a brutal and horrific war crime, and children and babies were among the many slain. However...'
Ah, the telling 'However.'
Well played, Herr Himmler...
To be fair, who could've guessed that a guy whose middle name is "Hussein" would hate Israel and the Jews?
Jamie said...
"I was 100% wrong when we invaded Iraq,...This is also why I cannot and will not join any calls for a "humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza: the idea is predicated on Hamas's sharing Western values (in that case, honoring a ceasefire and using aid for humanitarian purposes), which they do not. They are playing us."
That's not what this looks like. This looks like Zionists tried to play them - using the spreading "Western Civilization" trope - and it hasn't exactly worked out, and now you're super-duper frustrated. So you're stepping up the original plan, which was to kill them all along.
Cook 8:09: "Propaganda": Israeli babies beheaded, etc.
Truth: "As for Israel, they have reciprocated Hamas' mass murders and war crimes in spades."
8:29: "One of the few prudent voices on this topic of the month--if not the only one--has been The Crack Emcee. Props!"
"Props" for the ignorant stuff or the morally bankrupt stuff, or both?
"From the river to the sea" Props, guys.
President Obama, like most people on the far left, is woefully ignorant of the actual history of the Palestinians and Israel. It's obvious that he's been spoon fed propaganda about this his whole life.
No government anywhere has a right to commit genocide, ever
There is no justification for a genocide
I can't believe this even needs to be said, or is even considered the least bit controversial to state
In short - if the blanket statement that genocide is wrong upsets you in anyway, you need to check yourself
I said exactly what I meant and I won't be backing down or apologizing or further clarifying this statement.
“He's doing something now, in saying that. He goes on:"What Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it. And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable. “
Then throw the bastards out. He never mentioned that much of the money that he sent Iran likely ended up supporting the terrorists.
“And what is also true is that there is a history of the Jewish people that may be dismissed unless your grandparents or your great-grandparents, or your uncle or your aunt tell you stories about the madness of antisemitism.”
Ok. Don’t get upset unless you had family members killed in the Holocaust. And if you listen to Cook, it’s probably was also faked, like the beheaded babies this time around. Well, no relatives here butchered by the Nazis, but a grandfather who hung a number of them. He spent the war stateside, complaining that he wasn’t a ring knocker, so wasn’t going over to Europe, where he could have gotten a star. He finally got sent, right before the German surrender, to sit on a war crimes tribunal for one of the concentration camps. The horrors that he saw, and the testimony he heard, were the most horrific things he experienced in his life. Yes, Obama. It did happen. And it was far worse than what the public ever saw.
“And what is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what Hamas did.”
And it’s the Israelis’ fault by merely existing? It’s the fault of the US which forced Israel to give up Gaza. It’s his fault by funding the Iranians, who in turn sent arms to Hamas. A lot of increasingly sophisticated weapons. It’s also his fault because his people are likely behind a lot of wobbling on US policy, and pandering to Muzzie sensibilities.
Of course, I look at it from a Christian point of view. We fought to stop Muslims from conquering us for 1300 years. Finally stopped them in 1683, at the Gates of Vienna. They have started their reconquest, as ordered by their Prophet. Note though that there is no evidence that they ever were a majority in Jerusalem, and by the time that the Jews retook the city, had fallen to a small minority there. Here are the approximate percentages of Muslims there over the last two centuries:
1844 -- 33%
1896 -- 19%
1910 -- 13%
1922 -- 22%
1931 -- 22%
1948 -- 24%
1967 -- 21%
1972 -- 23%
1992 -- 25%
"So you're stepping up the original plan, which was to kill them all along."
And Crack is very concerned about this sort of thing. That is why he has been a relentless critic of Assad slaughtering 130,000 civilians, bombing hospitals, schools and churches and displacing a few million Syrian Arabs.
He hasn't deplored that? How about the Saudis in Yemen? No? Oh, I see. Assad and the Saudis are not Jews.
From the river to the sea! You go guys. /S
"So you're stepping up the original plan, which was to kill them all along."
And Crack is very concerned about this sort of thing. That is why he has been a relentless critic of Assad slaughtering 130,000 civilians, bombing hospitals, schools and churches and displacing a few million Syrian Arabs.
He hasn't deplored that? How about the Saudis in Yemen? No? Oh, I see. Assad and the Saudis are not Jews.
Not all oppressors and victims are created equal.
U.S. General ADMITS Israel Is Starving Out Gaza – On CNN!
Obama "does go on" doesn't he? The man (and many of his "greatest speeches evah") is full of empty blather.
Obama can eat his waffle when Obama stops standing up at the table and lecturing everyone about not being as brilliant and virtuous as he believes himself to be.
Here, if anyone is interested in why some people say that Israel is occupying Gaza when it has no occupation forces in place, is an article that covers the matter and the legalities involved in some depth.
I didn't understand it before but I do after reading that. The short version is that it turns on creating a definition of "occupy" which does not meet traditional criteria but has some minimal justification.
Those who use the term should tell us the whole truth about their usage.
Also, this segment from the Obama podcast has the "complicit" quote in full. It's about three minutes long but does not answer Althouse's question unless you infer that the "we" in question is simply Obama referring to himself while spreading the blame.
“Genocide” doesn’t mean what Crack and other antisemites think it means.
Candace Owen is not confused about who is at risk.
Who is 'we,' asshole?
Oh, you mean you? OK.
It’s a war of Israelis vs Gaza Palestinians.
The US only interest is in getting American hostages back.
Let Israel and the Gaza Palestinians fight until the death.
This is how it works. If the sides can’t reach a resolution, then the objective for each side is to kill everyone.
If the Japanese hadn’t surrendered in 1945, the US was ready to kill all of them.
This is human nature.
There are about 40,000 in Hamas. Kill them all. Anyone standing near any of them is going to get killed too.
This is how it works.
Obama and the rest of these fools need to grow the fuck up.
My question is, what do you do in such a situation?
Waste them.
But there’s a part of me that’s still saying, ‘Well, was there something else I could have done?'
Well, he could have done the Abrahamic Accords. That would have helped.
Bush 2&1,clinton,Reagan, Carter and other preidents could have done them too.
But that would have required having the idea and the vision as well as competence to implement them. Some wisdom and intelligence too.
Sadly we seldom get presidents like that. President Trump was rhe rare exception.
5000 years of bloody dispute over land in the middle east. President Trump ended it and was well under way to end it permanently.
Until Brandon pissed all over it. It should not have taken much smarts or effort to keep the accords going. Sadly Brandon isn't even up to that.
John Henry
However, there has been no photo evidence of beheaded babies, and I can only find a report of one baby found in an oven...and that article states uncertainty as to the circumstances. One possibility put forth is that the homeowners may have placed the baby in the oven to hide it from invading Hamas solders, and the fire resulted from the house being set afire by the terrorists after killing the home's inhabitants.
As for Israel, they have reciprocated Hamas' mass murders and war crimes in spades.
Wow, Cook actually goes there: Yeah, babies were killed, but maybe they weren't beheaded! And maybe a dead baby in an oven died some other way (notwithstanding eyewitness accounts)!
As for Israel's alleged war crimes, please name them. War itself is not a crime, even with the inevitable civilian casualties. Whereas everything Hamas did, from attacking civilians directly, to not wearing uniforms, to taking civilian hostages, is in fact a war crime.
It's a relief to hear from the experts, Crack and Cook, et al, that this is all about land and not about Islamic Jihad. It's about that piddling 10,000 sq. mis. that is Israel in the sea of 5,000,000 sq. mis. of Arab territory.
So if the Jews will just leave, there will be peace in the Middle East and a thriving New Palestine in what was Israel. You know thriving, like Gaza City, under the tutelage of the newly peaceful Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood.
An added bonus could be that the terrorism of Islamic Jihad will cease worldwide.
It's all clear to me now that I have checked my brains at the door.
Political Junkie said...
Based on Japan/Truman/Atomic Bombings in World War 2, once extreme deaths are inflicted on the general populous, with more possibly coming, leaders will unconditionally surrender
Not necessarily. Japan didn't surrender after Tokyo was bombed as or more severely than Hiroshima in February 45.they didn't surrender after we had complely obliterated every large and medium city with b29 incendiary raids. They didn't surrender after Hiroshima.
They didn't even surrender after Nagasaki until 6 days later.
Even then it was a contest of wills between the military who didn't want to surrender and the emperor who did.
And even then it was not unconditional. The Japanese imposed conditions which we accepted.
It took another few days for the 1.4mm Japanese troops in China to surrender.
Bombing every German city flat and killing millions of German civilians didn't end the war in Europe, either. There are certainly arguments that the us/UK strategic bombing campaign helped end the war.
But there are also pretty strong arguments that it prolonged the war.
For example, the highest year for German tank and plane production was 45.and 44 was higher than 43 and so on.
Or consider what would have happened if the money, troops and lives spent on b17s had been spent on tanks?
And so on.
John Henry
I also have violated this rule, and apologize for those lapses, but like gravity and math the rules exist outside and indifferent to our feelings. Resist temptation and the shitbombing will be greatly reduced if not go away altogether.
We all have to do our part to keep this blog clean. Please do your part.
My god, he certainly does like the smell of his own farts.
Proof positive that education (and he's certainly educated) has nothing to do with the ability to think clearly. Anyone who thinks there's equivalency here - between monsters who shoved babies into ovens while their mothers were forced to watch, and a military that warns civilians that an attack will be coming - either has no heart or no brain.
mccullough at 214pm - Agree strongly.
"And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable."
If he's so geo-politically ignorant to not realise Isreal withdrew from Gaza in 2005 - three years before his first term, then that explains his Bill Ayers' view of the world during his presidency. Stick to retirement mate.
I'm 80 years old. I was 5 years old when Israel was established by the UN as a new and independent State. There are other new states in former European colonies, that became independent after that: India? Pakistan? Hawaii? Ukraine? Is Israel different because most of its people are JEWS!?
Christopher B and Dave Begley: The argument is that because Israel controls the airspace above Gaza and blockades it from the sea, and has declared certain no-go zones within Gaza, it is an “Occupying Power” under international law, so there is an ongoing occupation. Not saying I agree.
Obama, Cookie and Crackhead are all just too ignorant to realize that for the last 18 years the only force "occupying" Gaza was Hamas.
And according to all the polling data, most Gazans liked it just fine.
They wanted this. They own this. And now they are getting it, sans lube.
Don't start none.
Won't be none.
Or perhaps, FAFO.
Obama's legacy has so diminished since leaving office that Austrians now speak German.
However, there has been no photo evidence of beheaded babies,
The terrorists have admitted to their deeds.
My question to you Cook. . . Why so much energy defending the terrorists?
“What Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it.”
That is a true statement, so why does he then try to justify what Hamas did? It is known as talking out of both sides of your mouth.
“One of the few prudent voices on this topic of the month--if not the only one--has been The Crack Emcee. Props!”
The democrats are full on kill the Jews now. When they tell you what they believe, believe it.
How about, the branch Davidians are the Palestinians and the FBI is the Israelis, does that work for you, Democrats? Make sure the response is proportional!
Robert Cook said...
"Most of the commentary by the Althouse reg'lars over the past month has been their expected (and therefore tedious) angry hysteria, but amped up by war fever. One of the few prudent voices on this topic of the month--if not the only one--has been The Crack Emcee. Props!"
Thanks, Cookie - now I feel all warm and fuzzy.
Josephbleau said...
“One of the few prudent voices on this topic of the month--if not the only one--has been The Crack Emcee. Props!”
The democrats are full on kill the Jews now. When they tell you what they believe, believe it.
Since when did I become a Democrat?
Josephbleau said...
“One of the few prudent voices on this topic of the month--if not the only one--has been The Crack Emcee. Props!”
The democrats are full on kill the Jews now. When they tell you what they believe, believe it.
Since when did I ever say kill the Jews?
Josephbleau said...
"When they tell you what they believe, believe it."
North Dakota GOP's Dave Roetman is out as party executive after just ten DAYS when social-media posts are revealed to show half-naked woman and encouraging black people to move to 'Wakanda'
Y'all really need to chill out. You're spinning out of control.
"My question to you Cook. . . Why so much energy defending the terrorists?"
Which ones? Hamas or Israel?
In any case, I am defending no terrorists, either Hamas or Israel. (On the part of Hamas, it was also incredibly stupid and callous to their own people. They had to know Israel's response would be as it has been and continues, with the result many innocent Palestinians--including many women and children--would be injured and killed as a result.) They are both to be deplored for their acts of murder and terror. It is not defending terrorists to point out that all wars immediately give birth to horrific tales of "babies beheaded," "babies cooked in ovens," and comparable gristly tales that all too often are later debunked as rumor, hysterical overstatement, or conscious lies perpetrated to enrage horror and thus hatred. (Our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were the product of conscious lies on the part of war criminals Bush/Cheney/Colin Powell/Condoleeza Rice, et al.). Furthering such war-mongering is to characterize one side as faultless saints in white and the other side as the most foul sub- or non-human monsters who ever breathed.
It is simply to point out that no good purpose is served to accept (or spread) such horrific tales if they have not been documented.'
Reasonable people know this without having it explained to them. Those who don't know accept or acknowledge this even after having it explained are either too stupid or too caught up in their orgasmic hatred to be able to understand it. Or, they do know better but for ulterior reasons of their own purposely ignore these realities to insist everyone is either on the "right" side or they are monsters.
In all wars innocents are the primary victims on both/all sides, and both/all sides become monsters.
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