... please talk about whatever you want.
And, please, support this blog by entering Amazon through the Althouse Portal when you're doing any shopping. Here are some nice Carhartt mittens for women, which I bought for myself. Consider this excellent binocular pack. And this is my favorite hand soap. Using those links will send me a commission. Thanks!
Mayorkis is still lying about the amount of illegal invaders were in the country before Joe Biden opened up the border for millions more...
NOW he wants to give them all amnesty.
Screw New York and Marthas vineyard. THEY need MORE illegals now. They own this crisis. This is what they voted for.
Justice in America is dead.
Omaha native and billionaire Charlie Munger passed away at age 99.
A genius of the first order and a very wise man.
I saw him at the BRK meeting this Spring. Same as usual. Sharp and funny. But in a wheelchair.
I read or heard the story about how he was a young lawyer in LA when his wife divorced him. He was totally crushed and broke. I think he said he broke down and cried. But he overcame that adversity, remarried and went on to make a fortune. We all carry our own private burdens.
At one point, either Charlie or Warren described practicing law as a hobby. Charlie then went on to work full time in business.
His dad was a lawyer in Omaha. Charlie grew up in Dundee and worked at the grocery store owned by Warren Buffett's grandfather. Charlie's uncle was a federal judge in Lincoln who was appointed by TR.
Charlie and Warren didn't know each other in Omaha because Warren was younger. Charlie was in Omaha to settle his Dad's estate and a mutual friend got them together because he thought they would get along. Charlie and Warren got to talking at dinner and the friend left as he was out of the conversation. What a chance event that really made a huge difference in many lives. Charlie was the one to convince Warren to abandon the "cigar butt" school of extreme value investing. That was key for Warren to really grow the business.
A recent favorite Charlie Munger quote, "Crypto is rat poison squared."
"Charlie Munger always made money for his partners."
Holocaust talk is unhelpful and “My Safety And Security Is Not Contingent On Killing More Palestinian Babies”
Comment by an Omaha friend on Charlie Munger. Agree with every word.
"A very sad day for investors, for Nebraskans, for America: one of our leading lights, a genuine man of principle, the wise, trenchant, and hilarious Charles "Charlie" Munger, second-in-command at the renowned Berkshire Hathway, has died at age 99, just over a month from his 100th birthday.
I had the good fortune to meet Charlie at the opening of the Anderson Munger YMCA in Koreatown.
His words about our shared native home of Omaha, Nebraska, still ring true:
“I’m proud of being an Omaha boy,” Munger said in a 2017 interview with Dean Scott Derue of the Michigan Ross Business School. “I sometimes use the old saying, ‘They got the boy out of Omaha but they never got Omaha out of the boy.’ All those old-fashioned values — family comes first; be in a position so that you can help others when troubles come; prudent, sensible; moral duty to be reasonable [is] more important than anything else — more important than being rich, more important than being important — an absolute moral duty.”
God bless you, Charlie. And thank you.
"NOW he wants to give them all amnesty. "
Of course they do. That's always been the plan.
Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate outside the memorial service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter in Atlanta.
As someone else pointed out online, the Westboro Baptist Church could not have done it better. You stay classy, Palestinians!
My father also died within a month of his 100th birthday. We decided to embellish a little and called him 100 years old on his gravestone. Anyone who is bothered to do the math can see it isn't true, but few will notice. We thought he would approve of the small deception.
Thank you Dave Begley. That’s a nice tribute.
BBC News: "Robert De Niro told an awards ceremony a speech he was reading had been edited without his knowledge, removing critical comments about Donald Trump.
The actor initially appeared confused while reading from an autocue on stage at the Gotham Awards in New York.
He then told the audience: "The beginning of my speech was edited, cut out. I didn't know about it."
He went on to read the original script, referring to Trump's "lies" among other things, after finding it on his phone.
The Gotham Awards kicked off this year's film awards season, and De Niro was introducing an honour for Killers of the Flower Moon, in which he appeared."
The powers that be, are conditioning people to accept the idea that it is ok to censor political speech. This is terrible. It's worse than terrible.
And, again, I thank Ann Althouse for her free speech forum.
If any Palestinians are dead - it is 100% because of Hamas.
Video shared by Mr. Netanyahu’s office showed the two men, accompanied by security personnel, walking through the village in the rain and inspecting the blackened ruins of a house. Mr. Netanyahu said on X that he gave Mr. Musk the tour “to show him up close the crimes against humanity committed by Hamas.”
In a conversation with Mr. Netanyahu broadcast on X, Mr. Musk called the visit to Kfar Aza “jarring” and said he also had been shown footage of the Oct. 7 massacre that he found “troubling.”
Mr. Netanyahu spent the bulk of the conversation explaining the rationale for the war in Gaza. Mr. Musk said in agreement that it was important to “get rid of the ones who are hellbent on murdering Jewish people,” though he also added that it was important to minimize civilian casualties in the enclave. “The rebuttal is often made that, well Israel has killed civilians also in Gaza,” Mr. Musk said. “But there is an important difference here, which is that Israel tries to avoid killing civilians.”
After touring the decimated kibbutz of Kfar Aza with Netanyahu, Musk said in a conversation with the prime minister on X Spaces that it was “jarring to see the scene of the massacre” and that Israel has “no choice” but to eliminate Hamas.
what is going on with new children pneumonia in china?
I had the privilege of attending a small setting speech and a panel by Munger at my work. Even in his early '90s, he was an absolutely incredible mind and a real gentleman. I was blown away by how sharp he was and how insightful he was. He will be missed. Most could learn a lot from him. Many have.
“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Day by day, and at the end of the day-if you live long enough-like most people, you will get out of life what you deserve.” ~ Charlie Munger
Mr. Munger certainly got what he deserved. He will be remembered as one of the wisest business minds of our time.
The powers that be, are conditioning people to accept the idea that it is ok to censor political speech. This is terrible. It's worse than terrible.
In this case the "powers that be" the people who invited De Niro to speak, presumably with a request not to get political. It was their event. He could have said no. In the end he wasn't censored anyway, but he was disrespectful of his hosts. And, as usual, a jerk.
Continuing a theme, Why is there new pornography?
You can buy -- cheap -- decks of playing cards with images of naked or semi-naked women. And men. You can view movies of pretty much every conceivable sexual pleasure or perversion or however you might choose to describe the matter. There is, nothing new, under the Sun, or the Moon, or the blinding light reflected from a silvered umbrella. One might imagine, that the continued profitability of the pornography industry is driven by a process of ongoing transgression, of new taboos, violated -- while you wait! For a few dollars extra. But that isn't really the case. Most new porn is just old porn, with a new cast. And while the new performers are certainly, in many cases, quite attractive, so were the old ones.
Why is there new porn?
Most BLM types become very indignant when they see outsiders judging the black community based on a few newspaper stories. Rightly so. And yet so often these days you see those same BLM types judging the state of Israel in its relations with the Palestinians based on a few newspaper stories.
I mean, I can understand why there continue to be pornographers. Men continue to encounter attractive women, and they want to find some way to get those women out of their clothing. And it turns out, that the offer of money, and/or the suggested possibility of some sort of fame, is one means to that end, when other means may, perhaps, not avail. But why is there an ongoing market for NEW pornography? It's not like the old pornography has worn out, or been used up, or somehow lost its luster. It would seem as if the pornography market should be essentially saturated, with no room left for competition outside a few niche perversions.
But that is not the case. Not at all.
I mean, I can understand why there continue to be pornographers. Men continue to encounter attractive women, and they want to find some way to get those women out of their clothing. And it turns out, that the offer of money, and/or the suggested possibility of some sort of fame, is one means to that end, when other means may, perhaps, not avail. But why is there an ongoing market for NEW pornography? It's not like the old pornography has worn out, or been used up, or somehow lost its luster. It would seem as if the pornography market should be essentially saturated, with no room left for competition outside a few niche perversions.
But that is not the case. Not at all.
Comer: "Hunter Biden is trying to wiggle out yet again by testifying in public, instead of behind closed doors, as transparency would demand."
"Steve Bannon was subpoenaed by the House — and refused to appear
Jim Jordan was subpoenaed by the House — and refused to appear
Hunter Biden was subpoenaed by the House, agreed to appear — and MAGA Republicans now refuse to let him appear"
"People tend to refer to 1948 as a topical moment which triggered the displacement of, or was the beginning of, the Palestine crisis - NO - 350,000 Palestinians had already been displaced before May 1948 and the creation of Israel."
International Law and War in Palestine/Israel
Tucker SHOCKED By Right Wing Palestine Censorship
Like any right-thinking person would be,...
USPS cannot deliver packages and mail to Bemidji addresses because of the monstrous amount of last-mile packages sent through the Northern MN PO. U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, the crook appointed by Donald Trump (who let a $120 million postal contract with his XPO Logistics company) continues as Postmaster, signed contracts with Amazon assuring immediate package delivery.
Dejoy won't expand Bemidji personnel services, so no last-mile deliveries are on time. It seems to me that Amazon, through local address pick-ups, could advise Bemidji residents to use such pick-up locations for better service but Jeff Bezos isn't helping either. Or shipments could be made using UPS and FedEx as was the case in the past if USPS charged package delivery at a higher rate. Since when did the post office become afraid to raise prices?
USPS cannot deliver packages and mail to Bemidji addresses because of the monstrous amount of last-mile packages sent through the Northern MN PO. U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, the crook appointed by Donald Trump (who let a $120 million postal contract with his XPO Logistics company) continues as Postmaster, signed contracts with Amazon assuring immediate package delivery.
Dejoy won't expand Bemidji personnel services, so no last-mile deliveries are on time. It seems to me that Amazon, through local address pick-ups, could advise Bemidji residents to use such pick-up locations for better service but Jeff Bezos isn't helping either. Or shipments could be made using UPS and FedEx as was the case in the past if USPS charged package delivery at a higher rate. Since when did the post office become afraid to raise prices?
Finally admitting they lied to us. Fauci belongs in prison.
"In a Sky Net Australia exclusive, Dr. Robert Kadlec says: ““I wake up at usually about 2 or 3am and think about it honestly, because it’s something that we all played a role in.”"
I love how dumb progressives are blaming the invaders coming in on "Right wing extremism" when Joe Biden is the one who opened up the border and invited them in with promises of all kinds of free things. All I can say to Texas is send more buses. The left needs to see what Joe Biden did to America close up and personal.
"Pelosi’s action—and her inaction—diverted attention from that message. She refocused our sights on the word “insurrection” to keep President Donald Trump from returning to the White House because of the true state election totals of 2020. And the Left continues nonstop that same charade to keep Trump from the White House in 2024.
With each passing day, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the two biggest blemishes recently on America as a great and free nation are the stolen presidential election of 2020 and the subsequent incarceration of those patriots who exercised their guaranteed First Amendment right to free speech to contest it. The election tampering advanced the Left’s directive of “fundamental transformation” of the country, which included imprisonment without bail or trial of those with whom the tyrannical administration disagreed.
So, what next?
Unless the country itself can see that the Left’s January 6, 2021, narrative was and is a smoke screen for the real insurrection of November 3, 2020, America will need to brace itself for a repeat performance of that nefarious action on November 5, 2024."
Pelosi belongs behind bars for what she did to innocent people.
Judicial Protest
BOMBSHELL video evidence of bias and misconduct of Justice Engoron’s Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, just uncovered. MISTRIAL INCOMING!!!
While attending an October 2022 Democrat Fundraiser, Greenfield can be heard saying Biden is the “best President in the history of the United States.”
Meanwhile, Greenfield was front row, yelling “Yeah!”, shaking her head in agreement and taking video of Democrat politicians as they bash Trump!
should DEMAND that Greenfield produce the videos she took!
This was while the #TrumpCivilFraud case was pending.
Even worse, video shows Greenfield campaigning and gathering signatures (“petitioning”) with the Grand Street Democrats on behalf of Letitia James’ 2022 primary campaign for New York State Attorney General!!
She’s sitting at the entrance to the event with a Diet Coke (it’s not working) gathering signatures on a green sheet of paper to get Letitia James on the primary ballot!
Again, this was while the #TrumpCivilFraud case was pending.
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
"If any Palestinians are dead - it is 100% because of Hamas."
Dear Sir,
When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations build [sic] up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people.
Sincerely yours,
Albert Einstein. (1948)
Howard said...
"Video shared by Mr. Netanyahu’s office showed the two men, accompanied by security personnel, walking through the village in the rain and inspecting the blackened ruins of a house."
"The official Israeli death toll from the attack is estimated at 1,200 civilians, revised from an initial estimate of 1,400. Among this figure are several hundred civilians, which Israel says were killed by Hamas militants. Other testimony from survivors of Oct. 7 suggests an alternative explanation—that in its fervor to defeat Hamas, Israeli commanders may have willingly targeted and sacrificed Israeli soldiers and civilians in the crossfire."
wendybar said...
"Finally admitting they lied to us. Fauci belongs in prison."
If Netanyahu lied - fine - he only got Palestinians killed. But Fauci? These yahoos ain't lettin' that little Jew go: he made crazy racists stay in their homes,...like fucking Palestinians,...
Just, HOW does he get away with this?? Can I stop paying for my mortgage because of Covid?? What makes students so special?? THEY signed the fucking loans, THEY should pay them back. Unfreaking believable. And yet the Republicans are silent and won't do a thing about it....and then wonder why people are supporting Trump.
Raised in the great depression, and a WWII veteran, in 1949, Charlie Munger was just 25 years old. He was hired at the law firm of Wright & Garrett for $3,300 per year, or $42,000 in inflation-adjusted dollars.
A few years later, in 1953, Charlie was 29 years old when he and his wife divorced. He had been married since he was 21. Charlie lost everything in the divorce, his wife keeping the family home in South Pasadena. Munger moved into “dreadful” conditions at the University Club and drove a terrible yellow Pontiac, which his children said had a horrible paint job. According to the biography written by Janet Lowe, Molly Munger asked her father, “Daddy, this car is just awful, a mess. Why do you drive it?” The broke Munger replied: “To discourage gold diggers.”
Shortly after the divorce, Charlie learned that his son, Teddy, had leukemia. In those days, there was no health insurance, you just paid everything out of pocket and the death rate was near 100% since there was nothing doctors could do. Rick Guerin, Charlie’s friend, said Munger would go into the hospital, hold his young son, and then walk the streets of Pasadena crying.
One year after the diagnosis, in 1955, Teddy Munger died. Charlie was 31 years old, divorced, broke, and burying his 9 year old son. Later in life, he faced a horrific operation that left him blind in one eye with pain so terrible that he eventually had his eye removed.
But by the time he was 69 years old, he had become one of the richest 400 people in the world, been married to his second wife for 35+ years, had eight children, and countless grandchildren.
Beyond investing and business, Charlie teaches us about resilience, dignity, and life well lived. Rest in peace to a legend.
Thanks much!
So the government has joined with private organizations to create sock puppets on social media "to counter disinformation," which is more often that not, just true things that they don't want you to hear, to pursue false flag operations, "like the CIA does overseas." The guy who organized the Charlottesville demonstrations was a couple of months before, a Hillary supporter, who posted on his personal blog his admiration for "agent provocateurs" There is a lot there.
Now, a large trove of new documents, including strategy documents, training videos, presentations, and internal messages, reveal that, in 2019, US and UK military and intelligence contractors led by a former UK defense researcher, Sara-Jayne “SJ” Terp, developed the sweeping censorship framework. These contractors co-led CTIL, which partnered with CISA in the spring of 2020.
In truth, the building of the Censorship Industrial Complex began even earlier — in 2018.
There is a huge trove of government documents regarding censorship and disruption of Republicans. Ultimately, it's about creating a permanent one-party state that will do whatever the neocons want. It's going great, isn't it? That's because adversarial debate works better, and shutting it down leads to disaster every time.
So next time you wonder why Mutaman, for example, gets upset when Trump criticizes a neocon mouthpiece like The Atlantic, or why gadfly seems so stupid, he can't really be that stupid, he just refuses to engage arguments he knows he is going to lose, or why when "Chuck" disappears, "Rich" shows up, remember that the government and allied private organizations, which the government uses to get around restrictions on its activities, is behind a lot of sock puppets. Maybe these guys aren't sock puppets, maybe they really drink the Kool Aide, who can really know? But it does make you wonder.
And if you wonder about how false flags like Charlottesville or J6 (Remarkably similar to the false flag that allowed the US backed coup in Kiev in 2014, BTW) could happen in America? Well, look no further than the security apparatus in the US that Barrack Obama weaponized against his political opponents.
"It' can't happen here." What they used to say.
"Yes we can!" - Barrack Obama, who pledged to "fundamentally restructure" politics in the United States.
T. Becket Adams
An incredible bit of editorializing dressed up as journalism in the Washington Post (h/t
I double-checked because I couldn't believe this passage came from a straight news article. I suspected it came from the opinion section. I suspected incorrectly.
Ukrainian general says that the UK and US destroyed the fruits of their hard-won early victories over the Russians by blowing up the peace deal Ukraine had negotiated and initialed, that would have kept Ukraine intact, and promised them that we would support total victory over Russia with weapons that we do not actually have, it would seem. We are scrounging shells that Ukraine needs to have by the millions, in countries like Greece, by the tens of thousands, at best.
This war has been one more Biden debacle. He flunked the third grade, he is utterly corrupted. He is a kleptocrat. We should never have entrusted this man with the presidency, and I have my doubts that the American people actually did, given the fact that the CTIL whistleblower documents seem to indicate, much as that Time Magazine article did, that 2020 was a color revolution, cooked up the same way we cook them up overseas.
Remember when reading replies to this, if any should be forthcoming, that one of the things our government does on our behalf is to create sock puppets to derail narratives. American versions of the Communist Chinese "fifty centers." We have the documents now. No wonder they hate X so much.
Well the atlantic isnt neocon its full of idiot hipsters
"BBC News: "Robert De Niro told an awards ceremony a speech he was reading had been edited without his knowledge, removing critical comments about Donald Trump....."
Yesss... How Dare They, the directors and producers in charge of delivering the show, how dare they edit his speech lines, as if it's their métier??? What do they think he is, an actor or something? How dare they interrupt DeNiro's commentary ! Who do they think they are ?
The arrogance of Zionists
The arrogance of survival right, at the hands of the people tgat cheered hitler
""It' can't happen here." What they used to say.
"Yes we can!" - Barrack Obama, who pledged to "fundamentally restructure" politics in the United States."
Or was that Barry Soetoro who thinks the prettiest sound in the world is the Muslim Call To Prayer
Former Israeli negotiator 'rips through' Western governments
How can we expect an American government, built on slavery and it's own ethnic cleansing, to defend Palestinian human rights adequately?
Hamas and the collective left make perfect partners.
Lying liars who lie.
Fake babies, real horror: Deepfakes from the Gaza war increase fears about AI’s power to mislead
"Why is there new porn?"
I blame Kubrick. (Thanks, Stan!)
Somehow emblematic of the Biden presidency: last night the national Christmas tree blew over in the wind.
OH SNAP! A judge has ordered the FBI to turn over Seth Rich's personal laptop and other information within 14 days
Seth Rich is the guy that was murdered because he most likely had incriminating information on many Democrats
‘fly got a case of Bemidji Blues… and shim got it bad.
You owe it to yourself to leave the land and people you hate, crack. Move out and move on…
they should be ashamed of the deception they subjected israel too
Morning Mika and her stolen husband are nuts.
Jay Legend
No energy background, but sits on board of foreign energy company, making millions of dollars.
No art background, but sells paintings to anonymous buyers for $500k.
Yeah, his story is the American story.
Morning Joe
.@MorningMika : Every family knows someone who's suffered like Hunter Biden has https://on.msnbc.com/3RoO3oI
12:00 PM · Nov 29, 2023
Took their cue, from the Obama cages at the border...
"Abducted women were kept in cages. Hostages, including children, were beaten and deprived of food, the Israeli media reports. At least in one instance, Hamas abductors forced Israeli hostages, including a 12-year-old child, to watch the horrific videos of October 7 atrocities."
Iman said...
"You owe it to yourself to leave the land and people you hate, crack. Move out and move on…"
I did, that's why I don't live in France anymore. White Americans owe its to themselves to learn to leave other races alone, because the constant reminders you hate having us around doesn't help anyone. "Move out and move on…" yourself. Try Germany: the Nazis dug your scene when you had it down.
"Any Palestinian who celebrates [the release of hostages] will, themselves, be charged as terrorists."
Ben Shapiro, Bari Weiss, and Dave Rubin Betray Free Speech "Values" for Israel's Critics
And this is why the right is going to lose. Just when they need to have convictions, they reveal they're really wishy-washy assholes, acting like authoritarians.
“White Americans owe its to themselves to learn to leave other races alone, because the constant reminders you hate having us around doesn't help anyone.”
Nobody else involved, crack. Just you and your whining and “unique” twist on things. Get well.
The bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 killed 91 people - mostly civilians - and was the biggest terror attack in Middle East history.
But nobody talks about it, because it proves Einstein was right, and the Zionists are "terrorists and misled criminals," leading us all to our doom.
Netanyahu thinks Americans are SUCKERS
Iman said...
You owe it to yourself to leave the land and people you hate, crack. Move out and move on…
And then there's that option for you.
Freed Hamas Hostage Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, Says She Was "Treated Well" After Enduring "Hell": "Mainstream American TV is a catastrophe"
More whining…
So one elderly peace activist hostage says she was "Treated Well", while dozens of others report they were treated horribly, starved, beaten, kept in cages, forced to watch films of the murders, and more. They also report that the kidnapped 10-month-old was murdered along with the 4-year-old sibling and mother, but Hamas says they didn't do it. There's a full report on Ace of Spades.
Of course, many of the first hostages released reported they were treated well, but most of them had relatives still in captivity: Hamas releases some women and children, but keeps others, plus all the men, and rarely releases a whole family.
Some people will believe anything.
With conservatives now acting like Cancel Culture Darlings, the timing couldn't be better: Richard Jeni - Political Hypocrites
wendybar said...
" Judicial Protest
BOMBSHELL video evidence of bias and misconduct of Justice Engoron’s Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, just uncovered. MISTRIAL INCOMING!!!"
Hey Wendy, maybe you should call chambers and leave a message making anti-semiotic remarks and deayh threats like the rest of your Know Nothing friends. Although I suspect you've already done that .
Blogger tim in vermont said...
" So the government has joined with private organizations to create sock puppets on social media "to counter disinformation,"
You found me out, Tiny Tim- I am an the employee of the CIA and they pay me a lot of money to come on here and tell Althouse what a space cadet she is. (Burns swears the check is in the mail).
Now you can come out of the closet and admit to everybody that you are a vodka swilling cracker on Putin's payroll.
"Now you can come out of the closet and admit to everybody that you are a vodka swilling cracker on Putin's payroll."
What does a war with Putin using Nazis as a proxy have to do with the well being of any American other than those who benefit from weapons sales? Why is a war between commies and nazis any of our business?
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