Said President Biden, quoted in "Biden, in Israel, hits notes of loyalty, emotion — and caution/In an extraordinary moment, an 80-year-old president flies into a war zone" (WaPo).
He met Israeli first responders and families affected by the Hamas attack... “God love ya,” he told one survivor....
At one point, Biden could be heard recounting the story of when his wife and children were injured in a car accident. He whispered throughout....
७६ टिप्पण्या:
The accident he lies about saying she was hit by a drunk driver?? That lie he peddled for years, yet people still believe him?? It's ALWAYS about him, isn't it.
Fearless leader.
Imagine what SNL would be doing to this guy were he a Republican. He and the whole gerontocratic regime are so ripe for mockery. Fortunately for them, they have complete control of mainstream comedy. No George Carlin is going to be allowed to become famous today, nosirreeBob. By throwing a guy who made a meme on Twitter into jail for 7 months, they are sending a clear message that the era of free speech is over.
'tis but a scratch.
There was no way this trip wasn’t going to be a dumpster fire. On his way back thru Germany his comment regarding the hospital issue was that “Hamas needs to learn to shoot straight”. Saying he is a f-ing embarrassment is too kind.
BIDEN: “I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it … [They] gotta learn how to shoot straight”
According to Judaism, Zionism - even on a metaphysical level - is a bad idea..
“God love ya,”
He has an amazing gift to annoy everyone simultaneously.
The longer they wait, the worse it's going to be. If an attack like the one last week goes unanswered by anything less than overwhelming force, then Hamas is already planning their next attack, one that exploits what they have learned and claims even more civilian / innocent lives.
This administration is doing everything they can to undo the work of the Abraham accords, and support the Iranian vision of the Middle East (and it doesn't stop in the Middle East). Obama's vision.
On the other hand, he complained that the terrorists need to learn to shoot more accurately presumably to kill more Israelis
President Biden told reporters Wednesday that Palestinian terrorists have “gotta learn how to shoot straight” — one day after an explosion outside a hospital in the Gaza Strip.
“I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it,” the president said at Ramstein Air Base in Germany en route back to Washington after visiting Israel earlier in the day.
“It’s that old thing: Gotta learn how to shoot straight,” Biden went on.
John Henry
He spent 8 hours, tops, on the ground in Israel. He didn't even bring a turkey.
No surprise that this Washington Post writer didn't include the quotes where Biden said the "other team" was probably responsible for the missile hitting the hospital and then later, on the plane, said in regards to the oopsie Hamas missile not making it over the border into Israel that they needed to learn to "shoot straight. I thought Biden looked weak and tired.
I prefer presidents who project energy and seem on the ball.
You probably guessed this...
Gaza Resupply Demanded
Jesus man. It's not all about you.
Why don’t we know the names and ages of the American hostages? Why aren’t their faces on every newscast? Where are today’s Rathers and Brokaws to remind us of the Americans held by terrorists like we saw every single one of the 241 days Iran held hostages in 1979?
How did the news media get so broken? And why can’t our president even mention the Americans held hostage?
"don't be consumed by it"
But be sure to destroy your enemies. As the U.S. has not done for decades.
On Morning Joe today, Ms. Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski Scarborough extolled the virtues of the semi-comatose President's performance in Israel. He was on top of his game. Not kidding.
And then flies out, early and empty-handed, in a warm, fuzzy fleece…
Never in the history of the world had there been a clearer case of a nation cutoff its electoral nose to spite its face than the US in 2020.
Did he tell them his wife and kids were mowed down by a drunk driver who drank his lunch? Surely the people who run the Biden show have managed to print up a cue card that tells the story without that maudlin and utterly untrue detail!
I wonder if the 'Beau Biden died in Iraq' tale got snuck in?
And how does it look, offering condolences, while at the same time shoveling another hundred million in 'humanitarian aid' (cash) into the hands of Hamas? Come on, man!
We’re f’d.
, Biden could be heard recounting the story of when his wife and children were injured in a car accident.
I'm not some high powered politician with decades of experience across the entire gamete of speaking to strangers is awkward circumstance. But my farmer father, with no college, explained to me as a young teenager, unwilling to attend wakes, because I was afraid to say, the wrong thing, explained, empathize with THEIR pain and grief. Under no circumstance claim to know how they feel, and NEVER share your personal experience...unless asked how you handled something. Nobody cares about the death of your 94 year old grandmother. Your neighbor that tells you he has cancer, doesn't want your story about YOUR health or story about your coach that had cancer....Nobody cares. It is their pain, their grief. Honor their feelings.
Someone need to take Joe out in the alley and tell him 'Joe, NOBODY CARES WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. NOBODY
Joe is such a putz. It is elder abuse to parade him out in public, humiliating himself. History will not be kind to Dr. Jill.
It is going to get worse. On his best day, Biden was dim. Now the light is flickering out.
Can you imagine what these meetings with Biden are like? He mostly sits there while his team articulates whatever policy they have agreed upon. Any pointed questions are deferred. Once in a while Biden pipes up, and everyone ignores him, keeping on with their discussion. On the plane back, Biden sleeps while his lieutenants talk to Obama.
At least he got our hostages out!
That's a relief.
Oh, Wait.
Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. - Joe Biden, probably by next week
because the regime is honeycombed with iranian and qatari agents, thats why
Humperdink- Mika is Whoopie in white face.
Just think. We are seeing Biden “on top of his game .” Be afraid for your country. Be very afraid.
If only every mother could care for her children the way the WaPo gives loving tongue baths to Joe Biden.
What Esteban said.
Brave Sir Joe.
“an extraordinary moment”…
Yeah… he’s focused on his frequent flyer miles… no joke, Jack!
shorter WaPoo - All praise the left's lord and savior. Rally around the crook!
Well, I appeciate that Joe biden is suggesting restraint. But he should be ordering the Israelis not to commit war crimes in Gaza. And not do any ethnic cleansing. We are Israel's boss. They couldn't exist without us, and we give them huge sums of money every year.
Instead, he was reasoning with them. Pleading with them. Fortunately, he didn't get on his knees and beg.
And "warzone"? Please. Gaza is a warzone. Tel Aviv is not. Biden was in less danger than someone walking the streets of DC. He was supposed to meet with Arab leaders in Jordan. But that meeting got called off due to the Hospital bombing which has outraged the Muslim world.
The Israeli's have attacked Gaza yet, so maybe they will show restraint. Probably because we'll sent Israel another $25,000 for each person in aid. Congress and Biden are set to give Ukraine and Israel $100 billion. That's about $3000 in tax for every American. They won't spend 1 extra dollar for border security or to control crime, but will dish out Billions for useless, amoral wars.
Gaza attacked israel in 2006, in 2008, in 2014, in 2021, and most recently two weeks ago, and equivalent of 10 September 11th, with the 45 billion he gave them
So Biden was "reasoning" with the Israel government. And he should do more, he should be "ordering the Israelis not to commit war crimes in Gaza."
Ceasing to supply electricity and water to Gaza is not a "war crime." It's a normal cut-off that countries do when they are at war. Now Biden wants America to supply Gaza. Even though we already fund Gaza.
Biden and his administration have shown such great clarity and smart in foreign policy crises: It might be OK for Russia to take just a little of Ukraine. We need to get out of Afghanistan on schedule, so let's leave behind all our military equipment and infrastructure, plus all our own civilians and Afghans who help us.
And now, given that Hamas has made Gaza a military compound with civilian human shields, let's not attack them!
The Israel government should think twice before following this kind of expertise.
But be sure to destroy your enemies. As the U.S. has not done for decades.
how ? when they are internal and politically powerful and even look like you?
"But that meeting got called off due to the Hospital bombing which has outraged the Muslim world."
What hospital bombing? There were no hospitals bombed. There was a parking lot hit by a rocket that fired by Hamas with a failed booster. But no hospital bombed. No 500 people dead from that incident (maybe that many in the cemetery next to the parking lot and hospital).
"While you feel that rage, don’t be consumed by it..."
Democracy Now! is showing Palestinians digging their children out of rubble after bombings by Israel.
How Biden even pretends to care about Israeli’s when he is sticking them in the Mack with $billions to terrorists including payments for killing Jews. Must have been a Freudian slip when he said Hamas needs to shoot straight.
Never in the history of the world had there been a clearer case of a nation cutoff its electoral nose to spite its face than the US in 2020.
Only if you agree that the 20 million Zuckervotes were legit. The oligarchy is not nearly as smart as it thinks it is.
“And "warzone"? Please. Gaza is a warzone. Tel Aviv is not.”
That’s the intent with Nazis: take it to turn in Berlin, and keep them out of London and DC.
I’m getting really very tired of the purposeful ignorance of the goals and purposes of war on the part of antisemites.
- Rafe
Humperdink said...
“On Morning Joe today, Ms. Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski Scarborough extolled the virtues of the semi-comatose President's performance in Israel. He was on top of his game. Not kidding.”
That’s the problem. That performance *is* the top of his game.
Blogger Leland said...
“He has an amazing gift to annoy everyone simultaneously.”
He’s a uniter, not a divider!
"In an extraordinary moment..." I dunno, it seems pretty ordinary to me. this is exactly what leaders are supposed to do, isn't it? Go to places where there is trouble and say "This is is very sad."
Maybe he will apologize for making the attack possible by providing money to Iran and Hamas and leaving ordnance with Taliban terrorists for them to share with other Islamists. Oh, the hypocrisy!
But who will remember? Not the leftmedia.
Remember the conclusion of "3 Days of the Condor"? The hero turns evidence of CIA and government corruption over to the New York Times and we all heaved a sigh of relief. Today, we would laugh at that ending and expect the NYT to bury the evidence - unless it incriminated Republicans.
What a scumbucket he is.
Crack: "Democracy Now! is showing Palestinians digging their children out of rubble after bombings by Israel."
Correction: Democracy Now is showing the Pallywood production of Palestinians appearing to dig their children out of rubble after bombings by Israel.
Yesterday's production: Military age young men. No moms. Blanket wrapped somethings. Rubber baby in cab of ambulance held by military age young man.
Crack: "Democracy Now! is showing Palestinians digging their children out of rubble after bombings by Israel."
Correction: Democracy Now is showing the Pallywood production of Palestinians appearing to dig their children out of rubble after bombings by Israel.
Yesterday's production: Military age young men. No moms. Blanket wrapped somethings. Rubber baby in cab of ambulance held by military age young man.
Hating Biden more than Hamas puts folks in league with The Squad and Ivy League Palestine solidarity groups.
If weakness, incompetence and corruption is your thing, then Joe’s your guy.
The saddest part of all this is watching our media pretend they don’t see what the rest of the world, especially our enemies, see.
"saw every single one of the 241 days Iran held hostages in 1979?"
444 days. Nov 4, 1979 - Jan 20, 1981
but I agree completely
I think it was the right thing to do for an American president and a wise move politically. I will still be voting against the SOB, however.
hombre said...
"Correction: Democracy Now is showing the Pallywood production of Palestinians appearing to dig their children out of rubble after bombings by Israel."
You guys are notorious for letting your assumptions trump reality.
I will point out that, yesterday, when I posted the story of the hospital being bombed, I added no political commentary. It was you guys who made all the assumptions. You made assumptions about the story, you made assumptions about me, you made assumptions about me posting the story, you made assumptions about everything. Don't you realize that one big problem is always having to sit around and refute a bunch of bullshit that you guys just dream up? Seriously, you have nothing of real import to any of this. It's all speculation, no better than what you can find on most mainstream cable news programs. Gaza said Israel hit the hospital. The Daily Mail repeated what Gaza said.
I merely let you know there was a new story on the horizon, with no extra commentary.
I dunno. I don't "hate" but I can dislike. And I can dislike two things at once--Biden and Hamas. In fact I can dislike more than two things at once--our idiotic media, the Squad, Governor Newsom, our woke college administrators and professoriate. I can go on, but as I say there are a lot of things I dislike.
Biden is not only dislikeable, he's an embarrassment. He probably told that Israeli that his late wife and kid were struck by a Palestinian missile that somehow found its way to Delaware.
Blogger Howard said...
"Hating Biden more than Hamas puts folks in league with The Squad and Ivy League Palestine solidarity groups."
I'd forgotten what a disingenuous asshole you are Howard. We're disgusted by and embarrassed on behalf of Biden. Hamas inspires actual hate, yes.
I liked you better when I figured you had drowned in the pond on one of your swimming outings.
You know what Crack? You sure do love the word "I", don't you? Just a bit self-absorbed aren't you?
What is the body count? Here we are, days after the event, and there are still counts ranging from 'over 500 killed' down to '150 to 300'. Which is it? And how come there isn't a definitive number from the hospital? Don't they know how to count bodies?
Every story from Hamas is an ideological opportunity. There is no news; only ideology.
Maybe the guy who helped give Iran billions of dollars that have been used to finance these terrorist acts shouldn’t be telling Jews how to feel.
I will point out that, yesterday, when I posted the story of the hospital being bombed, I added no political commentary. It was you guys who made all the assumptions. You made assumptions about the story, you made assumptions about me, you made assumptions about me posting the story, you made assumptions about everything.
Crack you made the assumption hamas was honest, the story true. Why did you make such an assumption?
Beiden has an extremely unattractive way of throwing out words from other cultures like he has deep connections with them. I am surprised he did not wear a yarmulke.
Maybe the guy who helped give Iran billions of dollars that have been used to finance these terrorist acts shouldn’t be telling Jews how to feel.
Thank you Drill Sgt. I shouldn't try and recall 40-year-old numbers by memory. But I do remember seeing it one every newcast every day, every name and every photo.
I've searched the broadcast and cable shows thoroughly and find nothing on most, absolutely nothing, and then one grieving parent occasionally, here and there. If you are an American readying to travel abroad be warned. Your country does NOT have your back any longer.
A hypothetical:
Imagine you are a homeowner with a wife and six children and you live next to a house with six male residents and six female residents. One day your daughter is raped and murdered, and you know, you literally know one of six male neighbors is responsible, but you don't know which one and will never know, and residents of the neighbor house stays silent. What would you do?
Continuing- suppose you choose to up your security measures to protect your spouse, your remaining children, and yourself- but the neighbors manage to kill another one of your children anyway. What do you do now?
Feel free to answer me in the comments, or by e-mail- I really am curious. You can get my e-mail via my profile on Blogger.
Biden is the most popular man in Israel right now.
Old and slow said...
"You know what Crack? You sure do love the word "I", don't you? Just a bit self-absorbed aren't you?"
Maybe. But you're running around calling everybody an antisemite. A little paranoid, aren't you?
And you've been calling for violence. Are you a psychopath?
And you've been throwing around a lot of assumptions. Are you delusional?
And you've been particularly fixated on me. Are you a racist?
And you've been sticking up for people who hold other people in concentration camps. Are you a Nazi? Are you a wannabe Nazi?
I'll take a little self-absorption, over being someone like you, any day.
Biden is the most popular man in Israel right now.
The guy who pledged $100 million to the Palestinians (aka, Hamas) is the most popular man in Israel right now?
>>Remember the conclusion of "3 Days of the Condor"?
The book was "Six Days of the Condor"... not sure where the other three days went...
We Americans have been pretty cool about Biden's conduct during his "Presidency", but we're now getting down to serious business.
I don't think that in my life time we have EVER had a President who appeared this weak on the public stage. I was an infant when FDR died, but I know that he and "his people" made sure that he presented a public image of strength and competence, notwithstanding his disability. Truman, Eisenhower -- for me they were "father figures", but not figures of ridicule like Biden.
If you were a leader of a terrorist group, and you heard Biden call you "the other team", what would you do?
"I know you feel like there’s that black hole in the middle of your chest. You feel like you’re being sucked into it. The survivor’s remorse, the anger, the questions of faith in your soul. Staring at that empty chair, sitting Shiva. The first Sabbath without them."
What marvelous lines. Kudos to his speechwriters.
At one point, Biden could be heard recounting the story of when his wife and children were injured in a car accident.
That bullshit again? Our government is led by a putz.
In as much as it’s a death match, one side is gonna win and the other is gonna lose. I back the Israelis, therefore I accept without remorse the death of all the children in Gaza. Doesn’t bother me a single bit. Stack them up like cordwood. Weep over them endlessly. Dead children don’t grow up to be terrorists. Clarifying violence works, and has been underutilized of late. I’m donating sandwiches to the IDF to help them have energy to do the job. They will need it. Hamas is apparently hopped up on meth. So Death! Death the children of Gaza! There’s your moral clarity.
"The book was "Six Days of the Condor"... not sure where the other three days went...
The movie had to wrap up in about 2 hours.
“Hating Biden more than Hamas puts folks in league with The Squad and Ivy League Palestine solidarity groups.”
Not at all, I can hate both of them, each according to their stupid actions. Let others hate who they will.
Crack (11:08): "You guys are notorious for letting your assumptions trump reality."
No assumption. Palestinians are notorious for staging video propaganda as has been proven on several occasions. Staged videos are not reality.
Not all of us are gullible enough to be taken in.
Howard: "Biden is the most popular man in Israel right now."
Don't kid yourself, Howie. Israelis are not as stupid as Democrats. They know where Hamas got the money to buy weapons.
I don't think that in my life time we have EVER had a President who appeared this weak on the public stage.
@Godfather, I agree. Jimmy Carter at his worst was pretty bad, and the early days of JFK’s administration led to Khrushchev’s contempt him and the Berlin Wall. A poorly drawn line on a map during Truman’s administration may have led directly to the Korean War. But Biden is worse than any of them.
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