The term "parallel societies" refers to "segregated enclaves where immigrants do not participate in the wider society or learn Danish, even as they benefit from the country’s generous welfare system."
The government is getting rid of more than 4,000 public housing units.
It was part of a broader package signed into law that its supporters vowed would dismantle “parallel societies” by 2030. Among its mandates is a requirement that young children in certain areas spend at least 25 hours a week in preschools where they would be taught the Danish language and “Danish values.”
In a country where the world-famous welfare system was originally built to serve a tiny, homogeneous population, the housing overhaul project has had broad support across the political spectrum. That includes the governing liberal Social Democrats, who changed the term used for the affected communities — substituting “parallel societies” for the much-criticized word “ghettos.”...
From the beginning, the program’s targeting of communities largely based on the presence of non-Western immigrants or their descendants has attracted widespread criticism.
Obviously, there are accusations of discrimination. In that light, consider that the top-rated comment at the NYT — by a lot — is: "Good luck, Denmark! Maybe on the surface it’s a heavy handed plan, but I applaud the Danes for trying SOMETHING, instead of just handwringing and blaming the opposing political party. We should agree that certain markers of a parallel society (a spot-on term) are incompatible with success and are detrimental to the wider society."
९२ टिप्पण्या:
The term "parallel societies" refers to "segregated enclaves where immigrants do not participate in the wider society or learn Danish, even as they benefit from the country’s generous welfare system."
The government is getting rid of more than 4,000 public housing units.
They might have more success if they keep the housing units and get rid of those occupying them.
5-8 million illegal entrants (what Biden and his media call "migrants" ) are going to break us.
But - the hope is they will all vote D.
Parallel societies are better described as orthogonal, that is, statistically independent and with outcomes separate from each other, because even though the two societies meet at least at one point, there is no interaction and the paths the societies follow are completely different.
That is all the math I want to do for the day.
So even the Danes don't think diversity is automatically a good thing?
Is this cultural genocide? Internal colonialism?
"fundamentally a community, which is based on a mutual trust that we all contribute"
No comma. It's restrictive.
More pronoun problems.
"The term 'parallel societies' refers to 'segregated enclaves where immigrants[*] do not participate in the wider society or learn Danish, even as they benefit from the country’s generous welfare system.' The term "parallel societies" refers to 'segregated enclaves[*] where immigrants[*] do not participate in the wider society or learn Danish, even as they benefit from the country’s generous welfare system.'
* Please, speak English. It means Muslims who by the instructions of their now long-dead prophet told them that they are the best of peoples, Surah 3,110, and because of that they're entitled to live off the labor of the kafir aka "unbelievers, Surah 9,29 (the jizyah).
Anjou Choudary, UK Muslim rabble-rouser called it the Jihadi Allowance,
Choundary explains,
"We are on Jihad Seekers Allowance, we take the Jizya (protection money paid to Muslims by non-Muslims) which is ours anyway.
"The normal situation is to take money from the [non-Muslims] isn't it? So this is the normal situation."
“They give us the money. You work, give us the money. Allah Akbar, we take the money. Hopefully there is no one from the DSS (Department of Social Security) listening.”
“Ah, but you see people will say you are not working. But the normal situation is for you to take money from the Kuffar (non-Muslim) So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance.”
Europe will have to get over its suicide impulses if anything is to last. They would have to adopt California's Prop 187, no welfare for non-citizens. It was voted yeas by 60% and then gutted by judges and lawyers.
Sorry, too late. Many western countries already let in too many Muslims to restore "mutual trust." Muslims got family and faith, they don't need no trust. What are Danish values compered to Allah and the Koran?
Well, Denmark has apparently already taken the first step of largely closing the door to immigrants, and they are now planning on taking the second step of forced assimilation. Sweden, for example, is still struggling to implement the first step- closing the door- but face a much more daunting task than the Danes in assimilating a much larger group of immigrants.
For both countries, though, it is probably a losing battle since both are ultimately under EU law with regards to immigration. To make any real progress both will have to leave the EU, and even that might not work.
Good for them.
Germany recently started saying they will deport everyone not in the country illegally. Good for them too.
Perhaps another example of President Trump leading the way, setting an example for the world.
John Henry
Another prerequiste for having a well developed welfare system is not allowing illegal immigration. You can't have free health care and university education open to anyone in the world.
Liberals have a hard time understanding that. They often make the point that US open immigration helped develop the country, overlooking that policy stopped well before the New Deal was introduced (they also overlook that much of the open immigration in the 1800's was to settle lands previously inhabitated by Native Americans).
Here in Norway, and many other well developed countries, you can't work legally unless you're registered in the system as legal and 99% plus of businesses follow that. Also, being born here, and most other countries in the World, does not make confer citizenship. Besides the US, only 32 other countries have Birthright Citizenship, all of them developing countries, aside from Canada.
So the first thing that those in the US who want to have a European style welfare system should do is fix the illegal immigration problem. Can't see that happening.
Parallel societies are nothing new here, though there's definitely a third rail to talk openly about it.
The Dems perfected it with California Mexicans. And they're trying to expand the model.
Instead of forcing people to pick up and move to a cold, dark place full of strange, white somethingsons babbling endlessly about moose and herrings, why don't they just send them welfare checks in their own countries? Problem solved.
And so ends the Scandinavian inclusive social democracy experiment. And so foreshadows the end of the USA left modeling its governmental vision on Scandinavia (plus, some have become neo-Stalinists and neo-Maoists seeking massive population reductions, so that point is moot). I predict that old South African apartheid model is likely to spread across Europe and the USA.
For much greater Scandinavian horrors, look to Sweden's ghettos and crime. Denmark nipped ideological blind inclusion and immigration in the bud relative to Sweden. A while back I read a comparison between "scientific truths" in Sweden versus Germany. Germans admitted to a variety of biological differences between males and females while Sweden said they were identical outside of socialization.
Hackneyed fun fact of the day: the German term for "nipple" is breast wart (brustwarze).
This is self-segregation.
Obligatory: "You can't have a welfare state and open borders."
Btw, it's not immigration, it's invasion.
Allow only merit immigration.
Make English the official language.
the Spanish option on everything insures the elites have a steady stream of landscapers & housekeepers.
Denmark's population has increased a bit more than 15% between 1980 and today. Almost all that increase have been aliens, legal and illegal.
If they would assimilate, or even try to assimilate, I don't think it would be a huge problem. But they self-segregate and refuse to become Danish.
Sweden's population has increased from 8.3mm in 1980 to 10.5mm today. Almost all, non-assimilating aliens, legal and illegal.
John Henry
@I stand with Israel..."But - the hope is they will all vote D."
Or, they want undocumented/illegals to clean their toilets, mow their lawns, make their beds, clean their swimming pools, cook their food, and do it at a low price?
Don't forget that left and right wealthy people often love low-labor-cost immigrants. It's all part of the globalization for profit culture, and often central to business planning (Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg...). Some old school pro-union, pro-labor Dems didn't want new immigrants competing for jobs.
Power corrupts. Forget parties and ideologies.
It is impossible to have a substantial welfare system and open borders.
A thriving nation is defined by its culture, borders, language.
These and many more simple truths must be agreed on, to govern.
You will note France has a slew of laws protecting their culture.
Denmark is sounding very nationalistic.
Nations may benefit by taking note of their birthrate, and compare it to birthrate of the "parallel society". But as Barbie explained, math and anthropology is hard.
As Milton Friedman said, "It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state."
Well, it should be obvious. But Western politicians either have not internalized that lesson or ignore it for other reasons.
A good first step.
Recognizing that Islam is the problem.
A good first step: recognizing that the problem is Islam.
Mette Frederiksen formed a centrist government. The previous government was center-right, this one center-left. The two blocs are left and right. The center part is what Frederiksen wants — a combination of center-left and center-right parties.
I think it’s wonderful that this kind of political system allows new parties to form all the time. It’s a dynamic political system that means voters have to actually engage and scrutinize the parties to decide how to vote.
In the US many voters just stick to the same tribal tendency they were brought up with, and then the curtain rises on another episode of the same old Punch and Judy show… two tired old dyed-in-the-wool parties just slinging mud at each other across the chamber.
Center-left. Center-right. Either one works for me…
Oh, wow! The lying liars at the NYT, who always lie and never tell the truth, have thought of a new lie to tell us all! Shout it from the rooftops! Paint it on the walls! Tattoo it where the sun don't shine!
It could be like those old E F Hutton commercials, where everybody in the room is gabbling about nothing much (I'm told that in theater, they say "rutabaga-rutabaga-rutabaga" to produce that effect) and then some well-dressed idiot says, "Well, my broker's with E F Hutton, and he says ...", and suddenly utter silence falls upon the room, as everyone waits to hear what E F Hutton says. Only, it would be a blog, where everybody is commenting on the lovely sunrise photos, and then the hostess says, "Well, I subscribe to the lying liars at the NYT, who always lie and have never been known to tell the truth, and this morning they lied that ....".
I mean, there is precedent for this. In the Soviet Union, people would carefully scrutinize the latest lies in Pravda, to try to figure out how they differed from yesterday's lies, and what that might portend for tomorrow. Hell, in ancient Rome, they'd slaughter some harmless animals and examine their entrails. I could see some utility in applying that precedent to the lying liars at the NYT who always lie. Heck, I think it's legal now, in NYC, to hack people open and examine their entrails.
Society "based on a mutual trust that we all contribute."
This is one reason high levels of immigration and high levels of welfare are not compatible. Some contribute more than they take, some less.
In a non-immigration take, Romney's 2012 running mate Paul Ryan referred to "makers and takers." He was roundly criticized an never spoke that way again.
The Puritans at Plymouth were just a "parallel society" to the natives.
So no worries, this will turn out about like that did
Once all the fuckin' Muslims are gotten rid of, somebody has to get rid of all the fuckin' immigrants and fuckin' poor people! Once that trash are gotten rid of, the fuckin' middle classes have to go!
Ultimately, all who comprise the "Not our kind, dear" fuckin' rabble have to go, leaving only the upper classes to enjoy each others' (and only each others') perfectly refined and perfectly dressed and coiffed and worthy company. After all, AI will somehow do everything that needs to be done to keep the remaining (rich) people in their pampered and well-earned paradise.
If Denmark told the immigrants, you can move back to your home country and keep getting your welfare checks, how many would take them up on it?
Would it be worth it to the Danes? It would probably be cheaper than trying to build a machine to turn non-Danes into Danes. Especially since the machine might not even work.
What, no more "why can't we be more like Scandinavia" articles from the NYT?
We can have fun withe the idea of Muslims not being Danish enough but it is a lesson for all social welfare states: People Respond to Incentives and Resources Are Finite.
It's worse in Sweden where they have many more migrants. When I was in Stockholm in 2016, there were neighborhoods (i.e. ghettos) that were too dangerous for even police and medical personnel to enter.
It made a certain amount of sense, and was even noble in a way, for the Brits and French to recognize an obligation to those who--for instance--had fought for the B and F empires in their late 19th and 20th C wars, by allowing them to immigrate to the metropolis.
The Germans took in lots of Turks to do the dirty jobs, pure and simple.
The Danes and Swedes (despite some dabbling in empire and slavery that never amounted to much) had no such bond or obligation to former subjects. Their voluntary shouldering of a burden they were better off shirking is a fine instance of Scandidealism--the notion that decent and successful societies and systems can assimilate large numbers of outsiders who are neither.
October 26, 2023
"The welfare society is fundamentally a community, which is based on a mutual trust that we all contribute. All that is being seriously challenged by parallel societies."
Just another set of morally bankrupt ideas from Socialists who love to spend other people's money. There is no "welfare a community..." without taking money from some people and giving that same money to other people whose "" exists solely due to the transfer of said money.
"Parallel societies are nothing new here, though there's definitely a third rail to talk openly about it.
The Dems perfected it with California Mexicans. And they're trying to expand the model."
My uncle (fluent in Spanish but not Hispanic) lives near Watsonville, CA which is a large agricultural area near Santa Cruz. He's taught farmworkers' kids for almost 50 years.
I went with him to the Bank of America while he did some business. The manager was Hispanic but bilingual. Nobody in the bank spoke English...all Spanish.
I commented on this after we left and he said, "I haven't heard English spoken in this town in twenty years."
"Germany recently started saying they will deport everyone not in the country illegally."
"the Spanish option on everything insures the elites have a steady stream of landscapers & housekeepers."
I worked for a manufacturing company in southern California many years ago. The company decided to close the facility due to the cost of operating in the state. I was talking with the personnel guy one day as things were winding down. He told me he was busy trying to help with other employment opportunities for people who were soon going to be out of a job but it was tough since many of the guys on the shop floor didn't speak English even though they had been working for the company for 20-25 years. The personnel guy said options for them were pretty much nonexistent. How something like that happens is a mystery to me, but somehow it did.
We'll see how this goes. Can a population formed by thousands of years of cousin marriage be integrated into a Scandinavian culture that arose out of a completely different natural and social environment?
"Ultimately, all who comprise the "Not our kind, dear" fuckin' rabble have to go..."
Whenever a glimmer of sanity peeks over the horizon, count on a dose of Robert Cook Sophistry to follow, restoring the madness. Every direction leads somewhere, so the wise keep marching toward the cliff; every life ends in death, so the wise blow their brains out.
Nice diatribe Mr. Cook. Permit me to ask a question(s). Which immigrant group refuses to assimilate into our society? Which immigrant group refuses to assimilate into any western country? Hint, it's the same gang. Forest, see trees.
---Denmark's population has increased a bit more than 15%...Almost all aliens, legal and illegal... Sweden's population has increased from 8.3mm in 1980 to 10.5mm today. Almost all non-assimilating aliens
Those blondes need to have more fun. C'mon, men.
Robert Cook appears to be very very very upset that western nations are re-evaluating whether it is wise to continue funding the growing global intifada.
This is understandable given the clear, undeniable, in-your-face daily demonstrations across the west of the left/dem(in the US) alliance with islamic supremacism.
The Hamas charter calls for the killing of jews across the globe. The islamic supremacists, with their lefty allies, decry assimilation and advocate for separate sharia-driven enclaves in western nations.
The "good news" is that, according to global polls over decades, "only" 10-15% of global muslims appear willing to commit terrorist acts to advance the global violent jihad (spoiler: jihad is NOT just a personal internal struggle at all) while a mere 50% more are simply happy to hold you down while the 15% cut off your head.
Hey, who doesnt want to fund such fun shenanigans!
I read post as the authorities are going to move people into areas only the few can afford. Reading the comments however, I’m detecting a disconnect. Hopefully I’m alone on this. And I’m misinterpreting the source of the post.
The Danes have only to look across the Skagerrak towards Sweden to see the impact of failure to assimilate: high poverty, high crime, “no-go” zones. Sweden’s official position is that there is no such thing as a “no-go” zone where the police fear to operate, however individual Swedes say that there certainly are places, particularly in Malmö, where first responders will not enter without substantial extra backup.
Good on the Danes for learning from others’ mistakes.
Now that you have beaten that strawman to death, Robert, by all means now set it on fire.
Yep, beat that strawman Cook. You're doing great!
"It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state." - Milton Friedman
"Milton Friedman isn't running things anymore." - Joe Biden
They're both right... sadly for the rest of us.
So it turns out that a mass influx of people whose cultural norms are at odds with the society bringing them in is a bad idea. Who in in their wildest dreams would have thought that?
Stick said...
Make English the official language
1st amendment says I can speak klingon in pig Latin if I want.
I'd have no problem forcing the federal govt to conduct all business in English. I don't think 1A would bar that.
John Henry
A law professor startled me one time by saying that all babies are welfare recipients.
I was like, "oh shit, I was on welfare!"
Of course the welfare came from my family, and not other families.
I suppose you could say my parents were "forced" to provide welfare to me and my brother
because they would be charged with homicides if they went on a trip and forgot to provide food for us
but even sociopaths on the Althouse blog would acknowledge that parents typically love and feed their own children
so it's not forced welfare, but volunteer
as a matter of fact, the USA has pretty high rights of private charity
Other countries babble about their parallel welfare-mooching societies, but Denmark is the only one taking the step from talking to doing. Germany, France, Italy, Holland will talk but in the end will do nothing and will continue as they have on the path to cultural suicide. Britain has already turned, and offers no resistance to the Culture Enrichers who know they will be paid by the State to establish their rape rooms and prey on young, defenseless women. France has simply given over large areas to the unacculturated and hopes to contain them. It won't work.
Good luck Denmark, you will be alone in a continent of societies that have simply given up. Your neighbors can't even take the first step of stopping the inward flow of invaders. All talk of sending them back is just fantasy.
Denmark is such an interesting country. Loved by liberals who probably don't realize the conservative beliefs that make Denmark Danish. Fiscal conservatism, very strong cultural values (official religion, history, monarchy, unique language) that tie the people together. Trust that your fellow citizens will do what you do. Denmark also takes immigrant children as young as 1 year old who live in immigrant segregated housing so that the children learn Danish values. And Denmark wanted to establish camps overseas to vet and process immigrants, not unregulated uncontrolled swarms.
Does multiculturalism work? Maybe, but perhaps only if there is some overriding cultural, perhaps nationalistic, values that unite subcultures.
Diversity, Equivalence, Coexistence
Good to find Milton Friedman has already been cited early and repeatedly here. And the parallels to our immigration issue are obvious as well. I have two items to introduce. First is Sweden, which joined the Schengen area open borders part of EU in 2001, while also adopting an attitude of superiority to America. Even right after 9/11, when I was in Sweden, they were under the delusion they were "managing" immigration better than us. There was some fretting that the new immigrants tended to flock together tightly and reject the Swedish dedication (they have a special word for it) to work and community, even after the first Malmo riots. But riots kept happening among the restless new arrivals especially after a Koran was burned by locals disgusted with the way their system was being abused (as gspecner clearly elucidates above regarding jizza) by the "immigrants." There is no work ethic inherited or that can be imposed upon the new citizens.
By 2008 it was clear there would be no assimilation and the newcomers would not adopt the somewhat live and let live attitude strong in the Swedish character, although they also have a special word for the kind of conformity expected and respected by Swedes. Unfortunately they were also casually antisemitic and assumed their new settlers had been abused and needed their help. Now the experiment is over and it has become clear that either their welfare system or the open borders would be ending one way or another. (See the link below to compare the EU countries adoption of the Schengen area and admission to EU.) They cannot give up the safety net that is tied so deeply to their character, even though they moved to free market systems for health care with few problems years before. I am not surprised to see the Danes taking such a strong position now. See the link below to compare the EU countries adoption of the Schengen area and admission to EU.
So at least with our nearest southern neighbor there is a strong work ethic.
The second item is the two-party system derided by Rich in his well written comments above. Our constitution appears to assume a two-party system and many rules of Congress are written that way. The primary system reinforces this binary system. Third parties are presented with notoriously difficult hurdles to breaking into the binary. The last successful new party was when the Republican Party supplanted the Whigs in the binary when Lincoln was elected in 1860 after the Whigs collapsed in 1854. So one major change in almost 250 years. Like the weather, you can hate the two-party system but there ain't much you can do about it. Does anyone even remember why the Whigs lost support?
[cut and paste link to EU site below]
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform (CAIR) forced by ethnic Springs, in service to democratic gerrymandering, redistributive change, labor arbitrage, and diversity (e.g. racism)... and to compensate for social progress (e.g. wicked solution or human rites).
What's the saying? Democracy, open borders, welfare state: pick any two.
The corollary is if the choices are democracy and welfare state, then you have to produce enough children to sustain it.
"Obviously, there are accusations of discrimination....."
That's putting your finger on the problem: The Progressive legacy that has re-shaped the language. Discrimination on the basis of race, creed etc., to withhold opportunities of service or goods: illegal. But after years of hectoring society about the evils of 'Discrimination', now any kind of discrimination is placed automatically in a condemning light. Is it wrong to discriminate between a red light and a green one? Is it wrong to discriminate between a pot full of cold water and one with boiling water?
Good for Denmark. If they don't force the successful education of their immigrant class, and follow up with a pathway to assimilation, the Imams surely will.
As for the 'send them back to their home country and send them welfare checks'.... >snort< Sure, they'll love that. You been to some of those countries? Living in a high-trust society provides comfort, safety, and endless opportunities - both legal and illegal, if you know what I mean.
"Almost all non-assimilating aliens"
According to 2021 statistics, Denmark's population is 14% immigrant or of immigrant descent and of that 14%, 1/3 is from the EU. So there situation certainly seems manageable. They can always deport the problematic ones. Or vote differently.
mikee @ 10:27: "...orthogonal..." Yes. Kind of like "colliding galaxies," where very few celestial objects actually collide, but all affect one another via perturbations in their gravity wells, in complex and unacknowledged ways. In the context of Orthogonal Cultures, you have a lot of "nodding acquaintances" but no deep insight and very little trust. Particularly after one or two atrocities which can be mapped to different ethnicities. Some clown brandishes a machete and shouts "Kill the [insert hated group here]!" and guess what, no matter how many seminars and picnics the government may sponsor to promote "racial healing," it ain't gonna happen. There is some critical index of difference that has not been overcome.
I wish the Danes (and others) all the best, but I am not optimistic. The rate of influx (coupled with the deliberate self-selection of neighbors) frustrates the mixing which everybody thinks they want; and the resentment, anxiety and paranoia just compound the problem.
All this is IMHO. I know nothing.
danegeld the separate societies.
at the root.
“Once all the fuckin' Muslims are gotten rid of, somebody has to get rid of all the fuckin' immigrants and fuckin' poor people! Once that trash are gotten rid of, the fuckin' middle classes have to go!”
Getting rid of Commies here in America should be a priority… maybe our top priority.
Cognitive dissonance:
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
5-8 million illegal entrants (what Biden and his media call "migrants" ) are going to break us.
But - the hope is they will all vote D.
In 1921 and 1924, the US Congress passed immigration laws that severely limited the number and “national origin” of new immigrants. These laws did not change in the 1930s, as desperate Jewish refugees attempted to immigrate from Nazi Germany.
'They can always deport the problematic ones. Or vote differently.'
How's that deportation thing working out in the U.S.?
How is eradicating voter fraud with simple measures (paper ballots, voter ID) working out in the U.S.?
Come for importing illiterate, military-aged men for the cheap labor.
Stay for the welfare fraud and the gang-rape.
What a way to run a country...
Danes are conformists. They call it Jante Law. "No one must dare excel, no one must be allowed to fall behind, all should seek the middle ground." That probably is what enables their welfare system to work, but if a large group doesn't conform, it falls apart.
It's one thing for God to relocate people, as in Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt, upsetting some people to this day. Quite another when... again, I'm fuzzy about what it is exactly that the Swedes are up to.
I love this quote: “Everybody has asked the question. . ."What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!” ― Fredrick Douglass
Denmark also takes immigrant children as young as 1 year old who live in immigrant segregated housing so that the children learn Danish values.
Does multiculturalism work? Maybe, but perhaps only if there is some overriding cultural, perhaps nationalistic, values that unite subcultures.
I fail to see how this - removing small children from their families to educate them in a culture not their own - is going to be viewed differently from the removal of Indian (or do we now say indigenous? I've lost track) kids from their homes and educating them in a culture not their own.
I guess you could say the indigenous (covering my bases) kids were of a culture that pre-existed on the North American continent, whereas the Muslim kids (because that's the "parallel society" under discussion, isn't it?) are complete outsiders in Denmark. But I still think it'll be viewed the same way by the progressive West: "actual violence," "cultural terrorism."
Let me note that I'm not defending the way in which Indian/indigenous (bases are loaded) children were more or less forcibly assimilated back in the day. But as an idea, providing and even requiring participation in a cultural assimilation machine (thanks for that image, whoever introduced it above) in order to maintain a strong society, when your society relies on high trust and shared values, is not crazy.
Socialism is more workable when everyone looks like second cousins.
The welfare society is where some contribute, and some take.
"That we all contribute"
Just like many Americans, that would never work here.
Diversity is our strength!
"..."parallel societies" refers to "segregated enclaves where immigrants do not participate in the wider society or learn Danish,...".
This is not a new thing. It was called out in Melanie Phillips 2007 book, "Londonistan".
Again in 2017 in Douglas Murray's book, "The Strange Death of Europe".
They have no ambition to assimilate. No intention to do so. Sure...there are examples of it within the community. But, too few. The rest...they remain apart- not kept apart as in a ghetto, but by choice, as in running a parallel society paid for by the host society. In the most generous term, they are parasites, looking to destroy the host once they are powerful enough.
Call a thing what it is. From where I stand now, today, in an America where my people are being chased down the streets (again), where Jewish students have to hide, or be attacked, where homes in the cities need to show no signs of their religion, lest an attack, I know that Islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. I applaud the Danes for taking this step.
Too late for Europe, the noose is too tight. Th US is not far behind. Learn Mandarin.
Welfare. Nice work if you can get it.
You don't have to take children from their parents to get assimilation, but the parents have to buy in to assimilation. My mom's parents never spoke English very well, but all of their kids were fluent. In fact, though Spanish is my mom's first language, as she gets older, she forgets it more and more, unlike my grandparents who went back to Spanish.
When I was a child, my parents hardly spoke Spanish at home because they wanted us to speak English. Assimilation. It works.
“Instead of forcing people to pick up and move to a cold, dark place full of strange, white somethingsons babbling endlessly about moose and herrings, why don't they just send them welfare checks in their own countries? Problem solved.”
That is what we do in the US, except we send their welfare checks to the local thieving governments who steal it and give the welfare recipients nothing.
Immigration is purely immoral, we require immigrants to pay coyotes and endure hardship to come to the US in order to get health care and money. Can granny make the trip, no. So this is pure ableism. We need to sent $30k per year to everyone in the world or we are all disgusting assholes. Think of all the people in countries overseas who can’t just walk to the border. And when they get here, we expect them to work for us, how can we be such sh*theads.
40+% pay NO taxes in America.
One you pay the welfare, you'll never get rid of the welfare recipient.
Sounds like Cookie is ready to tske in some Gaza refugees.
Hear that Nikki?
Anti-Israeli protesters out on the streets of Denmark calling for Muhammad Deff (the military head of Hamas) to bomb Tel Aviv.
Welfare destroys the human spirit for virtue's progress of greener lawns and vineyards.
One you pay the welfare, you'll never get rid of the welfare recipient.
Last comment in the thread as I'm dipping back in... and I LOL'ed. Well done!
Howard said...
"Cognitive dissonance:
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
5-8 million illegal entrants (what Biden and his media call "migrants" ) are going to break us.
But - the hope is they will all vote D.
In 1921 and 1924, the US Congress passed immigration laws that severely limited the number and “national origin” of new immigrants. These laws did not change in the 1930s, as desperate Jewish refugees attempted to immigrate from Nazi Germany."
Your lord and savior, FDR, made certain of it. Didn't much care for asian americans either. Nothing much has changed for Democrats.
Baltimore tried to do this with it's own homegrown alien culture. But when they tore down the ghetto dwellings, they moved the inhabitants to the surrounding neighborhoods, which they proceeded to destroy.
For some reason there is still this idea that you can stick a couple poor black families into a middle class neighborhood and they'll become productive citizens. I think it's called magic dirt theory.
Instead they drag everything down to their level.
Several here didn't read the article. Among these ethnic enclaves, violence is higher, crime is higher, refusal -- yes, refusal -- to work and contribute to society normally is endemic, learning the national language and rights and values are low, and government dependency threatens to crash the welfare state for everyone.
Socialism, one might say, is hit hardest. Aren't you DSA types peeved by this rejection of your beloved cause?
"Frederiksen became increasingly skeptical of mass immigration, as she believes it has had negative impacts for much of the population, a more pressing issue since at least 2001 after the 11 September attacks which intensified during the 2015 European migrant crisis. In a recent biography, Frederiksen stated: "For me, it is becoming increasingly clear that the price of unregulated globalization, mass immigration, and the free movement of labor is paid for by the lower classes!"
I think we need her here!!
"We should agree that certain markers of a parallel society (a spot-on term) are incompatible with success and are detrimental to the wider society."
Starting with a government that didn't previously give a damn, so created them. Human beings follow incentives. Including the incentive to pull away. I always went into the ghettos of the countries I visited in Europe. They're filled with nice people who are resentful because they couldn't get a drivers license for like five years or something. I would think the larger society would get sick of trying to blame the poor for their oversights. But, seeing how the larger society was formally homogenous, there's probably a lot of things they don't see.
A mass deportation is an ugly thing... But I think it's high time we had one!
"Some old school pro-union, pro-labor Dems didn't want new immigrants competing for jobs."
Notably, Cesar Chavez. He wanted good wages for farm workers.
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