Said Gili Yoskovich, quoted in "'They were going tree by tree and shooting' - Israeli partygoer describes festival attack" (BBC).
८ ऑक्टोबर, २०२३
"The terrorists were coming from four or five places... Some people were shooting at me. I left the car and started to run... and they were just all around me."
"They were going tree by tree and shooting. Everywhere. From two sides. I saw people were dying all around. I was very quiet. I didn't cry, I didn't do anything. But I was on the one hand breathing, saying: 'OK, I'm going to die. It's OK, just breathe, just close your eyes,' because it was shooting everywhere... I tried to be more under the tree so maybe when the shooting comes, they will not touch my face. I was lying there for three hours. I was just thinking about my kids, my friend, about everything and I was saying it's not the time to die for me, not yet. Then I started to hear some Hebrew from one side, [but] Arabic from three sides. I realised that there were some soldiers, maybe five or six. I decided to go to these soldiers... Then someone was putting me in a car. I was the first one to get out of the field. It took others two or three more hours to get out [and] all the way people were dying - all the way on the road, young people, [as] it's a festival for young people...."
Said Gili Yoskovich, quoted in "'They were going tree by tree and shooting' - Israeli partygoer describes festival attack" (BBC).
Said Gili Yoskovich, quoted in "'They were going tree by tree and shooting' - Israeli partygoer describes festival attack" (BBC).
१६९ टिप्पण्या:
Biden administration unlocked $6 billion in Iranian funds a few months ago.
Iran funds Hamas.
Hamas murders innocent Jews in Israel.
I've always wondered how Israel has all these raves and concerts and things, considering,....
Waiting for a response from the Biden Administration--whoever is actually in charge. Brief the big guy, repeat, repeat, moral equivalence, both sidesism, start again ...
islam: a religion of peace*
peace* defined by islam, as: Submission to the will of allah*
allah* what islam calls ITS god
There’s some heavy symbolism that the first thing they attacked was a peace rally.
Time for Israelis to start their own chant,
From the river to the sea Israel will be Muzzie-free,
Give peace a chance.
Give MOAB a chance
They're very brave when there are no arms to oppose them. Let's see how courageous they are in the coming days when people are shooting back.
One can't help to speculate that this attack is the result of the success of the Abrahan Accords. Hamas has to make other Arab countries regret falling in with Israel.
Koranic verse: "Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees, but the rocks and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him — except for the gharqad tree, which is one of the trees of the Jews.”
Hamas does what plays well at home.
How could the planning of something this big, this coordinated, get by Mossad and Israel’s other spy operations?
A lotta investigations yet to be done once the current business is taken care of. And, this time, Israel should really take care of business. The left will condemn Israel regardless of its response. Meaning that there's no sense and should be no hesitation to do what must be done.
Forget about the $6bb for Iran - Biden has been funding Hamas directly for years. They fund Gaza and Hamas is Gaza. And they knew it. And didn't care.
Reports are Americans were killed.
How long until the west says Israel's response is disproportionate? One week, two?
One hopes they are ignored. The declaration of war is a new and appropriate level.
At some time, Iran must be made to pay.
Obviously unlikely under this administration.
Shooting women is traditionally meant to humiliate the men.
If I ran Israel, I would mobile 100,000 soldiers and go house to house, building to building in Gaza and confiscate every weapon and tear down every building harboring crew served weapons. Nothing into Gaza except food and medicine, nothing out except for people leaving for another country.
I was very Pro-Palestine before the Intifada. Now I am more Zionist than Ariel Sharon was.
If the Palestinians had invested all of the money given to them in infrastructure instead of weapons, Palestine would be a rich and prosperous nation today.
The notion that the funds belong to Iran. BS.. Those are tax payer dollars - funding Iran.
They're very brave when there are no arms to oppose them. Let's see how courageous they are in the coming days when people are shooting back.
@Rusty, I was thinking along the same lines when I saw a video made by someone looking out a small window well up above street level, presumably an apartment in a high rise building. Down in the street a white pickup truck had a bunch of men in it who were dressed in black and shooting, well, anywhere they could think of to shoot, apparently. In my neighborhood they’d be in a crossfire.
I saw a picture from the music festival. A tent full of the dead. Hundreds dead there.
The terrorists flew in on paragliders; like the winged monkeys in The Wizard of Oz.
Immediately and automatically stopped watching the news. Predictive analytics proves trivial default journalistic response of tilted head/British accent wath a slight brouge proclaiing Kumbiyah and Respect for Third World Cultures.
Over 95% of the water they drink, comes from Israel. Over 95% of the food that they eat, comes from Israel. The problem of the violence can be solved, now that the motivation has been provided.
@ St Croix: Ridiculous. Israel has one of the best armed militaries on the face of the earth. We’ve supplied Israel with nearly $250B in military and non military aid. Stop making things up.
I think the question may be whether Israel will feel the need to retaliate against Iran.
According to my husband, the deplorable, video of the terrorists shows many of them with American military weapons. Why does the stench of Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan in the worst way possible not revolt every American? How is it that we so quickly "moved on" from that debacle?
Soon we'll see the blue-hatted UN peacekeepers show-up. Biden will fund them too.
Israeli left wingers in government spend their time figuring out how to depose Netanyahu rather than securing the country.
Sound familiar?
If we are laying down bets, my bet is that it's a trap laid for Israel by Iran, to draw Israel into a wider war, as Israel's retaliation inflames sentiment in the region and threatens to topple Arab governments if they don't get on the ride side of the issue quickly. Meanwhile, Israel will try to drag us into it with stories, true stories, no doubt, about the defilement of beautiful women. We will all be lucky if nukes don't fly within the month.
WARNING FOLKS.... WITH 13 MILLION ILLEGALS IN THE USA... wanna bet Hamas and other terrorist cells are now active here? We are gonna have another 9/11, guaranteed!!!
Thanks to Biden and the Democrats. It is coming folks!!
Blogger Rich said..."@ St Croix: Ridiculous. Israel has one of the best armed militaries on the face of the earth. We’ve supplied Israel with nearly $250B in military and non military aid. Stop making things "
St. Croix's post is 3 sentences. Which one(s) are made up?
It will be interesting to see how the new media coverage of this evolves. My first experiences from yesterday.
BBC on NPR: How could Israeli intelligence be so incompetent.
NPR non BBC: Israeli intelligence was very noncompetent, but also this was a dramatic move and probably not good.
I await the journo-list left-wing consensus on what is in fact the most politically advantageous position to hold.
It’ll be interesting to see how much “I stand with Israel” and money and military support they get compared to Ukraine. Pretty sure the dichotomy will be stark (yet ignored or dismissed by the news).
Blogger Rich said...
@ St Croix: Ridiculous.
Can you point to one thing in St. Croix's comment that isn't true?
Was it the part about Biden unlocking $6 billion to Iran? Because it happens.
Or was it the part about Hamas murdering innocent Jews in Israel? Do you deny the events of yesterday or are you one of those that don't consider the Jews in Israel to be innocent. I think attending a peace rally is a pretty good indication that those particular people were innocent. I'm thinking you are blaming the Jews, Rich.
I've asked this question elsewhere, with no real response:
The US and allies bombed civilians during WWII(Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo). That was okay, according to our leaders and most Americans.
During both the Korean and the Vietnam conflict, the US bombed North Korea and North Vietnam. That too was okay, according to our leaders and at least a plurality of Americans.
Israel attacked the USS Liberty for reasons that are still unclear today. I've talked with some Jewish citizens, and asked them a secondary question. Why is it that we need to move on from the Liberty attack, yet the holocaust must never be forgotten or forgiven?
So, why is it okay for Israel to murder civilians, but when the Palestinians start killing people, then it is time to bomb, bomb, away?
As far as I'm concerned, reap what is sowed. In this case, I'm rooting for the Arabs, and I hope that Hezbollah opens a second front. Even better would be if Iran delivers some canisters of "canned sunshine" to the major Israeli cities.
thank god we got rid of Trump!
Do you REALIZE? that IF Trump was president, there would be wars around the globe?
HELL! if Trump was President, there'd probably be a war in the Ukraine and maybe in ISRAEL!!
Thankfully, we have The Peace President, Joe Biden.. And it's ALL Sunshine and Lollypops!
Negotiations are pointless. Palestinians have a large faction irrevocably committed to the elimination of Israel. That faction claims to be indifferent to death, whether of its own people or of Israelis. There will be bloody war.
The world's bad guys will make maximum use of this distraction. Iran has something up its sleeve. So do China and Russia. The Saudis are essential. How much will the Sunnis do to oppose the Shiites?
Israel must require the unconditional surrender of Gaza. The entire Hamas leadership must be surrendered to the Israelis Defense Forces. There must be a war crimes trial. The Hamas Leadership must be very publicly executed.
Alternatively, I would support the tactics the Romans used against Carthage.
Nothing less is acceptable in such circumstances. Do the Israelis have the stomach for it? I hope so.
So nice to see read Rich standing up for Iran. In lock step with Biden’s Iran appeasers.
I heard a report that the HQ of Hamas is in the basement of a hospital. The leaders of Hamas were conveniently in Qatar when the attacks started. They acted surprised.
You cannot co-exist with those who refuse to co-exist with you.
The leftist media in full "It was Israels fault" mode. Israel was wearing a short skirt.
Where President W Bush lost his mind, and the War on Terror, "Religion of Peace" my a$$.
I just wonder if the security fence was cut near the peace rally/rave. This would insure that Hamas could kill/kidnap hundreds without much danger from armed civilians or the Army and without having to go very far into Israel. Also, there would be women there who by their behavior and dress are not protected under Sharia law. "Come on guys, grab some women and run back into Gaza and start raping." It would be an ugly attack on Hamas's own lefty supporters and as such it should be a revelation to the leftys of the West but I predict the View, the Squad & Co. will instead talk about the Palestinians in Gaza. Leftys can't learn; they're in a cult and they can see their own being shot down and raped and go on believing in Hamas just like Jonestown cultists drinking the Kool-Aid
I know there were other attacks but I just wonder if the big numbers of killed/kidnapped will come from this attack on the peace rave.
The Palistinians like to hold loud and raucous public funerals where they carry the caskets through the streets and the streets are completely jammed with people. Seems like the perfect time to drop a few MOABs.
Obamas Iranian staff have run America since Biden installed. It’s no mystery wh Jew hatred rules the Middle East again.
"Rave for Peace." Intelligence agencies somnolent from antipathy to a despised leader. Lack of awareness of enemy planning and movements. Swarming infiltrators among civilian populations.
Sounds an awful lot like the United States. Democrats and their enablers are in a perpetual "Rave for Peace," in blissful obliviousness at the real dangers posed by real enemies while they neurotically pursue imagined enemies. Leaving the borders wide open. Not vetting the millions swarming in, many of them young, military-age men, and eagerly distributing them all over the country.
What could go wrong, huh, Rich? You're clearly not very concerned. Homeland Security surely knows where all of them are, right? Our military can deal many of them, Rich? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? More? Somebody knows, right? Rave on, Dude.
MTG has a bill (or maybe a resolution) to get the serial numbers of the weapons Hamas used. Surely many of them are from Afghanistan courtesy of Biden.
Useless and corrupt FBI and CIA will never take out corrupt Mullahs.
instead- we fund them
AlbertAnonymous said...
It’ll be interesting to see how much “I stand with Israel” and money and military support they get compared to Ukraine.
i'd say it'd be safe to say, that there will be MUCH More "I stand with Palestine" than Israel.
The ONLY People that would support Israel are deplorables that think there should be free speech and thought
ALL correct thinking people (those with the BLM signs in their yards and the Ukraine flag on their profiles) are already calling for "cease fire"
“Today is devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights,” AOC said in a statement.. “An immediate ceasefire and de-escalation is urgently needed to save lives.”
t doesn’t appear Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) has issued a statement as of Saturday night.
Paul said...
It was 11million but we have added 8 million more in the 2+ years
Biden supports corrupt regimes. Biden supports Hamas thru the mad Mullahs or Iran.
LLR-democratical Rich: "@ St Croix: Ridiculous. Israel has one of the best armed militaries on the face of the earth. We’ve supplied Israel with nearly $250B in military and non military aid. Stop making things"
That $250B (approximately) covers 7+ FULL DECADES of aid from the US to Israel starting in 1948 and is in inflation adjusted dollars!
Hey Rich, do you think those Sherman and Patton tanks we provided to Israel in the 50's are still around and are useful to include in this discussion?
Israel has been averaging about $3.5B in aid from the US since 2010. Prior to that it was about $2.5B per year. Not exactly lighting it up in terms military procurement. Which makes sense since the Israeli's usually have to modify/upgrade whatever we sell to them to fit Israeli performance requirements and tactics...and they do since their tech is as good or better than ours in many areas, particularly in that theater of operations.
LLR Rich, like all the Althouse blog LLR-democraticals, couldn't present an honest or contextualized argument to save his life.
Hunting and killing infidels is Mohammed’s command and it is applied to Jews here, but remember it applies more to
Christians. So watch how it’s done. And remember Biden is on their side.
Drill SGT: "Low.
It was 11million but we have added 8 million more in the 2+ years"
Still low.
It's been "officially" 11 million for decades...and after Biden's 3 year run its more like 25 to 30 million.
Where are they?
Good Question.
No Chieu Hoi.
61K "ISA" identified.
Google "ISA".
So, the vast communication snooping capabilities leaked by Snowden are used for anything other than terrorism related.
Too busy hunting tweets, vaccines heretics, podcasters and bloggers I guess.
This was an 9/11 level intelligence failure. IMHO
So, why is it okay for Israel to murder civilians, but when the Palestinians start killing people, then it is time to bomb, bomb, away?
Why do you say Israelis "murder" "civilians", but Palestinians "kill" "people"?
The Palestinians always start it, and the Israelis respond by defending themselves. The best way to avoid Palestinians from being killed is for Palestinians to stop killing Israelis.
Lefties blame Israelis as Peace Festival attendees learn how Palestinian Islamists practice peace.
Meanwhile, Taliban terrorists offer to deploy American ordnance to slaughter Israelis if Iran will grant permission. Many thanks to QuidProJoe.
The Israelis hold raves for peace while the Palestinians conduct terrorist attacks.
I read somewhere that the average IQ of Palestinians is low because they don’t have laws prohibiting cousins from marrying.
Apparently the main target was Supernova Sukkot, where hundreds of young people partied. From reading the ad below, most were likely to be in drugs-induced stupor at the time of attack.
6-7 October 2023
Sukkot Gathering
Dear Tribe of Nova,
We are thrilled and filled with pride and excitement to announce a truly exceptional and unprecedented event that will take place for the very first time in Israel...
The legendary Universo Paralello festival is set to land in our small but vibrant land!
Yes, just as it sounds, the most powerful and meaningful psy trance music festival in one of the most recognized and active psy trance nations, is already making its way here 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
An inseparable part of our continuous and everlasting vision is the creation of groundbreaking events, infused with international standards and filled with a unique lineup.
This time, during the upcoming Sukkot holiday, one of the biggest, most influential, and revered festivals in the world, is coming to Israel. 🌍
This special collaboration with a festival that represents the heart and soul of the Brazilian trance music community, is considered to be one of the largest and most respected international electronic-alternative festival throughout Latin America.
Together with this massive community, which has been built over 23 years, inspiring people globally across continents, the central driving force behind it is a set of fundamental and important human values:
Free love and spirit,
environmental preservation,
appreciation of rare natural values that the festival embodies
Every two years, it spreads the love for exquisite electronic music in all its variations, establishes an authentic connection to the social-artistic ideology, and channels all these elements for empowerment and the dissemination of the trance culture, which emerges as a universal cosmic light from the wild jungle and spreads throughout the world.
It is our great honor to lead one of the three unique pre-festival events taking place worldwide, as we approach the splendid 17th edition of the Universo Paralello festival.
“ In conclusion, although there is a decline in the consanguinity profile in the present compared to previous generation, consanguineous marriages are still a common practice in the Gaza Strip….”
Common practice.
These people are too fucking stupid to learn.
Is the Madison City Council celebrating? Supporting Hamas?
In a way you have to feel for our pathetic LLR-democraticals like Rich, lonejustice, C****, etc.
The foreign policy events over the last 3 years are such a devastating and irrefutable indictment of the moronic democraticals and establishment hacks who spend all their time criminalizing domestic political opposition, that the Rich's and C****'s and lonejustice's really dont know how to twist these events to a democratical rhetorical advantage.
Recall how aggressively these LLR buffoons tried to pretend Biden's hands were tied in Afghanistan.
As the "undeniability" factor increases, expect ever more shameless BS from our LLR Brigade.
Plague Monk at 944. Here is one person's opinion.
Japs, Koreas, Nam - The enemy fought dirty. We fought as needed to win. Also, IMO, our culture was superior, so Darwinian to fight as necessary to win.
To tie to Israel and the goons surrounding Israel...Israel is a superior culture, and they dictate the terms of the fight. I do not agree there can be a 2 state solution, and I think Israel is mistaken in having any non-Jews in Israel.
Just my opinion. I am non-Jewish and do not attend a church, mosque, or synagogue.
Demographics matter. Culture matters.
Remember when there was peace Under Trump and liberals hated it??
Plague Monk: "Israel attacked the USS Liberty for reasons that are still unclear today... In this case, I'm rooting for the Arabs ...."
Because the Liberty attack is morally equivalent to the 9/11 attack by Islamist Arabs? Right? /S
Lefties and their consorts can't think, therefore they can't learn.
Looks like the invasion happened in two waves. There was a well coordinated military attack by organized units, followed by disparate gangs of hoodlums and looters from Gaza.
Israel is viewed as the gold standard on surveillance, human intelligence collection and border security. The Hamas attacks is a unprecedented intelligence and defense failure.
Rich: "@ St Croix: Ridiculous. Israel has one of the best armed militaries on the face of the earth."
How does US funding Israel mitigate Iran funding terrorists? (The US also sends funds to Gaza and Egypt.)
The fist Admin statement:
"We unequivocally condemn the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred," wrote the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs, a diplomatic post opened by the Biden administration when it entered office and restarted relations with the Palestinian government. "We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing."
Quite likely many young people massacred at the Rave party considered themselves opponents of Israel and friends of Palestinians.
“Today is devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights,” AOC said in a statement.
Nope. Don’t punch back. Absorb the hundreds of young people murdered, young girls raped, and grandmothers kidnapped. Whatever you do, don’t punch back.
But you know, if you want a “lasting peace,” there are few things more peaceable than a dead terrorist. Peaceful at last.
Note folks... Hamas did not attack the Capitol of Israel. They attacked towns. Easy undefended towns.
And not a few years ago Muslim prayer rugs were found along the border.
Hamas, North Korea, Iran.. even Putin and Xi could put terrorist cells here with ease. Just fly 'em to Cuba and Cuba flies them to Mexico and they take the train to the border with fake IDs.
People seem obsessed with blaming Iran and Biden "giving" them $6 billion. That money is rightfully Iran's. We froze their assets (aka Stole it) and now we were "Unfreezing" it.
Irans GDP is $360 billion, they dont need another $6 billion to produce a few low-tech missiles.
So why are the Dumbo Republicans and GOPe bringing this up? Easy. They hate Iran and want to get us in another war. "Never miss an opportunity, etc". Go listen to Miss Lindsey or Nikki Haley talk about "destroying Iran". Others just want a stick to beat Biden with.
Its amusing to see how worked up the Bulwark Boys and the Nevertrumpers like Erick Erickson are over this. You'd think that Iranians were marching accross our open Southern border and getting refugee status. Oh wait, they would be OK with that.
@Rich - Texas we say F.A.F.O. Another way to say it is “don’t start none, won’t be none”. If my neighbor shoots just one rocket at my house, I am going next door to ensure it can never, ever happen again. The Japanese and Germans F.A.‘ed, and F.O.‘ed. I suspect that Hamas is about to get the same. If the Palestinians knock that shit off, there is peace. If the Israelis stop, they soon don’t exist. I suppose you would cheer for the Sioux if they raided Rapid City. Their grievances are scarcely older than those of the Palestinians.
'I've always wondered how Israel has all these raves and concerts and things, considering,....'
Same could be said for Ukraine.
'If I ran Israel, I would mobile 100,000 soldiers and go house to house, building to building in Gaza and confiscate every weapon and tear down every building harboring crew served weapons. Nothing into Gaza except food and medicine, nothing out except for people leaving for another country.'
The Palestinian 'fighters' are not soldiers under any convention. The Israelis should set up a war crimes commission a la Nuremberg. Try the terrorists and shoot them in public and on national television. The trials to last an hour maximum.
'But this will only turn little Mohammed into a terrorist when he grows up,' liberals reflexively chant. Who fucking cares.
Security - Another complex system that won't survive the competency crisis.
This is the tweet from warmonger Romney:
"Horrific attacks on Israelis by Iran-backed Hamas. Vile, inhumane brutality once again descends on a peaceful nation. We stand wholeheartedly with Israel and support its right to defend itself."
Iran-backed Hamas. is the key here. Stirring up hate against Iran.
Meanwhile Nikki Haley says:
“Israel is the front line of defense for the Iranian regime and terrorists that want to hurt us and want to hurt our friends and we need to be honest with the American people about that,” she added later.
Again, notice the focus and hate toward Iran.
These neo-con desk warriors want to get us ready for another war. This time with Iran.
It was 11million but we have added 8 million more in the 2+ years
Short comment: It's a hell of a lot more than that. Longer comment below.
The 11 million number that was being floated around by CATO and FAIR in 2017 was a low ball estimate even then. I think it's reasonable to discount any GOA numbers since their figures were 2 million illegals in 2014 I've seen estimates of 20 to 30 million from that date athough I think that was high. The 8 million, and still counting, number is probably on the low side also. 30 million at present or in the near future could be a close count.
Per FAIR's accounting the net drain on the American taxpayers was well over 100 billion per year. CATO's number was about half of that, but their method of coming up that were dodgy at best. (Anchor babies and their extended families who received benefits, 50 billion, weren't counted by CATO). Neither figure takes civic costs into account. Also the massive wave we are seeing now is costlier than previous. Just ask the sanctuary city mayors.
We could well be looking at a $400+ billion per year price tag. And the civil costs are going to be immense given the rapidity of the growth in illegals at a time there is already civil unrest. Then take the national security interests into account.
Sorry for going OT, but I think that even the the loudest voices decrying what is happening at the southern border are underestimating the damage being done to the country.
rcocean said: These neo-con desk warriors want to get us ready for another war. This time with Iran.
Biden gave them 6 billion so it could be a fair fight.
Israeli intelligence was focused on unseating Netanyahu rather than Hamas. Israeli leftists protested Netanyahu's court overhaul by refusing to participate in required military training.The Biden administration gave itself waivers to allow millions to flow to Palestine despite knowing it would fund terrorism.Now these same leftists feign shock that the obvious happened.
Listening to interviews of Palestinians it is clear wiping out the entire country is the only hope for peace.As the bombs drop around them they glory in their fanaticism.These are not people who can be reasoned with.Hopefully Israeli does not bow to international and US pressure go easy on these terrorists.
HOW DID THE PALESTINIANS PULL OFF SUCH A MAJOR ATTACK WITHOUT ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES FINDING OUT? Possibly because the agencies were too busy organizing protests against Netanyahu to do their jobs.
“I read somewhere that the average IQ of Palestinians is low because they don’t have laws prohibiting cousins from marrying.”
This talk of low and high IQs is so counterproductive. If you belong to the group that is said to have low IQs then what’s the best way to insure that your children do well? Answer: kill all the people in the group that is said to have high IQs.
It’s such nonsense.
Watch how this will be used to crack down on "misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation".
'Never let a crisis go to waste.' NLACGTW
Plague Rat ( monk) seems to want to play the what about game here. The liberty attack was bad - but let’s be frank - it was an intelligence ship spying on Israel and it was in the middle of a war. There is the small matter of torpedo boats approaching and being fired on by the liberty too before the air attack. It was a mistake - and Israel apologized and paid blood money for the dead. That’s less than St Obama did when he murdered American civilians in Yemen.
Good to know that we have a terrorist supporter here from Hezbollah too.
I’m a gathering from some of the top minds in here that
Trump’s demented fat ass and his corrupt crime family would have totally prevented this.
Or at the very least, like in Saudi Arabia, they could have put a few billion more in their pockets.
In the 1984 Robert Mitchum movie The Ambassador PLO terrorists attacked a "peace and unity" festival in Israel. I do so hate when movie plots of the most horrific thing that writers can come up with are used as actual plans for the real world.
"Sorry for going OT, but I think that even the the loudest voices decrying what is happening at the southern border are underestimating the damage being done to the country."
Thanks for saying it. Astounding how these tough guy Globalists are so concerned about Israel's border or Ukraine's Border and so unconerned about the USA's borders.
For Globalists like Nikki Haley, Romney, Miss Lindsey, and the Bush family, The USA seems to exist to protect foreign countries and recieve their unwanted surplus population. Hey,you got some poor people, some idiots, some crimials - ship 'em to the USA. We'll take 'em and pay for 'em.
Mark my words, if we invade Iran, and wreck that country, people like Nikki Haley and Romney will be demanding we take a couple million Iranian refugees, because they're poor sad folks who need a break.
McCain was the biggest supporter for Muslim immigration AND wars in the middle east. Bush loved our getting involved in the Syrian Civil war, and ALSO demanded Europe take millions of syrian refugees caused by that same war. Bush used 911 to whip everyone up into invading Iraq, and then in 2021 he used 911 to attack Trump suporters as domestic terrorists
Althouse comment section is better and different from others.
I can tell you that on Twitter or many other places, any discussion of Israel, Iran, and terror attacks turns into a shit show with people blaming trump, blaming biden, talking about "killing them Muzzies yeehaw" and slanging insults back and forth. And of course, dumb conspiracy theories.
I shudder to think what the more trashy conservative inc. sites are like now.
TeaBag - Who is president right now? Got a clue? oh why it's the inept and corrupt Biden Crime family.
War and decline, at your service.
I hope the Israelis have the nerve to visit a full measure of Old Testament wrath on their enemies. Anything less will merely put off another attack. One cannot declare peace unless the other side agrees, and Hamas and their sponsor, Iran, have continually and unequivocally made it clear that they have no interest in peace until the big Satan, USA, and the little Satan, Israel are defeated. Elie Wiesel said one lesson he learned from the holocaust was that when people tell you they are going to kill you, believe them.
Blogger TeaBagHag said...
I’m a gathering from some of the top minds in here that
Trump’s demented fat ass and his corrupt crime family would have totally prevented this.
Problem is, and you know it, Trump's demented fat ass DID prevent these things. Biden CAUSED both Ukraine and now Israel. Evil Dumbass Shitheads.
It was the loud rave music that provoked it. I have never heard of Brazilian trance music, so that's an interesting twist.
Some of the MSNBC experts--notably treasoneer Brennan--can hardly contain their glee at the massive intel failure.
One good thing to come out of this, and the Althouse comments, is that the cockroaches and cockroach-lovers come into the light.
The Isrealis have the stark choice of exterminate or be exterminated. And the Samson card is in the deck.
there will be no peace
when hamas/hezbollah thrive
wake the fuck up, world!
she teabaggin’
she teabaggin’
the hag is teabaggin’
she teabaggin’
Israel is viewed as the gold standard on surveillance, human intelligence collection and border security. The Hamas attacks is a unprecedented intelligence and defense failure.
Yes Rich. I agree with you.
That is because the entrenched leftists in Israeli government are more focused on deposing Netanyahu than they are on defending the State.
Sound familiar?
TeaBagHag - I am no Trump lover. Fuck off.
Good thing we let in all these ready made soldiers, aint that right TeabBaghag?
You so smart
The news is all about how people feel, unlike Ukraine, where it's about blowing stuff up.
The Jewish Spring.
Scott Adams says ‘Israel is about to get a lot larger.’
I don’t know how you do that, without resorting to some very unsavory measures, final solution type deal.
"Waiting for a response from the Biden Administration"
He's responded multiple times on X. You know, that evil man Elon Musk's platform that's just for the Proud Boys, Nazis and Klan members. Ilhan Omar did too and was instantly mocked with some community did something. People were brutal. I figure that's why that post of hers has now disappeared.
Biden's 6 billion. Obama's 100 billion in disputed Iranian funds. Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Obama's catastrophic withdrawal from Iraq that precipitated the second Iraq war and world Spring series, a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform in progress.
I can feel your pain, Teabagger- glad I don't have live down voting for President Shit-for-his Brains Biden.
"The left will condemn Israel regardless of its response."
Israel has made it crystal clear that this time, they just don't give a fuck. Nor should they. And they just as clearly communicated to the inhabitants of Gaza to get out of the way because they are coming to completely destroy Humas.
TeaBagHag said...
"I’m a gathering from some of the top minds in here that
Trump’s demented fat ass and his corrupt crime family would have totally prevented this.
Or at the very least, like in Saudi Arabia, they could have put a few billion more in their pockets."
You gather right... Trump would have stopped it... Biden, on the other hand, released 6 Billion to Iran the Hamas financier... just weeks before the attacks. But Biden did get his 10% with the help of his front man, Hunter.
This past January I was with a tour group that went to Israel. I doubt anyone can really know what's going on there until you have actually been there. The difference between the country of Israel and the land governed by the Palestinian Authority is like day and night. To get to Bethlehem you have to go through a check point and no Israeli citizens are allowed through. ("Dangerous to your lives.") Our bus driver was a Muslim Israeli citizen. We asked why he could drive through but no one ever gave us an answer. We also had to get checked on the way out. The areas ruled by the PA were full of TRASH. People just threw out papers, garbage, etc. I took pictures so I could show them to the naysayers.
We could only drive through Jericho because our guide told us that it was too dangerous to stop. And yes, more trash. The only well kept areas were the tourist areas that brought in tourist dollars. The fact that those places can't even take care of their trash told me a lot about how they conduct other aspects of their lives. Run down buildings all over and rusted out vehicles. A friend said to me that it's because the Israelis are so mean to them. I didn't want to get into it because she listens only to the MSM. I think it's because the "rulers" want what's on the other side of the fence so why bother taking care of what they do have. Keep their "constituents" riled up. God told the Israelites when they were exiled to Babylon to settle down and prosper. The Palestinians don't want to do that.
I think Israel is mistaken in having any non-Jews in Israel.
Oh, I dunno. I think Israel would do quite well with Christians, most Buddhists, Shintos, atheists...
Are we allowed to notice - again - that murderous attacks on civilians seem to be the stock in trade of only one significant radical group? Or do we need to learn that lesson again ourselves?
OK, the "big guy" did make a statement at 8 p.m. Saturday Eastern, so I missed it. Not getting much coverage. Today he has committed military support to Israel. Obama and Hillary have still said nothing. Iran says they support everything Hamas is doing; Blinken says he's not sure Iran is behind the specific events, but they have certainly supported Hamas over the years. Er, with U.S. money? Did the Biden Administration have a master plan to support Iran and "correct the balance" after the Abraham Accords gave the Saudis a lot of what they wanted? Has the Biden Administration re-introduced "Palestine" issues into relations between Israel and actual sovereign nations, and in that way made things worse instead of better?
Trump's alleged screw-ups, actual matter-of-fact one might say cold and reasonable decisions: move the Embassy to Jerusalem, make Soleimani no longer exist. Peace. Biden's actual screw-ups: what we see in the news.
People find Trump unacceptable partly for his coarse, stupid bragging. Bidenistas have been bragging in recent days that they have achieved peace in the Middle East.
Biden says he's going to build a wall; I admit I didn't see that one coming. I'm sticking to my prediction he's going to get American boots on the ground in Ukraine, and I don't think it's out of the question he'll have some kind of selective draft to make sure someone can operate the equipment that is being given to Ukraine--and I guess in some cases being sold to Iran/Hamas. Except for Viet Nam, which Biden might remember on a good day, the country has tended to rally behind a war leader, regardless of previous mistakes.
So, is is OK to criticize Islam now?
Is it OK to draw Muhammad now?
RigelDog said...
How is it that we so quickly "moved on" from that debacle?
"We" haven't. Only the left.
@St Croix:
100% correct
"If the Palestinians had invested all of the money given to them in infrastructure instead of weapons, Palestine would be a rich and prosperous nation today."
Absolutely. They're on the Mediterranean. Seafood doesn't come fresher than that. But when you teaching your children to hate as soon as they are toddlers, that's what happens. A segment of the Black population in America does that too.
"Soon we'll see the blue-hatted UN peacekeepers show-up."
They have no other choice. Those little Palestinian kids aren't just going to up and fuck themselves.
rhhardin said...
Shooting women is traditionally meant to humiliate the men.
I don't believe that's correct as it "traditionally" has had the effect of inraging the men.
It's aimed at the other women who are usually >50% and easily intimidated, rather placating the enemy than engaging them with appropriate response which, ironically, is designed to eliminate the threat to them.
@Oso ****
"History has recorded who fired the first shot. In the long run, however, all that will matter is who fired the last shot." ~ FDR
What kind of nihilistic knuckleheads would even contemplate shutting down the US government for 5 minutes in a world like this?
Even terrorist is now a misnomer for Hamas. It does not aim to terrorize, it aims destroy. Forget fear: their goal is genocide.
Did none of the Palestinian placaters learn anything from all those exposes of the Palestinians faking fire fights and wounded? They are and have always been, liars for jihad.
@Plague Monk
Easy to make a biased point when you leave out an entire half of the context.
@ Hombre: The funding does not go to Iranian hands. It goes to approved third-party vendors who provide humanitarian support.
What happened to all those gorgeous Israeli girls.........with rifles slung around their shoulders???
BTW, Gahrie, I remember when you used to be very pro-Palestinian - seems to me we argued about it once, though I was (and am) ill equipped for that argument. What changed?
traditionalguy said...
Hunting and killing infidels is Mohammed’s command and it is applied to Jews here, but remember it applies more to Christians.
Dude, I'm atheist. Guess which side I'm on?
On this blog, Crack and I and a few others are the number one targets. We're KOS.
What about this? "There's no way in the world that anyone can approach the border (Israeli border) without us knowing about it."
There was a failure, no matter how you want to look at it.
@ Gahrie
Food and medicine is more than I would allow in, and I'd cut off the water supply as well. They've already cut off electricity and fuel, which is a good start. War is hell.
Paul said...
Depends on where in the country. Where I'm at there's hardly a grown male who doesn't have multiple pistols and rifles and boxes of ammo.
Keep in mind, these guys enjoy shooting tin cans at 100 yards for fun on the weekends and as of recently, quite a few have reloading and bullet making machinery,
Oh, just to sign off on this...
This is partly why we have the 2nd amendment. Guarantee, even at a 'peace rave' many attendees would have concealed carry.
The Hamas attack is a template for what sleepers among the illegals here could do.
It is also s template for what MAGAs could do against a blue regime.
Small teams, barely coordinated, could raid blue territory where the people aren’t armed and the authorities aren’t looking for this kind of threat.
Rinse, repeat.
The difference is that the red guys don’t come from a fenced in territory like Gaza. It’s more like the blues are fenced in to small areas.
Of course the MAGAs dont have a tradition of suicide operations. But that could change if the economy and political situation get worse.
Plus they’re more agile than the blue authorities, so most of their raids wont be suicide ops.
As far as I'm concerned, reap what is sowed. In this case, I'm rooting for the Arabs, and I hope that Hezbollah opens a second front. Even better would be if Iran delivers some canisters of "canned sunshine" to the major Israeli cities.
Well, there you have it.
I love it when the fifth column comes out for all to see.
TeaBagger: "I’m a gathering from some of the top minds in here that
Trump’s demented fat ass and his corrupt crime family would have totally prevented this."
Yeah! Remember how Russia invaded Ukraine and Hamas attacked Israel exactly like this on Trump's watch? How about 10 million new illegals? Remember them? Me neither!
Lefty dementia creates mind gaps to avoid cognitive dissonance, the only other alternative.
Or at the very least, like in Saudi Arabia, they could have put a few billion more in their pockets.
Read a headline in the NYT or WaPo did ya? Or more likely something someone said on facebook. Ignorance is never a good look, but you do you.
Plague Monk said...
"Israel attacked the USS Liberty for reasons that are still unclear today. I've talked with some Jewish citizens, and asked them a secondary question. Why is it that we need to move on from the Liberty attack, yet the holocaust must never be forgotten or forgiven?
So, why is it okay for Israel to murder civilians, but when the Palestinians start killing people, then it is time to bomb, bomb, away?:
Stop being a apologist for terrorists. Haven't you seen the news about this Hamas terrorist attack? THEY SPECIFICALLY TARGETED CIVILIANS! That is a war crime. Unfortunately civilians are often killed during war but Israel has never specifically targeted civilians. They were unfortunate collateral damage. Even now, Israel is sending text alerts to civilians to get away from suspected Hamas sites and doing "roof knock" flash bang grenades on the top of Hamas buildings that are scheduled for destruction. Name me one government on the planet that would go to such lengths to minimize civilian deaths during a time of war....just one.
"Two subsequent Israeli inquiry reports and a historical report concluded the attack was conducted because Liberty was confused with an Egyptian vessel and because of failures in communications between Israel and the U.S."
That doesn't sound "unclear" to me.,between%20Israel%20and%20the%20U.S.
I’m a gathering from some of the top minds in here that Trump’s demented fat ass and his corrupt crime family would have totally prevented this.
Maybe you could provide links to the Hamas attacks that occurred during Trump's four years as President.
rcocean: 'People seem obsessed with blaming Iran and Biden "giving" them $6 billion. That money is rightfully Iran's... Iran's GDP is $360 billion, they don't need....'
Hamas's GDP considerably less than $360 billion and they rule Gaza. Both Iran and the Biden administration fund them. And you can't seriously contend that a $6 billion offset has no value to Iran's sponsorship of terrorists, including Hamas.
Next you'll tell us that "Death to Israel," "Death to USA" chants in Tehran are just harmless sloganeering.
As usual, Victor Davis Hanson is illuminating:
There's a lot in here, but as to motivations, "Iran likely was the driving force to prompt the war—given its greatest fear is a Sunni Arab-Israeli rapprochement.". Hopefully, the Sunni-Arabs see this as a reason to move forward, not retreat.
And there's a recitation of the despicable behavior of the Biden administration.
rcocean: 'People seem obsessed with blaming Iran and Biden "giving" them $6 billion. That money is rightfully Iran's... Iran's GDP is $360 billion, they don't need....'
Hamas's GDP considerably less than $360 billion and they rule Gaza. Both Iran and the Biden administration fund them. And you can't seriously contend that a $6 billion offset has no value to Iran's sponsorship of terrorists, including Hamas.
Next you'll tell us that "Death to Israel," "Death to USA" chants in Tehran are just harmless sloganeering.
Things seemed to be better before Biden flooded the world with weapons and stopped enforcing our border and spent trillions on lefty pipe dreams.
"Because the Liberty attack is morally equivalent to the 9/11 attack by Islamist Arabs? Right?"
Well, no. The attack on the Liberty was carried out by the Israeli Air Force, presumably on the instructions of the Israeli government.
So here's my solution: There are about 2 million people living in Gaza, and they are governed by (and support, willingly or otherwise) a terrorist organization. Israel provides the water they drink, the food they eat, etc.
Israel should announce, after order is "restored", that it will close its border with Gaza -- completely. Gazans who work in Israel will no longer be allowed to do so. Israel will terminate water and other public utilities to Gaza over a period of (say) several weeks).
Meanwhile, Israel (in cooperation with Egypt if possible) will invite Muslim countries to "rescue" Palestinians from Gaza. Any Gazans who are not rescued by their fellow Muslims, will (I assume) go straight to Paradise -- as did Jews and Christians raped tortured and murdered by Hamas.
Then Gaza should be plowed under and opened to settlement by Jews or any non-Jews who acknowledge the area as Jewish territory.
TeaBagHag said...
You gather wrong.
Sit back and pay attention. You might learn something.
Interesting how the prog trolls are just throwing in comments that pretend to be responsive to commenters but really have nothing to do with the comments. There was Rich, that called St. Croix ridiculous despite everything St. Croix wrote being vetted and nothing Rich wrote having to do with St. Croix's facts.
Then TeaBagHag, only 3 people mentioned Trump and all talked about how the conventional wisdom was he had to go to prevent wars. The reality is wars were not started under Trump, but we now have a second with Biden around. In this case, Biden funded Iran who funded Hamas that just started a war. So how is Biden an improvement?
Stirring up hate against Iran.
Oh, I'm way ahead of you. I have despised the Mullah's since they took power. So have many Iranians.
Rcocean wrote: “Again, notice the focus and hate toward Iran.”
What exactly is there to love about Iran? Their theocratic government has been our enemy since 1979. They routinely chant “Death to America.” Just because Obama’s live-in chief of staff had the hots for Iran doesn’t mean we should. Do you?
I’m a gathering from teabaghag that
Biden’s demented brain a corporeal husk and his corrupt crime family would have totally prevented this.
Or at the very least, like in the Ukraine, they could have put a few billion more in their pockets.
to get the serial numbers of the weapons Hamas used.
Could be interesting. That said, many countries manufacture M4 knockoffs, including Iran and China. AR pattern rifles are quite popular.
"I’m a gathering from some of the top minds in here that
Trump’s demented fat ass and his corrupt crime family would have totally prevented this."
Face it, TeaBagHag, your guy financed this attack down to the last nickel. It could be on account of his epic stupidity or his National Socialist tendencies, but the likelihood is both.
Oligonicella said...
Paul said...
"Depends on where in the country. Where I'm at there's hardly a grown male who doesn't have multiple pistols and rifles and boxes of ammo.
Keep in mind, these guys enjoy shooting tin cans at 100 yards for fun on the weekends and as of recently, quite a few have reloading and bullet making machinery"
Yea.. I live in Texas and am one of those folks... but lots of people live in NY, California, Massachusetts, and other blue places and will be just easy pickings.
Just because Obama’s live-in chief of staff had the hots for Iran doesn’t mean we should. Do you?”
Valerie Jarret, Iranian apologist extraordinaire. Does she still work for Obama’s shadow government?
VDH has an excellent summary and history.
Israel, Our White-House Absurdities, and the Left’s Empire of Lies
and here
A 50th Anniversary War?
Blogger madAsHell said...
What happened to all those gorgeous Israeli girls.........with rifles slung around their shoulders???
I saw them in Jerusalem in January. They are probably still there on high alert.
Here you go, TeaBagHag. Learn something.
How Biden (and Obama) helped fund this terror.
By abducting over 100 people into Gaza, Hamas has put Netanyahu in a political bind .
Netanyahu can always ask Trump for advice on this matter, after all Trump released 5000 Taliban.
Here you go, TeaBagHag. Learn something.
How Biden (and Obama) helped fund this terror.
BTW, Gahrie, I remember when you used to be very pro-Palestinian - seems to me we argued about it once, though I was (and am) ill equipped for that argument. What changed?
The Intifada. If the Palestinians had simply sat in the streets and sang protest songs, a free Palestine would exist today. The sad fact is that the Palestinians hate the Israelis more than they love their own children, and never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. I have accepted that the Palestinians will never accept a two-state solution.
I Second the Motion made by The Godfather at 5:19.
“This really should be the end of the gun control debate in the United States”. @RandyBarnett on C
Never heard the word fungible, have you, Rich?
"What exactly is there to love about Iran?"
That's easy. Ghorma sabzi over Persian rice. Google it. You're welcome.
What exactly is there to love about Iran?
This is what gets me about Americans. You DO live in the USA, don't you?
Unlike you, evidently, I realize I live in the USA. And Iran is 7000 miles away. Until the Iranian revolution we had no beef with Iran. Lets see 1776 to 1979, thats what, 200 years. Its a small pissant country with a GDP Of $360 billion. that's 1/3 of our Defense Budget.
I don't live in Israel. I don't live in Iran. I don't live in the Middle east. i'm not jewish and I'm not muslim. The Iranians aren't my enemy. If you, or anyone else, hates them so much, pick up an M16 and go fight them. Go join the IDF. But leave me alone.
Look, some Americans just like war. And stomping up and down and yelling about "Those damn Muslims" or "those damn Russkies". And crying big fake tears about "The poor Israelis" amd
"those poor Ukrainians" who they've never met.
Well, if it floats your boat, go for it. Just don't drag ME into another Goddamn useless war with thousands of Americans dead and trillions of wasted dollars. And millions of middle eastern "translators" who we have to let into the USA. Go get your kicks elsewhere. Go play a game of risk, or some computer game where you can kill Muzzies by the hundreds.
BTW, do you realize that Israel has killed more American servicemen then Iran?
I remember when Arafat was expelled from Lebanon, and was allowed to live, along with 10,000 of his military. Here's hoping unconditional surrender is the end goal of Israel going forward.
WaPo reports:
More than 123,500 Palestinians have been displaced in Gaza because of the conflict, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said Sunday, with at least 73,500 sheltering in dozens of schools. The organization also warned that access to clean water has been compromised and that the Gaza Strip could “run out of fuel within days.”
More than 2 million people are living in Gaza, many enduring humanitarian nightmares, because its airspace, borders, and sea are under Israeli control. Israel says the heavy restrictions on trade and movement are needed to keep Hamas from enhancing its military capability, but the international community has sent billions of dollars in humanitarian aid, with Israeli cooperation, to the Gaza Strip, which frees Hamas to collect taxes for the personal benefit of autocratic billionaire Palestinian leaders and to build weapons of war inside the Strip. Meanwhile, those mean-old Israelis employ more than 60,000 Gaza residents.
But the so-called Palestinian Refugees did not number in the millions in 1948 when refugee population estimates ranged in the low hundreds of thousands. So we are looking at Arab Muslims punishing supposed abominable Jews while attempting to steal economic benefits that would be far easier to get if said refugees chose to live in surrounding oil-rich countries in need of workers. Ending permanent 30% unemployment would be good, so perhaps we can get DeSantis and Abbott to fly some folks from Gaza to Riyadh. And I understand that Putin is looking for men to work in the Wagner Group, while Ukraine is looking for volunteers for its Territorial Defense Forces.
Best example yet for the second amendment. How wise of our founding fathers!
Precious wisdom.
If war crime trials do not follow, with executions of the guilty, the Israelis will have failed and lost this war.
gadfly - They can have their state anytime they want. They want terror and victimhood. Just like you.
Pague Monk said:
"As far as I'm concerned, reap what is sowed. In this case, I'm rooting for the Arabs, and I hope that Hezbollah opens a second front. Even better would be if Iran delivers some canisters of "canned sunshine" to the major Israeli cities."
Ms. Althouse, are you really going to let someone advocate genocide against Israeli Jews here on your blog?
Anyone notice the black Hamas terrorists?
Must be Boko Haram types.
Surely THEY don't have beefs with the Israelis about borders or "stolen land."
They're just garden variety sub-human savages. Islam seems to have a lot of those.
Blogger I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
"gadfly - They can have their state anytime they want. They want terror and victimhood. Just like you."
They have a state. It's called Gaza. It's not my fault they turned into a shithole.
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