৩০ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩

Sunrise — 7:20, 7:37.

IMG_4061 2

IMG_4063 2

৩৪টি মন্তব্য:

Lem Vibe Banditory বলেছেন...

Wouldn’t it be a hoot if trying to put Trump in jail for daring to question his “loss” winds up unsettling the hornets nest enough to trigger a look once and for all and discover what everyone says could not true, because they know a conspiracy theory when they hear it.

YouTube : Biden won fair and square

gilbar বলেছেন...

Zelenskyy aide on corruption in Ukraine: 'People are stealing like there's no tomorrow'
TIME senior correspondent Simon Shuster wrote about his experience following Zelenskyy and his team back to Ukraine after they visited the U.S. in September to appeal for aid, noting in Washington they had faced "insistent calls for Zelensky to fight corruption inside his own government, and the fading enthusiasm for a war with no end in sight."

Hard to imagine? Isn't it? The Most Corrupt Country, on Earth; is SO corrupt, that their only comparison is Joe Biden.. Who works for them

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

The new Jimmy Buffett song Bubbles Up is truly a gift. It's obvious that Jimmy wrote it as his farewell. I cried listening to it.


Mutaman বলেছেন...

Remember those long ago halcyon days when Professor Althouse and Dave Begley were actually taking Vivek Ramaswamy seriously.

Lem Vibe Banditory বলেছেন...

Pass the pastiche

the Wuhan Petri dish

No justice no peace

Jamie বলেছেন...

When I was younger (and I'll admit, I am kinaesthetically challenged - boy, am I bad at sports), I couldn't really feel much difference between squats and lunges.

But I feel them now! And don't get me started on how much I hate to do any kind of pushup. But I'm trying to force myself, so I am not chairbound when I'm old.

Damn it, now I have to get out of bed and do a minimum number of lame half pushups.

Jamie বলেছেন...

And where are the stone masons from in that area? The stone walls in Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia were apparently built by Italian immigrants, drystone, with each mason putting his own stamp on the style. These are not exactly the same in construction so I'm wondering if they're from a different tradition.

Gospace বলেছেন...

For reasons, later this morning should be an exciting time at work. Makes me grateful for two things- I work 1600-2400, by myself, and TUE-WED is my weekend.

The powers that be have been made aware of a threat a coworker made... who works TUE-SAT day shift.

I really don't want to be around.

But that does bring up a question about the term "coworker". If you work by yourself, and only see your coworkers for minutes at a time, coming and going, are they really your coworkers? Or just people working at the same place?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Netanyahu's Holy war: Israeli PM quotes the Bible and says 'this is a time for war'

Been there/Done that:

Don't You Know? (The Terrorist Song)

Red, White, And Blue

Hoin' For George

Catch Your Breath

wendybar বলেছেন...

"Crime stories like this cry out for public attention, anger, and action. However, if they do not involve a gun or racism by “white supremacists” or “right-wing extremists,” they are rarely reported as national news. That is because these stories do not promote a “woke” narrative that helps Democrats win elections.

That is why this crime story was reported only in local New York media, and only for two days. I learned of it only because I was driving into the city for a wedding on the day Jones was arrested."


Lucien বলেছেন...

Listening to Tony Evers interviewed on Slate’s “Political Gabfest” I heard him talk about people with “AK 70s, or “AR 45s”; and I was reminded of how sick I am of Democrats virtue signaling by feigning ignorance of firearms (although for the Sheila Jackson Lee types the ignorance is genuine). The same phenomenon occurs on the right with a pretense of anti-intellectualism: saying “eye-raq” and “eye-ran”, but not “eye-taly”; struggling to pronounce “Volodymir”; and mocking John Kerry for speaking French.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"If she wasn't before, Jillary now appears to wear the crown as the Kingpin of the Biden Crime Family."


Enigma বলেছেন...

@wendybar: That is why this crime story was reported only in local New York media

Crime by race stats are fully known by statist politicians and quasi-state media firms. If they reported accurately they'd lose on the issues, deeply frighten people per their long-term ineffective management, and cause a rise in respect for personal responsibility (which literally contradicts their business models). Many sources indeed offer propaganda supported through lies by omission. This was also routine prior to the Web and breakdown on network media control, so be grateful for that.

Find balanced media sources -- work to find them because you must.

@Lucien: The same phenomenon occurs

Yeah, for sure. I spent a very long time trying to explain opposing viewpoints across traditional party lines. I then concluded "There are none so blind as those who will not see." And "Pride goes before destruction." Social bubbles and cliques lead to self-satisfied correctness and importance.

Find these folks. Rub their noses in it. Do not stop.

lonejustice বলেছেন...

Beautiful stone wall. I like how its colors blend in with the fall foliage.

Mr. Forward বলেছেন...

If I remember correctly the rocks in that beautiful wall were delivered by glacier then some what later hand picked by a beloved professors geology students. The construction was most likely done by skilled semi-literate workmen with an accent who's children may have been among those students.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Good to know our tax payer billions and billions are funding Zelinski's inner circle's mansions and fancy cars.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Mike Munger takes down bitcoin anonymity - they're not anonymous, they're pseudonymous. Easy to track. That's the reason drug dealers use cash.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Hi Lem -

Request--> Will you please re-post that link above? I clicked on it and it worked at first.
Now link goes to a lab leak link.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

California Democrats Disarm Synagogues (Lawrence Person's Battleswarm Blog)

"Here’s a story I missed from September that takes on an even more sinister cast in retrospect.

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of a new Second Amendment lawsuit challenging multiple parts of California SB2, which unilaterally declares numerous locations as “sensitive places” where California will now ban the carry of firearms by licensed, law-abiding Californians. The complaint in Carralero v. Bonta can be viewed at FPCLegal.org.

“SB2 restricts where persons with licenses to carry a concealed weapon may legally exercise their constitutional right to wear, carry, or transport firearms. And it does so in ways that are fundamentally inconsistent with the Second Amendment and the Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen,” argues the complaint. “The Second Amendment does not tolerate these restrictions. This Court should enter judgment enjoining their enforcement and declaring them unconstitutional.”

“With Gov. Newsom’s signing of SB2 today, California continues to exhibit its disdain for the rights of Californians, the U.S. Constitution, and the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision,” said Cody J. Wisniewski, FPC Action Foundation’s General Counsel and Vice President of Legal, and FPC’s counsel. “Unfortunately for California, and contrary to Governor Newsom’s misguided statements, the state does not have the power to unilaterally overrule individual rights and constitutional protections. Fortunately, courts across the nation have already struck down laws just like SB2, and we expect the same result here.”

FPC is joined in this lawsuit by three individuals, Orange County Gun Owners, San Diego County Gun Owners, and California Gun Rights Foundation.

If Democrats actually revered the Supreme Court as much as they claim to, Bruen would have ended their attempts to pass Second Amendment infringing legislation. But the goal of disarming the civilian population is only slightly less sacred a Democratic Party cause than taxpayer-funded abortions. So they soldier on trying to thwart the Constitution.

Here is the relevant text of SB2.

This bill would remove those exemptions, except as specified. The bill would make it a crime to bring an unloaded firearm into, or upon the grounds of, any residence of the Governor, any other constitutional officer, or Member of the Legislature. The bill would also prohibit a licensee from carrying a firearm to specified locations, including, among other places, a building designated for a court proceeding and a place of worship, as defined, with specific exceptions. By expanding the scope of an existing crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

Well, it’s not like any particular houses of worship are under particular threats from particular terrorist organizations, now is it?

More at the link.

Lem Vibe Banditory বলেছেন...

Now link goes to a lab leak link.

You don’t 👀 what I did there?

The same people who said the lab was a conspiracy theory… also say the stolen election is a conspiracy theory.

You see?

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Hey Rebel

Thanks so much for posting that Buffett link.

I had tears streaming, watching the video. It moved me deeply. The people who did that video turned it into a tribute to his life. The more you know Jimmy Buffett's music, the more you will get out of that video. You'll see references to song after song after song. Absolute must for parrot heads. Thanks again.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mutaman out of sorts now that all the masks are off and the New Soviet Democratical - islamic supremcist/7th Century Death Cult alliance is in full view for all to see.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Muslim Democrats give Biden ultimatum: Israel ceasefire by 5 or battleground states turn 'red'

"reside," the group also said.

More than 4.4 million Muslims live in the U.S., making up 1.3% of the population, according to the 2020 U.S. Religion Census conducted by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies.

The council's letter only refers to Israel one time, stating: "We pledge to mobilize Muslim, Arab, and allied voters to withhold endorsement, support, or votes for any candidate who did not advocate for a ceasefire and endorse the Israeli offensive against the Palestinian people."

The letter does not mention Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, nor how the latest battle began when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel on Oct. 7, killing more than 1,400 people, including at least 31 U.S. citizens, and taking more than 200 people hostage.

It is highly unlikely a ceasefire will occur any time soon. On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "Calls for a ceasefire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen."

My take: if their followers vote red, it won't be for Trump or any other (R) candidate; it'll be for some other inconsequential candidate and will have a negligible effect on most, if not all, (D) candidates from the presidency on down.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...


I would suggest joining a workout group like F3. The NYT ran the story like it was some right-wing Texas thing. F3 actually started in my liberal city, Charlotte, and the founder David Redding went to my liberal church. We're one of the largest Episcopal churches in the USA, I think.

Dredd (we all get nicknames, mine is Soundtrack) was a U.S. Ranger back in the day, now he's an attorney here in Charlotte. These are all-male workouts. I highly recommend them to men of all ages.

Not sure if you're a man or a woman, Jamie, but there is also one for women called FIA.

F3 is all over the world and is now more widespread than the NYT. Take that, Pravda news!

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

F3 Map

My workout is Silver Bullet.

F3 stands for Fitness, Faith, and Fellowship.

Many years ago, I guess somebody asked Dredd if we were a cult, or called us a cult, or some damn thing. So we had a "we're not a cult" on the website. But the other guys opted for a more serious look. Anyway, we have a lot of fun.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

I saw a strikingly similar construct at a driveway entrance last week. It was pumpkins of all sizes and colors mixed in with mums and cabbages. Must have cost a pretty penny as it stood about four feet tall and on both sides of the drive. Not your usual pumpkin on a hay bale!

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

The same phenomenon occurs on the right with a pretense of anti-intellectualism: saying “eye-raq” and “eye-ran”, but not “eye-taly”; struggling to pronounce “Volodymir”; and mocking John Kerry for speaking French.

ha ha ha ha

I'm not pretending! I say eye-raq and eye-ran. And damn if I can say "Volodymir." Are you kidding?

I've got time bombs in my vocabulary because I read a lot, and my damn stupid friends never use the big words. So I never hear them pronounced.

My Dad, when he was young, pronounced it "yatched" when he was trying to say "yacht."

I once said "super-fluous" instead of "superfluous"

but the all time bomb was when I called somebody "ignore-ent" instead of "ignorant." You have never heard so many people laugh so hard.

my Mom thought she spoke French, until my parents went to France, and nobody understood her.

Kakistocracy বলেছেন...

How do you make a small fortune? You start with a large one and then buy Twitter.

X Says It Is Worth $19 Billion, Down From $44 Billion Last Year

Those bankers that funded X purchase now wondering Y.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

miscommunication and misunderstanding is pretty common

especially in music!

For years I thought Pete Townshend was singing about some guy named Milo

Let Milo open the door
Let Milo open the door
Let Milo open the door
to your heart

If I close my eyes and just hear the song? I still hear Milo.

I think he's singing Milo! Maybe he forgot his lyrics! That could happen.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Drago said...
"Mutaman out of sorts now that all the masks are off and the New Soviet Democratical - islamic supremcist/7th Century Death Cult alliance is in full view for all to see."
It is mutamans fervent desire to toss in a cattle car with no water and no place to relieve yourself. He isn't mad that you're a conservative. He's mad that you're making a choice he can't control.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Is Ukraine "The Most Corrupt Country, on Earth"? Simple answer: not even close, and not even close to being the more corrupt of the two nations at war.

A Ukrainian on Twitter said a few days ago that Ukraine is not in the 25 most corrupt, nor the 25 least corrupt, and has been getting steadily better. Intrigued, I checked, and she is absolutely correct. There's a huge Wikipedia article on the Corruption Perceptions Index, giving the data for the late 1990s, the 2000s, the 2010s, and 2020-22. The earliest period only covers 99 countries, the latter three 180 countries. The US is consistently in the Top 25, but (a) dropping from decade to decade, and (b) just barely in the Top 25 now.

So how's Ukraine doing? (Low numbers are good, meaning less corrupt.)

Late 1990s: Ukraine #75 (of 99), Russia #82, US #18 (Denmark #1).

2000s: Ukraine and Russia both #146, in an 8-way tie with Zimbabwe, Ecuador, and other Third World countries. Us: #19, New Zealand #1.

2010s: Ukraine #126, Russia #137, USA #23, New Zealand #1.

2020-22: Ukraine #116, Russia still #137, USA down to #24, Denmark back to #1.

(#116 is a seven-way tie between Ukraine, Zambia, The Philippines, Mongolia, El Salvador, Algeria, and Angola.)

Conclusion 1: Ukraine is pretty corrupt, but 6 other countries in the world are equally corrupt, and 58 other countries - that's a lot of countries - are more corrupt. Ukraine has also climbed 30 spots since the 2000s while Russia has climbed 9 and the US has dropped 5. (You can't easily compare the '90s because it only covered 99 countries.)

Conclusion 2: Anyone who calls Ukraine "The Most Corrupt Country, on Earth", with or without unnecessary capitalization and comma, is either shamefully ignorant or a damned liar.

JK Brown বলেছেন...

So a thought crossed my mind. I know, I was scared too.

But I wondered if it was American Jews being a big Democrat constituency in the mid 20th century that caused the party to turn against their Jim Crow, Bull Conner, George Wallace, Southern wing culminating in the early '60s. Many of the Northern students who came down to Mississippi, Alabama, etc. as activists (some being killed by the Democratic party para-military arm, the KKK) were Jewish.

I did a cursory search of Jewish support for Democrats with the watershed moment seemingly being the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire which caused protest by Jews and their alignment with the labor organizers who were mostly Democrats.

So did the rise of Jewish influence in the Democratic Party weaken the party's Jim Crow wing? Did they teach Democrats the value of being a party of competing special interests seeking only power and benefits for their interest and to suppress their Democratic Party's natural devotion to racism (slavery, Jim Crow) and antisemitism but now those competing special interests seem to be headed for internecine war?

Narr বলেছেন...

Any discussion of Jews and Southern white racism (a.k.a. as the Democratic Party, and it was said that a Southern Baptist church of a Sunday morn was oftimes the local Klan at prayer) must take into account the Rosenwald Schools.

The Dems were so averse to spending money on schools for blacks that rich northern Jews like Julius Rosenwald stepped in to pay for school construction all over the South. (Rosenwald made his fortune at Sears and Roebuck.)

Mutaman বলেছেন...

Rusty said...

"It is mutamans fervent desire to toss in a cattle car with no water and no place to relieve yourself. "

Poor Rusty and and his overactive bladder syndrome. I feel for you buddy. Maybe cut down the caffeine and talk to a pro about your depression.

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