Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "With War in Israel, the Cancel Culture Debate Comes Full Circle" (NYT).
२४ ऑक्टोबर, २०२३
"Part of me shudders to view the unfolding catastrophe in Israel and Gaza through the provincial lens of America’s cancel culture debate."
"In some ways, that debate has now come full circle, because pro-Palestinian voices were being censored long before the phrase 'cancel culture' existed, one reason the left was unwise in recent years to prevaricate about the value of free speech...."
Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "With War in Israel, the Cancel Culture Debate Comes Full Circle" (NYT).
Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "With War in Israel, the Cancel Culture Debate Comes Full Circle" (NYT).
cancel culture,
free speech,
Michelle Goldberg
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
"Full circle"
"Mommy they hit me back".
"Onoes, the consequences of my actions!"
"Amg, why are the leopards eating MY face?"
I say we give it a decade or so, and then get very concerned about the implications of the people who see Nazis under every couch cushion possibly losing jobs for advocating for the genocide of jews.
First they came for the far-right, extreme, deplorable, threat to democracy MAGA Republicans..,
Everyone has the right to free speech. Say whatever you want.
However, there is no speech without potential consequences. Even if the government may not punish you for it, other people may choose not to associate with you. If a group of people commits atrocities and you continue to support them, people may think that you are a bad person and not want to employ you or be around you. And if you are not a citizen of our country, they may want to send you back to wherever you came from, where you can be around people who share your views.
"Comes full circle" = "Our torpedos hitting our own subs."
They wrote the book on how to do this (Rules For Radicals) thinking we'd never read it.
Anyone who uses the hackneyed notion of a "lens" is hereby automatically self-cancelled.
This marks the pragmatic decline of the post-WW2 deconstruction / social construction movement. Bye bye silly Derrida. You wasted everyone's time with a narcissistic, indulgent, vacuous, and functionally impotent analytical framework.
"pro-Palestinian voices were being censored long before the phrase 'cancel culture' existed"
This is an open admission that there has been open censorship in this country, specifically to blot out an important issue (we wanted European Jews in Israel because we didn't want them here) and, yesterday, there was an open admission that this is the land where "P.T. Barnum could make a pretty good living," because it's also a nation of suckers.
Long time best selling cold medicines have just been yanked from Pharmacy shelves because they never worked for all those decades they took your money. The ones that remain open are still forced to sell homeopathic concoctions. And there's a chiropractor and psychic on every corner though there's nothing to support their use.
But it's black people who have to "prove" intellectual rigor and that we're not into crime.
She helps create the cancel culture, then dismisses it as a mere provincial passing quirk in American culture.
Pro-Palestinian voices were never canceled. Parler was canceled. Charles Murray was canceled. Covid commenters were canceled. FBI ordered others canceled and media complied. We know that now. An entire side of the debate was canceled, toned down, refused oxygen, and she was a part of those doing it.
Pro-Palestinian voices were, for a while ignored or shunned, but only by some, but they were never canceled. They have long had an audience everywhere. Right up to the UN and through every facet of American life. But now they are praised, like some newly discovered glowing cause. They are newer than Climate Change- though they've been lumped together with 'climate'. They are the new BLM. Shiny. Especially when they represent people who behead babies and burn children and parents alive, after tying them up and cutting off their fingers. Society has gone so far off the rails.
Aww, poor Michelle. Her leftist terrorist fellow travellers are, like, really unsettling these days. Why can't they just pontificate in the standard five-paragraph editorial using the copy book code words to exculpate terror and repression like she does?
Sticky fingers used to balance all scales, she bemoans.
Alas, the best she can come up with for examples of "right-wing speech suppression" is hardly earth-shattering. A lefty Jewish group decides this is not quite the time to showcase yet another pro-Hamas author's speech. A UC Davis professor -- I could actually stop right there -- is in trouble for urging people to find Jewish journalists and their children and stab them. "They have houses with addresses, kids in school ... they should fear us," writes black, trans "professor" Jemma Decristo in a social media post decorated with knives, axes, and dripping blood.
Yeah, that's exactly like Salman Rushdie ending up on a ventilator after nearly being stabbed to death at a book talk; Douglas Murray and another scholar being swarmed and injured despite police protection at a Middlebury College event; Andy NGO being battered into a brain injury with concrete projectiles; authors like Ann Coulter and Heather MacDonald barely escaping lynch mobs at public appearances, and generations of scholars, and now students and jobseekers having to conceal any right-of-center opinion, or even church membership, in the hope of ever finding work in their fields.
Whataboutism is such a slippery bitch. Maybe the Times could give Princess Goldberg ten more unpaid interns to finesse her argument.
If you want America's relationship to Israel explained, watch this documentary about the Wizard of Oz from where I've started it here. There is the same disregard for, and murder of the native peoples. The same racism. When the whites place a bad bet, they make the 'other' pay for it - and then "move on". (There's a NewAge reference, because NewAge belief is even thrown in, in the guise of Theosophy, just like the Nazis used to throw Jews in ovens: That's how we got the "good witch" in the Oz story). A vinn diagram of the two nation's origin stories - and their pathologies - would overlap greatly,...
She “shudders” because the October 7 attack has hurt her side of the cancel culture debate? What shallow bunk. Innocent people were brutally killed. How about shuddering about that?
Temujin said...
"Pro-Palestinian voices were, for a while ignored or shunned, but only by some, but they were never canceled. They have long had an audience everywhere. Right up to the UN and through every facet of American life."
Only after they murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Olympics in 1972 did they get the world's attention. It seems like the only thing they can do to get the worlds attention is to ruthlessly and brutally kill people. And, even then, the world decides that it's going to pay more attention to the people they kill, than all the time - 75 years - that they've been brutalized themselves.
Just like with blacks and reparations, it's a wicked and corrosive game y'all play on innocent people.
Hate speech when approved by NYT.
No "Palestinians" at her boarding school?
Must be "cultural".
I recall an article from Tikkun in the 1980s about going to leftist conferences and finding that Jews were being dissed because the Palestinians were "more persecuted than thou," which was enormous cache at such events. The Jewish writer was amazed. Then. Why are people still surprised at this, regarding it as a new phenomenon now? It has been hiding in plain sight for decades.
"The book follows a Palestinian man named Abed Salama as he searches for his 5-year-old son after a deadly school bus crash in the West Bank, a search hindered by Israel’s restrictions on Palestinian movement."
Hmmm...I wonder why those restrictions are in place. I wonder if the book discusses that. I won't know because I'm not going to read it. But I think Goldberg's possibly burying the lead there.
During the pandemic lots of things were canceled or moved online. Not BLM protests or Antifa riots but other things were. And lots of things are still being done online that would have been in person before, especially in the workplace. Not sure why she's complaining about that. I think freedom to speak isn't the same thing as a mandate to be heard. Anybody can talk but it doesn't mean everyone else has to listen.
Oh noes! Muh leopard is eating my face!
Meanwhile her employer just re-hired an open H1tler fan as a local reporter.
When the BLM-Hamas mob comes for her she’ll be stuck in Manhattan, and unarmed.
So sad. Too bad.
BLM + Hamas! Under-achievers of the world unite! If you can’t be productive, be violent!
Right, Crack?
when leftists whine bout being canceled-? ha. They know nothing about being canceled.
The cancel cultist liars can eat sh*t.
The cancelers are facing some comeuppance. (Too bad/ so sad we know you leftists support Hamas and therefore Nazi-terror) I've been listening to Pro-Palestinian/ anti-Zionist rhetoric from leftists forever. They are very open about it without consequences. So what is she talking about?
No one is allowed to speak out about Covid lies. The covid origin wet market lie was fabricated to cover the fact that Faucie paid for gain of function at a Chinese virology lab. Same lab that "leaked" the virus that shut the world down. Just a happy coincidence that the corruption brigade elites are in power again.
Social media and Google, and all the other big media giants were forced to comply with every mandated leftist democrat lie.
It was OK to buy into any Russian collusion BS story - all while ignoring that Russian money flowed to the Clintons in secret while she was Obama's secretary of State.
and on and on....
Having conversations about their cause incentivizes terrorism…
Just flatulence in the wind…
" because pro-Palestinian voices were being censored long before the phrase 'cancel culture' existed, "
That's news to me. I've been hearing the pro-Palestinian message for as long as I can remember.
"one reason the left was unwise in recent years to prevaricate about the value of free speech...."
Well that, as a general rule, belongs in the category of 'Well, duh!'.
No. - Pro-Palestine voices were never canceled.
Now that Hamas made it clear they are no different than Nazis - and many Palestinians voted for Hamas... and many Palestinians raise their children as Jew-haters.... the rest of us found OUR voices.
Is everything out of the left's media mouth a lie?
Just about
It would be shadenfreude worthy except it's horrific.
What Temujin said x1000.
"Pro-Palestinian voices were never canceled. Parler was canceled. Charles Murray was canceled. Covid commenters were canceled. FBI ordered others canceled and media complied. We know that now. An entire side of the debate was canceled, toned down, refused oxygen......"
Interesting use of the past tense, there. Inadvertent? Face-Meta-Google-etc are still doing a very good job of shaping our thinking, there are just a few little injunction thingies in the way, at present, complicating matters in the USA. And if you think that's unlikely, then you're a Good-Citizen-Not-Paying-Attention-See-You-At-Election-Day.
Oh, to prevaricate. The left was unwise to lie about the value of free speech? Meaning they knew all along that they weren't benefiting society by "limiting misinformation" and "enforcing safe spaces" and "deplatforming hate"?
Well, gosh, and here I thought they had my best interests at heart.
What cancellation of pro-Palestinian views is she seeing? The fact that some corporations don't want to hire young people who are both ignorant and stupid enough to publicize their enthusiasm for a group that would kill them for their purple hair?
Or has Goldberg tumbled to the fact that these young people's passionate and stupid hunger for faraway murder has just given these same corporations cover not to hire the queer, stuffed-animal-carrying fat-positive young Person Of indiscernible but claimed Color that has recently been the poster child for how diverse these corporations' hiring practices are? That public advocacy for child murder in response to the "unbearable provocation" of not being able to live where your great-grandparents lived is a bridge too far, when you're looking for employees who, at minimum, won't utterly destroy your corporate image?
With two kids in college and one at an early point in his career, I might've expected of myself that I'd have more sympathy for these dumbass overgrown children - you know, a "there but for the grace of God" thing. But none of my three - of whom two are on the left to at least some degree and the third keeps his own counsel - would have been this stupid.
You lie and you lie and you lie. And like everything else, no matter how reprehensible, you turn it all into another reason to think well of yourself. Disgusting. Wake up, lady.
You were perfectly happy to lie and slander and foster a culture of hate and division until it was turned on you.
Well, you're just another white devil now, aren't you, Michelle?
Wwhat makes Michelle Shudder?
---"The moments when dialogue is most fraught and bitter is [sic] when leaders most need to model it."
Is that a true statement?
Or just an emotional appeal that sounds good?
Maybe some part of the endless "debate" needs to be postponed under extraordinary circumstances, like wartime, which is what the Palestinians have declared by their actions.
Then, at a later date, fans of the butchers can go back to assuring us that those butchers can do no wrong because they have been wronged somewhere, sometime. As with that "open letter" she references in the column.
I forget who said it but somebody smart said that it isn't canceled culture, it's just culture. In other words when someone says something that is outrageously offensive to a significant number of people, those ideas and the people who utter them will be heavily criticized.
This is all part of standard operating procedure for human society since forever. The only difference is the so-called cancel culture really only represents a small niche of offended people combined with the asymmetrical advantage for small voices to be heard via social media.
Our social intellectual and societal evolution is changing ever more rapidly. We are on the steep side of a hyperbolic curve.
Because hardwired lizard brain human nature changes much more slowly, this rapid mental evolution necessarily creates quite a bit of chaos. At this point I recommend a review of the Richard Kipling poem if.
Calm down people are having trouble adjusting which is completely understandable and natural.
Yes the Palestinians have gotten screwed over. One reason why their voices are not being heard is that they produce nothing of economic or cultural value that is so extraordinary that strangers are willing to fight and die for their cause.
Think about it. The United States was attacked on 9/11 by Saudi Arabia. In response the United States attacked other countries and continued to support defend and enrich Saudi Arabia for pure corporate economic reasons.
That said, it is clear to me that not only Hamas but Hezbollah must be rooted out and destroyed. The problem is is that it must be done minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties, otherwise we will just be creating the next generation of Hamas and Hezbollah.
That task sounds impossible and maybe it is impossible. It also means that the military forces of the enlightened rich Western democratic alliances must sacrifice more of our sons and daughters in the short term such that we sacrifice our sons and daughters less in the future.
That is a horrific calculation to make and I am glad that I am not the one making that decision.
All of this needs to be done very very carefully and judiciously so that Israel may finally reach a peace agreement with our enemies Saudi Arabia and other members of the petroleum producing Arab-Islamic states.
Because all of these issues are very hard to wrap your head around it is understandable that our public discourse is in disarray.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
50 shades of transnational and left-wing ideologues repeating the South African genocide, Serbian occupation, Slavic Spring, etc. in progress, to favor diversity (e.g. racism, sexism, human rites) and redistributive change of select, perhaps rare natural resources. Deja vu.
Is everything out of the left's media mouth a lie?
A handmade tale.
First, the Arabs came for the Jews. They lost. Then, Fatah came for the Transjordanians. They lost. Then, Hamaa came for Fatah. They won. Now, Hamas comes for the Jews. The left celebrates another wicked solution with parades, insurrections, and infiltrations with collateral damage from both ends of the bridge and throughout.
Hamas slaughtered unarmed civilians, including infants, simply because they were Israeli Jews. Some American "voices" expressed approval of these atrocities. Some of those atrocity-endorsing "voices" are being publicly called out and shamed. Too bad. In fact, fuck them.
Contrast this supposed example of cancel culture to what happened to Roseanne Barr. What was her crime other than to make fun of the physical appearance of a public figure? It wasn't exactly the equivalent of publicly celebrating some of the worst known crimes against humanity since the Third Reich. Yet, many of the same people who think Roseanne got what she deserved are now lamenting the consequences that are being visited upon very few "pro-Palestinian voices" who have publicly applauded crimes against humanity. Again, fuck them.
One more thing: Don't use this occasion to rail against the supposed injustice of the creation of a Jewish state in 1948 unless you're prepared to argue that that act justifies the wanton torture and slaughter of unarmed Israeli civilians in 2023. If you're not claiming that justification on behalf of the Gazans, then what happened in 1948 is irrelevant. Feel free to hold whatever opinion you want about whether it was right or fair for the world to set up Israel as a Jewish state in 75 years ago. But if you think that historical grievance justifies the murder, rape, torture, and kidnapping of unarmed civilians today, you are simply evil.
Crack, Palestine was a hell hole until a sufficient number of Jews returned to make the desert bloom. The Palestinians have had the world’s attention since they refused to accept the two state solution back in 1948. They have kept their own lives and country in turmoil since. Ever wonder why the surrounding countries aren’t eager to welcome their fellow Palestinians as refugees? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not racism.
Only after they murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Olympics in 1972 did they get the world's attention. It seems like the only thing they can do to get the worlds attention is to ruthlessly and brutally kill people. And, even then, the world decides that it's going to pay more attention to the people they kill, than all the time - 75 years - that they've been brutalized themselves.
"Let's terrorize people into feeling sorry for us."
that doesn't work for me
"We're impotent cowards so we target babies for our violence"
I feel sorry for the babies
The people in Gaza are people. But if you act like animals, don't be surprised if people treat you like animals.
Only after they murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Olympics in 1972 did they get the world's attention.
One problem is, they weren't special. The world was awash in displaced people after WWII - and 1972 was at the same remove from WWII as we are from 9/11; it was the recent past. Furthermore, they largely displaced themselves at the urging of the new Israel's Muslim Arab neighbors who undertook to destroy the newly created nation - over the lack of objection to their presence and sometimes the outright urging of Israelis that they should stay and form a new kind of Middle Eastern country with them.
Most people displaced by WWII, as in wars throughout history, accepted, however grudgingly, that war in which territory changes hands results in changes in government of the conquered territory. At minimum, they shrug resignedly and move forward into the new order. But not the Palestinians - their sense of grievance apparently knows no bounds and is not limited to getting their property back, but instead includes - focuses on - the destruction of Israel as a nation, although Judaism in the region long predates Islam.
And yet, Crack, you seem to find - not sympathy, maybe, but a sense of understanding, for their use of murderous terrorism as a tactic. No, as a strategy. To get them "attention."
Where are the calls for Palestinians to "get attention" through widespread peaceful protest? Through civil disobedience, which a few try but most eschew? Why are they given strategic carte blanche?
It occurs to me that for all your claims that America (by which I feel you mean "white Americans," but I'm open to your rebuttal) is identifying with Israel because we're both racist territory-grabbers, there is an alternative "lens" (with apologies to Enigma above): could it be that you feel able to understand, if not precisely to excuse, the Palestinians' use of murderous terrorism throughout their history because there is some corner of your mind that thinks it might have been more effective for black Americans to use this strategy to "get attention" in the same way? Or, just resents the fact that when Palestinians kill Jews, they find plenty of support, but when black Americans kill white Americans for what they see as similar reasons, we they don't?
I'm not saying you are advocating for racial/religious terrorism, there or here. I'm asking about the underpinnings of your evident strong desire to get people to look at this conflict from the Palestinians' point of view and conclude that their violent actions over the past, oh, forty-odd years, at least, have been understandable.
Declaring that you want your co-workers raped, kidnapped, killed, etc., then having your job offer rescinded is not cancel culture.
Declaring that you want your medical patients raped, kidnapped, killed, etc., then being fired, is not cancel culture.
Declaring that you support the decapitation of babies... I think you get the idea.
In a day and age when telling an off-color joke or making a sloppy pass at a co-worker or holding opinions that 99% of the population held 20 years ago gets you fired, which is cancel culture, this is the hill they want to die on.
The stupid is unbearable.
Dave Chappelle, like Sarah Silverman, is running into trouble with this material.
I like Chappelle, and Silverman. I would pay to hear their stand-up. But I would also walk out if they annoyed the shit out of me. Sometimes friends fuck up.
This would be a good example of "that's not funny." They're not even trying to be funny, so they've gotten outside of their skillset.
I think you should treat a professor like a stand-up comedian. If your Ivy League professor starts ranting about Israel in the middle of your U.S. History course, feel free to heckle the shit out of her. Or walk out! You're paying to be there.
Any fucking child who is standing in a corner because the teacher is punishing him needs to get drafted, stat, as a reminder that you are a fucking adult now. Wake up, you woke fucks.
pro-Palestinian voices were being censored
The problem is that many on the Left actually start to believe the BS they are constantly pushing.
"pro-Palestinian voices were being censored"
Huh? On which campus?
Prevaricate is like garner. Why would you ever use this word? It says some thing about you. You’re avoiding saying the plain-speech word. Why?
I have never used the word “prevaricate” even once in the 20 year history of this blog. It appears exactly one time in my archive, and that is ina quote from John McWhorter, and I note the significance of his use of that word, rather than the common word “lie.”
One of my priests in my Bible study called Israel "an apartheid state" the other day. And I didn't challenge him on it or pushback. And I've been kicking myself.
We've already had a thing over abortion so I'm trying to be nice to him.
But it's so glib to compare Israel to South Africa.
It's a Jewish state, of course. But it also has Muslims and Christians who are citizens, and enjoy all the rights that other citizens have. So where is the "apartheid"?
Israel was created as a safe haven for Jews. Jews who are not citizens have a right to become a citizen of Israel automatically. So there is bias in its immigration policy. And of course Israel has a Star of David on its flag.
There are numerous countries that have a Christian flag, or an Islamic flag. Isn't it kind of suspicious that all this upper-class animosity is aimed at the one Jewish country?
60% of Israel's Arab citizens have a positive view of the Israeli state. I imagine that's a hell of a lot higher than what Israel gets at Harvard. And yes, there are Arabs fighting for Israel.
holdfast said...
"BLM + Hamas! Under-achievers of the world unite! If you can’t be productive, be violent!
Right, Crack?"
Well, they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good
They'll stone you just like they said they would
They'll stone you when you're trying to go home
And they'll stone you when you're there all alone,...
- The Big BD
Enlighten-NewJersey said...
"Crack, Palestine was a hell hole until a sufficient number of Jews returned to make the desert bloom."
That's pure propaganda. Every history, I've seen, says Palestine was at peace and people were living in their traditional manner. I've seen countless videos and photographs, and it looks just fine. It was the arrival of the Zionists that changed everything, because they were arrogant, post-Holocaust traumatized, paranoid, and claiming everything was theirs at the barrel of a gun.
"The Palestinians have had the world’s attention since they refused to accept the two state solution back in 1948."
First, there was no reason for them to accept anything in '48. That was their home. The white western world is forcing this Hell on them because nobody wanted to take Jews from Europe themselves. Second, no one paid them any attention until 1972 at the Olympics in Munich. That's when the media started seriously talking about the "Palestinians."
"They have kept their own lives and country in turmoil since."
More bullshit. They only have Hamas because the United States and Israel forced an election on them and it didn't turn out the way the United States and Israel wanted. As soon as it was over, it was the U.S. who said we should've done something to make it turn out the way the United States and Israel had wanted it. Think about that for a second. You don't say that about a people who have control over their own destiny. You say that about people you think you control. Every day, you're told that Israel controls the water, Israel controls the energy, Israel controls the flow of goods in and out, Israel controls the food, Israel controls all of the checkpoints, and Israel fires massive bombs into the place at will, but you still somehow want me to believe that it's the Palestinians who have control over that place?
"Ever wonder why the surrounding countries aren’t eager to welcome their fellow Palestinians as refugees? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not racism."
No, it's 7 1/2 million people that the entire world decided to abandon, as a way to hide their own historic antisemitism, starting with the whites of Europe, the UK, and the United States.
---Prevaricate is like garner. Why would you ever use this word? It says some thing about you. You’re avoiding saying the plain-speech word. Why?
Any good writer -- by which I mean, first and foremost, an honest writer -- knows immediately that he or she is taking shelter behind a euphemism. One moment of reflection and the writer can realize the specific reason for the avoidance that underlies the word choice. Then the honest writer deals with that, and "prevaricate" disappears. The copy necessarily becomes more truthful, and as good as his other skills may make it. He might even change his mind about a subject in the analysis. A much better column could result; but, at any rate, an honest one. Which means a lot.
Michelle Goldberg can go fuck herself.
Jamie said...
"One problem is, they weren't special."
They were to themselves - clearly - because they're still fighting for their rights, as Palestinians, 75 years later.
"Furthermore, they largely displaced themselves at the urging of the new Israel's Muslim Arab neighbors"
This is a mental sleight-of-hand. They left to avoid a war, not to lose their homes. And again, they had no reason to cut a deal with the Zionists. They didn't like the Zionists. None of this means they should've lost their homes. They had nothing to do with this. They were merely in the way.
"Most people displaced by WWII, as in wars throughout history, accepted, however grudgingly, that war in which territory changes hands results in changes in government of the conquered territory."
That doesn't apply: there was no war in Palestine that they lost because of World War II. This was just Zionists moving in after World War II.
"At minimum, they shrug resignedly and move forward into the new order. But not the Palestinians - their sense of grievance apparently knows no bounds and is not limited to getting their property back, but instead includes - focuses on - the destruction of Israel as a nation, although Judaism in the region long predates Islam."
If the Zionists had come back to do an archaeological dig, I don't think anybody would give a damn about what they do. But they came back saying they own the place, after being gone for 2000 years. That makes no sense whatsoever, and why would anybody want to live with people forcing that on them at the barrel of a gun?
"And yet, Crack, you seem to find - not sympathy, maybe, but a sense of understanding, for their use of murderous terrorism as a tactic. No, as a strategy. To get them "attention.""
You've seen what Gaza is like. Rubble and twisted rebar with bodies of your family and friends underneath. What would you do to get your home back?
"Where are the calls for Palestinians to "get attention" through widespread peaceful protest? Through civil disobedience, which a few try but most eschew? Why are they given strategic carte blanche?"
Because the brutality that's visited upon them, day by day, for years doesn't get reported with the same vigor. When they are the wronged party.
"Could it be that you feel able to understand, if not precisely to excuse, the Palestinians' use of murderous terrorism throughout their history because there is some corner of your mind that thinks it might have been more effective for black Americans to use this strategy to "get attention" in the same way?"
I have said many times that I am amazed that black people in America haven't done anything more outrageous than what we have.
"I'm not saying you are advocating for racial/religious terrorism, there or here. I'm asking about the underpinnings of your evident strong desire to get people to look at this conflict from the Palestinians' point of view and conclude that their violent actions over the past, oh, forty-odd years, at least, have been understandable."
Again, I'm not advocating for anything. I see myself sitting in judgment of two groups, claiming a single land. And it seems pretty obvious to me that one group of people was living there, when the other group returned after 2000 years. If that happened to you, you wouldn't give up your home to them. I am 100% sure of it. I wouldn't do it, either. So why are the Zionists allowed to do it? I have no good reason for that, except for the antisemitism of the western world, regarding the Jews. They didn't want them in their own nations, so they carved out this place, and they racistly ignored the Palestinians, just like America did the Indians. Except the Indians don't just die.
"Prevaricate is like garner. Why would you ever use this word?"
She could have used it because it isn't an exact synonym for "lie".
Saint Croix said...
"Let's terrorize people" into acknowledging us
how's that work for you?
"We're impotent cowards so we target babies for our violence"
Israel has decapitated three times as many babies with bombs
"The people in Gaza are people."
Apparently not. No one would force people to live in Gaza.
"But if you act like animals, don't be surprised if people treat you like animals."
The Zionists are - literally - living in their homes, as you wrote that. It takes some balls to write that, under those circumstances.
The Crack Emcee said...
There is the same disregard for, and murder of the native peoples.
There's a NewAge reference, because NewAge belief is even thrown in,
That's how we got the "good witch" in the Oz story)
The book or the movie?
Could you perhaps point out in either the murder of the native peoples? A time stamp in the movie or chapter title in the book would do.
Same request on the NewAge reference, as the book was published in 1900 and the movie produced in 1939.
Referring to "good witch"; if the book, there are two. The first, Locasta (North), basically just says "Hi" to Dorothy and sends her off to the Wizard. The second, Glinda (South),was simply a mechanism to send Dorothy home after her journey. Bit and minor parts.
If the movie, she's actually two (N/S) combined to simplify the story. Like in the book she (Locasta, now Glinda) basically just says "Hi" to Dorothy and sends her off to the Wizard and Glinda (the real) functions much the same as in the book, sans some side quests.
In neither is she(they) a significant role, just one of the many deus ex machinas F.L.Baum was so fond of.
White supremacist' whose children are named Aryan and Nation arrested on homicide charge SEVEN months after she struck Native American woman in her Cadillac
It's amazing what you can do to people when they don't count as human.
I just heard it reported that Israel has killed 700 children in the last 24 hours. If that's not barbarity to you, then I don't know what the meaning of the word is.
"Part Of Me Shudders". That would make a great title for her autobiography. Which part, Michelle?
Let us know when you start to shudder all over.
"If that happened to you, you wouldn't give up your home to them."
Don't be so sure, Crack. The current inhabitants of North America don't seem to be very interested in hanging on to our birthright.
Crack you provided no facts, just bullshit. Palestine was created in 1948. Before that, it was part of the British Empire and farther back, the Ottoman Empire. I'll agree the Palestinians were living in their traditional manner, which by my rating system was a "hell-hole." The Israelis have created a first-world country, the Palestine's, still a hell-hole.
The world did not abandon 7.5 million people now called Palestinians. The Palestinians of Gaza have developed a culture that isn't beneficial to them or conducive to their fellow Palestinians inviting them to take refuge in their countries.
Crack: they didn’t “racistly ignore” the Arabs: they gave them their own state — which they turned down, because there would still be Jews alive on the face of the earth.
Also, keep nursing that grievance about blacks and reparations — it’s about as constructive as what the Palestinians are doing to solve their problems.
"...because pro-Palestinian voices were being censored long before the phrase 'cancel culture' existed."
What a load of caca. I must be older than Goldberg and I remember hearing the whining about "Palestinians" when I was a child. To be sure it is stronger now, but it was always there.
At the beginning Israelis, numbering a couple of million, surrounded by hundreds of millions of hostile Arab Muslims, were correctly perceived as underdogs. Islamist propagandists had difficulty arguing otherwise. After Israel had whupped their collective asses a few times things changed. Never mind the disproportionate diminishment of Israeli population by each war.
Once Israel claimed the spoils of war, as all countries do, the antisemites had their carte blanche to begin the crecendo of whining.
I don't do paywalls or pay toilets, but I do recall Goldberg as a fabulist. The game of Hamas Islamist terrorists, as is clear from their 1988 charter, is to annihilate Israel and her Jews. If Israelis were not Jews, the world would be outraged. They are Jews. Goldberg should be outraged.
Crack: "... because they're still fighting for their rights, as Palestinians, 75 years later." What are their rights as Palestinians 75 years later? How many of them were actually displaced?
Your views on the matter are ahistorical Islamist propaganda. Arab nations won't let Palestinian Arabs immigrate because the wound would close and there would be no excuse for killing Jews. Have you read the Hamas charter of 1988, in effect when they were elected in Gaza.
"I have said many times that I am amazed that black people in America haven't done anything more outrageous than what we have."
Seriously? More outrageous than: committing a majority of the violent crime in major cities, including murdering other black people; collecting a vastly disproportionate share of welfare; looting and shoplifting stores to the point of closure; BLM riots and property destruction in the $millions; etc.
"Victim group advocacy" holds that if historically victimized the group must be forgiven its current sins. It is, of course, a political ploy and a form of racism intended to destabilize governments and countries. It is usually a tool of Marxists, but Islamists are finding it handy to excuse terrorism.
Crack: "No, it's 7 1/2 million people that the entire world decided to abandon...."
Somebody lives in a non-factual time warp.
There were 700,000, not 7.5 million, Arab refugees from Israel in 1948. The Arab nations refused to assimilate them so as to perpetuate a grievance to justify killing Jews. Meanwhile, Arab countries expelled nearly a million Jews, some of whose families had lived there for hundreds of years. Half were assimilated by Israel. The other half were assimilated by what Crack might call "white nations."
BTW, slavery was abolished in the United States by the ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865.
Okay Crack, let's stipulate the history of Palestine over the last 140 years.
Please tell me where I'm wrong and or add details that I missed.
In response to pograms and genocide starting in the late 1800s, Jews from Europe Russia and the Middle East, not having anywhere else to go because the Western Nations including the United States restricted immigration, decided to return to their ancestral Homeland.
Great Britain who controlled Palestine attempted to limit Jewish immigration to the region. However this did not stop the persecuted people from becoming illegal immigrants. However due to world war II and the Holocaust the immigration of Jews to Palestine was significantly reduced in the early 1940s. However, after world war II and before the establishment of the Israeli state, the region was the British mandate of Palestine and all of the people there were citizens Muslims, Jews and Christians.
After the United Nations adopted a measure in 1947 to recommend a partitioning of the Palestinian British mandate territory and prior to the establishment of the Israeli State a civil war broke out by what could be described as a series of terrorist bombings and killings perpetrated by both sides with the British struggling to try to maintain peace that ultimately failed. The Palestinians were assisted by the Arab liberation army, hey volunteer fighting force made up of Arabian from surrounding countries in the region, whose symbol was a Jambiya stabbing through the middle of the star of David.
During this civil war, about a quarter of a million Palestinians fled or were forcibly removed to neighboring Arab countries. This was the stated reason for the Arab coalition of countries to attack Israel from the outside in 1948.
Once Israel was granted statehood in 1948 they were immediately recognized by both the United States and the Soviet Union.
The new state of Israel (Former British Mandate of Palestine, Sinai Peninsula, southern Lebanon) was also immediately invaded by Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and the Palestinian Arabs. An interesting side note was that the United States and Great Britain place in arms embargo for both sides of the fight. Jordan got to rule the West Bank and all of the other Arab coalition partners lost territory, including 60% of the area partitioned for Arab Palestinians. At that time Egypt maintained occupation over the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza. Israel lost approximately 1% of their population in this war, about 6,000 men and women killed.
Another important fact was that during these wars that were fought to prevent the Jews from being granted autonomy independent from the Palestinians, 700,000 Palestinians either fled or were forced to leave they're homes and flee to neighboring Arab states. Subsequently these Palestinians were not allowed to return and many of their towns names were changed to Jewish names. Those that fled to other nations ended up in horrific refugee camps within the neighboring Arab countries.
After Israelis' successful defense of their country, the removal of Palestinians and expansion of their territory, immigration of Jews from Europe and other parts of the Middle East increased rapidly into the 1950's. Cross border terrorist attacks continued since the ceasefire until today.
In 1956, Israel along with Britain and France tried to seize the Suez canal from Egypt. This failed after the United States and the Soviet Union both agreed for the UN to send in peacekeeping troops to stop the hostilities. One of the lessons that Israel learned was that they didn't need Western powers to help them defeat the Egyptian army in the Sinai.
For the next 9 years the Israelis and Arabs would be engaging in what could be described as a cold war with continued terrorism retaliation assassinations and especially a big fight over water in the region.
In 1967 the Israelis launched a preemptive attack on the air forces of Egypt Syria and Lebanon and then subsequently quickly defeated their armies. This resulted in a UN brokered Peace settlement. This resulted in even more territorial gains including Gaza the Sinai peninsula the Golan heights and the West Bank with East Jerusalem. Israel offered citizenship to all those people in the newly acquired territories. However Israel gave back its territorial gains in the famous land for peace settlement that was agreed upon by all parties.
After the 6-day war, approximately 680,000 Jews from Middle Eastern and North African countries immigrated to Israel. In addition rabid anti-Semitism spread throughout the Soviet block countries causing 160,000 Jews to immigrate to Israel.
Small skirmishes continued between Israel and its Arab neighbors throughout the period leading up to the 1973 young Kippur war in which Israel successfully defended itself from a surprise invasion from both Syria and Egypt.
The mid to late seventies saw the rise of a new conservative movement in Israel called religious Zionism with a drive to create settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.
In the late '70s was also the rise of the conservative likud party in Israel and at the same time beginning of the peace process first with Egypt which ended up costing Anwar Sadat his life.
In the early 80s in response to PLO terrorist attacks, Israel invaded Lebanon which kicked off essentially 20 years on and off of war.
In the early 90's Israel and the PLO attempted to conduct peace negotiations signed some agreements that we're designed to lead to some form of Palestinian autonomy. However extremists on both sides continue to conduct terrorist operations with the rise of Hamas. Yitzak Rabin was subsequently assassinated by an ultra nationalist Zionist zealot who was completely against peace with the Palestinians.
This ultimately led to the rise of BiBi Netanyahu who formed a coalition of economic conservatives militarists and religious fundamentalists to expand and encroach with new settlements into Palestinian territories. At the same time Netanyahu started funding Hamas in order to keep the Palestinian authority from ever establishing order and to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state.
The Crack Emcee:
I just heard it reported that Israel has killed 700 children in the last 24 hours.
Same source as the hospital destruction and deaths?
Still waiting on you supporting your Oz fables.
I just heard it reported that Israel has killed 700 children in the last 24 hours. If that's not barbarity to you, then I don't know what the meaning of the word is.
Placing weapons and fighters among 700 children.
Jupiter said...
"Don't be so sure, Crack. The current inhabitants of North America don't seem to be very interested in hanging on to our birthright."
Those sovereign nations within this nation, that don't even have laws that follow this nation, and don't have to follow the laws of this nation? Oh yeah, you guys really let that go. I'm off to the casino now,...
Enlighten-NewJersey said...
"Crack you provided no facts, just bullshit."
Stop it. I've been providing links for weeks, and more on my blog, but none of you have even acknowledged them.
"Palestine was created in 1948."
Then how did the Balfour Agreement say Zionists can have a country in "Palestine" - in 1917?
"Before that, it was part of the British Empire and farther back, the Ottoman Empire."
And after the British stupidly set this in motion, pissing off the locals, they washed their hands of it, and walked away. Why do some of your patronize other people and act like you're the only ones who know the story? I don't sit around trying to tell you how it went. I assume you know. So I focus on one thing - the Palestinians were already there when the Zionists arrived. I don't treat you like a fucking retard like you seem to think you have to do to other people. You sound really stupid.
"I'll agree the Palestinians were living in their traditional manner, which by my rating system was a "hell-hole." The Israelis have created a first-world country, the Palestine's, still a hell-hole."
The arrogance you exhibit, over something so silly, is amazing. It was a hell hole for you - they were happy - by all accounts. I don't care if the Zionists arrived and stuck a fucking Starbucks in the middle of a God damned mosque, they had no right. Maybe they should've went to Uganda, which was one of their first ideas, because this was a bad choice. And Uganda could probably use a Starbucks.
"The world did not abandon 7.5 million people now called Palestinians."
No - it was a set-up. The world made a deal and didn't include them, like Hitler and Stalin carving up Poland.
"The Palestinians of Gaza have developed a culture that isn't beneficial to them or conducive to their fellow Palestinians inviting them to take refuge in their countries."
And 75 years of being bombed by Zionists, while living in their concentration camp - knowing they're living in your homes - has absolutely nothing to do with that - so let's finish the job and kill them all because we're the good guys and surely God's chosen people. And any similarities to what the Nazis did to the Jews in Germany is completely coincidental.
Jamie said...
"Placing weapons and fighters among 700 children."
Curious: That's what everybody says when Palestinian kids get hit (I know: because they're "animals" who don't care about their kids like normal people) but - when Zionist kids get hit - nobody says the Zionists purposefully placed their children on somebody else's land.
And it seems pretty obvious to me that one group of people was living there, when the other group returned after 2000 years.
Having occupied that land as the majority for 2000 years before that, and except for the ones who stayed, despite waves of persecution, violence, and diaspora promoted by the actions of Romans, Christians, and Muslims. With regard to the Muslim conquests, the historical and archaeological evidence I'm reading indicates that, except for Samaritans, there were few conversions of the native Jewish and Christian populations to Islam, but good evidence for a lot of Muslim in-migration. Which suggests that today's Palestinians displaced the area's very longtime residents.
At least the Muslims of the Middle Ages were more merciful overlords; they didn't massacre the Jews, but just taxed then heavily, restricted their movements, forbade them to build new synagogues, and stuff like that. The Crusader Christians were brutal.
If that happened to you, you wouldn't give up your home to them. I am 100% sure of it. I wouldn't do it, either.
But I'm similarly 100% sure that, like me, you wouldn't sneak back into the country where your great-grandparents used to live and kill children there in their beds. And you wouldn't rest your guns on your children's shoulders.
So what do you see as having gone so dreadfully wrong in the psyches of Palestinians, that so many people give them a pass for doing these things? Because unless you're saying you do think these exact acts are justified by the displacement of the grandparents and great-grandparents of the perpetrators today, you appear to be saying that we can't expect anything better from "those people" - they just can't help but be barbaric.
And don't give me that "Israel has killed however many times as many children" - Israel didn't target the children. It was Hamas who hid, and hides, behind them, because they know it might affect Israel's behavior in a way that it certainly does not affect their own.
It's like the women I've seen thrusting their babies in strollers into crosswalks, using their own children to get cars to stop - only way, way worse.
Ann Althouse said...
Prevaricate is like garner. Why would you ever use this word? It says some thing about you. You’re avoiding saying the plain-speech word. Why?
I guess you're all for burning Roget's Thesaurus, right?
Donatello Nobody said...
Crack: they didn’t “racistly ignore” the Arabs: they gave them their own state — which they turned down, because there would still be Jews alive on the face of the earth."
Consider the deal: first you have to accept that people can come back after 2,000 years and claim your property. Then they cut a "deal" where you get back part of what they took - take it or leave it. Like they're the ones calling the shots over your life and property now. No, they're just interlopers the whole time. Who the fuck would want to live with them? Who would be expected to live with them after they did such a heinous thing? What the fuck are you people thinking?
"Also, keep nursing that grievance about blacks and reparations — it’s about as constructive as what the Palestinians are doing to solve their problems."
Reparations have been on the black agenda for over a century. If you think white people kicking it down the road, somehow puts black people in the wrong, and doesn't just make white people look more unjust as each year goes by, then I'm not surprised you don't understand how such hatred and rage can build over time in Palestine. You really should go see that new Martin Scorsese movie to get a good look at yourselves.
hombre said...
"Have you read the Hamas charter of 1988, in effect when they were elected in Gaza."
Yes, elected in a contest the people of Gaza I didn't even want to hold, but it was pushed on them by the United States and Israel. Then, when it didn't turn out the way we wanted, we slapped a bunch of sanctions and other bullshit on them.
And why are you running to 1988 when Zionists took their land in 1948? That was the original sin.
hombre said...
Crack: "No, it's 7 1/2 million people that the entire world decided to abandon...."
Somebody lives in a non-factual time warp.
There were 700,000, not 7.5 million, Arab refugees from Israel in 1948.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem. Nobody said they were 7.5 million in 1948 moron.
Howard said...
Okay Crack, let's stipulate the history of Palestine over the last 140 years.
Please tell me where I'm wrong and or add details that I missed.
In response to pograms and genocide starting in the late 1800s, Jews from Europe Russia and the Middle East decided to return to their ancestral Homeland.
True, but remember: They had a list of places, including Uganda, so this idea they had or have to be in Palestine, of all places, to be safe, Is bullshit. Any fool can see Palestine was never safe for this.
"Great Britain who controlled Palestine attempted to limit Jewish immigration to the region. However this did not stop the persecuted people from becoming illegal immigrants."
Which, I'm guessing, white conservatives only see as wrong when Mexicans do it, correct?
"The Palestinians were assisted by the Arab liberation army, hey volunteer fighting force made up of Arabian from surrounding countries in the region, whose symbol was a Jambiya stabbing through the middle of the star of David."
Making the Zionists all say, "This is gonna work out great!"
"During this civil war, about a quarter of a million Palestinians fled or were forcibly removed to neighboring Arab countries. This was the stated reason for the Arab coalition of countries to attack Israel from the outside in 1948."
So far, you haven't mentioned even one thing the Palestinians have done wrong, except for defend themselves from an invasion of illegal immigrants. Please make a note of it.
"Once Israel was granted statehood in 1948 they were immediately recognized by both the United States and the Soviet Union."
Two countries that did not want them, and actively turned them down when they were in their time of need. Stalin was more than happy to kill them outright. Also, two racist countries not likely to acknowledge the Palestinians had rights, anymore than the United States was willing to acknowledge the rights of Indians.
That's my whole argument right there. Anything that happened after this is also the Zionist's fault with the world's blessing. But what's listed above is how it started. And that's enough. The Zionists are the guilty party, who have been bringing misery to that region, and dragging the whole world down with them into barbarity, like Adolf Hitler did before them, for his "living space", too. There is no reason for anyone to want to live with them after perpetrating such a heinous, bloody, and decades-long crime.
Like I said, it's like claiming the Osage woman in "Killers of the Flower Moon" was a bad sport for divorcing Leo DiCaprio, after he helped kill almost her whole family.
That's some twisted morality y'all live by - while you teach us different.
Oligonicella said...
The Crack Emcee:
I just heard it reported that Israel has killed 700 children in the last 24 hours.
No, the people who were saying there were decapitated babies before Israel started bombing people and decapitating babies.
Still waiting on you supporting your Oz fables.
I put the link to my source on several posts here. I'm not gonna keep doing this for everybody. Y'all gotta work a little.
C'mon Crack, support your Oz fables. You know, the murder of the native peoples, the NewAge references, the "good witch" origins.
C'mon, you pulled out your ass, defend it if it's true.
"Let's terrorize people" into acknowledging us
how's that work for you?
How has terrorism helped the innocents of Gaza?
I just heard it reported that Israel has killed 700 children in the last 24 hours.
So was the attack on Israel stupid or what?
It's done nothing for the people of Gaza -- except bring misery, pain, and death.
In our country, the peaceful anti-Israel movement was winning a lot of hearts and minds. And now these Ivy Leaguers who are fans of Palestine are scrubbing their public association with rapists and baby-killers and all sorts of evil shit.
Coca-cola "whitewashed" its support of BLM, because BLM = Hamas and the Jew hatred is becoming obvious, even to Ivy League morons.
Crack Emcee: "Those sovereign nations within this nation, that don't even have laws that follow this nation, and don't have to follow the laws of this nation?"
US Federal Laws are in effect, along with Tribal laws, on Federal Indian Reservations.
because pro-Palestinian voices were being censored long before the phrase 'cancel culture' existed
I must've slept through that. Because I certainly don't recall it. In fact, quite the opposite.
"I have said many times that I am amazed that black people in America haven't done anything more outrageous than what we have."
(I repeatedly scroll past your posts because they're predictably boring AND tedious. But someone responded.)
So, you're saying we're lucky so far? Because there's more coming?
Well, let's see it. And then we'll find out just how much more shit the rest of us are willing to put up with.
Hint: Not much.
C'mon Crack. Four hours since you've been called out on your outright lies.
Admit you just pulled that bullshit out your ass about Baum's stories because you just wanted to accuse some white author of racism.
C'mon Crack. Fess up.
The Crack Emcee
I'm off to the casino now,..
To quote Monty Python "Run away! Run away!"
Pali voices are being so canceled that they're turning out in the thousands to demand the genocide of the Jewish people. I see that now.
Oligonicella said...
C'mon Crack, support your Oz fables. You know, the murder of the native peoples, the NewAge references, the "good witch" origins.
C'mon, you pulled out your ass, defend it if it's true.
I'm getting a little tired of being the only one who's forced to prove anything while the rest of you just mouth off and talk shit. Here you go: The American Experience.
Crack: "Do you have a reading comprehension problem. Nobody said they were 7.5 million in 1948 moron."
So "abandoned" post 1948 according to you doesn't take into account the hundreds of millions of dollars pumped into Gaza, the provision of water, electricity, food and jobs by Israel or the demonstrations of worldwide support for Hamas terrorism by thousands of morally bankrupt cretins.
There's a literacy problem here today. "Abandoned" clearly doesn't mean what you think it means.
But lay a little more Islamist propaganda on us Big Thinker!
I see Hamas as an insane death cult. Satanic, in fact. They think hate, anger, and fear is the way, and they want to inspire as much hate, anger, and fear as possible.
You've been railing against cults for as long as I've been reading you. It's weird to me that you fail to see Hamas as a cult.
I see no secular or worldly reason to believe that terrorism has been a winning strategy for the people of Gaza. Quite the opposite, in fact. The hate of the Jews is irrational. The vicious murders and rapes of innocents help no one and solve nothing. I'm a little bewildered that you seem to believe otherwise.
Any fool can see Palestine was never safe for this.
Because the Palestinians are simply incapable of civilized behavior? This is the crux of what I've been asking you all along - why do they never have to compromise, much less accept that war is hell and they bet the wrong way when they left? What makes them so special that so much of the rest of the world lets them get away with such acts? It can't be only because they were displaced by Jews - surely.
Crack, I appreciate your persistence - but unfortunately your position isn't convincing me. The thing about "so Hamas uses Palestinian children, including their own, as human shields - how come nobody ever says the Zionists are doing the same thing by living in the same place for 70 years and having children there, when the Palestinians attack by night and target those children specifically?" is a particularly odious version of both-sideism.
What is so damn hard about saying, "I think the Palestinians got a raw deal in 1948 and have been suffering, relative to and because of policies of Israel, since then - and I also condemn targeting and killing or kidnapping children and old people, targeting and burning families alive, and targeting and gang-raping non-combatant women"?
I know you don't want to be forced to say things. But you are saying things that reflect a point of view that either shows implicit support for these heinous tactics, no matter who perpetrates them, as long as they're sufficiently angry about some wrong done them... or indicates that you don't believe specifically Palestinians are capable of anything better than this. You can, of course, continue to stay silent on this point, but it's going to make people - even me, and I've been trying hard to understand and give you the benefit of the doubt on this - draw their own conclusions.
Well Crack, you've succeeded in making the Althouse blog 90% about you and utterly boring. Nice work asshole!
The Crack Emcee said...
I put the link to my source on several posts here.
Piss off. I saw that doc a while ago because I'm working on an Oz parody. Yes, he made a racist statement at the time of the Ghost Dancing but nothing in the doc supports your contention about his work "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz".
Y'all gotta work a little.
So do you - more than two minutes anyway. That elipsed clip you posted doesn't support your claims at all. Mostly it shows F.L.Baum to be a progressive for pretty much all his life.
To recap:
: murder of the native peoples - does not happen, only death is Wicked Witch of West
: because NewAge belief is even thrown in - he provides no clue as to what he means
: That's how we got the "good witch" in the Oz story - again, no clue provided
Although not important, all of those were sound bytes he thought would work.
Crack works in (sometimes lengthy) sound bytes.
The Crack Emcee said...
I'm getting a little tired of being the only one who's forced to prove anything.
Translatione: I can't prove the book has the murder of the native peoples, the NewAge references or the "good witch" origins, you meanie.
Drago said
Crack Emcee: "Those sovereign nations within this nation, that don't even have laws that follow this nation, and don't have to follow the laws of this nation?"
US Federal Laws are in effect, along with Tribal laws, on Federal Indian Reservations.
Don't harsh his delusions.
I hope to hell Crack gets to view the body cam footage and interviews from the Hamas terrorists.
BTW. I'm just here to needle Crack about his fabrications. There are a (scant) few things I agree with him on but he's way over the edge of rationality. Everything else, I'm here to box him into "Y'all need to study this obscure reference I'm linking to (or not) and agree with me." When he says that, you've won.
He's amusing.
He's the crazy fucker on the corner crying about "Imminent doom".
The claims that the use of "prevarication" over "lie" is a problem is pure calumny.
Wait, am I doing this right?
"pro-Palestinian voices were being censored long before the phrase 'cancel culture' existed"
Give me a break. Pro-Palestinian voices have been celebrated in the universities, in the press, in blue cities, and in most liberal enclaves I've experienced since I was in college, which was almost 40 years ago.
Oligonicella said...
"I hope to hell Crack gets to view the body cam footage and interviews from the Hamas terrorists."
You must've been a sheltered child: I was looking at dead bodies before I got out of elementary school. Do you really think this is going to shake me? What kind of conviction does a man have, If he changes his mind about right and wrong just because he sees dead bodies?
Oligonicella said...
"I can't prove the book has the murder of the native peoples, the NewAge references or the "good witch" origins, you meanie."
You moron. If you check the "American Experience" link, I put above, you will notice that it's broken - not that I reneged, like you would do. Here's the unbroken link.
Now I'm getting really tired of being doubted, and being called a liar, by people I've been hanging out with for over a decade. This is a fine example of what war does to people with weak minds.
Old and slow said...
"Well Crack, you've succeeded in making the Althouse blog 90% about you and utterly boring. Nice work asshole!"
What you mean is, I win the debate, because y'all don't have a good argument.
Saint Croix said...
"I see Hamas as an insane death cult."
Same here - all there more reason not to betray them.
"You've been railing against cults for as long as I've been reading you. It's weird to me that you fail to see Hamas as a cult."
I do. But have you seen anywhere that I've said we can be unfair to cults? And don't you think you need to rethink your morals if that's how you think? I hate cults so we can be unfair to them?
"I see no secular or worldly reason to believe that terrorism has been a winning strategy for the people of Gaza."
You guys don't even treat them like human beings, so how do you expect you're going to treat them like human beings?
"Quite the opposite, in fact. The hate of the Jews is irrational."
This isn't about a hatred for Jews, but I hatred for Zionists. After they've taken someone's home and land. That's totally rational. How are you guys can play dumb in front of such a simple crime is amazing. Martin Scorsese made his new movie just in time.
"The vicious murders and rapes of innocents help no one and solve nothing."
Somebody should've thought of that before they let the Zionists move in.
"I'm a little bewildered that you seem to believe otherwise."
This is a simple crime of theft and you guys are acting like it's some major fucking mystery.
Jamie said...
Any fool can see Palestine was never safe for this.
Because the Palestinians are simply incapable of civilized behavior?
No, because it was a bad deal, from the start, that they weren't even included in - and you expect them to swallow. That's a social rape you want them to accept, like you are force Juanita, Broderick, Kathleen Willie, and Paula Jones to accept from Bill Clinton, right? I mention that crime almost every day, too. You guys never mention it. As far as you're concerned, justice served.
You guys suck as ethical people
Jim at said...
"So, you're saying we're lucky so far? Because there's more coming?"
The way you lept to that assumption just proves what crazy fucking people you are
Oligonicella said...
Yes, [Oz] made a racist statement at the time of the Ghost Dancing but nothing in the doc supports your contention about his work "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz".
You clearly didn't watch the whole thing.
Crack, you realize Jews have been living in this "stolen land" for thousands of years, right?
They were living there in the BC era. Before Christ was born, and many centuries before Muhammad was born. Many of the Jews in Israel are natives.
Are you familiar with the creation of Liberia in Africa? Here's an interesting history from the U.S. government. Lots of racism and greed and stupidity.
Now suppose an African tribe went into Liberia and started murdering innocent people. Raping them, decapitating their babies. Kind of like Hotel Rwanda.
And this tribe claimed that the land was "stolen" and that justified all its atrocities.
Whose side would you take?
There's a distinctive funk to these "pro-Palestinian" protest marches: the smell of moldy Workers of the World newsletters proffered by pricey-earth-shoe-wearing trust fund "Marxists" who will return to their million dollar Victorian mansions in Inman Park after posing as working people for a few hours -- that is when they're not summering on daddy's mansion on Martha's Vineyard or hanging out at the SPLC's Poverty Palace in Montgomery.
I know these people.
For the rich commies running these orchestrated protests, the people of Palestine are as humanly irrelevant and disposable as were the American blacks they exploited during Jim Crow. Look at the hashtags and website links printed on the bottom of every slick "Palestinian" protest poster: these are actual communist agencies operating in the U.S., using dupes like Crack to promote their agenda, which is anarchy and social decay, falling most heavily on minority communities and least heavily on the dumb bunny, mad-at-daddy rich brats of all colors who act out at universities while their six-figure DEI professors beam with pride.
You would think that after 125 years of this shtick, more people would get it.
See, for example, Richard Wright. And behold, Crack, your own choice of cult.
Crack, I'm glad you agree with me that Hamas is an insane death cult.
Here's their charter if you would like to distance yourself further from this madness.
They want to kill the Jews, all of the Jews. And they do not claim that this is a rational response to historical injustice. That's your worldly, atheist, secular bullshit, Crack.
"This isn't about a hatred for Jews," you say.
Read their charter.
They claim that God is calling on them to murder all the Jews. That's the death cult I'm talking about. Are the Jews in San Francisco stealing their land, Crack? Are the Jews in New York stealing their land?
The Crack Emcee:
You clearly didn't watch the whole thing.
Front to back, obfuscater. I even started at 00:00, unlike your clipped reference.
Give the relevant timestamp I missed.
The Crack Emcee:
You must've been a sheltered child: I was looking at dead bodies before I got out of elementary school.
Piss the fuck off. Reading my posting history to this blog shows otherwise. You're not special.
What kind of conviction does a man have, If he changes his mind about right and wrong just because he sees dead bodies?
Depends on the condition of the bodies and what got them there.
You moron. If you check the "American Experience" link, I put above, you will notice that it's broken - not that I reneged, like you would do. Here's the unbroken link.
That's the second link posting you did not the first. The first was fine and like I said, I watched this doc front to back before any of this happened. Do you even realize you're displaying all the traits of SIGN?
So to recap, there's nothing in that video that supports what you said about WWoO. You just wrote that hoping no one would have every Baum Oz book and all five pre-1915 movies on disk.
Now I'm getting really tired of being doubted, and being called a liar, by people I've been hanging out with for over a decade.
The same people you've had no problem lying to over that decade, even in this very thread.
Haha. Goldberg really seems to be having an existential crisis lately as all the bullshit she celebrated being thrown at her Terrible, Evil, Enemies on the Right (and especially in the GOP) come flying back at her.
What's really pathetic are these columns that look like self-examination - but really are not.
Haha. Goldberg really seems to be having an existential crisis lately as all the bullshit she celebrated being thrown at her Terrible, Evil, Enemies on the Right (and especially in the GOP) come flying back at her.
What's really pathetic are that these columns that look like self-examination - are really not.
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