Now let the snivelling apologists for rape, murder and torture explain how this, too, was justified.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) October 10, 2023
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Now let the snivelling apologists for rape, murder and torture explain how this, too, was justified.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) October 10, 2023
१७५ टिप्पण्या:
She's right, you know.
Now, this baby-beheading may prove to be propaganda or a hoax.
But if it's proven to be true, we need to adjust our (the US) relationship with the Arab/Muslim world.
Start by cancelling every type of foreign aid. Permanently.
Let the Saudis pay for their idiot brethren...
The opening volley to pieces in our time. All's fair in lust and abortion.
"Now let the snivelling apologists for rape, murder and torture explain how this, too, was justified."
Why does she doubt that they will? I don't.
Nuseir Yassin
Personal Thoughts:
(not for everyone, feel free to skip)
For the longest time, I struggled with my identity.
A Palestinian kid born inside Israel. Like… wtf.
Many of my friends refuse to this day to say the word “Israel” and call themselves “Palestinian” only.
But since I was 12, that did not make sense to me.
So I decided to mix the two and become a “Palestinian-Israeli”
I thought this term reflected who I was.
Palestinian first. Israeli second.
But after recent events, I started to think.
And think.
And think.
And then my thoughts turned to anger.
I realized that if Israel were to be “invaded” like that again, we would not be safe. To a terrorist invading Israel, all citizens are targets.
900 Israelis died so far. More than 40 of them are Arabs. Killed by other Arabs. And even 2 Thai people died too.
And I do not want to live under a Palestinian government.
Which means I only have one home, even if I’m not Jewish:
That’s where all my family lives. That’s where I grew up. That’s the country I want to see continue to exist so I can exist.
Palestine should exist too as an independent state. And I hope to see the country thrive and become less extreme and more prosperous. I love Palestine and have invested in Palestine.
But it’s not my home.
So from today forward,
I view myself as an “Israeli-Palestinian”.
Israeli first.
Palestinian second.
Sometimes it takes a shock like this to see so clearly.
Last edited
6:28 PM · Oct 8, 2023
The sniveling apologists and Lawrence Tribe respond: "It was not murder at all, just post-birth abortions. Their birthing parents were denied the right to choose by a hetero-normative-Judeo-culture, so the Gaza freedom fighters gave them what they wanted."
Welcome to war?
There are a lot of people out there who are filled with hate. Their hate justifies everything.
Go get 'em, JK.
The Israelis misgendered the Palestinians, that's what this is really all about. Incorrect pronoun usage is all the Casus Belli Rainbow Jihad needs. Just look what happened in Orlando in 2016. Fear their fruity wrath.
Watch the former Palestinian Information Minister claim Hamas was attacking military targets
The ones I've seen are simply denying that it happened.
Behold: Leftist terror supporting jack-wads.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Hamas meant to generate outrage. It's a strategy to knock Israel, through the immoderation of its response, out of the constant Holocaust victim narrative.
Response that's against Judaic morality, too, so that Israel is no longer even a nation of Jews.
Oh, for Christ's sake. How did Winston Churchill justify the aerial bombing of Berlin, which undoubtedly killed hundreds of German civilians? Simple. It was necessary in order to goad Hitler into bombing British cities, which greatly improved Churchill's political prospects, at a time when the British public were not at all sure that another war with Germany was a good idea. See any possible parallels?
I must have sheltered access to the news. Not many sniveling apologists for rape, murder and torture reach me. But I do see lots trying to make sure folks don't forget that there is such thing as a worthwhile Arab cause for independence from the Jewish State. Which at this moment comes across as tone-deaf and ham-fisted. But the cause remains.
But many on the Left are justifying this.
Americans need to appreciate and *never forget* who these American Dems are that backed Hamas. They need to be voted out of office.
Many NE Dem state senators have been silent. One tweeted her support for Rep. Talib.
I thought that the Dems would lose support when the supported child mutilation. Now we find out who they really are. Morally bankrupt and insane.
Another point: Why kind of culture raised young men who can behead babies in cribs? That's a culture of death and evil that we haven't seen since the Nazis. In fact, I don't know that even the Nazis would behead babies.
That's it: Hamas is worse than the Nazis. If they had the scale, money and ability, they'd kill more than 6 million Jews.
And, of course, Biden and Obama enabled all of this terrorism with money and weakness. People need to know that.
The Squad are apologists for this. Any of the "both sides" people are excusing this. Anyone who literally or figuratively waves the stupid Ukrainian flag but can't full-throatily condemn these terrorists invites more of this.
The sleeper cells marched across our southern border sometime during Biden's corrupt stint at top totalitarian.
I would recommend caution prior to running with this claim unless and until irrefutable proof is provided. Its too similar to other similar claims made during the lead up to the Iraq wars (the "incubators" stories).
What has already been captured on video regarding the democraticals islamic supremacist allies actions is more than sufficient for any and all condemnation.
God how I hate this moral grandstanding and childish anger. Has Ms. Rowlings been following the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the Jewish behavior towards the arabs on the West Bank?
Its been one act of oppression afer another. Has Ms. Rowlings expressed outrage over that?
This is just one incident in an endless cycle of violence. Violence that's been done on both sides.
Oh, and nothing excuses killing innocent women and children? Well, tell that to Japanese and German kids at Hiroshima and Dresden. Would Ms. Rowlings condemn that. Or what about the thousands of Iraqi kids who died due to USA blockade of medicine in the 1990s. Go read Albright's justification for that if you want to be chilled to heart.
I'm upset at the terrorism too. But I'm not going to be stampeded into justifying some Israeli act of vengence or supporting a war with Iran.
What a bunch of childish clowns our supposed cultural and political elite are. Yes, lets all see if we can outdo each other in "standing by Israel" and expressing hatred toward the Arabs. Perhaps, we can arrange tours of the dead in Gaza, so various pundits and USA politicans can get in front of camera and shed tears and rend their clothes. Followed by angry gestures and cries of "Kill em all, and let God sort em out".
Remember how PROUD Bush was that America didn't go harrass/kill American Muslims after 911? According to him, that's what 911 was all about. Not giving into "hate" and "vegance". So, where's old Chimp-Hitler now? Why isn't he out wagging his finger and telling everyone to "Calm down".
We need negotiations. We need to stop the cycle of violence. And we need to help the innocents in Gaza who had nothing to do with this attack. And we need to punish the terrorists who did it. We need grownups, not clowns in charge.
Washington Post "Investigative Journalist" Evan Hill has already declared this news report "misinformation." Meanwhile, former General (and Bush CIA and NSA Director) Michael Hayden is calling for the murder of Senator Tuberville.
I'm glad to see a bit of sanity from the elite - thanks Ms. Rowling.
Hamas didn't light the babies on fire first? They're slipping in their expressive depravity depravity.
May Allah have mercy on their souls as the Israelites and God of the Old Testament will surely not.
Add in the threat to execute prisoners on TV and it's 100% clear that Hamas is a criminal enterprise.
The president of the student bar association of Ann's alma mater is up there with the grotesque, unconscionable haters.
There is something thoroughly subhuman about murdering defenseless babies. But then I’m a human being. American and European politicians who concoct justifications for Hamas, not so much.
What wins wars? Total defeat. Not negotiated surrender. Unconditional surrender.
An enemy must be taught that it is never, ever, going to be worth the price to do it again.
Carthage disappeared. Japan has not been a threat for generations. Hamas has shown what type of war it wants to wage. Israel should wage it.
The idea that everyone's gonna be outraged over war doesn't take into account the experiences of people who are more accustomed to violence than others. And the simple minded idea that we're all going to be on the same side at all times it's just silly. This issue was more nuanced than anybody with a black-and-white attitude will admit. Not to mention overseas where few Americans have any real experience.
Blogger readering said...
I must have sheltered access to the news.
That's the first accurate statement I have ever seen you post. Congratulations.
But that is what one would expect from a sheltered cave troll.
Blogger readering said..."I must have sheltered access to the news. Not many sniveling apologists for rape, murder and torture reach me."
How's this?
I guess those babies also were not innocent, as if there was some original sin for which every member of that race is declared guilty. And we are still supposed to believe the nazis are on the right.
"Palestine should exist too as an independent state."
Yes, it should, but only in the West Bank. Gaza was a monumentally stupid idea.
Rowling is no Oriana Fallaci, who used the word "insects" to describe those whom Rowling speaks of, but it's a wonderful start.
"Has Ms. Rowlings been following the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the Jewish behavior towards the arabs on the West Bank?"
Have you? Israel withdrew from Gaza 20 years ago, even forcibly removing the Jews who had settled there. Gazans then elected Hamas to be their leaders. As to the West Bank, Israel has made numerous offers over the years for an independent state, going back to the Oslo talks, and every one has been rejected. They don't want their own state unless it includes Israel.
The Jews in Israel and their idiot American counterparts who are literally running the United States government are now REAPING what they sow.
Put weak men in charge and the strong man will appear, ready to kick your teeth in. And people like the strong horse. Not the weak one.
Weak men pay $6 billion for hostages. Strong men don't do that because they know the result.
Israel, literally surrounded by Muslim terrorists, disarmed its populace. I mean how fking stupid can you be? How many Holocausts must you endure before you idiots WISE UP?
Israel has Democrat Party-like gun control in Israel. They literally disarmed everyone in their country and made their populace SITTING DUCKS, ripe for slaughter. Then wonder why they are attacked? It's a mystery.
STOP VOTING STUPID. Or die. It's up to you, kids.
" See any possible parallels?"
Yup. You and Charles Lindbergh.
"Why kind of culture raised young men who can behead babies in cribs?"
What kind of culture exhorts its young men to regard women as the justified spoils of war?
Muslim culture. They have a book.
Absolutely not justified or excusable. Must not be minimized in any degree
Absolutely horrible if it happened.
But that's the thing isn't it? Did it really happen?
If you read a lot of history as I do you come across horror tales like this and worse as a matter of course.
Some are true and toned down. Some have an element of truth and are exaggerated. Some are totally invented. A few are even true.
First thing I thought of reading this was the 1990 stories of Iraqis babies and incubators and mayhem that turned out to be pure invention.
Could this happened? Absolutely I believe Hamad has folks who could do this.
Did it happen? I have no Idea and neither does anyone else here.
John Henry
It is just the nature of Hamas... of all Muslim terrorist... murder whomever they can get their hands on. Their Korean say it is ok... and rape is just a good punishment for 'infidels'.
And AOC, and her like, clap and cheer.
All of this - true or not - is just being thrown out there to get the western white man (vilified by Jews and Arab alike living in our countries) to fight and die for them in their ancient desert blood feud.
There is not a single country in the Middle East worth the bones of a Kentucky marine. There is not a single outcome in this war, no matter how morally repugnant, on which it is justified to feed more of our blood and treasure.
Let every "American" waving a foreign flag form a volunteer battalion and spend their own lives for a cause they insist matters so much.
Of course, now that the USS Ford has been deployed (what exactly is this supposed to do fighting against a slum of barbarians), we will soon enough be "attacked" and the war with Iran that neocons have been screaming for for decades can be "justified" before the window of opportunity at last closes.
Big Mike said...
There is something thoroughly subhuman about making people be born and raised in concentration camps. But then I’m a human being.
Hamas does not want a Palestinian state coexistent with Israel, it wants the whole of Israel from the river to the sea as the Palestinian state. I don't think it's worthy to ignore what Hamas wants as stated in its charter or to ignore the existing evidence on what Hamas will do to get it. The evidence from the attack on the music festival is that Hamas gunmen would shoot down anyone in this country - including Rep Tlaib of the Squad and everyone on The View including Joy Behar, and commenters on blogs - and rape their daughters and kill their children and grandchildren, if Hamas decided to attack an event here.
I don't hope to make the deaf hear but just to point out how fantastic the Dems have become in their flight from reality. Remember, The shooting at that festival went on for at least three hours - it wasn't some sort of accident. But Dems can glide by even that reality.
And I know there's Dems turning away from GoodThink/BadThink. There's no other way to explain RFK Jr.'s poll numbers. But will there be time for needed change? Or have we used up all our chances?
Now that Elon Musk has freed X and provided a platform where Hamas can be correctly identified, instead of the spun propaganda of the democrat media, they are finally being seen for the monsters they are.
Go get 'em JK
Go get 'em Israel
The Horror
Kurtz: "I've seen horrors... horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that... but you have no right to judge me. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror... Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies! I remember when I was with Special Forces... seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate some children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn't see. We went back there, and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile. A pile of little arms. And I remember... I... I... I cried, I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out; I didn't know what I wanted to do! And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it... I never want to forget. And then I realized... like I was shot... like I was shot with a diamond... a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought, my God... the genius of that! The genius! The will to do that! Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters, these were men... trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love... but they had the strength... the strength... to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral... and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling... without passion... without judgment... without judgment! Because it's judgment that defeats us."
"Israel, literally surrounded by Muslim terrorists, disarmed its populace. I mean how fking stupid can you be? How many Holocausts must you endure before you idiots WISE UP?"
A bit exaggerated. As I understand it, a large number of Israeli households have reservists and military people with weapons. And check out this story about one kibbutz near Gaza. The sad thing is that it seems to be a unique story.
Israeli woman, 25, hailed as a hero for killing terrorists, leading team that saved kibbutz from Hamas
But it is true that non-military affiliated Israelis suffer under pretty restrictive gun control laws, at least until now.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd right on time ... here comes Joe Biden.
Having armed Hamas with $6 billion in Iranian hostage payments that they used to attack Israel, here comes Joe Biden promising to provide Israel with some Iron Dome rockets they can use to repel the attacks that Joe Biden funded.
When are you Jews going to WAKE UP and realize that the Roman Catholic Godfathers you're putting in charge in the US absolutely have your number?
Quit being a bunch of suckers and realize that you're being played. Or its the ovens for you all. That's the end game here: OVENS.
I'd say I'm surprised by the number of people who are openly supporting the terrorist butchers.
But I'm not.
The time will come when the switch is flipped here. And they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Before anyone else gets on here and decides to start saying I side with Hamas, I'm gonna say it again: I live in a world that I think is insane, but you guys are all comfortable in. Now you're upset because the inanity has gotten out of your comfort zone and you expect me to choose a side. But I don't see a side. I see insanity continuing to spin out of control, and you guys didn't do anything to stop it, before it's too late.
As far as I'm concerned, you should try to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
So why is anyone surprised when Muslims follow the express instructions in their holy book?
"Slay them where you find them."
This is normative Islam. Voices have been raised that this is what Islam teaches and has practiced for 1400 years. And those voices have been called "racists" and "haters" for telling the truth about Islam.
If leftist won't open their ears after 9/11, why do you think they might after Hamas's latest killing spree?
"There is something thoroughly subhuman about making people be born and raised in concentration camps."
If you're referring to the "refugee camps" in the West Bank, I presume you're aware that they are controlled by Arabs (mainly the Palestinian Authority). They are the ones keeping their brethren in those camps as a propaganda tool. Jordan allowed the refugees to become citizens. Egypt controlled Gaza until 1967 but wanted no part of them.
rcocean said... "We need negotiations. We need to stop the cycle of violence."
We need to kill everyone involved in the attack, and all of their supporters in Gaza and elsewhere. This is how we stop the violence.
Pay close attention to what's happening in the US House of Representatives. You see, the House can actually OUST ANY ELECTED MEMBER they want.
Here's Article I, section 5 of the United States Constitution:
"Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member."
So if ... for example, Rep. Ilhan Omar was to announce her support for Hamas terrorists, the US House of Representatives could just expel her. Then she would be gone. They could do that to AOC. They could do that to Ayana Pressley. Any member who aligns themselves with actual baby-killing terrorists can legally, under our Constitution, be EXPELLED from Congress.
Have they done any of that yet? Because it doesn't seem like they've done that yet.
If they don't ... what are we to make of that? Do they want terrorist sympathizers in our US Congress? Because it seems like they do.
Jupiter writes, "Oh, for Christ's sake. How did Winston Churchill justify the aerial bombing of Berlin, which undoubtedly killed hundreds of German civilians?"
Jupiter's grasp of history is tragically jejune.
Original Mike, your link is qmaking my case for the distinction. By the way, I generally associate that flag with Hamas rival the Palestinian Authority, which made it the Palestine flag in PLO days. Doesn't Hamas have its own flag(s)?
rcocean writes, "We need negotiations. We need to stop the cycle of violence. And we need to help the innocents in Gaza who had nothing to do with this attack. And we need to punish the terrorists who did it. We need grownups, not clowns in charge."
Jejune. Yes, we need grownups. However, judging by the comment, rcocean is among them.
"Yup. You and Charles Lindbergh."
Why, thank you.
But I'm a little puzzled here. Aren't we all agreed, as good feminists, that if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament? Since when is killing babies a bad thing?
Jupiter said...
Oh, for Christ's sake. How did Winston Churchill justify the aerial bombing of Berlin, which undoubtedly killed hundreds of German civilians? Simple. It was necessary in order to goad Hitler into bombing British cities, which greatly improved Churchill's political prospects, at a time when the British public were not at all sure that another war with Germany was a good idea. See any possible parallels?
Another of our resident ahistorical simpletons speaks.
You act as if Hitler was the wronged party here------even though HE began the war and intended to bring all of Europe under Nazi rule..
Churchill didn't need to "goad" Hitler into bombing British cities----Hitler had already indescriminately bombed Rotterdam in 1940. So bombing Berlin was simply giving him a taste of his own medicine---and letting German citizens notice that the war was coming to them.
Germany clearly wanted Rotterdam as a stage of operations for invading the UK. So....was Churchill supposed to let that happen?
Ya think the Brits wavering on whether the war was a good idea would have welcomed the German invaders?
I love the historical ignorance here about the grand “message” of Islam. Go to the origin - they swarmed North Africa and wrecked Egypt and ruined the “ breadbasket of Rome” by bringing their Sheep to destroy the vegetation. They cut off Europe from papyrus causing the main reason for the “ dark ages” - lack of writing materials. They invaded Europe and held Spain 800 years - warping the Spanish culture until the “negotiations for peace” ended the only logical way possible -total expulsion.
And some here play the “endless cycle of violence card”. Ask the Buddhists in Afghanistan, the Byzantines, the millions taken from Europe as slaves to serve their needs, the minorities in Pakistan today, the gangs in Sweden - how’s that “coexistence” working out?
And we need to help the innocents in Gaza who had nothing to do with this attack. And we need to punish the terrorists who did it.
No doubt the "terrorists who did it" will be punished.
But what about the "innocents in Gaza" who cheered and chanted? They weren't the ones on the gliders or in the trucks tearing children and grandparents from their homes, raping, murdering, and torturing, but they sure seemed happy about it, I understand. I won't watch the videos so I'm relying on written reports.
The Crack Emcee said...
Welcome to war?
Yes. It is shit. In every concievable way.
You got it just backwards. Germany bombed coventry. After that all bets were off.
rocean said.
" Oh, and nothing excuses killing innocent women and children? Well, tell that to Japanese and German kids at Hiroshima and Dresden."
The Japanese were warned to leave those cities. Leaflets were dropped in advance. Berlin was the capitol of Germany. Fair game. Dresden declared itself an open city and then let German troops use its roads and railroads.
Sometimes, in order to stop the cycle of violence, your enemy must be put in the situation that makes violence unthinkable. War is a natural condition of mankind. Someone will always take exception to your very existence.
Let's acknowledge the trust. There is no such thing as Palestine nor are there Palestinians. They are Arabs living in Gaza.
Crack Emcee: "There is something thoroughly subhuman about making people be born and raised in concentration camps. But then I’m a human being."
Its these types of lunatic and moronic statements that make thinking people disregard what you have to say.
A "concentration camp" that the Israeli's walked out of in 2005 when the PLO/PLA/FATAH took over followed by Hamas running the joint (after fighting Fatah) since 2006.
Yes, that's right: this Not-A-Concentration-Camp has been completely controlled by Hamas since 2006.
And if it is a "concentration camp" (it isnt) it has been run by Arabs.
Just Arabs.
And it borders on Egypt to the south...where Egyptian Arabs have made it clear they do not want the Gaza Arabs wandering or migrating into Egypt....just like the Jordanian and Syrian Arabs want nothing to do with the Gazan or West Bank Arabs.
So those Arab nations keep these Arabs in camps.
Its at moments like these where I am reminded Crack actually asserted that slavery, murder and lying did not exist in the world until Whitey showed up and taught everyone how to do them.
The RAF didn't start bombing Berlin until June 1940 by which time Britain had been at war with Germany for nine months. German forces had conquered Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium and were close to defeating France. By that time Churchill had seen off a rebellion within his own government, which is described in detail in John Lukacs' 1999 book "Five Days in London, May 1940". His famous speech "We shall fight on the beaches..." of 4 June 1940, among others, had rallied the British people to his cause.
Bombing Berlin did serve a strategic purpose by diverting German air attacks away from Britain's air defences, thus ensuring Germany's defeat in the Battle Of Britain. Had the Luftwaffe gained air superiority in 1940 the outcome of the war might have been quite different.
Some real class acts up in here.
It's too much like the Kuwaiti babies in incubators story for me to believe it without some evidence. Could be true, could be a reverse blood libel.
Here's a documentary from 1982 showing how complicated this is and how there is no "Good Guy"
Some of the Hamas sympathizers posting here seem unaware that Israel left Gaza in 2005, forcibly removing more than 20,000 Israelis in order to give Gazans political autonomy. The Gazans elected Hamas and Hamas now regularly launches rocket attacks and raids into Israel from Gaza. Gazans don't want prosperity or some such version of the good life. They want to kill Jews. But hey, sympathizers, I hear there's a peace rave near the Gaza border this weekend. Why not head over?
readering @1.42,
But I do see lots trying to make sure folks don't forget that there is such thing as a worthwhile Arab cause for independence from the Jewish State.
Well, readering, Israel has given Gaza just exactly that, by cutting it off from the food, water, electricity, and gas Israel willingly traded with the Gazans for. You want to be independent? You know damn well that Egypt and Lebanon and Jordan (heh-heh, well, not really) will supply you. You want "independence"? Be our guest.
Israel has actual desalinization plants running. Terrible news, right? This would be good for Gaza, too, except Gaza tries to kill any Jew, whatever his/her politics. It's just mindless slaughter, a bit "lit" in the last few days, but always around.
Drago, rcocean, and buckwheathikes:
Well, at least we now know that these anti-Semites are against Israel. Good to finally know, although many of us here had suspected this for some time now, that they always blame the Jews.
They may have committed a little rape, mayhem, murder, kidnapping, and generally terrorizing some defenseless men, women, and children, but at least they may not have decapitated some babies, so they got that going for them.
If you are someone who cares about the people living in the West Bank or Gaza then you are doing them an extreme disservice if you are defending Hamas. No one says it better than the President of El Salvador. Here is Nayib Bukele’s complete statement:
“As a Salvadoran with Palestinian ancestry, I'm sure the best thing that could happen to the Palestinian people is for Hamas to completely disappear.
Those savage beasts do not represent the Palestinians.
Anyone who supports the Palestinian cause would make a great mistake siding with those criminals.
It would be like if Salvadorans would have sided with MS13 terrorists, just because we share ancestors or nationality.
The best thing that happened to us as a nation was to get rid of those rapists and murderers, and let the good people thrive.
Palestinians should do the same: get rid of those animals and let the good people thrive.
That's the only way forward.”
What happened in Israel is a combination of several factors.
1) A mad dog Terror organization, Hamas, lived just miles away, with vows to kill all Jews.
2) A very stupid US President, Biden, who basically gave Hamas access to BILLIONS via Iran.
3) Liberal government, Israel, that would not allow citizens to own serious small arms (AR-15s/16s/AKs) without very hard to get approval and expense.
4) Same liberal government, Israel, would not allow militias to form to protect their villages and towns.
5) Same liberal government, Israel, used just 'electronic surveillance' methods. That is use radio intercepts, cell phone intercepts, radar, heat sensing devices, and ground listening devices. Any and all that could be circumvented by even semi-intelligent people. Old WW2 school methods of messengers, face-to-face meetings, foam to block heat signatures, catching of weapons and vehicles over months, etc... THERE WAS NO WALL, NO LOOKOUT TOWERS, NO MINE FIELDS, NO NOTHING... just wide open land.
And so this mad dog Hamas picked the time and place where there was no ready protection force, no militia, no lookouts, no nothing. And just did a mass charge at the crack of dawn.
I am not blaming Israel for the atrocities Hamas has done. The crimes are Hamas to bear. BUT, the stupidity of all involved is quite evident.
And their is a parallel folks... San Jacinto in Texas. Where Texas forces, just camped a few miles form Santa Anna's forces, sneaked up to them over a field, while the Mexicans had their siesta, and over ran them! AND THE MEXICANS KNEW THEY WERE THERE!!
So don't give up your guns... and if Biden's Southern Border Invasion becomes violent, you will need to start a militia in the town you live, post guards and lookouts, make fighting bunkers, train together, and be prepared!!!
And FJB!
And that apologist will be identifying as the Fascist and Nazi without saying so. Keep a list of them so that in the future when they throw "fascist" and "nazi" around you can recall to the minds of all who supported these atrocities and excused them.
Not a Hamas apologist, and there does not appear to be any dispute that they planned and carried out an uprovoked terrorist assault on civilans.
And there is lots of real evidence of atrocities.
But everything in that video was what we lawyers call hearsay.
The young woman reporter reminds me very much of my daughter. I am inclined to believe everything she said.
But there is a reason why such "evidence" isn't allowed in court.
The Palestinians have had 75 years to come to terms with the existence of Israel. They refuse to do so. They have chosem this irredentist path without the power to make it reality. Doing so they may lose the little they have, and I will not care if they do.
Apparently the facts are in dispute. Just because Hamas rapes and murders women and burns grannies alive is no reason to jump to the conclusion that they would murder babies. If the story turns out to be false, it will just show how evil the Israelis are to spread such lies. (s/).....By the end of this affair, more Palestinians than Israelis will be dead. I would suppose a great many of them will be innocent civilians. Perhaps that was the plan of Hamas. Most of the Muslim world will now rally around the Palestinians and consider the Hamas attack heroic and the Israeli response barbaric.......Fuck them all. I wish the Palestinians would stop freely choosing Hamas thugs to lead them off the cliff, and I wish that there was some crime against Israel that the larger Muslim world would consider to be evil and wrong....If, God forbid, Hamas should ever prevail does anyone think that they would impose a just peace or be proportionate in their replies to Israeli resistance. It wouldn't be ethnic cleansing. It would be genocide.
Larry Kudlow's show tonight pointed out that Trump's Iran sanction's are "in place but not enforced". This has allowed Iran to profit to the demonstrable tune of 50+ Billion dollars
There is no nuance in murdering innocent civilians.
The fucking brainwashed-to-hate Palestinians are allowed to move thru and many live in Israel.
The people celebrating that day - who were slaughtered, were there for peace and probably supported Palestinians.
No - there in ever a nuance or justification to slaughter of innocent civilians.
When Israel retaliates - the international left will scream.
Israel drops leaflets prior to retaliation.
Hamas - they hide their Mullah and Biden paid for war machine in hospitals and in day-care centers.
Yeah.....there's a bigger battle coming.....and it won't end well for the muslims.
Sometimes, the hardest part of a Gazan resident's day was figuring out which gold shop at the market had the best deal on jewelry.
You know, just like every other "concentration camp", right Crack?
'There is something thoroughly subhuman about making people be born and raised in concentration camps. But then I’m a human being.'
I can get behind this Crack, and do you one better.
There hasn't been (Democrat) slavery in the US for over 150 years, but there are oppressed people living in 'concentration camps' this very minute.
Let's take all of the millions we would pay in reparations to blacks (that I agree with), and send it to the Palestinians instead. It seems like they have the greater need.
As human beings we should all be in agreement with this...
From just one year ago:
"Ramadan: Gaza's green markets are alive with colour!"
According to Crack, this is basically like Auschwitz.
"War. What it it good for? Absolutely nothing!"
Thought that was too simplistic when I was younger. Whoever wrote the line didn't see the nuance in war's value. Support for Bush Neocons showed my I was WRONG.
It's fucking profound.
I wonder if any of the men who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima (0r Dresden) would, if given the opportunity, have enthusiastically broken into the homes of civilians and machined-gunned families to death?
Hey Crack, remember all those pictures of "concentration camps" where the "prisoners" spent beautiful summer days at the beaches?
"Gaza beaches packed as Israel-Hamas ceasefire holds"
Crack, do you think those dastardly Israeli's wait for the kiddos to collect lots of seashells and then steal the shells from them?
Because that's EXACTLY what nefarious "concentration camp" operators would do!
rocean. Go pound sand, or move to some Arab country, if you aren't there presently.
Welcome to war?
You ain't wrong.......don't buy into it!!!
Anyone who is an apologist for Hamas terrorism is a garbage person, and deserves whatever bad karma should befall them. Period.
The Crack Emcee said...There is something thoroughly subhuman about making people be born and raised in concentration camps. But then I’m a human being.
You should be old enough to remember the many many times the Palestinians turned down chances NOT to live in places like Gaza. They always chose or chose leaders who chose to live on hatred alone. I was fortunate to experience this as a teen when I had a Palestinian teacher at my school. She fomented and seethed with hatred for Jews. If any people "deserve"what's coming to them, it's the Allah-forsaken people of Gaza and especially their chosen leaders .
Hamas are supremely wicked people--right up there with ISIS.
Alexander said...There is not a single country in the Middle East worth the bones of a Kentucky marine. There is not a single outcome in this war, no matter how morally repugnant, on which it is justified to feed more of our blood and treasure.
Agree. But we can take sides.
"I don't know that even the Nazis would behead babies."
Not sure about Nazi babybeheadings but there was one Zepf, at Auschwitz . . .
You don't want to know.
First off, a number of independent journalists have confirmed the decapitated infants story. Second, there are no innocents over the age of three in Gaza. The population elected Hamas and the civilian celebrants of the dead, and or dying, mutilated "prisoners" is sickening to watch.
You will be able to hear the rubble bouncing from here by the end of next week.
"There is something thoroughly subhuman about making people be born and raised in concentration camps. "
Indeed there is, but it's not conservative Americans who are making that happen.
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Drago, rcocean, and buckwheathikes:
Well, at least we now know that these anti-Semites are against Israel. Good to finally know, although many of us here had suspected this for some time now, that they always blame the Jews."
Holy crap! You actually believe this little "anti-semitic" ploy of yours will work, don't you? This on top of your hilarious "Drago hates white women" schtick!
Unbelievable! Awesomely unbelievable! Incredibly awesomely unbelievable!
And I'll bet it took you all day to come up with it, didn't you?
I have to ask: Did you run it past the "boss", LLR-democratical C**** first? Because I am thinking you probably should have. Tsk tsk tsk
I mean, we all know from reading your mindless LLR drivel that you are a hopelessly pathetic failure in advancing LLR-democratical talking points and driving a wedge between Althouse and her readers (the raison d'etre of Team LLR)
Its why LLR-democratical C**** had to reach out and bring in LLR-democratical Rich to beef up the LLR ranks.
My expectations for you were low, because, duh. Obviously. But it is clear I will have adjust those low expectations to subterranean levels!
The Times of London and Norah O'Donnell of CBS have confirm the story for those who think it is a hoax.
I stand w Israel...: "When Israel retaliates - the international left will scream."
Yes, they are already screaming.
But we have hit an inflection point on many different levels.
Already many of the apologists are flexing in a way that tells you the Arab terrorists have overstepped:
- in the Middle East we are hearing the usual suspects beginning to say it was the Israeli's who actually pulked this off for their evil purposes and the terrorists were simply sucked into another clever Israeli plot
- in the states, more and more the dems/left/LLR's (but I repeat myself) are flexing to the Russia Russia Russia and Trump(!) rhetorical safe haven
You can always count on these "dogs" to return to their vomit.
But only every single time.
Journalists visiting the scene; photos of blood in cribs. It's pretty clear something horrific happened to infants.
The notion that all conflicts should end in ceasefires after which the parties will negotiate a settlement is the type ofwishful thinking that perpetuates violence down generations leading ultimately to an increase in total violence. It would be nice if conflict could be negotiated away. If everyone with a gun could/would just compromise. But mostly it can't and they won't.
I've seen this go on for 75 years and I'm bloody tired of it. There has never been any lasting progress and won't be until something changes the choices the Palestinians make.
People disregard Crack because they strongly suspect that he is mentally ill, not because of his opinions.
My guess is Bipolar Disorder. Let's be kind.
People disregard Crack because they strongly suspect that he is mentally ill, not because of his opinions.
My guess is Bipolar Disorder. Let's be kind.
Many people (here, there, Everywhere the CIA pays them) have been saying that:
The War in The Ukraine is OUR war, and that we should ALL be willing to escalate, up to and including Nukes
Many of these SAME people are now saying that we need to call for a "measured response" or a "cease fire" in Israel. I don't think WE should be in EITHER war.. and i SURE don't think we should be paying the Iranians to Murder Israeli babies
You did a post earlier covering just this, sort of. "That earlier generation of blogs once performed the task of aggregating news and stories from across the Internet".
Pre-internet, pre-blog, before twitter, Facebook, and Substack, and others, do you think the gatekeepers of information would have allowed the masses to see this?
Even now- our government seeks to censor. hence 50 former intelligent officials perjuring themselves and signing a letter that says Hunter's laptop was a Soviet misdirect, when every single ne of them knew through their own sources it was 100% absolutely Hunter's. And it absolutely was a campaign contribution in kind.
As a result of that- Facebook and Twitter banned any discussion of the laptop actually belonged to Hunter, even alluding to it got you banned.
Carthage practiced ritual child sacrifice. And on the senate floor Cato the Elder oft repeated "Carthago delenda est! until the deed was done- Carthage wiped out, completely, along with it's abominations.
What should become of Gaza? Following the lead of Rome in this instance would not be out of line.
Hamas's attack reminds me of the part the Viet Cong played in the 1968 TET offensive in South Vietnamese cities during the annual holidays. Surprise attack against overly sanguine defenders, committing many cruel atrocities (slaughtered families), and a catastrophic military defeat for the attackers, both in lost personnel and in the failure to trigger a popular uprising. But a stunning propaganda loss for the defenders, in damaged military and political confidence and surging dissent. Laying the groundwork for political and military defeat years later, on terms no-one would have expected in 1967.
Here, it looks like Hamas has lost 1,500 highly motivated soldiers for no military gain, which in a normal military calculus is a major defeat. But they have achieved a significant propaganda victory by the mere fact they could make the attacks, and the terror they sowed by their atrocities against civilians. Israel now has no military alternative but to make war on Gaza, an area densely packed with civilians which Hamas uses as human shields. So more propaganda victories to Hamas. In effect provoking and leveraging the suffering of their own people to undermine the morale of Israel and its supporters. Amoral but probably effective.
Hamas's attack reminds me of the part the Viet Cong played in the 1968 TET offensive in South Vietnamese cities during the annual holidays. Surprise attack against overly sanguine defenders, committing many cruel atrocities (slaughtered families), and a catastrophic military defeat for the attackers, both in lost personnel and in the failure to trigger a popular uprising. But a stunning propaganda loss for the defenders, in damaged military and political confidence and surging dissent. Laying the groundwork for political and military defeat years later, on terms no-one would have expected in 1967.
Here, it looks like Hamas has lost 1,500 highly motivated soldiers for no military gain, which in a normal military calculus is a major defeat. But they have achieved a significant propaganda victory by the mere fact they could make the attacks, and the terror they sowed by their atrocities against civilians. Israel now has no military alternative but to make war on Gaza, an area densely packed with civilians which Hamas uses as human shields. So more propaganda victories to Hamas. In effect provoking and leveraging the suffering of their own people to undermine the morale of Israel and its supporters. Amoral but potentially effective, especially as it is enabled by significant sections of Western elites.
Well, at least we now know that these anti-Semites are against Israel. Good to finally know, although many of us here had suspected this for some time now, that they always blame the Jews.
Interesting that you only get this sort of rhetoric when it involves antisemitism or Israel. Always this hysterical, you'd better agree with me 110 percent boy - or you're the ENEMY. You'd better prove to me you're OK, and if not....
The ADL/Israeli supporters feel no obligation to be reasonable or make sense. Its OK for them to be fanatics, make the most outrageous statements and disgusting attacks. "You're with us or against us" "you're a garbage person" "You're a cockroach if you don't support Netenyahu".
And it seems to work. Since, it results in purity sprials, and people competing to see who loves Israel more or who can give the Israelis more money or hate Iran or the Arabs more. Or cry the biggest fake tears.
Some people were like this during the Ukraine invasion. But weirdly, it was NOT like this after 911. From the very start you had libtards who's main concern wasn't the dead Americans but the feared "backlash" against muslims. Or they were turned off by all that icky flag waving and patriotism. You even had people saying that "Americans chickens have come back to roost". Ann Coulter acutally was fired for saying "we should invade their countries and Christianize them".
But it seems when the ADL and Israel is involved that doesn't occur. 2nd hand Israeli patirotism and jingoism is OK, and so is calling for "wiping those arabs out" when its Israel that's been hurt. Again, where is George Bush? Where are those concerned about "Going too far" and "We can't become what we fight"?
And when you watch Miss Lindsey running around demaning we invade Iran, you gotta wonder whats up with people who vote and support him. Are they crazy? Do they love war? Do they get some thrill out of 2nd hand killing? I'd bet most of them can't even find Iran on the map.
"Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Here's a documentary from 1982 showing how complicated this is and how there is no "Good Guy"
Its easy. If you're against the animals decapitating babies and setting them on fire, you're the good guy.
rcocean, what do you think the ultimate outcome is going to be, then?
Those who wring their hands at potentially excessive US support for Israel, and risk to the men, women, and other genders in the wonderful rainbow of chaos that is our military, seem to be unfamiliar with the US/Israel dynamic. Again and again, it's the US telling Israel "there there that's enough". Netanyahu and the rest of the Israeli polity from left to right are telling the US to stuff it. They're going to take care of business, Corleone style. Screw the optics. When this is done, Netanyahu will probably be blamed in Israel for being too soft. He will be replaced by the next generation, once the dust settles and the rubble is done bouncing.
And hey, get ready for some new school terrorism in the US from some of the the people Joe Biden let in. Hamas doesn't care that Joey B. is a peace activist. Neither do our other enemies.
Stay away from peace raves, and Jewish pre-schools.
Interesting that you only get this sort of rhetoric when it involves antisemitism or Israel.
yep! USUALLY, when an armed force targets women, and children.. And rapes and kidnaps are murders both.. The USUAL rhetoric is: Oh, that's just war..
BUT! when it happens to Jews, people get all freaked out..
Of course, in REALITY; it pretty much ONLY happens to Jews.
If the russians were doing this in the Ukraine? ya think people wouldn't use "this sort of rhetoric"?
We'll NEVER know, because the Only armed forces that use the tactic of Massive rape and murder of civilian children are arab forces.. Prove me wrong
Robooh: "Hamas's attack reminds me of the part the Viet Cong played in the 1968 TET offensive in South Vietnamese cities during the annual holidays. Surprise attack against overly sanguine defenders, committing many cruel atrocities (slaughtered families), and a catastrophic military defeat for the attackers, both in lost personnel and in the failure to trigger a popular uprising. But a stunning propaganda loss for the defenders, in damaged military and political confidence and surging dissent."
Don't forget the Tet offensive basically wiped out a significant portion of VC (south Vietnamese rebels) which later on made it much easier for the N Vietnamese to consolidate their power in the South after the US left.
Tet worked out very nicely for Team Hanoi.
Drago said...
"According to Crack, this is basically like Auschwitz."
Drago is on another anti-crack attack, which isn't surprising. The man's got nothing better to do with his day. He's joined by somebody claiming I'm mentally ill or bipolar. People are strange when you don't join them in warmongering. I'm not gonna keep on repeating I'm a supporter of Jews, but let you guys keep on expending yourself, saying stupid shit about anybody who doesn't agree with you 100%. It's more fun. I mean, even you know there are people, in Israel, who don't agree with Israel, but you're gonna beat me up because I live in United States and don't wanna be told what the fuck I'm supposed to feel - about anything - after I've been telling you for a decade, the world is full of these cults and you motherfuckers were denying it.
Sorry, but you're not my avatars for describing reality - Not. Even. Close. You fuckers can't even stop Oprah.
Thinking about Rome multiple times today.
And the God of the Old Testament and the Jews.
Maynard said...
People disregard Crack because they strongly suspect that he is mentally ill, not because of his opinions.
My guess is Bipolar Disorder. Let's be kind."
Give me a break. I own most of the threads I'm on, and jealous people say so - that's one reason I hang around here. If anybody is fucking bipolar or mentally ill, it's someone like anti-Crack Drago, wh'so never served and doesn't even have the capacity to stop fucking Oprah, but he's going to rally the troops to take on Hamas.
Awww, does the democratically-elected "terrorist group" scare you? Maybe your dumb ass should've acted better before shit popped off. Oh, wait, you can't. Because you're an asshole, and this is just how you are, and what you encourage. I, on the other hand, have lived with violence my whole life, and nothing you guys do scares me at all. You're assholes, that's what I got from my life experience. And assholes cause people to get killed. Hell, you're trying to start a fight with me, right now. That's what kind of assholes you are. You know nothing else. Here - this is what you enjoy in peacetime as "culture" - before you want to pretend you're some angelic lifesaver of the world:
Look on your works and rejoice.
Dustbunny: "The Times of London and Norah O'Donnell of CBS have confirm the story for those who think it is a hoax."
Waiting for confirmation is not the same thing as thinking its a hoax.
But if confirmation arrives, Gaza will be lucky to end up as a tent city with only 75% of its population driven into Egypt.
Egypt better get the UN spinning up support at the Rafah corridor muy pronto.
Given the actions taken in the last 12 hours, I am beginning to put more trust in the story.
What with the Saudi's calling for an emergency Arab leadership meeting to address the coming war escalation (they know its coming), the Iranians pulling a "who, me?" act in terms of taking "credit" for this terroristic slaughter and Hezbollah basically walking on eggshells, I suspect we may see some concrete confirmation of this beyond imagination horror-filled story in the coming hours or days and all the affiliated parties are saying to Hamas: sorry dudes, you're on your own.
Hamas clearly expected a wider attack on multiple fronts by their allies but the nature of this truly Nazi-istic action has changed the entire dynamic of Middle East confrontation and has dealt a potential death blow to the open democratical/western-left + islamic supremacist alliance.
Just watch the video of Tlaib being confronted by a reporter and watch the loudmouthed terrorist supporter, who ALWAYS has something to say, keep her yap shut as she flees to a nearby elevator as fast as her little terrorist toes can propel her.
rcocean said...
"Interesting that you only get this sort of rhetoric when it involves antisemitism or Israel. Always this hysterical, you'd better agree with me 110 percent boy - or you're the ENEMY. You'd better prove to me you're OK, and if not...."
If you've ever been around insecure people before, then, you know, they have a hard time standing alone. They always have to have a gang around them, to beat everybody else up. This is why we have such a shortage of men nowadays. They're just a bunch of punks, posing like they own a pair of testicles, but really, they're just vaginas, looking for a girlfriend. At the first sign of danger, out comes the make up and the lipstick, and they're on the corner, demanding someone protect them.
Yesterday, while I was on this blog talking, one of my neighbors threw a tire iron through his window so hard the glass blew into my apartment, and I assumed I was getting robbed. I just got up and got ready to fight. No big deal - and I've got an injured right hand. I do not, and this is NOT an environment where people scare easy. You guys are probably in much better circumstances, and shaking in your boots over watching TV.
You're the ones who really should just shut-the-fuck-up and stop trying to escalate shit. Either that, or head over to Israel and put your fucking ass on the line, because anything less is just talk.
Usually from cowards.
Robooh said...
"Hamas's attack reminds me of the part the Viet Cong played in the 1968 TET offensive in South Vietnamese cities during the annual holidays. "
When you guys talk about this kind of stuff, do you remember that we started that with a lie? The whole gulf of Tonkin bullshit? And yet, we revere John F Kennedy to this day, for him lying to us? And now you're gonna believe what the government tells you - again? And yell at anybody who doesn't go along? If so, you guys are fucking slow learners.
BTW - Juanita Broderick and the two women Bill Clinton raped, and I, are still waiting for you HE-MEN to get all upset and do something about that. We'll wait.
gilbar said...
"Remember! Many people (here, there, Everywhere the CIA pays them) have been saying that: The War in The Ukraine is OUR war, and that we should ALL be willing to escalate, up to and including Nukes"
There was also 51 intelligence officers who said Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation, so - wow - we really know what side we're on.
"Palestine should exist too as an independent state."
No, it shouldn't.
Gaza is an independent state.
And even with a blockade prevent import of truly terrible weapons, this is what they did.
The Palestinian state he hopes for will do the same.
"Response that's against Judaic morality, too, so that Israel is no longer even a nation of Jews."
Judaic morality does not require us to allow murderers to live.
Even if they hide among civilians. (Most of whom support this barbarism in any case.)
Who can cry the biggest fake tears should be a contest Ann holds whenever a war breaks out.
"I must have sheltered access to the news. Not many sniveling apologists for rape, murder and torture reach me. But I do see lots trying to make sure folks don't forget that there is such thing as a worthwhile Arab cause for independence from the Jewish State. Which at this moment comes across as tone-deaf and ham-fisted. But the cause remains."
I found one.
"Has Ms. Rowlings been following the Israeli occupation of Gaza"
Israel left Gaza in 2005, liar.
Terrible mistake.
I find a dead body in the alley behind my house about once a week. Maybe once a month. I should probably start posting pictures of them all, so that you guys can get it out of your head that it's other people who have it hard.
Not that I think an asshole like Drago would actually do anything for somebody in America, and not some anonymous people, he doesn't know, on the other side of the world.
"I would recommend caution prior to running with this claim unless and until irrefutable proof is provided."
The quickest way for me to identify a fascist is when I hear people decide other people are not human, or are "savages" and "monsters" and whatnot. That's the first thing the Nazis did was decide the Jews were subhuman and started labeling them as such. Wild-eryed white men were killing Indians, who were "savages," too, right? It's a sure sign of psychopathy.
Drago and Co. can be talked out of their own humanity without much of a fight. Just show them some video and tell them what to think. They'll gladly lose their marbles and start goose-stepping - because they're such good people.
rcocean writes, "We need negotiations. We need to stop the cycle of violence. And we need to help the innocents in Gaza who had nothing to do with this attack. And we need to punish the terrorists who did it."
Negotiate with who exactly?
Hamas is doing it and Hamas rules Gaza.
You can't negotiate with Hamas anymore than you can with ISIS.
chickelit said...
"Hamas are supremely wicked people--right up there with ISIS."
Hamas is a democratically-elected group (that was assisted in its creation by Israel) looking out for its constituents in an extremely brutal and ruthless part of the world. We have been killing Ukrainians every day in our proxy war, killing women and children and hardly batting an eye, but now we're gonna get all upset because someone else is looking out for themselves?
You guys are serious propaganda puppets
You guys STILL can't even get an accurate bead on what happened in Iraq, but you're up to choosing sides in a new conflict over there, right?
Talk about a portrait in stupidity,...
You live in your carefully constructed world of lies, and that's how you like it.
Swallow it.
Ari Shaffir opens his comedy special, Jew, by talking about how Jews look at everyone else. Not just the Palestinians, but everyone else.
"They're shitting on you"
But you go get involved in a religious war,...
Isn't it fascinating how, before all this started, we were in this intense conversation about misinformation and being lied to about everything, but now - because of events overseas that we had nothing to do with - now everyone is 100% sure about everything, and they know where they stand, and who they stand with?
The hypocrisy and bullshit knows no end.
rcocean said...
"Are they crazy? Do they love war? Do they get some thrill out of 2nd hand killing?"
They got a proxy war going in Ukraine, and they're anxious to get one started in the Middle East. They must enjoy it. More than making sure the people in Ohio have clean drinking water, or our borders are secure, or our homeless are housed, or our blacks and Indians are happy. All of that gets an argument. I fierce argument at that. But not war. All of a sudden, they're up and ready with money, and guns, and their bodies. Well, someone else's body. Always someone else's body. Because they're so brave.
Hey Drago, do you want a ticket to Israel to go fight? I'll pay for it. Just to occupy your hands so you can stop breaking my balls.
Tucker Carlson DESTROYS Hawks Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham After They Call For WAR
Tucker Carlson on Americans ready for war: "What are we watching here? This is not sober leadership. [This] is a child. And this is the tantrum of a child. Ignorant. Cocksure. Bloodthirsty."
Look at this thread, and you can decide for yourself who's-who,...
Israel-Gaza War: The Urgent Need for Rational—Not Emotional—Responses
Dave Begley said...
In fact, I don't know that even the Nazis would behead babies.
Maybe not but they did gas them (or kill them some other way) and one concentration camp "doctor" in particular did dissections on their eyes.
Why can't people just be cooperative, right?
It's weird how quickly people forget how to act and start accusing others of shit - like being the supporters of terrorists if you don't want to get involved in somebody else's war.
Gospace said...
Carthage practiced ritual child sacrifice. And on the senate floor Cato the Elder oft repeated "Carthago delenda est! until the deed was done- Carthage wiped out, completely, along with it's abominations.
Anyone who believes anything the Romans said about their enemies doesn't understand Rome.
They practiced propaganda as well as anyone today.
Americans: Such a virtuous self-image
Joe Smith said...
Let's take all of the millions we would pay in reparations to blacks (that I agree with)
Right after you figure out how to do it by taxing only those whose ancestors had slaves. And don't forget the blacks that had and sold slaves.
Robooh: One reason Tet worked was because the 3 networks and major dailies agreed on the narrative. In today’s world where everyone’s a publisher, other narratives get out. If the beheaded Jewish baby videos and rape parades keep showing up on the internet and in non-mainstream media, there’s a chance the Hamas propaganda will only work on people who were fellow travelers anyway.
Watch this. Jonathan Greenblatt puts MSNBC in their places with the truth....
" The Crack Emcee said...
I find a dead body in the alley behind my house about once a week. Maybe once a month"
Yeah, Crack's not mentally ill. Not one bit. I've just about run out of interest in the comments here. They used to be an interesting mix. Now there are just a few people remaining who are worth bothering with.
Crack Emcee: "Hey Drago, do you want a ticket to Israel to go fight? I'll pay for it. Just to occupy your hands so you can stop breaking my balls."
If you'd ever get a single historical fact correct then whatever balls you might or might not have would not need to be broken.
And I already punched my "been there, fought there" ticket for the Middle East. Besides, you really dont have that much excess cash anyway, do you?
So file your "concentration camp" lies under "S*** Crack Got Wrong When It Would Have Been Easy To Get It Right" and just move on...but let me guess: those darn Israeli's made you get basic facts wrong, didnt they?
john mosby said...
"Robooh: One reason Tet worked was because the 3 networks and major dailies agreed on the narrative."
Shhhh. I've been talking about the narrative overnight, and it appears that means I hate the Jews.
Don't let this happen to you.
Crack Emcee: "Drago and Co. can be talked out of their own humanity without much of a fight. Just show them some video and tell them what to think. They'll gladly lose their marbles and start goose-stepping - because they're such good people."
I am sorry you were forced to watch videos of Gazans enjoying days at the beach, shopping at many of the gold shops in their market areas as well as seeing stocked up green markets full of food available for purchase.
Those are clearly harrowing and disconcerting sights for you.
And having to face the fact the Israeli's pulled out of Gaza completely in 2005 is also freaking you out.
Try and keep up from now on.
Oligonicella said...
"Right after you figure out how to do it by taxing only those whose ancestors had slaves. And don't forget the blacks that had and sold slaves."
You guys are morons. It doesn't matter who owned slaves. The government is paying the injured parties for making it legal.
If Gaza is a shithole that's on the people who live there. If someone gives you a quarter acre it's on you to determine what you do with it. A garden or a dump. You get to choose.
Crack Emcee: "Not that I think an asshole like Drago would actually do anything for somebody in America, and not some anonymous people, he doesn't know, on the other side of the world."
Just stick with your history rewrites.
Your attempts at mindreading and prognostication will only embarrass you further.
We need to stop the cycle of violence.
That is exactly what Netanyahu has said he is going to do by making changes that will reverberate down the generations. You might not like his method of doing it though.
Proxie War #2. Taiwan will make #3. Are you not entertained? I do miss Trump's unorthodox foreign policy.
Crack Emcee: "I own most of the threads I'm on, and jealous people say so - that's one reason I hang around here."
Just gonna let that one sit there with one additional recommendation for Crack: always make sure to include just how powerful and handsome you are as well. I guarantee that will never get old.
has anyone noticed any sniveling? more like gloating!
Drago said...
"Crack Emcee: "I own most of the threads I'm on, and jealous people say so - that's one reason I hang around here."
Just gonna let that one sit there with one additional recommendation for Crack: always make sure to include just how powerful and handsome you are as well. I guarantee that will never get old."
[Looking in the mirror]: "I'm good enough, and smart enough, and God dammit people like me!"
Old and slow said...
" The Crack Emcee said...
I find a dead body in the alley behind my house about once a week. Maybe once a month"
"Yeah, Crack's not mentally ill. Not one bit."
I hope, after 10 years on this blog, that no one is accusing me of being a liar. I've been called mistaken, and a bunch of other stuff - including now mentally ill - but never a liar. And what a strange thing to be accused of lying about. Dead bodies in the alley behind my house. As soon as I saw this, I went outside to take a look, but unfortunately, they cleaned up the last shrine the Mexicans built to the latest dead guy, with one dollar religious candles and mylar balloons. I live in the California desert, and Mexicans come here with no money, somehow get drunk and die in the cold. (It gets very cold in the desert.) The alley behind my house is a popular drinking spot. There's an alley two blocks away that people gather in that's so bad I can't even walk through it just for the smell of body odor and death.
If you don't believe me, all I have to say, is, you don't know shit about life in the United States.
Rusty said...
"If Gaza is a shithole that's on the people who live there. If someone gives you a quarter acre it's on you to determine what you do with it. A garden or a dump. You get to choose."
Everything about those peoples lives is controlled by someone else including us. Man, you guys don't talk rationally.
pacwest said...
"I do miss Trump's unorthodox foreign policy."
So do I - when asked he said "just stop killing."
Somehow, his other fans on this blog seem to miss that. They want to go to war. Again.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
If you don't believe me, all I have to say, is, you don't know shit about life in the United States.
I don't believe you because you are lying. You aren't finding dead bodies in the alley every week or every month unless you are putting them there. Dishonest or crazy, take your pick.
Crack Emcee: "I hope, after 10 years on this blog, that no one is accusing me of being a liar."
I am pretty sure claiming white people invented lying, murder and slavery is an obvious lie and not just a simple "mistake".
Crack Emcee: "[Looking in the mirror]: "I'm good enough, and smart enough, and God dammit people like me!"'
Works for me.
"Everything about those peoples lives is controlled by someone else including us. Man, you guys don't talk rationally."
Nope. Think Hamas. Gaza was handed to them, the Palestinians, with no strings attached. The residents turned it into what it is now. They had an opportunity to create a garden spot. Their own independant nation. They chose to kill Jews instead.
Somehow, the majority of the terrorists will survive the onslaught.
Rusty said...
"Everything about those peoples lives is controlled by someone else including us. Man, you guys don't talk rationally."
Nope. Think Hamas. Gaza was handed to them, the Palestinians, with no strings attached."
Rusty, man, they've had sanctions on them almost from Day One. Half the population is women and children. 3/4 of the population is unemployed. What do you expect them to make with that? You've condemned them to Hell and demand they be happy.
Hey Rusty, Israel just said they're going to cut off all water and food etc. Tell me how the Palestinians get around that if they have control over their own destiny.
America almost wiped out all our Indians while talking about "savages" and the rest of you haven't fallen far from the tree.
Rusty said...
"They had an opportunity to create a garden spot. Their own independant nation. They chose to kill Jews instead."
You've swallowed every narrative they put out there, hook-line and sinker, and, if anything is left out of that story, you don't care.
Here's a film my old Band-mate made after he went over there. I trust what I see with my eyes, and from people I know, more than narratives.
The Crack Emcee said...
"Hey Rusty, Israel just said they're going to cut off all water and food etc. Tell me how the Palestinians get around that if they have control over their own destiny."
Simple. Stop killing their neighbors.
From day one, after entering Gaza, the Palestinians proceeded to wreck everything the Israelis left behind.
You pass my house every day. And every day you tell me you're going to kill me. What do you think I'm going to do?
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