৯ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩

"More than 30 Harvard University student organizations are holding Israel 'entirely responsible' for Hamas’ mass slaughter — sparking outraged condemnation..."

"... and calls by a congresswoman for the Ivy League school to denounce the 'abhorrent and heinous' support of 'evil and terrorism.' In a letter titled 'Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine,' 31 student organizations — including the Ivy League’s affiliate of Amnesty International — condemned Israel, even as its residents are kidnapped and more than 700 have been killed by the terrorist organization...."

১১৭টি মন্তব্য:

Hey Skipper বলেছেন...

This is one of the beauties of free speech: makes it easy to see people for what they are.

Owen বলেছেন...

""...Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine" is --let me count-- 9 words long. It begins with the all-important brand (Harvard, don't you know?) and then immediately descends into red-hot poisonous political activism, masked here by a bunch of five-dollar words like "Solidarity" and "Situation in Palestine."

Once a reader has dug his way through that verbal excretion, he or she (or xe) will swallow anything, however rabidly racist or irrational it might be.

That's a useful heuristic (and guess what, there are no heuristics unless they're useful): any "organization" requiring 9 words to name itself is, with high confidence, not worth listening to.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Steve Hayward makes a good suggestion at Power Line. In addition to taxing the endowments of these Ivies, no more federal research funds.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The spokesperson for the Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, has just announced on Aljazeera that due to the bombings on Gaza, each bombing will henceforth be followed by the execution of a hostage and that each execution will be filmed and broadcast - Sifaoui

The return of the Bronze Age. Isn't that when most of the stuff in the Old Testament happened? This is some real Old Testament stuff going on. People need to take a breath and count to ten, but instead, we are all in a blood lust. As Scott Adams says, "terrorism is still around because it works." it unifies people on the one hand, and on the other hand, it makes people make stupid mistakes, like passing The Patriot Act.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Don't these smart kids at Harvard know that it is an exceptionally bad idea to make such sweeping statements like "entirely responsible?"

PrimoStL বলেছেন...

If only someone could motivate Hamas to paraglide some airborne martyrs onto American college campuses, it might help their public relations image if they shot up a bunch of septum-pierced trans goths instead of 11 year old Israeli kids.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Indoctrinated but never educated. Time to shut the doors on that place and force its faculty and administrators to earn an honest living.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Do we expect anything different from the shitheads going to school at Harvard?

They are taught this by the liberal education establishment. Harvard should just own it.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

We could pay down the national debt and solve a thorny geopolitical problem if we sell California to the Israelis so they can move out of the Middle East. They'd have to agree to keep all the state current residents though. They could settle them all in a shitty part of the state and build a wall around it.

I also propose Harvard hold an annual rave party in Gaza and require attendance for graduation.

Political Junkie বলেছেন...

As I have said before here, we need to start taxing all colleges and college endowments.
Go after their pocketbooks.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe বলেছেন...

It's 30 people. Who cares? It's a big country. And it's a free country.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Sadly, very predictable. And nothing will happen because the anti-Semitism is now embedded in the faculty.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Israel might as well do the crime. Low yield nuke on Gaza followed by nuke on Iran's oil export terminal, the Iranian Guard and whatever Iranian nuclear weapons facilities and rocket facilities they can find. Warn the Lebanese if Hezbollah starts any crap they will suffer the same.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

Very nice folks there at Harvard. The Sioux should be laying their plans now.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Seeing this on Twitter in the last hour:

Hamas Spokesman Abu Obeida: “From this hour on, we announce that every targeting of our safe people will be met with the execution of one of our enemy hostages, and we will broadcast this with audio and video”

Harvard must be so proud.

Trump defeats ISIS. Biden helps finance it's barbaric return.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Just makes me hate Harvard and the idiots who go there even more.

AlbertAnonymous বলেছেন...

These little elitist entitled fucks have no idea….

Told you this shit was gonna happen.

“We stand with Ukraine” but apparently “Fuck Israel” is the response.

They oughta be ashamed of themselves. And Harvard oughta be ashamed of them all

And where does “Amnesty International” get off blaming Israel for being attacked ?

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

What an embarrassment. How does one's moral compass get flipped around?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Now we know what the smart kids think.

hombre বলেছেন...

Harvard "trains" historical, geopolitical, and economical illiterates who have previously demonstrated their amorality by enrolling.

They have the same indoctrination as the Hamas thugs committing murder on the streets of Israel.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Money quote: “Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia.”

I wonder what the Paleostinian protesters are up to at my alma mater, UW-Madison.

chickelit বলেছেন...

These sorts of events can change American politics: 22 years ago, I switched political allegiance and voting record from D to R because of the Left's shameful pandering to the enemy. I'd not that all D's are terrible, but the radical left is under their wing.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - Orwell

Temujin বলেছেন...

Any wonder why young people coming out of universities seem to know nothing? They're taught by Marxists. And the funny thing is that these very people praising Hamas would be slaughtered by Hamas, or Hezbollah, or ISIS, or any of the Cult of Beheading. They'd start with the Gay people, then the women who speak for themselves, then the others just for not fully submitting. Unless they end up fully submitting at which point they will cease to be themselves. All the flag waving will mean nothing when they come for you.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I am sure that if you were able to poll the dead young people at the Rave for Peace concert on, let's say last Friday afternoon, their opinions of Israel vs. Hamas would likely have been similar to those of those Harvard loons. Unfortunately, those Rave for Peace party goers couldn't be polled this morning.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Saturday was Eloi vs Morlocks.

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

We have terrorists in our own Congress issuing support for Palestinian murderers and a President who just gave Iran - a terrorist state that has taken US people HOSTAGE and still owes us an embassy - $6 billion dollars.

The country you knew is lost. Al Qaeda won. Get used to the new normal.

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

We have terrorists in our own Congress issuing support for Palestinian murderers and a President who just gave Iran - a terrorist state that has taken US people HOSTAGE and still owes us an embassy - $6 billion dollars.

The country you knew is lost. Al Qaeda won. Get used to the new normal.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

We have the saying backwards now... When the student is ready, the students will appear.

Backup... Everybody expects the student's inquisition.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Harvard is a mess.

Burn it down and start again.

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

Remember ya'll ... these aren't the "domestic terrorists."

Those would be the moms angry at the school board for encouraging their kids to cut their d|cks off.

Or Catholics. Those damn Catholics.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

America's elite!
Over the weekend as I read an article decrying dead UW-Madison President Van Hise's support for Eugenics back in the early 1900s. No mention was made that the center of this activity in the USA was Harvard University.

loudogblog বলেছেন...

It's one thing to say that the Palestinians have legitimate grievances; but it is unethical to justify the level of violence that Hamas has used in this attack.

This is the classic bigotry of "The other side is doing wrong no matter what they do; but my side is incapable of doing wrong no matter what they do."

Aggie বলেছেন...

How many of these students are acting on their advocacy by trundling over to the Gaza strip to offer their support? They'd make excellent hostages - until they find out how badly they've been self-inflating their worth to others...

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Imagine if a Republican Congressman were to make similar statements to those Democrats. As for Harvard, it's time for the Ivy's to lose their tax exempt and charitable status and all government contracts and funding. Let them use their endowments for their funding.

Virgil Hilts বলেছেন...

Not defending H, but many of these groups may only have 2 or 3 members and there is likely a ton of overlap. Explains why members names are not provided. I expect that to be soon rectified and then that at least some members stating that they don’t agree with the screed. H’s Jewish student population has been declining. This won’t help (or maybe H considers it helpful if it wants them gone).
Disgusting. Name and shame!

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"In one of this new war’s most horrific twists, “one of the Hamas attackers who broke into the home of a grandmother in Nir Oz, near Gaza, killed her, filmed it with her phone and uploaded the video to her Facebook – which is how her grand-daughter found out.”"

I went to the NY Post article to see who could possibly support this kind of barbarism. It is sad, but I couldn't help but laugh at their sense of self-importance: “"We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” the letter reads.". Do they really think anybody cares who they hold responsible?

And look at the smiling photos of these self styled arbiters of moral conscience. It's sick.

Drago বলেছেন...

The reality of democratical/leftist open support for Hamas' actions as well as the democratical's decades long policies to promote and fund the islamic supremacists in Iran and elsewhere, goes a long way in explaining the Althouse blog LLR-democraticals upping their smear campaigns against Elon Musk, Scott Adams and even, if you can believe it, Mike Lindell of all people.

I expect to see much more of this from LLR-democratical Rich et al as their actions and rhetoric becomes even less defensible.

Enigma বলেছেন...

And the left again splits into factions and some will become conservatives. Jews who want Israel to survive must vote for those who support them (i.e., Republicans), even as they've historically voted quite left in the USA.

Brandeis University -- created when the Ivy League had quotas to limit the number of Jews:


William বলেছেন...

At the end of WWII, there were tens of millions of forcibly displaced refugees. The Palestinians were hardly unique. In fact, they had a better deal than most of the displaced. More ethnic Germans died as a result of their forced displacement than there were total Palestinian refugees. You can say the ethnic Germans sided with the Nazis and deserved what befell them. Well, ditto for the Palestinians. They sided with with Nazis. The first country to recognize Israel was not the USA but the USSR. Stalin had his reasons for doing so, and one of his reasons was the fact that the Mufti was pro Hitler.....The Palestinians are more like occupational refugees than an occupied land.... How much sympathy have the good people of Harvard shown towards the Coptics of Egypt or the Christians of Iraq or the Zorastians in Iran. They were the original settlers of those countries. Shouldn't they be awarded some kind of reparations or special treatment for the ill treatment they have received down through the centuries?....From what I can see, just about all women and every religious or ethnic minority is mistreated in Arab or Muslim countries. It's some kind of perversion of white supremacy to say that only white or Jewish oppressors can truly oppress.

Virgil Hilts বলেছেন...

It has begun. The four members of Jews For Liberation have been identified.

Noah Body বলেছেন...

> This is one of the beauties of free speech: makes it easy to see people for what they are

Yes, but now what do we do, except of course give these Harvard students highs paying jobs and roles in the decision-making aspects of our society?

Richard বলেছেন...

An Institution rots from its head.

Not to be outdone by the vile Harvard students, we get this tweet from Laurence Tribe, the "esteem" Harvard Professor of Law.


traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The sweet idealists’ masks have come off. And they are deadly snakes like their parents were before them. The Jew hatred disease is just too easy to catch. Time for a Real leader… now what was that Jew lover from The Bronx named? Something about the art of the deal in his approach. He Just quit hating Jews and then he easily made a deal or an Abrahamic Accord from the USA’s new Jerusalem Embassy. Can’t be that hard.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

This is why is increasingly difficult to be optimistic about anything.

That toxic group think has seeped down into the individual psique. (See Claudia Morales)

The people who want to see it all burn down are winning.

Lucien বলেছেন...

“Now look at what you made me do!”

Political Junkie বলেছেন...

Just to follow-up on my earlier post about taxing colleges and their endowments. If on average all academia had the overall views of our hostess (center left/center is my observation) then I could let them retain their tax exempt status.

However, AA, in my guesstimate, is on the right hand side of the academia spectrum. And I speculate the trend is going in the wrong direction. How to fix it, I have no clue. I wonder if there is adverse selection going on. Do some conservative minded people just say no thanks and abort themselves from academia? Most people don't want to live in a neighborhood where they know they are hated or have to remain silent.

JK Brown বলেছেন...

Watch for this to flip. ADL's Greenblatt blasted MSNBC, on air, for their misleading reporting that showed rubble in Gaza but nothing on the attack on Israel.

GREENBLATT: “I must say, I love this show. And I love this network. But I’ve got to ask who is writing the scripts? Hamas? The people who did this, they are not fighters, Jonathan, they are not militants — and I’m looking right at the camera — they are terrorists. It is a barbarian who rapes and brutalizes women, who kills children in front of their parents, and then brings them over to Gaza, who literally — we’ve heard all these reports and we know these aren’t just reports, these were filmed gleefully by the barbarians who committed these grotesque crimes. They filmed for example, an elderly woman in her home in one of these towns, they burned her alive in her house because she was too infirm to take out. And you know, parading women, bleeding from the crotch because they were raped throughout Gaza, while people hoot and holler and cheer. So look, you know, when we say, ‘Well, this was an escalation, it was bound to happen.’ I am sorry. This was a massacre that was pre-planned. This was not destined to happen. It is not normal to shoot teenagers in the back, hundreds of them. So I just think like, guys get the story, right. And all these pictures of like, you know, missiles, or the rubble in Gaza, please talk to the Israeli mothers and fathers who lost their children, talk to the grandchildren whose grandparents were seized as hostages, and please stop calling this a retaliation. This is a defensive measure against an organization that is committed to one thing, killing Jews — not a peaceful resolution of a conflict, but murdering Jews. And if you’re wondering if I’m exaggerating, please, I beg of you, everyone watching and everyone at this network, just watch the footage.”

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

"Indoctrinated but never educated."

That sounds like it could develop into a real problem.

jnseward বলেছেন...

Peace has been breaking out in the Middle East thanks to efforts of China and Russia. The U.S. can't let that happen. Something had to be done.

Rabel বলেছেন...

They're mostly Muslim groups, except for a couple of smallish Jewish ones. Good that they revealed themselves.

Meanwhile, I await the Althouse take on the latest Biden exposure.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Joe Smith said...

"Harvard is a mess.

Burn it down and start again."

That fine institution that gave us Deepak Chopra? You must be kidding. By the way, Uri Geller is in Israel and wants you to know he's totally against everything that's going on, too. I saw a "news source" claim that he's been an "illusionist" - not a con artist - all these years. Sigh. I just don't know what to believe about anything anymore. And it's been that way for a long long time.

But, I'm sure, it's the fault of those pesky kids.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

When you’re young, you don’t realize how thin the line is between colorful and crazy.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Joe Smith writes, "Harvard is a mess. Burn it down and start again."

The halls are fine; let them stand. The sickness resides in the faculty and the top-heavy administration like plague rats. Too many cooks spoil the broth it's said. Well, Harvard's plethora of chefs have not just spoiled the broth, they've turned it into sewage. Decimate Harvard. Have every faculty member, administrator, and student leader draw lots. One in ten gets the chop -- students expelled, administrators fired, tenure rescinded, tuition forfeited, grants withdrawn, no readmissions, no pensions, golden parachutes ripped to shreds.

The remaining nine in ten will be watched. If Harvard backslides, decimate once more.

Lincolntf বলেছেন...

They are Leftists. they crave the rape, torture and murder of all "colonizers", and they proudly proclaim it. If a few hundred women have to be raped, these "feminists" with three pronouns have no problem with it, so long as they aren't the ones being raped. They are garbage people and whoever raised them failed at their most important job, raising a decent, rational human being.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

As for the war, Israel should seek a Carthaginian peace.

minnesota farm guy বলেছেন...

My 60th reunion from Harvard is coming up and I have been trying to pick out my least favorite part of Harvard these days to comment on in the "Class Report". My topic has just presented itself.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

It's really hard to see us as the good guys when Deepak Chopra and Uri Gellar are on "our side."

Readering বলেছেন...

So a bunch of Muslim/global south teens want to blame Israel for terrorism inflicted on it, and shrewdly use "Harvard" to get attention.

I'm more concerned by Americans blaming guy sitting in the WH. I think the one who is going to be blamed, and tossed, is guy sitting in PM residence in Jerusalem.

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

I've mentioned this before. My brother was offered a full-ride to get his PhD in organic chemistry from Harvard. He turned it down and did it at UCLA instead. He said he did so because he wanted to study real science.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Al Jezeera English has the best live shots of stuff blowing up in Gaza, usually as part of an interview explaining that the whole affair is Israel's fault. Two audiences there, I guess.

mikee বলেছেন...

War crimes are war crimes. Here's hoping Israel goes for unconditional surrender, arrest of every member and all leadership, and tries them in public before punishment, preferably execution for all involved in civilian murders. That may not be the way they think at Harvard, but it'll do for me here in Texas.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

An old friend just called me and was asking why a song he really likes only has 144 views. You're The Crack Emcee," he said. "You used to pack them in the clubs. What happened?" I explained the concept of being 'canceled' to him and, as I did so, he got really quiet. I told him about a bunch of stuff that's happened to me since everyone in San Francisco became aware that I'm not "spiritual" and I ended it by telling him even his ex girlfriend said, if she saw me walking down the street, she would physically attack me. "What over?" he asked. "Spirituality," I said.

This is my life with the "good guys" in the spiritual battles everyone's fighting. Needless to say, the Muslims aren't the only bad actors to me. They're just some of the worst.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Communists, marxists and Nazis LOVE mass murder. Harvard students are all three. NEVER HIRE ONE.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

“ Blogger tim in vermont said...
The spokesperson for the Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, has just announced on Aljazeera that due to the bombings on Gaza, each bombing will henceforth be followed by the execution of a hostage and that each execution will be filmed and broadcast - Sifaoui”

Israel should make it glass.

Leland বলেছেন...

Late to this discussion and my thoughts aren't even worth $.02, but I'll play. My first thoughts are more like Virgil Hilts at 1:24pm. I wouldn't paint all of Harvard with the views of what is probably a much smaller group of students, but certainly their views are a shame. I don't agree with the various calls to punish Harvard for the free speech thoughts of a few, even if it was representative of a majority of Harvard's student body. The answer to their poorly considered thoughts is the power of well-considered viewpoints given back to them.

As for the treatment of Palestinians in Israel, as William notes at 1:54pm, their lot is similiar to Coptics, Christians, or Zorastians in the Middle East, and I'll add Kurds in Syria, Turkey and Iraq. I also understand Palestinians want their own land as Jews did in the 1940s.

My problem with the events of Yom Kippur 2023 is the targeted attack of civilians attending an event to promote peace. It reminds me of ISIS execution of Coptics in February 2015. Those executed were lured to an event promising jobs in Alexandria, Egypt. During the interview, they were religion was discussed and the Coptics were asked to come back. When they did; they were kidnapped, taken across the border, and executed by ISIS for a promotional video. Perhaps this weekend, the rave event was just coincidental, but that type of coincidence is a bit too lucky for Hamas. Hamas crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed. I do not agree with those that think crossing that line was warranted.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Free Manure While You Wait! said...
I've mentioned this before. My brother was offered a full-ride to get his PhD in organic chemistry from Harvard. He turned it down and did it at UCLA instead. He said he did so because he wanted to study real science.

Harvard Chemistry Prof. E.J. Corey had more than one PhD student commit suicide, ostensibly because of mistreatment. But then Corey himself was mistreated by R.B. Woodward. And then there was the shameful mistreatment of Geoffrey Wilkinson, who did Nobel Prize winning work at Harvard but was denied tenure for that work.

Drago বলেছেন...

readering: "I'm more concerned by Americans blaming guy sitting in the WH. I think the one who is going to be blamed, and tossed, is guy sitting in PM residence in Jerusalem."

Your pathetic desperation to shift focus off of Team Dem and their policies over decades and the inevitable outcome of those policies is duly noted.

Jim at বলেছেন...

I'm more concerned by Americans blaming guy sitting in the WH.

Yeah. How silly of us to point the finger at the guy who indirectly funded what's going on right now. Tsk. Tsk.

Charlie বলেছেন...

This is my shocked face.

Lance বলেছেন...

Steve Hayward makes a good suggestion at Power Line. In addition to taxing the endowments of these Ivies, no more federal research funds.

This is not freedom of speech. Taxing private organizations because of what some radicals are saying? That's not right.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

Amnesty International is corrupted beyond usefulness. As I have mentioned many times before, any organization that lasts long enough gets infested with parasites that undermine its core purpose. The rot has been apparent for some time.

Harvard, of course, is now a hedge fund and administrator employment program masquerading as a university.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

A comercial would go something like this...

"More than 30 Harvard University student organizations agree...

A comercial for television news shows...

"More than 10 Intelligence Community Agencies agree...

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Ah the wonders of face recognition software will likely bear fruit in their lives. Best and brightest!

robother বলেছেন...

31 groups, disproportionately made up of AA admissions, majoring in various grievance Studies. I can't help wondering about the total number of overlapping members of the 31 groups. What are we talking, 50 students? Let's face it, both the Right and the Left media have need to exaggerate these messages from the fringe.

Maynard বলেছেন...

I'm more concerned by Americans blaming guy sitting in the WH. I think the one who is going to be blamed, and tossed, is guy sitting in PM residence in Jerusalem.

It takes a real moral POS to blame Bibi for the Hamas execution of civilians.

Readering and the little punks at Harvard are the face of the Soviet Democrat Party.

Mike বলেছেন...

Just shameful. They're basically repeating Hamas talking points. "75 years" is a very revealing tell. It regards the very existence of Israel as an oppression.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"Was there a single treaty, the United States had with the Indians, that it didn't break?" "Uh-Um"

How long do you think that's gonna stay with them?

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"My brother was offered a full-ride to get his PhD in organic chemistry from Harvard. He turned it down and did it at UCLA instead. He said he did so because he wanted to study real science."

That's where my interest in Harvard has been mostly - NewAge quackery. They teach acupuncture there. Surely you know that, along with Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz is also a graduate? Or how about this:

"In 1963 [Timothy] Leary and Mr. [Richard 'Ram Dass'] Alpert were kicked out of Harvard for their exploits, which included giving drugs to undergraduates. One of the men behind their expulsion was none other than Andrew Weil, still an undergraduate. Jealous at not being fully admitted into their world or, Mr. Lattin suggests, being given the best drugs"

That these frauds have all run segments of American life today should cause us profound embarrassment and shame.

GingerBeer বলেছেন...

Some ideas are so stupid and vile that it requires a Harvard education to embrace them.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'An Institution rots from its head.'

And this is an institution (along with Yale and other Ivies) where know-nothing, woke, credentialed idiots (from only the finest families, dontcha know) are pulled to fill myriad federal government positions.

It's a self-perpetuating cycle of wokeness and Jew-hatred.

Only the best people...

pacwest বলেছেন...

So Hamas is calling for a truce "now that we have achieved our goals". Netanyahu is saying he is going to unleash on Gaza, and as Readering points out he's going to have a lot of trouble politically.

It's a world gone mad.

Nice বলেছেন...

Please read the Lawrence Summers Tweet and comments


(Sorry, I can't do links)

Harvard isn't just a re-education camp these days, that University has become a glorified Sleeper Cell.

Any Jewish Profs are too ensconced in their Asian fetishes to bother to speak out.

Dave64 বলেছেন...

That Hamas would gladly cut the throats of the imbeciles is the kicker!

Lars Porsena বলেছেন...

Well, who's surprised?

Clyde বলেছেন...

Anyone who sides with the heinous actions of Hamas is a garbage person, and richly deserves whatever bad karma comes their way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

anyone who uses the term "apartheid" is not a serious person with a grasp of history or reality.
They are as propagandized as Hamas itself.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

@ Crack - Plus one! Please tell me you had a mohawk!

cfs বলেছেন...

Larry Summers seems shocked to learn that Harvard apparently supports the actions of Hamas and the university has been silent as their student groups believe Israel deserved the attack from this weekend. I'm shocked that he is shocked. Didn't he realize what Harvard has become?


"Too little too late? Lawrence Summers shocked by Harvard's silence on Israel/Hamas"

Drago বলেছেন...

Latest Washington Post headline: "
Video shows apparent death of Israeli hostages in Hamas custody"

It's as if the Washington Post staff is completely comprised of LLR-democratical Richs and C****s and lonejustices.

Hey lefties/dems/LLR-democratical lefties, deaths of hostages at the hands of terrorists are called "murders".

JPS বলেছেন...


"Harvard Chemistry Prof. E.J. Corey had more than one PhD student commit suicide, ostensibly because of mistreatment."

Yeah – I was down the river when one of them did. It shook us all up.

Corey seems to have been a toxic advisor in many ways, but I've always wondered, to what extent did he drive four students to suicide, versus attract the kind of highly driven, tightly wound basket cases who would feel there was nothing left for them if he told them they were no good? (I'm sorry if that sounds callous.) I had a truly miserable stretch in grad school, but nothing my advisor could say or do would have made me kill myself. At worst I'd have said, Ah the hell with this! and found a different path.

"And then there was the shameful mistreatment of Geoffrey Wilkinson, who did Nobel Prize winning work at Harvard but was denied tenure for that work."

A former colleague recounted the charming story of the day Wilkinson's Nobel was announced. Lot of chastened Harvard chemistry faculty around the lounge. Finally Corey pipes up, "Well, he wasn't on my list."

And one of his colleagues smiles, shakes his head, and says, "There's only one person on your list, E.J."

wildswan বলেছেন...

e-lite - a Harvard education.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Readering said...
"So a bunch of Muslim/global south teens want to blame Israel for terrorism inflicted on it, and shrewdly use "Harvard" to get attention.

I'm more concerned by Americans blaming guy sitting in the WH. I think the one who is going to be blamed, and tossed, is guy sitting in PM residence in Jerusalem."
Funny thing. The White House trades billions of dollars for hostages and a week later Hamas goes on a killing spree. Just a coincidence, right?

gilbar বলেছেন...

so, i was listening to NPR's All Things Considered (5pm CDT), and they had Expanded Coverage of:
The TERRIBLE cost in INNOCENT LIVES being forced upon (wait for it..) The Palestinians.
Apparently, the War Mongering JEWS are waging War against the INNOCENTS in the Gaza..
Which, according to NPR.. IS HORRIBLE!!

They DID ask a "friend of theirs" in Gaza: "What about the Israeli Children, and Babies, Killed?"
And their "friend" said: "What about The Gazans? What about THEM?"

So, According to NPR (unsurprisingly) the WHOLE THING is The Fault of THE JEWS

Prof. M. Drout বলেছেন...

It's so weird how there is no agitation for the Russians to give back Kaliningrad (Königsberg) or the Poles Gdansk (Danzig) or the French Alsace and Lorraine, or the U.S. Texas or various parts of Micronesia. Why doesn't Turkey have to give back Constantinople to Greece? Why, It's almost as if a country or a region or a people starts a war and then goes on to lose a war, they end up losing some territory--or all their territory.
Likewise, if a country captures territory in a war, they generally keep it, and people after 50+ years just have to move on. (Too bad, because some of the land my dim-witted "Loyalist" ancestors lost from backing the wrong horse in the Revolutionary War is pretty valuable now...just saying).

But when Israel wins some wars and ends up with territory because, you know, they WON them. They, UNIQUELY, are supposed to hand it back to the people that attacked them or allied with the attackers--the people who KEEP attacking them.

Why, it's almost as if--and I know that it couldn't actually BE this, so there MUST be another explanation, though I can't think of one--but really it does seems almost as if there are different standards applied to Israel and the ethnic group that lives there than the standards for everybody else.

Prof. M. Drout বলেছেন...

It's so weird how there is no agitation for the Russians to give back Kaliningrad (Königsberg) or the Poles Gdansk (Danzig) or the French Alsace and Lorraine, or the U.S. Texas or various parts of Micronesia. Why doesn't Turkey have to give back Constantinople to Greece? Why, It's almost as if a country or a region or a people starts a war and then goes on to lose a war, they end up losing some territory--or all their territory.
Likewise, if a country captures territory in a war, they generally keep it, and people after 50+ years just have to move on. (Too bad, because some of the land my dim-witted "Loyalist" ancestors lost from backing the wrong horse in the Revolutionary War is pretty valuable now...just saying).

But when Israel wins some wars and ends up with territory because, you know, they WON them. They, UNIQUELY, are supposed to hand it back to the people that attacked them or allied with the attackers--the people who KEEP attacking them.

Why, it's almost as if--and I know that it couldn't actually BE this, so there MUST be another explanation, though I can't think of one--but really it does seems almost as if there are different standards applied to Israel and the ethnic group that lives there than the standards for everybody else.

Paul বলেছেন...

Harvard? Who cares.

Just a bunch of far left mouthpieces left there.

Chuck বলেছেন...

This one is a real case study for the annals of the Althouse Blog.

1. Althouse simply clips a bit of a NY Post story (custom-designed for the Post's Trumpist readership) about "Harvard."

2. Althouse makes no comment about the story. Distancing herself and creating credible deniability.

3. The Post story does not link to a complete copy of the Harvard student group letter.

4. Althouse makes no mention of that fact, and expresses none of her usual insight about sources and actual, detailed language.

5. In nearly 100 comments, not a single commenter makes note of, or questions, the lack of any reference to the entire text of the letter.

Unlike (seemingly) every other commenter and blog hostess here, I found the Google doc and read it. Here:


It is a statement that I don't endorse and would never have signed. It is cartoonishly ideological. But since I read it, I know that among the 34 (I counted them) Harvard Student Groups, included were two "Harvard Chan Students" groups (I know not what a Chan is), "Harvard Undergraduate Ghungroo," and least surprising, the "Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee" and the "Society of Arab Students."

Just how many Harvard student groups are there?!? This was 34 of them. Are there 1,000 Harvard student groups? 5,000? More?

I can only imagine that there are 50 or so "Harvard Friends of Israel," "Undergraduate Hasidim of Harvard," "Harvard Crimson Hillel," "Harvard River Jordan Crew," et cetera. And rightly so. And they can do their own letter. Which could well be one that I would endorse and sign.

It's not a matter of siding with Hamas, for me. For me, sitting here safely in the United States, the most immediate thing is the level of stupidity in the conversation. A conversation that is uniformly made more stupid by News Corp media.

Narr বলেছেন...

Prof. M. Drout notices a double standard.

Most Westerners have no idea how humiliating the time of the Empires was for Muslims. The Koran teaches that Muslims are conquerors and lords, superior to infidels. That's scripture.

In my opinion, the Iranian revolution of '79--and the wholesale violation of Western niceties--was a warning shot: your rules don't apply. We went along because we had to, not because we wanted to.

Every iteration of Islamic advance since has carried the same clear message--your rules don't apply, and we intend to restore the natural order of Islamic supremacy.

As often happens though, what should be a clarifying moment will be nuanced to death.

Readering বলেছেন...

Shorter Drago: Hamas bad Democratic party worse.

Ps the money remains in the bank.

Spiros Pappas বলেছেন...

Harvard should set up an exchange program with a university in the Gaza Strip.

Spiros Pappas বলেছেন...

Egypt hasn't opened the Rafah crossing. So are the Egyptians guilty of murder as well?

Biff বলেছেন...

Just a bunch of kids establishing their bona fides for eventual employment at the State Department and various public policy non-profits.

Iman বলেছেন...

This is who the Left is. It’s what they do.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Clyde said...
Anyone who sides with the heinous actions of Hamas is a garbage person, and richly deserves whatever bad karma comes their way.

"Karma"? You guys either don't hear yourselves, or you don't understand the problem.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oso Negro said...

"@ Crack - Plus one! Please tell me you had a mohawk!"

I once had five mohawks - at one time - and they were orange. HUGE Exploited fan, which current events always seems to reward.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Prof. M. Drout said...

"It's so weird how there is no agitation for the Russians to give back Kaliningrad (Königsberg) or the Poles Gdansk (Danzig) or the French Alsace and Lorraine, or the U.S. Texas,..."

I don't know about Russia or Poland, but I lived in Alsace, and, every weekend, the Germans just walk over the place like they own it. I'm not kidding. I've sat with my wife's extended family in their yard and Germans would just walk in and act like it was a museum or something, pointing out things they like and completely ignoring the French owners of the property. And the French people didn't say shit. They just sat there, humbled. They go apeshit if a Muslim gets outta line, though. And, of course, the French in Alsace speak German half the time. That might explain things. Mexicans are taking their country back. I've lost my old neighborhood to them already. We're just too stupid to understand that.

Howard (not that Howard) বলেছেন...

These are our future "elites."

Tim বলেছেন...

We are at the point where we should just all avoid Harvard graduates. Do not hire, do not socialize with, do not interact with in any way.

~ Gordon Pasha বলেছেন...

Any Ivy League degree issued after 2010 is not worth a bucket of warm spit.

Left Bank of the Charles বলেছেন...

Painting with a broad brush, are we? The Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee supports Hamas, big shocker there. That it got other student groups with Muslim affinities to sign is noteworthy, but hardly shocking. Many of the signatories aren’t even on the list of 569 student organizations recognized by Harvard.

Jamie বলেছেন...

"I think the one who is going to be blamed, and tossed, is guy sitting in PM residence in Jerusalem."

It takes a real moral POS to blame Bibi for the Hamas execution of civilians.

A more charitable reading of the former comment by Readering is that Bibi will be blamed for the intelligence failure, not that he is to blame for the massacre. Of course, I'm no mind-reader, but that's what I'm going with.

I hope they don't toss him, though. He at least knows who he is, who Israelis are, and doesn't apologize for that.

Drago বলেছেন...

Readering: "Shorter Drago: Hamas bad Democratic party worse.

Ps the money remains in the bank."

PS, money is fungible, which the democratical's beloved Iranian terror leadership have publicly proclaimed as they announced they will spend the money any damn way they want and the availability of that $6B "in the bank" freed up $6B elsewhere.

But I'm not surprised you are flailing as the democratical-islamic supremacist alliance has shamed you and you are desperately reaching for straws to shift attention.

This democratical-islamic supremacist alliance is on full display in academia, the legacy media, the democratical politicians, the Biden admin's horrific initial reactions, etc.

And yes, westerners/democraticals cozying up to Hamas are worse than Hamas.

Easily worse.

Drago বলেছেন...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Painting with a broad brush, are we?"

The "brush" isn't yet broad enough to cover the democratical-islamic supremacist alliance.

You lefties have spent decades calling every political opponent, all the way down to parents at school board meetings, literal "Nazi's" and here you come face to face with an ideology your team has partnered with that is, in every respect, a Nazi ideology.

"From the river to the sea" your partners shout...and they mean it. They've always meant it.

Own it.

Drago বলেছেন...

And would now be a good time to remind this dolt named readering of the 2015 Iran "nuclear" deal where obambi and his staff of jew hating ivy-leaguers decided Iran should be the dominant power in the Middle East?

You remember, dont you? $150 Billion (yes, $150B) kicked over to the mad mullah allies of the democraticals with a couple of billion of that total in untraceable bills loaded up on pallets for delivery.

Hey readering, why would the obambi-ites decide to kick a couple billion in untraceable cash to the mad mullahs?

Spoiler: because that cash was going to be used to pay off the terrorists and terrorist families of hezbollah and hamas and the obambi-ites didnt want any of it traced back to them.

Think of it as Fast and Furious for the Middle East.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

Harvard University was on the wrong side during the first Holocaust too.

JAORE বলেছেন...

It ain't Biden's age, it's his impairment. Age makes t easy to posit a counter argument (Trump's only 4 years younger, etc.).


It ain't (for the moment) the $6 billion, it's the multiple billions Iran has gotten from Biden pulling the sanctions on (among other things) Iran's oil sales.

But, but, but they have not spent the $6 billion yet.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

Left Bank of the Charles,

The Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee supports Hamas, big shocker there.

Well yes, in any civilized polity that would be a "big shocker." Hamas has killed many hundreds of Israelis and people merely visiting Israel. It has cut the heads off Jewish babies and raped Jewish women and moved anyone from wheelchair-bound Holocaust survivors to children to whole families to Gaza, where they will be executed one by one on live TV if Israel should try anything.

These are not the actions of anything remotely resembling a civilized government. If you can explain how it might be otherwise viewed (obviously you have all the inside dirt, amirite?), please have at it.

As for the other 30 (!) student organizations who are signing on with the people all juiced and enthused about the massacre: I understand you: Documents lack official signatures, &c. Would you not expect the 30 to repudiate false signatures and disassociate themselves from the calumny that they supported this action?

Oh, of course not. If my name got attached to a resolution I neither believed in nor consented to, I would be a mite aggrieved. Apparently, so far, the Harvard students are not.