৮ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩

Lake Mendota at 3:14 in the afternoon.

IMG_3754 3

Open thread in the comments.

৩৮টি মন্তব্য:

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

That lying cheating Trump is at it again: Don’t believe Trump when he says some Muslims celebrate and endorse Terrorism

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Goodbye Joey, goodbye Joey, goodbye Joey, we hahaha hate to see you go.

A moment of clarity for the world. Many will see it. A few will not. Especially a few diehard lefties who can rationalize the Apocalypse.

Still a year left for mischief. Xi will take advantage of it, how can he not?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I don’t know how credible this is, but there’s a tweet claiming: “Spokesperson for Hamas: “We thank Iran who provided us with weapons, money and other equipment. They gave us missiles to destroy Zionist fortresses, and helped us with anti-tank missiles!””

Earlier today Saint Croix said...
“Biden administration unlocked $6 billion in Iranian funds a few months ago.”

Is Biden the world’s most dangerous arms dealer?

Sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to the war in Ukraine, left behind tons of weapons in an unnecessarily hasty retreat from Afghanistan. And now this…

If Trump had done it there would be an indictment from the world court.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

X video: An IDF Spokesperson (in English) @jconricus shares an important statement on ‘Swords of Iron’.

from Tel Aviv: link to video

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

You are about to see just how Nazi the United States has become. The left in the United States will not allow the Democrat Party to support Israel in their new war. Those few leftist Twitterati who instantly posted Tweets in support of Israel in the war against terrorists shooting civilians have already deleted their Tweets due to pressure from the Party.

The Kardashians have spoken. We are Nazi, Germany now and the Jews must die. Say, aren't the Kardashians Iranian? Didn't our own President just gift Iran $6 billion dollars? Right before the shooting started? Now I suppose he'll try to sell Israel some ammo so he can say he's creating jobs in the United States.

Israel needs to understand that the United States is Nazi, Germany. Was Biden's Blood Speech not enough to convince you? A new Holocaust is upon you. Act accordingly.

We are the baddies now.

Carol বলেছেন...

I thought Kardashian was an Armenian name

rehajm বলেছেন...

Did she type this without irony?

It was institutionalized racism, and you knew it

…the woman who gets her dandruff up over other people reading her mind?

Narr বলেছেন...

"We are the baddies now."

Speak for yourself.

FWIW the Kardashians are of Armenian origin. I admit the words sound alike but they are different places with very different cultures and histories. As different as Presbyterians and Rotarians.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Warning ⚠️ #TinFoilHatTime :

From Canadian Viva Frei : “My prediction is that in this attack on Israel, you will find weapons that were not only surrendered in Afghanistan, but also weapons that were given to Ukraine, involved in the slaughter.

And no one - not even those most intelligent pundit of pundits - will be able to piece together the mystery.”

Ralph L বলেছেন...

The finale of PBS's "Unforgotten" was unsurprisingly and disgustingly woke on steroids. Three generations of immigrant PoC criminals/addicts/whores/extortionists blame it all on the old white politician and the cuts in social services that he favored.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

WSJ Headline (not the gold standard in these here parts, but no slouch either) : Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks / The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps gave the final go-ahead last Monday in Beirut“

Rich বলেছেন...

Frost tonight at the lake...

Big Mike বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Big Mike বলেছেন...

I remembered seeing a picture of a kibbutz preschool teacher overseeing her charges at recess with an M1 carbine slung over her shoulder several years ago, so I wondered what Israel’s laws were regarding private ownership of firearms. According to what I could discover online Israel only allows a citizen to own a firearm if they red it for their job or live in a high risk area, and then they can only have one gun and only 50 rounds of ammo for it. Considering that I often go through four or five times that much ammo in a single afternoon’s practice session at the range, it’s almost like they’re saying “you can have a gun, provided you don’t plan to use it.” And that’s assuming the area near Gaza is regarded by the Israeli government, as it should but might not.

“We don’t want to become like America,” many Israelis say. Well, then don’t. But what about becoming Switzerland? It’s been at least s quarter century since I last worked with a colleague who had emigrated from Switzerland after fulfilling his mandatory military service there, but he told me that upon completion of their service obligation Swiss men and women are permitted to retain their service rifle (my colleague made it sound more like “are required to”) plus a sealed case of ammo. Periodically the case of ammo is inspected, and if the seal is broken you’d best have a damned good reason for that fact.

Could you picture Hamas attempting their coordinated assault if scores of former IDF soldiers could blast them with 5.56 mm military rounds from multiple angles?

Rich বলেছেন...

I haven't read Michael Lewis' book, but I was troubled by a recent promotional interview he gave in which he implied that SBF was fundamentally a well-intentioned guy with a valuable business model who very unluckily succumbed to a run on customer deposits.

FTX was an exchange not a bank, all customer deposits should have been backed 1-to-1. He was collateralizing trades in Alameda using FTX's own token and then directing FTX client deposits into Alameda.

Up to 1m customers lost everything. I hope the court throws the book at him.

Whatever its original intentions, crypto has become a cross between a casino and a Ponzi scheme. Rather shocked, actually, that Lewis apparently got taken in.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Mike Flynn: “How did our US Intelligence Community not know about these attacks before they happened. There is simply NO EXCUSE! With the hundreds of people along with all the major military commands focused on this vital national security interest and ally Israel, this is inexcusable.

My life has been in the world of “Indications and Warnings” and this system is one of the more refined, mature systems in the USIC and instead of functioning properly, there appears to be a complete meltdown. This was not a technical glitch, this was a breakdown of leadership.“

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Just a few days ago at the airing of formerly HBO’s Bill Maher was saying how Trump lied about Muslims celebrating 9/11.

Will Maher revisit the issue? Probably not.

rcocean বলেছেন...

So, Althouse have you ever gone boating on the lake? It seems so inviting.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

"We are the baddies now."

With several million single military age males imported across our border in the last 2.5 years, we're about to become the bitches.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Video: Could Trump be baiting another indictment?

Although, I don’t know if what Trump appears to be doing there is illegal. I mean, honestly, does a feather have a right to lay in the woods?

At last count, way back in 2011, every American commits 3 felonies a day.

Ilegal Americans are probably up to four, if you count crossing the border without proper authorization.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Comfortably Smug: “Bro they (White House) literally had a party after finding out Americans have been killed and taken hostage.”

link to X

Tim Scott is not pulling punches: “Biden’s weakness invited the attack.

Biden’s negotiation funded the attack.

Biden admin wanted Israel to stand down after the attack.

At this point, Biden is complicit.”

Drago বলেছেন...

I wonder how long the dems/LLR-democraticals will be able to bury stories related to US weapons from Afghanistan and Ukraine being used by the islamist supremacist terrorists in Israel?

And then I wonder how long it will take for the Althouse LLR-democratical brigade to try and shift blame for that onto Trump?

If the "performance" by LLR-democratical Rich on the earlier Israel thread is any indication, probably about 37 seconds.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Where Are the Numbers at substack had some interesting stuff about- numbers. Particularly when it comes to public health, and moreso with regards to the dreaded covid. Their October 3 entry addresses treatments, and more specifically, lack thereof, and how the standard US treatment recommended by authorities- do nothing until sick enough to need the ER- led to many unnecessary deaths.

Having followed the numbers on other sites from the beginning of the covidiocy, my wife and I had ordered ivermectin and azithromycin from an overseas pharmacy, and survived our now two bouts. Like other URIs, you can do all you can to avoid them, but some people go out when they're sick and should stay home. And the jabbed can be contagious with the ever feared asymptomatic infection that us unvaxxed were accused of doing. We can't- all you jabbed people can.

The link to that days entry- https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/how-did-antibiotics-use-change-during

BTW, our first bout came well after the most dangerous version had passed through all the vaxxed people and the forced evolution caused by a leaky vaccine had made the virus more infectious and less dangerous. Our second bout was akin to a common cold- sore throat, congestion, fatigue. She had symptoms a full week before I did- we started her on azithromycin and ivermectin after the test results didn't come back Friday after being tested Thursday. She felt better the next day. I had first symptoms on Saturday- started meds on Monday after her test came back positive. I felt better within an hour.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

For whatever reason, I can't return a result as to whether Major and Commander were neutered.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Found an especially stupid thread on threadreaderapp. Didn't read the whole thing. Excerpt:

Considering that I had to work today, I appreciate everyone in Los Angeles that was out to protest in solidarity to #FreePalestine. Theocracy should have no place in gov't. Monopoly & oligarchy should have no place in gov't. Supremacy should also have no place in it. No excuse.

So he thinks theocracy has no place in government- and supports the theocrats running Gaza and the West Bank... Both with religious courts not civil courts. Where women have to conform to islamic dress or be beaten or raped. Where... no need to on, is there?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"TMR always feels kind of frustrated when peeking over to Instapundit,,..."

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

This is a great picture btw.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"Many Republicans still loathe Trump, perhaps preferring millions of migrants invading our country, a national debt whose interest payments will soon eclipse defense spending, and world war breaking out in Europe and the Middle East.

Voters think otherwise and Trump is the only vehicle through which they can voice their displeasure. Trump didn’t create voters’ anguish; he is simply their way to voice their frustration."


wendybar বলেছেন...

"All this was done to shut down a conversation with Black conservatives, ya know, the feared enemies of the progressive socialist left.

It is time we start declaring who the true ambassadors of systemic racism in America are. It is time we start defining and pointing out who the faithful acolytes of fascism in America are. The most racist aspect of those who embrace the progressive socialist left, aka the Democrat Party, is that they believe they have every right to denigrate, disparage, demean, and physically attack any minority that does not want to be a part of their deranged ideology."


Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

Consider the possibility that Biden is heavily compromised by the Chinese, and by extension, the Iranians. It’s almost impossible that he isn’t given that the Chinese were partners in Hunter’s dealings. They had first hand knowledge.

What would Joe be doing different?

gadfly বলেছেন...

Liz Cheney said in a speech in Minnesota:

“Jim Jordan knew more about what Donald Trump had planned for Jan. 6 than any other member of the House of Representatives.”

“Jim Jordan was involved and was part of the conspiracy in which Donald Trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election.”

“Jim Jordan should not be Speaker, he should be a co-defendant in Trump’s attempted coup case.”

Read all about it:
Jim Jordan Involvement on Jan. 6 Revealed by Committee Report.

Rich বলেছেন...

Lem wrote: "Tim Scott is not pulling punches: “Biden’s weakness invited the attack.”

When you’re polling at 2%. More people would vote for Cocaine Bear.....

Rich বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
wendybar বলেছেন...

liz cheney....the liar of the "Jan 6th committee. Figures gadfly is praising the likes of her.... Even the Republican party wanted her out or she would have been voted back in, but when you bow down to Pelosi, you may as change parties for the Authoritarian one that the gadflies of the world are praying for...

Humperdink বলেছেন...

gadfly's go to source for information is ..... Liz Cheney? That was worth a belly laugh.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

What Gadfly meant to say is the kangaroo J6 committee hearings slandered Jim Jordan. The J6 committee can't handle the truth, so they make up testimony, like the testimony about Trump hijacking the Beast.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Those Biden men sure love to look at themselves naked, don't they?? Can't stop taking naked selfies. What a joke they are....


wendybar বলেছেন...

Those Biden men sure love to look at themselves naked, don't they?? Can't stop taking naked selfies. What a joke they are....
