"... while Democrats in New Hampshire — still fighting with the Democratic National Committee — moved closer to holding a rogue primary.
Iowa’s influential perch within the Democratic Party formally came to an end in a windowless hotel ballroom here, where members of the Democratic National Committee voted to accept Iowa’s plan to release its presidential preference numbers on March 5, Super Tuesday. Iowa officials said they will lobby for an earlier nominating contest in 2028...."
Hotel ballrooms are always windowless, aren't they? Might as well mention that there were floors and a ceiling, and yet, the word "windowless" made me feel that the scene was terribly dreary. And... in retrospect, everything I've ever experienced in a hotel ballroom feels dreary.
Why do we accept that these places are called "ballrooms," when "ballroom" — without "hotel" in front of it — calls to mind something like this:

But here's to you, Iowa, for giving up your place in the grand tradition. It was institutionalized racism, and you knew it. Now, back to the farm or whatever it is you do over there. Our years of caring about you (and your damned ethanol) are over... or, oh, no, there are still those miserable Republicans tromping about in that heartland of yours.
८० टिप्पण्या:
Ann! Institutionalized racism? That’s a low blow and cheap shot.
So now South Carolina goes first. Right? The state that gave us Biden. The State with Black voters who do what they are old.
But don’t forget that the Iowa Dems couldn’t count their votes last time.
Shut up you deplorable racists you!
"Ann! Institutionalized racism? That’s a low blow and cheap shot."
It's an accurately priced shot.
It's easily seen that Iowa and NH have been convenient for the purpose of excluding black (and Hispanic) people from participating in making the initial cut in the field of candidates.
Look at how the 2020 Democratic primary played out, and how important SC was in bringing in the black vote and changing the course of the nomination process.
Anyone who is paying attention and not evading the truth can see this.
Iowa is 4.3% Black and 7% Hispanic.
It's a feature not a bug.
Institutionalized racism by the Democratic party? Horrors! I thought Republicans were the only folks capable of hidden institutional racism. That's what I learned in college.
Well, we have 400 years for the non-white (ok, BIPOC) folks to set the matter straight and deliver justice to us racists. As the white majority is replaced over time, this will work out as it has throughout human history. How much truth are we going to tell this morning, professor?
It's good that white people can't be discriminated against, or this might turn into an issue. Meanwhile, we will play with our brown grandchildren, ignore most of this, and get on with our lives. Well, if our politicians don't get us all killed, that is.
Baby steps. Baby steps. Take the long view.
I think they're worried that the traditional early states will vote for RFK or somebody other than Biden, which will influence many downstream primary voters to do the same and make Biden look bad. That's what happened last time. They had to push Warren and Buttigieg and Sanders to get out to help Biden.
I suspect this is less about blacks and Hispanics getting a fair shot at determining the nominee and more about making sure the candidate preferred by party leadership becomes the nominee and also comes out of the primary process with the least damage as possible. They don't want to go into the General looking like not even Dems really want the candidate.
Hotel ballrooms are always windowless, aren't they?
Mostly, but not always. If the hotel has something nearby worth looking, and the ballroom has an outside wall, at it might have windows.
South Carolina Democrats could spark a new Civil War next Spring by instituting racism.
Althouse, you are wrong about Iowa institutionalizing racism. It was about putting the country mice ahead of the town mice. But you’ve been a city girl all your life and I understand that you don’t give two shits about who feeds you.
It was institutionalized racism, and you knew it.
Naw. If they had wanted to pick a racist Midwestern state that’s have chosen the one with the largest black-white educational achievement gap. The one that awarded the man most responsible for that gap with two terms as governor. You know which one I mean, Althouse?
But do let us know how you plan to eat without farms.
"It's a feature not a bug."
Are you referring to the old system or the new system? And whose point of view are you taking? Are you agreeing with me that having Iowa first was institutionalized racism? That's what "It's a feature not a bug" seems to mean here (to me). If you don't agree, please disagree explicitly.
Iowans get what they vote for, white irrelevance. If we had this democrat party back when the founders were creating the nation we wouldn’t have an electoral college nor two senators per state. I’m other words, no republic. Democrats are determined to bring the republic down.
"I think they're worried that the traditional early states will vote for RFK..."
RFK Jr. is going to speak at CPAC. He's adjusted to the Democrats' treatment of him.
Just a coincidence that Iowa could not determine a winner when it might NOT be Biden.
Just a coincidence that SC, where Biden's bacon was pulled from the fire, was elevated.
But, sure, this was a blow against institutional racism.
On Feb. 2, 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, won the Iowa Republican caucus. Last I checked he was Hispanic.
"Look at how the 2020 Democratic primary played out, and how important SC was in bringing in the black vote and changing the course of the nomination process."
And produced probably the most racist presidential candidate in my lifetime, Joe Biden. Right?
All of this is to ensure Biden keeps his gig as Husk-Puppet.
Our Professor bizarrely states:
It was institutionalized racism, and you knew it
by getting RID of that "institutionalized racism".. You ensure that Whitey Whitebread Biden gets renominated?
BUT gilbar!
We HAVE TO LET the blacks in SC vote first! The ONLY Way to stop racism is institutionalized racism!!
Do i have that right Professor? Picking a state without a disproportionate black population is racism?
I think i liked Althouse, back before she went senile
Shouldn't the democrat nominee be picked by voters in a state that has a CHANCE of voting democrat?
Does anyone (besides Professor Emeritus Althouse) think that South Carolina will vote blue?
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "On Feb. 2, 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, won the Iowa Republican caucus. Last I checked he was Hispanic."
Cruz "won" the Republican Iowa caucus in 2016 by having his people go Full Rove at the caucus meetups and telling voters the Carson campaign was being suspended and Carson was bowing out after Iowa. Some Cruz folks told voters Carson was going to endorse Cruz...and all based on a BS report on CNN that someone (wink wink) planted....
And even then Cruz only got around 27% of the vote.
Moving the primary to SC is may help Biden in the primary voting among Democrats, but will that do anything to stem the tide of fewer blacks voting for the Democrat Joe Biden in the general election?
It's weird and fucked up that the DNC is shifting the schedule around to prop up Joe Biden.
I think that's what motivated this -- a desire to get to South Carolina first.
Biden assumes black people love him. I doubt very much they do. Why would they? It would be sweet if a black Democrat decided to join the race. Boy would the Democrats hate that shit. Democrats feel like they own the black vote, and Joe Biden feels like he is the Democrat that owns that vote.
Dumping Iowa was to get to South Carolina and all that black love that Biden feels he has earned based on holding Obama's warm bucket of piss for eight years. I'm not going to link to all those dumb racist clips of Joe Biden, but I believe Obama picked Biden because he wanted somebody white and dumber than him. And that's what he got.
He's a race huckster and y'all owe him nothing. Vote your heart, vote your mind, and let's go Brandon.
LLR Drago prefers Trump and democraticals in charge.
Ann, is there evidence that the people who decided that the Iowa caucuses would be first did so because of a desire to exclude blacks? If so, I would like to hear about it. Or is that just an assumption?
If the mere fact that Iowa's demographics don't match the country's is proof of institutional racism, then the choice of South Carolina is proof of institutional racism of the Democratic Party against Hispanics and Asians. Blacks make up 12% of the country but 25-30% of South Carolina. Hispanics and Asians combined make up about 25% of the country but only about 6% of South Carolina. Tsk tsk tsk.
There is probably more good sense in Iowa than in the rest of the US combined. Let them lead and everyone will be better off.
The other thing to remember is Biden's obvious cognitive decline. People have noticed it and they are running polls on it.
It's important to remember that Biden has good days and bad days. The "senior moments" are getting more and more frequent. So it's not all the time. But he has many days when he's not all there.
That's why the DNC is getting away from Iowa and New Hampshire now, to protect Joe Biden. Historically those two races are where personal contact is frequent. He's going to have a lot of bad days, and a lot of voters (and reporters) will notice how bad he is on the campaign trail.
His campaign wants to hide the decline. Much easier to do that if you avoid Iowa and New Hampshire.
where members of the Democratic National Committee voted to accept Iowa’s plan
The DNC didn't want to do it, but Iowans insisted.
Of course it was institutional racism. According to Ibram X. Kendi et.al. EVERYTHING in this country is institutional racism. So, starting the nomination with Iowa was racism. Moving it to SC, also racism. It's a fun game where everybody loses. Except Mr Kendi and his ilk, they get rich. And if they do it by scamming money from individuals and institutions (like Mr. Kendi has apparently done to Boston U) it's racist to even point it out, much less try to recover the funds. Given the rich traditions of the Democratic party, as exemplified by Tammany Hall and the Daley machine in Chicago, election rigging in their nomination process is to be expected, if not celebrated.
t's easily seen that Iowa and NH have been convenient for the purpose of excluding black (and Hispanic) people from participating in making the initial cut in the field of candidates.
Iowa has been trending red for years.
It gives the DNC a more accurate read on who's viable in the general than starting in the more deep-blue states.
If you truly believe in democracy, that is.
Althouse at 7:50 explaining why she chose to teach at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
Institutional racism!
Only 6% of the city is black.
Snowflakes everywhere!
Meanwhile, the South is apparently immune to charges of racism (yes! finally!) because black people love our states.
What state is the blackest?
What state is the second blackest?
Q: "Why are you playing hockey, that's racist as shit!"
A: "I live with the ice people."
I dunno - Iowa blew it when they couldn’t execute a caucus efficiently. I’m okay with another state going first for that reason.
That said, the reason behind SC going first is because of Jim Clyburn’s clout over the black population there. No one advises that group to listen to contenders and weigh their proposals and make the best choice for you and your family. They advise vote Biden, or vote D. Low bar expectations of that group is not exactly non-racist.
Ann Althouse said...
It's easily seen that Iowa and NH have been convenient for the purpose of excluding black (and Hispanic) people from participating in making the initial cut in the field of candidates.
You misspelled 'imagined'.
Anyone who is paying attention and not evading the truth can see this.
You mean like recognizing Joe's dementia?
>Ann Althouse said...
But here's to you, Iowa, for giving up your place in the grand tradition. It was institutionalized racism, and you knew it. Now, back to the farm or whatever it is you do over there.<
An early primary is "institutionalized racism?" But of course, what else could it be? Good grief - the fervid workings of the leftist mind never cease to amaze.
I guess we can continue to hope that you might give up your place in the grand tradition of Madison left-wing lunacy but until then, back to the cheese factory or whatever it is you do over there.
I guess China is "institutionalized racism" because of all the Chinese people living there.
Hotel ballrooms are always windowless, aren't they?
No. Just search on "pictures of palatial Ballroom with windows".
Actually, it looks like most ballrooms have windows.
Ann! Institutionalized racism? That’s a low blow and cheap shot.
She likes to throw meat to the wild animals who come to her blog.
Sometimes she gets too close and we snap.
Damn, I thought the "institutionalized racism" remark was sarcasm until I read your comment. I believe the reason these two were chosen to be first stems from the realization that if you allow a large state or two to go first, the small states will effectively have no voice in the nominee.
Guess who those racist Iowans voted for in 2008?
I thought the Democratic do-gooders in Iowa were the LEAST racist. Because lack of proximity and all.
Althouse (whom I much admire): Look at how the 2020 Democratic primary played out, and how important SC was in bringing in the black vote and changing the course of the nomination process.
Indeed. And look at what it got us: a doddering fool and an airhead.
Have all primaries on the same day. Why does this process need to stretch out over years until it is continuous? This endless campaigning must stop.
You seem to be trying to correct me by telling me things that are quite plainly in my post.
You need to distinguish "ballroom" from "hotel ballroom," which is a large space with few distinguishing features and, as far as I've ever seen, no windows.
Does it matter for 2024? I thought the D's were NOT holding primaries. And Iowa deserves to lose its first spot. They couldn't even count their votes in 2020. It was a complete clowns show.
In any case, the Democrat party primary that really matters is South Carolina. that's when the black voters decide who to support. The blacks make up almost 20 percent of the D voters, and they vote as a bloc. They dominate in the South, and they are crucial in big Northeastern and Midwest states.
Obama, Hillary, Gore, Biden, and Clinton all got the Black vote. The last one who didn't was Dukakais.
Does it matter for 2024? I thought the D's were NOT holding primaries. And Iowa deserves to lose its first spot. They couldn't even count their votes in 2020. It was a complete clowns show.
In any case, the Democrat party primary that really matters is South Carolina. that's when the black voters decide who to support. The blacks make up almost 20 percent of the D voters, and they vote as a bloc. They dominate in the South, and they are crucial in big Northeastern and Midwest states.
Obama, Hillary, Gore, Biden, and Clinton all got the Black vote. The last one who didn't was Dukakais.
No. Just search on "pictures of palatial Ballroom with windows".
Actually, it looks like most ballrooms have windows.
Of course most ballrooms have windows when you search for "ballroom with windows."
The old system discriminated against black voters, and the new one will discriminate in favor of them since the black population in South Carolina is twice the national average. Right or wrong, this change is straight out of the anti-racism handbook: discriminate in favor to make up for having discriminated against.
A windlowless hotel ballroom is today what used to be the iconic smoke-filled "back room" at the bar nearest the convention site, filled with the fixers and movers and shakers of the Party.
That was the best the author could write to describe the feckless, gormless, non-cromulent toadies and slugs of the Democrat Party today.
On Feb. 2, 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, won the Iowa Republican caucus. Last I checked he was Hispanic.
@lonejustice, not true. Under the rules of the news media, Hispanics who join the Republicans become white. Applied to Tim Scott, too.
Ann, the main ballroom at the Trump Hotel in Chicago (where I partied down on election night 2016) is o the 17th floor. It has YUGE! BEAUTIFUL! windows giving a terrific view of Chicago.
Catering is out of this world, too.
No better place to enjoy the tears of the Hilary losers as the states roll in.
John Henry
I just searched (ddg, not Google) "hotel ballrooms"
Perhaps half of the 500 or so thumbnails I scrolled through had visible windows.
John Henry
The only difference between the two is one is in a hotel.
That search I suggested returned pictures of hotel ballrooms. Almost all had windows and all were titled with location.
But, for the specificity you require:
Grand Ballroom - The Claridge - A Radisson Hotel
Regency Ballroom - Fairmont Dallas
Four Seasons - Hong Kong
Will that suffice?
I was responding to Althouse's absolute query "Hotel ballrooms are always windowless, aren't they?". All I need do is provide one counter example. I broadened to query to show that there was nothing at all exclusionary between ballrooms and windows. Those pictures are also returned on "pictures of ballrooms".
"It's easily seen that Iowa and NH have been convenient for the purpose of excluding black (and Hispanic) people from participating in making the initial cut in the field of candidates."
Race is a myth. You know, just like AGW.
Racism? What state jump started the first Obama win? Oh, that's right
"I think they're worried that the traditional early states will vote for RFK or somebody other than Biden, which will influence many downstream primary voters to do the same and make Biden look bad. That's what happened last time. They had to push Warren and Buttigieg and Sanders to get out to help Biden.
I suspect this is less about blacks and Hispanics getting a fair shot at determining the nominee and more about making sure the candidate preferred by party leadership becomes the nominee and also comes out of the primary process with the least damage as possible."
Ann, read that 100 times. Or 500 if that's what it takes. Because Bob Boyd is 100% correct.
Everything the Democrats have done and are doing now -- from indicting Trump, to officially designating Trump supporters as domestic terrorist, to going after Elon Musk from every angle, to ballot-harvesting to changing the primaries and on and on and on -- is being done for one purpose and one purpose only. To retain power.
"But do let us know how you plan to eat without farms."
Not to worry. Meade gardens.
"gilbar said...
I think i liked Althouse, back before she went senile"
Wow! I was just thinking the very same thing.
"What state is the blackest?
What state is the second blackest?
Sure, in raw numbers, but as a percentage, Texas is 20th.
Isn't it ironic that the historically most racist state, SC, now gets preference over IA and NH?
When I think of all the articles and columns about all those deep thinking citizens in Iowa and NH bragging about “well I haven’t met whom ever and looked them in the eye” and how important that was and now, it’s gotta make Clyburn happy so screw it all, well I laugh and realize that Ms Althouse doesn’t know jack squat about race relations. She lives in Madison after all.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "LLR Drago prefers Trump and democraticals in charge."
Thank you for reminding everyone of your lunatic conspiracy theory, possibly drug and/or alcohol enhanced, that Trump is working with his democratical allies to destroy his own businesses, get himself thrown into jail and have his children's livelihoods stolen from them.
Grandpa Joe answers your questions in New Hampshire...
"Iowa's a Democratic caucus. You ever been to a caucus? No, you haven't. You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier. You said you were, but you got to be honest. Now I'm going to be honest with you. It was a little big confusing in Iowa, number one. But let's assume everything was exactly right in Iowa..."
My take-away is that Iowa is confusing and a caucus, and is nothing like Pennsylvania. And who the hell wants to run into lying dog-faced pony soldiers in New Hampshire? Nobody. So that's why we're starting off in South Carolina, all right?
Well, we can't have it in Iowa because it's not black enough, and we can't have it in South Carolina because it's too black.
The national percentage of the population that is African American falls in between the black percentage of Ohio and Missouri. My proposal is that we endlessly fly the participants back and forth between these two states for the duration. And since the amount of flying will be about the same as everyone flying to just one location, it will be carbon neutral (Unless the vote is deadlocked).
In Iowa in 2020, a voter asks Biden about Hunter Biden.
Biden calls him a damn liar.
And then he gets mad.
It won’t mean nuthin’. Opium for the masses with the emphasis on asses…
Ann said...
"It was institutionalized racism, and you knew it."
TBH, I didn't until you mentioned it. But now I can't unsee it. And I am appalled that this has gone on for far too long. It is time to end it, not mend it!
I am talking about racism against Italian Americans.
We have yet to have an Italian Democrat president. Look at what happened to Al Smith. And Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli.
Now, I realize that some of you have not had the blessings of Italian neighbors. But in the spirit of overcoming bigotry, I am willing to host the caucus in my basement. As a long time third party voter, I am eminantly qualified to be cruelly neutral and make sure no back-room shennanigans go on.
BTW, please don't misconstrue my use of "shennanigans" to think I am saying "No Irish Need Apply". My wife will be serving drinks.
And the price will be cheap; only $250,000. I take Venmo. And bank transfers payable directly to the big guy in the house (me).
Note: That price is BYOB. If you want me to do the catering and decorations too, the price is $40billion. Politicians can sure put away the booze and cannoli.
Red letter media, half-in-the-bag voice:
Can we have a conversation about racism? And who is the real racists, SC or Iowa?
And what is institutional racism?
Cause thats never been done before.
And Coming to a store near you: The old boomer game: "thats racist" - pick it up today!
Big Mike: "@lonejustice, not true."
An appropriate evergreen response to every lonejustice post.
The benefit of early primaries in small states is that more people are able to meet directly with the candidates. If we started with Super Tuesday, for instance, the primaries might be over before we had a sense of who the candidate was.
"Ann, the main ballroom at the Trump Hotel in Chicago (where I partied down on election night 2016) is o the 17th floor. It has YUGE! BEAUTIFUL! windows giving a terrific view of Chicago."
Thanks. I actually stayed at the Trump Hotel in Chicago -- back in 2018 when I went to Chicago to see Kathy Griffin in concert and also took in the musical "The Cher Show."
Anyway... a good ballroom should have windows. I'm glad there are some such places in actual hotels.
But if you've ever gone to a conference in a hotel, you've been sent to depressing (but huge) rooms that are labeled "ballroom." It's just a misnomer, in my view.
I stand by my hyperbole.
"An early primary is "institutionalized racism?" But of course, what else could it be? Good grief - the fervid workings of the leftist mind never cease to amaze...."
You seem to have the mind of a baby. Maybe that's a pose, but it looks silly to me.
Anyone observing American electoral politics should be able to see the extent to which it is leveraged on race. The structure of the nominating process is, whether it is openly talked about or not, managing this leverage.
Keeping Iowa and New Hampshire at the beginning of the process restricts the effect black people have on the very important initial stage when a wide field is cut down to size. Black people are important to the Democratic Party, but they must vote for a candidate that white people have chosen. The Party didn't like the way that was playing out in 2020, though, and we saw how the Biden nomination was orchestrated in South Carolina, after it seemed the process had eliminated him. That was unusual and now the Party has switched to a South Carolina first method. We'll see what happens.
I stand by my hyperbole.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
you crack me up
you got me googling words
and then I get the shit giggles
Ann Althouse said...
"Anyway... a good ballroom should have windows. I'm glad there are some such places in actual hotels.
But if you've ever gone to a conference in a hotel, you've been sent to depressing (but huge) rooms that are labeled "ballroom." It's just a misnomer, in my view."
Having been to ballrooms at the Monona Terrace and the Madison Concourse, I concur.
"Black people are important to the Democratic Party, but they must vote for a candidate that white people have chosen."
So the people who make up 20% of the party have to vote for a candidate chosen by the other 80%, which is obviously racist.
And obviously race is the most important factor in all of this.
Do I have that logic right?
>Ann Althouse said...
"An early primary is "institutionalized racism?" But of course, what else could it be? Good grief - the fervid workings of the leftist mind never cease to amaze...."
You seem to have the mind of a baby. Maybe that's a pose, but it looks silly to me.<
Yeah, fine, I'm happy to go with the other "baby" minds here that called out your racism-stalled mind's work on the institutionalized racism Iowa caucus notion.
Say, now that you've brought it up, just wondering, where does your "Now, back to the farm or whatever it is you do over there" gibe fall on the mind maturity scale? I'm thinking somewhere around junior high...
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