१६ ऑक्टोबर, २०२३

"In 1922, The New York Times published its first article about Adolf Hitler. The reporter, Cyril Brown, was aware of his subject’s anti-Jewish animus..."

"... but he wasn’t buying it. 'Several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler's anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded,' Brown wrote, 'and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as a bait to catch masses of followers.' Two years later, the Times published another news item on the future architect of the Holocaust: 'Hitler Tamed by Prison.' The Austrian activist, the piece said, 'looked a much sadder and wiser man,' and 'his behavior during his imprisonment convinced the authorities that [he] was no longer to be feared.' Many got Hamas wrong. But they shouldn’t have. Again and again, people say they intend to murder Jews. And yet, century after century, the world produces new, tortuous justifications for why anti-Jewish bigots don’t really mean what they say—even though they do."

४० टिप्पण्या:

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"The straightforward explanation that the experts missed"

They didn't just miss it. They actively opposed a clear recognition of Hamas' genocidal nature.

Now do Islam and the prog decolonizers. What do the experts say about those? Should we believe experts, or our lying eyes and ears?

rcocean म्हणाले...

Yeah Hitler and 1922, 100 years ago. It was just like yesterday. Now, we have Hamas, a bunch of people of color, who don't have aircraft, tanks, or artillery, and its just like Hitler and the Holocaust.

So we continue the insane racheting up the overheated rhetoric.

Can we find a way to bottle all this newfound love for the Jewish people coming from non-Jews? Right now, they're just getting hysterical words.

Perhaps give them a chance to wear a star of David on a golden chain, emblazoned with the slogan "Nobody loves Jews more than me". Cost $1,000 which will go to buy the IDF more white phosophorus and cluster bombs.

n.n म्हणाले...

Diversity, Inequity, and Exclusion is Hamas's dream and legacy of the Nobel Peace prize winner.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Hitler's complaint about Jews was that they were too smart. He'd argue with them and defeat them soundly and then the next day they'd deny that he'd won and continued to argue the same thing. It resembled today's social media debates as seen by one side, in short. It's in Mein Kampf spelled out. quote

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

Gradually I began to hate them.

Lyle Sanford, RMT म्हणाले...

The NYT still displays Walter Durante's Pulitzer in their lobby, even though his Holomodor-denying "reporting" he won it for has been exposed as lies. Amazing.

RMc म्हणाले...

"What Hamas Wants/The straightforward explanation that the experts missed"

There's a difference between "missing" something and intentionally avoiding looking at it.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

That switch, from Hitler to Hamas, almost gave me whiplash: Hitler was a man. Hamas is an activist group with a dominant military wing and a totally separate political wing. We just saw them kill people - including babies - so why keep saying we have them wrong? Why can't we be adults, and the Arabs be people, and then new discuss that "century after century" you say Palestinian Jews and Arabs lived together in peace - before this Zionist hornet's nest got thrown in - resulting in people who want them dead.

I believe people when they say they intend to murder, so the Zionists insisting on being there is psychopathic madness, and dragging the world down into murder with them. Maybe they don't mind slaughtering their neighbors, or watching their neighbors trying to kill them, but I don't want to be a part of it. I got my hands full with the Crips and the Bloods and the Mexican Cartels, thank you very much. I am not one of the "anti-Jewish bigots" and it's for that reason I can say I think 100% Hamas really means what they say—they really do--and that's why I can advise that there's a reason Jordan Peele's first horror movie was called "Get Out": it's good mothafuckin' advice. I didn't hang around when I saw the occult ran San Francisco. I got the fuck out.

What the fuck have they got to prove if this is a fight for survival?

Duke Dan म्हणाले...

“Experts”. LMFAO

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

And the Dems and Press spins and spins for Hamas.

A Dem activist here in Omaha says on her Twitter profile that she’s an “Agent of Satan.” I believe her!

Let’s call them Dems for what they are: Satanists.

Recall the “Two Standards” meditation by St. Ignatius Loyola.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Leftists don't care. Our universities are churning out morons who love and excuse and support death-cults.
*because colonialism and zionists and stuff -- you racists.*

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

I dare anyone to watch 10 minutes of this and tell me they approve of what Israel is doing.

It's more mind blowing than what Hamas did to them the other day.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

"The NYT still displays Walter Durante's Pulitzer in their lobby, even though his Holomodor-denying "reporting" he won it for has been exposed as lies. Amazing."

Every time I hear that a three-time rapist named Bill Clinton is being feted in the Hamptons I get a little catch in my throat.

Hubert the Infant म्हणाले...

Two Althouse commenters spin for Hamas and hate Jews, so why shouldn't the NYT?

gspencer म्हणाले...

Jew hatred in perpetuity - it's in the Qur'an. And not in just one verse.


In our days of glory
Now centuries past
The kingdom of Islam
Stood mighty and vast
Then we failed our faith
And watched your power grow
But soon our greatness will return
And this is how we know ..

Because it's in the Koran
It's written in the Koran
A world united under Allah is
The future of man
How could it not be so
When most opposing us panic
And surrender once a few of them have bled.

We're happy to torture
We're eager to rape
We savor your last screams
On videotape
We massacre children
We ransack a shrine
And all our acts are sanctified
By Suras 2 through 9

Because it's in the Koran
It's written in the Koran
That we should fight and slay the infidels
However we can
We'll blow ourselves to bits
If that gives us an advantage
Or we'll slit your throats while you're asleep in bed.

Those heathens who scold us
Are wasting their breath
Over the millions we've butchered
And starved
We're men who would let girls
Be trampled to death
Rather than see them in public

So don't look for mercy
When you're at our feet
The justice we'll give you
Is harsh and complete
We danced in delight
When your Twin Towers fell
And you'll weep with your slaughtered
As you burn with them in Hell

Because it's in the Koran,
It's written in the Koran
Your fate was settled long before
This latest battle began
We've found our holy purpose
And we'll never abandon it
As long as there's a sinner to behead ..

In other words we won't rest
Till everyone in the West
Is a slave, a Muslim or dead.

gspencer म्हणाले...

Cyril Brown wrote that in 1922.

Given that it was the NYT, employer of Walter Duranty, did Cyril still have his job in 1936 when Hitler had begun bringing things into focus?

JK Brown म्हणाले...

The religion of the National Socialists was one of race-based socialism. Hitler, during his sojourn in prison, stated clearly that the Jews were a threat to mankind. It is fundamental to the religion of the National Socialists

This guy, TIKhistory, has dug deep into the ideological underpinning of National Socialism. Something most university professors would never do since it would reveal the truth of their fervent beliefs still. The professors, if they've read it, can't comprehend the plain language in Mein Kampf. We should wonder why so many in the academia work so hard to distort the reality of Nazism. Is it because they, like their German predecessor, still preach its tenets?


Michael Fitzgerald म्हणाले...

Why would anti-Jew rhetoric gain someone masses of followers... Let me rephrase that- why would Cyril Brown assume that Jew-hate rhetoric would gain someone masses of followers.
Why did Hitler gain masses of followers? Who thinks it was the Jew-hatred?

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Fuck - bad link above. My bad. Sorry.

KILLING GAZA is amazing.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

gspencer said...

"Jew hatred in perpetuity - it's in the Qur'an. And not in just one verse."

Hey - I've got a brilliant idea: let's put on skullcaps and go live next door!

Static Ping म्हणाले...

"Woke" thinking literally has people actively cheering the raping of girls, the abduction of grandmothers, and the murder of babies.

The only conclusion to come to is these people are (a) incredibly stupid, (b) evil, or (c) both.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

JK Brown said...

"This guy, TIKhistory, has dug deep into the ideological underpinning of National Socialism. Something most university professors would never do since it would reveal the truth of their fervent beliefs still."

I watch a lot of TIKhistory, and he makes sure to remind us that the Nazis were NewAgers. But I notice no one tries to avoid that now, as it becomes the fastest growing religion. You're all quite comfortable with a society based on Hitler, Himmler and Hess' nonsense mysticism. Oh, you want horoscopes in your newspapers and pseudoscience in your Pharmacies. That's how you're most comfortable. And then you want to talk about how wars gets started. Remember Voltaire:

People who believe absurd things commit atrocities.

That's how wars get started.

MacMacConnell म्हणाले...

This is the same newspaper that told us Castro was a democrat.

Free Manure While You Wait! म्हणाले...

All the news that's fit to slant.

Interested Bystander म्हणाले...

When someone says her wants you dead believe him. It’s not that hard to understand.

Jamie म्हणाले...

What the fuck have they got to prove if this is a fight for survival?

First, show that it is. Show that Israelis would (or have, or ever have) murder(ed) Palestinians in genocidal fashion - or really in any fashion at all, using the word "murder" as it is commonly understood.

If Israelis have refrained from targeting and murdering Palestinian civilians time and again, if they have instead accepted Palestinians' property rights within Israel, have stood by as Palestinian-Israelis have been elected to Israeli office, have permitted Palestinian and Jewish Israelis to protest in favor of a Palestinian state, have used knock-and-warn tactics to try to protect Palestinian civilians (or maybe "civilians") instead of just carpet-bombing or wholesale bloodshed, at great risk to their own people -

And if Palestinians have afforded none of these same things to Israeli Jews -

Show me how Palestinians are the good guys here.

All my statements were presented as "ifs." But they're all true. Are Israelis, are Jews, automatic avatars of human perfection? Of course not. But in this as in every other major conflict between Israel and its unwilling (on both sides) clients, Israel is indubitably in the right overall. Any other argument has to, first, figure out a way to discount all the benefits Israel has provided the Palestinians over the decades, even if they were not always the benefits of full acceptance and citizenship - which, considering the fact that the Palestinians have as their stated aim driving all Jews out of the region, is not that surprising.

Meanwhile, Palestinian sympathizers are now claiming that this whole "kerfuffle" is just Israeli propaganda - no Israeli civilians were hurt. No children targeted and killed. No women raped and filmed with their blood running down their legs.

Crack. Who are the bad guys here?

It's ok to say you want or wish for a Palestinian state but do not support the extermination of Jews, the way the Palestinians and much of the Arab world do. You seem to have been hinting at that with your suggestion that Jews should come to the US, maybe make the Sonoran desert bloom the way they have the one they live in. But that position is going to generate a LOT of pushback, since there are literally millennia of history of Jews in "Judah" or "Judea," long before there were Muslims there. (That is, long before there were Muslims anywhere. And make no mistake, it's Muslims who want to eliminate the Jews, though it's apparent that they're not alone, thank you leftists everywhere.) So, of course, feel free to take that position, but don't expect your arguments about how unfair it is to sweep all other arguments before them.

Jamie म्हणाले...

I should have included rcocean in my prior plea: who are the bad guys here? Crack has been more vocal but rcocean is similarly worth pushing against in an effort to change a mind.

Tina Trent म्हणाले...

The ugliest part of the left's long infatuation with authoritarianism, and Muslim and other terrorists, and street criminals, is that it's just posturing. It's the clink of white wine glasses as ladies rattle their diamond bracelets in Leonard Bernstein's famous radical chic penthouse parties. It's every pathetic academician infantile enough to decorate his office with a Che Guevara poster.

There is a direct line from Stalin's camps to the Venceremos Brigades to the identity politics stupidity engulfing every aspect of public life today. Just because these people look and act ridiculous doesn't mean they're not also deadly.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Jamie said...

"Show that Israelis would (or have, or ever have) murder(ed) Palestinians in genocidal fashion - or really in any fashion at all, using the word "murder" as it is commonly understood."

I just posted a video today of Israelis calling for the genocide of the Palestinians. I will leave the physical state of Gaza as my evidence.

"Show me how Palestinians are the good guys here."

There are no good guys here, by my standards. Just two assholes. But what do you do when you have two pit bulls in a room?

"Israel is indubitably in the right overall."

How anyone can come to that conclusion, when everyone admits people were living in peace before the Zionists showed up, has to be explained.

"Meanwhile, Palestinian sympathizers are now claiming that this whole "kerfuffle" is just Israeli propaganda - no Israeli civilians were hurt. No children targeted and killed. No women raped and filmed with their blood running down their legs."

That's just silly.

"Crack. Who are the bad guys here?"

The Zionists, for thinking they're "chosen" and can just walk in and start telling everybody what to do. The Palestinians and Arabs, for not showing so more patience. The international community, for abusing the Jews, and turning them away everywhere they went, including the United States. There's a lot of bad guys here.

"It's ok to say you want or wish for a Palestinian state but do not support the extermination of Jews, the way the Palestinians and much of the Arab world do."

I am an America First Trump supporter: I just want the killing to stop.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Max Blumenthol writes for The Nation and is propagandist.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...

Max Blumenthol writes for The Nation and is propagandist.

Fine. Watch his propaganda.

Immanuel Rant म्हणाले...

I wouldn't say Hitler as much as John David Stutts.
You may not remember him, but he was the man who shot Buckwheat (c 1983 SNL - Eddy Murphy):

"He was a quiet man, never said much."

"Do you believe he shot Buckwheat?"

"Oh, yes. It was all he ever talked about."

JAORE म्हणाले...

"I got my hands full with the Crips and the Bloods and the Mexican Cartels,."Get Out": it's good mothafuckin' advice."

So why do you stay there?

Also, who the hell told you the Jews were welcome in the ME before 1948?

Finally, where do you think the Jews should move to where they would be welcomed with open arms?

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

JAORE said...

"I got my hands full with the Crips and the Bloods and the Mexican Cartels,."Get Out": it's good mothafuckin' advice."

"So why do you stay there?"

I never said I did. You just made an assumption. And then you held your image of me to that assumption. So, the question really is, why would you do that?

"Also, who the hell told you the Jews were welcome in the ME before 1948?"

Nobody said welcome. They said Jews were there. And they said everyone was living in peace. Every time. I would definitely take that over what the Zionists have made of it.

"Finally, where do you think the Jews should move to where they would be welcomed with open arms?"

First, Jews live all over the place. I lived in Europe, and they definitely are still there. But the United States seems to have enough people bellyaching over them, so why not move theZionists, with their fanatical, orthodox religious ideas and machine guns firing in the air, here? They'll fit right in. I'm sure you won't complain right? We'll put them next to you, like they're next to the Palestinians, and see how you guys make out. Are you kosher?

Candide म्हणाले...

Just imagine, if not for this NYT article, the Holocaust would never happen!

Newspapers were called 'fishwrap' back in 1922, when they were really influential.

Freedom of the Press pre-supposes publishing all sorts of cooky opinions, usually "confirmed by several reliable, well-informed sources", to move 'fishwrap'.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

" You're all quite comfortable with a society based on Hitler, Himmler and Hess' nonsense mysticism. Oh, you want horoscopes in your newspapers and pseudoscience in your Pharmacies. That's how you're most comfortable. "

Sounds reasonable. Makes sense.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

FullMoon said...

"You're all quite comfortable,.. "

Sounds reasonable. Makes sense.

Can anyone ever speak colloquially without some smart ass jumping up and acting as though it's a major faux pas? You know what I meant, so what's your role here? Was it just impossible for you to sit there and not take a worthless poke at me? I swear to God, there are reasons why this country does not work, and people like you are one of them.

And yes - I know there is no God - but I said it anyway,...

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

Ok, I get it, peace is the only thing that matters now, no more killing. So Israel puts up some more security and Hamas gets free food, water, electricity, and building materials. Hamas laughs, they have won the “peace derby” again. Then when they build more tunnels they kill more Israelis like has been done since 1948 at least.

The Palestinians are such assholes they have worn out their welcome everywhere in the world, countries that have taken them in have suffered civil wars and attempted assasinations They exist as a tool for other middle eastern nations to collect power. Israel wants to make a society in their traditional homeland, I assume because they have been thrown out of Europe and abused by the Ottomans and Arabs a few times, but really, who was not, lots of small Christian sects were thrown out of countries, Catholics were outlawed in England once.

The only thing Israel can do is destroy the hamas army as much as possible before a humanitarian cease fire is forced on them, then wait until the Palestinians kill more Jews. So nothing will change. The Israelis are like an abused spouse, they could all leave and let the Palestinian psycobullys win, or they could get the police to arrest their abuser. Every abusive relationship has a long sad history. People will argue that the one who gets murdered deserved it, that’s the way it goes.

Narr म्हणाले...

The way I see it, the Zionist state as a Western construct contains, tolerates, and uses the talents of atheists, agnostics, and free-thinkers; Islam/Hamas, not so much.

Since Muslims are condemned to lead sad and largely meaningless lives anyway, they have little to lose in situations like this, and it behooves the rest of us to keep that in mind.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Crack said;
I swear to God, there are reasons why this country does not work, and people like you are one of them.

Makes sense, sounds reasonable.

Tina Trent म्हणाले...

I'm America First too, Crack. While I despise the current iteration of pseudo-libertarianism, Ayn Rand had some very interesting things to say about how and why we should and should not support Israel in her best book, Return of the Primitive, also published as The New Left.

The John Birch Society desegregated long before William Buckley, the Democrats, the Republicans, and pretty much every leftist group not being directed by Moscow to take advantage of American race relations by exploiting blacks. You should read one of the JBS's most esteemed writers, once the most famous black columnist in the significant if forgotten field of black daily newspapers, George Schuyler. I'm sorry if I'm presuming that you have no done so already.

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