४ सप्टेंबर, २०२३
"The fact, however, that another Omicron-like emergence event has occurred... should warn us against giving up our genomic surveillance infrastructure."
Said Ben Murrell, a researcher at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, quoted in "'Pirola' BA.2.86 may not be a 'black swan' event like Omicron, experts say. It’s what could spawn from it that has them worried" (Fortune).
९० टिप्पण्या:
We have to be very afraid. All the time. Of everything. Or at least of one thing, and the more arbitrary and absurd the thing is, the better; because it means we are infinitely and instantly suggestible, malleable to whatever shape and purpose our betters choose. If the latest Wu Flu variant is not in fact dangerous, we should still treat it as such, because of ever-more-exotic chains of suppositious causality, ever-more-contrived hypothetical webs of looming harm.
See Mattias Desmet and “Mass Formation Psychosis.”
If you have to plan how far in advance, liberal strategists know it needs to be far enough away so the rubes are used to it by time you need it but not so far away it wrecks your simmer trip to Europe…
… and get Sweden to do the dirty work. Why cant we be more like Sweeeden?
Then stop doing Gain of Function research. You can't control the repercussions.
What Kate said.
People are mentally done with Covid. Just like seasonal flu, Covid is still going to be killing a lot of people. It’s going to be harming a lot of people long-term with long Covid, and people just aren’t going to care about it.
Covid took 2 years off me (as it did to millions of other people), it cancelled life events I'll never have the opportunity to do again. And all this without actually even catching it.
If anyone thinks that I will ever care about it ever again they're in a dreamworld.
Every new development makes it more urgent for the scientific and political powers that be to apologize for and admit their former scientific mistakes and political pathologizing and humbly start earning the public's trust, instead of trashing it.
It's coming... the election.
By all means, get unvaxed kiddies in school.
and the Amazing Thing is: there are STILL people out there driving in their cars wearing masks.
Fat ugly women, Wanted to go see the Barbie movie.. But COULDN'T.. Because They were Scared!!!
One fat ugly woman, rented an entire theater so she could sit by herself wearing a mask and watch it
Every one of these scared people will vote, by mail, at Least once, for Joe Biden in 2024
My "genomic surveillance infrastructure" is firmly in place. I stay-the-fuck-away from you motherfuckers.
No wonder the Globalists need to save Ukraine from Russia. Their many bio weapons labs and production facilities operate there. And without a surprise CRISIS the 2024 votes cannot be ordered to be mail ins and American churches cannot be ordered to close.
I agree, disease and pestilence has NO RIGHT to interfere with our well-earned mega consumption.
"Nobody in the WNBA got Covid!"
- Bill Burr
When you abandon God, you become susceptible to human manipulation. The bible is filled with examples of this kind of stupidity. The country even more.
Omigod! I might die! QuidProJoe, take time out from grifting to save me.
The old 'booga-booga'
And by "what could spawn from that" he means, government overreach.
As some on-line wag described it, it is variant BS-24/7/365.
Lot of data was gained in learning the percentage of Americans that will choose liberty and death in the same moment. I wonder whether the cranks always existed. It's just now the online platforms are vehicles for their bonkers talk. I suppose they infect more that way.
More fear porn.
Maybe I'm a cynic, but I see someone seeking funding in perpetuity.
I caught Omicron despite being vaccinated. Only a very mild fever. It was a like a very mild head cold, the sort you don’t take days off work just because you have it.
Genomic surveillance is fine. Gain of function and creating pseudoviruses in a lab is not.
I reserve judgment until the Rula Lenska Institute has spoken.
COVID was the most powerful instrument of totalitarian fascism since the Weimar Republic inflicted its witch’s brew of incompetence and progressivism on a prostrated Germany in the early 1930s. When the pandemic faded the enemies of the American republic began to lose their filthy grip on power. Like all tyrants they resented that turn of the wheel and longed for another exploitable hysteria to gin up.
By God, we won't be dictated to by no Swede! lol
The new variant is out, it's called BS24/7.
"I stay-the-fuck-away from you motherfuckers."
And I for one appreciate it.
Idiots. Omicron was no black swan event. It was perfectly foreseeable. They started vaxing with a Wuhan spike protein generating ModRNA vax. Respiratory viruses like this one mutate easily, and it did, right around those vaccines by tweaking the spike proteins so they no longer match the Wuhan spikes generated by the ModRNA vaccines. It apparently took less than 9 months to accomplish. The pressure on the virus to mutate this way, was immense, because the vaccines ONLY imprinted the Wuhan spikes on immune systems antigens, so variants without the Wuhan spikes were going to flourish in the population, and that is what happened, since these vaccines were not whole virus vaccines, but rather just Wuhan spike vaccines.
So, the mutations in the virus were primarily to the spike proteins. New variants of a virus only manage to flourish if they are more contagious, and/or less deadly. The speed of Omicron pushing out Delta strongly suggests both. The key here on it being significantly less deadly is that the characteristic that made SARS-2 so deadly to humans in the first place was that the spike proteins, by which it attaches to cells, in order to enter them, was optimized (almost assuredly by researchers doing Gain of Function research in Wuhan) to attach tightly to HUMAN ACE2 receptors. Detune those spike proteins, through totally foreseeable (and, really, forced by the vaccines) mutations, and the virus is not going to be as tightly couple to Human ACE2 receptors, and so will be noticeably less deadly. Which, was, of course, the case.
Pretty much everything above is, by now, fairly well established, except that the vaccines forced the detuning of the spike proteins. But it does make sense, since a post-Wuhan spike virus is going to have a significant competitive advantage over an increasingly vaccinated population against the Wuhan spike proteins. Here are suggestions by Dr Malone from a year and a half ago.
There are multiple working hypothesis for why there is the appearance of negative effectiveness of these genetic inoculations for preventing COVID-19 disease. Examples include;
1. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).
2. Other forms of Vaccine-enhanced Disease (VAED).
3. Vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency (VAIDS) of one type or another.
4. Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in the context of widely deployed leaky vaccines to select for variants which will escape the pressure of vaccine-induced immune responses.
5. Antigenic or immune imprinting, otherwise known as “Original Antigenic Sin”.
So, let’s stop the stupid talk. The ModRNA vaccines very likely forced the Omicron mutations. It wasn’t a Black Swan event, but rather quite foreseeable.
Rich said...
Lot of data was gained in learning the percentage of Americans that will choose liberty
Rich (like hpudding, and the Marks); makes some VERY Good points!
The fact of the matter is: There are Bad things out there; and (eventually) we will ALL die..
THEREFORE; the Only option is: to (permanently) suspend ALL civil liberties; BECAUSE!!!
After all;
would you rather have a nation of slaves? or a nation of people that (eventually) will ALL DIE?
Come to think of it; Some you Would probably prefer a life of freedom to lifetime servitude..
THAT is how MESSED UP you are!!
Hasn't everyone already had COVID? Who cares about variants at this point.
Come on, man. The experts' shadows have them worried.
Like much of organized "science" today, what they are most expert in is left ideology and conjuring up excuses to give them money/power.
Worth a look. The interview is from spring 2021 --before many of us could hope for a vx-- and I don't know the subsequent history on these empirically-driven approaches for agents other than vx. My guess is, the huge $$$ interest of Pharma did not encourage widespread adoption of "crowdsourced" off-patent therapeutics.
Updates eagerly sought.
I tested positive on Friday. First time ever. Itchy throat, runny nose, slight cough, no fever. Treated it as a mild cold and went out for long walks (which has now been impeded by the 90-100 degree temps outside). At the risk of jinxing myself, by end of Sunday, it was pretty much gone.
If someone at work hadn't mentioned that she had tested positive, I would have assumed it was a cold and not bothered to test myself.
according to experimental data released Thursday by leading variant researcher Yunlong Richard Cao, an assistant professor at Peking University’s Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center in China. His lab performed experiments using a pseudovirus, a version of the variant created in a lab.
What the effing eff?
Still creating this stuff in a lab.
Perfectly timed. All the kids just showed up on college campuses this past week. Now the leftists at the Universities can lock them down, mask them up, make them get the latest mRNA shot soon to be released...
Let the brainwashing begin!!!
Wait, the Omicron variant was a "black swan"?
Blogger Rich said...
" Lot of data was gained in learning the percentage of Americans that will choose liberty and death...."
At the time of those choices, the subjective pursuit of liberty was rather substantially higher than the probability of death, wouldn't you say? You make it sound, in your skewed presentation, as if death were almost a certainty, but nevertheless liberty was chosen instead. Was that your experience? The CDC now admits that this death probability was less than 1% - and far less, for healthy people. This is a test of reasonableness, and your argument has nothing reasonable about it.
Just so you know, the new variants were created artificially. Apparently, someone is investigating how various mutations affect the traits of the virus. He's using us as his experimental subjects. I'm guessing we're probably paying him, too.
Unless I see dead bodies on the street in front of my house, then no more goddamn shots until I'm at least 80 or so.
Until then I believe I can fight stuff off on my own...
"The fact, however, that another Omicron-like emergence event has occurred..."
When a hurricane is our fault, but a virus released from a lab running on US gov funds is 'an emergence event that occurs'. Nobody can even come close to making this shit up.
@Mark, I might have had it -- but I figure it's pointless to test. My one symptom -- after foolishly letting myself get run down -- was a persistent dry cough. I was in and out of locations holding sick people too. Back to normal now, and I agree that the heat is inhibiting.
"genomic surveillance infrastructure."
If Alex Jones says the same thing, it is automatically dismissed as conspiracy theorizing.
Get my flu shot. Get my pneumonia shot and maybe get the covid booster. I've already had Covid. Like Mark it was like a mild cold. It just lasted a week longer than usual.
@ Angie: And your qualifications in the field of epidemiology are? If only the anti-vaccine movement was rational in other areas instead of bundling it together with a lot of nonsense. It wasn’t about the vaccine but it did push quite a few people over into the realm of everything anti-government, anti-science and anti-media.
Thanks for the Bill Burr link, Crack. Heh.
I don't claim to be a scientist, but I think that it's obvious that we're seeing evolution at work when it comes to Covid. The first strains were extremely deadly, but a dead host can't spread a disease as effectively as a live one. Covid has mutated into less lethal forms to increase the odds of it being spread more effectively. It's also evolving to make our vaccines less effective.
That what viruses do. Chat GPT estimates the mumber of individual Covid virus particles out there at 640 quadrillion. And many of them are mutating into a virus particle which will produce a more effective outcome for them.
It's likes the infinite numbers of monkeys at typewriters. Eventually one will type up the works of Shakespeare.
If we're lucky, Covid will evolve to just be the next version of the common cold.
It’s what could spawn from it that has them worried.
Where was that worry when Fauci was funding the Wuhan Lab "gain of function" research that spawn the virus that scaped?
Lance asks "Wait, the Omicron variant was a 'black swan'?"
Yes, apparently there are numerous black swan labs throughout the world working on new black swans all the time, so black is the new white.
The mire I read Rich, the more grateful I am to be away from environments awash in bitter, stupid, leftist irrationality.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that Americans who have received mRNA shots for Covid are now at a higher risk of infection from new variants of the virus than those who are unvaccinated.
I'm now convinced the "powers that be" want more of us dead. The last round didn't kill off enough of the peons.
Note to self:
Start hoarding immediately.
"The first strains were extremely deadly..."
The Diamond Princess cruise ship experienced a covid outbreak early on in the "pandemic". It was not extremely deadly, except maybe for some older people with multiple comorbidities.
Just sayin'.
want to know WHY, the Biden residency is Pushing this continuing virus "crisis"?
In the general election, Trump and President Joe Biden are statistically tied, at 40-39 percent support. Potential Green Party and Libertarian candidates had a combined 3 percent support. Seventeen percent, which the poll's write-up called a "significant share," were undecided. Trump and Biden are tied with 46 percent support each among registered voters when other candidates were excluded.
think about that.. assuming, for the sake of argument, that polls at this period mean Anything..
a 46%-46% tie nationally, would mean (ASSUMING A FAIR COUNTING OF VOTES), that Trump would have a Landslide in the Electoral College.. MOST of those 46%ers for Biden are in three states (NY, CA, Ill), meaning that Trump would take Most of the remaining..
Thus: The continuing virus "crisis"
"The CDC now admits that this death probability was less than 1% - and far less, for healthy people. "
It is estimated that The Great Plague killed 40-60% of Europeans. Some believe it was closer to 90%.
I do not personally know anyone who died of Covid. I do not personally know anyone who can say they personally knew someone who died of Covid. No one.
Covid was/never a pandemic. It was/is a political strategy.
"The first strains were extremely deadly, "
Nonsense. The Diamond Princess experience puts paid to that notion: the IFR was 1.2% among a very old and vulnerable population.
Rich said...
@ Angie: And your qualifications in the field of epidemiology are?
okay so, OBVIOUSLY Rich is Completely Qualified in the field of epidemiology; or he wouldn't be questioning other people's Quals..
So, Rich; speaking as an Obviously Completely Qualified epidemiology expert.. According to YOU;
What is/was the fatality of the covid virus? Please give it for US deaths per million?
Mind you, i'm Not belittling you, or criticizing you, or EVEN doubting you.. Far From it!
I BELIEVE IN You, and EVERYTHING you say.. After all.. YOU are The EXPERT
ps. remember, you've ALREADY Explicitly stated that our choice was liberty and death
Last December my adult daughter got very ill with flu like symptoms. My wife and I we’re worried and finally talked her into going to an urgent care clinic to get checked out. This one was associated with a large hospital chain and was very well equipped. They gave her a chest x-ray which showed her lungs were clear and prescribed rest, Tylenol and a decongestant. No Test for Covid. He treated it like any other upper respiratory disease. Too bad our leaders, “experts”, and media didn’t do the same.
Lem the misspeller said..."genomic surveillance infrastructure."
If Alex Jones says the same thing, it is automatically dismissed as conspiracy theorizing.
That's because Alex Jones is a certified right wing lunatic, and anyone on Althouse Blog who believes him has gone off the rails.
Alex Jones claimed that the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 26 dead, including 20 children between six and seven years old, was a hoax that employed so-called “crisis actors.”
Jones claimed that the shooting was “completely fake” and staged in order to promote more restrictive gun control policies.
Please don't use him to support any arguments you may have. I am still amazed how many commentators here on Althouse blog still support Alex Jones and give him any credence.
loudblog said... "It's likes the infinite numbers of monkeys at typewriters. Eventually one will type up the works of Shakespeare.
9/4/23, 12:32 PM
Man I despise those old lazy "liberal wives tales" like this that demean the genius of human achievement. No, bro, monkeys mindlesslly wacking on typewriter keys aren't ever going to write anything legible, much less to equal the brilliance of one of the greatest dramatists in human history. Not if an infinite number did it for infinity, because excellent literature doen not ever happen by chance, ever. And there aren't other habitable planets in the universe just because its so big "there has to be". Use your fucking brains and stop repeating stupid, anti-human liberal bullshit.
"When you abandon God, you become susceptible to human manipulation. The bible is filled with examples of this kind of stupidity. The country even more."
Then one better learn to recognize humans who may be trying to manipulate you, as there is no god to guide or protect us. It's just US, baby! As for god, there are endless numbers of grifters in church pulpits and revival tents, now and historically, who masterfully and mercilessly manipulate their heedless sheep. Most of these god-grifters are conscious scammers, but there are those who are deluded and believe their own lunacy.
Thanks for the virus, Tony. Heck of a job!
Covid took 2 years off me (as it did to millions of other people), it cancelled life events I'll never have the opportunity to do again. And all this without actually even catching it.
Covid didn't do it. Your government thugs who did. You know, the people you support and vote for.
Own it.
“That's because Alex Jones is a certified right wing lunatic, and anyone on Althouse Blog who believes him has gone off the rails.”
We seem to have a situation today in which many people are overreacting to hysteria, and others may be UNDERreacting to a real illness.
A lot of commenters are very certain -- but they aren't sick. Yet. Last winter I had Covid, was sick (about as bad as a bad case of flu), and recovered in about a week. My wife got sick about the same time, and she was sick for a month or more. I could be blase about MY case, but not about my wife's more serious case.
We seem to have a situation today in which many people are overreacting to hysteria, and others may be UNDERreacting to a real illness.
A lot of commenters are very certain -- but they aren't sick. Yet. Last winter I had Covid, was sick (about as bad as a bad case of flu), and recovered in about a week. My wife got sick about the same time, and she was sick for a month or more. I could be blase about MY case, but not about my wife's more serious case.
My daughter just started her freshman year at Ohio State and there are reports of a Covid outbreak there. So, I looked up the symptoms of the current Covid variant and they are reported to be limited to the upper respiratory tract, a runny nose, a sore throat and other cold-like symptoms. Freakin’ ridiculous
Jim wrote: "Covid didn't do it. Your government thugs who did. You know, the people you support and vote for."
Why don't you have a little think about that and get back to me.
In this country, half think the government is getting like the capitalists, and half think the capitalists are getting like the government. Both are right - to paraphrase, everything that circles the drain must converge. The elites - capitalist or communist - used to go to Harvard to learn, now they go to Harvard to learn the names of other people who went to Harvard. Then they copy each other. They've learned not to learn from evidence but to follow authority and it shows in the response to covid 24.7.365 aka electionyearifearicron. There's evidence that Covid is dangerous those over sixty who already have two major systemic diseases; there's evidence that the vaccines provide a semi-protective effect in that group; there's evidence that masks do nothing for any group. But the elites of either type capitalist>>>communist or communist>>>capitalist aren't reading science; they're shooting glances about trying to see what Harvard wants them to do. How can we the people join against the goofs running the show?
Michael Fitzgerald said...
loudblog said... "It's likes the infinite numbers of monkeys at typewriters. Eventually one will type up the works of Shakespeare.
9/4/23, 12:32 PM
Man I despise those old lazy "liberal wives tales" like this that demean the genius of human achievement. No, bro, monkeys mindlesslly wacking on typewriter keys aren't ever going to write anything legible, much less to equal the brilliance of one of the greatest dramatists in human history. Not if an infinite number did it for infinity, because excellent literature doen not ever happen by chance, ever. And there aren't other habitable planets in the universe just because its so big "there has to be". Use your fucking brains and stop repeating stupid, anti-human liberal bullshit.
Been a Long, Long Time by R.A. Lafferty
As The Godfather points out.. Covid is NOT "a bad case of the flu"..
It is a biowarfare test vehicle, designed to Rapidly spread BEFORE symptoms start..
The Whole Point (IMHO) was test
* virus construction (gain of function, and other genetic engineering)
* mrna vaccine development are distribution
* internet propaganda techniques
Once the symptoms DID start, they Were RELATIVELY mild, because This Was A TEST.. This Was ONLY a Test.
In an Actual biowar situation, the symptoms would have been (genetically engineered) to be MUCH worse.
But, before doing That, the US government (and their Chinese Masters) had to MAKE SURE, that things would work.. And so, a virus that wasn't fatal, and instead RELATIVELY mild
But, it WASN'T "just the flu", it spread the way it was engineered to spread..
SUPER FAST, infecting ENTIRE counties before the 1st symptoms were Even noticed. Of course, Dr Fraudci couldn't Tell US that, it would have be "scary" to know we were all subjects of the greatest biowar test in history.
Now that i've have my say, some of you will say:
a) That's ALL BULL!
b) we've Always known that, you're telling us nothing new
c) you didn't Even use Bad (un approved) sources this time
d) You're STILL using ALL CAPS, and that means You're STUPID, so we don't have to consider your argument
fire away!
If only there was early treatment possible all this time......
... should warn us against giving up our genomic surveillance infrastructure.""
"Send money, Mom!!"
I agree about Alex Jones and think the same thing about the New York Times, which lies on an industrial scale, NPR, MSNBC, they all lie. It amazes me that commenters here believe any of them without verification of their original sources.
I successfully dodged COVID for the last couple years without hiding (went in to work every day, even went to Disney)
This August I was sick to my stomach for a day and then very weak for several more days. Wouldn't have thought to test for COVID if a coworker hadn't tested positive (and likely gave it to me).
My takeaway from having it for the first time in August 2023 is fury that our society was completely shut down over this.
I’m not happy w/the lingering cough &amount of guck after 2weeks of this. The actual sickness was 3-5 days. I was back in the barn Wednesday morning- the cough just started 2days ago. I wonder if one could develop pneumonia afterward?
Nobody is asking you to be blase about your individual cases as it affects you personally.
But as a statistical matter, that affects policy and behavior of the nation, the only reply to you is: so?? Every year some people die of the flu--more in some years, fewer in others.. But we don't go into hysterics and destroy thousands and thousands of small businesses, and millions of children's educations and social development on account of it!
" Rusty said...
Get my flu shot. Get my pneumonia shot and maybe get the covid booster. I've already had Covid. Like Mark it was like a mild cold. It just lasted a week longer than usual."
Just a question. Why would you get a booster if you've had a previous version of covid? How are you thinking about what the booster would do?
Just a note about trying to lock us down a second time. I give you The Who, "Won't Get Fooled Again".
The Election Virus!!!!
" That's because Alex Jones is a certified right wing lunatic ". But every word that spills from Biden's, kamala, fauci's, abccbsmsnbc, nyt,wapo, etc, etc,etc is carved in stone unassailable truth ,? Any mirrors in your homes sparkies? You clowns should never be trusted again.
So I tested positive Friday. By Sunday evening, when I last took meds, it was pretty much gone. Back to normal all day Monday.
After the virus clearing out of your respiratory tract, one thing I would suggest is taking a dose or two of Pepto Bismol to kill the bug in your digestive tract.
I never got tested so I never got Covid.
"Indeed" comments the ignorant Commie from WI who believes that the Trump pee dossier was true and that Trump colluded with the Russians.
Alex Jones is a crank. Clapper, Comey, Biden, Clinton and their lackeys - such as Inga - are traitors.
wildswan said...
" Rusty said...
Get my flu shot. Get my pneumonia shot and maybe get the covid booster. I've already had Covid. Like Mark it was like a mild cold. It just lasted a week longer than usual."
Just a question. Why would you get a booster if you've had a previous version of covid? How are you thinking about what the booster would do?"
That's a very good question. The last booster was a compromise between my wife and I. I had talked to my drs nurse practitioner and she said it was up to me. So I'll likely not get this one, but as always I'll deferr to my cardiologist.
“Just a question. Why would you get a booster if you've had a previous version of covid? How are you thinking about what the booster would do?”
Up until now, boosters did two things. One was to make money for Pfizer or Moderna, plus the NIH/CDC/FDA/etc officials on the take from royalties from their contributions they made to the drugs being dispensed (where their time was paid for on their government salaries, allowing people like Fauci to be the absolutely highest paid government employees, sometimes doubling the statutory salary caps by 100%).
The other thing the Boosters did was to exhaust your immune system by fighting the Wuhan variant spike proteins generated by the ModRNA in the Boosters. That does almost nothing to fight COVID-19, since those spike proteins became obsolete with Omicron pushing out Delta in 12/21. And exhausting your immune system is very likely why the vaccines have secondary side effects, like resurgent viruses (e.g. Shingles) and cancers that are normally kept under control by your immune system playing whack a mole. The crazy thing is that they actually sold that feature - reminding you to keep your antibodies up with Boosters - but carefully not telling you which antibodies they wanted you to keep up (for the two obsolete Wuhan variant spike proteins).
Keep this in mind. The COVID-19 spike proteins, combined with their antibodies, are the cause of the killer side effects of the vaccines. You don’t really gain anything by repeatedly cranking them up with each subsequent injection after the first one (if you are not significantly immune compromised, your immune system imprinted on the first jab just fine). Instead, they can kill you, if the ModRNA that produces them congregate somewhere inconvenient (such as your heart muscles, causing myocarditis). Once in a cell, the ModRNA generates the spike proteins, and the immune system then kills the cells, whenever they are detected. The Wuhan spike generating ModRNA is worst, because it much more heavily imprints your immune system as an antigen, because it was first. And until just this month, all boosters contained the very dangerous obsolete Wuhan variant spike producing ModRNA.
The moral of the story is that some older people, esp with significant comorbidities, might possibly benefit from a single dose of the just updated vaccines (as long as they ONLY contain Omiron variant spike producing ModRNA) as long as they have no natural immunities to the virus.
Commenter Fritz- I just read the story you posted, Been A Long, Long Time- Loved it! Thanks for that, brother- You know what I'm talking about!
MRNA and spike are but a part of the problem.
The lipid nanoparticle delivery wrapper causes other problems.
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