"Unnatural evolution": indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants
Comprehensive panels of "reversion mutations" found in general circulation look like an experiment.
On August 5th 2023 a Japanese research team published a pre-print that appears to contain the most important and shocking revelations of the covid era.
Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University, wanted to trace the historical evolution of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV2 by studying viral sequences found "in the wild" and deposited in public databases.
In doing this they found around 100 separate omicron subvariants that could not conceivably have arisen through natural processes. The existence of these variants seems to provide definitive proof of large-scale lab creation and release of covid viruses.
Moreover the variants appear to form comprehensive panels of mutations typical of those used in "reverse genetics" experiments to systematically test the properties of different parts of viruses.
The authors also found exact matches to omicron variants in sequences originating from Puerto Rico which were deposited in databases in 2020 - over a year before the announcement of the discovery of omicron in South Africa.
Coupled with observations of implausibly low numbers of "silent" mutations in SARS-CoV2 variants, Tanaka and Miyazawa argue that all variants emerging since the original Wuhan outbreak are unnatural, and speculate that they represent an experimental program to test determinants of the infectivity and pathogenicity of SARS-CoV2 in the global population.
Speaking of Rome, the richest woman in Russia, a billionaire, wired $3.5 to Hunter Biden, and then she, Hunter, and Joe, who swears that he never has anything to do with Hunter's business clients, met for coffee at Café Romano <-My hook in DC, and guess what? This Russian billionaire oligarch got left of of the sanctions list. What an amazing coincidence! Well, she is a good Russian, I am sure, offering Joe what the Chinese call the "traditional token of goodwill."
Anybody willing to grease Hunter's palm can't be all bad, can she? I am sure that no influence got peddled by the Biden clan, there. It's treason even to suggest it, even poses a threat to our democracy! So none of you lot put 2 and 2 together.
All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
Taiwan Rebukes Elon Musk for Describing Island Democracy as China’s Hawaii https://www.wsj.com/world/asia/taiwan-rebukes-elon-musk-for-describing-island-democracy-is-chinas-hawaii-ee2749b8
This afternoon was a Celebration of Life for a 1st cousin. It was at a local restaurant- on a beautiful lake- w/great food, a eulogy and a photo table. Absolutely lovely.
… yet, am I wrong to notice the lack of sacredness? That the formal traditions(any) religion offers is comforting &reassuring? And the loss of that practice leaves the solemn, thoughtful, sacred dimension out of the equation.
No disrespect to the nonbelievers.
The sunset was so awesome tonight. I knew it was a blessing from Above.
On a more serious note, my meditations on Roman history this week have been influenced mostly by Louise Perry's essay "We are Re-Paganizing" in First Things. I highly recommend it. (See, wominx, it's not just a guy thing.)
Luka Hein was given the irreversible operation at 16 and says the surgery has left her with daily pain, while the hormone drugs may have robbed her of the chance of becoming a mother. Luka claims she was diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a therapist within an hour during her first session and was referred for 'top' surgery after her second appointment.
A lawsuit Ms Hein filed today in Nebraska accuses the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) gender clinic of malpractice and seeks financial damages.
Luka said she is suing for financial compensation and 'accountability for the fact that these [doctors] put me through this.'
In her 28-page complaint, she said when she went back to the doctors to tell them she regretted the operation, she was told to seek mental health counseling.
The suit claims her doctor then said: 'I guess this is just part of your gender journey.'
The Summer of My Dreams seems much farther back in time than the Roman Empire but I still think of that every day, too.
I'll be hiking the high roads around Grindelwald and Murren first half of October. If any here expect to be nearby, post a note and I'll see you there.
Lenin and Stalin built their system on Terror, the natural fear that humans have of being imprisoned and subjected to awful tortures. A critical claim of the Communist system was precisely that, if you felt pity for your victims, you were as guilty as they were. Every human value must necessarily be swept away, and discarded, so that the only human value, the utopian Communist ideal, might triumph. Anyone who questioned the Terror was as guilty as those the Terror fell upon, and this lesson was taught over and over, a million times, spelled out in human lives destroyed. In ghastly agonies, endlessly prolonged, in subterranean prisons where innocent victims suffered for months and years. No one was safe, indeed, the regime's most capable tools were fed, one by one, into the maw of the Terror. Who could dare to oppose such a system? It was designed to perpetuate itself, and to crush any hint of opposition, or even momentary doubt.
Yet in three generations, it died, choking, its gaping throat clogged with its own reeking shit. There is no solution. Perhaps there can be no plan, or no plan that can work. But there is hope.
Although I had to look it up, our brilliant thinker, Elon Musk, somehow already knew - or Putin told him - that parts of Ukraine were included among Roman provinces in the 1st century BC. In 67, Emperor Nero prepared a military expedition to conquer for Rome all the northern shores of the Black Sea from the Caucasus to what is now Romania-Moldova-Ukraine, but his death stopped the project. For this reason, he probably put the Crimean Peninsula under direct Roman rule and created the main Roman settlement of Charax.
This province enjoyed a relatively golden period under Roman leadership during the 2nd century AD, with huge commerce of wheat, clothing, wine, and slaves.
The prosperous merchant towns in Crimea and in (what is now) southern Ukraine, permanently in need of military protection amidst a flux of barbaric peoples, held to Rome as the advanced posts to the main army. Roman troops were stationed on the peninsula. Their presence even in small numbers showed to the barbarians that the dreaded legionary stood behind them.
"It was at a local restaurant- on a beautiful lake- w/great food, a eulogy and a photo table. Absolutely lovely."
Our local Catholic churches stopped allowing anyone but the priest from speaking at a funeral, so no eulogy if like when my parents died only the newly arrived foreign priest who never met them could speak about their life.
My Dad was so angry about that for my Mom's funeral that he completely cut the church out of his will.
Catholic Churches here have made non-Church funerals a much nore personal and meaningful than a generic funeral with no reaal connection to the human.
LLR Rich: "Taiwan Rebukes Elon Musk for Describing Island Democracy as China’s Hawaii https://www.wsj.com/world/asia/taiwan-rebukes-elon-musk-for-describing-island-democracy-is-chinas-hawaii-ee2749b8
Shocking, Musk screwed up geopolitics."
Team LLR-democratical, notably shameless and already exposed liar LLR-democratical Rich, who provides a remarkable rhetorical impression of shameless liar LLR-democratical Chuck (perhaps a bit too spit on?), failed to provide the actual Musk quote in his post with the misleading headline.
Musk did not describe Taiwan as China's Hawaii. Musk accurately described China's oft repeated position as part of a larger discussion.
Musk's actual quote, for those interested in such things: “Their [Beijing’s] policy has been to reunite Taiwan with China. From their standpoint, maybe it is analogous to Hawaii or something like that, like an integral part of China that is arbitrarily not part of China mostly because … the US Pacific Fleet has stopped any sort of reunification effort by force,”.
Lets break that down:
"Their [Beijing’s] policy has been to reunite Taiwan with China."
"From their standpoint, maybe it is analogous to Hawaii or something like that, like an integral part of China that is arbitrarily not part of China..."
True. That is precisely how the ChiComs see it.
"...mostly because … the US Pacific Fleet has stopped any sort of reunification effort by force,”.
Absolutely true. Thank you US Naval power...which the dems and LLR-democraticals have been destroying for decades.
Lets sum it up: Musk strings together a perfectly accurate summary of the the ChiCom viewpoint along with a hard military fact.
Well, accurate summaries and facts aren't exactly the forte of the dem-aligned media or Althouse blog Team LLR-democratical smear merchants.
Its almost as if the LLR-democraticals ONLY post on Althouse blog to smear and lie about opponents and attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
Further proof that even our own fellow conservative Congressional Representatives can be just as arrogant and obnoxious as any left wing Representative:
"Shocking, Musk screwed up geopolitics." Well aren't you a nervous little thing. Shocked by a priuvate citizen exercising thewir free speech rights. Maybe instead of posting you should maybe shop for dresses.
Mark- I rather think that’s an individual priest decision. In our local parishes, the eulogy takes place either before the Mass begins or after Communion, before the final blessing. Not w/in the contents of the Mass itself. Then, the community celebrates w/a meal and they eulogize to their hearts’ content.
My sister-in-law was put off the Church in anger b/c she felt as you explain: nothing of the personal. I feel otherwise. I feel(yeah, I know- w/the feelz again!) it’s our release of our loved one to Him Who created. It’s above us in value.
I’m just worried we’re going to lose that connection. We already are- through the culture of trans. Etc.
Speaking of Rome, the richest woman in Russia, a billionaire, wired $3.5 to Hunter Biden, and then she, Hunter, and Joe, who swears that he never has anything to do with Hunter's business clients, met for coffee at Café Romano <-My hook in DC, and guess what? This Russian billionaire oligarch got left of of the sanctions list. What an amazing coincidence! Well, she is a good Russian, I am sure, offering Joe what the Chinese call the "traditional token of goodwill."
Anybody willing to grease Hunter's palm can't be all bad, can she? I am sure that no influence got peddled by the Biden clan, there. It's treason even to suggest it, even poses a threat to our democracy! So none of you lot put 2 and 2 together.
Joe "China owns me!" Biden is an honest politician. Once bought, he stays bought.
I guess it's only "justice" to spread around a video taken by infrared in a darkened theatre of somebody you don't like due to her outspoken politics in opposition to the regime giving her boyfriend a handie. I can see that liberals are *very* consistent in their views about sexual mores. Was she using her position of government power over him to force him to submit, or at least to agree to this? Or any power? Or was this a totally consensual thing that happened?
What a wonderful world we live in when live under the constant surveillance of the Party.
20,000 dead in Libya due to storms, civil war,and govt incompetence. Wonder if the dams would have been neglected if Gaddafi was still in power.
He gave up his nuclear to appease USA and then: "We came, we saw, he died" Cackle cackle
Kim Jung Un scuttled the disarmament talks after John Bolton said we'd use the Libyan model when North Korea gave up its nukes. Kim Jung Un is no dummy. He realized he'd be for the high jump if a Dem ever became President again. That's another action we can thank Cackles for.
Barrack Obama is tweeting that his foundation is accepting donations to help out Libya. Really, Barrack, you've done enough.
Wasn't killing their leader enough? Deyanu! If you had only killed their leader, it would have been enough!
Wasn't destroying civil government there enough? Deyenu! If you had only destroyed their civil government, it would have been enough!
Wasn't wiping out law and order, and handing the government over to terrorists enough? Dayenu! If you had only wiped out law and order and handed over the government to terrorists, it would have been enough!
Wasn't allowing the slow decay of infrastructure that led to these horrific floods enough? Dayenu! If only you had allowed the slow decay of their infrastructure, it would have been enough.
So, deyanu, Barrack! You have done enough!
"We came! We saw! They died" - Hillary Clinton's updated victory crow.
And don't forget that all of these deaths, along with, probably the tens of thousands who have drowned in the Mediterranean trying to escape the "shit show" that Obama and Hillary created in Libya? Well that's all down to climate change!
Oh yes, one more thing, NATO is strictly a "defensive alliance," please update your memories of NATO's actual behavior accordingly, because it never happened! NATO has always been a "strictly defensive alliance." Putin is paranoid for not wanting to end up with an AK-47 rammed up his ass, as the video of Moammar's death revealed happened to him, while he was murdered by NATO backed insurgents, after all, just because NATO did it to Moammar, hey, we thought Moammar was evil! Nobody thinks Putin is evil!
Barrack Obama is asking for money for his foundation to "help" the people of Libya who are suffering the effects of "climate change"
You have done enough, Barrack. Deyanu! Killing Moammar, destroying law and order and civil government there, opening the way for the selling of slaves in the public squares? That was enough, Moammar. It's your fault, Barrack, that the country has fallen apart and their infrastructure has gone to hell, Barrack. How do you sleep?
"We came! We saw! They died!" - Hillary Clinton.
Remember that NATO is a "purely defensive alliance," and that anybody who doesn't want them as a neighbor is paranoid! No way would NATO back the overthrow of Putin and laugh at videos of him being ass raped with an AK-47, the way they did Khaddafy! No! NATO has always been a strictly defensive alliance! These deaths, and the deaths of tens of thousands of Libyans who have drowned in the Mediterranean fleeing Obama's Biden's, and Hillary's "shit show" are strictly due to climate change and the Russians! Update your memories of the events accordingly!
Putin has purportedly watched that video of what they did to Khadaffy multiple times. If you think that it had nothing to do with his calculus regarding NATO ending up a couple of hundred miles from Moscow with the second largest army in Europe, you are a fool.
Oh yeah, and let's not forget Flight 870, the passenger jet NATO shot down trying to assassinate Khadaffy. He wasn't on it, his military flight took a different route after he was tipped off, and NATO killed all of those innocent passengers and crew. We claim that the accusation is baseless, but nobody has looked very closely at the wreckage, and the cause of the crash remains "a mystery."
On more think, are people here aware that the government of Taiwan declares itself the legitimate government of the mainland? That's right, both sides believe that there is only one China. It's a civil war. None of our business.
Whoever can produce the most missiles and drones the quickest and has the largest stockpile, lessons of Ukraine, is going to win. Even the most advanced air defenses can be overwhelmed by numbers. Look what just happened in Sevastopol, defended by the most advanced systems in the world. Sure, you have a Gatling gun that fires thousands of rounds a second, how many missiles at a time can it target defending a ship? These aren't Kamikaze Zeros we are talking about. So who is going to win this war we are getting ourselves involved in?
China will simply destroy any ship that approaches with a barrage of missiles and drones, and lay siege to the island until it surrenders. In Korea, our soldiers fired until they were out of ammo, and still soldiers kept coming, think missiles and drones. Russia will provide China with food and raw materials, which cannot be interdicted by sea, BTW. If you are thinking that we will simply blockade China.
How we get out of this next five years without a nuclear war is hard to imagine. This is not cheerleading, it's a recitation of the facts of the situation.
A statue celebrating German chancellor Angela Merkel on a horse collapsed a few days ago. The sculptor used recycled concrete in a 3D printer to create it. He didn't bother to check if his material had the strength to withstand the weather and gravity. The sculpture's right arm and the horse's head fell off and had to be reattached. Then it all collapsed. What a fitting commentary on Angela Merkel and woke sculptors.
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३४ टिप्पण्या:
8min ago Elon says via my X he thinks about the Roman Empire “every day”.
Did they engineer the variants also?
"Unnatural evolution": indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants
Comprehensive panels of "reversion mutations" found in general circulation look like an experiment.
On August 5th 2023 a Japanese research team published a pre-print that appears to contain the most important and shocking revelations of the covid era.
Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University, wanted to trace the historical evolution of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV2 by studying viral sequences found "in the wild" and deposited in public databases.
In doing this they found around 100 separate omicron subvariants that could not conceivably have arisen through natural processes. The existence of these variants seems to provide definitive proof of large-scale lab creation and release of covid viruses.
Moreover the variants appear to form comprehensive panels of mutations typical of those used in "reverse genetics" experiments to systematically test the properties of different parts of viruses.
The authors also found exact matches to omicron variants in sequences originating from Puerto Rico which were deposited in databases in 2020 - over a year before the announcement of the discovery of omicron in South Africa.
Coupled with observations of implausibly low numbers of "silent" mutations in SARS-CoV2 variants, Tanaka and Miyazawa argue that all variants emerging since the original Wuhan outbreak are unnatural, and speculate that they represent an experimental program to test determinants of the infectivity and pathogenicity of SARS-CoV2 in the global population.
Substack link to article
Speaking of Rome, the richest woman in Russia, a billionaire, wired $3.5 to Hunter Biden, and then she, Hunter, and Joe, who swears that he never has anything to do with Hunter's business clients, met for coffee at Café Romano <-My hook in DC, and guess what? This Russian billionaire oligarch got left of of the sanctions list. What an amazing coincidence! Well, she is a good Russian, I am sure, offering Joe what the Chinese call the "traditional token of goodwill."
Anybody willing to grease Hunter's palm can't be all bad, can she? I am sure that no influence got peddled by the Biden clan, there. It's treason even to suggest it, even poses a threat to our democracy! So none of you lot put 2 and 2 together.
Don't look at this electoral map based on a Reuters poll if the thought of Trump winning makes you unhappy.
All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
Taiwan Rebukes Elon Musk for Describing Island Democracy as China’s Hawaii
Shocking, Musk screwed up geopolitics.
Time to dust off our Corey Lewandowski tag.
This afternoon was a Celebration of Life for a 1st cousin. It was at a local restaurant- on a beautiful lake- w/great food, a eulogy and a photo table. Absolutely lovely.
… yet, am I wrong to notice the lack of sacredness? That the formal traditions(any) religion offers is comforting &reassuring? And the loss of that practice leaves the solemn, thoughtful, sacred dimension out of the equation.
No disrespect to the nonbelievers.
The sunset was so awesome tonight.
I knew it was a blessing from Above.
"White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that '80 is the new 40' ...".
That would explain the deficit.
On a more serious note, my meditations on Roman history this week have been influenced mostly by Louise Perry's essay "We are Re-Paganizing" in First Things. I highly recommend it. (See, wominx, it's not just a guy thing.)
Dave Begley (i hope i spelt that right? or close?).. Comments?
A woman who claims she was rushed into transgender surgery is suing the doctors who gave her a double mastectomy as a child.
Luka Hein was given the irreversible operation at 16 and says the surgery has left her with daily pain, while the hormone drugs may have robbed her of the chance of becoming a mother.
Luka claims she was diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a therapist within an hour during her first session and was referred for 'top' surgery after her second appointment.
A lawsuit Ms Hein filed today in Nebraska accuses the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) gender clinic of malpractice and seeks financial damages.
Luka said she is suing for financial compensation and 'accountability for the fact that these [doctors] put me through this.'
In her 28-page complaint, she said when she went back to the doctors to tell them she regretted the operation, she was told to seek mental health counseling.
The suit claims her doctor then said: 'I guess this is just part of your gender journey.'
The Summer of My Dreams seems much farther back in time than the Roman Empire but I still think of that every day, too.
I'll be hiking the high roads around Grindelwald and Murren first half of October. If any here expect to be nearby, post a note and I'll see you there.
20,000 dead in Libya due to storms, civil war,and govt incompetence.
Wonder if the dams would have been neglected if Gaddafi was still in power.
He gave up his nuclear to appease USA and then: "We came, we saw, he died" Cackle cackle
Upon further review, my X is really Elon’s X… like literally.
"All the early Roman Kings in the early, early morn’
Coming down the mountain, distributing the corn"
Lenin and Stalin built their system on Terror, the natural fear that humans have of being imprisoned and subjected to awful tortures. A critical claim of the Communist system was precisely that, if you felt pity for your victims, you were as guilty as they were. Every human value must necessarily be swept away, and discarded, so that the only human value, the utopian Communist ideal, might triumph. Anyone who questioned the Terror was as guilty as those the Terror fell upon, and this lesson was taught over and over, a million times, spelled out in human lives destroyed. In ghastly agonies, endlessly prolonged, in subterranean prisons where innocent victims suffered for months and years. No one was safe, indeed, the regime's most capable tools were fed, one by one, into the maw of the Terror. Who could dare to oppose such a system? It was designed to perpetuate itself, and to crush any hint of opposition, or even momentary doubt.
Yet in three generations, it died, choking, its gaping throat clogged with its own reeking shit. There is no solution. Perhaps there can be no plan, or no plan that can work. But there is hope.
Although I had to look it up, our brilliant thinker, Elon Musk, somehow already knew - or Putin told him - that parts of Ukraine were included among Roman provinces in the 1st century BC. In 67, Emperor Nero prepared a military expedition to conquer for Rome all the northern shores of the Black Sea from the Caucasus to what is now Romania-Moldova-Ukraine, but his death stopped the project. For this reason, he probably put the Crimean Peninsula under direct Roman rule and created the main Roman settlement of Charax.
This province enjoyed a relatively golden period under Roman leadership during the 2nd century AD, with huge commerce of wheat, clothing, wine, and slaves.
The prosperous merchant towns in Crimea and in (what is now) southern Ukraine, permanently in need of military protection amidst a flux of barbaric peoples, held to Rome as the advanced posts to the main army. Roman troops were stationed on the peninsula. Their presence even in small numbers showed to the barbarians that the dreaded legionary stood behind them.
"It was at a local restaurant- on a beautiful lake- w/great food, a eulogy and a photo table. Absolutely lovely."
Our local Catholic churches stopped allowing anyone but the priest from speaking at a funeral, so no eulogy if like when my parents died only the newly arrived foreign priest who never met them could speak about their life.
My Dad was so angry about that for my Mom's funeral that he completely cut the church out of his will.
Catholic Churches here have made non-Church funerals a much nore personal and meaningful than a generic funeral with no reaal connection to the human.
LLR Rich: "Taiwan Rebukes Elon Musk for Describing Island Democracy as China’s Hawaii
Shocking, Musk screwed up geopolitics."
Team LLR-democratical, notably shameless and already exposed liar LLR-democratical Rich, who provides a remarkable rhetorical impression of shameless liar LLR-democratical Chuck (perhaps a bit too spit on?), failed to provide the actual Musk quote in his post with the misleading headline.
Musk did not describe Taiwan as China's Hawaii. Musk accurately described China's oft repeated position as part of a larger discussion.
Musk's actual quote, for those interested in such things: “Their [Beijing’s] policy has been to reunite Taiwan with China. From their standpoint, maybe it is analogous to Hawaii or something like that, like an integral part of China that is arbitrarily not part of China mostly because … the US Pacific Fleet has stopped any sort of reunification effort by force,”.
Lets break that down:
"Their [Beijing’s] policy has been to reunite Taiwan with China."
"From their standpoint, maybe it is analogous to Hawaii or something like that, like an integral part of China that is arbitrarily not part of China..."
True. That is precisely how the ChiComs see it.
"...mostly because … the US Pacific Fleet has stopped any sort of reunification effort by force,”.
Absolutely true. Thank you US Naval power...which the dems and LLR-democraticals have been destroying for decades.
Lets sum it up: Musk strings together a perfectly accurate summary of the the ChiCom viewpoint along with a hard military fact.
Well, accurate summaries and facts aren't exactly the forte of the dem-aligned media or Althouse blog Team LLR-democratical smear merchants.
Its almost as if the LLR-democraticals ONLY post on Althouse blog to smear and lie about opponents and attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
what the Chinese call the "traditional token of goodwill."
has anybody seen the RedPacket of goodwill? there is your evidence
Further proof that even our own fellow conservative Congressional Representatives can be just as arrogant and obnoxious as any left wing Representative:
Maybe this attitude just comes with being part of the government.
"Shocking, Musk screwed up geopolitics."
Well aren't you a nervous little thing. Shocked by a priuvate citizen exercising thewir free speech rights. Maybe instead of posting you should maybe shop for dresses.
Roaming Noam favourite stop, Rome.
When in Rome, as the saying go.
I went roaming for the origin of roaming.
Origin (roam)
Middle English: of unknown origin.
Let me stop there.
went roaming for the origin of roaming.
Roamin in the gloamin
Mark- I rather think that’s an individual priest decision. In our local parishes, the eulogy takes place either before the Mass begins or after Communion, before the final blessing. Not w/in the contents of the Mass itself. Then, the community celebrates w/a meal and they eulogize to their hearts’ content.
My sister-in-law was put off the Church in anger b/c she felt as you explain: nothing of the personal. I feel otherwise. I feel(yeah, I know- w/the feelz again!) it’s our release of our loved one to Him Who created. It’s above us in value.
I’m just worried we’re going to lose that connection. We already are- through the culture of trans. Etc.
Speaking of Rome, the richest woman in Russia, a billionaire, wired $3.5 to Hunter Biden, and then she, Hunter, and Joe, who swears that he never has anything to do with Hunter's business clients, met for coffee at Café Romano <-My hook in DC, and guess what? This Russian billionaire oligarch got left of of the sanctions list. What an amazing coincidence! Well, she is a good Russian, I am sure, offering Joe what the Chinese call the "traditional token of goodwill."
Anybody willing to grease Hunter's palm can't be all bad, can she? I am sure that no influence got peddled by the Biden clan, there. It's treason even to suggest it, even poses a threat to our democracy! So none of you lot put 2 and 2 together.
Joe "China owns me!" Biden is an honest politician. Once bought, he stays bought.
I guess it's only "justice" to spread around a video taken by infrared in a darkened theatre of somebody you don't like due to her outspoken politics in opposition to the regime giving her boyfriend a handie. I can see that liberals are *very* consistent in their views about sexual mores. Was she using her position of government power over him to force him to submit, or at least to agree to this? Or any power? Or was this a totally consensual thing that happened?
What a wonderful world we live in when live under the constant surveillance of the Party.
20,000 dead in Libya due to storms, civil war,and govt incompetence.
Wonder if the dams would have been neglected if Gaddafi was still in power.
He gave up his nuclear to appease USA and then: "We came, we saw, he died" Cackle cackle
Kim Jung Un scuttled the disarmament talks after John Bolton said we'd use the Libyan model when North Korea gave up its nukes. Kim Jung Un is no dummy. He realized he'd be for the high jump if a Dem ever became President again. That's another action we can thank Cackles for.
Barrack Obama is tweeting that his foundation is accepting donations to help out Libya. Really, Barrack, you've done enough.
Wasn't killing their leader enough? Deyanu! If you had only killed their leader, it would have been enough!
Wasn't destroying civil government there enough? Deyenu! If you had only destroyed their civil government, it would have been enough!
Wasn't wiping out law and order, and handing the government over to terrorists enough? Dayenu! If you had only wiped out law and order and handed over the government to terrorists, it would have been enough!
Wasn't allowing the slow decay of infrastructure that led to these horrific floods enough? Dayenu! If only you had allowed the slow decay of their infrastructure, it would have been enough.
So, deyanu, Barrack! You have done enough!
"We came! We saw! They died" - Hillary Clinton's updated victory crow.
And don't forget that all of these deaths, along with, probably the tens of thousands who have drowned in the Mediterranean trying to escape the "shit show" that Obama and Hillary created in Libya? Well that's all down to climate change!
Oh yes, one more thing, NATO is strictly a "defensive alliance," please update your memories of NATO's actual behavior accordingly, because it never happened! NATO has always been a "strictly defensive alliance." Putin is paranoid for not wanting to end up with an AK-47 rammed up his ass, as the video of Moammar's death revealed happened to him, while he was murdered by NATO backed insurgents, after all, just because NATO did it to Moammar, hey, we thought Moammar was evil! Nobody thinks Putin is evil!
Barrack Obama is asking for money for his foundation to "help" the people of Libya who are suffering the effects of "climate change"
You have done enough, Barrack. Deyanu! Killing Moammar, destroying law and order and civil government there, opening the way for the selling of slaves in the public squares? That was enough, Moammar. It's your fault, Barrack, that the country has fallen apart and their infrastructure has gone to hell, Barrack. How do you sleep?
"We came! We saw! They died!" - Hillary Clinton.
Remember that NATO is a "purely defensive alliance," and that anybody who doesn't want them as a neighbor is paranoid! No way would NATO back the overthrow of Putin and laugh at videos of him being ass raped with an AK-47, the way they did Khaddafy! No! NATO has always been a strictly defensive alliance! These deaths, and the deaths of tens of thousands of Libyans who have drowned in the Mediterranean fleeing Obama's Biden's, and Hillary's "shit show" are strictly due to climate change and the Russians! Update your memories of the events accordingly!
Putin has purportedly watched that video of what they did to Khadaffy multiple times. If you think that it had nothing to do with his calculus regarding NATO ending up a couple of hundred miles from Moscow with the second largest army in Europe, you are a fool.
Oh yeah, and let's not forget Flight 870, the passenger jet NATO shot down trying to assassinate Khadaffy. He wasn't on it, his military flight took a different route after he was tipped off, and NATO killed all of those innocent passengers and crew. We claim that the accusation is baseless, but nobody has looked very closely at the wreckage, and the cause of the crash remains "a mystery."
You want to blame Reagan, I know, but Carter was president.
On more think, are people here aware that the government of Taiwan declares itself the legitimate government of the mainland? That's right, both sides believe that there is only one China. It's a civil war. None of our business.
Whoever can produce the most missiles and drones the quickest and has the largest stockpile, lessons of Ukraine, is going to win. Even the most advanced air defenses can be overwhelmed by numbers. Look what just happened in Sevastopol, defended by the most advanced systems in the world. Sure, you have a Gatling gun that fires thousands of rounds a second, how many missiles at a time can it target defending a ship? These aren't Kamikaze Zeros we are talking about. So who is going to win this war we are getting ourselves involved in?
China will simply destroy any ship that approaches with a barrage of missiles and drones, and lay siege to the island until it surrenders. In Korea, our soldiers fired until they were out of ammo, and still soldiers kept coming, think missiles and drones. Russia will provide China with food and raw materials, which cannot be interdicted by sea, BTW. If you are thinking that we will simply blockade China.
How we get out of this next five years without a nuclear war is hard to imagine. This is not cheerleading, it's a recitation of the facts of the situation.
A statue celebrating German chancellor Angela Merkel on a horse collapsed a few days ago. The sculptor used recycled concrete in a 3D printer to create it. He didn't bother to check if his material had the strength to withstand the weather and gravity. The sculpture's right arm and the horse's head fell off and had to be reattached. Then it all collapsed. What a fitting commentary on Angela Merkel and woke sculptors.
@tim in vermont, don’t count on Virginia going for Biden! But the 2024 election is more than 13 months away so that map is a wasted exercise.
Primo Impactico
William50... Best link I've seen on the subject, thanks!
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