The headline is — deliberately? — deceptive. What Putin said wasn't "praise." It was sarcasm.
Here, consider the tone and the context:
ADDED: The Guardian was passing along NBC's language — "pleased" and "praise" — "Trump says he's pleased by Putin's praise: 'I like that he said that'/Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said he was 'happy' to hear Trump's promise to '"resolve all burning issues within several days' — including the war in Ukraine."Donald Trump responds to war criminal Putin praising his anti-Ukraine comments:
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) September 15, 2023
“Well, I like that he said that. Because that means what I’m saying is right.”
A vote for Trump is a vote against America.
NBC was using the longstanding trope — Trump is cozying up to dictators.
ALSO: Consider this quote from Putin in "Legal action against Trump shows ‘rottenness’ of US politics, says Putin/Russian leader claims indictments of former president are political persecution" (The Guardian):
"Everything happening to Trump is political persecution of a political rival. That’s what it is."And this is happening before the eyes of the United States public and entire world. As for the persecution of Trump, I believe that everything happening at the moment is good. Because it demonstrates the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.... Even though they accused him of having a special relationship with Russia, which is complete nonsense, he imposed sanctions on Russia more than anyone else while he was president. Therefore, it is difficult to say what to expect from the future president, no matter who the president is, but it is unlikely that anything will change radically."
८३ टिप्पण्या:
Brokering a deal is just finding some what that both sides come out ahead. Trump usually adds soemthing unexpected to do it, that neither party had been thinking could be part of a deal.
THe traditional deal is e.g. get rid of Putin. Hard to make but easy to sustain.
Trump's clumsy way of speaking is a gift to the liar left.
Trump wrote the book on negotiation* and it’s understandable that he thinks he could broker a peace deal. But whether Putin or Zelenskyy, either one, would negotiate in good faith is a good question.
* whether it’s still the best book on negotiation is also a good question, though I cannot imagine that the quality of the book’s contents can be impartially evaluated in today’s polarized partisan world.
Why would anyone expect operatives to tell the truth about two people they are committed to render powerless? The sophistication of our present time reflects this strategy instead of a focused effort to bring one or both to room temperature, as would have been the case in an earlier time, when security was more difficult and less professional.
People these days sure do expect a lot.
NBC was using the longstanding trope — Trump is cozying up to dictators.
How many billions is he sending?
Mr Trump says he will resolve all burning issues within several days, including the Ukrainian crisis.
President Godfather: Today I settled all family business.
If they can’t trick Ann…
…and when did Democrats and their liberal followers become the out and proud warmongers? Was it when Democrats discovered they could make Romney money off of them?
Let's hear what Inga has to say about this!!
More importantly, let's hear from lonejustice, or whatever Chuck calls himself now.
I WANT to hear the party line!
“Getting along is ok.” - Trump. Who would disagree?
Also, Putin recognizing that the US no longer has moral authority to advance democratic ideals due to our current political prosecutions is quite something. That’s his bailiwick, after all, along with poisoning his opponents, of course.
Putin and Trump have already begun to negotiate. Shit-talking is the first step.
Ya gotta admit the man can negotiate. When you can get Saudi Arabia and Israel talking to each other you got skills.
The opposite of that is the Biden junta slow walking us into WW3.
Orange man bad! He hurt my feelings! I got an idea! Let's elect Joe Biden! He'll fix everything! Morons. All the way down.
How is Trump going to broker a deal and end the money train that the Democrats are running on the Ukraine's lifeless corpse?
Trump is going to be dead. The Democrats are going to assassinate him. He's never going to be President again.
“ Trump is going to be dead. The Democrats are going to assassinate him. He's never going to be President again.”
The quiet part out loud.
According to Guardian's translation Putin responded to Trump's bullshit with:
“Mr Trump says he will resolve all burning issues within several days, including the Ukrainian crisis,” Putin said at an economic forum in Russia recently. “We cannot help but feel happy about it.”
How is that sarcasm?
He is amplifying Trump's bullshit. We have seen that before.
I suppose both Putin and Trump think this familiar line, that Trump will magically resolve huge problems, will help achieve their goal of returning Trump to power. All-consuming goal for Trump, secondary or less for Putin of course.
Is a significant portion of the American public going swallow that again? Could be.
Does Trump really think Putin takes his BS seriously? Yes.
Ha, this has the makings of a familiar pattern here. Trump does a little bragging, the progressive left portrays it as awkwardly as possible then reacts hysterically, but then if you stay tuned, Trump ends up with some kind of sensible, workable solution and the progressive left suddenly cuts the coverage and goes very quiet, storing up their rage for the next hysterical release.
"Republicans Against Trump" - Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes and all the other warmongering ilk.
Simply, why should Ukrainians be used as sacrificial lambs to on the alter of the American / EU / NATO hegemony? Why should American taxpayers be forced to fund this corruption and destruction when our own cities are turning into complete shit?
But of course, it will go on and long as they can keep college educated white women believing this is about "protecting democracy".
This is why he has been charged with the crime of "deprivation of rights"
18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law
If found guilty it carries the death penalty or life imprisonment.
Strangely nobody ever mentions that.
I am sure Inga, Chuck, rich, Ms tapioca and other are drooling with glee over this possibility. But they never talk about it either.
John Henry
The headline is — deliberately? — deceptive. What Putin said wasn't "praise." It was sarcasm.
In that light, Trump's response — "I like that he said that. Because that means what I’m saying is right" — doesn't mean he's idiotically soaking up praise.
Althouse you are -- very dangerously -- half right.
Yes, Putin was being sarcastic in a classically Putin way. But let's first understand, as we clearly must, that the most important global development for Putin in the next year-plus, would be to aid in the election of Donald Trump to another term as U.S. President. Trump would undercut U.S. support for Ukraine, disrupt NATO, trash the Western alliances, and happily see Ukraine lose anything that would be needed just to allow Trump to say, "I ended the war in Ukraine. Just like I promised." Another Trump presidency could save both Putin and Trump.
Okay; so understanding all of foergoing; yes, Putin was engaging in some sarcasm for his domestic audience. Saying to them slyly, "I'm the guy who knows how this works. Let me handle Trump. I hear him. I know him. I'll deal with him."
Now where you are so mind-bogglingly wrong, Althouse, is in your saying that Trump's response "doesn't mean doesn't mean he's idiotically soaking up praise." That is OF COURSE exactly what Trump was doing! You saw Putin as being cleverly sarcastic. So did I. But I don't think Kristen Welker and/or NBC understood Putin as sarcastic. They were taking the low-information road to see if Trump would reject something Putin said, or would otherwise disagree with Putin.
We know with absolute certainty that Trump DID NOT understand it as sarcasm because in Trump's feral sociopathology, he doesn't do sarcasm. Things are either great for him, or else they are terrible, crooked, rigged, fake and wrong. There's no nuance; there's zero intelligent analytic understanding. Oh, and back to my second paragraph of this comment; Trump knows damn well the simple thing that Putin knows, which is that getting Trump elected again to the presidency is the most important object for both of them right now.
So yeah, Althouse, I say to you; Trump's answer was nothing more or less than Trump "idiotically soaking [what Trump could only psychologically accept as] praise."
I'm willing to bet on this. Here's what I would propose. Another interview with Trump, in which the questioner proposes to Trump that Putin was being sarcastic. That Putin thinks it laughable, that Trump proposes to get Putin and Zelenskyy in a room and bang out a deal in hours, or days. Let's put it to Trump; "When you were answering Kristen Welker's question*, were you taking Putin as legitimately taking you seriously?" Anyone wanna bet on how Trump would respond?
*I hope no one in the Althouse commentariat is holding the view that the anti-Trump Right, and the Democratic Left, are holding up the performance of NBC and Kristen Welker as anything to be admired. I cannot recall the last time that a network's lead interviewer got such criticism as what Welker is getting right now. Since last night and all through today, I have seen nothing but the harshest criticism of Welker. This rotten interview is perhaps the single worst example of credulous "both-sidesing" anyone has seen so far in Campaign '24. She is getting savaged, and rightly so.
Putin is savvy in one respect. He knows Donald Trump is an ignoramus. But most of us have known that for some time.
Putin can talk a lot about how miserable the counteroffensive is or what great nuclear arsenal Russia has. Here is the fact, the truth not even the Kremlin can deny (albeit they will try): Russia needs help from North Korea. Russia finally dealing with its equals. Putin should accept the invitation to visit North Korea to see what Russia will look like in 50 years time.
The problem for Putin is that his losses are irreplaceable with the current economic conditions that Russia faces. The loss of the Moskva and a few days ago a submarine and a landing ship from the Black Sea flotilla cannot be replaced anytime soon. The attrition of Russian logistics will not be helped by Kim’s ammunition. The loss of 10,000 tanks/APC’s/IFV’s and 5000 artillery systems are devastating to the Russian war effort. Putin cannot even condition the Russian people to accept that this is a war.
Biden, Scholz, Macron and Sunak need to go on record as stating that the West is supporting Ukraine all the way to victory.
John Henry
9/17/23, 8:14 AM
John Henry I have long been on the record here, as fully opposed to any murder or execution of Donald Trump. The notion of a dead Trump being a martyr to his cult is too distasteful for me.
I remain 100% anti-Trumpassassination. My only exceptions would be to save the lives of mothers and their unborn children.
jim: "Does Trump really think Putin takes his BS seriously? Yes."
The lefty mindreading is the best "tell" for a commenter that is completely full of crap.
“Mr Trump says he will resolve all burning issues within several days, including the Ukrainian crisis,” Putin said at an economic forum in Russia recently. “We cannot help but feel happy about it.”
jim: "How is that sarcasm?"
Even shorter jim: That's Not Funny!
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Trump's clumsy way of speaking is a gift to the liar left."
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker clumsier by orders of magnitude commentary and daily demonstrated illogic is a gift to the left and their GOPe allies.
The ethnic Springs from Tripoli to Kiev with a democratic consensus.
The Democrats are going to assassinate him...
It's not a coincidence that most wars snd anthropogenic conflicts, domestic and foreign, in the 20th and 21st centuries, were concieved, perhaps, and birthed during Democratic administrations. All's fair in lust and abortion.
Imagining that Trump would recognize words of praise about him as sarcasm is too long a bridge for me to cross.
One thing that Trump can and will do is open the oil pipeline. Oil price during his administration was +/- $50/bbl, compared to ~$90 today. Oil sales is what Putin finances his entire regime on. There is no graft for anyone in low oil prices, just economic prosperity for Americans, so Dems will never do that.
USA can beat the Russians in UKR without firing a shot- bankrupt Putin, and motivate the Europeans to contribute their share for the defense of eastern Europe. If they won't pony up to 2% of GDP, why should we?
Blogger Chuck said...
I remain 100% anti-Trumpassassination. My only exceptions would be to save the lives of mothers and their unborn children.
Now that is an exception that one could drive an entire fleet of trucks though with room for a couple of B-52s to spare.
Did kill any women and unborn children in his attacks on Syria? Or in prosecuting the war in Afghanistan? Probably.
So I guess you are saying give him the needle in your own obtuse way.
John Henry
Blogger Rusty said...
Ya gotta admit the man can negotiate. When you can get Saudi Arabia and Israel talking to each other you got skills.
The opposite of that is the Biden junta slow walking us into WW3.
Orange man bad! He hurt my feelings! I got an idea! Let's elect Joe Biden! He'll fix everything! Morons. All the way down.
9/17/23, 7:11 AM
As a counterpoint I offer the negotiations he entered into to purchase the Plaza Hotel where he paid double what it was worth and his negotiations to finance the Trump Taj Mahal where the terms were so unfavorable that he ended up bankrupting three casinos.
Stay true to your 77 year old dick-stepper, Drago.
Good news - Trump is all set to halt WWII. *whew* right after he drains the swamp.
Blogger Buckwheathikes said...
How is Trump going to broker a deal and end the money train that the Democrats are running on the Ukraine's lifeless corpse?
Trump is going to be dead. The Democrats are going to assassinate him. He's never going to be President again.
9/17/23, 7:16 AM
Why would Democrats eliminate their greatest asset?
Putin didn't go to war or "annex" Ukraine when Trump was president.
Nope - Putin always waits until the D's are in charge.
It is quite clear LLR Rich has zero understanding of military strategy, tactics, armaments, logistics, procurement, operations nor geo-political reality.
Forget about LLR Rich's moronic Ukraine war status and Russki homefront "update"...which can cause one to literally shed brain cells.
The Ukrainian "counter offensive", if thats what it can actually be called, is a complete failure...for so many reasons...but not a money routing fscilitation operation. Thats still up and running! Huzzah!
Instead focus on the other explicitly (and exquisitely?) and implicitly ignorant commentary from Team LLR this morning.
How stupid does one have to be to fail to recognize the ChiComs control the North Korean govt like a pit bull owner that keeps the leash tight with their "pet"?
If Putin is chatting up the Norks directly its because:
1) The ChiComs, and many other players, have long been supplying the russkis with needed war material in exchange for energy and other commodities and acted as a clearing house for black market goods such as electronic components under western "sanctions" (wink wink) and...
2) The ChiComs, who own the Bidens and half of our govt, get to play "who? Me?" when ChiCom/Nork/stolen Taiwanese "stuff" (wink wink) gets routed to the russkis "from" NK.
Its for show LLR Rich!
Hey, you know who else has been VERY VERY helpful to the russkis on the all important weapons front? The Iranians! And who did the Biden admin just kick $6B over to in "exchange for hostages" (wink wink)?....the Biden admin!
That money will go along way to building more russki drones!
But wait! Thats not all!
LLR Rich/Chuck/lonejustice/(insert new daily "unique" LLR commenter name here) are going to love this one from Reuters:
"BRUSSELS, Aug 30 (Reuters) - European Union countries have increased their imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia compared with before the Ukraine war, despite the EU's aim to quit Russian fossil fuels within a few years, an analysis by campaigners showed."
The EU is funding russki military ops in Ukraine through their energy policies which collapsed nuclear and coal...which is destroying the Ukrainian army...which is then resupplied with American weapons paid for by US taxpayers..with enough siphoned off for those Swiss bank accounts...and increased revenue for US defense manufactuers which increases funding for MIC lobbyists and politicians!
And if anybody in the West, whether already purchased by the ChiComs (like Biden) or not, makes waves, the ChiComs can give the old diplomatic shoulder shrug while yanking the Norks chain and voila! Another missile launch from the Norks over Japan!
LLR Rich's "gullibility" on this is either real, in which case LLR Rich probably thinks Blinken/Kirby aren't lying when they now claim No US Weapons were left behind in Afghanistan, or its feigned for political purposes as when LLR Rich spent days lying about Elon Musk's actions with Starlink re:Ukraine.
This bears repeating...
Blogger Aggie: "Ha, this has the makings of a familiar pattern here. Trump does a little bragging, the progressive left portrays it as awkwardly as possible then reacts hysterically, but then if you stay tuned, Trump ends up with some kind of sensible, workable solution and the progressive left suddenly cuts the coverage and goes very quiet, storing up their rage for the next hysterical release."
That has indeed been the case, repeated over and over again with our LLR Rich-like blathering imbeciles exposing their profound ignorance or menacity (lets just embrace the concept of "both" on this one) ...
...with a rhetorical assist, again, from GOPe supporting ignorants like HBTPFH.
"How is that sarcasm?"
Thinking about and realizing that Putin certainly said this for domestic consumption, not for us, yes it's sarcastic. I guess I'm just not attuned to the brains and personalities of murdering dictators.
Still, Trump ate it up.
"Biden, Scholz, Macron and Sunak need to go on record as stating that the West is supporting Ukraine all the way to victory."
And speaking of dictators, Zelensky's cock can get sucked only so much.
The man has got to be positively chaffing at this point.
How about you send your money to that corrupt nation (with which we have no defense agreement) and let me keep mine?
Go fight, Rich, you can do it! Just think of all the Ukrainian pussy you'd get strutting around in your freshly-pressed Ukraine army costume.
You'll get your cock sucked almost as much as Zelensky.
And lets not even get started on multiple 3rd parties reselling russki oil on the world markets along with fertilizer and other necessary goods, all of which have enabled Russia to create a greater war material generation capacity then they had before the taking of Crimea under Obama/Biden and the "Special Military Operation" the Russians kicked off under Biden.
LLR AMDG: "Why would Democrats eliminate their greatest asset?"
Apologies for not including AMDG in my earlier rundown of the Althouse LLR Brigade.
Oversight on my part. I was temporarily blinded slightly by the incandescently moronic LLR Rich and LLR-democratical Chuck comments.
So Putin is a 'war criminal' but Biden is a hero for vaporizing a family:
"Malika died in a US drone strike in the courtyard of their family home in Afghanistan's capital on August 29, along with nine other relatives, six of them children."
This game is fun...
West TX Intermediate Crude: "One thing that Trump can and will do is open the oil pipeline. Oil price during his administration was +/- $50/bbl, compared to ~$90 today. Oil sales is what Putin finances his entire regime on. There is no graft for anyone in low oil prices, just economic prosperity for Americans, so Dems will never do that.
USA can beat the Russians in UKR without firing a shot- bankrupt Putin, and motivate the Europeans to contribute their share for the defense of eastern Europe. If they won't pony up to 2% of GDP, why should we?"
Its really just that simple in reality.
However, I dont think you have the same definition of "winning" that the Dems/GOPe/LLR-democraticals/neocons have and therein lies the problem.
There probably should be an entire discussion, or maybe not, about the competing philosophies and monied interests at play here, including:
- Which nations/energy companies are the most in play in western and eestern (shale rich) Ukraine (US/UK, Shell, Chevron etc)
-how Blackrock et al already have signed the contracts for the $trillion "rebuild" of Ukraine (Sorry Maui and East Palestine! Not enough graft available if they help you!)
-The State dept's/neocons long term play to first surround the russkis completely for color revolutions and eventual breakup of russia into mini fiefdoms to be divvied up amongst the west elites (Can you name all 5 russia bordering "Stans" nations in Central Asia that Biden is meeting with next week? It appears we are attempting to reignite The Great Game in Central Asia)
- Which is why China has aligned more strongly with the russkis because they likely believe that strategy, if successful against Putin will be used against them...which is why they are letting the norks talk "directly" (wink wink) to Putin,...and which may have led to Xi making the ChiCom defense minister go Full-Disappear-y weeks ago.
Oh yes, we are certainly being well served by these leaders.
But remember, according to LLR AMDG, we can put a stop to all that by dumping Trump and putting in a globalist controlled candidate instead!
That "logic" however, doesnt appear exactly....ironclad.
jim: "Still, Trump ate it up."
The mindreading "tell" again.
Jim, are you available for children's parties or small corporate events?
Shorter Drago - If you do not worship the 77 year old billionaire dick stepper who didn't drain the swamp - and let Hillary off the hook - you're an LLR GOPe McConnell Romney Bush-tard.
*on tedious repeat*
AMDG said...
And, precisely, have you done to make the world a better place in which to live?
I thought so.
by Default - Drago supports crook Biden. Just sayin'.
Because Trump will lose.
Drag o - Do tell us about Trump's plans to stop Biden from starting WWII.
According to Drago - only the 77 year old dick-stepper,
who gave Hillary a pass on her crimes, (after campaign promises to go after her) can save us. "The Clintons are good people"... "Lovely Hillary" -
You can trust Trump. You must Obey.
Only Trump! He's the 77 year old super hero.... with super hero bubble gum cards and super hero powers! ... you stupid LLR GOPe globalists.
HBTPFH: "You can trust Trump. You must Obey.
Only Trump! He's the 77 year old super hero.... with super hero bubble gum cards and super hero powers! ... you stupid LLR GOPe globalists."
Sadly, that truly does appear to be the limit of your "analytic" "abilities".
Any word yet on what DeSantis was chatting about in Connecticut last Wed with the big Romney, Bush and McCain donors?
Any curiosity?
Any concerns it was a defensive meeting because some of DeSantis' globalist backers are doubting DeSantis can deliver the nomination so they have shifted to Nikki?
Any concerns that DeSantis Never Back Down Pac master blaster Jeff Roe was out and about bad mouthing Ron and Casey behind teir backs and signalling bigger DeSantis csmpaign problems after the last (third now) major staff shakeup?
Maybe you should just pour out another early chardonnay and call it a day.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Shorter Drago - If you do not worship the 77 year old billionaire dick stepper who didn't drain the swamp - and let Hillary off the hook - you're an LLR GOPe McConnell Romney Bush-tard.
*on tedious repeat*"
Yes, there are certainly some tedious repeats appearing on this thread.
I can see that any mention at all, at any time, for any reason, of the GOPe sellouts whom you defend with every ounce of your being, every single time, is not going to change.
Meh. So be it. I guess the Althouse blog LLR Brigade can always use another GOPe sellout defender and you have certainly put in the time and work to earn the slot.
Never let it be said that I was a barrier to someone else's realization of a dream.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drag o - Do tell us about Trump's plans to stop Biden from starting WWII."
The only people in a position to stop Biden's plans for expanding conflict are your beloved GOPe-ers who are in power but, as we speak, actually are facilitating Biden's plans.
So again, as always, and as it always will be, as the GOPe-ers actively work with their democratical/neocon allies HBTPFH will be writing posts defending them and blaming Trump for their actions.
Later, and this might be chemically induced amnesia, HBTPFH will passionately deny she did any such thing...even as she continues to support the candidate that is supported by the very interests and political movers and funders that support the Biden plans...
...which she will again blame on Trump for not stopping it all...
...while she continues to support those that support the Biden plans...
...while blaming Trump...
HBTPFH ain't never getting off that lunacy carousel.
Just slap a Kodak sticker on her cheek and watch picture tray go round and round...
tRump Swab Drag Queen: But remember, according to LLR AMDG, we can put a stop to all that by dumping Trump and putting in a globalist controlled candidate instead!
Your point on pumping more oil as a key to defeating Putin is correct. There is not one Republican candidate who would not do this.
When you see no differences between DeSantis and Biden or Haley and Biden you are blinded by your devotion to your Lord and Savior, Donald Trump.
You continue to be under the mistaken impression that Trump can win. He cannot.
It is becoming increasingly clear that Democrat power brokers are getting antsy about Biden. If they view him as a liability they will dump him faster than you can say Torricelli.
Like it or not, Trump does not have the bandwidth or financial resources to mount a vigorous campaign against a younger more energetic candidate. He is spending all his campaign resources on Lawyers, except for what he spent on his plane.He will be spending the bulk of his time next summer in courtrooms.
I know that nothing gets a tRump Swab hot and bothered like an eleven year old seeing a woman’s breast for the first time than their Lord and Savior being victimized but that is not how most voters work. They will look at the situation and reject the drama that Trump feasts on. One only need look at 2022 to see how voters react.
A second thing is who is going to be Trump’s running mate. Kristi Noem would have been a solid pick but Corey Lewandowski ????? No rational person with any sense of ambition would accept the job because association with Trump has proven to be a career killer. Therefore we will be stuck with a certified nut job like MTG or Kari Lake. That will attract all of the independent voters.
Third, policies aside, Trump should be dumped because he is a despicable human being who is untrustworthy, untruthful, and is a notorious golf cheat.
“When misguided pub,ic opinion Honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards Vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”
Fredric Bastiat
The events of the last week where tRump Swabs are rushing to Boebert’s defense and there Democrat counterparts are rushing to Susanna Gibson’s defense does not bode well for the future of the Republic. But when you have defended the behavior of the likes of Trump, Biden, Kennedy, etc. all because it serves your narrative what the hell - the Rubicon was crossed long ago.
Blogger tRump Swab Rusty said...
AMDG said...
And, precisely, have you done to make the world a better place in which to live?
I thought so.
9/17/23, 10:37 AM
What does my standing in the world have to do with The Fat Tub of Goo’s incompetence?
Here’s how you end the Ukraine War. You tell their corrupt president it’s over, the spigot is shut, you don’t like it, you’re dead. Oh and you owe us $50,000,000,000.00. And it’s over. Just like that.
V. Putin:
"As for the persecution of Trump, I believe that everything happening at the moment is good. Because it demonstrates the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.... "
He's right, you know.
Over and over, the thing that amazed me with all the whining about how he was kowtowing to dictators by being nice while imposing the strongest sanctions to that time, is that it was obvious no one in the media had ever read Trumps book, The Art of the Deal.
Drago - DeSantis is not the topic of this thread. Strange how obsessed you are with him.
Not to worry - your 77 year old dick-stepper democrat asset will --- hand it all over to the crooks.
AMDG said - aptly..
"Your point on pumping more oil as a key to defeating Putin is correct. There is not one Republican candidate who would not do this.
When you see no differences between DeSantis and Biden or Haley and Biden you are blinded by your devotion to your Lord and Savior, Donald Trump.
You continue to be under the mistaken impression that Trump can win. He cannot. "
LLR AMDG: "But when you have defended the behavior of the likes of Trump, Biden, Kennedy, etc. all because it serves your narrative what the hell - the Rubicon was crossed long ago."
LOL. Yeah, thats a real "believable" assertion. Good luck with that.
You DeSantis-ites are not handling your candidate's slippage very well at all, are you? Explains your adopting the dems talking points on the 2020 election fraud. Understandable up to a degree from a frustration point of view.
Your loss is Nikki Haley's gain however. At least for now, both financially and in the polls.
Did you really believe DeSantis' globalist backers, you remember, the ones that pulled Ron's choke collar back when he dared deviate a little bit on establishment Ukraine talking points, would just sit on their hands as your guy fails to connect with voters on the national presidential primary stage?
No. Ken Griffin and the rest didnt pump DeSantis up with Jeb! like cash out of their belief in DeSantis. Thats not how they accumulated billions. DeSantis is their vessel...their asset. And in globalist investor world assets pay off or, they are written off as a sunk cost.
That's why DeSantis' Pac, Never Back Down run by Jeff Roe, went full pitchforks against Haley months ago (late April I believe).
Which made Jeff Roe's recent badmouthing Ron and Casey behind the scenes even more telling. Faltering campaigns go that way.
So, now is a great time to revisit the question that was asked every day for several years now that was never, and can never, be answered by the DeSantis-ites:
How can DeSantis deliver on all the Trump policies, with more competence and less drama then Trump, when all of DeSantis's biggest funders, backers and campaign managers all universally opposed all Trump economic policies, foreign relations and trade policies, etc?
How does that work? DeSantis gets a couple billion from those guys to win the Presidency and then turns around and yells "A-Ha" at all his funders and backers and "Fooled ya! We are going with popular Trump policies but with less drama and more competence! Suckers!"
The guy the Bushes are behind? That Rove supports? That McConnell and Ryan are happy with? That the biggest funders of Romney and McCain dig?
The base isnt buying your lies anymore LLR AMDG. You'll have to do much better than that...assuming it was possible. But its not.
As Gunny Foley says to "Candidate Mayo" in "Officer And A Gentleman" when he isnt buying "the line" he's being fed from Mayo: "Sell it to the Air Force Mayo. Sell it to the Air Force"
Nope. Your hope remains in the only option you have left, which I am on record believing will happen: Team GOPe/Dem Alliance will remove Trump from the campaign via lawfare. It will be more successful than the GOPe/Dem alliance in Texas that failed to remove the non-GOPe non-Bushite Paxton.
Again, condolences on your loss there.
So, in conclusion, apologies to any Air Force pukes that took exception to my earlier comment.
A small apology. Well, miniscule actually.
Screw it. No apology!
“When misguided public opinion Honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards Vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”
-Fredric Bastiat
wow - dick-stepper to a T. When dick-stepper master-insulter non-swamp drainer meets the corrupt left.
Regular reminder, that in 2023, U.S. energy oil production will very likely set a new all-time record. The notion that our "gasoline prices are high because Biden shut off the oil" is as stupid as it is incorrect.
Meanwhile, Jared Kushner's $2 Billion-with-a-B clients, the Saudi Royal Family, are seriously inflating world crude oil prices by limiting their oil production.
Drago - who do I support?
You do not actually know.
I know who you support. It's Trump or Biden. LOL.
tRump Swab Drag Queen:
How can DeSantis deliver on all the Trump policies, with more competence and less drama then Trump, when all of DeSantis's biggest funders, backers and campaign managers all universally opposed all Trump economic policies, foreign relations and trade policies, etc?
1. We know that Trump is incapable of delivering on his policies. One need only look at the big beautiful wall paid for by Mexico and the freshly drained swamp! Even in normal times he is an incompetent buffoon.
2. The assertion that DeSantis is a creature of the GOPe is nothing short of a lie. Your Lord and Savior, The Fat Tub of Goo, spews it and you repeat it because you are an unthinking lemming. DeSantis has amply demonstrated that he is his own man and is unafraid to take on anybody. The fact that you uncritically accept Trump’s lies and blissfully ignore his flaws does not change that.
"Here’s how you end the Ukraine War. You tell their corrupt president it’s over, the spigot is shut, you don’t like it, you’re dead. Oh and you owe us $50,000,000,000.00. And it’s over. Just like that."
Where would you draw the new borders for Greater Russia?
tRump Swab Drag Queen: You DeSantis-ites are not handling your candidate's slippage very well at all, are you? Explains your adopting the dems talking points on the 2020 election fraud. Understandable up to a degree from a frustration point of view.
Correct. The is because, unlike you and the rest of your tRump Swab cohorts, I love the nation and its Constitution more than some fat, lying, scumbag who will do and say anything to satisfy his narcissism.
Comrade Drago has achieved peak gibberish today.
HBTPFH: "Drago - DeSantis is not the topic of this thread."
The topic of the thread is Ukraine policy.
You strongly support the guy that is strongly supported by the supporters of Biden's Ukraine policies.
And the GOPe-ers you defend and cover for daily are in power and support Biden's Ukraine policy...and they hate the republican base voters almost as much as you do.
So then you moronically ask what the out of power Trump is doing to stop your beloved GOPe/dem alliance in Ukraine.
Short answer: nothing. Your team has all the power to deliver for Biden and the globalists and the dems.
So again, congratulations. Your team is winning.
Why arent you happier?
I know you run strictly on emotion without any logic whatsoever, but there really ought to be a downside limit...even for you.
HBTPFH: "I know who you support. It's Trump or Biden. LOL."
Ah yes. The "mindreading" tell of morons and leftists.
Just like Inga...except she's on the left and you are not, so that just leaves........
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago - who do I support?
You do not actually know."
You have been on the DeSantis train forever.
Oh no! Are you having doubts about him as well?
Interesting. If so, that would mean you are having doubts about DeSantis at the same time as DeSantis' globalist backers that also support Biden's Ukraine policy are having doubts about DeDantis' ability to win.
Well, isnt that quite the little coincidence?
But if its not DeSantis, which candidate has captured your fancy now?
Probably better to keep it to yourself.
I think the polls are fake. Trump's support isn't as strong as the fake d-driven polls let on.
But we will find out in 2424 - after Crook Biden wins again.
Drago - your assumption that those of us who are critical of Trump think the law-fare against him is good - is BS. Total BS. You simply lose your mind if anyone dare speak a drop of criticism about your super hero/ lord and savior. Noted you have zero critical analysis of Trump.
Blogger tRump Swab Rusty said...
AMDG said...
And, precisely, have you done to make the world a better place in which to live?
I thought so.
9/17/23, 10:37 AM
"What does my standing in the world have to do with The Fat Tub of Goo’s incompetence?"
How to say you voted for Biden without saying you voted for Biden.
Ever-Trumper Drago - Unlike you - I'm on no one's train. I just want to beat the left.
Ever-Trumpers just want .... to drive the train over the cliff with delusional notions that the ego maniac dick-stepper will finally get around to draining the swamp.
'1. We know that Trump is incapable of delivering on his policies. One need only look at the big beautiful wall paid for by Mexico and the freshly drained swamp! Even in normal times he is an incompetent buffoon."
I have a lot of issues with Trump, but asking him to change the course of American politics (foreign and domestic) and defeat the deep state while being opposed by his own party, in only one term, is a huge fucking ask...
HBTPFH: "Ever-Trumper Drago - Unlike you - I'm on no one's train. I just want to beat the left."
Best joke heard all day.
And we all know the best way to do that is to go to bat for the GOPe every single day and give them as much covervas possible.
Your "strategy" is....interesting.
Again, not to worry. You'll get your wish via the GOPe/dem lawfare alliance.
Joe Smith: "I have a lot of issues with Trump, but asking him to change the course of American politics (foreign and domestic) and defeat the deep state while being opposed by his own party, in only one term, is a huge fucking ask..."
While HBTPFH and LLR AMDG are on blog patrol you are only allowed to blame Trump for everything that has happened for 40 years, is happening now, and will happen in the near future.
No one else has been involved...just the "secret" democratical asset Trump and the 60% of the republican base voters supporting Trump that are also apparently secret democratical assets....(I never said HBTPFH and LLR AMDG had fully fleshed out their theory and messaging strategy...)
Above all else, do not mention the GOPe turncoats that have stabbed the base voters in the back over and over again. Thats like waving a red cape in front of an angry HBTPFH bull.
She simply will not have it.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago - your assumption that those of us who are critical of Trump think the law-fare against him is good - is BS. Total BS. You simply lose your mind if anyone dare speak a drop of criticism about your super hero/ lord and savior. Noted you have zero critical analysis of Trump."
Since you are incapable of reading and learning, you completely missed my many posts, posted over and over again over the last 18 months, on where Trump is weakest, where I would attack him politically as another candidate, which of his flaws I would emphasize, which other candidates were the most effective against him, etc.
Its not difficult.
But with any candidate, he also has strengths and a track record of not crapping on the republican base...something you could learn.
But you dont learn.
Why isnt Covid hurting Trump more with the base? It probably should. But the majority of the base knows that by then Trump was standing alone against the entirety of the GOPe/dem/deep state alliance with the constant threats of GOPe enabled impeachment and open defiance of the executive departments with full republican leadership support.
One guy standing alone against them all...and having his businesses and family targeted across the board.
Believe it or not, for some people, that earns a leader some respect and loyalty.
Particularly because these base voters know Trump doesnt despise them, as the GOPe and dems and you and LLR AMDG have demonstrated you do.
LLR Rich: "Comrade Drago has achieved peak gibberish today.
LLR Rich is wise to avoid any specificity. When he has been specific over the last several weeks it takes about 37 seconds to pull his comments apart. The "flaw" has generally been related to some fake quotes and/or previously debunked smears he tries to squeeze back into the conversation.
To his credit, his atfempts, though lane, are technically superior to LLR lonejustice.
So, kudos to LLR Rich. At least he has demonstrated the ability to react to negative stimuli as readily as a single cell amoeba!
Its a start!
Joe Smith said...
'1. We know that Trump is incapable of delivering on his policies. One need only look at the big beautiful wall paid for by Mexico and the freshly drained swamp! Even in normal times he is an incompetent buffoon."
I have a lot of issues with Trump, but asking him to change the course of American politics (foreign and domestic) and defeat the deep state while being opposed by his own party, in only one term, is a huge fucking ask...
I am going to take your comment seriously for the one millisecond that it deserves, and observe the following.
If we assume, for that millisecond, that Trump had good ideas that were workable ideas, but which were foiled by a massively powerful "deep state," then why does Trump continually say that his stupid ideas will be "easy" to accomplish? Why not describe in detail what was the nature of the deep state opposition, expose it, and tell people what a tough fight it will be. (Answer: there is no deep state, and Trump is a fantasist who has no real plans and no real political skills other than peddling his bullshit.)
So Trump doesn't just have a plan (?!) to end the war in Ukraine, his plan is to negotiate it personally, and within a day. It will be easy, because Trump is so great.
And Trump never had plan to build a great wall and make Mexico pay for it.
As with health care. Trump said that "it will be easy" to repeal and replace "Obamacare." (The Affordable Care Act, which hasn't been repealed, and for which Trump hasn't even proposed, much less passed, a replacement.)
A fantastic video mashup of Trump saying laughably stupid shit that will be "easy."
LLR AMDG: "The assertion that DeSantis is a creature of the GOPe is nothing short of a lie."
Ken Griffin, Jeff Roe, Ken Cuccinelli, Rupert Murdoch (nice $10M book advance via Harper Collins), the Bushes, Karl Rove, the major former funders for Romney and McCain and the Bushes amongst others demonstrate conclusively that you are the liar.
And like LLR Rich, not an effective one. Adios "influencer" status!
Your schtick went over more effectively in 2022...but all the players and roles are known now.
And your "insult the base until they come to their GOPe senses" isn't exactly setting the polls ablaze for your guy.
But then, that wasnt supposed to be the plan anyway, was it?
The plan was always removal of Trump via lawfare and DeSantis waltzes in as the dude to save the say....a plan conjured up by the same types of minds that guided Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Rombey and McCain to presidential campaign "success".
Well, 'nuff said about that, eh?
Peace in Ukraine 2024 = Border Wall 2016
so who favors M <> who opposes
That’s his bailiwick, after all, along with poisoning his opponents, of course.
do windows in Trump buildings open wide enough for someone to fall out while getting fresh air ventilation?
to drive the train over the cliff with delusional notions that the ego maniac dick-stepper
can dick stepping be considered desire to be anchored to earth/reality?
Here you go Chuck. I assume you consider this releases you from your anti-assassination pledge since it was President Trump who built the wall that killed this wannabe illegal alien.
A woman was found dead following a fall from the U.S.-Mexico border wall in Otay Mesa, California, officials say.
The incident occurred around 2:30 p.m. Friday, police told FOX 5 San Diego.
Police say the woman successfully scaled a 17-foot tall wall before falling from a secondary one that is 30 feet tall.
Apparently a lot of wannabe illegal aliens (wannabe because they seem to fall mainly on the Mexican side) die trying to climb the wall in the past 3 years. No doubt some of them are pregnant so our President Emeritus is killing unborn babies too.
Federal law says the needle but that is not dramatic enough. I say that if we are going to execute PEDJT, it should be by hanging from a YUGE gallows, perhaps a 50 foot drop. It should be public done in Redskins stadium in DC and televised on pay-per-view. We can raffle off chances to pull the lever among self-styled life-long republicans.
I do not what to see it done but it is the only way to rid Joe Biden of the meddlesome man. If we are going to do it, it needs to be a spectacle to top the spectacle of the various trials.
For those too squeamish for the hanging, we could take advice from the NorKs. Have him torn to pieces by wolves. Or maybe shot out of a 155mm howitzer.
Someone pass Inga a sponge.
Or maybe, in honor of Inga's steadfast belief we could have the walls really close in. The way way do it in Iran. Push a yuge beautiful wall over on him and squish him flat. Poetic justice, right, Inga?
Whatever way you choose, it has to be public, televised and streamed on Rumble.
John Henry
IOW, the NBC reporter LIED to Trump and then got him to respond to a lie. And now the other MSM news outlets lying too.
Just par for the course. Its been going on for almost 8 years now.
And all the dumbshit Nevertrumpers, being gullible rubes, fall for it too.
Trump isn't as realistic as I am. He's still trapped in the dumb, we need to protect the Ukraine, we need to "Stop Russia", we need to expand NATO and stop Nordstream 2. But at least Trump wants to get along with Russia. As he says they have 10,000 nuclear warheads, so its good to get along. And he is willing to negotiate and doesn't support "Forever war".
This stunt by NBC just shows how STUPID the political/media/elite class in the USA is. Instead of having a sophisticated discussion about Russian-American relations and whats best for America, ball we get is the childish: "Support forever war or you're a Putin lover" "Putin is HItler" "Kill those Russkies" "Send Zelensky 500 billion if neccessary" "Anyone who likes Putin is a Nazi" "Anyone Putin likes is a traitor".
I keep waiting for the adults in the media/power elite to take charge, but there aren't any. Just dumb libtards and neo-con warmongers pushing the party line. And a bunch of dumb sheep, going baa baa.
Drago said,
"Above all else, do not mention the GOPe turncoats that have stabbed the base voters in the back over and over again."
That's just it isn't it. For the last 50 years the establishment republicans have promised reform and delivered nil. Every fucking time. Then this clownish, irritating man shows up and does exactly what he said he was going to do. Not some half hearted attempts, but honest action. Honest attempts at walking back the deep state.
People who want the GOPe to run things along with the radical democrats focus on the clownish and irritating. They focus on what did not get done. Let's give him his second term. See what happens. After all. What do we have to lose?
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