I'm reading the President's public schedule for today:

ADDED: Jill packed my bags last night pre-flight...
Zero hour 11:35 a.m.
And I'm gonna be high
As a kite by then
I miss D.C. so much, I miss my wife
It's lonely in the Midwest
In Detroit, Michigan
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm an old man and I should be home
Oh, no, no, no
I'm a picket man
Picket man, in Michigan and not back home alone
Oh, no, no, no
I'm a picket man
Michigan's not a place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And they'd just be Midwesterners, if you did
And all this science
I don't understand
It's just my job three days a week
Picket man, oh, no, no, no, I'm a picket man
৬০টি মন্তব্য:
They could have saved themselves half a line of type by just saying, "The President panders to the UAW."
Well, except that, for accuracy, they would have to add, "and gives the big middle finger to business and ignores economics."
Has he been to a certain train derailment site yet?
So.. Marine One helicopter ride, to Air Force One, to detroit airport(3 hrs on ground)..
Presidential Motorcade to car plant (with police, SS, etc)..
Campaign Rally with strikers
Presidential Motorcade to detroit airport (with police, SS, etc)..
Air Force One, back to DC, Marine One helicopter ride back to white house
Any estimates how much this campaign rally will cost the public? One Million? Two? Four?
I got a baaaad feeling about this,...
oh, sorry, i missed..
Fly to San Fran, for ANOTHER campaign rally
couldnt swing past East Palestine Oh.
Too far
Too busy
Weird dynamic in play here. Joe walks the picket the line with the union, but claims to want a win-win result. Win-win is a compromise. Will he visit with the car company executives?
Rhetorical question. And then there is the Chinese EV battery plant* under construction in ..... wait for it .... Michigan.
* Construction reportedly halted due to "questions".
Weather Delays are possible.
As a Tesla stock owner, I am loving the way the UAW and the Biden administration is destroying Tesla's competition.
Feel free to correct me here, but one of the major reasons for the UAW strike is that the Biden Administration’s EV mandate will result in a need for less workers. That coupled with the fact that the automaker’s are losing their asses on the sales of EVs does not bode well for the union shops. Maybe the strike should be directed at the Biden mandate.
Oh, and the nonunion shops in the south, BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, Nissan and Mazda roll on. There’s a lesson here for those paying attention.
Dems, listen up... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qileP4bAzek
Joe proves it daily.
Visit East Palestine next?
The President arrives in Wayne County, Michigan.
The President joins the picket line and stands in solidarity with the men and women of UAW as they fight for a fair share of the value they helped create.
The President departs Wayne County, Michigan en route to San Francisco to attend a fund-raising reception hosted by billionaire couple Mark Heising and Liz Simons, followed tomorrow by a fundraiser hosted by Facebook co-founder Andrew McCollum.
Real man of the people, huh?
Maybe he will join the homeless in San Francisco and stay there.
Mentally he is almost there anyway. Nice cardboard box waiting for him.
Do you have a "gaggle" tag?
Republicans seem to be in a pickle now that green jobs are becoming a reality.
Laughable that Trump who is famous for stiffing contractors is pretending to be pro-worker.
Joe Biden cares deeply about the working class - if you are in a union... (I kid - he doesn't care about anyone.)
The rest of you can suck eggs. Now - what's the daily briefing on illegal entrants across our open southern border?
More more more! and they get the goodies.
Has there ever been a situation where a sitting POTUS has been told to stay away and he did?
...and here's the UAW's private schedule:
11:35AM: Corral and shuffle away the non-union people we pay to walk the picket line in preparation of Joe Biden's arrival. Hand out new bibs and shiny hard hats to the UAW top brass and the strategist staffers from the law firms.
12:00PM: Photo-op with The President.
12:15PM: Have non-union workers punch-in and collect bibs/hard hats as union VIPs and strategists depart.
...that's how it works in Boston, anyways...except there's usually an inflatable rat. Somebody has to be in charge of the rat and the little air compressor for that, too. i bet there's no inflatable rat when POTUS is coming...
"Joe Biden Touches Down"
Before his next flight of fancy. To be delivered in confused, word-swallowing half whispers. 'Maybe they won't hear it.' 'Let's bomb somebody else.' 'What is the country next to France, again? The one with the water?'
I'm ready for my Photo-op Mr Demille.
Look for "Good ol'Joe" to carry a UAW sign for 15 seconds and shuffle along the picket line for aother 45 seconds.
Next, after a rest, time for some hand shaking, and fake smiles. Afterwards, lunch. And a few scripted remarks about the time Joe Biden marched with MLK, George Meany and Walter Reuther in favor of Unions and Civil Rights.
Then off to the airport and Calf. and a swanky meal with some billionaires and maybe a nap.
Biden won't picket. He will shuffle.
25th Amendment now!
Creola Soul said...Administration’s EV mandate will result in a need for less workers. That coupled with the fact that the automaker’s are losing their asses on the sales of EVs does not bode well for the union shops.
You have to wonder how much upward price pressure is put on gas vehicles with this wasted electric car effort.
"Standing with the men and women" doesn't sound very woke or inclusive! What about the other 57 varieties of genders? How much psychic pain must Biden put those workers through?
This is Biden doing something his campaign imagens Trump doing.
There must've been a reason why no president had ever done this before.
Once forgotten, does not necessarily mean the reason for having the rule no longer exists.
"Picket Man" -- an instant classic
Republicans seem to be in a pickle now that green jobs are becoming a reality.
What tripe. The "green economy" is all in China and Biden's agenda has led to the layoffs of 1000s so far in UAW, people who used to make components and cars based on ICE. EVs don't require so much assembly in USA factories since all the batteries and motors are made in China. In fact Ford just pulled the plug (see what I did there?) on a multi-billion dollar investment in a Chinese factory that was supposed to be built here. So there's more "green jobs" that went POOF just like all the others predicted by Rich and his fellow travelers. The green economy is in recession and more government mandates won't help it. All over the world investment is being shifted away from the green dram to practical things that do make money. Everywhere but Germany, which is why Germany is the most economically weak country in EU right now, again.
But back to today, with picket line Joe touching down. Is he bringing his chief of staff, you know the guy who just last year was GM's top lobbyist to DC? You know, the guy who's brother is right NOW the top lobbyist employed by GM? Will Joe bring those close advisors? Or the other ones who are right now pushing the car makers to abandon what works (ICE) and sells like hotcakes with what piles up (EV) in a 90-day supply, as EVs are right now doing all across the land? Or will we all get to keep a ICE car in our personal caravans like energy dept idiot Granholm did, for when the EV breaks down and runs out of juice?
Detroit's not the kind of place to build e-cars
In fact it's cold as hell
Wait—this ain't the kind of place to build e-cars
In fact, it's cold as hell
And no one here would buy ‘em
If you did
Picket Man…
250 million to Ukraine for green Solyndra energy.
Yo - tax payer - eat sh*t.
Looks like my 30 minute prediction for being on the picket line is going to be pretty close.
At least we'll get to hear about how Old Joe worked a swing shift one summer at GM. Back when he was in Junior High School...... or some such......
Yeah, that's it.....
Picketman is pretty hilarious.
Kid who was raised in Michigan.
Optical delusion.
East Palestine was the probable victim of Biden's Green dictates that progressed rail traffic and sequestered regulation.
"Republicans seem to be in a pickle now that green jobs are becoming a reality."
Now take away the massive subsidies taken from the taxpayer pockets.
The inconsequential number becomes nearly invisible. But Bidenomics, guess.
Noted economist Rich asserted with certainly: "Republicans seem to be in a pickle now that green jobs are becoming a reality."
Where? China? Rich, can you tell us where the solar panel capital of the world is located?
Dying on the Rocketman references.
@Mike (**)
The way to counteract the effects of Chinese dumping of solar panels made with government subsidies, forced labor, and cheap coal (the most climate unfriendly fossil fuel) is to pair financial incentives for adding solar energy with high tariffs on Chinese imports- including through third countries (typically those near China).
That will provide the necessary rebalancing of the solar playing field and allow sourcing of solar panels from other countries outside China. Governments can incentivize large, long-term contracts with solar manufacturers outside of China to fund expansion of volume and efficiency of solar panels.
Since Biden's clean energy incentives have been enacted, Korean Hanwha Qcells has announced a $2.5 billion investment in solar manufacturing in the US, Chinese company JA Solar is building a $60 million plant in Arizona, and First Solar is investing $1.4 billion to expand its capacity in Ohio as its production is already sold out through 2025.
Countries looking to install massive amounts of solar energy also need to focus on improving efficiency through R&D.
SunPower makes its more efficient Maxeon 6 series (one of the most efficient currently manufactured at 22.8%) in Mexico, Malaysia, and the Philippines, with assembly in Mexico. They also decline in efficiency slower than most Chinese-made solar panels. Solar panels may last 25 years, but they decline in efficiency by about 0.5% per year on average. Maxeon 6 panels are warrantied to decline at a rate no greater than 0.25% per year. First Solar makes panels in Vietnam, Malaysia and the US that aren't as efficient initially (19% max) but are warrantied to decline slower (0.3% per year) and less expensive.
New breakthroughs using perovskite could result in initial efficiency as high as 33% in lab conditions, but there are several problems to overcome before it could be used in commercial solar panels.
Bottom line, if a country wants to counteract Chinese dumping, it needs to level the playing field to counteract Chinese subsidies, cheap forced labor and use of cheap, dirty coal to make solar panels.
Biden touches down in Michigan. Fortunately he was still seated in the plane as opposed his usual three-point landing on the steps of Air Force One.
"Has he been to a certain train derailment site yet?"
No. Because the actual President, Warren Buffet, told him not to visit that site.
"Has he been to a certain train derailment site yet?"
No. Because the actual President, Warren Buffet, told him not to visit that site. Buffet also happens to own all the railroads in the United States (and is why we cannot have oil pipelines).
tommyesq said...
"The President arrives in Wayne County, Michigan.
The President joins the picket line and stands in solidarity with the men and women of UAW as they fight for a fair share of the value they helped create.
The President departs Wayne County, Michigan en route to San Francisco to attend a fund-raising reception hosted by billionaire couple Mark Heising and Liz Simons, followed tomorrow by a fundraiser hosted by Facebook co-founder Andrew McCollum."
At least he won't have to wear his Depends while in SF.
Republicans seem to be in a pickle now that green jobs are becoming a reality.
What pickle are you talking about? All kinds of government (Dem and Repub) subsidised industries and jobs have been around for awhile now. Not sure how that constitutes a pickle for Republicans specifically, but a poorly thought out major subsidy by any party can certainly create a "pickle" for the American taxpayer.
Laughable that Trump who is famous for stiffing contractors is pretending to be pro-worker.
Ever hear of non-performance before? I've had to CURE a few times myself. That or let a non-performing sub drag me down with him. Common enough in the business world, and a legal remedy thank god. You just seem like another know-nothing repeating a Hillary falsehood when you say things like that.
"Detroit's not the kind of place to build e-cars
In fact it's cold as hell"
Building them is not the problem. Driving the stupid things in northern climes, OTOH…
Where are you supposed to wait for the hour (or more) it takes to charge one on the road in Wisconsin in February? In the car with the heater on? Can you even charge it with the heater on? I wouldn't be surprised if the state-of-charge goes down under those conditions. Seriously, this is just so stupid.
Rich said...
"Republicans seem to be in a pickle now that green jobs are becoming a reality."
No they're not.
My understanding is the UAW is asking for a lot. What the automaker's finances are right now, IDK. But I do know where they're headed, building unpopular cars, exclusively. A train wreck is coming, and it doesn't take a genius to see it.
Who in the UAW thought it was a good idea to call a strike in a falling economy? No one is buying new cars. The UAWs war on automation ends with this strike. They lost.
“Joe Biden touches down…”
Yes, he does. And then sniffs some girl’s hair.
Apparently, the used EV market has fallen through the floor. With new EVs piling up on dealer lots, who in their right mind would buy a used on?
Rich none of that works without big juicy subsidies, and they are running out. You write of theory not of facts.
There is no "transition" to clean energy, and investment is slowing because of expiring subsidies worldwide and political uncertainty here. The feds only got one bid on the last offshore wind farm project. One bid. Even a moron can see ONE bid is failure to attract "investment" and that means even with subsidies these companies see the writing on the wall economically. Green means red on the profit sheet.
That doesn't even begin to touch on the horrendous ecological costs, dead whales, dead birds, incinerated animals, displaced native fauna and flora, disposal of "used" EV batteries, etc.) to "green energy" which are far higher than fossil fuels and have no remediation systems as we do for FF. So having read one of your long responses, I'm not impressed with your blizzard of factoids.
"Joe, so glad you could join us on the picket line though it's really strange. We're here picketing for higher wages to meet our higher costs which you caused. So maybe you really shouldn't be here. Know what I b sayin'?"
Rich said...
"Republicans seem to be in a pickle now that green jobs are becoming a reality."
GO TEAMS!!!111!!!
Good news everybody! Used EVs are becoming more affordable, in fact used EV prices have fallen 28% in the past year!
"That doesn't even begin to touch on the horrendous ecological costs, dead whales, dead birds, incinerated animals, displaced native fauna and flora, disposal of "used" EV batteries, etc."
By their actions, the left demonstrates that those horrendous ecological costs are not what's really important to them. As always, ignore what they say and pay attention to what they do.
From Musa al-Gharbi in Liberal Patriot:
Neither party is truly promoting a labor- or worker-centered agenda. Instead, one party is captured by white liberal urban professionals and the other by non-corporate business interests.
I read the latter as "small business owners and people who are private sector but don't work in big corporations." Republicans, now the party of the little guy.
To continue:
Working-class voters are therefore forced to choose between a party that ignores their economic interests while its core constituency lectures them for their purported cultural deficiencies versus a party that’s more hostile to their economic interests but is at least willing to take the folks mocking, deriding, and micromanaging them down a few pegs.
Emphases mine.
It's a pretty big "hmm" to me that the author implies that "ignoring" working class economic interests is better than... whatever it is that he considers being "more hostile" to them. (He doesn't say.) An especially big "hmm" given that "ignoring" apparently includes wide-open borders and illegal-immigration policies that make it easier than ever before to claim "asylum" and therefore gain the legal right to work, as well as prioritizing the (non-green - that is, not related to the real green revolution that is feeding the world, which those urban elites also want to disrupt and end) Green Revolution that raises the prices of consumer goods and eliminates domestic blue-collar jobs.
It seems to me that these "ignorings" are pretty damn hostile to working-class economic interests, compared with every Republican candidate's tighter borders, opposition to illegal immigration and sensible limits on legal immigration, and, at minimum, caution about going full steam (and I do mean steam, if we're lucky) ahead into our glorious carbon-neutral future.
No politician - of any stripe - should be actively and publicly taking sides in a labor dispute. It's none of their business.
"Its just my job, three days a week"
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন
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