Said "an older man with a small American flag sticking out of his shirt pocket," who posed the final question for Ron DeSantis "at a machine shop in Estherville, Iowa, last week," quoted in "Republican race remains stuck as Trump dominates heading into fall/Some campaigns don’t want to go after Trump for fear of alienating his supporters — but don’t see a path to beating him without attacking him at some point" (WaPo).
The WaPo article has over 5,000 comments. I haven't read them all, but I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel. The most-liked comment is "If God answered that prayer with Trump, God is a psychopath."
११५ टिप्पण्या:
Trump is not even close to the final form of opposition to the Left.
is that like gay wedding couple >> want cake hate cake baker!? sue , persecute etc
IF trump was SO BAD.. Please list the things in 2017 that were Worse than things are now?
i'll wait
Trump fooled a lot of people into thinking he cares about them.
I'd say most of it is a lie.
It all started from day one, too. Strange how his supporters overlook it. Completely overlook it.
Trump in his own words.
If you don't kill the snake - the snake kills you.
On the left- collective hate-filled Trump-obsessed sociopaths with a healthy helping of Neo-Maoism.
Somewhere in Hawaii this morning there is a low IQ judge waiting to reign in God…
From my X: “The fact that they’re spending so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down… I’m starting to feel like maybe everything he said was true.”
The downside is I have no way of knowing how sincere these conversations are. My sense is it might be easier to transition than to change one’s mind about orange hair man.
Yes Jesus loves me...
Yes Trump loves me... Yes Trump cares...
Trump's success in life has a lot to do with this sales technique. Which for some is mesmerizing.
In the case of multi-level marketing - it was all a con.
Strange how that is ignored by all. Even the con artists on the left.
Trump is a democrat asset.
Ann Althouse opined: "I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel.
That's because Trump supporters aren't really people. They're deplorables. Disposables.
Once you see your political adversaries in those terms it isn't required that you understand them or have empathy toward them. The German Nazi party invented all this stuff in the 1940s. If you're looking for the story arc of America in the coming decades that's it. A reprise of Nazi, Germany and the Holocaust. Then the fall. America as a force for good in the world is dead.
Ann Althouse opined: "I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel.
That's because Trump supporters aren't really people. They're deplorables. Disposables.
Once you see your political adversaries in those terms it isn't required that you understand them or have empathy toward them. The German Nazi party invented all this stuff in the 1940s. If you're looking for the story arc of America in the coming decades that's it. A reprise of Nazi, Germany and the Holocaust. Then the fall. America as a force for good in the world is dead.
All of them will eventually get kicked in their face with a boot until the day they die.
"If God answered that prayer with Trump, God is a psychopath."
That's one possibility. Another possibility, and one that has a lot more evidence to support it, is that the people obsessively persecuting him with multiple malicious prosecutions and sadistically enjoying it are the psychopaths.
I’m convinced that Trump will be wrongfully convicted before the election. Then what?
The DC judge told Trump’s lawyers they should have been preparing for trial before the indictment. What?! She should be removed immediately. Not only is she biased, but stupid. A smart person who was biased wouldn’t make such a comment.
God a psychopath?
No, but Woody Allen suggests he might be an underachiever.
I remember the leftist teachings on hatred and bullying a couple years back. They've got it down pat.
Never thought I'd see a revolt against making America great.
A disastrous withdrawal, a second Iraq war funded in part with a hundred billion dollar transfer to the Iranian regime, a global ethnic Spring series, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, wars without borders, affordable and available medical insurance and progressive prices, political
congruence ("="), diversity politics, and "burden" sequestration in darkness.
If Trump truly loves the country more than he loves himself, then he must really love the country...!
Domestic spying, redistributive change, shoot first and ask questions never in the standard Democratic model, conflation of logical domains, and nationwide insurrections, too.
Oh, they "attempt" all right. If by "attempt" you mean "call all Trump supporters racists".
It is becoming alarmingly easy to understand how the Germans supported the mass extermination of the Jews. As we have seen with the radical incarcerations and disgusting persecution of the "wrong side of a protest" on J6, this could easily happen. With the democrats calling half of America deplorable, disgusting and all other sorts of vile things, it is only a matter of time. The Russia, Russia, Russia lies started it, the j6 persecutions have escalated it. Putting your leading political opponent in jail ( for hundreds of years ) for legally contesting a very botched and flawed election might be the match on the tinder.
That is why there is NO WAY that Americans should ever let the government confiscate their firearms, no way.
Attacking Trump is not a path to beating him. An attack on Trump is seen by his supporters as an attack on them. It's been that way since the 2016. And it often is that way. Trump haters of both parties are not just angry and disdainful towards the man himself, they often indulge their disdain for his supporters as well. Obviously, for the objects of that disdain, it is beyond unpersuasive, it's beyond disqualifying, it outright pisses them off. Why wouldn't it? Who doesn't react that way to that kind of treatment?
Trump haters tend to present as smug, superior, condescending and entitled. I think it's because they are parroting media sources who are smug, superior, condescending and entitled.
Trump's rivals need to be very careful not to ever find themselves perceived to be allied in any way with the MSM, the never-Trumpers or the neo-never-Trumpers. It's poison.
If you want to win you have to convince Trump voters you can do what they want Trump to do only better.
The Washington Post has pretty much the worst comments section on earth. Uninformed and severely affected by TDS. Often they write things that indicate they haven't even read the article they're commenting on. It's really fruitless to try and find an iota of common sense there!
The other candidates do not need to attack Trump. Trump will do a good job of attacking himself. However they do need to credibly establish that they will push economic policies that will benefit the middle class and working people who aspire to join the middle class. So far no one seems aware that Trump’s voters are not Republican voters; they are economic voters who were dealt a bad hand by 28 years of the economic policies of Bush senior, Clinton, the younger Bush, and, especially, Obama. The four years of Trump showed not only that their economic lot could be improved, but that it apparently wasn’t all difficult to do. Bidenomics, well, they’ve seen Bidenomics and want no more of it. It doesn’t seem to have penetrated the consciousness of Democrats anywhere that inflation is one problem you cannot solve by throwing lots of money at it (there are others).
Go ahead, candidates. Attack Trump. And watch his voters stay home 14 months from now. If you want those voters, you need to understand them, and then you need to earn them.
Per AA - "The WaPo article has over 5,000 comments. I haven't read them all, but I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel.". Nice point.
The change in this country since 1955 has been immense.
Imagine 1955 NYC. Anglo man high school graduate works within 10 miles of home on factory floor, union member, where he been working since returning from victory over Japs and Germs and expected to work there until retirement and then collect his company pension, married, 3 kids, wife homemaker, go to church on Sunday, active member of local VFW and other social groups, strong anticommunist, had a small home, could save a little money each month.
Since 1955:
American businesses closed factories and sent them overseas for many reasons, but one biggie is that wanted more profits. Many of these business executives were R's. Think George Romney, Mitt's papa, for example. Executives, upper class, and owners win, employees lose.
The guaranteed company pension was eliminated, replaced by the uncertain 401k.Risk moved from company to employee.
Individual, estate, business tax rates have been dramatically lowered since the 1980's, primarily benefitting upper income and wealthy. With this wealth they are able to live in gated communities, newly built or walled-off neighborhoods. They of course send their kids to private schools.
Unions started pursuing agendas other than pay and benefits for the workers, thus many people quit the unions, where they could. In this example the union worker chose to forgo economic power because of his/her cultural/social values. If they ignore or sacrifice their social/cultural views, they can have more economic power. Tough tradeoff for the conservative traditional working man/woman.
Immigration laws were changed. European immigration dramatically lowered and non-European immigration was dramatically increased. The politicians at the time who were challenged on this point said this would not happen. The reality on the ground is as neighborhood composition changed, the previous residents who could moved did move. Those who could not afford to move stayed embittered and road it out. Think Gran Torino.
The beats, hippies, counterculture, bobos in paradise eventually took over mainstream culture (colleges, media, Hollywood, nonprofits, charities, even big business). When the University Texas tower shooting occurred in 1966, there were still professors that had rifles in their trucks and they retrieved them and shoot back at SOB Whitman. I doubt there are any professors like that remaining.
Churches and Christian religion died.
Cold war ended. We won, but the raison d'etre disappeared.
Social groups have been in decline.
Marriage rates are falling, out of wedlock births skyrocketing.
Tattoos are now normal.
The grandchildren and greatgrandchildren of the hypothetical man above don't inhabit the same world their great grandfather did. The country exists, but it doesn't exist. In form it is the same, in substance almost nothing is the same.
That is one person's try at appreciating the Trump supporters. I am a conservative non-Trump supporter, but I will vote for him over that SOB Joe.
What else would you expect from the DC house organ?
I once asked the Lord for a pony - I didn’t get it, either.
I once asked the Lord for a pony - I didn’t get it, either.
I once asked the Lord for a pony - I didn’t get it, either.
"If God answered that prayer with Trump, God is a psychopath."
Said another person who could never tell us what Hillary Clinton ever did for anybody else.
And that popular WaPo comment pretty much sums up the left: they believe God can be a psychopath.
"I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel"
And why should they? Othering the Other is their specialty. Progs are winning, Trump is a useful tool, and if deplorables want to continue supporting him, that makes them only more usefully deplorable.
It's a conundrum. How do you prove you are relevant, when everyone can clearly see that you aren't? Maybe wear a little hat? Do a little dance?
The purpose of putting the old man in the story is to reinforce and titillate the bigotry of the Trump hating WaPo readers who know better than God because they read the Washington Post.
"The Republican race remains stuck ...." WaPo rubbish. It is telling that the most liked comment considers the possibility that God has acted as a psychopath.
I don't know about the old man's prayer. It is unlikely that Trump loves anything more than he loves himself. I do know that the lawfare against Trump has strengthened his support. To fail to support Trump at this point is to endorse, or at least accept, the unscrupulous conduct of the Democrats, to abandon justice and the Constitution. His opponents gain no points by failing to say so.
Trump is a jerk, but his conduct would not be deemed criminal if he were a Democrat. Biden is a criminal, as is Hillary. They are being excused because they are Democrats. This is indecent and cannot be tolerated. Democrats, all Democrats, are too corrupt or ignorant to see it, just as they are too shortsighted to see what comes next if they succeed in whatever immoral plans they have for Trump.
The psychopath who is so evil that he refuses to start any wars.
Yes, that's right. It must be right: Trump is bad, so terribly bad that he drives even God crazy.
That this would be the most popular comment speaks volumes about the Age of Unreason.
‘The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood he was one of them.’ ~ Turkish Proverbs
When people in a society that thrives on insecurity stops believing in a better future, desperation sets in. And desperate people seems to have an evolutionary urge for a “strong leader” who can identify the enemies, regardless if that person robs them of everything.
Desperate voters are like bulls before the cape of the matador.
I think any rational person understands that the persecution of Trump is biased in the extreme. Given the same sets of facts, but Trump being a Democrat, and none of these prosecutions would be happening and every rational person knows this to be true. If one haven't learned that from the Mueller Report and the subsequent investigations by Horowitz and Durham, then there is no reason to believe one has a brain.
So, the question for a Republican/conservative voter is this- do we allow this persecution to stand? What, exactly, is a voter to do about it? If we abandon Trump, what makes us believe that the Democrats won't just repeat the same process on the alternative nominee? What makes you think that Ron DeSantis won't be charged at the federal or state level with something/anything next year if it appears he is going to be the nominee? Same question about Ramaswamy. How do you stop this in its tracks?
I think DeSantis would make a better President than Trump and he is who I planned to vote for in the primary, but I also am a realist- I know the Democrats are not going to let a Republican win the 2024 election, and I am convinced they won't even have to cheat to beat DeSantis since DeSantis can't win WI, MI, or Pennsylvania in a fair election (or at least as fair as the elections of 1992-2016 were conducted). So, for me, the question is this- what is the best use of my primary and general election vote? Am I condoning the Democrat's corrupt behavior by not voting for Trump in the primary? I am beginning the realize the answer to the last question is, yes.
The WaPo article has over 5,000 comments. I haven't read them all, but I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel.
Well, that's because "I asked the Lord to give us the president who loves the country more than he loves himself", is a batshit crazy statement, especially if he is referring to Trump.
Doesn't matter.
The votes will be found to re-elect the drooler...
We live in a world which increasingly puts the individual and their desires center stage — a world of 8 billion separate universes first described in Don Quixote (1601?).
A postmodern world where without meaning to, capitalism throws aside group values and collective values, and replaces it with the cult of the individual. And perhaps Trump did tap into that Deus ex Machina feeling. It must feel great to be wearing a MAGA hat and cheering at one of Trump's rally's. Some part of politics is about a tribal game.
Trump won because a critical mass of voters in Middle America felt (with justification) that the establishment had been screwing them over for decades, and that voting for Trump would be their way of sending a message to that establishment.
Everything else (HRC's poor campaign tactics, the debates, media attention) is just detail.
I sympathize with the people who did. And as I've said many times — populism isn't going to go anywhere until the political mainstream starts acknowledging the legitimate concerns of voters.
Althouse’s blog post suggests that that isn't going to happen any time soon.
I expect Donald Trump will win Iowa. The Christian Conservatives dominate the caucuses, and Trump gave them Dobbs. It’s a deal with the devil, but after 50 years of waiting, they owe him, and he owns them.
But perhaps there is a way out of the deal: Trump has suffered enough, he’s done all we can reasonably ask him, we need to find someone who can carry the burden from here, and protect Trump from further sacrifices for our cause. Isn’t that what the Man from Estherville is suggesting?
Per Wikipedia: “Estherville was named after Esther A. Ridley, one of the first white female settlers in the area.”
Is the country in a better place today than it was when Trump was president?
Who gives a shit how much Trump loves himself?
What the non-Trumper and neverTrumper Republicans need to understand is that for most Trump voters, there needs to be a reckoning. Literally nobody above the rank of Klinesmith suffered the slightest punishment or even censure for the Russian Collusion conspiracy, or the FISA abuse, or the abuse of power inherent in the Mueller "investigation" (which served primarily as a check on Trump's ability to govern, and secondarily as a means of burying the actual conspiracy which was carried out), or the vote rigging. And Klinesmith got a brisk slap on the hand.
Meanwhile Trump and anyone who has anything to do with Trump is mercilessly pursued by the law enforcement apparatus of the Democrat Party. And the establishment Republicans pretend that there is some legitimacy to it.
You can't just look past that and move on.
I don't expect the Libs to get that--they are having way too much fun. But any Republican candidate who is even lukewarm about this crap is never going to get the Trump vote.
Trump fooled a lot of people into thinking he cares about them.
Who cares how Trump feeeeels? What did he do? How does he act? I don't even particularly care what he says, except insofar as it comports with his actions.
F'rinstance - he could shoot someone dead on 5th Avenue and not lose popularity. Well - did he? Or is it possible that he was speaking analogously? How about Kendi - was he speaking analogously when he said that the answer to past discrimination is present discrimination, and to present discrimination, future discrimination? Or has he actually, through his actions, ably demonstrated that he meant exactly what he said?
So - does Trump actually "care about" the American people? What difference does it make, as long as he puts forth and supports policies that benefit them? Unlike Democrat leaders, who have been talking a strong caring game about Black Americans for generations without advancing policies that actually help them, much less do what they say they're intended to do.
"To fail to support Trump at this point is to endorse, or at least accept, the unscrupulous conduct of the Democrats, to abandon justice and the Constitution. His opponents gain no points by failing to say so."
Spot on. And any republican who doesn't get this will not get my support anyway.
A psychopath is a person who believes God is a psychopath if He disagrees with him.
@ Mike Petrik
People who adore a psychopath will never settle for anything less than the real deal.
I am not going to support Trump just because the Democrats have decided to indict him. I didn't think he was the best Republican for the job before the indictments and nothing in the indictments has given me reason to change my mind. It is idiotic to support someone for president just because the democrats are targeting him. I want a good president more than I want to give the middle finger to democrats. As an aside, the idea that Trump puts country above himself is laughable, as it is for most politicians. Just look at the vitriol he hurls at anybody who disrespects him in the slightest. If he wins the nomination, I will vote for him, but only because he is better than the alternative. There are better Republicans running than him.
Freder Frederson said...
The WaPo article has over 5,000 comments. I haven't read them all, but I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel.
Well, that's because "I asked the Lord to give us the president who loves the country more than he loves himself", is a batshit crazy statement, especially if he is referring to Trump.
Field Marshal Freder prays to Satan instead.
On the left we have losers and morons who still elective the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIAN Trump collusion lies.
on the right - we have folks who think Trump loves them.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Yes Jesus loves me...
Yes Trump loves me... Yes Trump cares...
@Hunter’s Hooker, are you so effing arrogant that you think Trump’s supporters (the vast majority of them, anyway) aren’t aware that Trump doesn’t care about them, personally and individually? However his economic policies gave them a break that they haven’t seen since Reagan’s years, and moreover they have seen the economic good times disappear ever since Biden’s inauguration. They are also aware that there are plenty of Democrats (and many Republicans) who will emote all over them, but whose economic policies merely take people who are already obscenely wealthy and make them richer still.
It’s one thing to have a college degree. It’s quite another to be smart.
If one haven't learned that from the Mueller Report and the subsequent investigations by Horowitz and Durham, then there is no reason to believe one has a brain.<
Oh, I think they have brains, Yancey, but as we see with our lefty commenters, they are in the thrall of a Mass Formation Psychosis.
Desmet says that in Germany no more than 30% were Nazis in ideology. 65% were ordinary Germans who were not driven by ideology but just went along as part of the mob. The 5% who stayed sane tended to become political prisoners, like the J6 folks.
I'm with Yancey and boatbuilder.
If for some reason RDS gets nominated instead of Trump, he will be accused of some crime by a Gainesville, Tallahassee, or Miami Soros DA. They will exhume the body of some dead teenager on Oprah and gather his family around and have they cry about how "she" killed "herself" because RDS took his estrogen away and did not let him cut his testicles off. Then they will start playing dirty.
We can have a fair election, and win, or have a repeat of 2020. If it's a reprise of 2020, time to buckle up and get it over with.
The Christian Conservatives dominate the caucuses, and Trump gave them Dobbs. It’s a deal with the devil...
I suspect no one who actually believes in the devil believes that doing away with a "right" to murder one's unborn child is a bad thing.
"If God answered that prayer with Trump, God is a psychopath."
Said another person who could never tell us what Hillary Clinton ever did for anybody else.
Or, for that matter, what Biden has done for anyone else, what Schumer has done for anyone else, what Pelosi has done for anyone else, what Feinstein or Fetterman have actually done on their own for the past couple of years...
Serious question - what has Biden done to improve your lives?
Rich, your comments in the 11:00 hour are a genuinely good try, ISTM. You still appear not to be able to conceive of any good coming from a populist movement or a populist president, which is too bad, but you do seem to have some sympathy for those who have long considered themselves voiceless - at least, as I said, in these comments. Elsewhere you aren't so charitable.
Wrong issue and question. It's tough to believe that Trump loves this country more than Trump loves himself. I'll concede the point.
Next question--as between Biden and Trump, who loves the country more? Trump wins hands down.
Next question--as between Biden and Trump, who is the bigger grifter? Reasonable minds can disagree, but my money is on Biden. As a New York real estate developer, Trump was probably not above sending bagmen to influence political decisions. As the self proclaimed "poorest man in the Senate" Biden certainly sent bag men to collect boodle.
If forced to make a choice (and I hope I don't have to next year) I'll vote for the guy who sent the boodle, rather than the guy who received it.
Wrong issue and question. It's tough to believe that Trump loves this country more than Trump loves himself. I'll concede the point.
Next question--as between Biden and Trump, who loves the country more? Trump wins hands down.
Next question--as between Biden and Trump, who is the bigger grifter? Reasonable minds can disagree, but my money is on Biden. As a New York real estate developer, Trump was probably not above sending bagmen to influence political decisions. As the self proclaimed "poorest man in the Senate" Biden certainly sent bag men to collect boodle.
If forced to make a choice (and I hope I don't have to next year) I'll vote for the guy who sent the boodle, rather than the guy who received it.
Shorter Wapo: Why aren't the other candidates attacking Trump and making it easier for Biden to win in 2024?
The idea that "attacking Trump" is the way to the Republican Nomination is so stupid, only a Romney Republican or a GOP Consultant could believe it. The Republicans want someone who will fight the Democrats. We dont want Jeb 2.0. or Mittens 2.0. We want Trumpism, with or without Trump.
The Democrats are trying to destroy our Leader and former ex-POTUS by Bullshit lawfare. Why aren't all the republicans saying "hell no" and fighting back? Instead they either smirk, stay silent, or help the Democrats by joining in the attack
Right now, you can easily identify the Moby's and the fake "Life long Republicans". Just look for some pretend Republican or Conservative who attacks Trump constantly, sometimes more than Biden. That my friend is a Joe Biden Republican.
YOu're not going to beat Joe biden by attacking Trump. DUH!
"Trump fooled a lot of people into thinking he cares about them."
Didn't fool me, because I do believe it. Not me in particular, but yes he cares about ordinary, everyday, middle class Americans. He's not the monster you and others have allowed yourselves to be convinced that he is.
You are the ones being fooled.
That is, if you really believe your own lies.
Shorter Wapo: Why aren't the other candidates attacking Trump and making it easier for Biden to win in 2024?
Chris Christie is doing just that.
How's that working out for him?
Like his doppelgangers, Chuck and Lonejustice, Rich can't keep the mask on for very long- it obviously chafes a great deal. That is always the problem for concern trolls- trying to find the right balance in the comments so that the readers don't figure out that the entire facade is a fraud. Most concern trolls are too stupid to do it correctly and effectively. Robert Cook, for all his flawed beliefs, has a far better chance of changing the opinion of any single conservative than does Rich or Chuck in these threads because he, Cook, is most definitely not a comment troll of any kind.
In 2020 we were blessed with Joementia "Pedo Pete" and his criminal family biz.
@Rich 11:30 sez: "When people in a society that thrives on insecurity stops believing in a better future, desperation sets in. And desperate people seems to have an evolutionary urge for a “strong leader” who can identify the enemies, regardless if that person robs them of everything."
Desperate. Hmm. Tell me, for a working class person especially: Is $2 gasoline better than $5 gasoline, or worse? Is a 2% inflation rate for the Cost of Living better than 5%, or 7%, or worse? Is full employment with rising wages better than 5% unemployment and stagflation, or worse?
Some might argue that Trump gave voters a better past experience than Biden's present, and in the process was happy to 'talk up' America's prospects. Is it possible that voters, especially working class voters, have the intellectual capacity to discern this? Or not? Are they just 'desperate' because of their animal instincts, like cattle smelling smoke, from a grass fire? Some might argue that the desperation lies elsewhere, in a cohort that really hates to admit it.
Hunter Biden's Taxpayer Funded Hooker: "..on the right - we have folks who think Trump loves them."
HBTPFH is precisely the type of person that keeps the GOPe-ers and beltway pro-dem GOPe consultant class in power.
She has zero awareness of who the players are, what they are pushing behind the scenes, who is funding who, which "independent" subgroups are the most important for long term GOP success (spoiler: it isnt the dem-adjacent suburban "educated" (credentialed) women who bought into the trans agaenda), or any policy specific background.
Which is why she spends 90% of her time, along with AMDG and others, attacking republican base voters along with Trump. Those "listless vessel" "deplorable" "bitter clinger" republican base voters that you can just "smell" if you walk into a Walmart.
So do all the other GOPe dem-suckup candidates and their boosters.
It is impossible to not notice that the 2 most viable republican candidates for the nomination (in terms of support/issues pushed/rhetoric, other factors) Trump and Vivik, spend ZERO time attacking the base voters of EITHER party.
There's a lesson in there for those capable of learning.
But not to worry HBTPFH.
Your GOPe/Dem lawfare team will clear the deck for the globalist managed (Roe, Cuccinelli, Murdoch, Griffen et al) DeSantis to step in with the inevitable "Blackmail Strategy" of demanding Trump base voters vote for him in a general election or else Trump spends the rest of his life in The New Soviet Democratical Gulag Garland-ipelago.
Double Spoiler: not even that will work.
Btw, another interesting observation is how Team DeSantis is now pushing a The-2020-Election-Was-Okey-Dokey line to support their pitch that Trump was uniquely incapable of defeating Biden in 2020.
You just knew they were going to get there.
The only thing that Trump loves is Trump.
He does not love his wife, kids, or America. Only himself.
I will not vote for a man with no redeeming characteristics under any circumstances.
Blogger Rabel said...
"Trump fooled a lot of people into thinking he cares about them."
Didn't fool me, because I do believe it. Not me in particular, but yes he cares about ordinary, everyday, middle class Americans. He's not the monster you and others have allowed yourselves to be convinced that he is.
Unlike most Democrats these days, Trump spent most of his life building things and interacting with the people who do the work. He knows them and even talks like them.
I know Mitt Romney spent one day on a garbage truck in a gesture when he was Governor of Mass. but Trump has been dealing with people who build things for many years. What other candidate has such an experience?
Most anti-Trumpers staryed out being angry because he defeated Hillary.
They became rabid haters due to weak-minded absorption of media propaganda.
A racist who received awards from NAACP and was admired by black celebrities prioe to propaganda.
A misogynist who appointed women to high positions in his businesses.
A tax cheat who followed the tax laws religiously.
A lousy businessman who went bankrupt but provides good jobs for thousands of tax paying middle class American workers.
A acknowledged narcissist who admires and appreciates blue collar workers who have skills he does not.
A Russian asset who has been vocal since the seventies about American politicians and companies sending manufacturing jobs overseas.
The Trump haters once deserved sympathy and pity for being influenced by media lies and propoganda. That was years ago. Now they rightfully deserve contempt. They earned it.
Big Mike- Trump's economics are solid. I've said so many times.
He let Hillary off the hook after promising not to. He failed to drain the swamp.
When you promise the working class the moon - then let it all go ... because you cannot keep the promise you made to go after our crooked internal enemies....
Hillary built the Russian Collusion Hoax that bogged Trump down for most of his presidency.
Trump - in his own words.
Remember - Hillary is the real Russian tool.
Also - Trump did not understand how to surround himself with trust worthy people. He burned bridges and many turned against him. Not smart politics.
Big Mike said...
The other need to credibly establish that they will push economic policies that will benefit the middle class and working people who aspire to join the middle class. So far no one seems aware that Trump’s voters are not Republican voters; they are economic voters...The four years of Trump showed not only that their economic lot could be improved, but that it apparently wasn’t all difficult to do.
Exactly. Well said.
Rabel - Is it a lie that Trump promised to go after Hillary - then ... didn't. ?
Then she ate him.
Trump fooled a lot of people into thinking he cares about them.
No. Trump voters believe Trump cares about the things they care about.
"In 2016, I asked the Lord to give us the president who loves the country more than he loves himself.'
"That would be the man that’s been persecuted by the Justice Department, by the media. We need to stand with him — you’ll gain a lot more votes if you stand with him."
That man is certainly not Donald Trump. Trump doesn't love anything more than himself, (and I'm not too sure he really loves himself all that much).
But then, asking a fictitious "Lord" to provide any kind of president will not produce any results other than random shit.
"Ann Althouse opined: 'I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel.'"
It's easy to understand how Trump supporters feel. They feel fucked over and lied to by the powers that be. They feel this way because that is the reality. The problem is, those who are angry or in despair at having been fucked over and discarded--seeking a solution to their woes, some avenue or agent by which their circumstances can be improved--are ready prey to such parasites as Trump. Such hustlers feed the marks what they hunger to hear in order to take advantage of the public's pain and disillusion for their own personal enrichment and aggrandizement.
Trump's followers have been hood-winked, lied to, sweet-talked, and gulled by Trump, and like abused spouses, they can't recognize (or admit) their beloved doesn't give a shit about them and is lying to them.
Humans are flawed. Candidates are flawed. All of them.
Somehow, tho -with Trump's tru-beleivers - Trump has zero flaws.
Even Donna Brazil admits that Trump is engendering a movement; that the indictments are making him stronger. IMO this ca be attributed to a general sense among Americans that the Ds are simply no longer playing by rules of decency, that the unfairness of it all can only be addressed by their supporting Trump.
Blogger Rich said "We live in a world which increasingly puts the individual and their desires center stage."
Please tell us more about your home planet in which individuals and their desires are respected and celebrated. I want to learn more about this place!
Sadly, O Visitor from Afar, after a brief and only partial experiment at respecting individuals, civilization on Earth has returned to its base tradition of seeing individuals as having value only insomuch as they obey the dictates of one group or another.
Perhaps one day, possibly after some enormous catastrophe, humans will match your homeworld's achievement of having individuals and their desires be at "center stage."
Some argue you must nominate an unknown with no record like Obama, then they can’t be blamed for anything, and everyone projects their desires on them.
If the RNC does that, do you think they won’t be horribly slandered by the media left? They can start at the beginning and recreate the R candidate’s whole life of new fun evil hitlerism.
Perhaps Trump is the only one who can win, because there is nothing else they can say about him, they have already done and said everything possible against him, all else is just repetition. They have nothing left to say.
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Humans are flawed. Candidates are flawed. All of them.
Somehow, tho -with Trump's tru-beleivers - Trump has zero flaws.
Not true, as you know. I wish he would not do some things, like attack DeSantis b ut it worked in 2016.
The alternative is to sign on to another round of the Romney types. The big donors want things just as they were before Trump arrived on the scene. Plenty of war, big bailouts as in 2008, open borders like Bush wanted. The Texas legislature is a good example. They want to impeach Ken Paxton. Why ?
Trump's followers have been hood-winked, lied to, sweet-talked, and gulled by Trump, and like abused spouses, they can't recognize (or admit) their beloved doesn't give a shit about them and is lying to them.
Cook, like Stalin his idol, does not understand why people might want $2 gas, Inflation at 2%, groceries 15% less than they cost now. The best labor market for black men in 75 years. Then Biden or his handlers opened the border to force those wages down.
I will not vote for a man with no redeeming characteristics under any circumstances.
So you're not voting for Biden ? OK That's a deal.
Your GOPe/Dem lawfare team will clear the deck for the globalist managed (Roe, Cuccinelli, Murdoch, Griffen et al) DeSantis to step in with the inevitable "Blackmail Strategy" of demanding Trump base voters vote for him in a general election or else Trump spends the rest of his life in The New Soviet Democratical Gulag Garland-ipelago.
I can see that although I doubt DeSantis can win.
"Yes Trump loves me..."
Now do Hilary. And Brandon. And RDS. And on and on and on.
"pffft" indeed.
HBTPFH: "Somehow, tho -with Trump's tru-beleivers - Trump has zero flaws."
This is the kind of lie dummies have to blurt out when they cant advance a single informed argument for their position...and are angry that others see that.
AMDG: "The only thing that Trump loves is Trump.
He does not love his wife, kids, or America. Only himself."
The pitch perfect GOPe automaton bookends.
Public Service Announcement, for those who apparently need it:
Politicians don't love you. How could they? They don't even know you. You're not marrying them or even having them over for a BBQ. So forget about all of that and try to focus on what's important- will they do things that will make your life better or worse?
There's a track record to look at for the last two presidents, who may very well be on the ballot in 2024. Do you like war? How about inflation? Does employment and rising incomes matter? What about open borders? Are you looking at that, or are your feelz more important to you?
Drago makes an a good point about who Trump voters will suport if Trump is NOT the nominee 2024.
I can only speak for myself. I'm never going to support DeSantis or any other GOPe loser, who doesn't FIGHT. I don't mean fight Trump. Or his voters. I mean Fight the Democrats. If you're willing to let the Democrats take out Trump using DOJ Stalinist LAWfare, I only have two words...
Fuck you.
The days of supporting RINOs and Traitors is over. I'm sick and tired of "Pragmatic" "Moderate" Republicans demanding we support THEM, when they refuse to support US. Sorry, voting for some Romney/McConnell/Ryan asshole who gives us 75 percent of what Biden and Schumer want doesn't cut it. They can take cutting the capital gains tax and additonal defense spending and stick it up their GOPe Uniparty ass.
Rabel - Is it a lie that Trump promised to go after Hillary - then ... didn't. ?
Commonly accepted as fact. Is there video of that promise? Cannot find it on youtube.
Robert Cook said...
Trump's followers have been hood-winked, lied to, sweet-talked, and gulled by Trump, and like abused spouses, they can't recognize (or admit) their beloved doesn't give a shit about them and is lying to them.
Beloved? No.
Respected? Yes.
The alternatives in 2016 were Trump or Hillary. Hillary HATES the common people, and always has. She's a Queen, and is very angry us peasants don't recognize her magnificence as the Royalty she is.
But one thing she represented and DC preferred was she would be 'Business As Usual'. She was a known quantity, she wouldn't rock the boat, she'd be predictable. All you had to do was feed her megalomania, kowtow a few times, and everything would be fine. The peasants be damned - she was important and powerful, and had to be catered to.
The economy wouldn't have boomed under her. Putin may well have pushed into the Ukraine much faster with her in office. NK? They'd still be a pariah state. (Not like they aren't - but Trump was the first President to actually ATTEMPT to be diplomatic with them. Would Hillary?)
But Trump got elected. HE wasn't 'business as usual', he was a disruptor, he wanted to shake things up. He wanted to SOLVE problems, not 'manage' them.
This was not tolerable. DC has a way things are expected to go, and he didn't play along.
The bastard actually made things BETTER for a lot of people. What the establishment promised for decades, HE actually did. Move the US Embassy in Israel? No "We've got to pay an incredible amount of attention to the sensitivities of the area" - he just contacted leaders in the area and told them "Hey, we're doing this. Got a problem?" And the response was... "Nope." So it got moved.
Change economic policies so countries found it cheaper to on-shore their businesses, and NOT charge an arm and a leg in taxes? Support the military? Hell, encourage drilling so gas prices would drop? Trying to repeal that abomination called Obamacare?
How the everlasting FUCK DARE HE!?
Trump's the SECOND President in my lifetime that I wasn't worse off after they were in office. First was Reagan.
They feel fucked over and lied to by the powers that be. They feel this way because that is the reality.
You recognized that, at least. And what's the solution? Voting for someone like Biden? Or Hillary? Or Gavin - another would-be King that's glad to rule over the ruin of California? Maybe Whitmer's more your speed - we really need an unreasoningly autocratic personality in the Oval Office, don't we?
Or maybe we need Romney as President. Someone bland, ineffective and unobjectionable to the Establishment. He's known - and it's clear HE won't try anything... crass.
If those are the alternatives - I'll take Trump.
Thing is - we don't LOVE Trump. As you pointed out: "They feel fucked over and lied to by the powers that be. They feel this way because that is the reality."
And we know who's the cause. He, at least, will stand up to the assholes who see us as something to be 'fucked over and discarded'. Because we don't believe as they do, worship the things they do, are just so 'icky' because we don't believe they're the epitome of humanity's progress so they're just naturally superior.
The self-styled aristocracy that's got hold of DC, and won't allow anyone they don't approve of into their little playground doesn't see anything wrong with that.
I'd postulate we're not far from a re-enactment of the French Revolution. The Aristos don't care one bit about the peasants, don't mind us paying more and more so they can play virtue games for points in their set. They see nothing wrong with how they're managing the country, or anything they're doing.
The French Aristos believed everything was just fine.
Until suddenly - it wasn't.
Cooke the Marxist said,
"followers have been hood-winked, lied to, sweet-talked, and gulled by Trump,"
Remember when gas was under two bucks? Remember when we weren't in a proxy war with Russia? Remember when there was no inflation?
Who's being hoodwinked?
Trump is such a con man that he thought up being a totally courageous and even helping our economy, all to fool us while sneakily rebuilding our military, restoring the VA and creating the Space Force. The monster moved our Embassy to Jerusalem and birthed the Abrahamic accords while wiping out the Islamic State and stopping the North Korea nuclear war and redoing NAFTA in our favor while tariff protecting our industrial sectors the being wiped out by China.
That tricky a man could fool us again doing more of the same just to make us jealous of him.
As for our feelings, we always give trust and loyalty to leaders who are proven trust worthy and loyal to us. Semper Fidelis works both ways.
Drago - you stay on team Trump - little buddy.
Trump let Hillary off the hook - and his Tru-love adoration club for men -> completely silent.
The best day of my life was when Trump beat Hillary. He then broke his promises and let her-> off the hook. Trump then changed his tune and said she was a good person. What a fuck-head.
Now he calls her "lovely". Trump for Biden!
"I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel."
True but I really don't care since Trump supporters appear incapable of understanding that the rule of law reigns and that racketeers cheat everyone including their supporters.
This begets the question:
"When have Trump supporters attempted to understand the logic against Donald's attack on our democratic principles and the rule of law?"
He failed to drain the swamp.
If only it was as easy as you think it is and he thought it was.
Many comments here confirm the Trump delusion is still strong. His marks are still hopelessly beguiled.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago - you stay on team Trump - little buddy."
9/3/23, 9:45 PM
From upthread-Drago to HBTPFH: "This is the kind of lie dummies have to blurt out when they cant advance a single informed argument for their position...and are angry that others see that."
9/3/23, 6:24 PM
See what I mean?
HBTPFH, keep your blinders on and stay on Team GOPe Foot Soldier.
You were made for it.
Robert Cook: "Many comments here confirm the Trump delusion is still strong. His marks are still hopelessly beguiled."
Precisely zero comments on this thread "confirm" anything of the sort.
Precisely every comment on this thread demonstrates the opposite.
Not surprising an unreconstructed stalinist like yourself gets it backwards.
Next up for Cookie: wet streets cause rainshowers.
He failed to drain the swamp. he promised to do it - and failed. miserably. Like never before.
But he did some good things. But all of those good things were swallowed whole why the Corrupt left - that includes Hillary Clinton. the person he let off the hook.
Still awaiting a post or comment on this site that attempts to understand how a Biden voter feels.
Still awaiting a post or comment on this site that attempts to understand how a Biden voter feels.
@Readering, there are two groups of Biden voters — people who are in on the graft and corruption, and people whose IA is a bit below 90. Which group are you in?
"Still awaiting a post or comment on this site that attempts to understand how a Biden voter feels."
I don't know how they actually feel, but if the major feeling isn't complete and utter embarrassment, then they are fools.
Readering: "Still awaiting a post or comment on this site that attempts to understand how a Biden voter feels."
Too easy....
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker : "He failed to drain the swamp. he promised to do it - and failed. miserably. Like never before."
Yes, your GOPe heroes working across the board with their democratical allies in advancing the hoaxes and weaponized agencies against Trump were more difficult to overcome than many understood at the time.
Congratulations on your victory.
Interestingly, "the swamp" conceived of, planned for and launched the DeSantis campaign after convincing DeSantis Trump would be taken out of the race, paying DeSantis $10M directly (via the Murdoch owned Harper Collins publishing house book advance deal) and promising DeSantis he would have all the major republican funders locked up early.
Which is why Ken Cuccinelli, Jeff Roe, Ken Griffin, Paul Ryan and Rubert Murdoch were at the center of this effort from 2021 onward.
DeSantis was allowed to go Full War against the wokies, including Disney, and any other social side issue he wanted to attack.
But when it comes to foreign policy, forever wars, international trade and ecomomic policy, DeSantis has no room to maneuver away from establishment sensibilities.
Thats the price DeSantis had to pay to get in the door.
However, unfortunately for DeSantis, the more populist/America First republican primary voters are no longer fooled by the standard issue, decades old, GOPe Two-Step "Failure Theater" Shuffle.
HBTPFH complains of the swamp and criticizes the swamp all the while supporting the swamp's candidate.
As mentioned before upthread:
"HBTPFH, keep your blinders on and stay on Team GOPe Foot Soldier.
You were made for it."
gadfly said...
""I'd bet no one attempts to understand how Trump supporters feel."
True but I really don't care since Trump supporters appear incapable of understanding that the rule of law reigns and that racketeers cheat everyone including their supporters.
This begets the question:
"When have Trump supporters attempted to understand the logic against Donald's attack on our democratic principles and the rule of law?""
Of all the dumb statements you've made this one takes the prize. You wouldn't understand,"the rule of law", if it bit you in the ass.
I rest my case.
Again - Trump, the left and Drago are all on the same page. Elevate Democrats - crap on everyone else. No one is good enough but the man unable to see the forest thru the trees.
Drago - keep ignoring Trump's democrat asset cred. all while you ignore and excuse Trump's lies about going after Hillary - and his complete inability to drain the swamp. like never before.
That Trump and you think democrats are fine and dandy - is telling. If Trump dies - i guess you humpers got nowhere to go but lovely Hillary.
HBTPFH: "Again - Trump, the left and Drago are all on the same page."
These transparently false and quite moronic lies are all you have left.
And they aren't ever going to work.
Readering: "I rest my case."
Sure you do tiger. Sure you do.
Many comments here confirm the Trump delusion is still strong. His marks are still hopelessly beguiled.
Writes the man that can look at the history of the 20th century and still think Marxism is a great idea.
Poor Readering- too stupid to just admit he stepped into the punch.
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