Former Democratic congressman says that he is going on his SEVENTH Covid vaccine when he gets his booster shot this fall.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) September 2, 2023
He's had Covid THREE times. This is just too funny.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Former Democratic congressman says that he is going on his SEVENTH Covid vaccine when he gets his booster shot this fall.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) September 2, 2023
He's had Covid THREE times. This is just too funny.
८९ टिप्पण्या:
That says all you need to know about Progressives....
I suspect that I got the 'Rona in 2021 when I crowded into a poorly-ventilated arena with several hundred other people to get the first of the two shots. Despite everybody being masked up. Talk about superspreader events.
I completed my two shots and got one booster after my wife's nagging. As far as I know I've never had the 'Rona again though I've also never exhibited enough symptoms to make me think a test was necessary. I do know people that have had multiple bouts because they gleefully post on FB that they are still following the same (useless) pandemic protocols.
I pretty regularly get influenza vaccinations and I'm looking to get the shingles vaccine. No plans for any other 'Rona vaccinations.
The more you take the tests, the more you’ve had Covid. I’ve never taken the test, so I’ve never had Covid.
2 + 2 = 5
I’ve had COVID 3 times. Once a moderately bad case in the summer of 2020, then 2 mild cases this year 3 months apart. In between I tookl the original shot and the two boosters. My anecdotal data including friends and family is that the new shots don’t seem to have much if any effect, and so I haven’t taken and don’t plan to get any more shots. This is becoming like the common cold. If a truly effective shot in preventing illness at all, like most vaccines, were to come along let me know. I think that the original vaccine did help us get through this quicker, helping reduce hospitalizations and death, and build up community immunity. But the disease has evolved so much it no longer is the grave heath threat that killed millions in the first couple of years (but was never a threat to young people). Also don’t understand why Trump didn’t play up his role in speeding along the vaccine, one thing he did right (there are others). Also interesting how the politics of the vaccine worked. Republicans liked it when it was Trump and Democrats weren’t going to take it. Then Biden is in office and it flips.
Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,
Wore your mask and took your tests.
Still got COVID, every strain,
Spike proteins inside your brain.
Short of breath at 24,
"Dr. Fauci, gimmie more!"
Proteins tangle and misfold,
Amyloidosis taking hold.
Swollen heart at 25,
"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"
There's no cure for microclot,
Getting worse with every shot.
Heart attack at 26,
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking,
Doctor says, "that means it's working."
Died of SADS at 27,
All good vaxxies go to heaven.
Obituary headline noted:
"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of COVID."
His family is quite upset,
But they're alive, at least on net.
And, they say, "it's for the better,"
Without the vax "he would be deader."
- anonymous
Ford may have some underlying condition - who knows? If he thinks the vaxes reduce his risk of a severe case of COVID, that’s his choice. He has access to all the info…. The goal is we each can make our personal choice based on our risk assessment. Let freedom ring.
Lib ignorance at its best. He doesn't get it, and like so many others never will. I suspect he , again, like so many others is incapable. Geez.
The election is coming. I don’t know why their strategists believe they need a pretense for mail in ballots anymore. Sounds like we’re getting one, anyways…
Which is the worst crime against humanity- creating the fucking thing or denying people the horse dewormer to save them from it?
Breezy 100%
"If you've had all the Covid shots, how many shots have you had?"
A question I could imagine a progressive first grade teacher north of Richmond asking.
Or a trick question meant to weed out a hidden MAGA first date prospect.
RideSpaceMountain- hilarious
Government officials are always right. And when they're not, there's immunity. From lawsuits.
Heart attack at 26,
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix
You prayers have been answered- Pfizer is openly and proudly experimenting with mRNA as a delivery agent to repair heart damage. It will be FDA fast tracked, no doubt…
No shots, no Covid, 63 years old and I’ve abused the hell out of myself. Harold Ford is a pussy.
the "vaccine" does make you More susceptible to repeat infections, it messes with your immune memory or such..
It's STILL an INCREDIBLY* effective remiderating treatment.
The virus, untreated has a death rate of less than one tenth of a percent.
The "vaccines" change that rate ALL THE WAY DOWN to less than one tenth of a percent
INCREDIBLY* as in: The opposite of creditable
This is becoming like the common cold.
if You are the sort of person that Doesn't think we should suspend civil liberties for the common cold
You're PROBABLY the sort of person that Doesn't think we should suspend civil liberties
A good friend lost his wife to Ovarian Cancer recently. She was in good health, but carried the pre-dispositioning gene for breast cancer. She kept up on her cancer testing and seemed fit as a fiddle. She got the two jabs and a booster. First symptom to grave 10 days.
I have questions. Will never see answers.
Record keeping on Covid is entirely FUBAR.
I heard a podcast yesterday about research showing that natural immunity is better than the vacs. I doubt if we will see that on the CDC website or coming out of the President's mouth. Shouldn't we be wondering why?
Hugh writes, "Also don’t understand why Trump didn’t play up his role in speeding along the vaccine, one thing he did right (there are others)."
Could it be he didn't want to trumpet a mistake?
If you had covid 3 times; you need to sit your ass down and shut-up about what people should do to avoid getting it.
Are any of them "approved" by the FDA?
Not "authorized" but actually "approved" as "safe and effective" on the basis of the FDA Normal rigorous testing and approval process?
I know the first Pfizer shot is. I don't think any of the boosters are.
I got the j&j shot because I was basically blackmailed into it by govt. It won't happen again.
I identify as unvaccinated.
John Henry
I regrettably had the first 2 mandated peer pressure shots. I regret both.
A giant FU to big pharma - Crook Biden - liar Fauci - and the chi com-Russia Democrat North Korean-Biden mob democrat party elite.
For those of us who got the j&j shot, there is no approved booster.
Taking the Pfizer booster on top of it is not approved. Starting over again with the first 2 Pfizer is not approved.
I'm fine with this. It gives me a perfect excuse not to get any more of these bullshit shots.
I don't get flu shots either, Fwiw.
John Henry
4 deaths per million in China.
3,506 deaths per million usa
Source worldometer just now, updated daily
Yes, figures for both countries are utter bullshit.
But 875 times more is some cosmically industrial grade bullshit.
John Henry
The cruelty of forcing the mRNA on people not knowing the long term effects was one of the worst public health Big Government abuses of all time. The latest variant pretty much only affects people who have been “vaccinated.” Children who took the experimental shot are not acquiring immunity from normal childhood exposure as they should. Everyone I know who has naturally acquired immunity from COVID has had the virus that one time and moved on. Turns out that altering your DNA is not a costless option and the fact our evil government is still pushing it is criminal.
I had 3 shots, the last one about 20 months ago. I had COVID once, about a year ago.
The symptoms of COVID weren't much different from the side-effects of the shots except it lasted a few days longer and I had a lingering cough for a couple months. All-in-all, if I could get COVID once a year, that would probably be the best arrangement.
Haven't had it. Don't need it. Won't take it.
It's been lies all the way and only the gullible have believed them. Much like the pronoun bullshit, I'm not going to participate in the lies.
It has been humorous watching others dance to the lying piper though. They get so frazzled when you point out they've fallen for it. Some double down and attempt to censure you for it.
(apologies if this is a dup)
By the way both the wife and I avoided the “vaccine” and we both had a single brief and mild infection of COVID and moved on, and no flu or cold symptoms since, which is atypical given the two year span since. We both have had pneumonia vaccines and did the shingles shots too. Had chickenpox at 31 and it was horrible so I don’t want the shingles experience at all.
Biden and his goons are gearing up for more mandated "shots".
Forced totalitarian jabs... for your own good. do not question the "Science."
OK, what's the over-under for how many Inga has had?
So I posted a perfectly good photomeme the other day- which I'll have to transcribe to share here...
So how does one tell the difference between a fully vaccinated person and a not vaccinated person?
Tell them you have covid... if they get scared, they're vaxxed and boosted.
What Mike (MJB Wolf) said, "Turns out that altering your DNA is not a costless option..."is very true. And in other blogs when that idea is posted, pro-vaxxers will come out of the woodwork to inform you n no uncertain terms that mRNA cannot alter DNA. Theoretically it can't- und there is more then enough evidence around that the covid shots can and do alter DNA Seems to be a hit or miss thing. Almost like there was extremely poor quality control in the production line for the covid shots, and therefore any particular batch could be wildly different different from any other. And there's also much evidence of this= but apparently analyzing batches is officially discourages as that might lead to doubts and vaccine hesitancy...
@RideSpaceMountain, what Meade said.
"It has been humorous watching others dance to the lying piper though. They get so frazzled when you point out they've fallen for it. Some double down and attempt to censure you for it."
“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”
– Mark Twain.
It is possible to obtain pharmaceutical ivermectin on the internet without a prescription. It will cost more than if your doctor prescribes it, and it may take three weeks to arrive. But it will cure covid in one day, if you take it as soon as you have symptoms.
No shots
No covid despite numerous exposures
Not getting any mandated shots
Fuck off covid tyrants not buying your covid BS
Thanks for the additional info Gospace. I marvel at people who don’t even know what RNA does yet declare it won’t alter DNA. But then I still don’t understand the pro-abortion keep your hands off my body crowd that clamored to get in line and also bullied those of us who were skeptical of the untested experimental alleged vaccine.
Which is The Party of Science again?
There's an unspoken, unmarked inflection point somewhere within this discussion on deciding for/against the jab. If your combination of age, general health, and afflicting co-morbidities put you in a higher risk category, then the risk arising from vaccination might be outweighed by the balance of your other risks, and you might be a good candidate to receive the vaccine. A lot of people are alive today because of it, that otherwise might not have been.
But if not, and especially if you're under 60, you're probably better off just going to a little trouble to stay healthy, well-nourished and well-supplemented with Vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and Vitamin C, etc.
I've had no jabs and Covid 3 times, first time almost unnoticeably, subsequent times light-moderate. I have no problems with receiving other vaccines, like shingles. I've never done flu shots, and the incessant hype from 'official' people that were touting uncritical belief and compliance, rather than reason, made me decide that the jab was a dangerous social experiment with snake oil, rightly or wrongly. They should bring back the village stocks and flogging, IMO, so that people are reminded of medieval consequences to advocating superstition.
After 6 shots moving on to flu, pneumonia and maybe RSV. No covid, best i know.
“4 deaths per million in China”
1.9 million excess deaths in the last two months.
2 shots. Never had Covid.
The a$$hole will keep taking COVID vaccine shots until the day he dies, which, if research is to be believed, is probably coming sooner than it would have had he not taken the shots.
Had the J&J back in the spring of 2021. Got COVID the last week of December 2021. (Right after I had just recovered from a sinus infection.) My first visit after COVID my doctor gave me a mild lecture about getting a booster. Every checkup after that he'll ask if I want a booster. Nope. My last visit he said that he's noticed people who have had the J&J never get any boosters (or the other brands) after that.
It appears that Covid has now entered the ADE phase in much of the population of the U.S.
(Google antibody dependent enhancement. The wiki page is pretty good.)
Basically, when a virus binds to sub-optimal antibodies, it actually makes it EASIER for the virus cells to enter the host's cells and begin replicating.
Consider this congressman that has had six treatments but has caught Covid three times. Also look at the CDC conference where 188 CDC employees caught Covid.
If you wanted to specifically cause the human body to create "suboptimal antibodies", what would you do differently than the mRNA treatments that were injected into much of the population?
Does any of the current discussion mention ADE? No, the "wisdom" of the elites cannot be questioned on matters of science. (By definition, that ain't science.)
I have never had COVID according to two anti-body tests. I took the first anti-body test in March 2021 when I was still debating about whether to get the vaccine, and it was negative. I took the anti-body test again this past March after I had had a deep chest cold- again negative. I have never masked or taken the vaccine. I appear to be immune to COVID.
Hugh said...
...Also interesting how the politics of the vaccine worked. Republicans liked it when it was Trump and Democrats weren’t going to take it. Then Biden is in office and it flips.
9/2/23, 6:23 AM
Hugh here is confusing reality with democrat party propaganda. Republican voters/supporters never "liked it", in fact, from the very beginning, we were the ones fighting against the mandates and travel restrictions and unconstitutional violations of freedoms by corporations and bureaucracies forcing us to take the untested experimental jab or lose our jobs, our kids, access to our bank accounts, etc.
On the other hand, democrat party members were loud and proud denouncing the vaccines while Trump was in charge- forgot about the current vice-president and at-the-time candidate on the democrat party presidential ticket declaring "If Trump made it, I ain't takin' it!", did you, Hugh? And of course once the election theft was completed and scumbag crook Biden was installed, democrat party members did they're typical hypocritical reversal and began to impose the experimental drug and all the subsequent boosters upon compulsion. I'll bet that Hugh even misremembers Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, AOC and other democrat party members of congress defying president Trump's initial warnings and advocation of a travel ban on flights from China, by promoting and encouraging citizens to go to Chinatown and partake in the Chinese New Year celebrations in California and NYC.
I know it's hard to believe that democrat party members would manipulate a crisis or tragedy to benefit themselves politically, but history does speaks for itself, if you are listening.
We have immune systems for a reason. If a disease is not going to kill or disable you, then fight it like a man.
I wish I'd never taken the shot and booster, but at the time it was the right call.
"I think that the original vaccine did help us get through this quicker, helping reduce hospitalizations and death"
This belief is countered in your comment just a few sentences later:
"But the disease has evolved so much it no longer is the grave heath threat that killed millions in the first couple of years"
If the vaccines were effective at reducing hospitalizations and death, we should have seen an unmistakable signal clearly in the numbers of deaths after February 2021 going forward, not a full two years later in Spring 2023 which was almost 6 months after almost no one was getting boosted any longer. No effective vaccine reduces deaths only a full two years after the at-risk population is nearly fully vaccinated.
Of course, the FOX No-News crowd never asked how many times he was hospitalized or died because of it - since that was the actual endpoint the trials measured. The right-wing irrationals don’t even put any effort into their attempts to misinform.
I had the first two shots -- had to have them, really, for my job at the UW -- that is, it was mandated in some way. Also had booster #1. That's it. I see no benefit.
My observations tell me that the only people who've had COVID in the past year have been heavily re-boosted.
I've had the two Pfizer's, and may (or may not) have had Covid. None of the home tests my wife and I took--when we felt fine, and when we felt we might be sick--showed any infection. (I've had sinus/respiratory/allergy issues all my life, and usually have some low-grade symptom; overweight some; borderline diabetic. I'll take my chances now.)
Our 37 y.o. son went home from work Thursday afternoon after some heart palpitations, faintness, shortness of breath, etc. It wasn't the heat, since it was quite mild.
He went to a Sanitas Clinic (a franchise op in 5 states) and they said his EKG looked fine, and did some blood tests that he won't know about until Tuesday. He avoids regular contact with doctors. I probably would have too if I had still been single at that age.
I thought immediately of the Vax, which he got pretty early in the availability, as well as a(?) booster.
Naturally, I mentioned my viewing of Dr. John Campbell's ( coverage of side effects and excess mortalities to both my son and my wife. She later admitted that she read something that confirmed possible problems with the jabs but is no more inclined to doubt the Authorities than before and will probably get whatever they offer.
Not sure what son thinks about it all, but I'm done with it.
Arthur Denton in Little Shop of Horrors
Arthur Denton (played by Bill Murray in the 1986 movie) is a masochistic patient who goes to Orin Scrivello D.D.S's dental service, because he actually enjoys the pain that Orin inflicts. This causes Orin to become angry and kick Arthur out of the office.
Arthur became interested in dentistry as a child, when a dentist gave him a candy bar after his checkup. This bizarre reinforcement of negative behavior profoundly affected the lad, who quickly became obsessed with dentistry. As he grew older, so did his obsession with pain and reward, and he seems to visit a different dentist daily, preferring a blind female dentist who extensively roots around in his mouth.
Arthur Denton is loosely based on Wilbur Force, a character whom Jack Nicholson portrayed in the original film. Wilbur was cut from the stage musical but this character was introduced for the film adaptation, and producer David Geffen specifically requested Murray for the role.[1]
Blogger planetgeo said...
OK, what's the over-under for how many Inga has had?
Come to think of it, that might explain her.
I have 4 comorbidities and got Pfizer jabs at a hospital. I didn't trust any drug store operations. Wonder if there's any data there.
Here’s my understanding of Covid:
China manipulated a coronavirus to be the most contagious pathogen that ever escaped a lab. It’s genetically manipulated to be so. And it leaked.
They then freaked the F out because they didn’t know all the details of what they accidentally released. So we got video of them doing full biohazard suits taking people off streets and welding shut apartment buildings to stop release. And they quickly lied about their cases and destroyed early evidence.
Meanwhile the original strain was the fastest spreading airborne infectious disease seen. Epidemiologists and governments freaked out at 3-5% mortality rates in high risk populations overwhelming hospitals. Which was not unreasonable at first. Nor was an initial lockdown to figure out what the hell just came from china. And a race to develop a vaccine at warp speed was smart.
After that governments and scientists and pharma and media lost their collective minds. There were so many trillions of dollars being thrown at anyone claiming to be an expert and solve the problem incentives became screwed sideways. Experts put their reputations on the line and wouldn’t back down.
And here we are 3.5 years and seven shots later with nonsensical policies and defensive procedures.
I might have had the Rona twice. The first time my doctor suspected it I was tested for antibodies but that was negative. He suspected I might have t-cell immunity.
As I understand it, it's possible that the right combination of common cold and flu coronaviruses has trained your t-cells to recognize and deal with the Rona. I also had parrot fever in 2019, an obscure avian flu.
There have been some papers published about t-cell immunity from colds and flu. I assume that is what herd immunity is about. Personally, I followed the Swedish model though of course I had to drink at home.
"And it leaked."
It did not leak.
Per current CDC recommendations, "all" for a healthy adult under 65 would be 4 (2 + 1 booster + 1 bivalent), 6 for over 65 (2 + 2 boosters + 2 bivalent), and 7 for immunocompromised (3 + 2 boosters + 2 Bivalent). Current recommendation for vaccine-naive is 1 Bivalent. It's fun (not) trying to keep track.
And there's likely plenty of people who've gotten more. Since before a third shot got recommended, patients have coming in asking for more, mad if denied, and will lie. (What would we call this behavior if it was for anything else?) My pharmacy manager recently had a complaint made to the Board for saying no to a woman wanting more.
I am not interested, I have my ivermectin stash in hand.
Jersey Fled said...
1.9 million excess deaths in the last two months.
1.9mm/1.5bn = 1,266/mm
(assuming I got my decimals right)
What's the number for the US?
John Henry
mRNA cannot alter DNA. Theoretically it can't-
Experimentally it can’t either. Cite a single study that shows it to work that way. There are literally millions of studies on this. As soon as Watson-Crick published the structure of DNA they knew that it’s the template for making proteins, of which mRNA is (in humans) just an intermediate. Saying mRNA makes or changes human DNA is as much of bunch of bullshat as saying that a foreman’s copy of a blueprint is used to change the master plan designed by the architect. It’s amazing how dense some people are.
I get it though. You saw two letters and just assumed they had a literary relationship with each other and created different versions of each other the way different letters combine to make new words. Biology as just an exercise in rearranging letters in its conceptual vocabulary from any source in any direction. Brilliant. But then, your leader thought ingesting disinfectant into the body would be a really smart antiviral therapeutic. He should read the Lysol labels better and you should take an introductory biology course.
Blogger hpudding said...
Of course, the FOX No-News crowd never asked how many times he was hospitalized or died because of it - since that was the actual endpoint the trials measured. The right-wing irrationals don’t even put any effort into their attempts to misinform.
Puddinghead, like "Rich," is just a font of leftist wisdom. If MSNBC turns "Rich" down maybe you should apply.
Two. The first caused my jaw to swell. The second gave a slight fever. I later got Covid-19. None of it was by choice. My mother was in a retirement home and I was one of many caretakers and we could not get into the building without the jabs.
"Come to think of it, that might explain her."
That is just mixing up cause and effect.
“OK, what's the over-under for how many Inga has had?”
I had the two original Covid shots and two boosters. I’ve never had Covid. I’m not saying the shots prevented me from getting it, but they may have prepped my immune system from having Covid that actually tested positive for Covid or was symptomatic. I had no adverse side effects from the Covid shots or boosters. I have had adverse side effects from the high dose flu shot though. I’ve had no upper respiratory illnesses either in the last 4 years, so maybe I have a really good immune system.
hpuddinghead wrote:
"Of course, the FOX No-News crowd never asked how many times he was hospitalized or died because of it - since that was the actual endpoint the trials measured. The right-wing irrationals don’t even put any effort into their attempts to misinform."
The Phase II trials didn't measure anything other than infection, and the reason is that they only ran for about 3 months. While the trials did show 90% effectiveness at preventing infection in those three months, no one with a brain, even Fauci, now believes the vaccine is even 10% effective at preventing infections. In short, the trials were too short to measure anything with any real confidence, and the blinds were removed and the placebo arm was vaccinated, too.
“OK, what's the over-under for how many Inga has had?”
“Come to think of it, that might explain her.”-MK
Maybe doc had too much ivermectin, that’s why he’s such a horse’s ass.
"But the disease has evolved so much it no longer is the grave heath threat that killed millions in the first couple of years"
But the disease has evolved so much it no longer is the grave heath threat that allegedly killed millions in the first couple of years.
"The cruelty of forcing the mRNA on people not knowing the long term effects was one of the worst public health Big Government abuses of all time. "
They essentially Tuskegeed the entire country.
Never been jabbed. Never will be. Even if it means prison time.
"hpudding said...
Of course, the FOX No-News crowd "
What the fuck is wrong with you? No really. What?
What makes you think people would read what you just wrote there and then say to themselves, "Good God, I must keep reading this!"?
Quick question. Does the h stand for hasty or hose?
""And it leaked."
It did not leak."
Sure it did. Just like bullets leak from a gun.
Why do you hate poetry?
"I pretty regularly get influenza vaccinations"
BUMBLE BEE said...
I have 4 comorbidities and got Pfizer jabs
HPudding you would like Fox News now. They are actively wooing your type and LLRs like Chuck.
I supported Trump, liked his policies EXCEPT for COVID and never bought the hype. I would have followed the Swedish model because that comported with 150 years of American experience in epidemiology. We did everything wrong and punished those who tried to correct it. Like I said, you should watch Fox. They lost me and my family long ago. They need you. Just don’t expect any actual news. They don’t do that anymore.
Puddinghead has never heard of reverse transcriptase. Am I certain it happens with mRNA? No but I would have liked better trials. The story of Covid and mRNA "vaccines" is going to be long one before we figure out what happened.
"Jersey Fled said...
1.9 million excess deaths in the last two months.
It took me about 3 seconds to go back and find it for you.
I guess you were busy.
Inga said, “I had no adverse side effects from the Covid shots or boosters.”
Me neither. No adverse effects from any of the flu shots as well. I used to pat myself on the back that I had such a strong immune system. Then I read that no, it actually means I have a very weak immune system. O well.
He gets a check from Pfizer every time he says, "I'm getting the shot."
“No adverse effects from any of the flu shots as well.”
Sorry you didn’t have a good immune response from the flu shot, but I did. I wrote that I did actually have adverse effects from the high dose flu shot. My Covid arm was not painful or red but my flu shot arm was painful, red and lymph nodes under the flu shot arm were painful. I’m assuming my immune system is strong as I didn’t get Covid, not even once in any form.
When people argue from anecdotes, I don't listen.
When the main arguments (incl here) are accusations of bad motives I stop listening.
When people summarise what went wrong without even mentioning the 1M dead, I know they are not serious, just politically motivated.
As there are good arguments that we should have done things differently, I wonder that people don't use those instead. Well, actually I don't wonder. It's pretty easy to figure out why people use the fun insulting arguments instead of the accurate ones.
As there are good arguments that we should have done things differently, I wonder that people don't use those instead. Well, actually I don't wonder. It's pretty easy to figure out why people use the fun insulting arguments instead of the accurate ones.
You might read Scott Atlas' book. Just a suggestion.
Ings should consider subclinical myocarditis etc, especially in the grandkids she sacrificed to the jab.
I am agnostic on whether Ivermectin is effective in treating kung flu. There seems to be a lot on information that it is. But about as much that it isn't. A lot of it, on both sides looks sketchy though some looks pretty serious. I just have no way of knowing who is right.
I am NOT agnostic on whether Ivermectin is safe with few risks or side effects. Half a billion people have been taking it every day for 50 years or so. If it was not safe, we would know by now.
Ditto Hydroxycloraquine except that even more people have been taking it for even longer.
If I thought I needed it, I would have no hesitation taking it. The worst that could happen is that I would be out a few dollars, both are pennies per dose. Since there doesn't seem to be any other effective, non-lethal, therapeutic for kung flu, it is not like I am missing out.
The FDA and other agencies, by effectively prohibiting doctors from prescribing either, lost a massive opportunity. If we had large numbers of people taking it, we would have quickly found out that it either worked or it didn't. Or that it sort of worked sometimes.
But if they had done that, and it had proven effective, Pfizer's (and J&J and Moderna) vaccines would not have been granted emergency use authorization, even though they were unapproved.
It was always all about the Benjamins.
John Henry
TreeJoe said...
Here’s my understanding of Covid:
To me that sounds about as accurate a take as can be had at this point in time. Maybe ever. Certainly most of us will be long gone before a more dispassionate analysis can be done.
I’ve had no upper respiratory illnesses either in the last 4 years
Me either, except for COVID itself, and I hear the same from a lot of people. Isn't that interesting? I mean, I've been living my life normally ever since the initial lockdown was over (and I live in Texas so that was pretty early for us) - travel by plane, indoor dining, elevators, parties, hugging... yet not even a sniffle.
This is very unusual for me, and makes me wonder.
As there are good arguments that we should have done things differently,
How about comparing our results to Sweden's results?
…never heard of reverse transcriptase. Am I certain it happens with mRNA?
And as I might have predicted, a semi-informed right-winger jumps right in on that as if all Homo sapiens might magically harbor HIV enzymes or pathogenic viral proteomes that in nature only exist for the purpose of inserting AIDS genomes into their DNA. Sure, whatever you say.
I guess this was the best retort/rebuttal available by the crowd that “Free Manure While You Wait!” Worried would feel too insulted to have a reason for even coming up with, at least upon having their fragile feelings hurt by an opening reference to “FOX No-News.”
Babies. Go back to school. Every one of you.
What makes you think people would read what you just wrote there and then say to themselves, "Good God, I must keep reading this!"?
Well, seeing as how they are too sensitive even to absorb any information that conflicts with their political agendas, I don’t think they will. But the comment is still out there for anyone who cares more about the facts than their feelings to read.
“People” is a much bigger category than the third of America that wants authoritarian government given to them by a multiply indicted inveterate liar who will tell them anything they want to hear. And I do mean anything. Even his hairpiece is as flamboyant a statement in fantasy falsehoods as any 77-year old would bother coming up with.
But I get it. You need a leader and that one is the liar who makes the lies you tell yourselves feel a little less outlandish. Enjoy the Ivermectin!
Let's leave Inga alone.
She isn't Rich or Hasty.
The Covid shots are different from ordinary vaccines. Having long experience with Fauci, I innately distrusted his entire rollout. Among people with some familiarity with him and our public health agencies, I'm far from alone in this opinion.
If he had really wanted people to trust federal health guidance, he would have resigned immediately and let someone less partisan and divisive take over. If public health agencies prefer making political hay over credibly answering to the largest number of people, they have different priorities than public health.
83 years ago, the woman who would have been my grandmother died a gruesome death from TB. We have been letting millions of people into our country without testing them for TB, or detaining and deporting them. Democrats and their politically diverse fellow travelers do not feel compelled to do anything about that. The dishonesty is breathtaking.
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