Said Peter Daou, quoted in "Peter Daou’s Theory of Election Interference—by Democrats/The former Clinton aide, now running the third-party Presidential campaign of Cornel West, on his recent political awakening" (The New Yorker).
Daou asserts that is as "dangerous" to democracy as what happened on January 6th.
"[T]he premise is that we had a vibrant democracy and then a bunch of people stormed the Capitol and threatened it. What I’m trying to tell you is that I don’t even believe we have a so-called democracy. What we have is a duopoly, or an oligarchy, in which the vast majority of people suffer...."
It's "propagandistic," he says, to call a third party candidate like Cornel West a "spoiler."
"I’m saying that a concerted propaganda effort to make people feel they don’t have a choice is anti-democratic. So Trump is a singular threat to democracy, and, if you elect him, democracy’s over? Which democracy?"
६८ टिप्पण्या:
The part where Trump is a threat to democracy is still deluded, so not awakened.
Tag: "Out, out damned spot!"
The sleepwalking madness continues.
He’s right about the Dems and their politics of personal destruction.
I predict that after Trump gets convicted in DC, the federal judge will remand him into custody that day. We then have our Bastille moment.
Why do the Dems have such a blood lust for Trump?
Spot ON.
"Gotta stop that man..."
Not a 50,000ft perspective. Misses forest for the trees, it does. The democrats have become a cult. Their platform has become dogma. Where's the Crack Emcee when you need him. He'll tell you all about it.
Our only hope of averting all out nuclear war with Russia is somehow getting Trump back into the White House.
The Democrats have assigned all of the Biden family’s crimes to Trump.
Their method has been to slander him with their anti-bigotry crusade. Althouse, confused woman that she is, is slowly coming around to Trump, but still champions this insane crusade. Her feminist, gay, devil worship religion cannot co-exist with free speech or a free democracy.
So, on the one hand, Althouse is a champion of free speech. On the other hand, she’s busy destroying the foundation for free speech, traditional, orthodox Christianity and Judaism.
The fact that our country moves slow, politically, is both a blessing and a curse. While, in theory, we don't make rash decisions, in practice, a lot of people suffer while everyone waits for a decision. If one comes at all. And there's a lot of time and space for political shenanigans.
The Democrats are obviously operating on another plain, probably dreamed up at Burning Man, or Esalen, or in Sedona, resulting in actions as though the rest of America simply doesn't matter to the goal. Clearly, the rainbow, as a symbol, is part of it. You're either in or you're out. If you're in, you accept and propagate a series of lies, starting with Harvey Milk was killed because he was gay, and not because he was a powerful member of yet another American killer cult, up to no good. (Isn't it fascinating, what stories the media doesn't correct?) The ramifications from all of those years in the '90s, when the Democrats (and people like Tony Blair) were studying under cult leaders like Ken Wilber, have been given little-to-no media attention in the States.
I am 100% positive, we are being run through the wringer by the New Age movement, and doing nothing really about it.
Name for us any Democrat, any NeverTrump Republican, anyone of consequence who has said words to the effect of "defeating Donald Trump will solve all our problems."
What a stupid insult; particularly for principled conservative Republicans who have essentially given up elective office and/or careers within the Republican Party in order to make the moral case that Donald Trump is an existential threat to Democracy. They share very little policy common ground with Biden and the Democrats. They would sneer at the notion that "defeating Donald Trump will solve all our problems." What they think is that Donald Trump is so awful, so dangerous, such a criminal sociopath, that the country would be damaged irrevocably were he to be elected again. That's not "solving all our problems." It is simply solving our one worst problem, which ought to be the goal of every American leader.
Anti-Trump Republicans in particular have given up everything in their political lives, and have made heretofore unimaginable compromises in their political alignment, in order to save the United States -- not merely from four more years of Trumpism, but from a nightmare form of Trumpism where Trump fills an administration with the dead-enders from January 6.
And what we say to Peter Daou is that a Cornel West campaign does nothing but help Donald Trump. You're not pulling any Trump voters, Peter. And you're not going to win. You aren't even promoting a lasting political party (despite your griping about a duopoly). You're promoting a guy who doesn't even know if he wants to be part of "The Peoples' Party" or the Green Party.
I always looked at it as red and blue, and finally when I quit the Party...I started looking at it as the system, and the Democratic Party comprises half of that system. Or maybe more, you know what I’m saying?
Change "Democratic Party" to "Republican Party" in that statement and you could be talking to many a Trump supporter.
It's their entire life.
Jan 6 wasn't a threat to democracy. It was an embarrassment, but no more than that. To the extent that it is a facet of what was/is a threat to democracy, the government's response to the Jan 6 protest is the real threat. If Daou cant see that, than I can't accept him as representing a better way.
That said, I do like his unapologetic support for the idea of third-party candidates and how the two-party system functions not to protect the country, but to protect the two-party system.
I'm pretty sure "domocracy" to them isn't the same as democracy to the rest of us. And by the rest of us I mean anybody that didn't vote for Biden. The last thing either party wants is for the hoipoloi to elect someone they want.
Destroy yes.
The reason is that which cannot be said aloud.
Trump is the proverbial Head on a Pike. Warning all outsiders seeking a DC power position, what will happen to you if you attempt to come in uninvited.
Getting rid of Trump is one thing, mutilating the body is signal to others....and their families, what await the interloper. Yesterday showed even the judges are scared of Trump.
This whole “threat to democracy” schtick has reached its use by date.
Daou -- had a career in music and recording. Hmmm. Politically, he has moved as a paid operative from John Kerry to Hillary Clinton to Marianne Williamson to Cornel West.
Not a likely source of insight, IMO.
They have to put Trump in prison before the election to stay out of prison themselves. They have broken too many laws. But the day Trump goes to prison, the gloves come off. Do none of these so called elites remember what happened during and after the French Revolution?
The corruptocrats in NY and the beltway mob - are Putinesque Stalinist neo-Maoists.
I'm glad Crack is back.
Daou leaves out the progressive possessive “our” when he phrases the question. Whose “democracy?” “Our democracy!” By which they mean the 1% of the Uniparty, mostly democrats, who rig these things.
Kai Akker said...
"Daou -- had a career in music and recording. Hmmm. Politically, he has moved as a paid operative from John Kerry to Hillary Clinton to Marianne Williamson to Cornel West.
Not a likely source of insight, IMO."
Nothing wrong with a career in music and recording if you want to hear from someone directly exposed to the enemy. On the other hand, that's a scary fucking list.
J6 was a setup, and people fell for it. Being invited in, politely conversing with security guards, asking where you are allowed to go- that'd not a violent insurrection. Plants in the crowd egging on escalation is what led to problems...
The selective memory of the geezer liberals shows how awful they are. You used to openly brag about this shit. Alinksyites used to to boast of the power of suggestion to impressionable minds. Well it worked...
They'll let Cornell bray until he becomes a serious problem, then they'll roll out one of the contingencies the assholes from the law firm cooked up...
Ever see the Oceans movies? ...We can't train a cat that we doo a Lookie-Loo. it's actually a Lookie-Loo...with a Bundle of Joy!
The biggest problem with our two-party system is that it makes smart people stupid.
I am 100% positive, we are being run through the wringer by the New Age movement, and doing nothing really about it.
Nodding here. What happens when they run into reality, though? How long can those plates keep spinning on those sticks, Crack? How long can the lie stay alive?
As long as you believe, they say... Follow us! Paradise is just around the corner if you get in alignment with these mysterious forces. Here, try this mind altering substance and you'll see!
Stein's Law looms in the distance, like Leviathan.
The question is, why does he think recommending that Democrats stop obsessing over Trump will help West?
This Is NOT America - It's A Crime Scene (Media's Free Ride For The Clintons)
"So Trump is a singular threat to democracy, and, if you elect him, democracy’s over? Which democracy?"
"Our democracy"
The Ghost of Ross Perot smiles and nods.
Setting MAGA world aside — I believe the same could be said about the GOP.
If Trump is elected and takes power, foreign policy will be an irrelevant byproduct lost in the swirl of the decomposition of American domestic governance. American politics will be all about domestic policy and the creation of a new rule of law based on Republican party efforts to consolidate a minority-based, more authoritarian governance through highly gerrymandered politics. Trump, Xi, and Putin will all be on the same wavelength — the maintenance of personal political power. Policy that does not support power aggrandizement is not policy at all in this world view.
It will be about power, not policy.
#HateTrumpsLove... #HateLovesAbortion
Crack - you say New Age, I say postmodernism; in either case, I think we're both talking about a cognitive delusion - you say a cult - that denies the need for objectivity and internal locus of control in favor of "lived experience" and "truths" and "ways of knowing" and "root causes" and (here I totally agree on the cult thing) cargo-cult "solutions" without an acknowledgement of tradeoffs or unintended consequences.
The big question is, what do we do, now that the cage door's open and the rats are running everywhere?
Dave Begley said...
"Why do the Dems have such a blood lust for Trump?"
That's an interesting question. One I've asked myself a number of times. The simple answer is, graft. But that only covers those democrats that personally benefit from graft. The politically connected. But what about the rank and file Democrats? I think as a group they are in love with their virtue. They are so thinly grounded in our constitution that they believe thier progressive virtue trumps anything else. They are constantly rewarded for their virtue by politicians that promise them programs that reward that virtue. For example the Green New Deal.The opposite of that is anyone who does not agree with their virtue isn't as smart or progressive as they are and are therefore the enemy. Their virtue does not allow for any other opinion that questions their virtue.
No one on this blog who is on the left can beguin to explain to you the mechanisms that would cause global climate change. Climate change is dogma. The church is infallable. Questioning the dogma of climate change makes you an enemy.
Reason makes them uncomfortable.
Rich said,
" American politics will be all about domestic policy and the creation of a new rule of law...."
Are you saying what we have now is the rule of law? How has Trump undermined the rule of law?
How has Merric Garland undermined the rule of law?
Rich, you keep droning on and on about Trump as an authoritarian. What exactly was he an authoritarian about? Who did he have rousted out of bed at 3am by the FBI? Who did he intimidate the media to cancel? Which Antifa or BLM or other protesters did he round up and jail without due process like the J6 kinda-sorta insurrectionists?
Lay off the hallucinogenics, man. The real authoritarians are YOUR guy and YOUR party.
"Jan 6 wasn't a threat to democracy. It was an embarrassment, but no more than that."
No, actually, it was a set-up.
Check out the guy removing signs and fencing. Check out "Scaffold Commander". The whole thing was planned in advance, very carefully, and the feds have made no effort to find any of the people involved. Because they know exactly where they are, and they're paying them to stay there.
mezzrow said...
"Nodding here. What happens when they run into reality, though?"
They lose. But with a large chunk of the media being part of it, that happens less and less. It was already a problem, that it happened at different times and in different places, but not all of them convenient. Now they have the power to stage manage almost anything.
"How long can those plates keep spinning on those sticks, Crack? How long can the lie stay alive?"
The Harvey Milk thing - and a lot of other stuff - has exploded, reminding me a lot of the way Joseph Smith and his golden plates did, so I don't know. Every time I bring up the New Age movement people dismiss it. They still have that 1970's idea about it being too frivolous and flaky to be a threat to anybody. That's part of its defense. Who the hell is afraid of Oprah? But all of it is the result of a culture that emphasizes respecting religion above reality. We're swamped with "mysteries of the unknown" type programs, and Marvel and Star Wars movies filled with NewAge ideas, like anything that would tickle our logic centers is evil and impossible to make more entertaining than staring at someone's abs. As long as we're not scared shitless that we're now a country that takes Marianne Williamson seriously, we're on a road to nowhere.
"As long as you believe, they say... Follow us! Paradise is just around the corner if you get in alignment with these mysterious forces. Here, try this mind altering substance and you'll see!"
It's even worse than that. Homeopathy is water. With the belief system attached to it. It's become a multi-billion dollar worldwide industry. They are already literally forcing Pharmacists - Scientists - to bend to their will. What chance do you have against people who can do that, and do it without anybody else catching on to the ramifications or that it had ever happened in the first place? It's just water, right? Yet, they have colleges that "teach" it in India. And France just stopped letting people use their insurance to pay for it. Carl Sagan warned us. Even Richard Dawkins has labeled these people - out of all others - as the enemies of reason, and yet, the rest of the world (but especially here in America) laughs, because, as far as they're concerned, they're just being "natural" and looking at their horoscope or whatever. Leaving out they're writing laws in Congress.
"Stein's Law looms in the distance, like Leviathan."
I'm too old and battered to worry about it now. They've made their shit-stained and pee-colored bed and they can lie in it.
Jamie said...
"Crack - you say New Age, I say postmodernism; in either case, I think we're both talking about a cognitive delusion - you say a cult - that denies the need for objectivity and internal locus of control in favor of "lived experience" and "truths" and "ways of knowing" and "root causes" and (here I totally agree on the cult thing) cargo-cult "solutions" without an acknowledgement of tradeoffs or unintended consequences.
The big question is, what do we do, now that the cage door's open and the rats are running everywhere?"
Voltaire said, if we accept the absurd, then we will get it. And we have, good and hard. When society will decide enough is enough is anybody's guess. Neil Degrasse Tyson says, if you like animals, instead of throwing rats out of your house where they can die, let them live in your basement. But I don't like rats. And I don't really care what happens to them.
But they're not living in my house.
But we don't live in a Democracy, we live in a Representative Republic. And the Democratic Party has long been a cult of personality, starting with FDR, progressing with JFK, moving through the Chosen One. This is in their DNA, and they embrace this kind of leadership as right in their wheelhouse. A political charasmatic cult, with Enviro-Green, ESG, Woke Death-Cult frosting on top, and the best soft-light media coverage they can buy.
They have to destroy Trump because he's the only viable target at present - and as he has shown, he can't be controlled by the usual political machinery.
As for the rats, well.... That's not a new problem, nor is it one without multiple viable solutions. All that's missing is political will.
Homeopathy is water..
And therefore Crack needs reparations.
I would say instead that homeopathy is a placebo. And sometimes placebos work — no one knows why. It works often enough that one cannot talk true believers out of their childish belief in homeopathy and into reality. And despite being a mathematician I cannot seem to talk climate alarmists out of their crazy beliefs* and into reality either. After a while one realizes that the best one can do is to try and wall them off so they can’t hurt anyone other than themselves. Sometimes the best you can do is the best you can do.
* And of course that’s the key, isn’t it? One can choose to believe in reincarnation, one can choose to believe in free will or predestination, either one. One can decide to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God or that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. But one cannot choose to disbelieve in gravity, nor can one decide not to believe in magnetism or that E = mc squared.
Forty years (or so) ago Yuri Bezmenov Soviet defector with KGB connections told us what was happening in the US. Essentially, we were being brainwashed to facilitate a Marxist takeover of the country. He may have coined the phrase "useful idiots" to refer to a cadre of lefties, like most journalists and trolls like our Rich, who are unwitting accessories to the process.
Not all of us are susceptible to the brainwash. Yet it may be difficult for us to understand that the brainwashed herd simply cannot accept what their "lyin eyes" tell them. E.g., QuidProJoe is a senile old crook, Bill Clinton is a rapist, eliminating fossil fuels will destroy the economy, the criminal and civil legal systems are now endangered by political corruption, abortion takes a life.
It is impossible to reason with people who have been brainwashed to the point of amorality and abject ignorance. Too bad, but there it is.
Anybody who thinks that their individual vote will have any effect on the outcome of large elections is delusional. So why not vote your conscience?
People say, "If you vote third party, you're throwing your vote away" or "Voting third party is like voting for the other side."
I live in California where Democrats win overwhelmingly each election, but I still cast my vote for the candidate that feel is the best person for the job.
here's the thing, that i Do NOT get..
Let's Assume for the sake of argument; that you think/know/believe that homeopathic medicine WORKS.
[i'm Not saying it DOES]
If you believe in it; and you buy a bottle of homeopathic elixir; WHY would you EVER buy another?
WHY wouldn't you just refill the empty bottle with water?
If 20X is working.. Surely 21X would work EVEN better?
If you don't see THAT, how do you see yourself buying the first bottle?
But [the rats aren't] living in my house.
I thought your whole point was that they're living in our house.
I repeat, what do we do? And, who is "they"? That's another question I come back to again and again: who is the "they" of these theories, conspiracy and otherwise? I agree that it's happening - we're living in a world increasingly run on unicorn farts and anger - but who benefits, such that that person or group could conceivably want this to happen? Do they meet and talk tactics? Or is the confluence of all these streams of unreason coincidental?
The Enlightenment had its champions, but it took hold mostly because it made sense, it seems to me - because what it propounded seemed to work. Why is this lunacy taking hold, when nothing about it actually works and every failure has to be explained away as a failure of something else besides the lunacy itself?
Oh, and Tyson isn't immune - he's all in on climate change catastrophism, isn't he? And, if I had to guess based on how he talks, also on progressive economic policy. Certainly he hates him some conservatives, with no better reason than that they tend to be more religious than he thinks his side is (untrue; his side adheres to a crappy religion that hasn't even stood up to two centuries of scrutiny and adaptation yet and can't give any compelling reasons for any moral decision). He appears to believe (yes, believe), like Sagan before him and both of them like proper Calvinists, that popular success in something sort of like their field of study is a divine imprimatur to opine rightly on all other subjects.
Big Mike said, "
* And of course that’s the key, isn’t it? One can choose to believe in reincarnation, one can choose to believe in free will or predestination, either one. One can decide to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God or that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. But one cannot choose to disbelieve in gravity, nor can one decide not to believe in magnetism or that E = mc squared."
And here you have the crux of the issue. And I blame education or rather the lack of education. If you can convince an ignorant people that socialism is more virtuous than free markets you are on your way. socialism is the answer. Despite what human behavior and markets tell us. Climate change isn't a science. It is a virtue. You don't have to be a scientist to be virtuous. In fact inquiry is proof of the heretic. It is why our history must be bastardized to show that the people who came before had no virtue and were therefore evil. Their evil must be atoned for.
They are a people who are doing what they are told is virtuos. They haven't discovered virtue therough the labor of reason and inquiry.
One can choose to believe in reincarnation, one can choose to believe in free will or predestination, either one. One can decide to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God or that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. But one cannot choose to disbelieve in gravity, nor can one decide not to believe in magnetism or that E = mc squared.
I'm going to try a charitable approach.
How about this: "There is only one domain, the domain of rationality. I absolutely believe in gravity and evolution, but I can't say that I understand them; however, in those cases there are people who really do understand them, and they can do a good enough job of explaining them that someone like me can believe that they exist and that the world - the rational domain - follows their rules.
"So - where I run up against things I don't understand, all I need to do is find someone who does understand them and can explain them, and then I can believe in them. The way I can tell that someone really understands something is that it 'rings true' when I hear their explanation - that's a phenomenon within me, within human beings, that shows our essential rational nature, that we recognize truth when we hear it."
Does that sound plausible? Democrats (and some others, for sure), especially post-COVID, have convinced themselves that they, that everything, exists only in the world of Science even though they're just as religious as most human beings are?
I am religious. But I believe that there's more than one domain in which we exist: I believe there's the rational domain, and then there's the ineffable one. And the ineffable domain doesn't run on science, and the rational domain doesn't run on awe.
Until someone can explain consciousness to me, I'm content to live as if my formulation is correct, or at least correct enough to be going on with.
"Useful idiots" is a term much older than Bezmenov; Lenin knew it, IIRC. It's a usefully intelligent meme.
I don't have any more access to current truth than the next goober, and likewise no more influence on events than, say, Crack does. (That doesn't make me a victim, except to the extent I allow it to.)
Perhaps I was jaded too early, but my observation has long been that 1) half of the people are below average IQ, and a lot of the others aren't that bright either; 2) an indefinite but large proportion of the first group are also crazier than rabid squirrels; and 3) a small but always influential segment of the populace--including most power-seekers--are Evil.
Prove me wrong.
Jamie said...
"I thought your whole point was that they're living in our house."
You're being too literal there.
"I repeat, what do we do?"
You turn against them, of course.
And, who is "they"? That's another question I come back to again and again: who is the "they" of these theories, conspiracy and otherwise?
It would take forever to list all of them, and you know many of them, including the Clintons and Oprah, Gwyneth Paltrow, etc., but there's many you never know, or knew, like Louise Hay, or a number of others. It's a movement, not a club.
"I agree that it's happening - we're living in a world increasingly run on unicorn farts and anger - but who benefits, such that that person or group could conceivably want this to happen?"
Obviously, women and gays, and their supporters who've felt historically oppressed since biblical times.
"Do they meet and talk tactics? Or is the confluence of all these streams of unreason coincidental?"
You now have generations of people in the NewAge movement, so it's clearly a combination of the two.
"The Enlightenment had its champions, but it took hold mostly because it made sense, it seems to me - because what it propounded seemed to work. Why is this lunacy taking hold, when nothing about it actually works and every failure has to be explained away as a failure of something else besides the lunacy itself?"
Because they already live in a world they can't explain. Technology has run way ahead of their understanding. They can be 100% credible while talking total nonsense.
"Oh, and Tyson isn't immune - he's all in on climate change catastrophism, isn't he?"
"And, if I had to guess based on how he talks, also on progressive economic policy."
"Certainly he hates him some conservatives, with no better reason than that they tend to be more religious than he thinks his side is (untrue; his side adheres to a crappy religion that hasn't even stood up to two centuries of scrutiny and adaptation yet and can't give any compelling reasons for any moral decision)."
His side's religion is NewAge, and that led to the Holocaust. Hitler and his friends supported homeopathy, and consulted with psychics, etc. while doing everything. That's the slippery slope of reasoning.
"He appears to believe (yes, believe), like Sagan before him and both of them like proper Calvinists, that popular success in something sort of like their field of study is a divine imprimatur to opine rightly on all other subjects."
He's a Shruggie. As long as you keep religion out of his Science class, you can all blow each other to Hell.
"Clearly, the rainbow, as a symbol, is part of it."
And the irony here is that they stole the rainbow from the Jews.
8 Then God told Noah and his sons, 9-11 “I solemnly promise you and your children[a] and the animals you brought with you—all these birds and cattle and wild animals—that I will never again send another flood to destroy the earth. 12 And I seal this promise with this sign: 13 I have placed my rainbow in the clouds as a sign of my promise until the end of time, to you and to all the earth. 14 When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will be seen in the clouds, 15 and I will remember my promise to you and to every being, that never again will the floods come and destroy all life. 16-17 For I will see the rainbow in the cloud and remember my eternal promise to every living being on the earth.”
- Genesis 9:8-17 (Living Bible)
(sorry if this double posted)
Rusty said...
"It is why our history must be bastardized to show that the people who came before had no virtue and were therefore evil."
Once everybody discovers NASA was packed full of Nazis, claims to a bastardized history, to make the past look evil, get kind of fucked up there, Champ. The past WAS evil, and the point of our country is to try to make a more perfect union. We're currently still failing. We've never really taken the time to map out where we took a wrong turn. I know the Gulf of Tonkin was one. How we went from being the richest and most powerful nation in the world after World War II, to our current state, should terrify us.
"Rich said:
It will be about power, not policy."
The projection is strong in this one.
I need an editor.
Gilbar, the people taking homeopathic medicines don't believe they are drinking nothing but water.
Homeopathy posits that medicinal herbs can be added to water and impart its properties to it.
So if you drop an aspirin into a swimming pool, all the water is somehow endowed with aspirin's qualities.
Now, if you can get a lot of people to buy that nonsense, you can sell that pool water in tiny bottles for $5 a pop.
Thing is, that same water has very likely been through bazillion plants, animals, and underground caverns filled with salts, minerals and the like. So if Homeopathy were true, you should die if any of that water in your bottle went through a poison nightshade, for example., it's bullshit.
But if homeopathy product users were consistent in their belief, they could get themselves an inexhaustible supply by simply pouring their tiny bottle's contents into a bigger one and fill the latter with water, and then do the same before they finish the bigger bottle!
Big Mike said...
"I would say instead that homeopathy is a placebo."
When applied by a Doctor to treat a specific set of circumstances, NOT a Pharmacist selling it over the counter, under duress. What you're doing here is exactly my point: stretching the bounds of reality. Notice that when France phased out homeopathy they didn't talk about placebos, but about making "a grave error" in judgment, because people died thinking they were using medicine. That was how my own Mother-In-Law died, and it was horrifying.
"NEW: Secret Service logs reveal last night's debate moderator Ilia Calderon, whom Fox News invited to strangely ask Republican candidates pro-illegal immigration questions echoing White House open-borders policy, has met with President Biden in the White House"
"Every time I bring up the New Age movement people dismiss it. "
Sheesh. You might consider listening a bit more carefully, between rants.
Free Manure While You Wait! said...
"Clearly, the rainbow, as a symbol, is part of it."
And the irony here is that they stole the rainbow from the Jews.
You really need to watch this, if you haven't.
Anna Keppa said...
"Gilbar, the people taking homeopathic medicines don't believe they are drinking nothing but water."
The ignorance surrounding these issues is breathtaking.
Anna Keppa said...
Gilbar, the people taking homeopathic medicines don't believe they are drinking nothing but water.
yes, BUT! i did NOT say, why not drink water? I said; why not refill the bottle?
There would Still be PLENTY! (100's of milligrams) of original elixir in the "empty" bottle
Adding More water to that SHOULD (according to the tenets of homeopathy) make it EVEN STRONGER.
as i said, IF you don't believe THAT.. You DON'T believe in homeopathy
Kirk Parker said...
"Every time I bring up the New Age movement people dismiss it. "
Sheesh. You might consider listening a bit more carefully, between rants.
I've been on this blog over a decade. They started by telling me, directly, I was crazy and seeing things. Some have come around, maybe most, but they still look at politics more than the beliefs that animate them. They give the movement a free ride with the same force that they've minimized my warnings:
Here's President Biden in a live presidential debate, claiming Donald Trump mistreated the Central Park Five. And here's Ann Coulter, clearly explaining why that isn't so. it was a topic in the debate because of Netflix's Central Park Five Series WHEN THEY SEE US directed by Ava DuVernay. It basically said the five rapists are innocent, and they were only found guilty because all white people are racist, but especially their prosecuting attorney in New York. The Central Park Five's confessions are all on YouTube, btw, and that prosecutor has just been granted the right to sue Netflix for defamation. Oh, and one of the Central Park Five members, Yusef Salaam, is now a Democrat city council member for New York’s Central Harlem.
But why am I telling you all this?
Because the Executive Producer for the Netflix movie that supplied Biden's lie and all the rest, seen by millions, the funding and fulcrum for all of this (anti-white racist) activity I've listed above, is Oprah Winfrey, our Queen of NewAge. Check out this photo of the whole crew. And here she is with John of God, another rapist on Netflix, who just got 118 years in a Brazilian prison for raping four women. She said he gave off powerful spiritual vibes and bought his whole "healing" thing, which was an obvious scam. He's accused of raping 600.
Oprah Winfrey is drawn to rapists and other criminals. And influencing American politics, putting her protégé's in office, with a long lineup, like Marianne Williamson, ready to move in next. While the world treats her like some modern day Mammy figure, ready to take care of everybody, when she's sowing discord.
Not every one was a Nazi, Crack. Some of them were just dumbass engineers and technicians with no political asperations. Most of them were just kids. Playing at being rocketmen.
Our past is no more evil or good than any other countrys. But. You want to make this a better country? Make sure we live up to our founding creed? Then be a better individual and quit looking for others to be better. Set the example.
Rusty said...
"Our past is no more evil or good than any other countrys."
Yesterday, when the subject was quackery, I was told the same thing: we're no better than anybody else. So stop it with all that Rah Rah America shit, if we're just gonna be no better than anybody else. Count the sides of your fucking crystals and shut the fuck up.
"You want to make this a better country? Make sure we live up to our founding creed? Then be a better individual and quit looking for others to be better. Set the example."
I locked myself in the house long before the pandemic, and have maintained that pose ever since. I went out for groceries the other day, and my neighbors looked at me like I was Rumpelstiltskin. All I can do in the NewAge is hide away from it, because it's everywhere. I don't bother them and I hope they leave me alone. Under the circumstances, that's my example.
None of the anti-Trump forces has the self-awareness of a flatworm. The reason for Trump is not anything positive about him. The reason for Trump is the awfulness of his opposition.
Remember the left demanding we all ask why the Muslims hated us, back in 2001? Remember the demands for self-criticism on a scale that would impress the Chinese running the Cultural Revolution? It was our fault the Muslims attacked the US, by golly, and we'd better do everything the Left said or our guilt would remain forever, causing more attacks!
Well, the Left can demand that BS by the dumpster load. But when faced with the reality that a showbiz carny barker was sufficiently different from them to beat their media-beatified candidate grifter Hillary, they look around and say, "Trump BAD!" without the least thought about why they lost to him.
Send Trump to jail for life. The next iteration of an opposition to the Left might not be as pleasant as he was, and I know they won't be correcting any of their faults to avoid that incarnation of their destroyer.
The Crack Emcee said...
"Rusty said...
"Our past is no more evil or good than any other countrys."
Yesterday, when the subject was quackery, I was told the same thing: we're no better than anybody else. So stop it with all that Rah Rah America shit, if we're just gonna be no better than anybody else. Count the sides of your fucking crystals and shut the fuck up."
Chill. I'm on your side here.
Rusty said...
"Chill. I'm on your side here."
Apologies. That didn't come out right.
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