Well, this is something that we’re actively planning on. What I have done is tours of our New York-area facilities. Right now, this crisis is in our own backyard, and we have toured the Roosevelt Hotel, and I think it’s been very important for us to — especially to my constituents, who are demanding accountability on this — to look at that front line that is right here in New York City.
Garcia-Navarro interrupts: "I want to get to New York, but we’re two and a half years into this administration, the crisis has been burgeoning, and you have been a self-declared and widely viewed leader on this issue."
Ocasio-Cortez tries again but has little to improve her answer:
She says "again" as if Garcia-Navarro missed something the first time, but she did not.
AOC continues:
But when this crisis is right here in our own backyard, I have absolutely prioritized having that visitation presence. And I also think that there’s a very, very, very dangerous understanding of the frontline of our migration crisis being just our border.
That "very, very, very dangerous" sounds comically desperate. Who says "very, very, very"? Even Elmer Fudd only says "very, very." The one example of a character saying "very, very, very" that I found was... Donald Trump.
Back to AOC:
And if we only think of the immigration crisis as a border issue and only understand our border as a southern border and not John F. Kennedy Airport, that constitutes a lack of imagination when it comes to immigration.
Garcia-Navarro tries again: "But under the Trump administration, you did make the southern border an issue."
AOC answers:
Yes. And again, I will be visiting the border.
५३ टिप्पण्या:
is there a person on earth? that thinks of AOC as a "Latina leader" ??
speak up please?
AOC is a talent, that’s for sure. She’s also a hypocrite, a liar, and a narcissist. Iow, a typical politician. I wish we on the right had a few AOC’s. Marjorie Taylor Green is not her equal … let’s just put it that way.
"Ocasio-Cortez tries again but has little to improve her answer"
Improve her answer? How can "Democrats & their policies always good; Republicans always bad" be improved?
Our border is 100% - not a border anymore. It's just open.
with millions pouring in.... as Biden invited them prior to his taking over our nation.
Democrats want an open border- and they have one.
The media dutifully lie about it - and the hivemind collective loyalist democratics obey.
AOC is, was, and always has been, a confected creation of the DNC. Her purpose has been in being the product that shows the 'new', young face of the party. Her constituency is managed by the party, as is her wardrobe and her public appearance. She's the product. Other than that, she's pretty self-involved, vapid and clueless when it comes to the grown-up stuff.
If it were up to her, of course, that "front line" would stay in Texas and Arizona. Northern lefties' love of immigrants is proportional to their distance from them.
The blind leading the willfully stupid.
Feelings meets structure. Feelings don't work out very well, do they.
As a woman, she will continue to be baffled. In fact probably all women will be baffled, thinking that more border visiting would help.
Et tu NYT?
AOC is planning to visit the Border again because she expects Trump to beat Biden. Once Trump is responsible for the border, she'll be down there with nicer clothes but the same tired pouty face we saw the last time.
I didn't realize that JFK was overrun with illegals, I guess it doesn't make the news here in Gotham.
"highlight the ongoing issues there now"
Issues? What issues? Progs want the border open. They want the invasion. They're getting what they want.
"Right now, this crisis is in our own backyard"
Crisis? What crisis? Progs want sanctuary. They want to support illegals more than ordinary citizens. They are getting what they want.
"front line that is right here in New York City"
Front line? What front line? Progs are the vanguard of breakdown of order. They want more of it. They are getting it.
"a very, very, very dangerous understanding of the frontline of our migration crisis being just our border"
The need for such language shows progs haven't complete won the invasion battle yet, since they still have to deal with discontent over the open border.
Crocodile Tears on the Rio Grande: Part Deux
Coming this fall to a fail theater near you.
"But when this crisis is right here in our own backyard"
Do you mean the crisis you intentionally created?
Would that be the crisis you repeatedly denied existed?
AOC said, "Right now, this crisis is in our own backyard..." No, the crisis is -- and has been for years -- at the southern border. New York is getting a small amount of slopover from the real crisis. But AOC only cares about what affects her voter base and odds of reelection.
An empty vessel doesn't deliver much freight.
AOC is a talent, that’s for sure.
AOC is a pretty girl who, like many in her generation, knows how to use social media.
In that regard she’s a modern day Spice Girl without the acknowledged singing talent.
She seems to have a hard time understanding cause and effect.
All Spanish speaking groups are monolithic when it suits AOC. But I imagine her Puerto Rican constituents don't appreciate the new kids on the block. Even the established Mexicans don't want the new back woods Guatemalans and Hondurans. So she's got to back track.
So - when illegally-crossing immigrants (put that way to avoid the whole "no person is illegal!" bumper sticker) stick to the border states, the issue is how badly they're treated by Republicans in those states, and it requires tearful histrionics at the fence to highlight the Republican humanitarian abuses.
But when the same people are transported, at no cost to themselves, to sanctuary cities that apparently hoped never to have to put their money where their big mouths are, the issue is "What are all these low-skill, non-English-speaking, non-urban people doing here? And how do we get them to go away?" Though she can't say all the parts of that out loud; all she can do is mealy-mouth her way through the Roosevelt Hotel.
I love the "self-declared" bit. That call-out couldn't happen to a nicer, less narcissistic person.
Nope, the crisis is still at the border. The effects are now in your back yard. You can’t solve the border crisis in NYC.
Do we really believe AOC cares about the well being and all the danger "her people" face illegally crossing the southern border? Does she care about the young women who have to fuck the coyotes to get across the river? Does she care about the drugs crossing that border?
She doesn't. Either to the stupid people of Brooklyn that vote for her.
The goal is to flood the United States with "migrants" who will eventually be giving voting rights, on top of their government subsidies an be committed Democrat voters. The goal is to turn Texas blue and reign forever.
But wasn't the NYT trying to embarrass AOC? The reporter was asking follow-up questions, as Althouse was pointing out. AOC felt pressured, she was "very, very, very" concerned. She realizes that today she is on the wrong side of the NYT, almost as bad as being on the wrong side of history and with more immediate consequences.
Doesn't this suggest that the NYT is getting ready to acknowledge the open border as the cause of New York City's crisis? And it is a crisis. People on waiting lists for housing see that all along there was more money for housing but it was just that they didn't matter. They should have been illegals. But why? Why will the Dems help illegals but not their own fellow citizens? Maybe these citizens will vote Republican in 2024. What have they got to lose? Now there's a crisis.
But didn't she unwittingly make the VERY POINT that is being made by people concerned about the open border that it isn't just about the border area but affects the entire country? That is what struck me immediately. I would use that clip in ads about the issue. Very telling.
Is that what they mean about 'saying the quiet part out loud?'
Aoc is neorican of Irish Ancestry.
As are many Latinos.
John Henry
I'm quite surprised to see that dems are doing this to their children as well.
America need immigrant labor. Always has. The education establishment has successfully made younger Americans lazy and stupid. The reality is manufacturing, road construction, roofing, farming (especially during harvest season) would all shut down without these immigrants.
Americans, especially college educated white women, don't like to get their hands dirty. They have also created two generations of wussy men that don't have a callus on either hand unless its from excessive masturbation.
But rather than come up with a controlled, safe system, where these poor people are not exploited, liberals ignore the plight in hopes of increasing "votes". Whey can't they be let in, in and organized way, to find and work the jobs they are looking for?
They get here, work under fake social security numbers for which they will never collect the benefit, and pay US taxes. It's an immoral fucked system which betrays EVERYTHING liberal claim to champion.
AOC couldn't give a rats ass. She's more concerned about showing up at the Met Gala in her bullshit "tax the rich" dress.
Who says "very, very, very"?
SS Colonel Hans Landa, that's who!
"And yes, some Germans will die, and yes, it will ruin the evening, and yes, Goebbels will be very, very, very mad at you for what you've done to his big night... but you won't get Hitler, you won't get Goebbels, you won't get Göring, and you won't get Bormann."
Inglourious Basterds
AOC comments point out it wasn’t a crisis to Democrats until DeSantis and Abbott sent the buses to the Democrat blue zones. Then it was a crisis. The “frontline” is where the reporter was asking her to go. NY is not the frontline. It is just how far the invasion has reached and what it took to get Democrats to call it a crisis too. They still don’t want to do anything about it.
AOC is just a barkeeper at heart.. She repeats what she hears and nothing more.
Go to the border? Don't kid yourself folks... she is NewYawk and would never dirty herself to actually see what is going on. Why? Her constituents don't care and will not affect their voting for her.
Much easier for her to just repeat what is on the Democrat talking point sheet she is given while giving that concerned look she must practice every day in the mirror.
AOC is just a barkeeper at heart.. She repeats what she hears and nothing more.
Go to the border? Don't kid yourself folks... she is NewYawk and would never dirty herself to actually see what is going on. Why? Her constituents don't care and will not affect their voting for her.
Much easier for her to just repeat what is on the Democrat talking point sheet she is given while giving that concerned look she must practice every day in the mirror.
The Republican governors haven't really shipped all that many border crossers to NYC, LA, SF, Chicago, D.C. etc.- we are only talking about around 100,000 altogether given free bus tickets since Biden took office. Big Republican donors should be funding this hand-over-fist- free bus tickets to any border crosser who wants one to a big blue out-of-state city- I would even offer $500 to go with it receivable at the destination. Total transport cost for 1 passenger, Houston to NYC is about $500 and adding in the extra $500 is $1K/person. A million dollars sends 1000 to NYC. A billion dollars sends 1 million. As a political expenditures go, I can't think of any better value than that.
She looked so cute though, when she was all dressed in white crying at the fenced in parking lot whilst she cried about the fake problem of kids in the Obama cages.... she would much rather traffickers got to the children apparently....
She's a bartender who got lucky and is milking it for all it's worth.
Good for her, I guess.
Yet she avoided asking "are there still concentration camps like you said in 2017?" or "Why are you NOT crying at the border now?" Kid gloves for lefty kid politicians.
"Leader"? Seriously?
This self-important twat has never led anyone or anything other than the leftmedia by the nose.
"prioritized having that visitation presence. "
This language right here is how you know you are being spun. Who talks like that but politicians?
And if we only think of the immigration crisis as a border issue and only understand our border as a southern border and not John F. Kennedy Airport
Like all international airports, JFK built a wall. You cannot get from the international terminal(s) to the domestic ones (or to the street) without going through immigration.
We all know why she isn't posing at the border in elaborate photo ops now. Trump is no longer in office. Big stunts are used against the enemies of the Uniparty not the party in power. Weird how the interviewer studiously avoids the difficult questions that would get at this answer in any way.
AOC going to the border? Not necessary, bring the border to her...a busload at a time like the rest of NYC.
As always with democrats, they don't really give a crude about the people involved, it's always about the political power they can get.
As far as AOC is concerned, she is getting some major shekels from the democrats for shutting up, it's all about money and power, always.
AOC is an actress who answered a casting call by that communist with the Chandra Rose tee shirt. She was hired and she has done quite well but her welcome may be wearing out.
I think the Garcia-Navarro is slyly calling into question the assumption that AOC has any considerable clout as a Latino leader.
On the other hand, I think the proper business of a US Representative is the district that elected them. It's for New York's senators to visit the border and address the issue on a national level. It's for AOC to address the issue as it impacts her state and her constituents.
Obviously there is substantial overlap, and Representatives do have a legitimate interest in national policy, but I do think AOC is focusing her attention in the right place, here.
Lulu Garcia-Navarro of the NYT thinks AOC is a leader? Bless her heart.
Y'all are sayin' shit because she's so hot!
AOC is a political hack (although she is an attractive young woman and certainly enjoys that fact). But mentally she's a twit, and is now headed past her sell by date.
The problem is the border, no matter which marble is the lead influencing object rolling around AOC's head today. It's not in New York. It's the border.
It'd be like having a neighbor in the apartment above you turning on his bathtub and leaving. The tub just keeps filling until it runs over the tub, through the floor, into your ceiling below, and starts puddling on your floor. AOC would point at the floor and say we're focusing on the problem right here on our own floor. When the problem- the obvious problem is to stem the tide of the water flowing from the source.
The border is the source.
"Y'all are sayin' shit because she's so hot!"
I'm not seeing it that way, but donkey-faced chicks don't do anything for me. On the other hand, as they say... there's an ass for every seat so I have no doubt there's someone who thinks she's hot.
"And in sports, Garcia-Navarro beat Ocasio-Cortez in straight sets!"
AOC is a performance artist. She is very good at it. But the idea that there is any substance is absurd.
I'd like to say that she is out over her skiis (OK bad metaphor) but in today's political climate she's entirely tuned in.
"Michael K said...
AOC is an actress who answered a casting call by that communist with the Chandra Rose tee shirt. She was hired and she has done quite well but her welcome may be wearing out.
8/31/23, 11:31 AM"
Most people, even those who think they are very up-to-date on politics, are not aware of that fact. She apparently played the part very well in auditions, had the looks and background the directors were looking for, and was immediately hired. She "cleaned-up" very nicely and was ready for the photo-ops and canned speeches on the "issues" from day one.
Gusty Winds, you could not be more misinformed.
When I returned to Ruskin, Florida to live for a few years, the once ordinary green card system for seasonal laborers had been destroyed by uncontrolled illegal immigration.
Among the most vocal opponents of this development were those green card families who worked very, very hard for years, followed the rules, did the paperwork, gained legal citizenship, and raised productive and patriotic children.
Now buses arrive twice a day from central Mexico and border towns bringing illegals who work only long enough to get an anchor baby and avail themselves of massive government grifts built for them, so long as they keep having kids and don't marry. The men occasionally work, dragging down the salaries of every legal worker, white, Hispanic, and black. Medicaid fraud is legion, with "charities" quietly busted for triple dipping, then reorganizing themselves to do it again, abetted by all the local churches, including mine. Out in Wimauma, I toured a massive warehouse where illegal immigrants lined up to be signed up for all sorts of taxpayer-funded freebies and benefits, many funded through federal bloc grants to counties to circumvent local scrutiny. Can you grasp this, Gusty?
Our church began burying gang member shooting each other in Ellington and closer. Tomato fields were turned into "medical marijuana" fields surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards.
None of these illegal immigrants or their employers paid taxes. People openly sold and shared fake IDs, and nobody cracked down on the employers. Disgusted senior citizens stopped volunteering at church food banks as professional Hispanic grifters and gang members pulled up in expensive cars to load up on free food to sell at Bradenton's famous flea markets. TANF and EITC brought riotous parties as nonproductive, non-paying illegal freeloaders used other people's identities and used their children to take our tax dollars in these rank giveaways.
My identity was stolen there by someone who spoke no English. I'm still dealing with collection calls a decade later.
My property taxes were used to monitor my home repairs in the hopes of fining me, while the same county officials designated special days to do free work (paid by us) to upgrade illegals' housing. They were never regulated or fined.
Once they get on the benny train, illegals don't work, except to buy themselves new trucks taxpayers can't afford, which sit in front of the subsidized housing where we support their children. The women have kids to get welfare, and the baby daddies take occasional jobs from taxpayers through elaborate subcontracting schemes while living off us in housing designated for their girlfriends and their kids. All Democrat and some Republican elected officials approve of this. And big agriculture just keeps pressuring government to let the next bus load in, so they can get new illegals to work for a while, until they don't.
There are no-go stores that won't wait on whites. Tampa's morning traffic jams are full of leftist environmentalist obsessives driving their kids long miles to "magnet schools" rather than admit they don't want them going to local schools with underachieving immigrants from gangland homes.
That's how illegal immigration shreds the public fabric. In a small tomato town, it's perfectly clear. I'm glad to see a tiny, symbolic portion of this chaos being shipped to sanctuary cities. And it's amazing how an illegal population smaller than the one we subsidized in tiny south bay, Hillsborough County, south of Tampa, can bring all of NYC to its knees. Welcome to your reality, Blue States.
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